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IDForunOTIOn nms llTTER
6 15 Apri l 1':i49
Everyone is becoming more IIt r 2.injngtl consc ious t hes e 'Harm sFJring days
as s ummer e'1campme nt f eve r br:. gins t o r,ener at e 2.rGund the VariN s Hings,- sO
we present th6 fcllGwing aragraphs from a IC Pulls t in of t e fv:i ch
i gan wing which we think is ve ry wel i done and could be a n inst r uctive gui de
f or many uni t E' .
lilt can nolone8r c s"\:, .:>t ect tha t. CfLF doe s not. h ;: V8 a p rogram which wi ll
i nt er est )ott its Cadet s. r,ri U" t he; cl t;, <U"' t raini :-lg dir
e c t-i, El9-, and t.'1f v al uabl e e ui pm .. nt. avai l abl todQy , any L lCk c f a I-, r ogram
i n fLny CAP nit, can be tr::1.(!f) d di r to t he dovrst. ep of t hv Tj, j t Commander
:md hi s T a Offi cer . The r E:: bility, of co r s , the :it
Comr.t, f or l;e t he Traini:;g Of n c . :c.
" The Tre.ining Program, as , ur:brac e!:; :3Uch a ,..!j de fi eld of activity
that orav': r e sponsibi.lity lil.s ,I;it L tb:: Ur: it Comm:wde: r in th selection of
an off ice r '.viti1 tl C I ' oper D"ci l:' tie s to b r'''l d hL,: 'Ir-ai l" Section. TI1e
'1'r . n g Off:"ce r mus t , fi r ", t of i'. 11, be i ot fo! l ligre,;nt cnougbto t. he
ext ent of hi s r and mu s t, have t he willingnc., ss t. o st udy t.he
dirr.:lc t ivc ti , trai ning :na nu21s, gui de s aDd fil cilitics ava).lar,l ; : , and i n t 8rprc: t
sucb 1Th: 'lt r i als in sL; ch ::t marmer as t o fit t1": eE1. i nto t he Tr.'' ng Program.
" The Trai ning Offic,,!' must pl::lfl spe eia.l mqneuve r s t hat "fi ll embr Bce tlw
u se 0 all in the; Uni t, and he . lInlSt not , :'J,Y any me ans,
socia l a ctivitiE. s ,:!hieh ou :; side of the bfl l ar t nrl'ic Ll Jwn of Trfti ni,ng, f or,
in d0aling; with C:. d\; ts , he must 'llv,;ay s keep in J!ir,d he i3 d aling li th
young boys who must :1 ave s ome f1.'...'1 mi xe d in wi t t: t heir hormel CliP act ivi t i es.
..e :i.n 'l' r oasts, hayrides, dances , et C.,:nust be wor ked in whE:! rc.vcr
poss i ble . Rifle cl ubf; and cy.hibi tion drill hol d grr:. at f Cii3cination fo r t he
Cadet s.
It Radio ope rat.ion on t he CAP i'r,=ouencL;s should be t ' lrrl8d over to t he
cadet s at lea. st one ni ght l)e r week for ' t rai:1il1g i t l r 5.dic !J NcEl dure s and tile
handling of radio t Fdffic.
"The principle s of at i Ol'l , rrd lit&.ry court l; sy nnd in t e study
f f e at r (; s of t arrai!1
l oc uti on of urr.c; r gcLCY l ancing :3 . r f ram,--s and
l i ht . mot or s, t be, ry .of fli gll t , control surf 3. ct.< of a ircraf ' J t r diti ons f
t h(, AP , i nterior gua rd duty i nfwtry dri ll , ai r cr i.f t r =d i o proce dures.1 etc.,
i f f ully exploit e d by t hw 'l'r aini ll f: Officcr"'ri 1 i nvolve the u se of 9.11 Uni t
\) f i cer s and ? nior ar..d Cade t pcrsolli;"el ; . . ' .
"Fin ally., t he operation of Tr ai ning Pr O r. s fur.:.i s cs mat e r i al
f or pict "re:=; an news r e l , ""r:. d t ht.: 'Lr :-d ..! .i r.e Offic ; r s1:ould s e c to i t t hat
t hc 1 nit P . L O. i s fu r ni sh d ';,ri tb suc h pl1otograpr ,s and r: ews st or i"s of t he
worthy pro j e ct. s being carr:' e d on. Adeqnatc ruoliaity Of t l e a ctivit i e s of
C i s of the ut mas value:in bri r.ging CAP to the for efrcnt in t be c o y
and i s onc of t h-:: grea t e d ai ds i n sccuring :adequat<.. p r sonnel for h a Unit.
Keep P.J . 0 . f ully informe d c: f the n ws-v.<ilue of t r aining activi t i e s."
, ,
.. ........
Fubl ic Infor Let ter No. 6 15 il 1949
he u t s t anding Cadet 'rho i s selected to r ep resent hi at t he
1949 Presi de ntial Din. er wi l l be in for a ve ry interest ing busy t ime
during hi s stay in Wa shington . , As. qlt3pti one d in Let t el' t!o . 5, t he Nat i onal
Capit 'l l 1'Jing is in c harge of the program for the 51 Cadets o.nd e very effort
is being de to wake this a ve ry Ir!emorabl e occasion for the C8.det s.
In con junction with the \'li ng Conunanders' Conference a separt1.t e conf er
nee will be held for the Liaison Offi cers where they val l be brief e d by the
staff se ctions ' of Nati cmal Headquarters. Dur ing tbei r ' conferenc
the Li i son Offi c ers will be informe d of t he policies and procedures
now in e f fect. This will also be an excellent t ime for the Liaison Officers
to bring outstanding qutJ stions in t he ;'ling be f or e the staff sections for
clnri i'i c:'Ltion.
....... . .
DEPUTY cm ..'} ER 1.T r:OUNTf.HiEER' S DIN -ER
Colonel "611i am G. Eooth , Deputy Commander, al Hea dcuartor s, was
guest so 2kc r at the .?nrmal b&"lquct of the ','Je st i r .s i rlia T ng las t Sat urday
ni ght i n Huntington. Follov i nG t r,e ban(: uet t he del e gat es e,t t e nde d a C J> dance.
...... , ..
The: ]:i chi gnn ExchMgc Clubs l'ec ently p r e s ent ed t he Li cbican Wing of
the Civil Pr.: .... trol with a check for $1, 600 f or . Ll Sl; in ttL C.?dct Tr<rining
Pr ogr am. The money is to be us e d t o f inance n e dy ca det s, ntter.ding tl e
SUp.1mor encC!Jnpmcnt G. Th8 pre Was made. to Lt. Col. "!in. M. J OY,
Coruma ndir1g Officer of the i.;ichig.:-.n -JirJg , by Henry J . Cl err(:ns 'lv-ho has been
iJ. lcmber of the aviJ.tion cOIanitt oc of Zi chig3.n Excha.ngc Cl ubs for 30 ye<
... ...... .
Se nator Lem;. ire frotl lDndcr County r ccontly i nt roducl.:;d a bill which
pas s cd t he s enJ.t e l y in Larch npp ropri ating 000 from s fU11ds t oward
t he purcha s e of at, ambulanc e pl arw for the Nevada. '.qi ng of the Ci vil t\i r Pa t rol .
Tho r omaini ng t wa-fifths of the pu rchase price of ' t he a irpl C'.ne i s to be raised
by priv<>. t e donation. The bill i s now pending bef ore the .:!.ss cmbly
The hir For ce TiIT':es , servi ce newspape r, is being offer ed t o C}.F moobc rs
on tho S '" c bt si s a s t he ;,i r Force . It i s C1 weekly and the sub
s cription rnt c ,i s 50 per year . If all 1!:ing s ub scr i pt ions e.r'::; consoli at e d
c d t he order me u-.t s to 100 copiE: s or norc, t he cost .i s only per y ear and
t he newspaper i s 1ndividually mailed. Thi s can b Ce: :'1.':1 indivi du 1 s:wi J. e or a
me ans of r i sing funds for t he Wi ng. For a ddition "l inf ul'rr.,-:1.t ion , 1:r.
Ray Hunsc.g, l',rmy Times Publishing Co ., 1115 18t h s t . , N"' ., VTns hingt on, D. C.
BY CO . Ii: NO OF HI.JOR GfiN"GR:.L BE,)] :
J:. "K; (IJ . THO,SSON
Colonel ,
Chi ei of Staff
I ..J.I
( : I 'o,'f! I /)
(I Capt l'l. n , USloF .I \
'-' \ I.,
o j
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