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PrincipIe of Operation
MateriaIs Used
Comparison with RTD
A thermocouple is
a junction between
two different metals
that produces a
voltage related to a
1hermocoup|es are based
on the pr|nc|p|e that two
w|res made of d|ss|m||ar
mater|a|s connected at
e|ther end w||| generate a
potent|a| between the two
ends that |s a funct|on of
the mater|a|s and
temperature d|fference
between the two ends
(a|so ca||ed the Seebeck
PrinciIe oI Oeration
SeelecI EIIect
MateriaIs Used
1ype L:
Chrome| -
- 401 to 900C
- 68 V]C
1ype k:
Chrome| - A|ume|
- 8ange: 200 C to
+13S0 C
- Sensl: 41 V]C
1ype !:
Iron - Constantan
- 40 to +7S0 C
- SS V]C
1ype n:
N|cros|| - N|s||
- >1200 C
- 39 V]C
lL ls rugged ln consLrucLlon
Covers a wlde LemperaLure range
uslng exLenslon leads and compensaLlng cables, long
Lransmlsslon dlsLances for LemperaLure measuremenL
posslble. 1hls ls mosL sulLable for LemperaLure
measuremenL of lndusLrlal furnaces
ComparaLlvely cheaper ln cosL
CallbraLlon can be easlly check ed
Cffers good reproduclblllLy
Plgh speed of response
SaLlsfacLory measuremenL accuracy
lor accuraLe LemperaLure measuremenLs,
cold [uncLlon compensaLlon ls necessary
1he emf lnduced versus LemperaLure
characLerlsLlcs ls somewhaL nonllnear
SLray volLage plckup ls posslble
ln many appllcaLlons, ampllflcaLlon of slgnal ls
1ype 8, S, 8 and k Lhermocouples are used
exLenslvely ln Lhe sLeel and lron lndusLrles Lo
monlLor LemperaLures and chemlsLry
LhroughouL Lhe sLeel maklng process.
Cas-fed heaLlng appllances such as ovens &
waLer heaLers.
ln Lhe LesLlng of proLoLype elecLrlcal and
mechanlcal apparaLus
Comarison vith RTD
arameter 1hermocoup|e k1D
1yp|ca| measurement
-267C Lo 2316C -240C Lo 649C
Character|st|c Llnear nonllnear
Sens|t|v|ty Medlum Medlum
Speed of response Plgh Plgh
1ype of transducer AcLlve asslve
Accuracy ModeraLe Plgh
S|ze Small Large
Cost Low Plgh
Mater|a| Used Copper-consLanLan, lron-
consLanLan eLc.
nlckel, Copper, laLlnum
Compensat|on Cold [uncLlon
compensaLlon requlred
noL requlred
App||cat|ons SulLable for appllcaLlons
whlch requlre wlde
LemperaLure range
SulLable where speed of
response and accuracy are
more lmporLanL

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