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GK Capsule - 13

1. When was the Protection of Human Rights Act passed? a. 1995 b. 1989 c. 1993 d. 1984 2. Which is the largest country with only one time zone? a. India b. China c. Russia d. Canada 3. When were the Three Rivers Environmental Awards created? a. 1995 b. 2001 c. 1993 d. 1987 4. Who among the following said, Gramswaraj is a pathway to Purnaswaraj? a. Jawaharlal Nehru b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak c. Bhagat Singh d.Mahatma Gandhi 5. Tansen was a disciple of 1. Swami Anand 2. Baiju Bawra 3. Swami Haridass 4. Swami Hans 6. Who is Microsofts chief executive officer? a. Bill Gates b. Jerry Yang c. Steve Ballmer d. Farhat Jamal

7. My Experiments with Truth is an autobiography of which Indian leader?


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

a. Motilal Nehru b. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Chandrashekhar Azad 8. When was the centre for Science and Environment set up? a. 1985 b. 1978 c. 1980 d. 1963 9. What are the 3i countries? a. Israel, Iran and Iraq b. India, Ireland and Indonesia c. Israel, Ireland and India d. India, Iraq and Indonesia 10. Who won mens 2010 Wimbledon final? a. Andy Roddick b. Rafael Nadal c. Rainer Schuettler d. Roger Federer 11. What is Histology? a. Study of old age. b. Study of physical history of the earth. c. Study of fossils. d. Study of human body tissues. 12. Which of the following newspapers is not a publication of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd? a. The Hindustan Times b. Economic Times c. Navbharat Times d. The Times of India 13. Who was Chairman the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution in set up on 27th August 1947? a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar d .Wyomesh Chandra Banerjee 14. What is the capital of Philippines? a. Quezon City b. Sydney c. Toronto d. Manila


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

15. When is the Earth Day celebrated? a. June 16 b. March 25 c. April 22 d. May 5 16. When was the Environmental Defense Fund established? a. 1965 b. 1967 c. 1970 d. 1975 17. Who is the CEO of TCS? a. Malvinder Singh b. N Chandrasekaran c. Jerry Yang d. S Ramadorai 18. The Brettonwoods Conference is related to the 1. Formation of the UNO 2. Formation of the WTO 3. Formation of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and IMF 4. Formation of the WHO 19. When was the Indias first Five Year Plan implemented? a. 1950 b. 1951 c. 1952 d. 1956 20. Who was the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra? a. Manohar Joshi b. Yashwantrao Chavan c. Sharad Pawar d. Vasantrao Naik 21. What is the name given to the widened river mouth found at the point a river enters the sea a. Delta b. Bay c. Strait d. Estuary 22. Cobalt-60 is usually used in radiation therapy because it emits a. alpha rays b. beta rays c. x-rays d. gamma rays 23. Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing of


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

a. Methane with air b. carbon dioxide with ethane c. hydrogen with acetylene d. hydrogen with oxygen 24. Who among the following was the first actor to play the character of James Bond? a. Barry Nelson b. Sean Connery c. Roger Moore d. Timothy Dalton 25. The year 2011 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of a. Communications b. Forests c. Astronomy d. Potato 26. What is the Punchline of the TV channel BBC World a. Experience Truth First b. Simply the best c. Putting News first d. Putting people first 27. The index KOSPI is of which Stock Exchange? a. New York b. Frankfurt c. Tokyo d. Seoul 28. Where is the headquarters of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) located? a. Paris b. New York c. Washington DC d. Geneva 29. Which poet has the distinction of penning the national anthems of two countries? a. Kazi Nazrul Islam b. Rabinder Nath Tagore c. Dr. Mohd. Iqbal d. Mohd. Ali Jinnah 30. Which of the following Oceans was named so by Ferdinand Magellan? a. Indian Ocean b. Pacific Ocean c. Atlantic Ocean d. Arctic Ocean 31. Who is the author of Paradise Lost?


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

a. William Shakespeare b. Jonathan Swift c. Oscar Wilde d. John Milton 32. What does NREGS stand for? a. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme b. National Regional Employment Generation Scheme c. National Rural Employment Generation Scheme d. National Regional Employee Generation Scheme 33. What is Consualia? a. A Greek God b. A Roman festival c. A Roman God d. A Greek festival 34. El Nino is a a. warm local wind b. cool local wind c. warm water current d. cool water current 35. Which is the most abundant element in the earths lithosphere? a. Aluminium b. Oxygen c. Silicon d. Iron 36. Which airlines took over Air Deccan? a. Jet Airways b. Kingfisher Airlines c. Air India d. Paramount Airways 37. Port Stanley is the capital of which of the following countries? a. West Indies b. Falkland Islands c. Hawaii Islands d. Madagascar Islands 38. When were the Indian states Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal created? a. 2000 b. 1999 c. 2001 d. 2002

39. The alloy Bronze is made of:


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

a. Gold and Copper b. Tin and Copper c. Gold and Tin d. Gold, Tin and Copper 40. Jhum is a a. folk dance b. tribe c. type of cultivation d. local wind 41. The famous October revolution took place a. In 1917 in Russia b. In 1920 in China c. In 1868 in Japan d. In 1949 in China 42. The first Secretary-General of the U.N.O was a. Dag Hammerskjold b. Trygve Lie c. Perez De Ceullar d. Rex Roberts 43. Who among the following was the first woman to preside over the Indian National Congress? a. Mrs. Indira Gandhi b. Mrs. Annie Beasant c. Mrs. Sucheta Kriplani d. Sarojini Naidu


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

44. The Dayton Accord is related to the a. Agreement regarding Israel-PLO problem b. Jordan-Syria problem c. Somalia problem d. Bosnia Herzegovina problem 45. The southernmost point of Indias territory is a. The Indira Point b. Kanyakumari c. Pondicherry d. Lakshadweep 46. Mahatma Gandhi launched the legendary Quit India struggle on a. 8th August, 1942 b. 9th August, 1942 c. 8th August, 1945 d. 9th August 1945 47. Who is called the Father of Geometry? a. Euclid b. Pythagoras c. Aristotle d. Socrates 48. Brainstorming is a technique used in a. Sports b. Finance c. Brain surgery


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

d. Creativity 49. Stephen Spielberg is most well known for his work in the field of a. Cinema b. Painting c. Journalism d. Architecture 50. The title City of Joy has been given to a. Kolkata b. Mandu c. Jaipur d. Mumbai

Answers to last GK Capsule (GK Capsule-12)

1-c, 2- a, 3-b, 4-d, 5- c, 6-b, 7-d, 8-a, 9-b, 10-a, 11-c, 12-a, 13-d, 14-a, 15-a, 16-b, 17-c, 18-b, 19-b, 20-a, 21-c, 22-a, 23-d, 24-c, 25-c, 26-b, 27-a, 28-b, 29-b, 30-d, 31-b, 32-a, 33-d, 34-d, 35-b, 36-a, 37-b, 38-a, 39-c, 40-b, 41-a, 42-b, 43-b, 44-a, 45-c, 46-c, 47-d, 48-b, 49-b, 50b


111/9, 1st floor Kishangarh, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070

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