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The Set Table Al-M'idah

Code of Islamic Law

By Yusef Kimpen
26 Thul-Hijjah 1433 A.H, Brussels

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Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahiem ()

The Set Table of the Table spread with food is a srah in the Qoraan (5) that deals with food regulation for the believers (Muslimeen in Arabic). The fist aya (vers) begins with: O you believers! Fulfill (your) obligations. Lawful to you (for food) are all the beasts of cattle except that which will be announced to you (herein), game (also) being unlawful when you assume Ihrm for Hajj or 'Umrah, Verily, Allh commands that which He wills. Why is this surra called the Table spread with food? This book is written with the intention to be a manual for new Muslims and not so new Muslims who want to know which Laws (Sharia') Allh has given for the Believers. As Allh has given Laws to the Beni Israeel so he as given to Beni Ismail. A good example but not complete is the srah Al'M'idah where Allh gives a set of rules about eating. As the Islam is a complete life style there is need to know how to be a believer that is submitted to his Rab1. It is not as defined in the West only a religion or a set of rituals that are disconnected of every day life. Every aspect of life is defined by the Sharia' of Allh, how we sleep and how we stay up, how we treat our bodies and how we treat animals, how we do businesses, how we lend money to others, etc. In an age where the ethics of modern society (but that tomorrow will be antique) have been challenged and found wanting, the reaffirmation of Sharia' principles and practice are essential. I am confident that the reader of this kitab, whether a new Muslim, a mature student of Ilm, a teacher or an Imam will discover in this Set Table a work that helps to become a sadiq. And it will successfully stimulate new interest in the timeless knowledge of authentic Sharia'. Credentials: I took my time to read and read the works of the 'Ullemah. I do my best to give the source from where I get the information. Most is taken literally form the writings of Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid. As I believe the truth is the most valuable thing we can have even it is brought by you on the back of a donkey. For those who want to know which madh'hab I fellow, I fellow the madh'hab of the Ahlu-s-Sunna wa-l-Jamah.2 A special thanks for my wife Fatima for having sabr3 while I was working at this book.

1 Arabic Rab, Lord 2 Ahlu-s-Sunnati wa-l-Jamah people of the tradition of Muhammad and the consensus of the Ummah 3 Arabic Sabr, patience

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