MEMO 2012 Library Media Program Evaluation

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TO: J Rowland FROM: Niki Taylor DATE: 11/08/2012 RE: Georgia DOE 2012 Library Media Program Evaluation On Thursday, November 8th, I completed the Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric. The results of the evaluation are included in this memo. I will include action steps to address for any item identified as BASIC. As a full scale the media center is working at a proficient level with 12 areas being graded as, and 3 areas marked as exemplary and 5 areas considered basic. Category 1 Student Achievement and Instuction 1. Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction. Rating: Exemplary 2. Collaborative planning includes library specialists and teachers to ensure use of library media center resources that support on-going classroom instruction and implementation of state curriculum and the GPS and CCGPS. Rating: Proficient 3. Professional library media staff is engaged in active teaching roles. Rating: Proficient. 4. The library media center resources encourage and support reading viewing, and listening. Rating: Proficient 5. Services are provided to students who have diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs. Rating: Proficient 6. Student achievement is routinely assessed. Rating: Basic Action Step: More collaboration between teachers and Library Media Specialists to develop rubrics to assess student achievement. Category 2 Staffing 7a. If less than base size: A school system shall provide no less than half-time services of a library media specialist for each school less than base size and shall provide adult supervision in the library media center for the entire instructional day. Rating: Proficient 7b. If base size or larger; A school system shall employ a full time Library Media Specialists for each base size school or larger. Rating: Basic Action plan: By employing a part time media paraprofessional in order to stay in compliance with all state board rules. Category 3- Facilities, Access, and Resources 8. There shall be a plan for flexibility scheduled library media center access for students and teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day. Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional need.

Rating: Proficient Action Plan: Extended library hours will help make the library more accessible ready for students by not cutting into the day time that other students and teachers will need the library. In order to accommodate the extra time spent the school could collaborate with one of the two nearby colleges to allow education students the ability to gain practicum hours. There will need to be a certain ratio of students to licensed teacher that will need to be evulated and tested to ensure the safety of the students. 9. School library media center square footage requirements based on FTE. Rating: Basic Action Plan: Though the library meets the minimum requirements for square footage the arrangement can be changed to make the space seem more open and friendly. 10. Streaming video is used throughout the school to support the curriculum. Interactive whiteboards and computers are used for teaching and learning throughout the school. A central electronic distribution system is also available. Rating: Exemplary 11. Print and non-print resources and access to on-line information are basic to a library media program. A school network is effective for delivering media resources to the classroom and beyond. Multiple computers are available for student access to online resources that enhance instruction. Rating: Proficient 12. All library media resources are managed for maximum efficient use. The library media center has an electronic online publish access catalog (OPAC). Funds for acquisition of computers are utilized to implement the goals/objectives set forth in the System Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. Rating: Proficient 13. One of the national educational technology goals states: effective and engaging software and on-line resources will be an integral part of every schools curriculum the GALILEO virtual library provides Georgia students and teachers access to exceptional on-line resources at no cost to the local school district. Rating: Exemplary Category 4 Administrative Support 14. The local system superintendent shall appoint a system media contact person (SMCP) to serve as a liaison to the department. Rating: Proficient 15. Administrative Staff support at both the school and district levels is essential for the development of a strong library media program. Rating: Basic Action Plan: To meet with teachers and members of the board of education in order to ensure the knowledge about reading programs and to get everyone gathered with the same goal in mind. 16. Each local board of education shall adopt a library media policy that provides for the establishment of a media committee at the system level and at each school. A library media committee makes recommendations and decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of the library media program. This committee shall annually evaluate library media series and develop a multi-year media plan for budget services and priorities.

Rating: Proficient 17. Local Board approved library media policy is current. This policy is current. This policy requires development of procedures for the school system and for selecting materials locally, handling requests for reconsideration of materials, considering gifts of instructional resources, using non-school owned materials, and complying with the copyright law. Rating: Proficient 18. Each local school system shall spend 100 percent of the funds designated for library media center costs. Rating: Basic Action Step: The media center budget needs to be evaluated at minimum annually to assess the new needs. Technology, development, and student programs should be the focal points of budget needs. Ultimately, the action plan will be to receive more grants to fund the media center. Category 5 Staff Development 19. Staff development opportunities are available both for the library media staff to enhance their own professional knowledge and for the library media staff to provide information and technology literacy skills to other teachers and administrative staff. Professional resources and services for all faculty members are provided in the library media center for the learning community. Rating: Proficient

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