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University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Human Resources


Established: December 2001 Amended: September 2006 Version Number: 1.1



Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this Recognition & Procedure Agreement is to establish effective consultation and, where appropriate, negotiation arrangements between the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff - Higher Education Corporation (referred to below as UWIC) and the recognised Trade Unions representing the Academic and Support Staffs' Groups, namely: UCU UNISON 1.2 the University & Colleges Union the Public Service Union

This Agreement will exclude the following:1.2.1 members of staff appointed to senior posts whose terms and conditions of service are specifically determined by the Board of Governors in accordance with UWICs Articles of Government.

members of staff appointed to senior management posts whose terms and conditions of service are specifically determined by the Vice Chancellor & Principal. To be the subject of review.


General Principles 2.1 UWIC and, UCU and UNISON agree the following principles:2.1.1 the spirit and intention of this Agreement is to recognise the importance of good industrial relations between UWIC and its staff through the development of effective consultation procedures and, where appropriate, negotiation; 2.1.2 it is in the interests of UWIC, its staff and students that UWIC's business should function efficiently and effectively and that is a common objective; in achieving this objective, UWIC is committed to good employment practice. 2.1.3 this Agreement is not intended to detract from an individual member of staff's right of approach to management or UWIC's right to communicate directly with its staff or UCUs and UNISON's right to communicate with their members; 2.1.4 whilst it is recognised that the ultimate responsibility for the planning, reward, organisation, approval and review of the staffing resources rests with the management of UWIC, genuine and committed efforts will be made to resolve matters of mutual interest through consultation and, where appropriate negotiation. In this context, matters will include those within the ACAS Code of Practice (3) Section 1 Para 12(a)-(g);

2.1.5 it is accepted that affairs will be conducted taking due account of the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA) National Negotiating Committees and in this context, it is accepted that agreements reached within the UCEA will be recommended for implementation by all parties and will be acted on in good faith by UWIC and, UCU and UNISON; 2.1.6 it is agreed by all parties to this agreement that every attempt will be made to apply this agreement to avoid any dispute arising. 3. Recognition 3.1 UWIC recognises the following trade unions for consultation and where appropriate, negotiation purposes for the staff groups as detailed below:Staff Group Academic and related Research Staff Support Staff 4. Procedures 4.1 There will be a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) consisting of members of the management of UWIC and representatives of the recognised trade unions, the membership of which shall be as follows:4.1.1 Management Representatives Director of Operations (Chair) Pro Vice Chancellor (L&T) Director of Finance Member of Senior Management Team 4.1.2 Trade Union Representatives Each of the two Staff Groups will be represented by two recognised trade union representatives who must be employees of UWIC. 4.2 The purpose of the JCC shall be to discuss issues which equally affect the Staff Groups referred to in Para 3.1 and any agreements between both sides will require the support of all the recognised Trade Unions. The JCC will meet at least once per term. The JCC will be chaired by the Director of Operations. The Head of HR will be in attendance at each meeting of the JCC. The JCC Secretary will be a HR Advisor who, in turn, will receive items from both sides for inclusion on the agenda and provide an official record of each meeting. The minutes and resolutions of JCCs to be confirmed within seven days of the date of each meeting. The agenda for the JCC will be circulated at least 7 days before each meeting. Trade Union UCU UNISON

4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6



There will be a JCC Common Interest Group for each of the following Staff Groups:4.8.1 Academic 4.8.2 Support Staff

4.9 4.10 4.11

Each JCC Common Interest Group will discuss issues which affect the individual Staff Groups. The JCC Common Interest Groups will meet at least once per term. The JCC Academic Common Interest Group will be chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor (L&T) and the JCC Common Interest Group for Support Staff will be chaired by the Director of Finance. The representatives at each of the JCC Common Interest Groups will be as follows:Staff Group Management Representatives Representatives Academic Pro Vice Chancellor (L&T) (Chair) Member of Senior Management Team (2) Trade Union


UCU - 3

Support Staff Director of Finance Member of Senior Management Team (2) 4.13 4.14 4.15


The Head of HR will be in attendance at each meeting of the JCC Common Interest Groups. The Trade Union Representatives must be employees of UWIC. The Secretary of each JCC Common Interest Group will be the HR Advisor who, in turn, will receive items from both sides for inclusion on the agenda and provide an official record of each meeting. The minutes and resolutions of CIGs to be confirmed within seven days of the date of each meeting. The agenda for each JCC Common Interest Group will be circulated at least 7 days before each meeting. At the request of either side to the Chair at the time the agenda is prepared, an external advisor representing the interests of UWIC or Trade Unions may attend meetings of the JCC and CIGs for specific agendum items. The confirmed minutes of the JCCs and the CIGs will be forwarded to the VCPB for attention, and action where necessary, to the Employment Policy Committee for information.

4.16 4.17



Collective Disputes Procedure 5.1 In the event of a dispute arising, the matter will be referred to the Collective Disputes Procedure annexed to this agreement.


Variation & Termination 6.1 6.2 6.3 Any variation to these procedures can only be made by joint agreement between UWIC and the recognised Trade Unions. Both sides recognise the need to jointly review and agree the terms of this agreement annually. UWIC or UCU or UNISON can terminate this agreement by giving six months notice in writing.

Signed: On behalf of UWIC


Signed: On behalf of UCU


Signed: On behalf of UNISON




The purpose of this procedure is to seek to resolve matters of dispute between the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, referred to below as UWIC, and its staff as efficiently and effectively as possible and to enable the recognised trade unions, UCU and UNISON, to make representations on behalf of their member(s) for the purposes of consultation and negotiation.


Scope 2.1 This procedure will consider matters as defined in Paragraph 2.1.4 of the Recognition & Procedure Agreement.


The Procedure 3.1 3.2 With the objective of reaching a swift resolution, member(s) of staff will raise the matter of concern at a personal meeting with their immediate line manager. In the absence of a resolution within Paragraph 3.1, an appropriate recognised trade union representative can make representations on behalf of the member(s) of staff, to the immediate line manager. In the absence of a resolution within Paragraph 3.1 and 3.2, the matter will be considered by the appropriate Common Interest Group or the Joint Consultative Committee. If a resolution is not achieved at the Joint Consultative Committee or Common Interest Group, the recognised trade union(s) can make representations to the Vice Chancellor & Principal.




Principles of Operation 4.1 4.2 UWIC will not seek to make changes unilaterally regarding matters that are the subject of consideration within the stages of this procedure. The recognised trade unions will not seek to take industrial action or make reference to ACAS or Employment Tribunal regarding matters that are the subject of consideration within the stages of this procedure.

4.3 4.4 4.5

If either UWIC or the trade unions express a failure to agree, the next appropriate stage within Section 3 will be invoked. No more than ten working days will elapse between each stage, which may be extended by the agreement of both sides. Either before or following each stage, the matter of concern can be the subject or referral to Personnel for advice or conciliation, involving representative(s) of the recognised trade unions. In the absence of a resolution within Paragraph 3.2, the matter could be referred to the Grievance Procedure by the recognised trade union as an alternative to applying this procedure.


Jonathan Barrow Head of Human Resources September 2006

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