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Violeta Parra (1917 1967)

Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval is an important Chilean artist of folklore I chose this person because she was a woman that renovated the popular music and denounced social injustices of her time. Violeta Parra was born on October 4, 1917 in the city of San Carlos, VIII region, Her parents were Nicanor Parra and Clarisa Sandoval. Nicanor worked as teacher and her mother was a housewife in a country environment and her brothers Nicanor and Isabel. She studied primary school in Chillan and Lautaro. Some time after she had to leave school to dedicate to work in the country like her parents At the age of 12 she began to write her first verses, on the other hand, her parents influenced on her to play the guitar and she learnt different folklore songs and then in 1934 she joined to Escuela Normal of Santiago to be a teacher. She started to work in the suburbs of Santiago at night where she realized of the poor human living. During her later years she continued to work in circus and bars Beginning in 1952, driven by her brother, the poet Nicanor Parra, she began touring different rural areas, investigating and collecting folk poetry and song of the most diverse corners of the country, experiences that impacted her artistic sense and art works. Between 1952 and 1953 she produced a synthesis of Chilean popular culture Later she made an exhibition of oil paintings on burlap and Pavillon de Marsan of the Louvre in Paris, becoming the first Latin American artist who exhibited her works at the famous museum in 1964. At the age of 21 she married Luis Cereceda, rail worker. From this marriage there were 2 sons Isabel and Angel, with whom made much of her musical artwork. During her time in Europe she knew a great musicologist and Swiss anthropologist Gilbert Favre, the great love of her life, with whom she lived in Geneva. During her last years she felt very sad because her love Gilbert was far way. Finally on February 5, 1967, at 49 years old, and after several failed attempts, Violeta Parra committed suicide in the tent of La Reina, leaving a legacy of hard work and sacrifice to Chile and to the world. Her legacy is the rescue of the Chilean musical tradition eg: the chanting of the divine (Rin del angelito, ), lamento mapuche not forgetting her great social sensitivity in songs as Mazrquica Modernica, Rodriguez, Recabarren, La carta, etc.. Years after Isabel was created Fundacion Violeta Parra in July 1991, seeks "to collect, organize and preserve her work projected in Chile and abroad so it many students, artists and the general public could access to it. She is also known worldwide for the song Gracias a la vida.


IV. La industria del azufre es complementaria a la industria del papel

11 A) Slo I B) Slo II C) Slo III D) II y IV E) Todas son correctas 58. En cul de los siguientes compuestos el azufre presenta mayor nmero de oxidacin? A) H2 S B) H2 S2 O3 C) H2 SO3 D) S2E) SO4259 A. B. C. D. E. +1 +2 +4 -2 -4

60 Respecto a las cermicas y el cemento, se puede afirmar correctamente que tienen en comn I) usarse como materiales de construccin. II) considerarse como minerales no metlicos. III) presentar altos puntos de fusin. A. B. C. D. E. Slo I. Slo II. Slo III. Slo I y III. I, II y III.

61. En cul de los siguientes compuestos el azufre tiene un estado de oxidacin +6? A. SO2 B. H2SO 3 C. Al2S3 D. SO3 E. SF4 62. El cido sulfrico es una materia prima importante en la industria qumica. Cul es uno de los mtodos ms corrientes para la obtencin industrial del cido sulfrico? A. Reaccin de sulfato de sodio con cido clorhdrico. B. Oxidacin de azufre a SO3 y reaccin con agua. C. Reaccin de sulfuro de hidrgeno con cido ntrico.

12 D. E. Oxidacin de sulfuro de sodio con perxido de hidrgeno. Reaccin de cido sulfuroso con permanganato de potasio.

63 Respecto al azufre podemos afirmar correctamente que se puede encontrar I. distribuido en la corteza terrestre en estado nativo (como elemento). II. formando diversos minerales como el yeso. III. en compuestos como el cido sulfrico que es de gran aplicacin en la industrias qumicas. A. B. C. D. E. Slo I. Slo II. Slo I y III. Slo II y III. I, II y III.

64. De acuerdo con los usos y aplicaciones industriales, los minerales no metlicos ms importantes que explota Chile es (son) I. salitre. II. yodo. III. litio. IV. hierro. V. azufre. Es(son) correcta(s) A. B. C. D. E. slo I y II. slo I y III. slo III, IV y V. slo I, II y V. I, II, III, IV y V

65. Cul de las siguientes acciones no se utiliza en la fabricacin del vidrio? A. Recepcin, dosificacin y mezcla de las materias primas. Fusin a altas temperaturas, se produce la reaccin de los componentes y la B. formacin del vidrio. Aplicacin de una reduccin electroltica, para obtener un vidrio de mejor C. calidad.

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