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Madison Co School Dist (District 4500)

Dr Ronnie Mcgehee, Superintendent 117 Fourth Street Flora, MS 39071

Student Data Demographics
Total Enrollment Free Lunch and Reduced Lunch Average Daily Attendance This District Mississippi 11,811 490,526 70.66% 34.31% 96.58% 94.67%

Section Source: MDE/SY 2010-2011

Student Data Special Education

IEP Students as a Percentage of All Students Actual Number of IEP Students * IEP = Individualized Education Program 9.97% 1,178 This District Mississippi 1,394.04 68,215.96 770.62 32,815.34 2,388 99 99.0% 93.9% 4.5% 0.2% 813 26.53 84.70 % 75.6 % 0.00 % 6.72 % Data from SY 2011-2012
Section Source: MDE

School District Staff

Number of Employees (FTE) Number of Teachers (FTE) National Board Certified Teachers Highly Qualified Teachers Emergency/Provisional Teachers Number of Special Education Teachers (FTE) Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers Emergency Special Education Teachers FTE = Full Time Equivalent

Student Data Racial Makeup

Race Asian Black Hispanic Native American White This District 3.01% 38.51% 2.09% 0.05% 56.34% Mississippi .97% 50.04% 2.51% 0.20% 46.28%

2012 State Accountability Label

Graduation and Completion Data (First Time 9th Graders in 07-08)

Graduation Rate Completion Rate (w/ graduates) Dropout Rate Occupational Diplomas Certificates of Attendance All Students IEP Students Mississippi 73.7% 84.6% 43.3% 80.3% 70.1% 88.3% 8.9% 14.6% 16.7% NR NR 646 1130 11.70 11.70

B - High Performing
2012-2013 Accreditation Status

Number of Schools by Accountability Label
A - Star School B - High Performing C - Successful D - Academic Watch F - Low Performing F - At Risk of Failing F - Failing

5 6 3 2 1 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

ACT Information (2010-2011)

Graduates Taking ACT (estimated) Average ACT Score * ACT = American College Test This District Mississippi 81.06% 95.67% 18.4 21.0

Expulsions & Out of School Suspensions > 10 Days (2010-2011)

IEP Students All Non-IEP Students
* NR = Less Than 10 Students or No Results Reported

This District Mississippi NR 0.20% 0.2% 1.14%

Data from SY 2011-2012

Revenue Sources
State 36.54% Federal 10.51%

Section Source: MDE/SY 2010-2011

Millage and Assessed Valuation

Operational Millage Rate Debt Service Millage Rate Net Ad Valorem Requested Assessed Valuation This District Mississippi 43.93 39.77 14.78 4.77 $39,163,443 $1,089,251,914 This District Mississippi $4,203 $2,655.38 $2,900 $4,101.26 $835 $1,992.65 $0 $2.31 $7,938 $8,752.00

Actual Expenditures

Estimated Per Pupil Expenditures

Local State Federal Intermediate Total

Local 52.95%
Total Revenue: $117.64M

Instructional Other Instructional General Administration School Administration Operations

68.47% 17.60% 2.48% 6.06% 5.40%

For more information on how to get involved in the Madison Co School Dist, or to obtain a free hard copy of this report, please call (601) 879-3000 or visit any Madison Co School Dist School or District Office. To view this report online, or to find out more, visit Intermediate funds are grants from an intermediate source which can be used for any legal purpose desired by the LEA.

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