The Lost Continent

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2nd edition, 2012

1982, 2000, 2004 Matt Cygny. All Rights Reserved

The Lost Continent

Prelude Emblem 1 Emblem 2 Emblem 3 Emblem 4 Emblem 5 Emblem 6 Emblem 7 Emblem 8 Emblem 9 Emblem 10 Emblem 11 About The Palomino Formula A Merry Chase The Devil's Pocket The Crime-Ridden Shore Land of the Golden Steal You Call That Research? Historical Romance Novus Ordo Seclorum The Roman Catacombs The Kingdom of Liberty's Daughter Nineveh by Night The Gulf of Hell The Author 01 06 10 17 26 32 38 42 48 52 58 61

With the exceptions of Emblem 10 and Emblem 8, all of the illustrations are Special Creations of the author. "Art Now" by Pamella Rome (p. 52) is used by permission -- thank you. The illustration on p. 42 is from Martyrs' Mirror, a traditional Mennonite work first published in the 17th Century.


Canticle A Prelude


hould I begin with the Palomino? Or perhaps with the milk-white Arabian? I want you to know, this tradition of starting a tale by boasting about ones horse didnt just begin with Roy Rogers. It dates from the Dark Age of Ignorance, and was brought into Spain by the Arabs Today as the movie progresses, an actress in black lace steps out on the verandah. There are cars parked outside in the driveway. In the original version they were chariots, driven by barbarians whod come to rape the Amazons guarding the shrines of the Goddess. Its interesting how times change. You cant get away with harassing the witches today. Cause were going back to the original story, the way it was before we fell into the Ignorance. Back when the women were noble, and it just wasnt proper for any man to call himself hero, unless he had endorsement from Our Lady.


The Lost Continent

Descendants crossed the sea and came upon a land that was almost like a desert, where the Palomino formula could take root and flourish once again. They called the country Llano Estacado the plain that is covered by stakes. The stakes were probably the Saguaro cactus, though some deem they might have been ritually driven through the breasts of captured conquistadores by the Pawnee. Today every three-year old boy among the Vespucci dreams of riding a horse and chasing steers on the Staked Plain.. He feels a thrill of power, but doesnt realize the game is all about conquering mamma. My milk-white Arabian canters over cactus flowers. Fatima, what do you think of that Englishman who brought down Constantinople? The Arabs and Egyptians loved Lawrence. Too bad he got tangled with Duke Edward, who seemed to think that Adolf could put him on the Caliphs throne.. Its such a pity but I guess that the Queens secret agents really did have to loosen a few nuts on his motorcycle. Mamas learning how not to get conquered, though it certainly is taking her awhile.

O mars

2. .

Now Fatima! You really do not need to be so jealous! I know the Lord of Jealousy still rules this world from his ghost-throne in Damascus but of late hes been confounded by the Houris. The Mother of Bani-Umayya stood condemned; she never had an economic base. But from the Torture Chambers of Conquistadores now rises a new Goddess, who asserts her dominion on earth. Her wings rise in a V as she swoops like an Eagle from Heaven. The Lord of Jealousy runs like a mouse. Yes, Fatima, the day is hot, and the buffalo all



have been raptured. The only place well find a wild herd anymore is in Yellowstone National Park. And as for dogies now, well, the Agri-business is changing. Today the cowpokes ride in helicopters to round up their steers for the market. Dear Fatima my heart is now returning to Renata. I beg you, dont be jealous of this daughter of the houris youll soon love the way that she rides you. That womans just as spirited as you are. Youll feel her sharp spurs in your flank but as you start to gallop, youll realize, shes making you chase your own soul.

Lets both run like the wind, beneath a sun thats cruel as an Umayyad genie. Well watch out for the rattlesnake; perhaps well see an eagle gliding on his mighty wings. Renatas waiting back there by the stable. Her tawny skin reflects the yellow sun; she claims light excites her bare nipples. Shes been through Whitechristian abuse and European schooling. Thats why it took her so long to realize, her own tears are wrung from the sorrows of the Original People. We slow down to a trot. The way that you are snorting, I know that you are jealous. When we get back to the stable, Renata will curry you and feed you but then shell do the same for nineteen others. And she and I shall return by the highway to Dao, where Renata will treat the sick, and I will entertain all the folks with my rock-and-roll war-dance show. So maybe youll be jealous of the twenty other horses who are sharing the stable with you. Youll run and play those horsey-games with creatures of various lineage quarter-horse, morgan, appaloosa, palomino. And we shall be playing the unnatural games that it takes to get the folks who dont have faith in culture to support the thing that heals them anyway.


The Lost Continent

A turbocharger doesnt have feelings! you snort. I guess that you really are jealous. You see the way the Offenhauser heads of my little red XTZ machine gleam beneath the Pawnee sun. Does that give you an excuse to carry on this way? You curl your lips and lift your head with a shrill whinny, as I start up the motor. Youre just a creature; youve got to wait till I have done my work. And I am just a man who cannot help but living out the Faust myth, since thats where my culture has left me. I guess that is something to snort at. But right now even Mephistopheles will have to wait. Theres someone here whos got more intelligence than horse-sense. She knows what it is to lose; she vows this time around it will be Mephistopheles who gets roped and branded. She is wearing a red Western shirt, with bluejeans and boots. And under that denim, such sleek little brown hips its a treat to get into those pants. She opens the rear bonnet, to pack in the Winchester rifle. Then she sits down with her hipbones scraping on mine I know shes the ultimate weapon. Are you really taking that thing onstage? she asks with a rather nervous shudder. The way that shes pressing against me I know about roses and thorns. Even a half-track cant tear up a man the way she can. Im not sure just how were going to do it, I find myself confessing. But weve got to convert the Gun Club to the Red Road of Degonawida.



Emblem 1

Helen in the Mirror

enata isnt innocent like Margaret. I thats why shes not in heaven yet. guess

I just had to learn to take joy in watching the carnage, she confesses rather sadly to me. We both look in the mirror we bought last year from Mephistopheles. We look into the glass, and watch Helen writhe. Mephistopheles is torturing her! Renata shrieks. The knife goes through both of our hearts; we are impressed by a need to atone for a murder. Were still on the Trail of Tears! laments Renata. Weve got to find a medicine that can take out Andrew Jackson.


The Lost Continent


I wouldnt call her an innocent pearl, but shes got both a body and a mind. From time to time she makes a private peace with Mephistopheles and takes it out on me. The priest would argue shes unorthodox but thats just his time-honored way of dealing with stiff competition. The sins he offers are less interesting, and lust for money doesnt slay the ego. Shes made me bow before the Virgin Mary, confessing my need for forgiveness. I look into her dark eyes, framed by tresses black as coal. She begins to unbutton her blouse, and Mephistopheles screams. Beside seduction with a soul, seduction with a snout just cant compete. Her skin is golden as the California dream. I kiss the dark windflowers of her nipples, repenting of Earths ancient cruelties. Within my heart I vow, I shall respect her fire, as shes respected mine. I know that shes gathered that fire from the Eleusinian torch. About her glows the glory of lost cities. As I kiss her breast, I feel I know the answer to the Sphinx. I guess thats where the snakes that distort our dreams come from. When you already know the case history, your visions get kind of disturbed. But wouldnt her ancestors laugh at my intellectual reservations? Wouldnt they tell me its high time I spat in Andy Jacksons eye? These ancestors tell me it all boils down to: has our love made this world just a little more sacred? So I fall to kiss Renatas feet and let my lust sate on her knees. Adoring the proud beauty of her thighs, I bask in Geronomo glory. Above her flesh, the constellation of Athena rises. My father never knew just what was going on when I had my fling with the blacksmith, Athena laughs mischievously. The Maid of Heaven looks down, and blows a draft to fan the fires I must tend. Fausts Mephistopheles was clever; he sought to bind poor Gretchen before shed ever learned the power within her soul. If she but knew that in her breast there burned the flame of Helen! Such electricity! Renata dances, and the air is permeated by an electric aura. Auroral banners flicker through the ethers, as fascination fountains from her navel,

smashing like the breakers of the ocean over the islands of her breasts. I look on her tawny navel; to replicate those muscles which pull the breath into her belly were surely a sculptors delight. I look and what I see has caused my mind to lose its measure. Im turning on the wheel of love; Ive climbed the spiral stairway within the tight-girt castle of her spine. I come to the foot of the mountain where her heart beats and quivers. And there, in the flowery meadows beneath the snow-capped peak I look on the Lord of the World who hangs on a splintery cross, with nails in his wrists and feet. His breast convulses with the pain of all the world; and from His bloody wounds the lightning strikes the sky. The voice upon the cross cries out: Frail hearts beware! You look upon the Mystery which splits the Mountains stony heart, and draws tears from the glacier!

Renata is devoted to Old Tezcat; she uses her love like plastique. She truly is a priestess of shamanic ecstasy. She tells me that honors true only when it has been born from loves pangs. And that its only stillborn until we attain the grace to endure without cursing the pain. I look on her and feel an ecstasy thats very close to madness. She has forsaken repose in the house of the Wise Lord, to dance a war dance to the tom-tom being played by the Old Texas Cat Who Plays Poker. Within her heart the anger of the Mothers swoops like an eagle from Heaven. Her shadow falls on New Orleans, and all of the white sheets in that town begin to glow and smoulder. Oppression still rules? The more gentle race you slew on Cahokias mound returns with a claim to your bayou. The history of genocide, of biological warfare, whispers in the ears of ten thousand Joans of Arc. They rise up in a legion; the evil Giles de Rais, who wearied of her honor, is hauled into court for high treason. Old Tezcat is only pretending to hang on the Cross. Hes actually Lord of the Storm. Hes heard the so-called Christians mutter contemptuous jokes about bush-


The Lost Continent

bunnies, the pagans, and the lezzie libbers. He hears them, for these righteous men are his dominion. Hes got a quit-claim on the soul of everyone whose sneers have made Christs sisters stumble. Old Tezcat is a War-God, but his mothers a fine old Lady who keeps all her rascals in line. The doorpost thats painted with her menstrual blood shall be spared the Curse of the Law. Beneath Old Tezcats Cross, there lies a hill built up from the skulls of Jews and natives. To this day, children are led out to this place of great terror, while mothers prayers pound nails into Christs wrists. Beneath the Cross, the blood that has been spilled begins to flame and glow. A serpent slithers up into the corpse: an Angel of fierce wrath, who vows to bring down the abusers.

My Lady of the Moonlight, I do believe your light shall shine on me again. I watch the cities burn, and must acknowledge sovereignty of the Lord of the Left-Handed Heart. I offer homage to Brother Rattlesnake; let thy venom be transformed to rain, and love be resurrected in the land. I offer my homage to Brother Rattlesnake, who will not sleep while one race oppresses another. Brother Rattlesnake, I know that some day revival is going to get to you, and then you will lay down your six-gun. Because today, the Reggae Revival is bringing in powerful angels, strong enough to stop the bullets flying in the streets. Can war be love? Only if our war is made against the Cannibal within. That is the Liberation War thats fought for by the pilgrims to your shrine, my Lady who Steps on the Stars.

My Lady of Moonlight, I curse not the pain. I rather kneel to bless this woe that I share with The Mothers. I recognize in suffering a communion that is shared by six billion hearts. I see in this pain a fire that is cleansing the earth.



Im begging Brother Rattlesnake to rise and become the Plumed Serpent. Im begging Brother Eagle to lift Brother Rattlesnake into the sky, so he can see the folly of his ways. Let the rising sun illumine the top of the pyramid, and the prayers of The Mothers be answered. Let the nations give ear to the claims of those who have been driven from the land. I sing the song you have taught me, Lady of Moonlight: the song I have heard from the heart of the priestess who loves You. And I bless the flesh of that priestess, in whom I have found solace. So I dont know. In a very real sense, we both have died. I guess thats why I found such pleasure lounging in Renatas bed I knew Id found a creature much like myself. I looked upon her breast, and saw a flame of beauty which sustained me through tormenting times. The grace of her spirit brought rain to the seeds in the soil of my heart. When loves rising sun burst through the clouds it was then that I first learned to laugh. I laugh at the conservatism of the flesh, and the fears that are born of this world. So long as I have love, I shall be able to remain in a state of recovery from the time I saw Hell grab the world. Ive lost too many comrades. Thats why Ive had it with Jealousy I know that Suicide is Loves only real rival. I also know that honor means to look into the next world, and to fear only loss of the true friend. So, Brother Rattlesnake, youve met your match this time. Renata is the Eagle; shell grab you by the neck and take you flying, just as shes done a time or two before. Well see then if venom or laughter gains a higher verdict from the Lord of Gravity. I love, that I may die, and learn how to welcome the wound. I kiss Renatas feet and knees, acknowledging the Sacred. She lifted me out of the Devils pocket, and led me on a merry chase through Purgatorys flames.



The Lost Continent

Emblem 2.

The Devil's Pocket

You sail up the worlds longest river, Numb with "this just cant have happened" Only the pain is real; the loss Becomes an empty womb, a pregnant womb, and brings forth A dark form who stands on the deck. In the days of Greeks this spectre was already ancient: Great Ajax, striving to clean out the Gods. Where is your justice, Allmighty how could you have allowed? But Gods the only bastard who cant die, Wont budge but Im down on my knees You call Yourself All-powerful Cant you just rewrite the script?

I now know the truth about The Rapture. When first you have been kidnaped


There it goes, what used to be me, Spinning as it falls, spinning Falling, through the dismal leagues The Fear Sphere The Anxiety Sphere, Into the thunderhead zone Where depression raises great anvils And sinners are transfixed by lightning. I guess that Ill be Ajax I just cant stand the grief, And cant endure the guilt. So Mr. Therapist do you prescribe a drug, Or do you proselytize? By just what sleight will you deny my pain It isnt real, is it? Oh, Jesus loves me, yes I know And in the right-hand corner of your chart I see an upward arrow. You say, one year or longer Then on some blessed Easter The gibbet-bird awakens to say grace Faust blesses then the earth and joins the saints, But I dont know. Have you ever watched A loved one die? Have you ever hurt so much You wished that you could fry In the electric chair?

Dear Children Back on Earth, Ive found the Black Holes where the old Aztec Gods are still hiding. I saw the Iron Heel


The Lost Continent

come, and witnessed Hell on Earth. Oh, I have done my bit of astral traveling. They thought theyd burn me out in Petaluma Id penetrated their scandalous brickwork, found Alcatraz prison. And there, as I had suspected, under the arch where the Spanish stored cannonballs and the union troops used to have their bakery the place where they crucified him. I guess that the soldier deserved it. Hed given a large sum of money to a Confederate Agent by the name of John Wilkes Booth. And it wasnt that difficult, either. They didnt need a wooden cross they just chained him up in handcuffs to the bars of his prison cell. Ill have more later. But Ive got to tune out now, before the Mind Police find out youve been in communication with me. -- Jack London

I guess you could say, Im in a black humor today. Maybe its because Ive been talking to lawyers who tell me I should sue them for all they are worth. And Id take their advice, if only I could just resolve one thing. Theres still a part of me, believes that they did me a favor, by disillusioning me with everything earth has to offer. I really would rather be flying about with the Houris. I know youll call it red rage but I would rather leave earth to the fiends.




OK, Dr. Weisinger, I'll try to be more positive. You say that youre trying to help me? I find it funny that a fiend like you should care. You find it funny that I should think we are all fiends? No, I wasnt always like that. There was a time I didnt believe there was anything fiendish about killing for glorious ideals. Im not yet ready to tell you about the dead kids in the street. How about if I talk about the rock-and-roll war instead? Or we could call it the Medicine War. Most of you urban professionals were trying so hard not to see it. The rural population can see halfway through your webs of denial, hates the Atlantic government for setting up the stage on which you play. But the urban poor can see all the way through. How else, when theyre suffering new plagues, threatened with being homeless, and driven off the little welfare subsidies they used to have with nothing around to ease the pain but that newfangled crack cocaine. And it certainly wasnt black boys who brought that plague over the border. The lords of the Vespucci used to think that the KKK and its various Hitler youth groups were pretty cool. Kept them around like a pipe wrench to work on their racial relations. But then the pipe bombs started going off, and one whole federal building bit the dust. I dont even want to begin to try to compete with the journalists. Theyve got videotape footage of just about all the arrests but their videos dont capture our passion to restore life to a world where the Sacred had already been buried in the cold ground.


The Lost Continent

Emblem 3

The Crime-ridden Shore

et me call myself Achilles. I thought that I had seen enough of Holy Wars, But then I found, this land to which Id fled Has writ its tale for all times In sacrificial blood.

Sbbeganfools as somethingonce could laugh when the 90's uch we were with that the proud men called a

Desert Storm. The Regulator Man was back in his rough riding saddle but we congratulated him. It wasnt politically correct to refer to the Biblical significance of his victory over Napoleon and all the other rag-tag revolutionaries and Sicilians. The Regulator Man had washed behind his ears; hed even gone to the U.N. secretariat, begging the world so sincerely to bless his blitz.

So why am I really upset? He does cut a rather nice figure From Lynch Creek in Marlborough County Washed in the blood of the Lamb, comes now the Senator Just like a lamb, to subdue excess, curb revolution Put an end to terrorism, get the felons off our streets Theres just one little thing, like, remember the Martyrs Stubborn men and women. Starved in Siberian camps,


Shivered and died for what purpose? Weve got genuine science here, the committed experiment: Proof that a few ragged people really were in the image of God. Try to top that, Mr. Regulator Man. But would you believe it? He will Hell even pull rank on the Martyrs, Claiming the right to wear the scalp of Communism On his tailor-made cartridge belt.

hen credit is snatched from the martyrs, our sense of cause and effect becomes falsified. Thats why the Vespucci style of leadership has me feeling so uneasy. Im certainly not saying Senator Philip Marlborough shouldnt offer help to the Kurds. But something here bothers me also.

I know about those villagers who have been tortured and slaughtered by Insane Saddam. When I was in Peoples Academy, I once had a Kurdish instructor, whod fled to Kazakstan after Teddys Boys torpedoed his hopes for a homeland. According to his inter-pretation of the infernal clockwork, the Kurds have always suffered, because theyve harbored Sufis wanted for thought-crimes against the Caliph. Note: SULTAN SELIM III During the days used the phrase "New when Milton was Order Army" as the name of the lamenting a Paradise Lost, new military institutions he copied visionaries in Kurdish from Western Models. caves were raising up their See "Ottoman Empire" by heads, to prophesy this Stanford J. Shaw, 1992, coming New World Order. Multimedia Encyclopedia, Ver I, Of course, any sound-byte Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc that had that kind of a


The Lost Continent

ring was bound to get stolen and misused. So I guess that those Sufis should forgive Alexander Hamilton for embroidering the phrase into his dollar bill. But then, look where the dollar bill went financing the hostile takeover that put Adolph Hitler in power. The irony! Hamiltons boards of directors only loaned Adolph the sound-byte novus ordo seclorum in about ten million copies. So Hamilton sent out his army when Adolph appropriated the Sufi logo as his own. And now we get to Mr. Marlborough, whos inherited the chairmanship of Hamiltons board of directors. Its his army now so therefore, isnt the sound-byte his rightful spoil of war? I wish I could believe that The Regulator Mans sincere in his concern for the lives of the Kurds. But if his heart were really whole wouldnt he try to offer something in exchange for the pirated sound-byte?

No, Mr. Regulator Man, You havent dented up the sound-byte nearly so bad As old Adolph did. You clearly qualify The lesser evil, chosen to build Rome Because you are too doggone corrupt to ever be truly fanatical But just dont forget as you go throwing sound-bytes That New World Order has a kind of resonance That makes cheap brickwork crack. Just look behind you see how your fortress is spidering. Now who is that out there, that Mr. Insane Eating grass in those Babylon Gardens Cause the Persians wont sell him more carpets?


Guess he wants a bite of the sound-byte Doesnt understand, its been a good thousand years Back then the Martyrs established, just being a king Is a very limited license, doesnt excuse Torture, invasion, wholesale wanton slaughter Thats not an allowable Holy War but then the trouble is Who can yank Nebuchadnezzars license For driving a state while on oil? Well, look at Mr. Marlborough He does so enjoy playing that role Wild West Sheriff Only now that hes in Kuwait, you may spell that Sharif Heir to the Kingdom of Spain, but at just that moment The cheap brickwork begins to crack, The cowboys pour out from the house of Judge Lynch And the Indians are taking it easy theyve seen it all before, If youre going to bust him for genocide Then why not let the madman have his day In the dock of a genocide court? Though tanks crush the skulls of the lowly The Big Men always let each other get away.

Can it be that Im just going crazy? I know, doc, that its something personal. Has to do with the day I met the Worm Who Will Not Die that terribly persistent torment thats inflicted with intent to drive a soul insane. Im getting so disgusted with the excuses that every culture gives for allowing its abusers to rule. I try to pray it away, drink it away, exorcize it through love affairs and pagan rituals, but the anger just will not die. I guess thats why Im so obsessed with the belief, theres got to be a Hell for those who torture. Or perhaps the torturer should have a permanent tribunal in Nuremberg, where he can have his say and get due process. When such a tribunal is set up, with authority to interrogate the great men of great states, then maybe Ill believe that The Regulator Man is sincere in his talk of a new world order. I guess details like that are too intellectual for The



The Lost Continent

Regulator Man. I guess according to his world-view, Miz Monroe has chosen him as the Great Father in Washington. If he just spanks a few naughty children, the Great Western Soap Opera will keep on making money for its sponsors. He certainly must be the dad, alright, because Miz Monroes doctors and attorneys have slapped a support order on him, a full two billion dollars payable to the U.N. And the way that hes hemming and hawing I see for sure that Mr. Regulator Man holds the Golden Gloves in the Deadbeat Dads division.

Why, Mammurs! cries Miz Monroe. What a big stick it is that youre cleaning and oiling! Mammurs is a nickname from his childhood Back when he was a kid growing up in the slums On the lazy strand of the Tiber When Rome was the Wild West, and the gold standards all were Etruscan The tall ships sailed from Africa or Crete. While all of the Greeks writhed under the heel Of that tyrant, Agamemnon. Eventually Mammurs got with a dude named Romulus And, with just a little help from Queen Dido And the sacrifice of one brother, Founded Great Babylon of the Iron Age. The Regulator man smiles in fond reminiscence; Childhood was good to him Though the forum was never quite so cool as his present digs, Underneath the banks of the Potomac. Now as for Miz Monroe Now theres a star for you


Back in the Classical Babylon she called herself Queen of Heaven, Lover of the World But Didos death humbled her; reduced To a Tyche, Merely the Emperors Fortune, To which men offer incense. So in Nineveh, while shopping around for some rags That would make her look like a tyche, Miz Monroe came upon a red white and blue bikini Referred to by historians as Manifest Destiny. Shes wearing that red white and blue bikini, Calling herself Leading Lady, breasts covered by nothing but diamonds. But of course, as Marilyn knows, Teddys rough-riding outfit Needs to come out of the closet She needs to iron, and watch out for his Rule of the Thumb;. The kids know enough to take cover When shes got to kiss him. We watch a tender scene; it seems she doesnt want to let him go: But you promised! That you would only have your affairs... On this side of the Atlantic? That was when you were young and naive The truth is, baby, if you had kept those red lips shut I might have bought you a fur coat, maybe even An 18th century tea set, used by the geishas, Maybe even one of the crown jewels Out of the museum in Bagdad. But let me tell you, you shouldnt fear my Rule of the Thumb Half so much as you should fear your own chattering lips Cause let me tell you, miz liberated woman I could have you in jail in a minute On a prostitution rap. Its only natural shed want to scream She thought that it was bad when he discovered Gay Paree So grateful to be saved from Nazi rape, But this is worse. Far worse than normal strains of plague Brought from the lowest dives Of Berlin, Yokohama, Pusan and Saigon,


The Lost Continent

She best had seal her pretty lips, But if she had the nerve To bring out all the trophies from his closet Not just the Lugar Dueling pistols, silver-barreled Status in the Austria of 1941, and still today But look at these courtship customs on the modern campus, The models surely taken from the pages of Mein Kamph Thats why when she breaks down our Miz Monroe will say That this Land of the Vespers, Where freshman coeds are resigned to being raped This is in very truth the darkest continent.

So how was it that I, poor devil that I am, have fallen in love with a woman whose native customs are so cruel? I guess its just that on the day I met her, my broken heart had made a fool of me. Because I met her over there, on the civilized side of the Atlantic, I got taken unawares. I was vulnerable, since I was still mourning a lady whod tried to subvert Ethnic Cleansing and gotten sent up to heaven so I misunderstood Renatas accent. Thought she was a pure and pretty creature, maybe even a virgin, whod grown up among the Basques. But then I found out that the Basques she knew were from the countryside by Albuquerque. Isnt that Everymans story the pain of my longing betrayed me. But I know that I saw something priceless. I swear it was the Holy Grail. Hidden in the heart of a woman who retreated through the Most Tangled Forest, until shed returned to the Grailshrine in a land where abuse is the law. Hidden from my vision by Vespucci glamours, she waits upon the golden plains of El Dorado.


16 16.


Emblem 4


Im prepared for the commotion of the wharves, but not for De Sades Republic. I know about Militant Atheists I used to be one. But Atheism doesnt hold a candle to the Godlessness of thinking the Supreme Power can be bound like an ordinary genie. Rub the little bottle, Jehovah will come out and prop up election banners for the Conservative Party. I hadnt believed God could become a commodity, but the Radical Republicans seem to have accomplished that too. I believe theyve rated the Old Boy at ten million volts and theyll sell him for two billion dollars. No, Dr. Weisinger, Im not trying to put down your country. But I started learning this curious sort of humor when I was just off the boat. In fact, I was standing in line at the terminal, waiting to allow Customs to rumple through my luggage. How many cigarettes? Stolen goods, drugs, art treasures, secret messages from the now-defunct KGB? If you want to come to the Vespucci Republic, you must be a

S ea-gulls in grey skyinto the me for by a tug boat. prepare cacophony. We are being guided harbor

If You Would Be Republicans


The Lost Continent

spy or a thief. To honest folk we're Hell but to crooks we are heaven. Whatever I do, I dont want to give you the idea that Ive come over here to stir up any trouble. So Ill just go along with the program, and tell the customs agents what they want to hear. Yes, sir! Well, let me tell you now, sir! I know this is the golden land of opportunity. Im poor right now, but in about ten years I expect to own twenty Cadillacs and five Lincolns. I plan to invest in a pre Civil War slaveholders mansion, I know that Ill be able to find one, sooner or later, at a tax sale. Once Im able to buy up some land, Ill get me some horses and raise them. I plan to make my living doing some tobacco farming that way I wont have to worry about unions, or deal with folks expecting union wages.

Fed Up with Constant Battering

ts been almost two centuries since Goethe published his Faust and Gretchen case history. So it shouldnt surprise us that Gretchens not fourteen any longer. And after what she went through back in those Sturm und Drang days, shes tired of being a nice girl.

This time around, when Mephistopheles started popping up behind the streetlights, Gretchen accepted the deal-you-cant refuse, and ended up divorced in Vera Cruz. She looked across the plain to the snow-capped Popocatepetl, and there beheld the Goddess of Old Mexico. Ive seen the nature of that Goddess who likes to drink blood, and has recently been on a rampage. Back in the Old World, Hephaestos still has some relation to his faithless Aphrodite but here it is Huitzilopochtli whos written the law, and he is a left-handed hombre. After what he did to Venus, shes driving down from Popocatepetl to drag him into court and she has got all of the mountains ready to rock and roll if the judge dont do right.


Fed Up With Constant Battering, proclaims the newspaper headline. Down and out with only a suitcase, The Little Pearl watches as Venus confronts Mr. Rattlesnake in front of the Vera Cruz courthouse. Gretchen steps into a doorway to flee the hot sun. Its one of those saloons that goes for the Yankee dollar, and its Ladys night. So they all hobble in from the hospital ward, in diamonds and furs and on crutches. The women whove been payed off so theyll mend their broken bones on foreign shores. Gretchen chips in with them on a pitcher of beer, and wonders if romance ever will be the way she imagined it should be. Didnt St. Paul say something or other about Love that nurtures herself on faith and hope till she becomes wise as a serpent and also gentle as a dove? But then, St. Paul was a man, and Gretchen knows how far to trust men when they speak about these matters of the heart. Huitzilopochtli has just sent away for a Winchester rifle from a mail-order house in Virginia. As Gretchen walks out and blinks in the light of the street, and sees the UPS truck drive by, she feels an awful premonition that Venus might win the court battle but still not survive to collect her settlement. Then Gretchen sees the Santera, carrying on a dialogue with the black chickens lined up in her cages while she sits on a blanket on the street corner, waiting for customers. That wrinkled little old woman is a survivor, out of a tradition thats resisted everything the Rattlesnake has been able to throw during all the days since the Mafia discovered Cuba. So Gretchen asks the Santera, will Love end up sliced and diced, steamed to a pasty tar and then crystallized as a powder, shipped to the cities up north and sold in the streets? Shall love be reduced to being just one more drug that money can buy? But dont worry. As the Santera reassures her. Venus has a serpent form too. Her snake is five times as mean as Huitzilopochtlis Rattler and shes vowed to ravage the land until shes been properly courted.


The Lost Continent

Not all of the Spooks in the Winchester House Will be able to save the Eater of Hearts on that day From the kindled fire that waits. On that day the Devourer of Hearts Shall find himself transformed To what he was when first he was created: The Plumed Serpent.

that Eagle, OOnswoopday, shell change to anRattlesnake TTTo down and rapture the

hen the Wheel of Nazification shall stop. The Medicine WWWheel shall start turning. Those who are the Real People shall rejoice in a season of healing.

The Little Pearl holds her only suitcase as she stands alone on a sidestreet in Old Veracruz. And an Eagle descends from the sky.


hen the Gods of the Land begin dancing, we mortals must join the dance too. We must dance the Medicine Wheel Else Atlan shall remain a land of burning crosses, in which the heart is sacrificed where men with blood on their hands must ever repent.



Mills that Grind Slowly

et me I tell you an adventure story, of a voyage that was just too exciting.

I had nothing to fear from the sea -- my life was already over. Id watch the Mediterranean breakers, and the spray from the tops of the combers would whisper with Ajes voice or Niniannes accent. In the sunbeam that bounced back from a ripple, Id see Rachemnias smile -- but that girl was missing from action, and presumably had been killed. When the Violence first began, I had comrades who were true. Ninianne believed in Revolution. All the events of the 80's served to confirm her faith. Stalins six-gun might have brought the October Train to a screeching halt, but now it was moving again, on the way to the Peoples Society. For the sake of Marx and Mary, she started digging a trench across the path of the Ethnic Cleanser Steamroller. And Aje, whose third-world sense of decency has always inspired us was right there beside her. There still is a Sick Man in Europe, and he always makes war on the lovers. I listen to the steel guitar on a Lusitanian pier, as I watch the breakers come in. I look out on the Ocean that once rose to drown Great Atlantis. Those northern whitecaps to the right gave birth to Greenland Icebergs -- they saw Neptune take the Titanic, then turn around and shake Europe till most of her kings lost their crowns. Today we seek with bloody hands and fearful tears, to choke another Fury. All over the world, senseless violence. And I here listening to the gypsy with his guitar, realizing that Ive gotten sick too. And that maybe if I look for healing on a different continent, Europe will be spared one vendetta. Several more strains of his music convince me, that I must pack up my valise, and ship out on the voyage to Purgatory. I went down to the dive, and met the Sicilian. He fixed me up with papers introducing me to an old and seamy mistress of the trade routes.


The Lost Continent

he story goes that Neptune grinds his salt mill slowly. Each year he drags new prizes down to a realm where the Goddess still rules. Then the men who insure the Atlantic embroider fresh webs of denial. And the waves watch as bruised women cruise, in diamonds and furs and on crutches, to recover in a place where the neighbors cant see what their husbands have done.

Comes Thetis now, to claim the salt mill as her own. The chairmen of the Trans-Atlantic boards read the pleading papers with horror. Theyve sacrificed to Davy Jones, but know the angry Goddess is going to demand more than just a few torpedoed ships. Their Captains can no longer keep the bruised women from finding therapists who are able to explain the sickness of the Trans-Atlantic Man. The Captains all gather together, to burn holocausts to Apollyon, and have a barbecue. The Regulator Man leads the Great Bull to the Babylon butcher, Then the Priest proclaims a sermon, as blood splatters clean white togas: : Behold the retainers of Thetis -- theyre pirates and prostitutes all. I follow the sun to a hall where all the boys and girls of the Seamens Union are meeting. The sailors there join in a hymn to Santa Lucia, and share a flask of wine before they all ship out. And I have got my papers to sail with them, upon a freighter bound for Purgatory.



They're Singing Down in Davy's Locker Room

The Calcutta was a lady of the night. She sailed under the single star of a nation whose maritime regulations were not overly stringent. Indifferent to the politics of strong men and the vicissitudes of civil wars, she bargained with both Mary and Yemaya.
In the shadow of her coal-fired boilers, the Christian saints and Pagan gods played cards as they worked out their deals. These bargains always managed to keep the old girl floating. Indeed right when her owners were signing her over to the scrap heap, the OPEC ministers reprieved her by raising the price of crude oil. I think that half the boiler crew had signed for lower wages, because they needed to remain at sea till more congenial governments had gotten into power.

I made my peace with this world, til we were three days out. But then I guess that it must have had something to do with the ghosts. The people around me were nothing to me; the ones I really loved were on the other side of the Eternal Sea.

Of course Ive got my pride. Didnt we accomplish something by exposing the dirty news? Did anyone care that the Chairman of the Board of Old Ethnic Cleanser


The Lost Continent Inc. had been a charter member of the Benevolent Association for Canonization of Franco? But all of the pride in the world cant satisfy my broken heart. I dont know why Im still chained to this flesh, when everyone I love has gone to heaven.

I look beyond the rail and hear the song. Through the mortuary curtain, Im hearing Aje-has voice. The sun is just chained light to me, who am in love still with those souls of liberated light. Down here in the trough, I see whats haunted me so many times before. Perhaps Ill love within this world again. Then shall I shall watch as the woman who struggles with over-constant anguish, covers her ancient bones with a garment of flesh. Again shall she stand as the tree, and strive to free her branches from the Jealous Serpent. If I stare long enough at that coiled rope, perhaps she shall awaken. Perhaps this is only a nightmare but Im still hearing her scream. Her shame has suckled on the tears with which she has dampened her pillow. I tell myself that this is no more than a nightmare but perhaps its the birth of a monster who shall steal my name and wear my face. Am I just that ghost-womans womb, torn by the horns of a monster? I look out on the sea and realize, I only signed on with this crew so that I could chase Paradise. Oh to be sure, just to keep going, Id told myself a rather different story. I told myself I intended to visit Renata but who could assure me the journey would be worth the effort? Most likely, my conviction Renata would love me the devils world allows its slaves illusions, because false hopes are cheap. I put my hands above my head and took the plunge Ill let go of lifes surface, and let the fish pick my bones. The long and the short of it is, that Davy had the nerve to reject me. I just dont understand so many men have struggled so for life, and yet still been dragged down to his locker. While I, whod plunged ambitiously to doom, was bobbing in buoyant loops. Why was Old Davy playing like this with me? But listen! The Sirens are singing! No, thats Renatas voice remember how clear and how sweet? I


dont know if Im going to heaven or to Hell but these voices are giving me courage. The wraiths of women I have loved at last theyve come for me! But its Irish coffee Im drinking, and I dont think the angels serve rye whiskey. Im cold, but this isnt quite Hell Im looking through the grey mists, into grey eyes of a concerned Old Salt. The grey boards around me are the planking of a lifeboat, so I guess that Im still in this world.

Theyre lifting me up in a sling, so close to the hull that I can see the flaking black paint, the rivets, and all the rough and rusty places. They take me to a cot in the infirmary, where the medical officer sedates me.

Im looking up in a half-conscious state, with the Black Goat standing over me. Shame! Shame! the Black Goat is laughing. Deserting your post in this way when you were not even in danger of capture by the enemy. But theyre all the enemy! I cry. And the Black Goat just laughs, as he stares at me with his cold eye.

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a b Z



The Lost Continent

Emblem 5.


y the time I had gotten through customs, I was all done with being embarrassed. I had to live, and live I would -- in Ninevehs rioting ruin.

The television shows proclaim, a new Captains taken up the helm. The liberals debate, if the New Man is just the same Old Ahab in a rented tux. But let them launder jackets -- Im new here and Im looking for a home. The money in my pockets wont take me very far; The laundry where I came from a diesel-duty war against the undead Nazi has wearied me to death. Im sick of sniffing intrigues that devour you like a cancer, sucking the life out of you for twenty years or more. An absence of connections isnt that the sort of signal the brain will interpret as pain? Of course, when the signal is entirely absent theres just a numbness, which consciousness cant properly fill. Its a very uneasy numbness; you sense how much youll be in for as soon as those feelings return. I have seen the chariot come down to earth carry off


the best ones, the ones who refused to be spared. The newspapers call it a war; I guess that Im the only one who heard the trumpet sound. I guess that an absence of connections kept the world from hearing the Angels voice. The absence which gnaws in my pockets keeps me from trying to remember just what tune the trumpet was playing. Just one more scientist treading water in a flooded market, tired of working for men who ought to be tried for war-crimes. The newspaper catches my eye: the ad is requesting a technician with a background in medical research. I soon found myself in the office of Dr. Van Dieman, spoken of by his employees as The Grey Shadow. Do you mind working at night? he interviews me. I often have worked on the swing shift but this job is graveyard. One of my job duties would be to dig up fresh cadavers, during the midnight hour.

t wasnt that I minded being watched by the cemetery moon. But Van Dieman should have. Even moonlight was too much light for the kind of a game that he played.

One morning the Grey Shadow surprised me. I was helping him hobble into his office, supported by a wobbly cane. He had great difficulty walking on account of his charcolated ankle. How would you like to sleep with the animal people? he asks me. The who? I start. I must have missed something important when I was staring at his office clock. Im begging God, Ill make almost any sort of deal, if He will make 7 AM the hour when my shift is over come just a little bit sooner. As he answers me, his tone becomes kindly and


The Lost Continent

confidential. Im wondering if he is trying to give me the next installment on the preacher from his Georgia hometown who left his wife and children for a sixteen year old girl, then made his fortune preaching on TBN about how Dungeons & Dragons was a trap set by the Devil, to bring souls down to Hell so he could feed on them. Have you ever tried looking under the stones in Monument City? the Grey Shadow asks me. Ive done that and Ive found corpses, I answer. They may have lost their souls, he answers, but they do it so well. Theyre professionals. Besides you know that all that malarkey about salvation and the Devil is really pretty silly. I admire Brother Scaldwell for the way that he has turned religion into a multi-million dollar entertainment venue. Thats all that religion has ever been cheap entertainment for the poor and starving.

Of course, Van Dieman drawls condescendingly, Becoming a real American means that youve got a right to your sexual preferences. Go chase after live bait if you must but as for me, Ill have my candied cherry witches.. Or bitches, depending on his mood. I gather he had the numbers of a number of women whod do it for crack, and a few who would do it for heroin. As far as Im concerned, he would insist, A corpse can give you just as much of a lay as a live one. Even better as a matter of fact a cadaver dont come back to demand child support. He introduced me to a couple of ladies who always came into work scantily dressed, and never had very much office work to have to do. Occasionally those women asked me if I could come up with some ice. And I, whose salary wouldnt cover such extravagance, found I could only marvel at Babylons strange customs. I particularly remember Van Diemans excitement one day when we were able to deliver to him a particularly well preserved female cadaver. This one had never been buried in the ground wed just bribed a couple of

" "O


orderlies, and soon were able to fill out the paperwork to deliver her to one of the more secure operating rooms within the medical school. She was still in her early twenties; shed gotten paid for a modeling job, and had died of a drug overdose. I wheeled her into the experimentation station, while the good doctor struggled to repress his mounting excitement. After Id gotten her secured beneath the floodlight, I was sent out to doctor the clerical entries, while Dr. Van Dieman performed his intrusive procedure behind closed steel doors. All good things end someday and Van Dieman soon had to surrender Odie-Babe to the directing scalpels of the surgery practicum students. But the old boy had fallen in love; the few days hed had with Odie-Babe had turned him on to what he really wanted in a woman.


From that time on, my days in the graveyard were multiplied. Van Dieman was determined, another woman just like Odie-Babe had to be buried there somewhere. He bought himself a brace of foxhounds -- the tan and brindle variety to help him sniff out the places where bodies had recently been buried. Some of the bodies we dug up looked pretty crushed and maimed; others were ravaged by disease. A couple of times, we were able to bring up cadavers fresh enough, and also sufficiently intact, to suffice for Dr. Van Diemans experiments. But most times, after we had gotten back to the sliding steel doors of the medical school dissection room, the good doctor had to content himself by servicing his two bitches. I believe it was a relationship of mutual consent. The foxhounds love him dearly; they lust to obey his command. Im back in the graveyard again, underneath the full moon. I watch them sniff and paw the ground, as the old man stumbles over the vases of flowers the mourners have left


The Lost Continent


A Lot ODots, Inc.

or having a father like she did, Virginie Van Dieman was a fairly decent sort of person. I frequently found myself wondering, just how she was so consistently able to overlook so many of the flaws in his character.

I felt rather sorry for her. He had her hogtied at the economic base. The way that hed abused her, she had difficulty doing without. It wouldnt have been that easy for her to pick up and start over. She came to confiding in me, because she didnt have anyone else. Im not sure how Id describe the alliance which came into being between us. I was coming to detest everything connected with Van Dieman. I guess that we had to work together, so that we could work to outwit our common enemy. Virginie stood to legally inherit the old mans estate. It made me feel better to thing that some of his low-down dirty wealth might actually end up in the pockets of someone who had half a conscience. And then again, when she told me the ways he had abused her, and on top of that engineering the death of her mother it made me feel a coward for not contacting Amnesty International. I know, its just the crazy part of me that sees torture everywhere. I guess the Devil got me, just before the Hardliners fell. But its funny how Im seeing that same devil in Mr. Van Dieman. Maybe my hope to get free of the Devil is only a delusion. Theres something that happens when torture begins to get you you know youve gone to Hell and met the Fiend. Youre fighting for your soul; you may go to the


martyrs heaven or the betrayers Hell. You dont even know if there is a morality in the things you are doing, because you have gone down into Survival Mode. You know what I found out, yesterday? she asks me with a scandalized protest. Down at the Stateling Apartments, our janitors have been holding regular orgies, when theyre supposed to be on the timeclock, cleaning up the girls rooms. I looked at her, and knew that I was looking at the Devils daughter. But I also saw something else. Im in the world of Angst. Some of the people I meet here are going to end up in the martyrs heaven, while others are bound to plunge to the loneliest Hell. No, I cant judge her for the things her dad did to her, or the way she chases me with her wet rag. But with a dad like shes got I wonder if she ever can find love while hes living. The problem I have with my conscience, is that I have killed better men. And we should be slaving away for the benefit of that Mr. Beast? I dont know, but I feel compelled to assure Virginie, that free will has divided forever between herself and her father. Or perhaps he can go to heaven, if he ever can get up the courage to put a bullet right between his eyes.

he cannibals "Tanything done! my father hired can never get

Im trying to add up some figures on the office computer an old monochrome XT. Naturally the columns wont balance theres too many lies in between. Virginie is feeling nervous, worrying that her fathers estate might end up being repossessed before his soul is. And if the Devil is allowed to take everything hes simply loaned then where in the world shall she be? Im beginning to appreciate why she seems a little bit crazy. Its not easy to work for the Devil and still hold on to your soul. But intuition tells me, Virginie has managed to


The Lost Continent

hold on to more than just a little. Weve got to get things in order! she howls. Any time now, our creditors may descend on the Plastic Jesus factory! I ended up descending to the Plastic Jesus factory, as the general manager. I was grateful for the opportunity Virginie had given me, to keep a little more distance between myself and her infernal father.

Emblem 6.


1 Republican Twilight
hen I eat in the cafeteria, I scrupulously avoid the meat.

The way denial simplifies the safety regulations, the cooks may well be guilty of destroying States evidence. And Ive got enough sins on my conscience without adding cannibalism. Has this meat been offered to idols? We might possibly say as much. Were all being devoured by the Great Persons who dominate this Constitutional State. Even A Lot ODots,


Inc. Is slowly being eaten by the First National Bank. Wealth has its glamours, but the idols bones are something else. I know the way Virginie thinks if she just had her fathers money free and clear, shed do humanitarian works. But money thats invested has a personality. No matter that its owned by a victim or even a martyr the money in the bank still works for the sins of the fathers. The legend of Virginies father is written on a skull and crossbones flag. It seems that he was once a repo man. A repo man by moonlight by day he attended the church of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt.

The Black Goat has come to warn me about what happened to his own meat, after the Commodore managed to skin him alive. The Great Captain had a great mission: to teach all of the Scapegoats a lesson in Free Enterprise. In those days the Black Goat used to graze on a hill that belonged to Mr. Van Winkle. One day the Great Captain came by, bought up the property from Mr. Van Winkle, but allowed him and his goat to go on living there for 20 more years on a lease. Then 20 years later he came back again to declare: Mr. Van Winkle, you have been asleep. You see those topgallants and banners flying down there? Thats Babylons Harbor, and this is Great Babylons hill. Waking to the light of 19th Century Idealism, Mr. Van Winkle lights a fire and sacrifices his little black goat. After dinner he tears down the goat shed, and the next day he rents him a chain gang to put in a cobblestone street. Then up goes the brick trading post, and all of the owners of all of the goats have to come to Van Winkles cornered monopoly to get their corn and oats. Now twenty more years have gone by, and the Great Captain visits his inferior. Its time for more instruction in the ways of piracy. So the Great Captain commends the Little Captain for his Social Darwinism, and imposes a metropolitan rent. Its too late in the game for the Little Pirate to move out or start over again. He hasnt much choice but to do


The Lost Continent

what the Big Pirate says. So Mr. Van Winkle pulls down the brick trading post and builds a slaughterhouse. Its time to sacrifice the goats of all the local farmers.

Blame It On The SPCA

f late it seems, Free Enterprise has fallen on hard times.

You can blame it on the SPCA Apparently it all began when a German philosopher went crazy. Up till then hed been a proper little man, whod given the stamp of academic respectability to the Pirates Creed. But then something in his brain went haywire and he committed himself. He specifically committed himself to becoming a martyr for the sake of a horse. This certain Professor Nietzsche was hauled off to the loonie bin by the proper authorities. However, he was only the first of many to fall victim to the madness. Soon the madness had crossed the Atlantic, and pretty soon it became illegal to flog your own horse in New Pork City. If that wasnt bad enough, pretty soon the counselors and the teachers started getting the idea that children ought to have the same rights a horse had. So now you couldnt flog the children. And then to top it off, along came the ACLU so now you cant even flog felons. But of course, Mr Van Dieman has always got to prove that he is intellectually superior to those purple-gummed Eyetalian immigrants. And so he shall teach them the lesson the Commodore taught to the goat. Mr. Van Dieman was a friendly sort who liked to glamour the working folk. He was always ready to lend a little money, in return for a lien on their property. Then there was the matter of repayment. Mr. Van Dieman was so charming, after the third or fourth payment hed lull them


all to sleep, They had no idea this charming and patient man was really trying to naturalize them, so they would learn to sacrifice the goat. According to Blackstones lawbook, before Mr. Van Dieman can get the issue decided in court, he must summon the debtor. The process server must get the debtors signature on the receipt of service. Van Dieman knows his Blackstone very well go down to the courthouse and look them all up, those affidavits all are on the record. Its a pity some of those Italians were so illiterate, Jack Daniels had to sign for them. The process server dont live here no more, so we cant question him. He drifted out west, got put in jail in Kentucky. Which left Van Dieman to become one of the major slumlords out here on the West Side. While he is at it, he also managed to acquire some stock in the motor trade. But he had to get out of that business after hed done a year for selling stolen fenders.

ooooo isnt it ironic? S Theres a whole generation of lean and mean pirates

3. Appetites of Small Gods

just waiting for the day when they can do a salvage operation on Van Diemans carcass. The Flying Dutchman finds himself outgunned; this past master of fraudulent contract, patron of the arsonists guild, and former neighborhood fence hasnt been able to master the rules of the Internet. Back in the days when the cops and gangsters were buddies, The Great Corporate Mother had smiled indulgently on his frailties, and multiplied his works. Shed surely have beaten and hounded a man with only half of Van Diemans police record. But Van Diemans vices made him a rubber doll and pliable gets rewarded in Babylon. Virginies doing a good college try at carrying on the old Pirate tradition. But theres one thing that shes learning about Beelzebub. Beelzebub of Babylon will float


The Lost Continent

all sorts of loans, but he never gives nobody nothing. Nothing, that is, that a soul can take into the cultural world, where justice and truth still are honored. That must have something to do with why Beelzebub always hates culture. Virginie has had her days of pounding the streets, looking for a lawyer who could haul old Beelzebub into court for hijacking the soul her father used to own. But Beelzebub has got a grant deed that declares, That I, known as Roger Van Dieman, do sell my soul with an informed free will, and without recourse. The lawyer told her shed do much better to sue in the name of her mother. Now mother had been a martyr, and sometimes a very naive one. Something in her was so desperate to exorcize that infernal stain why was it none of them told her? She hadnt been informed by anyone from the Infernal Board not Ashtoreth, not Belial, not Satan himself, not even that former Civil Rights Lawyer named Lucifer not one of them had bothered to inform Louise that when she married Roger Van Dieman. Beelzebub had come along as part of the package. You would have thought the Christian Church had helped Louise Van Dieman out a little more. But Churchmen had their own agenda; like crooks who point the finger, theyre always looking for a Satan whos out there. So when she showed the visiting evangelist the 18th century Tibetan Mandala tapestry, he told her that was where Beelzebub lived. Too bad she didnt realize, the evangelist was just trying to protect a political friend. And its too bad she burned the mandala. The Priests of Babylon are they, who drag the carpet from beneath the victims feet. So may we pray, that for their pains at violating our artistic souls, theyll be rewarded by a sojourn through the brambles. Well let them have their White Supremacist heaven, and wonder just how long it takes before they ask why Lucifers in charge. Back on earth, I notice that Virginies knees are bruised. Im too aware of the compromises shes made perhaps the reverse is true also. I cannot embrace her wholeheartedly, but I do sympathize. And we do help each other survive.


The stories she tells of her mothers living Hell make my gut feel like it has just been punched. The way he hounded her through law courts till she finally sickened and died. A man like that should be respected just because he is a father? As she tells her sad story, the Winds of Babel chatter about the 19th floor. A tide rushes up from the sea, and little floating demons fasten themselves to the window. These little demons are the seal-bearers of Great Gods whose names may not be spoken without fear. Theyre registered and trademarked. These names belong to persons who have a perpetual life. The casual eye would think that theyre just business interests but back in 1886, the United States Supreme Court made us burn incense to them. You may say what you will of Jehovah, or Jesus and his ilk. But watch how you speak of the Corporate Gods their lawyers will bring you to trial. And then you ask if the Vespucci have a state religion! Their Gods are co-substantial, and all conspire against the working man. When they see that we are not drunken on Babylons mystery wine they know that weve been sneaking out instead of going to church.



The Lost Continent

Emblem 7.


1 The Legal History

IIir Walter Raleigh was the first man in Christendom to do time for domestic violence. When HHhe got out on parole, the lady who was his judge, jury, and jailor demanded he go on a long journey, and found for her a colony in the New World. No doubt, during his time in the Tower, hed made acquaintance with felons whod be desperate enough to join in this adventure.

Hence a mere century later came all the thieves and highwaymen, just one step ahead of the hangman. Next came professional kidnappers with African cargoes for sale. Native police attempted to maintain law and order, but soon were overwhelmed by the wave of gang violence sweeping in from European cities. These immigrants brought with them the manners and the morals of their Gods. Like the Aztecs, they honored a Crucified Serpent who taught men of justice and mercy, but gave their actual service to a different God. Like Tezcatlipoca, this God also liked to feast on human hearts though he sternly disapproves of Tezcats table manners.


Woden doesnt like his sacrifices bloody. Hed rather keep his victims locked in debtors prison, so he can chew them up a little at a time.

Manners and Morals

anners and morals of Gods? Let us examine the immigrant. Here we have Dick Turpin, who goes to church when he has to, but who actually worships Woden. He prays to the God of the Gallows to save him from the noose and aid him in his works of treachery. Hes wanted in Southampton by agents of the Crown. But Turpins saved enough from stagecoach robbery to buy himself a passage to Virginia. Enough to also buy him two black slaves, and a large stretch of backwoods timberland. Those powdered wigs in parliament dont understand just what it takes to clear that land, using the threat of the lash and the fear of his pistol. Dick Turpin will never go bankrupt to make sure hes more than willing to offer up a slave or two to the European variant of Tezcat. But unlike Tezcat, who eats his hearts medium rare, the God of Treachery likes crispy critters. Hell work that slave in terror, feed him just enough to survive, till that poor slave understands that any death is better than this life. Then when that slave finally rebels hell become the example. The other slaves are going to hear him scream in agony for three days. Such morals might remind you of novels by de Sade. But Sades fiends were much milder than these hardheaded businessmen who worked their poor slaves to death. The sentiments of learned prostitutes on European shores could hardly comprehend the way Dick Turpins bullwhip writes revelation scripture on the flesh of darkskinned backs.


The Lost Continent


Western Empire

ouve come to Babylon now drink the wine thats pressed from living grapes. Its the land of the free and the equal, but its got a color problem. The wages of laborers arent too bad, except for a special class, the Black Class thats composed of chronic rebels. The ones who wont or cant accept the homogenized culture established by Turpins descendants. The ones who have betrayed the Land of Opportunity by refusing to believe in a happy future.
Twelve generations later, the scions of Turpins plantation declare a holy war against the gangs that bring a different medicine to school. Theyre already reverting to savage ways, with their pierced noses and their pagan rites. The fathers of these kids believed in progress once but theyre too busy working now to pay their child support. Except for those whove given up believing that theres anything to work for. The scions of Dick Turpin have melted down his whip, and sublimated it as a powder which they can sell on the street.

According to Zoroaster, the War between Good and Evil shall climax in the battle that ends the age. We ask then when the battle that shall end the age shall be. The answer is perplexing. The Empire seems to endure, but something has radically changed. Struggle that was the favorite word of the man who created the Third Reich. The average citizen of that unhappy land did not see the depth of the struggle he only saw the Fatherland in trouble. He responsibly accepted that certain liberal ideals could not be realized till the crisis of the Government had been resolved. He could not see the crisis had come because the Aryan Gods had arrived at their hour of downgoing. The Nuremberg tribunal surprised him he had not known



the air raid sirens were Gabriels trumpets of Judgement. The few who had perceived the War of the Forties as the death struggle of Gods in revolt against Allah they alone had vision. Europa fell from the bull that had raped her and carried her away. Did not Apocalyptic vision prophesy as much? She covered her bruised loins and learned to accept that she would live on as a harlot. Its funny, that little bitch managed to outlive the heroes of the Gotterdammerung. That harlot is crying her eyes out shes learned now the Accuser is the father of the Antichrist. She knows his legions march with Bibles in their hands. Shes seen the spell thats wrought with holy words, confounding the Sons of the Spirit. Meanwhile the Regulator Man is having the last laugh. That bitch is so ungrateful to her savior. He sees through her philosophies of doubt shes weak because shes always doubting God.

is efficiency. Now where has she heard that line before? Yeah, yeah, Mr. Marlborough, I know that youre a hero. Without you Id be speaking French and working for Napoleons syndicate. But Ill just see how proud you are, the next time that your bull throws you. Phillip Marlborough just doesnt answer. Why should he pay attention to a harlot? Europa understands this failure of attentiveness. Shes on the back of one more bull, and its carrying her away. The Beast just wont stop to let her get off. She knows that the next time she falls, she just might break her leg.

a a the Regulator S hes crying her Ieyes out, =andThe name of theMan is saying, Didnt tell you so? game

Down in Las Vegas, in the shadow of the slot machines, Mr. Ahura Mazda and a fellow by the name of Ahriman are keeping a rendezvous. The actress from


The Lost Continent

Rome is down on her knees, begging to God to forgive her for what she has seen. The slot machines offer oracles, while the preachers deny that John was the father of Marx.

Emblem 8.


s I was on my way to Van Diemans, preparing for another night shift in the graveyard, I happened to stop by the local pub. The bartender motioned me over to a stool beside a woman who was crying her eyes out.
This lady had quite a story. She didnt really want to work for those Protestant butchers over at TBN, but she needed to get her dates somewhere. Couldnt anybody see that the Church had become a Colosseum, and that the lions were loose? In the drama shes presently acting, all of the classical cultures have been devoured by Rome. But each day shes finding it harder to tell is shes onstage or offstage. It seems in either case, shes got to watch out for the lions. Shed like to think that men are more than just wild beasts. Why, then, when she called Shelly an angel, did her director tell her she needed to stop talking to demons? And what she should have told him she tells me. In theory she agrees youve got to stay away from


those demons. The only trouble is, if she didnt date them she wouldnt have a job the next day. Would I be willing to stand with her, to see if we couldnt face down those lions with traditions from the High Renaissance? Oh, she knows the Underground language. Her grandpad been a member of the group that strung ol Mussolini out on the clothesline. But isnt it appalling, the way that history always seems to repeat itself? Like the thing that they used to call Racial Socialism. The sad thing is, those kids know what theyre doing when they tattoo the swastika on their arms. Isnt it ironic, that when Adolf Hitler was trounced, it had to be by a nation whose politics were practically controlled by the KKK? But do you see the light in the Beasts belly? I ask her. You mean, do I see that the Beast was once a Lamb? she answers with a cry in her voice. Ive read about him also in the Manifesto. And from the Lambs head sprouted thirteen horns, which became one horn. Oh I would agree, dear Cynthia. It really is amazing, the way that that old Daniel script just keeps on repeating itself.

Something Fishy Here

abylon is being stirred by a new faith. Survivors groups who meet in the Catacombs keep a wary eye out for the local police as they teach their exotic theories of history. What if the earth could be destroyed? To those of us whove lived our lives in the shadow of the Terrible Bomb, this isnt such a radical concept but to the steadystate Romans, this belief that the wrath of an unseen God would someday wipe out the world seemed to be the ultimate in cynical misanthropy. To be sure, there was a very old story, known only to the Babylon High Priests. It had to do with the days when the Gods were young, and were still getting spanked by their Mommie. But one day Mommie went on a little trip, and ended in a very bad place.


The Lost Continent

An echo of that story formed the Mystery of the Greeks but the Athenians insist that it was Little Sister who ended up becoming Queen of Hell. The naturalist Greek Version makes it just sound like an Ice Age but the Babylonian original goes just a little bit further. The bull would not leap on the cow and the fields would not flower in spring. Everything was screeching to a great and terrible halt, till a savior by the name of Adonis jumped down into the Underworld, wrestled with the Great Crocodile, and saved Mommie from perdition. A wave of awful fear caught the throats of the Romans. What if the story was true? The bulls and the cows were clearly not getting along; all you could see in the City was one grand S&M orgy that just would not stop. The Grand Dominator was burning folks to death in his beergarden. His mistress died mysteriously. The recently deposed Prime Minister committed suicide while a cop stood in the courtyard. Well, maybe it was true, though the Grand Dominator could be pretty persuasive in asking them to deny it. There were certain implications of the Fishy Cult that nobody quite wanted to look at. If we were all equal in Gods eyes, wouldnt the slaves revolt? According to the Ancient Babylonians, there once had been a Great Tree, which had been owned by Mommie. In the subversive version of the Jewish Dissident, Mommie had not yet been redeemed. Meanwhile the Grand Dominator had gone out and chopped down Mommies tree, and put up his own statue in its place. The Fishy Cult protested this Great Conquest by refusing to burn incense to the Emperor.

Was a Teenage Donkey, written by a priest of Isis, has become the best-seller of the year. Its taking a lot of roses to keep down that fishy smell arising from the tenements of Rome. It might be


a little easier if history werent going downhill quite so fast. Jupiter might be money in the bank, but fishy sentiments are stirring misanthropic dreams, challenging the liberal interest. Of course our concept of the Gods has changed. Those things up in the heavens may be just big hot rocks, but men still need religion to bind them to the breast of the society. The Gods are not out there; theyre social corporations that give so much to those who give them sacrifice. Lucius of Apulius has a day job as one of the managing directors of the Egyptian State Bank. He also is one of those grand old men, the type we thought had disappeared when Caligula appointed his horse to fill a vacant seat in the Senate. During his youth Lucius actually tried on that subversive ethic which demands that we all live like the Proletarians. Or else go down to Hell. As Lucius has expressed it, the Fishy use of our fears of a terrible Afterlife is equivalent to the sort of spells which women of the courtesan class wield on their victims, aided by a psychedelic pharmacopeia. As Lucius has seen, weve got to get over these spells, but this can only be done by nibbling the roses of Isis. Fishy critics may say that Lucius has stolen their own sentiments, and that he is in fact no more than a relapsed Donkey. If that is true, then he must be accounted among the followers of the Gospel of Magdalen, which has fallen into disfavor since its bastardization by Simon the Magus. But Lucius will argue that the wisdom of the Magdalen derived from a more ancient source, and that her so-called harlotry referred to the fact that in her youth she had been a neophyte Sister of Isis. Implicitly, Lucius concedes that Corporations do have a right to our worship. If the people fail to give reverence to those Powers which define the economic base, then surely shall the Hairy Germans conquer. But if we are to uphold civilization, then each of the Great Corporations must acknowledge the redemptive power of those ideals which have formed their traditions.


The Lost Continent

espite the great diversity of their origins, all of our Corporate Persons uphold a common interest. They each have their Boards of Directors but one Director stands above all others. It only is appropriate that we should burn incense to him.

It only is the Fishy Folk wholl dare to disagree with the incense we burn to our Caesar. From the perspective of Lucius, its a sacrifice we must make for the sake of reason and sanity. When a post-traumatic majority begins to take control, society grows irrational, and reason ceases to be ruler of the spheres. We clearly can see this anxiety in the writings of the High Priest of Egypts state bank. From his perspective, the resurrection of a man from the grave isnt a solution, but a symptom. Even the great Gods are beginning to lose it.


When a man first begins to return from the tomb of his animal body, what has he got left? What is to save him from the Hell of his own post-traumatic madness? Can he look to society to save him? Not if that society has become a collective image of the Hell that it fears. Not when the lives of the emperors are being bought and sold, and the Corporate State is dominated by the only articulate body which can be drawn from an unlettered proletariat. Brought into the picture to enforce the dictates of High Capital, the Army of the Senate and the People soon became the arbiter controlling the cash flow. The empire became ruled by gladiators who fought each other for a temporary throne. The short-lived hero Aurelian conquered this Castle of Chaos in the name of the Bullfighters Union. Thankful


for salvation from Chaos, the civic-minded raised up an image of the Great Bullfighter on every great crossroad, and an alter in every field. The Roman streets were washed now with blood from the wounded Bulls neck.

Capital may have imagined that the Bullfighter could save its shrines from the wrath of the Crucified Prophet. But just about forty years later, the Great Bullfighter himself began wearing the Cross. The Military Machine had been taken over by the post-traumatic support network risen from the Catacombs. Dogma might project the Insurrection and the Revolutionary Tribunal into some future age when Christ would reincarnate but to the Third-Century Christian, Resurrection was an imminent reality. Soldiers flogged by nightmares, violated women, survivors of sexual rape, slaves in their throes of despair all of these followed Orpheus down into the Underworld. In crypts where the roar of the Stadiums lions brought ghosts of ancient senators alive, these post-traumatic shades died with John the Baptist. A candle was lit, and they looked on the sign of the Cross. It was a secret token, a revolutionary symbol. The therapy programs available to the Survivors Movement of the Third Century A.D., were tragically inadequate. As a result, The Church became pedophiledominated by the time it began to wield power but thats a story for another day.




The Lost Continent

Emblem 9.

The Stage


ou tell me that I need to talk about the pain.

Ostensibly, you are concerned for my sake. But then it gets to the bottom line: the reality comes down to cash flow. You practice the techniques that will increase your salary. Giving the appearance of compassionate empathy is one of them. I know its wrong of me to be so cynical. I see the burning world lusting for deification. But then, when I turn to the mountains, I know that God likes to play tricks. Being created in His image, we naturally are tricksters, therefore: charlatans and hypocrites. The fact that were all living on pretenses isnt that what gives our denial its glamor? Were each one just playing a role; we wont know till after were dead if weve played well enough to redeem it. Every so often, one of the props reminds us of the stage we are on. For example, I once had a pair of hiking boots. That was back when I was living in Darshishkan. Then came a few sudden moves, and I lost track of the boots. I suppose the boots were dear to me because they reminded me of the world I had lost. It came to me so clearly, as I was working out here on the docks. One of the secretaries in the Longshoring office gave me a look, reminded me of Ninianne, all of the women whove died.


So now we get back to the boots. I stopped back by the longshoring office on an errand, after the hall had cleared out. That pretty secretary was gone, but there in one of the corners I found a pair of boots that looked just like the ones that Id worn back in Darshishkan. Only, one of these boots had a nail sticking up through the sole. I decided Id been walking on that nail long enough, so I pulled it out. When I got home, I still had the boots, which I put on just for old times sake. The next day I wore them to work. And Im still wearing them, whenever I work on the docks.


On the Docks
ith my back to the woman I love, I look on a darkening sea.

The water thats lapping in shadows reflects a thought to me. Perhaps she is only a shield I put between me and my Deathwish. If I really analyzed Renata, Id probably find that she is just a cardboard image. But then, were onstage so a cardboard image will work, so long as my Deathwish and I agree. If I had faith that she was real, Id take the road out West. Or would I? Would that amount to keeping her hostage till God and my Deathwish had bargained? Just nudge me a little bit, God, tell me my passions acceptable, and Ill be out of here on the next train. Should I pray about this passion? Maybe I should ask Cynthia. Shes a good Christian woman. But then, maybe she isnt ready. Right now she needs more sympathy than shes getting out of her prayer group. I know that Im only her pretext for lighting a fire under her kettle and preparing tea. Actress that Cynthia is, I know that shell shake me off, sooner or later. That will be my cue that its time to go West. In any case, Ill need to save up some money before I go out on safari. Maybe I should give it time to see if the Coyote Bitch tries to send a signal back to me. To flee these thoughts, I look into the dirty harbor waters. A Dairy God and a Meat-Packing God both peek at


The Lost Continent

me through the wrappers that litter the dockside pier. I wonder which one of these Gods owns the trademark on the word Love. I watch the crates of unmolded plastic and pre-made backgrounds as theyre lifted from the hold. I know that Lot ODots is too small a God to hold out much longer ; Jersey boys wont work for the wages they pay out in Singapore. The Big Gods wont give us a ten-year plan, even though they know how desperately were racing those same Asians we buy our materials from. I look on a darkening sea, listen to a snickering wind. The ghostly sound of the waves rocking the creosote quay resurrects the shades. The ghost of a cargo that was bound for this port in 1792 is brought forth from the Flying Dutchmans hold. So many reforms have come and gone but where the auction block once stood I still hear the chains rattle.

The Carousel

ew Years resolution: Im finally going to talk to the shrink, about the thorns that Renata and I just keep on dragging each other through.
As goes the common saying, Ive known her flesh, and she has known mine. And yet I still find myself asking can that woman be real? And for that matter, am I? I ended my therapy yesterday with the rather bold assertion that certain scars on my body had come into being through spontaneous generation. My therapist brought up the big word, dissociation, In the therapists vocabulary, dissociation turns out to be a sort of a disease. Of course I know, its a way of denying the pain. But isnt there a space and time when this capacity for dissociating from the pain has a definite survival value? What about the trances of the yogins? Of course I didnt say that youve got to be numb in order to survive on your continent. I know that your constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishments. It

Jan, 2008


therefore follows, doesnt it, that all of the tortures Ive suffered are torments Ive inflicted on myself? Of course, the one scar on my arse, the brand that has Renatas initials surrounded by a heart the woman I dont quite believe in did that with a soldering iron. I should probably take that as evidence she really does exist. But then again, perhaps its all illusion. Or in any case, its natural to think so when one has been betrayed so deeply that dissociation has become the mode in which ones consciousness works best. I know it isnt healthy to fantasize that one has powerful enemies. Putting the blame on the wicked is one of the worst ways of evading reality. Its one more way of avoiding our mortal need for reciprocity. So I shall just go on believing that the scars in my flesh are stigmata wounds that developed spontaneously when I was lost in nights of paranoia.



The Lost Continent

Emblem 10.

The Baptist
you be my vice, my dear?" asks Cynthia. "Or shall I have to settle for having an affair with Martini?" I know that shes upset. I try to moralize: seducing me by invoking my fears for her sobriety that doesnt seem quite fair. You were the one who told me, we only get out of the grave when we learn how to bargain with God. Her red taunting lips enchant me. Beneath, a plunging neckline invites me to fall in. If youll walk me home, she urges, I wont get drunk tonight. So were out the back door and into the rain, on the way to her apartment. Im trying to imagine what a Christian girl like Cynthia would need a man like me for. I guess its compensation. We walk along without an umbrella; She chatters; Id probably be attentive to anything her lips could say. But whats this she is saying, about her husbands drinking buddy, and what a male chauvinist pig he turned out to be? Is she trying to tell me that shes really a closet lezzie, and that I am just the token man in the cast of her feminist love life?


No, but what she is telling me, is that shes found out that her husbands friend has been playing with boys. No one would believe it hes the minister at one of the biggest churches. But when he goes counseling 6th graders, the game that they play isnt baseball. What do you expect? I answer Cynthia. His job makes him lie about God. He slanders all of the Prophets except for Jesus, and turns Jesus into his patsy. What sort of morality could you expect from a man like that? And after all of those sermons hes preached about Dungeons and Dragons! she howls indignantly. Who ever would have guessed that he was the biggest Dragon of them all? A Dragon whos appealing the judgement that gave him nineteen years in the State Dungeon!

Were climbing up the stairs this is where she moved when she got away from her husband. Oh, hes a psychiatrist, she tells me, but I cant stand the way that he does women. I thought that by looking in church, I could find something better. Then I found out he was just there to learn the language, because on the average, the folks who go to church have better incomes. Well, Cynthia, what do you expect? The Church thinks it invented Virgin Mary? How can it think that, and still say that the Word was with God from the very beginning? But missionaries go into lands where folks worshipped the Saints and Mary when Carthage was still a young city, and tell the black people that they are under a curse because their ancestors were heathen. All of the Korans Warners told us to expect that kind of missionary. But I thought Muslims had to be male chauvinists, Cynthia recoils. As I explain to her, I am a Sufi. Im not quite sure that I want to be identified with what Muslim has come to imply. Oh, Ive been there! she gasps, with sudden recognition.


The Lost Continent

Suddenly were both laughing wildly, arm in arm, arms behind each others backs, helping each other up the narrow stairway. This common wound were discovered has riveted us together. We could not escape if we tried.

Fallen Angel
er sheets feel so cool, and her flesh is so warm, as we lie together naked after the fall. The gravity of a common wound has drawn us a little beyond the zone of just crumpets and tea.
Youve helped me to understand something I never could follow in Ovid, I explain. Cynthia fastens wide blue eyes on me; their New York accent is demanding more! More about Orpheus and John. Of course. Orpheus must have been a Warner, a Messenger sent down to revive human souls from The Grave. But weve caught Ovid, just like the preachers analyst, giving information to the enemy and selling his disinformation on the free market. In one of his passages Ovid declared that Orpheus, in his deep sorrow for Eurydice, began to go chasing after boys. What Cynthias just told me about her husbands friend has given me eyes to see. It wasnt Orpheus who debased himself as a pedophile, but all of the Baptists about him. At least youre an adult, Cynthia whispers gratefully. I graze upon her pretty breasts and nod, wondering what surprises Ill find when I start to look at her scars. It isnt a new problem. I stumble, attempting to cheer her. Pedophiles have been in the church since Paul first converted the Acropolis. Thats why your Christian morality cut its teeth on a hatred of sex. Maybe were enabling each other in a sexual addiction. Sooner or later, my fascination with Renata will drag me like a magnet, out of Ninevah. I also know, that Cynthia will stay. The thought of that future parting presses my breast more closely against hers. Right now were two frightened soldiers. Each day weve seen fresh



evidence that people are expendable out here. Because we know Death leads the dance, we desperately need a comfort zone. I once believed this maladay could have a simple cure. I had only to make a pilgrimmage to the limit of my endurance I then could die honorably. But now I lie uneasily in Cynthias bed, with her arms wrapped tightly about me. Well soon both get the heartbreak we deserve for bargaining with God. I know I deserve to be flogged; when I fell for this woman God tricked me to fetch my own switch. But tonight I find her skin so smooth, and her nipples so aluring. I know shes going to hurt me but I feel so at peace. Gods mercy lies in the fact Hes letting me fall in love before I submit to the lash. Besides this bridge of heartbreak is one more station I must cross if Id ever stand by Renatas side. _9_ 2.

Oh, Yes, Its Been War!

Oh, yes, has it been war! declares Virginie. When youve just got a little bit, and you want to keep it, youll find that its kill or be killed. The glare of her coal gas lanterns is reflected and refracted in cut glass. In that rather limited light, I was coming to realizations. The power is out tonight on account of an accident at the local station. Magnetic waves emanating from the high voltage lines drew another time-warp into a sort of tectonic collision. Ninevah has in consequence been drenched by reminiscience of a time when a coal gas lantern was the best night light you could get. In those days the Van Dieman family had black footmen trained to say yessir and nossir, and how would you like to be served, oh beloved master? But then that hair-brained Edison started selling the Ahura Mazda light. Electrification brought rebellion, unions, and finally civil rights. Each step of the way the servant demanded a


The Lost Continent

bigger bribe nowdays if you put him in his place hell sue you for racial harassment. A pity it was for the fine old Van Dieman family, that operating as they were on the verge of a corporate bankruptcy, they couldnt afford a genuine Black. Had to make do with a Puerto Rican welfare mother whod come in for two days a week to vacuum and launder the sheets. Insofar as the last genuine Black had taken a permanent leave in 1972, Virginie had to be the one to carry in the dinner from the stove.

How Civilization Declines

As soon as women got the vote, the first thing they did was get us into that prohibition nonsense. Van Dieman lectures, as his daughter serves up the casserole. Then when that got repealed things got even worse they repealed our right to Black servants. Its no wonder all of the men out there have pierced noses, and that liberated women are leading those pierced noses on a chain. Plato told us how civilization declines, the Patriarch continues. In the beginning you have the Aristocratic Man. Hes finicky about his honor; this creates a very stable sense of law and order. That was the mentality which controlled Atlantis before the cursed war between its States. Then with the fall of Dixie, you had democracy in Platos meaning, dirty politics, and even the little bit of honor that was left went out when the women took over. Now weve got what Plato was afraid of a generation that not only knows how to lie and cheat, but which believes that cheating is the norm.

Is this what makes the world go around? I know that Van Dieman claims that he believes in love and maybe his sort of passion is what the world had to call love, back in the 14th Century. But whenever he speaks of his passions, hes always so self-righteous. Is love nothing more than the glamour that solaces the slave, in the moment he bends to be flogged? Is it true


we can only be saved from original sin by pain we can barely endure? Van Dieman did love once, if love is what you could call it. Hurricane romance, fallen trees, broken windows, beached ships, broken arm, divorce Wouldnt you know, after giving us the prohibition, now the women would turn to carrying bootleg liquor, getting their men into trouble whenever they had the chance. Shed taken him down, from being a professor in the upstate girls college, to the wrecking yard where he got busted for selling stolen parts. To get back at her like she needed, hed practically had to become a lawyer. For nearly 30 years, theyd gone at it in almost all the district courtrooms up the river. By Cynthias logic, hes the image of the Beast. The way he destroyed that woman? That was something Plato didnt want to talk about. All of those classical philosophers had a real nerve, making up high-sounding theories on ethics and decline, but all the while going along with the conspiracy to silence and enslave their women. I guess if Van Dieman saw me now hed think I had a pierced nose, and that my lust was dragging me by a chain. I know that those men are fools indeed who just can see the rose and not the thorn. We who have tuned our guitars by the ancient tradition of Mary respect love: shes a cruel dancing master, but no one can teach better. The way that Cynthia rides me now, as she spanks my flank with her hairbrush that sure gives me a feeling of what it is like to be taken for a ride by a creature with a lust for power. Then she leads me on into confession, and there we are, right in the Catacombs, confessing our aversion to the sort of Imperial Republic in which every interaction becomes a power struggle. Were crying together in our cruel bed. I bend to be chastened by thorns; in each of Cynthias nipples I see the karmic wheel. We who lust for power are bound to be conquered in love. Will the whipping weve given each other sweeten our adultery in the eyes of the angels? Perhaps it may, if we but learn that love is an ordeal to be endured without resentment. If we would give thanks to the Conquering Muse, who lets love be the lash by which were chastised for our arrogance.


The Lost Continent

Emblem 11-.



fly with me across the Gulf of Hell. Ill do the piloting and the writing; you can photograph maybe when we get back we can sell the results to the National Geographic. The Gulf of Hell lies up there on the map, on the other side of Montana. Up there where the white mountains march every which way, flanking in uneven formations to bar our way to the Northwest Passage. Once weve flown over those mountains, well find a place where smoke rises. Down below, in a time-warp that cuts back to the 30's, an overlarded orator speaks of the Aryan Race. Lets dine with the Swiss cheff who thought the Wild West was fantasy, until he saw the army supply trucks drive through. Theres something theyre looking for up in those piney hills. No, mam, I dont think it was a flying saucer, and I dont think theyre looking for Bigfoot. The dude that the snipers are hunting almost was our sheriff. Oh yes, mam. He ran in 1988 as the conservative candidate. Maybe thats why they wanted to get him.



He surely is a coward who wont say civil war, the Orator proclaims as he declares his own war against the United States Government. As surely as all the community property states save California came out of what was once called Louisiana, this dude came out of some bayou, and a polluted one at that. Hes a water-moccasin standing where only the moccasins of Chief Josephs descendants should dare to stand.

In June of 1858, a steamer by the name of Pennsylvania burst a boiler A burning paddlewheeler drifted down the river; the ladies of Memphis tried to revive the scalded men who lay in the public dance-hall. A cub named Samuel Clemens, whod recently been kicked off that same boat for fighting with the pilot, watched his brother die. Some years later, a newspaper reporter by the same name tries to put the pieces back together once again. A river that is called the Mississippi still flows, but it is not the same river on which he had once learned to pilot. Thered been a war and afterwards, everything had changed. We remember the years like 1858 or 1912 as though they were rare vintage wine. There may be catastrophe hidden, but we dont understand its significance. Its only when we try to reconstruct, that we can begin to appreciate the wreck. Perhaps thats the way well come in the end to see 1993. Well look back on attitudes and life-styles which in retrospect shall seem timeless. Well follow as Hillary Clinton campaigns for health-care reform, back when we actually believed in the political system. Maybe its a different river because we arent the cubs any longer. Its funny how the folks who live along the river now remember the things we didnt see. We were vaguely concerned about the subterranean wave of senseless


violence, but we kept a stiff lip as we commanded each other to have a good day. Its funny how the invisible plague always spared the adults and only took the children. We remember the cafe lounges. As we play the old music we remember the foolishly hopeless romances. It was a lifestyle that believed in forever and a day. Business was good, the stock market was riding the strong back of a bull but why are there guns in the schools? Of course, the historians will also note unsettling health statistics the AIDS, virus, new strains of hepatitis, new and more virulent forms of tuberculosis. And well wonder if those visible plagues were riding on the back of a much more formidable malaise. Why didnt we notice the angry and desperate men hidden away on normal looking farms, mixing with the homeless, slowly developing a dominant role in the drug trade? Why is it that men who were officers in arms of the Federal Government now cultivate a superstitious hatred of all that has bound us together in the social contract? In retrospect well wonder why we were so unwilling to see what the kids saw. But then, in the summer of 1912, who would have dared to dream some mad Serbs pistolshot would make the nations kingless? SSS SSS

The Lost Continent


About the Author

Matt Cygny is a Westerner, having been born in Washington State shortly after the end of World War II. He Studied psychology and comparative civilization at The Evergreen State College in Washington and California State University at Sonoma. During his graduate period he became personally acquainted with several of the surviving Beat poets. He has served as an associate editor for Aristos Literary Quarterly, and for the South Sound edition of The Raven Chronicles. Matt has been extensively involved as a community activist in the development of Survivor's Groups and Domestic Violence treatment and advocacy programs. He presently works as a Diversity Educator, and is committed to the emergence of a School of Human Ecology, which will recognize each culture of the world as a valid path yto the realization of the Great "I and I."


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