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Facts & Figures for November 11, 2012 Attendance (144 and 123)...........................267 Sunday School........106 General Fund Receipts.......$6,835.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$455.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School..$1,006.79 Non-Budget Funds Receipts......$5,126.00 Facts & Figures as of October 31, 2012 YTD Budget Receipts.........$390,901.41 YTD Budget Expenses...$377,418.90 Net Receipts over Expenses$13,482.90 Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

Volume 2012
Announcements Snapshots from Sondra

The Stillwater Christian

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November 13

In This Issue

OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING THIS THURSDAY Nov 15th at 7:30pm Small Fellowship Hall

Stewardship Campaign A Success! Although we received fewer pledges than last year, based on the Trustees Children & Youth 3 calculations, we will fully fund the recommended budget of $481,000. This Birthdays & 3 budget will be discussed and voted on at this Thursday's Official Board Meeting, and pending approval by the Board, it will be voted on at a conAnniversaries Facts & Figures 4 gregational meeting on December 9th. Thanks again to Tracy Freeman, Owen Cayton and Kay Smith for their help with this year's campaign. And a special thanks to everyone who turned in a pledge for the 2013 general budget. Jim Rutledge, Board Chair. Wednesday Night Fellowship, Wednesday 6:00pm Menu: Stuffed bell peppers, baked macaroni and cheese, minestrone soup, salad, bread, meatballs for the kids, and a yummy dessert Classes begin at 6:30. This week learn sign language for How Great is Our God, Bible Study, knitting, and sit and socialize. This is our last class for this session. WNF will resume January 9th. FCC Thanksgiving Service and Dinner, This Sunday! The schedule for the day is: Sunday School at 9:30, Combined Service at 10:30, and then Dinner served at 11:30. The turkey is provided, and you are invited to bring a dish to share. In order to have a variety of foods, please bring a dish according to the first letter of your last name: A-G: Bread or rolls H-L: potato, rice, noodle dish M-R Fruit or Vegetable salads, S-Z: Desserts. Share a Thanksgiving Thought In preparation for our Thanksgiving worship on Sunday, you are invited to think with your family or a group of friends about special gifts, blessings, or surprises you have experienced in the past year. Take a moment and make a list or write down the stories, and be ready to share them as a part of our worship as we give thanks to God! Thanks! Thanksgiving Offering to be Taken Again This Sunday This offering is collected by Disciples churches everywhere to benefit educational institutions. Please give as you are able. Thank You Note from Helping Hands Neighbor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I so want to express my gratitude at your generous help with putting $75.00 [toward] my ONG service. It was just at the perfect time! I have been out of natural gas service for one month...May you all, and your families, be greatly blessed, even as you have been a blessing to me!
Join us this Sunday for a special combined Thanksgiving Service and Dinner Sunday School 9:30 Combined Service 10:30 Dinner 11:30

Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: FCC in Luther WE ARE CURRENTLY COLLECTING ITEMS FOR THE CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS STORE The Store will be open on Dec. 1st. If you have items youd like to donate, please bring them to the church office ASAP. Suggestions are jewelry, trinkets, toys, etc. All items will be priced at $20.00 or less.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517


The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

Send prayer requests and general email to

Snap shots from Sondra

Children/Youth Ministry Director


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

This weekend I attended Quahal/Koinonia Regional Chi Rho/CYF retreat in Anadarko along with 22 other participants from FCC, Stillwater. Nearly 200 Disciples youth and sponsors from throughout the region gathered for this event. This weekend, Dr. Nancy Pitman, the keynote speaker, from Phillips Theological Seminary stated that we see the face of God in acts of love. I believe God is not far away; He is all around us. He is very near, yet we often miss sensing His presence because of the many distractions of the day. Sometimes getting away for the weekend, and breaking from our normal routine heightens our awareness to the presence of God. God was certainly present this weekend. Two girls in our group had never attended a youth retreat or church camp of any sort. They were both extremely excited about the weekend. Their positive attitudes and cheerful spirits were amazingly uplifting and encouraging. Allysa is new to our church, she was invited by her friend Olivia Traylor. Allysa told me numerous times how much she appreciated the opportunity to experience the retreat. Everything that came out of her mouth was positive. Over and over again she told me she loved me and loved being a part of the retreat. She asked often what other opportunities would be available for her. Late Saturday afternoon Dr. Nancy, the keynote speaker stopped me and asked me if Dayne Bruce and Brendan Goad were really as great as they seemed in her Bible study course. Six of the 200 students at the retreat attended the Bible study option on the Book of Revelation, only two of those six were Chi Rho students; Dayne and Brendan. She was so impressed with them. I assured her they really were that great as were all of the youth from FCC, Stillwater. We are a blessed congregation. There has been controversy over moving locations for church camps. So many people hold fond memories of their camp experiences and they are certain the places or locations of those experiences must be sacred and holy. Let me assure you that God is in all places. He works in a variety of ways through a variety of circumstances. We may not all hold dear the location of church camp, but most of us are guilty of making a similar error. We expect God to work the way we want Him to work in the places we hold dear. I wonder how often God stares us in the face and we miss seeing or sensing His presence. My prayer for this congregation is an awareness of God moving in and among us. He is present and faithful. He is here, NOW. He works in mysterious ways but He is working. May He open our eyes and help us not only to see Him but also to share Him with a world in need. There are lots of Allysas in this community; those desperately seeking opportunities to connect with God through people and experiences. God is in this place. Find Him and then share Him, knowing, its the reason you were created. Hug one of our FCC children or youth this week, tell them you are proud of them; let them know they are valued and loved. In doing so, you just might see the face of God.

Childrens Worship and Wonder this Sunday Amy and Sydney Goad will be the storytellers for Childrens Worship and Wonder on Sunday. Buy Flowers, Support Jamaica Mission FCC Jamaica Mission team members are selling flower cards. The cards are $20 each and you get a bouquet of fresh flowers each month for a year from Little Shop of Flowers. 12 bouquets of flowers for $20! Its a great deal for you and for us. Each of the 81 members of the mission team has 4 flower cards to sell. Please contact members of the team if you would be interesting in purchasing a card. More Apple Pies to Purchase! The apple pies in the freezer sold SO FAST! We were certain that some of you were unable to purchase. During the original assembly we ran out of shortening, so several of us gathered on Monday afternoon and worked to assemble additional pies! The freezer is once again stocked with delicious apple pies. They are available FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and are $12 each. With the holidays just around the corner, we suggest you get your apple pie SOON. Thanks so much to the amazing volunteers who donated additional time to help us fulfill this need! Final Football Parking Event The final home football game is this Saturday. This is your last chance to work football parking. If you have not volunteered and would like to do so, contact Sondra ASAP!

The group of youth and adults had a wonderful weekend at the Qahal/Koinonia 2012 Fall Retreat!
CWF News Groups (Sarah and Ruth) will not meet in November. Also, please remember the general CWF meeting on December 5th. Rick Hendricks will be presenting a Christmas story. Happy Birthday to: 11/14 Mel Nance, Gary Varnell; 11/15 Judy Hutchison, Brandon Smith; 11/17 Gage Baker; 11/18 Nancy Trench; 11/19 Ruth Sturgeon, Kathy Campbell; 11/20 Barbara Adams, Matt Hiner Happy Anniversary to: 11/14 Burl and Rena Carrier; 11/15 Greg and Jill Boyd; 11/17 Ted Peeper and Rebecca Perry

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