PBC Bulletin - October 7 2012

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Our Life Together: 7th - 14th October 2012

Sunday 7th
7:30pm Jules Riding Concert at PBC 10:00am Communion Service followed by supper Includes Christmas Child Dedication Speaker: Robert Hough Thursday 11th 11:30am Morning Tea 9:00am KYB at Lois Browns 2:00pm Harbourside Lodge Service 7:30pm Special Prayer for a Pastor at Church House

Wednesday 10th

Enjoying God, Blessing Others

Sunday 7th October 2012

A warm Welcome to all, especially our Guest Speaker Pastor Robert Hough and his wife, Sylvia and to all our visitors. Please join us for fellowship over a cuppa in the hall after the service.

Monday 8th
7:30pm Deacons Meeting

Friday 12th

Tuesday 9th
9:30am Walking Group 10:30am Prayer at Church House 12:00-2:00pm Christmas Child Drop-Off Centre at the Hall 2:00pm BWF Meeting at the Hall 7:30pm Home Group at the Heins

9.30am Walking Group 7:30pm FUEL Youth - Classic Games Night at the Hall

Sunday 14th

9:00am Music Practice 10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6) Speaker: Laurance Hose 11:30am Morning Tea 5:00pm FUEL Study at P&J Adams

Samaritans Purse Christmas Child Dedication

This Morning:

Our Upcoming Highlights

Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication: This morning Harbourside Lodge Monthly Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm Deacons Meeting in the Church House: Tomorrow - 7.30pm BWF Meeting at the Hall: This Tuesday 9th - 2:00pm Jules Riding Concert at PBC: Wednesday October 10th - 7:30pm Special PSC Prayer Time at Church House: Every Thursday - 7:30pm FUEL Youth - Classic Games Night: Next Friday 12th - 7:30pm Upwelling Festival - MSG Market Day: Saturday 3rd November Secretary: Deacons:
Nathan McLean 0429 691 477 Doug Smith 5523 6950 Glenn Sobey 5529 2439 Jan Westlake 5523 3639 Glenn Sobey Dianne Adams 5523 6202 PO Box 574 Paul Adams 5521 1875 Portland 3305 David Hein 5523 3958 Ph: 5529 2439 (Treasurer) M: 0409 258 135 tractor_commander@hotmail.com


notices in the bulletin, please contact Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email crouchcastle@hotkey.net.au by 10am Thursdays. Thank you.

Roster 14th October 2012

Door Greeting: Lee Caddick Door & Offering: Len Caddick Childrens Talk: Stuart Brown Media Desk: Morning Tea: Laurel, Glenn Mibus D Hobbs Lawns & Garden: Atwell Ch House Clean: D. Wulff Church Cleaning: Malseed Hall/Kitchen Clean: Atwell

Thank you to everyone

Loaves & Fishes

for your faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; soup; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer basket or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .

Offering Counting: M Atwell &

Our website: www.portlandbaptist.org.au

Many thanks to our Guest Speaker this morning, Pastor Robert Hough from Shepparton. Many people will remember Robert and Sylvia from their ministry at Portland Church of Christ 20 years ago and we are very pleased to welcome them here this morning. Were also thinking of David and Ruth, trusting they are enjoying their two-week break. Special Congratulations to David, who is celebrating his 65th Birthday Today!! May God bless you, David, we hope you both have a wonderful time with your family.

Pastoral News

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

August Offering total: Monthly Budget: Weekly Target: Weekly Average Week Week Week Week Week 29th July 5th August 12th August 19th August 26th August $11,070 $15,150 $ 3,500 $ 2,947 $2,493 $2,508 $2,256 $3,360 $2,600

Please continue to pray for those with ongoing health needs - Stuart Oakley; Matthew Harris; Neil Mitchell; Colin Colston Phillip Brown; Peter Berry. Prayer support for the families of all these folk. David & Ruth - taking a refreshing break, returning on October 21st Our Pastoral Search Committee Gods blessing on their search Safe travel - all those on holidays Monday Norm & Karen Roberts - Global InterAction, Northern Territory Tuesday Gerard & Heather Rayside - Vietnam Wednesday Ian and Wendy Cathie - leaving for China and Mongolia next Sunday prayer for safe travel Thursday Steve & Glenda Venz - Malawi Friday Harare Baptist Church, Zimbabwe Saturday Brian & Katrina Walker - HCJB Kununurra, WA Sunday Our neighbours - yours and mine whom Jesus commanded us to love

(avg. from 1st July 2012)

Church directory
Check this out TODAY! The final draft is available to view this morning. Last chance to make sure your entry is correct and included! Please advise Jolene ASAP if there are any alterations to your listing.


Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Special cheers for Marie Wilson on the arrival of her newest great -grandchild! Ruby Ruth is the daughter of Tanya and Darren and a little sister for Caleb and Max. We ask Gods blessing on this little one and her family.

Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869

Building Fund
August Donations:
$ 1,335 Current available balance: $113,002

Offering Envelopes 2013

It will soon be time to order offering envelopes for the coming year. Would everyone please let Glenn Sobey or David Hein know - as soon as possible - if you would like a box of envelopes for your personal use. Thank you.

Home Groups
Mibus Home Group will resume their studies on Wednesday week, October 17th. Would all members of Home Groups please check with your leaders when your studies resume.

All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes which are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044

Lets press on in faith!


Music Practice

Samaritans Purse 2012: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection & Dedication
Thank you to everyone who is supporting Operation Christmas Child this year, a great ministry of Samaritans Purse. This morning we pray for the children and communities who receive the gifts, and praise God for his light shining on families in countries where life is hard.

Would all Worship Team people please note that there will be Harbourside Lodge Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm no music practice tomorrow, October Deacons Meeting at Church House: 8th. Instead the team will be Tomorrow - 7:30pm practicing at 9:00am next Sunday 14th. Thank you. Walking Group - Ladies and Men:
Tuesdays & Fridays - 9:30am Prayer Meeting at Church House: Every Tuesday - 10:30am Our weekly Prayer Group meeting is held each Tuesday at the Church House from 10:30-11:30am. Everyone is encouraged to join in Special Concert at PBC - featuring this vital ministry. You will find a Jules Riding : This Wednesday 10th October - 7:30pm very warm welcome there! And dont forget - special Prayer Special PSC Prayer Time at Church time on Thursdays at 7:30pm when House: Every Thursday - 7:30pm we pray specifically for the new FUEL Youth - Classic Games Night: full-time Pastor who God has been preparing for us. Friday October 12th - 7:30pm BWF Meeting in the Hall: This Tuesday October 9th - 2:00pm FUEL Study at Paul & Jolene Adams: resumes next Sunday, 14th October - 5:00pm

Please also note that our church hall will be the Portland district DropOff Centre - open for collection from 12:00-2:00pm on Tuesday October 2nd, 9th or 16th, plus Sundays after church until October 21st. Any boxes completed after today may still be handed into the Drop-Off Centre at these times, or call Mark (0407 541 760), Robyn (5521 1562) or Wilma (5523 3595) with any queries. Boxes and leaflets/ envelopes are still available in the foyer and downstairs. Processing Volunteers ~ If you will be in Melbourne and can spare a few hours, the Christmas Child Processing Centre would like volunteers to prepare shoe boxes for their overseas journey. See Robyn, Mark or Wilma for details, or phone 1800 684 300.


FUEL Youth
Classic games night!!
NEXT Friday, 12th October - 7:30pm
The best of the best and vintage youth group games! 7:30-9:30 at the hall Cost $4.
Queries? Call your fearless leaders: Paul & Jolene Adams 0403 119 289 [P] or 0413 370 537 [J] or Brad Holman 0448 259 394

Parents are welcome to Upwelling Festival & Market: use the Parents room Saturday November 3rd - see separate just off the foyer, with notice activities for children up to 2 years, if your child is Annual General Meeting/AGM: unsettled. It is sound-linked Sunday November 25th - 12:30pm to the auditorium. The Preschooler Sunday School Portlands Town Christmas Carol runs throughout the service, Service: Sunday December 9th with Bible stories, activities and crafts. For ages 2 years to Prep, downstairs (door just past side gate).

Baptist Womens Fellowship

Tuesday 9th - 2:00pm
BWF will be held in the Hall this Tuesday, 9th October at 2:00pm. Our Guest Speaker, Robyn Dalliston will share with us her trip and experience of Israel. The Word for the day is Creator. All ladies are welcome to join us, we love to see new members or visitors. Afternoon Tea provided and the Trading Table is available. Please contact Eunice for more details (5523 1613).

Harbourside Lodge Service

Our monthly service for Harbourside Lodge residents will be held this afternoon at 2.00pm. Please pray for the residents and for our faithful friends providing this special ministry.

Mission News
There are limited copies of the Slavic Gospel News and Wycliffes Associate Action newsletters available on the missions table downstairs. Please take a copy but return it soon so others can read it as well.

at Portland Baptist Church
Wednesday October 10th - 7:30pm New Zealand singer/songwriter

Thank you to those who came along to support the youth so they can continue their activities for the kids of Portland.

Special thanks to Brad, Jared and the young people who carried on the tradition of Grand Final Arvo at the hall last Saturday. Although the weather kept a few people away it was a great afternoon with new challenges, plenty of fun and hot pies!

Jules Riding
NB: Would PBC folk please bring supper. Entry by donation. See Helen Sobey for more information.

~ Missions & Building Fund Special Event ~

Saturday 3rd November at the Foreshore!
Upwelling Festival 2012

PBC: Cake Stall, BBQ & Donuts

Now a well-loved traditional PBC Annual Event, its a great combined church family effort so we are hoping for your help, donations and prayers again. All donations of baked goods, produce, jams etc will be gratefully accepted. We also need teams of Cake Stall helpers; BBQ cooks/servers; Donut cooks/servers; setters-up and planners. See Debbie, Wilma or Brad, thank you! Unfortunately there wont be a quilt show this year due to a shortage of helpers, but we will try to make it happen next year bigger and better than ever.

AGM - a Note for your Diary

We are approaching that time when we have to plan for our Annual General meeting. We are planning to hold our meeting at 12:30pm on Sunday 25th November after church and a shared lunch. Would all the ministry leaders please provide your reports to Wilma or Roger Crouch no later than Sunday 4th November, so that they can collate and prepare the consolidated annual report. If possible please provide the report electronically (email: crouchcastle@hotkey.net.au.)

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