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Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting on November 8,2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Community Hall, Billings, Missouri


Monroe Thomas Rufer Pierce


Present Present Present Present Present


Present were: Mayor W, J, Walker, Treasurer Chris Hopkins, Water & Sewer Maint. Supt. Mike Lewis, Chief David Taylor, Animal Control Officer Randy Poindexter. Attorney Jim Kelly, Katrina Bostick and City Clerk Ruth M. Haskins.

Citizens and guests present: Karl Cuschieri, John Patton, Tony Taylor, Jerrie Woods, Tammy Taylor, Chris Snyder of Allied Waste, Les Gardner, C.A. Simmons of Simmons Engineering, Diana Travis, David Rauch, Joshua Hicks, Brady Brite of Headliner News, Christine Parks.

Mayor Walker opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC PARTICATION. Mayor Walker asked if there was any one that is not on the agenda that would like to speak. Diana Travis asked to speak. Mrs. Travis stated she had received a notice to abatement the three vehicles on her property that were not licensed or operational. Two of the car are classic vehicles they have been there for eleven years, she was told as long as they were not visible that was fine. However, the tree trimmers from Empire destroyed the cover for the two cars, She has called Empire; they are supposed to do something about a fence. Mrs. Travis needs more time to get fence up. The Jeep sitting in driveway cannot get fixed. Motion by Pierce to extend time limit to January 1,2013 to Diana Travis seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.
Mayor Walker asked for a motion to go into Closed Session Pursuant to RSMo 610.021(I) litigation between intergovernmental body and their Attorney. Motion made by Thomas that the Board go into Closed Session Pursuant to RSMo 610.021(1) litigation, seconded by VanZandt. ROLL CALL VOTE TAKEN: Rufer Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye

Vanzandt Thomas Monroe Pierce

Meeting is closed to the Public.

Mayor Walker asked the Public to leave the meeting, stated they would be as fast possible.
Reopen Regular Session.


Review of Minutes for the October ll,2012 Regular Session Board Meeting. Motion made by YanZandt to accept the Minutes as written seconded by Monroe. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce and VanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Review of Minutes for the October 11,2012 Closed Session Board Meeting. Motion made by Pierce to accept the Minutes as written seconded byYanZandt. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Review of Minutes for the Continued October I 1 th Meeting on Octob er 25 , 2012. Motion made by Monroe to accept the Minutes as written seconded byYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.
Treasurers Report by Hopkins. Motion made by Rufer to accept the treasurer's report seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt.

Voting'oNay" None.
Court Report by Haskins. Motion made by Pierce to accept the court report seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Police Report by Taylor. Motion made by Pierce to accept the police report seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Water & Sewer Maint. Report by Lewis. Motion made by Thomas to accept the water & sewer maint. report seconded by Rufer, Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce and Y anZandt. Voting "Nay'' None.

Animal Control Report by Poindexter. Motion made by Thomas to accept the animal control report seconded by Monroe. Mayor stated we are down to two dogs now. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting" Nay" None.
OLD BUSINESS a. Mr. Rauch wants to restore the Leon Rauch sign, there is a little more to this than 20 years ago when the first sign was installed. MODOT now wants the City to apply for a permit and will have to take responsibiiity for the upkeep. However, Mr. Rauch stated that he would take care of the sign, pay for it and install it. Motion to authorize the Mayor or President of the Board to sign the authorizatron for the sign contingent upon the City's Insurance will not increase if there is a claim with MODOT also made by Pierce, with a caveat that City's Insurance will cost no more money, seconded by Thomas. Voting'oAye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.

NEW BUSINESS, MEMORIALS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ORDINANCES. a. Mayor would like to make a recommendation to appoint Christine Parks to the vacant Ward II seat on the Board subject to approval. Pierce so moves seconded by Rufer. Voting "Ayeo'Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Haskins swore in Ms Parks to the Ward II seat on the Board. b. Thomas wants to discuss the Stage at the Park for the Fair Board. The Fair Board would like the City to repay the Fair Board 91,569.21. Pierce asked Chris how much does the Park Fund have in the bank. Rufer made a Motion for the Park Fund to pay $1,569.21to the Fair Board seconded by Pierce. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Parks, Pierce andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. c. Hopkins does not have the sheets ready, Pierce stated need to change assignments, Rufer will do water & sewer. Pierce will take General, also. Parks will take Park and Court, Thomas has streets, Monroe will take Animal Control and VanZandt will keep Planning and Zoning. Mayor assigned the Funds. d. Pierce was talking to Mike about getting prices for all manhole safety equipment. Mayor stated need to get some prices. Motion to approve payment of wages, expensed, bill statements and other expenditures for the month of October 2012 made by Pierce seconded by YanZandt. Voting "Aye'o Montoe, Thomas, Rufer, Parks, Pierce and VanZandt. Voting "Nay''None. Mayor did not want to take too much time, wanted to thank the city employees and the Board. Mayor stated he had bepn lick for a year, but I am getting better and I ionight. Kellyitated yo, need to need to get a lot better, this is ^yffi^eeting I do hate to say that because it has say the words. I resign the office of Mayor and been a challenging job, and I do not like to quit anything in the middle of the stream. Mayor asked if he was out of office yet. Pierce asked if they were any need for a Motion. Motion to accept Walker's resignation made by Pierce seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Parks, Pierce and YanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Mayor Walker asked for a motion to adjournment,

Motion for adjournment made byYanZandt seconded by Rufer. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Thomas, Rufer, Parks, Pierce and VanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.

W. J. Walker, Mayor


Ruth M. Haskins, City Clerk

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