11-16-12 LTR To Governor Scott Regarding Healthcare Exchanges in Florida

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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel: (352) 332-9144 Fax: (352) 332-9144 call6603@bellsouth.net Governor Rick Scott Office of the Governor State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32300-000` Dear Governor Scott: The news reports you have changed your mind and you want to work with the Obama administration to cut healthcare costs which includes an online shopping exchanges. Because these exchanges are controlled by the state, their implementation means that they will be subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Obama administration. The threat of having the federal government implement an exchange in Florida is an empty threat because the federal government has not allocated funds to implement these exchanges. Funding has to be approved by the Republican controlled House so there is a chance Tea Party and other likeminded republicans will change Speaker Boehner socialist stripes thus refusing to fund it, but that is not your problem. The U.S. Supreme Court found the individual manage to purchase insurance constitutional by reclassifying it as a tax; they also said the federal government cannot force states to comply with federal mandates on the threat of losing existing federal funding. The Court concluded the legitimacy of Congress to exercise its spending power rests on whether the State voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of the contract. Therefore, if Florida refuses to accept federal mandates and bribe money that comes with it to implement ObamaCare Exchanges, which the court explicitly affirms, is within its power to do, the entire law will collapse upon itself. The Supreme Court also said The states have a duty to resist the federal government. . The framers ensured that powers which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people were held by governments more local and more accountable than a distant federal bureaucracy. The independent power of the States serves as a check on the power of the Federal Government by denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life; Federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power' In the typical case we look to the States to defend their prerogatives by adopting the simple expedient of not yielding' to federal blandishments when they do not want to embrace the federal policies as their own. The States are separate and independent sovereigns. Sometimes they have to act like it." Implementing these so-called free market exchanges will place Floridians on the hook for an unknown amount of money to operate under a system under which the rules have yet to be written. Furthermore, to prevent Medicine Page 1 of 2 Saturday, November 17, 2012

from becoming the keystone of the arch of socialism and The goal of socialism is communism that Lenin, Obama, and their fellow travelers want to impose on Floridians, you have the responsibility and authority as governor to refuse to implement the Obamacare exchanges. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had the cojones to refuse implementation. I expect you to find the cojones to do the same. He understood his responsibility under the 10th Amendment to stand up to federal over-reach and assert state sovereignty. So too should you. Yours in the Bill of Rights,

Roy G. Callahan Copy to Florida Legislature; Florida Federal Delegation; et al

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