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) ________________________________________ ) In re Case No. 05-55927 (SWR) Chapter 11 Honorable Steven W. Rhodes (Jointly Administered)

ORDER PROVIDING LIMITED DISCOVERY IN CONNECTION WITH GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONS AMENDED MOTION FOR CONTINGENT RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY General Motors Corporation (GM) having filed a Motion for Contingent Relief from Automatic Stay to Obtain Possession of Tooling (the GM Motion); the Court having set the GM Motion for hearing on September 30, 2005, and having previously adjourned such hearing to October 7, 2005 and then to October 14, 2005, November 10, 2005, December 8, 2005, January 5, 2006, February 16, 2006, April 6, 2006, July 13, 2006, August 17, 2006 and October 12, 2006, respectively; Debtors having filed Debtors Motion for Order Allowing Discovery in Contested Matter and the Committee having filed the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Motion for Order Allowing Discovery of General Motors Corporation in Contested Matter (collectively, the Discovery Motions); the Court having set the hearings on the Discovery Motions for September 11, 2006; GM having amended the GM Motion (the Amended GM Motion) on September 8, 2006 to request relief from the automatic stay only upon the occurrence of certain events and only as to six GM programs; the parties having agreed through respective counsel to resolve the Discovery Motions as provided in this Order, pursuant to that certain Stipulation to Provide Limited Discovery in Connection with General Motors Corporations Amended Motion for Contingent Relief from Automatic Stay, and the Court being fully advised in the premises;




NOW THEREFORE; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that discovery shall be permitted as follows: 1. Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 7026 and 7028 through 7037 shall apply

in this contested matter. Discovery will be permitted to be taken by all parties, including the Committee, only as it relates to the specific tooling (Relevant Tooling) for which GM requests contingent relief from the automatic stay in the Amended GM Motion, provided, however, that nothing herein shall limit discovery in Adversary No. 05-5689 (General Electric Capital Corporation, plaintiff; Debtors, cross-plaintiffs) or Debtors underlying bankruptcy cases. 2. The scope of discovery is limited to the following issues: (a) GMs rights in and

to the Relevant Tooling; (b) Debtors rights and equity in and to the Relevant Tooling; (c) rights claimed by third parties, including under statutory liens, in the Relevant Tooling; (d) contracts relating to the Relevant Tooling; (e) payments GM has made in connection with the Relevant Tooling; (f) Debtors possession, custody, and use of the Relevant Tooling; and (g) the locations of the Relevant Tooling. 3. 4. No party shall be required to file initial disclosures under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(1). The discovery period shall commence on September 19, 2006; all discovery must

be commenced in time to be completed by November 30, 2006. 5. There will be a maximum of 15 interrogatories, including subparts, by each party

to any other party, and a maximum of 15 requests for admission, including subparts, by each party to any other party. 6. There will be a maximum of 6 depositions by each party. A deposition of an

entity under Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) shall constitute one deposition.


The parties are under a duty to reasonably amend and/or supplement their

discovery under Rule 26(e). 8. The parties shall enter into an appropriate protective order regarding discovery in

this contested matter. 9. The parties shall make available to counsel for the Unsecured Creditors

Committee all discovery responses and document production they provide to one another. 10. The Court will conduct a pre-trial conference on October 12, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. to

set the Amended GM Motion for an expedited final hearing and to address any remaining discovery and procedural issues with respect to the Amended GM Motion 11. No discovery other than that provided by this Order is permitted in connection

with the Amended GM Motion except upon further order of the Court. 12. Nothing in this Order modifies any partys burden of proof in connection with the

Amended GM Motion.

Entered: September 11, 2006 _ __ _/s/ Steven Rhodes _ _ Steven Rhodes I. Chief Bankruptcy Judge

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