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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue

ue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME


ISSN 0976 6340 (Print) ISSN 0976 6359 (Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), pp. 277-287 IAEME:
Journal Impact Factor (2011): 1.2083 (Calculated by GISI)


M. Ayad 1, D. Chikouche 2, N. Boukezzoula 1, M. Rezki 3 Department of electronic, Faculty of engineering, University of Setif, Algeria Department of electronic, Faculty of engineering, University of Msila, Algeria 3 Department of electronic, Faculty of engineering, University of Bouira, Algeria
2 1

ABSTRACT Monitoring of rotating machines by vibration analysis is a topic that has aroused great interest in the field of research in recent years. Moreover, the vibrations from a machine are very affected by the conditions of its operation (speed, load, etc.). Vibration analysis is especially applicable to the monitoring of enclosed systems, such as gearboxes. A significant challenge remains with the monitoring of gears under fluctuating operating conditions. Gear is one of the most important and frequently encountered components in rotating machinery, whose operation condition directly affects the whole performance of rotating machinery. An unexpected fault of gear may cause huge economic losses, even personal injury. Among the techniques used for this purpose is the signal processing. To diagnose early fault of rotating machinery, feature extraction of vibration signals is a very important and difficult research task on engineering. The signal of rotating machinery is usually non-stationary, non-linear, and with strong noise interference, meantime, the early signal energy is too low to extract fault features in time domain. In this paper, the wavelet packet transform (WPT) is applied to the analysis of vibration signals delivered from a rotating machine to detect early the presence of defects. The mother wavelet used is wavelet of Haar. Keywords: Early detection, Gear system, Monitoring of rotating machines, WPT, vibration analysis 1. INTRODUCTION Monitoring of rotating machines by vibration analysis is a topic which has been great interest in recent years. Initially destined to make the installation in safely, to avoid significant degradation directly by triggering its decision when the values of vibration amplitude considered excessive, this monitoring was become the foundation


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

of a new maintenance strategy: the predictive maintenance. Knowledge of machines and their behavior is not more funded by the memory of the operators. It is not more the sense of individual who are used to understand the drift and evaluate the state of installation, but supervision systems, materials that are, themselves, poorly monitored. The tools of the maintenance conditioned which will allow better appreciate the health of machines and systems: vibration analysis, deformation, heat flow, noise, etc.. Sensors, measurement systems and data processing provide valuable information on trends and evolution in the comportment of some organs. Condition monitoring tools facilitate also the rationalization act of diagnosis [1]. To diagnose early fault of rotating machinery, feature extraction of vibration signals is a very important and difficult research task on engineering. The signal of rotating machinery is usually non-stationary, non-linear, and with strong noise interference, meantime, the early signal energy is too low to extract fault features in time domain [2]. Signal processing is an approach widely used in diagnostics, since it allows directly characterizing the state of the system. Several types of advanced signal processing techniques have been proposed in the last decades and added to more conventional ones. Since each technique has different theoretical basis, the results obtained also are usually different. Some techniques may be more suitable than others for a specific system or component, depending on the environmental conditions. Therefore, it is important to choose techniques that are the most effective for the case and the situation under testing for a reliable diagnosis [3], [4]. Rotating machinery, like compressor, steam turbine, automotive, industrial fan, and aircraft engine, is widely used in many industrial fields. How to extract the fault features and identify the condition from the vibration signals are the key steps in the fault diagnosis of rotating machinery [3]-[5]. As the fault vibration signals of rotating machinery usually are non- stationary, it is a difficult problem how to obtain feature vectors from them for the fault diagnosis. The traditional diagnosis techniques perform this from the waveforms of the fault vibration signals in the time or frequency domain, and then construct the criterion functions to identify the work condition of rotating machinery. However, because the non- linear factors (loads, clearance, friction, stiffness and so on) have distinct influence on the vibration signals due to the complexity of the construct and work condition of rotating machinery, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on the work condition of rotating machinery only through the analysis in time or frequency domain [6], [7]. In this paper, we use the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) as a way to search for signatures of the defects to be used for overseeing the bodies of a rotating machine, such as gears. After recalling the properties of the wavelet transform, we define the wavelet used which is the wavelet of Haar. We show that the monitoring and diagnosis of the studied system can be done through observation of changes in harmonics of the meshing frequency during 13 days of observation of the machine. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In this study, Firstly, we will briefly introduce the theoretical of WPT. 2.1. Continuous wavelet transform
) 2 If there exist a function (t ) L ( R) whose Fourier transforms ( ) satisfies the admissibility condition:

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

C =

( )

/ d < +


2 The function (t ) is called mother wavelet or basis wavelet [6]. L is the space of square integrable complex functions. The corresponding family of wavelets consists of a series of daughter wavelets, which are generated by dilation and translation operations from the mother wavelet (t ) shown as follows:

a ,b

(t ) =

1 / 2

tb ) a


where (a) is scale factor and (b) is time location [6]-[8]. From the mother wavelet, all the functions of the family of wavelets will deduct, the parameter (b) positions the wavelet on the time axis, while the parameter (a) controls the frequency of the wavelet (contraction: high-frequency expansion: low frequency). a << 1 (t ) is highly concentrated in the mother wavelet (t ) and If the wavelet ab the frequency content shifted towards the high frequencies of the analysis plan. a >> 1 If the wavelet ab (t ) is very large and the frequency content focus to the low frequency analysis plan [6],[9]-[11]. If we vary the parameter of expansion (a), the wavelet keeps the same number of oscillations [6].

2.2. Wavelet packet transform (WPT)

Wavelets have perfect local property in both time and frequency spaces, and can be used as an effective filter to filter out noise and preserve signal characteristics [10], [11]. WT, however, does not process the high frequency bands where the modulation information of machine fault exists. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) furthers decomposition of the high frequency bands and may generate a more precise frequency-band partition over the whole analyzed frequency bands. As a result, the frequency resolution may be enhanced. Thus, WPT can be implemented based on wavelet filters, which is defined by the following equation: k bi j = 2 H n bi 1, j + n n =0 (3) k bi j = 2 Gn bi1, j + n n =0 b Where i j denotes the jth decomposed frequency-band signal at level i (j= 1,2,. . .,J. i where J is the number of the decomposed frequency-band signals and equals 2 ; i Hn G 1,2,. . .,I, where I is the number of decomposition levels); and n are the lowpass filter and high-pass filter based on wavelets, respectively [12]-[18]. The filter G is a high-pass filter with the same cutoff frequency as the filter H. G and H are called conjugate mirror filters [6], [19]-[21]. These two filters are effective to determining the decomposition of a signal on a wavelet orthonormal basis. The signal (y) to be analyzed is represented by a set of details and an approximation corresponding to the last resolution (Fig. 1).


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

Legend 2 Preserve only one sample of 2. 2 Meter a 0 between each sample. x2 Multiplication by 2. h Low-pass filter g High-pass filter g High-pass filter conjugate h Low-pass filter conjugate;

Fig 1. Analysis and reconstruction of signal 3. WEVELET OF HAAR

The scale function and the wavelet function are defined for j and k following equation:
j 2 2 , j j , k (t ) = 2 2 , 0 , 1 2 , j , k (t ) = I j , k 0 , j I j , k = 2 (k 1), 2 j k

N by the

2 j (k 1) t 2 j (k 1 / 2 ) 2 j (k 1 / 2 ) t 2 j k else ( 4)

Si t I j , k else




The coefficients Haar [22]-[24] following formulate:



of signal x(t) are calculates through the


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

1 d = 2 ( Ai ' Ai '' ) i 1 Ai = ( Ai ' + Ai '' ) 2 Where I' and I'' are the half intervals of I. We calculate the coefficients of Haar of signal x(t) as below: First we calculate
2 n k

( 6)

A =

0 k

x(t )dt


2 n ( k 1)

The approximation and detail coefficients are defined by: j +1 1 j j Ak = 2 A2 k 1 + A2 k 1 d kj +1 = A2jk 1 A2jk 2 For j=0, , (n-1) and k=1, , 2n-j


The coefficients of Haar takes the pyramidal form illustrate in Fig .2.


1 Ak



1 dk

d k2

d k3

Fig .2. Pyramidal form of Haar coefficients 4. EXPERIMENTS, DIAGNOSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Gears are machine elements commonly used in mechanical engineering. The role of gearing is to transmit movement or power between two trees, with a constant report of speed. The materials used vary according to the use, but the most commonly used are steel and cast melting. However, plastic materials are increasingly used to transmit a low power.

4.1. Recording system

The tests were applied on a gear system consists of two wheels with respectively 20 and 21 teeth. This system operates under fixed conditions 24h / 24h . The rotational frequencies of the two wheels are in the range of 16.67 Hz and the frequency of meshing is in the range of 330 Hz. The meshing signal is periodic; its frequency is equal to the rotation frequency of the one wheel multiplied by the number of teeth of this wheel as below:
f e = Z 1 . f1 = Z 2 f 2


Where: f1: The rotation frequency of the 1st wheel


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

f2: The rotation frequency of the 2nd wheel Z1 : Number of teeth of the 1st wheel Z2 : Number of teeth of the 2nd wheel The Records are made every day for 13 days. The vibration signal from the test has 60160 samples with a sampling frequency of 20 KHz. One of the teeth of a gear wheel was damaged during the experiment. The different dynamic parameters of the gear system and geometrical parameters of the gear and pinion are given in Table-1. Table 1: Geared system data.

Parameter Speed (rpm) Number of teeth Face width (m) Shaft diameter (m) Module (m) Pressure angle Addendum coefficient Dedendum coefficient Mass (N) Shaft torsional stiffness (N m/rad) Bearing stiffness (N/m) Shaft viscous damping coefficient (N s/rad)
Bearing viscous damping coefficient (N s/m) Drive torque (N m)

Pinion 1000 20 0.015 0.092 0.01 20 1.0 1.4 36 1917 108 0.268881
8740.15 200

Gear 952 21 0.03 0.110 0.01 20 1.0 1.4 80 3383 109 0.357188

The signals meshing with which we worked were provided to several laboratories in France by CETIM (Centre dEtudes Techniques des Industries Mcaniques) [25]-[26].

4.2. Data presentation and interpretation of results

Given the large number of data (60160 samples), it is difficult to treat them all. So we must choose a number to avoid losing a lot of information. For this, we must at least cover a period. We have f=16.67Hz and fsap =20KHz. To calculate the number of samples spanning a period, we divide the rotation period T of the sampling period. So the number of samples obtained will be 1200 samples. We choose a number of 1500 samples. The temporal representations of the signal emitted by the system for each day are given in Fig .4.


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME
E n g ( jo u r 2 ) 8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0

1 0 .8 0 .6 Amplitude relatif(mm) 0 .4 0 .2 0 -0 .2 -0 .4 -0 .6 -0 .8
0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s (s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

x 1 0

E n g ( jo u r 4 )

Amp litu de rela tif(mm)

2 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0 0

-1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

2nd day
E n g ( jo u r 6 ) 8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Amplitude relatif(mm)
Amp litu de re latif(mm) 1 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 - 0 .2 - 0 .4 - 0 .6 - 0 .8 - 1 0 5 0 0 x 1 0

4th day
E n g ( jo u r 9 )

2 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s )

1 5 0 0

2 0 0 0

2 5 0 0

6th day
x 1 0

9 day


E n g ( jo u r 1 0 )

1 .5

1 .5

x 1 0

E n g ( jo u r 1 1 )

1 Amplitude relatif(mm)

1 Amplitu de re latif(mm)

0 .5

0 .5

-0 .5

-0 .5

-1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

-1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

10 day


11th day

x 1 0

E n g ( jo u r 1 3 )

x 1 0

E n g ( jo u r 1 2 )

2 1

Amplitude relatif(mm)

Amplitude relatif(mm)

0 -1


-2 -3


-4 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

-3 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 te m p s ( s ) 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0

12th day

13th day

Fig .4. Experimental acceleration signal for days 2, 4, 6, 913

We note that during the first eleven days, the temporal representation of the vibration signal meshing dont gives further evidence characterizing the occurrence of a fault, for against the twelfth and the last days the representations are different which indicate the presence of a defect due to the deterioration of a tooth. We found that the temporal representation of signals observed each day this beat battement. The vibration signal retains this shape until the 12th day during which the fault appear. We note that a shock occurs at a period corresponding to the period of rotation of the gear system and having very high amplitude compared with the signal collected during the other days.

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

The representation of the vibration signal in time-scale is the goal of our paper. It is a representation used to detect the failure of gears in the time - scale and try to identify it. The scalograms obtained by the wavelet packet transform, applied to the vibration signal emitted by the gear system during the 13 days experimental test are shown in Fig .5.

2nd day

4th day

6th day

9th day

10th day

11th day

12th day Fig .5. WPT values of the simulated signal 284

13th day

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 1, January- April (2012), IAEME

In the area of the wavelet packet transform, the coefficients are stables and have similar magnitudes until the ninth day. At 10th day, the coefficients are starting to change their diets (we observe the absence of part of the band on the scalogram). This is an early indicator indicating that the gear system will undergo defects. The gear system has a defect on the 12th day which results in a complete change in the location of the coefficients of the wavelet packet transform.

Vibration analysis is especially applicable to the monitoring of enclosed systems, such as gear boxes. A significant challenge remains with the monitoring of gears under fluctuating operating conditions. Gear is one of the most important and frequently encountered components in rotating machinery, whose operation condition directly affects the whole performance of rotating machinery. An unexpected fault of gear may cause huge economic losses, even personal injury. Hence it is necessary to detect gear faults effectively and accurately at the early stage. One of the principal tools for gear fault diagnosis is vibration analysis. The vital fault information can be obtained from the vibration signals by some processing techniques. However, it is difficult to gain typical fault specimens for some complex and precious gear devices. The impact produced by local gear fault is non-stationary in nature and conventional signal processing approaches are inappropriate. Local tooth damage (i.e., fatigue crack, pitting, etc.) produces sharp transients in the vibration signature which can be classified as non-stationary, non-linear and non-Gaussian in nature. The wavelet packet transform is a flexible and powerful analytical tool for processing of nonstationary signals. The aim of this paper was to detect the rupture of a vibration signal delivered from a gear system to detect early the presence of defects. The application of wavelet packet transform to vibration signals showed that the scalograms obtained are stable from first to ninth day, and at 10th day, part of the band of coefficients is missed. This allows early the detection of gear failure before the 12th day (the day of manifestation of defect); but we cant observe this early detection in temporal representation. As a consequence, the wavelet packet transform can be used in the early diagnosis of gear systems.

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