Doing Successful Publishable Research

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Doing Successful Publishable Research: Some Guidelines

Raj Aggarwal

Frank C. Sullivan Professor of International Business and Finance University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325

April 12, 2007; Youngstown State University

Raj Aggarwal 1

Thank you for inviting me I am honored Three part presentation
Why do Publishable Scholarly Research? How to do Scholarly Research? How to Make it Publishable?

Q and A

Raj Aggarwal

Why do Research-Societal?
Professors are supposed to add to knowledge not just distribute it; We are trained to create new knowledge AACSB requires it schools need mission driven definition of AQ; 50/65/80% AQ requirement Faculty research is important for society for the efficient functioning of social institutions, as the knowledge capital of a society (basis for wealth creation), and for the progress of humankind
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Why do Research-Personal?
As professors, we are expected to do so our teaching loads are not those of high schools or community colleges; we owe it to the taxpayers Keeps us engaged in our fields avoids boredom over a long professional life Keeps us demonstrably current in our fields Unfair to our colleagues who do what we do and also do research; Personal Pride Social Responsibility, AACSB/Job Requirement, Professionalism, Fairness, and Pride
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Types of Acceptable Research

Scholarship of Discovery Scholarship of Application Scholarship of Teaching However, all scholarly output must have the same distinct characteristics; it must be A unique contribution Blind Peer Reviewed and is Published after an Editorial Process
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Why the Publication Process?

Like any well-read person, faculty can just read in their fields and keep up. But, the publication process:.. Reflects a higher/deeper level understanding and knowledge than just reading Is based on judging by peer experts and is independent of possible biases by local evaluators Is similar to teaching (you are just teaching peers) and can improve teaching skills Ensures uniqueness of contribution Is verifiable and auditable
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Changes over Professional Life Cycles

Should all faculty members have to have the same publication requirements? In a word, NO. Changes in the mix of the three types of scholarship over a professional life-cycle are very appropriate not good to straightjacket professors at different life-cycle stages with the same set of requirements. E.g., an Assistant Prof can have an 80/20% mix of discovery/application scholarship, a full professor may have a 10/40/40% mix of discovery/application/teaching scholarship However, it is reasonable to expect a minimum level of discipline-based discovery/application scholarly output for each faculty regardless of other responsibilities 7 Raj Aggarwal

Goal Setting for Scholarly Work

It is important to set your professional goals for achievements in scholarly output consistent with your life cycle stage and other responsibilities and in consultation with your department chair and the dean It is best if these goals are also shared publicly with colleagues
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Commitment to Deliver
So far we have discussed why do publishable research and what type of research is best for each professor We have also seen why we must share our goals with our chair and dean and perhaps even with our colleagues so we are committed! How do we go about it, i.e., how best do we deliver on our commitment to publish?
Raj Aggarwal 9

Doing Scholarly Research

My Comments Focus on Non-Fiction/Scientific Research, Writing, and Publishing Strategies Perspective of a Scholar, Writer, and Journal Editor: Ex-Finance Editor, Journal of International Business Studies; Ex-Editor, Financial Practice & Education and Corporate Finance Review; Associate Editor, Financial Review, European Journal of Finance, International Business Review, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, and other journals Focus here is on How to Do Good Research and the Successful Publication of such Research
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Defining the Topic/Problem

Starts with a critical Reading and Understanding of the Topic area; Identify and assess gaps in the literature Select an Important gap that you can fill This is Critical and can be very difficult but is an Extremely Important step Collect the necessary data, analyze it, and assess and describe the results Assess the extent to which you have filled an important gap in the literature; Repeat this process as necessary, i.e., do some more research until you clearly fill an important and interesting gap
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The Plan/Goals for the Paper

Focus on a Research Idea that is of Interest to both you and the Profession This Research Idea Should Focus on an important Gap in the Literature that You Can Fill Your Lit Review Should Identify this Gap Clearly The Rest of the Paper Should Show How this Gap Has Been Filled (i.e., the Contribution)

Raj Aggarwal


Writing the Paper

Write a readable paper that presents the results of your efforts Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Data and Research Design, Findings, Conclusions, References, Tables/Figures Start writing the easiest part first; perhaps starting from the middle and expanding in both directions to get a finished paper The abstract, the introduction, and the conclusion are the most important and should be finalized last
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Effective Writing
Do Not Obscure Good Research with Poor Writing - Only Good Writing is Published Follow an Outline and Write Clearly and Precisely Using Short Sentences Tables, Figures, Exhibits are all Very Useful Make a point, the main point, clearly; eliminate even pet ideas that are distracting
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Revising and Seasoning a Paper

Revise sections as necessary and as you complete each section; revise the completed first draft. Leave the completed draft alone for a while and then go back and revise it again. Prepare a presentation based on the paper and revise the paper after you finish the presentation presentations give YOU a chance to think clearly about your paper; in addition to other comments
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Polishing the Paper

Present the Completed Paper to an Interested Audience; Edit, Revise, Rewrite and Season; Repeat this Cycle a Few Times as Necessary Before Sending the Paper for Publication Select the Appropriate Journal; Modify the Paper to Fit Its Content and Style as Necessary Start with the best journal for your paper (not too high or low); Academic/Research Journals are Generally Ranked Based on Citations Quality requirements are generally lower for first movers and higher for replications and extensions
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Executing the Publication Plan

Need to React Constructively to Reviewer Comments, i.e., Overcome Initial Emotions; Filter and balance comments with your assessments; Must prepare written responses addressing ALL reviewer comments At some point it may be wise to move on to a different journal not re-submit a revision to a given journal Do Work on Multiple Projects Over the Course of a Year BUT Work on each Project Long Enough and Document its Progress Before Moving On to the Next Stay Positive It Really Helps!
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Organizing to Do Research is Important

Unlike Teaching and Service, Research is Usually Not in a Routine; Set Definitive Times and Specific Goals for Research Each Week Read the Literature for ideas and take notes Volunteer to Referee, Do Book Reviews, or Other Work for Journals/Associations; learn how the system works from the other side Discuss your Research Ideas with Your own Community of Scholars, Many of Whom may be Outside Your Home Institution
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Ensuring Continuing Success

Now that we know what to do and how to do it, what will it take to actually do it? Disciplined time commitment; e.g., one hour every day, and/or two 3-hour sessions each week (say M&W afternoons), etc. Periodic reporting requirements; e.g., reporting to your friends, spouse, chair, commitment to present at a conference, etc.
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Ingredients for Continuing Success

You need a disciplined weekly commitment of time for scholarly work You need a thick skin and an ability to take critical reactions and convert them to something useful to you peer reviews need not be but can be brutal You need persistence very few if any papers get accepted the first place they are submitted You will get better with each round of the publication cycle (btw, how did you do the first time you taught?)
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Scholarly output is a requirement for all faculty members Decide on the right mix of scholarship in discovery, application, and teaching It will take disciplined commitment and a thick skin to actually produce scholarly output Good Luck and Best wishes!
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Conclusions 2
Thank you for your time and attention I hope at least some of what I said was useful to you Glad to answer any questions you may have

Raj Aggarwal


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