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Attorney general ranks suspiciously go.

Head of the main organizational and inspection department Gennady Nisiforov stepped under the "KAMAZ", head of the supervision of the Federal Security Service, Vyacheslav Sizov, shot himself in his office. The original of this material "Novaya Gazeta", 10.01.2012 For the eyes called him Grandfather Sergey Kanev January 9 in a car accident died head of the main organizational and Inspection Department Prosecutor General Gennady Nisiforov. Officially, Gennady Nisiforov hit by a truck crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing near his home on Nagatinskaya waterfront. According to witnesses, the driver of KamAZ, lost control, hit a prosecutor who, at the last moment managed to alienate his wife and grandson. With severe injuries of the skull base was taken to the prosecutor general's 7th Hospital, where he died without regaining consciousness. [Gazeta, 10.01.2012, "the Interior Ministry saw" ambiguities "in the death of General Prosecutor's Office under the wheels of" KAMAZ ", looking for witnesses': Police appeal to possible witnesses an accident, which killed General Prosecutor General Gennady Nisiforov, to provide any information information to help in the investigation, reports "Interfax". "Any evidence will be important to investigate the death of a person in an accident on Nagatinskaya waterfront, making a fair and balanced decision," - said the press service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow. At present an accurate picture of the accident, which killed Nisiforov is unclear, the agency said. "Apparently, the car traffic, where there was also a" KAMAZ ", shot down mr. Nisiforov, moved by allowing the green light. But it is not yet clear, as was been run over, because, according to the description witnesses mr. Nisiforov made only one step in a puddle and stopped, "- told the agency. According to him, did not fully understand how it was possible to avoid a collision with a car is next to a woman employee of the Prosecutor General, which was originally made for his wife. Nisiforov was taken to hospital with a head injury, broken ribs, and never regained consciousness, died. Earlier Tuesday, it was reported that the driver "KamAZ" did not hold up, as the witnesses allegedly testified about his innocence. Incut of K.ru] Note of the "Novaya Gazeta" Gennadiy Nisiforov born 25 May 1952 in Tambov region. In the mid-90 served in the management of the physical protection of the Federal Tax Police Service. During the first Chechen war, was sent to Grozny and participated in the liberation from captivity FTPS Colonel Nikolai Ivanov. In 1995 he took part in the prevention of hostage-taking in the suburbs of Grozny, which was awarded the medal "For Courage". In November 1999, he joined the

Ministry of Justice, where he was appointed first deputy and then head of its security. Since 2006 - Deputy Chief of the organizational and inspection department - the chief inspector's General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. In September 2010, joined the Prosecutor General's certification committee on compliance with the official conduct of prosecutors. Lieutenant-General Justice, State Counsellor of Justice of the 2nd class. Served on the board of the NGO "Tambov fraternity." Gennady Nisiforov became known to the public in 2001, when, as head of the Justice Ministry CSS, conducted official investigation into the killing of the head of the Justice Administration of the Moscow region Yuri Vlasov and his driver Dmitry Gruzdev. Both body with stab wounds found in the apartment of the mother Vlasov. Put forward a set of versions, and representatives of the Ministry of Justice stated that their colleagues were killed by the Mafia. Soon arrested the killers, and they gave a confession. As it turned out, the killers and their victims on the eve of visiting a gay club, and then a fight broke out in the apartment, developed into a knife fight. Exactly ten years later Grandfather himself caught in a sex scandal, his 35-year-old secretary Natalia J. wrote a letter to the FSB chief of sexual harassment. For Nisifirov there were filed two criminal cases: for the attempted rape and abuse of office. Prosecutor General's Office in the building even conducted investigations. Nisiforovs lawyer, Marina Yarosh then tied everything that happens to the investigation of the protection racket near Moscow prosecutors gambling. According to her, gave Nisiforov conclusion unfounded criminal prosecution of some officials of the prosecutor's office and pointed to violations of the criminal procedure law. The lawyer said that her client repeatedly threatened and needed to change its position. Nisiforov so commented statement of his employee to media: "There were certain points related to the fact that she gave me signs of attention. But I rejected them. I pushed it, I say, I'm not in that line. I am married, I have children her age. " In turn, our sources in the TFR, the main investigation department officers who were investigating, say that in their possession was sufficient objective evidence to bring charges. Our other law enforcement sources did not rule out that the reason for the "sexual" Grandfathers troubles became big business of his youngest son, Alexander, and other relatives. Nisiforovs family is a co-founder of dozen commercial companies, as well as the metal trades, is engaged in construction and provides legal services. According to one version, the relatives prosecutor had a conflict because of construction contracts with one high-ranking official from the St. Petersburg clan. On the other, the guards belonged Nisiforovu Jr. nightclub "Tatami" in a rigid form shoved out the raging drug addict, who was son of a general of the FSB. However, Alexander, and he found himself in trouble with the "potion" when a senior security officer Criminal Investigation Department CAO. July 16, 1998 Nisiforov and his colleague Nekluydov were arrested by ATS "Kapotnya" on suspicion of selling heroin citizen Dmitrienko (PAC 236). The scandal was hushed up - operative Nisiforov resigned from the settled and advisor to the Chairman of the Board IFKO Bank. At least since the prosecutor's son introduced policemen when three years later at the threshold of his house beat his flashlight General Director of "Profiko & Co." Viktor Safonov (restaurant business). But that is another story.

In addition to the story of "rape" name Nisiforovs Sr. scandalously figured in the investigation of a criminal case on the busy extorting bribes from the head of Moscow suburbs Alexander Shestun. It remains to add that the last time it was the second death of a senior prosecutors. July 5, 2011 in his office killed himself head of the Prosecutor General's Office for the Supervision of the Federal Security Service, Vyacheslav Sizov. [...] ["Kommersant", 14/07/2011, "It is sore to Prosecutor General": Vyacheslav Sizov July 5 shot himself in the head from a Makarov pistol, which he was awarded the Attorney General, in his office in the main building of the Prosecutor General Big Dmitrovka and died of his wounds on July 10. Central Investigation Office (GUS) TFR Monday to pre-investigation checks conducted on the fact of what happened, but by its results opened a criminal case under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code. As noted in the TFR, initiation of proceedings does not imply that Mr Sizov was shot by someone, not the made the fatal shot. By the way, the case could be brought and art. 105 of the Criminal Code ("Murder"), if the head of the dead on the spot. [...] Alleged suicide attempt preceded the beating, which Mr Green gave Vyacheslav Sizov. The source said the head of the supposedly received orders from the leadership of Attorneys General to deal with the validity and legality of the actions of supervised Mr. Sizov FSB conducted in criminal cases prosecutors backing of gambling. Note that the courts have arrested former prosecutors on the basis of operating certificates from the Federal Security Service, which said that they supposedly have a property abroad, listed on the front men (and therefore can escape abroad), or threaten witnesses. According to the source "b", shortly before the fatal shot deputy prosecutor Grin allegedly summoned Mr Sizov and asked to report back on progress. However, Mr Sizov, involve certain informal relationships with supervised him FSB refused to share their experience with the deputy prosecutor general, saying: "Some results are, but I have no right to report about them." After this meeting, said colleagues, Mr Sizov problems began, and he was depressed. Incut of K.ru] [NEWSru.com, 11.01.2012, "Downed" KAMAZ ", General Prosecutor's Office was buried, but the circumstances of his death are still unclear": On Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow on Wednesday solemnly buried Lieutenant-General Gennady Nisiforova Prosecution [...] According to "Interfax" on Wednesday on condition of anonymity, one of Nisiforovs colleagues at the central office a Prosecutor General's Office, the investigation tends to the version of the accident. "But not yet been established, the investigation will show" - said the official. At the same time, friends of the deceased general does not exclude any, even the most unusual versions of what happened. "We are familiar with the notion that it could be scaled down, but do not understand, who needs it and why. But it seems really an accident. Though nothing can be ruled out," - said one of the friends Nisiforova, who came with his wife at the ceremony. However, he has denied widespread media next version of that at the time of the accident Nisiforov allegedly crossing the road with his wife. "He was the one out there, and relatives were in the country," - said one of the deceased. Incut of K.ru]. ["Kommersant", 14/07/2011, "Prosecutor General's grave": Vyacheslav Sizov July 5 shot himself in the head from a Makarov pistol, which he was awarded the Attorney General, in his office in the main building of the Prosecutor General Big Dmitrovka and died of his wounds on July 10. Central Investigation Office (GUS) TFR Monday to pre-investigation checks conducted on the

fact of what happened, but by its results opened a criminal case under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code. As noted in the TFR, initiation of proceedings does not imply that Mr Sizov was shot by someone, not the made the fatal shot. By the way, the case could be brought and art. 105 of the Criminal Code ("Murder"), if the head of the dead on the spot. [...] Alleged suicide attempt preceded the beating, which Mr Green gave Vyacheslav Sizov. The source said the head of the supposedly received orders from the leadership of Attorneys General to deal with the validity and legality of the actions of supervised Mr. Sizov FSB conducted in criminal cases prosecutors backing of gambling. Note that the courts have arrested former prosecutors on the basis of operating certificates from the Federal Security Service, which said that they supposedly have a property abroad, listed on the front men (and therefore can escape abroad), or threaten witnesses. According to the source "b", shortly before the fatal shot deputy prosecutor Grin allegedly summoned Mr Sizov and asked to report back on progress. However, Mr Sizov, involve certain informal relationships with supervised him FSB refused to share their experience with the deputy prosecutor general, saying: "Some results are, but I have no right to report about them." After this meeting, said colleagues, Mr Sizov problems began, and he was depressed. - Incut K.ru] [NEWSru.com, 11.01.2012, "Downed" KAMAZ ", General Prosecutor's Office was buried, but the circumstances of his death are still unclear": On Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow on Wednesday solemnly buried Lieutenant-General Gennady Nisiforova Prosecution [...] According to "Interfax" on Wednesday on condition of anonymity, one of my colleagues at the central office Nisiforovs Prosecutor General's Office, the investigation tends to the version of the accident. "But not yet been established, the investigation will show" - said the official. At the same time, friends of the deceased general does not exclude any, even the most unusual versions of what happened. "We are familiar with the notion that it could be scaled down, but do not understand, who needs it and why. But it seems really an accident. Though nothing can be ruled out," - said one of Nisiforovs friends, who came with his wife at the ceremony. However, he has denied widespread media next version of that at the time of the accident Nisiforov allegedly crossing the road with his wife. "He was the one out there, and relatives were in the country," - said one of the deceased. Incut of K.ru] ["Kommersant", 11.01.2012, "General stepped under the" KAMAZ "[...] many people consider the death of Gennady Nisiforov is very suspicious. For example, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said it happened" raises many questions. " "The day, the road is almost empty, and the pedestrian crossing it (Gennady Nisiforov. -" b ") knocks truck - all of which should be the subject of close study," - said Mr. Kucherena. [...] However, the possibility of suicide surrounded by Gennady Nisiforov reject. According to his friends, excluded and carelessness on the part of the general. According to them, he was always focused and never violated the rules of institutions. For example, on the advice of doctors, he daily, for many years, made a walk in one and the same time on the same route. During this walk, he was shot down. Incut of K.ru] ["Echo of Moscow", 10.01.2012, "Stuck driver" of KAMAZ" who knocked on the eve of the General Prosecutor's Office crosswalk Gennady Nisiforov": For his part, the newspaper Moscow Post suggests that Nisiforova death may be linked to the arrest in Poland former deputy prosecutor Alexander Ignatenko suburbs. At one time, it was one of Nisiforov officials that scans suburban prosecutors suspected of "protection racket" network of illegal casinos. Edition with the believe that the victim was involved in general Nisiforov to "racketeering" casino, and

allegedly covered their suburban counterparts. Incut of K.ru] *** "Trample, trampled, and when I arrived, he stepped under the wheels" The original of this material LifeNews.Ru, 11.01.2012, Video: via LifeNews.Ru Kamaz driver told how crushed General GP Olga Vorotyntseva 49-year-old employee of the Moscow United Energy Company Oleg Beldinov first told about the accident that killed the chief of the General Inspection Department prosecutors Russia. Despite the fact that the accident truck driver, is likely to be found not guilty, he has a few days can not find a place of experience. - You know, I've killed a man! - Lamenting Oleg Beldinov. - I understand that there is not my fault, but I still feel lousy. According to the driver with 30 years of experience, he had no chance to avoid the accident. - He went to the edge of the roadway insecure somehow. I'm still surprised people, even when it goes to the green, looking away says driver of kamaz. - And that head neither there nor here. Trampled, trampled, and when I arrived, he stepped under the wheels. I have left of him, but what is already there ... I thought he was just drunk. Another shock awaited Oleg Beldinov after arriving cops. - When I came up to him, he had blood gushing from his nose. He just grunted, - says the driver. - Ambulance just 7 minutes came after traffic cops. It was loaded, and the policeman said, "The documents have with him?" We both saw document, "Oh, God, now even the mafia will be connected: such an ace." I when to "purge" and were brought back, the cab was not allowed. There are so many aces come in large numbers - Mama Do not Cry! Policeman said, Sit here better - God forbid that would happen!" [...]

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