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07 FROM JANUARY 25 2012 19126 Coast of Lena, trace of the Chayka What forces Irkutsk prosecutors to hide proofs of obvious murder still? 25.01.2012

Just, in Day of prosecutor's office on January 12, Yury Chayka told in interview to "The Russian newspaper about shelter of crimes, having reported that in 9 months 2011 prosecutors revealed and in addition put on the account 201 murders. But one hidden murder which has been given out for suicide in 2003rd and definitely connected with a name of Artem Chayki the son of the Minister of Justice of that time, and nowadays the general prosecutor of the Russian Federation, was revealed at all by prosecutor's office, and journalists. The main merit in it belongs to Arthur Dana.

The forensic scientist of a furrow didn't spoil

Arthur Dan comes from Uzbekistan where worked as the instructor in mountaineering while his Russian wife wasn't attacked once by running wild tribespeople. Then, rescuing a family, it stopped a choice on Irkutsk. Three years ago the wife died, and it with daughters left on Ryazanshchina where it has a brother the orthodox priest, and recently got over to Moscow where daughters can go to school for the hard of hearing. It is given one of pioneers of that national journalism which gains today such value, showing both strong, and weaknesses. It is in the late nineties given worked in the press service of Irkutsk legislative assembly, and at the beginning of the zero started the information site nicknamed frequenters of "Chaykhan". This "homepage" became very popular among inhabitants of Irkutsk. In 2002 Dana the former builder of BAM, the order bearer, the deputy of Legislative Assembly and in general the known person in Irkutsk Nikolay Palenny asked about journalistic support. At this time fellow countrymen from Ust Kut asked it to head Top Lenskoye a river shipping company on which the commercial structure conducted active attack, Artem Chayka was one of which founders. About it Nikolay Palenny gave Dana detailed interview which appeared penultimate (the last, same contents, was written down in two days prior to death and went on the air in transfer Top secret the Version on TVC in February of the 2003rd). On December 30, 2002 Palennogo's corpse was found in his garage

Nine years later this document disproving the suicide version, journalists published, and prosecutors try to declare it "forgery" Press the image for increase

in Irkutsk in a loop. On circumstances of this death criminal case wasn't raised, as the reason it found suicide. Very few people trusted in it, but also to speak about it openly hunters too wasn't, behind an exception Is given, published on "Chaykhan" that last interview. Here also found itself strengths of national journalism:

Palennogo's friends and simply people respecting him during lifetime, began to send letters and materials, is more often with a request not to call their names. It allowed to make Dana journalistic investigation, let and not quite professional, from the point of view of the newsdealer snob, but very diligent. It published materials in stages in 2003, and since then, already very few people interesting, they hang on a site. Only one of the letters sent to it recently It is given still didn't hang up on a site: information, and resources for its check at Dana, already moved to Moscow was too explosive, wasn't. Last year, at the height of history with situated near Moscow public prosecutor's casinos in which Artem Chayki's name also appeared, to "Chaykhana" sent the electronic letter. The return address Is given me refused to report, though he and to him hardly tells something. In the letter there were four scanned pages copies of the hand-written protocol of research of a corpse (No. 4874) when opening a body of Palennogo which was made on December 31, 2002 by medicolegal expert A.P.Hare. Palennogo's body was delivered in a mortuary with connected (it is not specified, in front or behind) hands. But it for impressionable, and to the professional will tell so nazyvayemayastrangulyatsionny furrow more. It was not opened (as a result of a loop tension Palennogo's corpse body), and close that points to possibility of only one conclusion: suffocation by other person or persons. Copy of this document It is given transferred to me, being guided by reputation of The new newspaper and my experience. This protocol never and anywhere didn't emerge before: in the book of other local journalist Alexander Shakhmatov The disgrace code of which now on the Internet all Irkutsk will become engrossed in reading, is mentioned the connected hands, but without a reference to the source. Understanding that someone Isn't given) uses us in the game, we weighed all circumstances, came to a conclusion that the main thing here nevertheless truth, and made the decision on business trip. Having arrived to Irkutsk, I found the journalist from The Baikal messages Yury Udodenko who specializes on affairs such, and we with it on January 17 in nine mornings, still zatemno, arrived to a city mortuary where found the head of department of the SME Irkutsk regional bureau Alexander Petrovitch Zaytsev. Answering a question, whether he remembers this opening of almost ten years' prescription, Hares answered that isn't present that it makes a set of openings, a surname didn't know, but only corpse number (according to the protocol No. 4938), but seemed to us that he thus began to worry. When copies of the protocol were The city of Ust Kut, station Lena, and presented to it, Hares recognized that handwriting and its signature, and also agreed
in a building of the river station in the distance sit now tenants The deserved lawyer of the Russian Federation, the honored worker of Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation Albina Semenovna Kovalyova Arthur Dan, journalist

Nikolay Palenny

that the close strangulyatsionny furrow can be a sign only murders. It assured us (answering a question, whether this document from archive can disappear) that it by no means can't occur, but also be presented the document can exclusively in reply to official inquiry (it is already sent by "The new newspaper to the SME Irkutsk regional bureau of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development and to the main forensic scientist of the Russian Federation). Already on January 19 in an explanation addressed to the prosecutor of the Irkutsk region Melnikova Zaytsev began to tell about ours with it to conversation slightly differently and in own way. Its poll was made in the most urgent order after on "Chaykhan" of the 19th was exposed (I will not deny that in coordination with me) the message on ours with Udodenko a campaign in bureau of a forensic medical examination of the 17th. In Zaytsev's explanations to the prosecutor we will tell about absurdities later, and 19th I was already in Ust Kut

But see off steamships at all so

In the spring of 2001 on Lena there was an unknown flood. Having deserted families in the flooded settlements, river transport workers went all out to rescue navigation, but one person who has gone over on the party of aggressors, desperately went down the river towards from Kirensk that from Ust Kut (there the airport is higher between hills) urgently to depart to Moscow: in the government hearing about bankruptcy of Top Lenskogo of a river shipping company (VLRP) was appointed. At some o'clock in this point the real reality was combined with "legal", and inhabitants "Severov" are more often than anything and didn't know about those invisible arbitration wars in which destinies of a flotilla and their settlements, by and large, were decided. The city of Ust Kut with the population still about 50 thousand people and extent of 40 kilometers all lasts along Lena and a branch line between hills. For the Epiphany this year I found in Ust Kut a minus 40. The station is called here "Lena", and port "Osetrovsky". It is key transport knot, from here are down the river supplied chisel and Yakutia. The first birth of the city the middle of the 50th, then here held on a piece of iron. And in the 1974th there arrived the first construction crew and pulled BAM rails further to the east: temporary barracks were replaced by multi-storey buildings, and to the Soviet measures in the mid-eighties here lived richly. Once were both a shipyard, and the school preparing river transport workers, and the mooring for cruising motor ships. After flood destroyed the mooring, the building of the river station and the beautiful embankment remained. Where cruising motor ships got to, nobody knows, and the destiny of cargo vessels of a class the river the sea appeared closely bound just with Palennogo's destiny. Nikolay Palenny, itself comes from Ukraine, studied in Tselinograd, arrived on BAM. Was the construction superintendent, then became the chief of a construction train. At the beginning of the 90th it was elected the deputy and the chairman of district executive committee, then it is appointed by the governor to the post heads of the area and the city. I spoke with his companion, nowadays the head of administration of Ust Kut Vladimir Senin, and that told, how in the 94th, when before rich departments: the railway, the river, oil industry workers and other dumped mixed boiler rooms on the city, they with Palennym, rescuing Ust Kut from frosts, almost didn't steal oil from wells. Rescued also the city, and even at that time shipping company which remained for it city-forming. Once to river transport workers belonged both the ships, and coastal infrastructure, but in the 93rd shipping company it was divided into the Yakut part (there it managed to be kept as whole) and VLRP. In turn, JSC VLRP united parts of blocks of shares of Osetrovsky port and fleet, Alekseevsky and Kirensky REB (repair and operational bases).

The Palenny left Ust Kut in the 1997th when accepted the offer to head committee of administration of the region on the North, but in the 1999th governor Govorin didn't prolong with it the contract. By this time of Palenny lived in Irkutsk, and JSC Laena which founders Artem Chayka and the deputy of the State Duma Bashir Kodzoyev (his one brothers called appeared in Ust Kut sat, one was killed, and on him in the 2001st attempt) was made. Loss of work coincided with a request of fellow countrymen to Palennom to protect VLRP from bankruptcy: so he became the Deputy general director Sergey Ivchenko, and then headed VLRP when Ivchenko left this position at not the circumstances most favorable for them. The sense of attack to VLRP which was conducted constantly, different structures behind which there were, apparently, same people, consisted in that through bankruptcies to shatter VLRP and to grasp REB property in the form of first of all vessels of the Czech and German production of a class the river the sea. Palenny, with its firmness, charisma and ability to reach Moscow was the main obstacle here. Flood of 2001 gave also one plus: the arriving Shoygu was convinced of strategic value of VLRP, and Palenny received to it a forward stroke. It beat off, as a bear from dogs, but them was much and all of them time changed nicknames. Before continuing the story, I will notice that kind, valid memory about Palenn in Ust Kut is stored by certain people: his assistant Nina Vasilyevna, driver Victor (it carries also the present mayor), the former director of the port, simply growing old "population" never trusting in the version of suicide (Not that was the person). But not that that the memorial board isn't present, but also in the regional newspaper the condolence on duty on the last strip, and anything else local journalists flew, taking away eyes, to me couldn't show. The widow with three sons soon refused to meet somebody. And all history of Ust Kut on this place as though interrupted: there was here once BAM, building of a century, was such bright chelovechishche Nikolay Palenny, well and further? Further simply we live as though out of memory. Nobody knows, to whom exactly that here belongs now, whose it is vessels which grew into ice in sink Lena therefore inhabitants say that the port was grasped by certain abstract "Muscovites". Northern delivery of money Perhaps and "Muscovites" (or "Petersburgers"), but Palenny in the last interviews Dana and "Top secret" spoke about absolutely specific inhabitants of Irkutsk. In Ust Kut and Kirenska even very few people knew about these events: they occurred in Irkutsk and in general in absolutely other reality, "legal" where as though there are no people, and there is only joint stock company and open company with few that speaking "nicknames". So, in 1999 the general director of VLRP Ivchenko signed the "preferential" contract on the credit for 2 million rubles with JSC Laena. Vessels demanded repair, money here got only to navigation, and this credit wasn't the only thing, but it was strange. As told to Arthur Dana (and more anybody and wasn't interested in it) in 2003 Vlrpvalentin Markova's finance director (its surname It is given isn't afraid to call: she already died), "Laena", besides 40 annual interest rates on the credit which it was necessary to give from revenue, received to ten vessels in a freight on 550 dollars per day and at once sent them to someone for 11 months to a subfreight on 1100 dollars per day. It means that "Laena" began to obtain at once the credit back, having become "sucker" in which the profit was sawn more than half-and-half. As told already Palenny in that last interview, "Laen's" credit without explanation demanded to return not in two years, according to the contract, and in the 2001st when unknown flood flooded Kirensk and Alekseevsky. During the same time in other "legal" reality there were any very minority shareholders (including Artem Chayki's classmate), and Kodzoyev the deputy inquiry initiated financial checks and criminal cases.

After It is given started to publish in the Internet the first results of the investigations, Valentina Markova transferred it the draft agreement where the parties were designated simple as the director of VLRP of Palenny and the citizen of the Russian Federation Artem Chayka. On it, in particular, Palenny should replace the management with the people specified to it, to cease to protect Alekseevsky and Kirensky REB, to stop campaign for protection of VLRP in the press. According to Markova, this document of Palenny refused to sign, having signed itself thereby a sentence. After Palennogo's death of 56 ships (generally tankers the river from Kirensk) passed the sea Northern by sea, then, it seems, recognized them, already with other names, from coast of Japan and even in the Mediterranean Sea, but to identify the owners who have got vessels on chains of a something ephemeral, there was already nothing and to think. And owners so few identified joint stock companies and open company sat down on the budgetary stream of annual northern delivery guaranteed by the state in which in Irkutsk just the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Bashir Kodzoyev densely was engaged. In garage In the last days of life of Palenny let know to relatives that to it threaten, but painful or a dejectedness at it it was not observed. In the morning he managed to sign the contract in bank, came back home and in the 10th mornings followed car in garage, with someone cheerfully stirred on the road. The wife was called around 12 by the watchman surprised with that in the closed boxing the engine (probably to muffle any other noise) worked. Boxing appeared from within is propped up by a shovel, as a latch (instead of it is locked as someone will start to hint with January 19 of this year). It was not so difficult to open gate, and the wife with the watchman made it before there arrived militia. So, in any case, the widow told Dana in the 2003rd. This detail the gate locked from within should testify to suicide, but many subsequently (among them It is given, coming to garage with son Palennogo), having doubts in this version, without effort repeated outside a trick with locking of gate by a shovel. More details testified just to a performance. For suicide the pose with the bent feet on the earth was uncharacteristic, departure on a scene of two militiamen without the inspector of prosecutor's office was strange, very muffled there was a survey protocol at which there were no obligatory photos. The widow told Dana that to it didn't give out Palennogo's clothes which were destroyed by someone. It confirmed to me in Irkutsk and younger son Palennogo Alexander who was then 18 years old and he well remembers everything. In particular, in conversation with me in hotel he remembered that approximately in a year after death of the father one person came from militia to them and asked from mother of permission to corpse exhumation. He called to me a surname of this person, and I found it, he didn't refuse a meeting, having asked not to call yet his surname. He was engaged in investigations of corruption crimes and left on an episode with Palennym on the other hand. He also heard and about the closed strangulyatsionny furrow, and about traces of a linen cord on wrists. On a science of judicial physicians, even on bones and the cadaveric remains can remain (and still) characteristic for suffocation or for damage self-hanging, as well as cord traces if it was tightened strongly. For this purpose he also offered exhumation, but the widow refused. And the first obligatory examination was not so deep, in particular, Hares, being the skilled expert, for some reason didn't describe when opening throat and horns of a hypoglossal bone which (and still) could give clearer picture. Only that was made by rules it just the external survey which copy of the act later appeared nearly ten years at Dana. Probably, Hares (the chief of department and the candidate of science hardly was casually involved in this opening) at that time was afraid of persistence of the widow the same as now he was frightened at first of two journalists, and then the one who selected at it explanations addressed to the prosecutor. And on

December 31, 2002 the expert understood that it is necessary to describe that with all evidence saw outside, possibly, not it one: namely furrow and cord. Where the protocol of research of a corpse No. 4874 should get further? In materials of pre-investigation check by results of which criminal case should be raised out of any doubts. However, according to the story Dana of Palennogo's wife (before she at all stopped to speak on this subject), in March of the 2003rd the inspector of October regional prosecutor's office Nina Syskova met it. Having asked, whether that is going to complain, it made the decision business upon death not to raise. The same surname remembered in conversation with me and son Palennogo who went to Syskova together with mother. Syskova (it has still a characteristic appearance) still works in system of prosecutor's office of Irkutsk. The resolution on refusal in initiation of legal proceedings together with all its materials, including an extract from corpse survey, should be stored three years then such materials are destroyed under the act. As Albina Kovalyova explained to me (about it soon), they were destroyed for some reason in 2009. But the copy of the protocol of survey No. 4879 in archive of a forensic medical examination remained, and 9 years later to withdraw or change it already it would be very difficult technically. Queen of proofs In 2003 prosecutor's office of the city of Irkutsk (in the status of the deputy prosecutor of area) Kovalyova the friend and Yury Chayki's colleague which Artem at people called the second mother. Later she retired, headed Registration chamber, then returned to prosecutor's office to a position of the adviser of the public prosecutor on the Siberian federal district. The center of the district is Novosibirsk, but Kovalyova nevertheless sits in Irkutsk regional prosecutor's office where it has very worthy office with the secretary. Albina Semenovna in the (after a meeting with it I will not speak, how many) still has years big weight in Irkutsk. On January 19, when there was a message on "Chaykhan", it was on holiday, could know nothing, but in the 20th morning on her name in regional prosecutor's office the fax from Moscow in which the editor-in-chief of The new newspaper asked it about a meeting with me in Irkutsk (for this purpose we arrived postponed my flying away before its appearance at work for Monday, January 23). In the letter questions in advance were formulated: whether saw Kovalyova ever the protocol of survey of a corpse Palennogo signed by A.P.Zaytsev and if saw, whether that was reported by her about it to Yury Chayke? The question of a meeting was discussed even in Moscow, and Kovalyova agreed to it, having appeared on closer examination very kind woman giving to drink to me by tea and looking very well. Here only I learned that after emergence of the first information on "Chaykhan" about a campaign to the expert 19, 20 and even on Saturday January 21 in prosecutor's office worked and collected necessary explanations, and Kovalyova kindly provided me them to a copy. So, expert A.P.Hare began to say that to it were shown only the first and last page of his protocol without two others where the conclusion essence contained. Not so, moreover, we connected hands and a strangulyatsionny furrow with it also discussed it with Udodenko, and not 3 5 minutes (it from his explanation), and 10 15. Just in case prosecutors interrogated (not absolutely clearly on the basis of what) also the hospital attendant of a mortuary whom only a year (such works with it here met), and that reported that this commonplace: to deliver dead men with the connected hands that supposedly didn't dangle. Expert Zaytsev in the explanations was expressed after all more carefully that so happens, when bodies deliver from hospital. If so connected criminal corpses on which each trifle and a microparticle should be investigated, someone in a mortuary, or perhaps and not only, it should to dismiss. But Palennogo's body was delivered just not from hospital.

Thanks to quickness of Irkutsk regional prosecutor's office and courtesy of the state adviser of justice of Kovalyova we have now also explanations of the deputy prosecutor of the October district of Irkutsk of Nina Syskova. In the explanation addressed to the prosecutor of the region from January 20 she didn't forget to specify that taken out by it in March, 2003 the decision was checked by city and area prosecutor's office, and the decision on refusal (in initiation of proceedings. L. By N) it was not cancelled. The protocol of survey of a corpse dated on December 30, 2002 the captain of militia Vladimir Kashko appeared the most interesting document of which at my order wasn't. To them proves to be true that the body was revealed in a loop, but with the feet bent on a floor. So it is possible to be hung up, convicts resort to such reception in the chamber to deceive vigilance of the supervisor. But Palenny was not in the chamber: to be hung up to be hung up so, why it is so difficult? Though people knowing it say that it would as a last resort be shot. And it is difficult to imagine the former mayor and the deputy who is hung up here so, but without having removed a tie (one more amazing detail which we recognize from the protocol of captain Kashko). As should be I refused Albina Semenovna's kind proposal to organize my meetings with the persons writing this explanatory prosecutor. Not so that stage, also is represented that I should talk to them not, after their prevention of responsibility for giving obviously false testimonies and under the protocol. It is clear that almost 10 years later and at such way of fixing of primary proofs chances to find murderers and furthermore customers, and to bring the matter into court practically equal to zero. But criminal case upon murder wasn't raised in due time, means, it should be raised now when it became known first of all about the closed strangulyatsionny furrow: it here outweighs any explanations rather connected or not the connected hands. And that will be proved or not proved other question. On article pulls also default about information testifying to murder, from officials: it well understand now expert Zaytsev and deputy prosecutor Syskov. Business should be not only is raised, but also investigated duly and to the directions, including probable motives of murder. And in them to understand nothing if not to investigate history of capture of VLRP, and there can arise and others, the UK so-called economic articles. And there should be an Artem Chayka, at least as the witness (in his this quality couldn't, though promised last year to interrogate in the case of public prosecutor's casinos). About Artem Chayku in Moscow and in Irkutsk tell many different stories, but only in the first of them, with VLRP and Palennym, it was lit in the then 23 years that is called to the utmost. In this regard I think that just with Palennogo's murder him and framed up: not same it was freaky that, operating from the first person and signing documents, to order this murder. And here to cast a shadow on the senior the Seagull and to receive the lever of pressure upon it, probably, both then and now it would be interesting to much. It in their language is called an operative combination, and in that case this the daddy of pre-investigation check, maybe, somewhere else and is stored. Anybody will be not not accused of murder by us, of course, but signs of raider capture of VLRP will be listed: this requirement about early repayment of the loan, initiation of financial checks, excitement of the come to an end criminal cases by nothing, emergence of minority shareholders, secret joint-stock meetings, ignoring of one judgments and initiation of affairs in other vessels which these affairs often also are incompetent, at last, participation of court enforcement officers (subordinates to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) for some reason from Yakutia.

The expiration of limitation periods also influences only possibility of the termination of criminal case (on the nereabilitiruyushchy basis), but at first it should be raised and investigated after all. So under the law on which guard there is that Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation which is headed by Yury Yakovlevich Chayka. P.S. If to speak about younger to the Seagull, and in this case, and in those affairs about which only speak, interesting coincidence flashed. When in the 2009th Ivan Nazarov (the key witness in the case of public prosecutor's casinos) demanded from the mayor of the Serpukhov area Shestun to put on management of a sand pit of his people, to Shestun there arrived two, including Alexander Dvorovoy (it, which on record by the hidden camera which has been laid out by Shestun in YouTube, not in braces). In the questionnaire which it filled for employment, Domestic specified by a place of the work from February to December, 2003 (it just the repartition period in VLRP after Palennogo's death) JSC Alekseevskaya REB flota, and a work place from January of the 2004th to May of the 2006th the Tyretsky solerudnik in which privatization as speak, Artem Chayka successfully and cheaply participated. Whether to ask the former inhabitant of coast of Lena is more detailed?

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