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De Ruimte

De Ruimte is a school for Special Needs Education with 160 students, situated in Bergen The Netherlands. De Ruimte is one of the four schools of Heliomare. By focussing on the questions en possibilities of our clients, Heliomare supports (potentially) disabled people by offering services in rehabilitation, education, vocational rehabilitation, housing, daily occupation and sports.

The power of KINECT in Special Needs Education

De Ruimte
Oudtburghweg 3, Bergen PB 24, 1860 AA Bergen The Netherlands


+31(0)88 920 91 00 Drs. Willemijn de Lint-Verhagen, Pediatric Physical Therapist Hans Smeele, Teacher Special Needs Education - ICT




vocational rehabilitation


daily occupation


Motor learning Special Needs Education

KINECT has really changed the way students experience education! In our school this type of ICT application has proven to be very useful to train motor skills in special needs education. The students describe their own movement problems, experienced in real life situations. Improving their motor skills is part of increasing autonomy and citizenship inside and outside school situations. Students who participated in our problems (I often fall when I play outside) and physical fitness problems
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Power of KINECT in in PowerNeeds Education Special of KINECT in Special Needs Education

Learning outcomes: statistically significant increased dynamic balance, Learning outcomes: statistically significant increased dynamic balance, physical fitness and motivation physical fitness and motivation
The type of feedback, given by the KINECT through pictures
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and videos of the student, offers the student information to asses his/her own performance. This provides a basis for improvement. The use of KINECT technology makes it possible to learn new movements in a natural way (at a subconscious level). This Implicit motor learning will increase the learning outcomes and when motor skills are trained in an implicit way they generalize to real life situations more easily. Learning by using KINECT results not only in improved motor skills and more motivation, but also ensures a longer attention span, which is often lacking in students in special needs education.

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Real life motor skills P Self esteem

Real life motor skills Self esteem


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Training of dynamic balance P Training of physical fitness Training of dynamic balance Training of physical fitness

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Real world implementation 21th Cross disciplinary results Real world implementation Cross disciplinary results

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Real world problem solving 21th Self regulation Real world problem solving Self regulation

project, experienced dynamic balance

Feedback by KINECT P stimulates Feedback by KINECT self reflection stimulates self reflection
21 Use of ICT Self regulation ICT Use of

P Students are not limited P

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(I get quickly out of breath when I play soccer with my friends). KINECT has several features which make it suitable for students with physical disabilities. First of all: The students dont need a controller! Every movement the student makes is a movement in the game. This technology invites students to move just like they would as if they were really playing the game indoors or outdoors.

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21 Use of ICT

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Students can train together: Students can train together: This requires negotiation This& agreement requires negotiation & agreement

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21th Century skills 21th Century skills

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Research outcomes
1) Significant improvement of balance (measured with the Movement-ABC test), and significant improvement of physical fitness (measured with the Shuttle-run GMFCS-1 test). 2) Significant increase in motivation (measured with

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motivation questionaire).

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