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CESSNA 172-R questions 1. Oil pressure should register in cold weather in - 60 seconds. 2.

In event of alternate static door open, air speed indicator will give an error of 4 knots and altimeter error will be +/- 30 in closed window conditions. 3. Propeller ground clearance is - 11 " (11.25) 4. Minimum turning radius of a/c is 27' 5.5" 5. Abrupt use of controls is prohibited beyond - 99 knots 6. Yellow arc on ASI is from 129 to 163 knots 7. Minimum oil pressure of A/c is - 20 PSI 8. Annunciator does not activate on - low fuel flow and low RPM. 9. Alternator should be switched off in event of ammeter reading more than 31.5 volts. 10. Compass error upto 25 degrees may come in event of alternator switched off. 11. To get maximum cabin heating, cabin heat knob fully out and cabin heat knob fully in. 12. DGI should be aligned regularly on long haul flights for - precession. 13. Audible stall warning will be heard above 5 to 10 knots above stalling speed. 14. Attitude indicator has bank marking in an increment of 10, 20, 30, 60, 90. 15. Avionics cooling fan switches ON automatically when avionics master is ON. 16. Maximum window open speed is 163 knots. 17. Maximum oil pressure is 115 PSI. 18. Unusable fuel quantity 1.5 gallons in each tank. 19. Maximum RAMP wt. 2457 lbs. 20. Maximum slip duration with one tank dry is 30 seconds. 21.. Color of 100 LL (low loaded) fuel is Blue. 22. Maximum oil quantity for extended flight is 8 quarts. 23. Concentration of DIEGME is 0.10% to 0.15% to be added to fuel. 24. MIL-L-22851 oil is to be used after 50 hrs of engine run up or when the consumption has stabilized. 25. Maximum deflection of nose wheel by use of rudder paddle on ground is 10 degrees to either side. 26. Mechanical stops on flaps are at 10 20 30 degrees. 27. Shock absorption is accomplished by air/oil on nose wheel and tubular spring steel on main wheel. 28. Best rate of climb speed at sea level is 79 knots. 29. In event of engine flooding - All correct. 30. Standard temperature lapse rate is 2degree/1000ft 31. Starter cycle for engine is 10 sec ON and 20 sec OFF for three times and then 10 minute gap for cooling is to be given. 32. Enroute climb speed is 5 knots to 10 knots above best rate of climb speed for best visibility, performance and cooling. 33. Until 50 hrs has been accumulated engine should be run at 80% power on cruise. 34. An open alternate door will result in 10% loss of power at full throttle. 35. Carburetor icing is indicated by loss of RPM in fixed pitch propeller and loss

of manifold pressure in constant speed propeller. 36. OAT/ voltmeter gauge select switch may be tested by putting the select button down for 3 seconds to start. 37. If PPT button of microphone is kept pressed for more than 33 seconds in continuous, then the transmission is automatically terminated. 38. In event of static tube blockage- ASI reads error. 39. To permit heavy cabin loading, fuel load can be reduced to 17.5 gallons usable in each tank. 40. In voltmeter /OAT? Clock pushing upper control button will change the display on the window to- E-C-F-E.=empty-full-center-empty 41. A/C tyres are 6 ply rated 42. The stall warning horn should be check during preflight by- master on and actuating the vain in the wing, the system is operational if the stall tone is heard when the valve is pushed upward 43. Suction : 4.5-5.5 44. Engine driven Vacuum pump provides suction to: DGI and attitude indicator 45. Pitot-static system provides pressure to ASI and static to ASI, VSI, Altimeter 46. IF the flashing beacon or lights are on when flying through clouds at night, it would reflect from water drops or particles and can cause: Vertigo and loss or orientation. 47. In over voltage conditions, the alternator control unit automatically removes the alternator field current and shuts down the alternator 48. To apply parking break, apply the breaks with rudder pedals and pull the handle aft and turn 90 deg down 49. Fuel system verifying is essential to the system operation. Blockages of the system will result in decreased fuel flow and even result in engine stoppage. Verifying is accompanied by an interconnecting live from right to left fuel tank 50. Tyre pressure: main: 28psi, nose : 34psi

Diamentions:272X361X811 Ramp Wt: 2457lbs/// t/o-ldg wt ; 2450lbs Std empty wt : 1639lbs/// max useful load : 818lbs(468) Baggage : 120lbs///// SOUND : 73.3dB at 2450lbs Wind loading : 14:1// Pwr loading : 15:3 Elevator : 114///// Wheel base : 65

Prop clearance : 111/4 Wing area : 174sq ft Turning radius: 27.5 Max speed SL : 123K Cruise 80%pwr : 122K//// Range : 580NM 53Gal usable : time 4.8Hrs Rate of climb SL : 720FPM Service celing 13500ft t/o: Grnd roll: 945ft//dist over 50ft obst : 1685ft ldg: Grnd roll: 550ft//dist over 50ft obst : 1295ft Stall speed: stall horn : 5-10 Kts above stall speed Stall Flaps up/power off: 51KCAS Stall Flaps down/power off : 47KCAS FLAPS = 0-10: 110kias/// 10-30: 85kias Tyre pressure : main : 28psi// nose : 34psi Static RPM-2065-2165/// oil temp: 100F-245F/118C Oil press: 20-115psi(GREEN-50-90PSI) Break oil: mil-h-5606 Vne-never exceed-CAS:160-IAS:163 Vno-max structure- CAS:126-IAS:129 Va-manuvering- CAS:97-IAS:99 Vfe-flap extended- 10=CAS:108-IAS:110 10 to 30= CAS:84-IAS:85 Max window open- CAS:160-IAS:163 WHITE arc- 33-85 Vso-Vfe GREEN arc- 44-129 Vs1-max structure YELLOW arc- 129-163- smooth air RED line- 163- Vne CG : Fw=35in @ 1950lbs/// 40in @ 2450lbs Aft= 47.3 @ all wt. Flaps up: +3.8g, -1.5g////Flaps dwn: 3g T/o climb: 70-80K // Short field : 57K(10deg flaps) Enrout climb : 75-80K(SL), 70-80K(10000ft) Best Rate of Cmb : 79K(SL) // 71K(10000ft) Best angle of climb : 60K(SL) // 65K(!0000ft) LDG : flaps up 65-75K // 30 flaps 60-70K Obst clearance speed : 57K // Cross wind : 15K

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