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1. How does it work/ function? How did they present the setup?

Draw Bridge- the draw bridge is unlike an ordinary bridge because it is movable. When you press the button on its side, the bridge separates. When you press the button again, the bridge goes back to normal. They presented the setup by making a replica of a real bridge. They used buttons such that when you press them, you will see draw bridges work. Robot- the robot was walking beside the other exhibits. It was presented by letting it walk, talk and move around. There was no real set up of the robot. My friends and I found the contraption walking in circles. The robots function was to let us, humans, see what robots are capable of. They could imitate our actions in terms of speaking and moving around. 2. What is the concept behind/ used in it? The draw bridge was most commonly used during the middle ages when Leonardo da Vinci started scaling so-called retractable bridges. There are said to have many concepts when it comes to draw bridges but the bascule type is the most explainable. The bascule leaves are the two bridges that separate when operated by an engineer. Drawbridges are widely used in rivers to make way for ships, yachts and other water transports. The bridge uses the physics concept, torque. The floors of this bascule bridge are counterbalanced by weight which makes it possible for the bridge to separate without collapsing. The robots technology is definitely more complicated than the drawbridge. The robot has specialized programming tools that allows its wheels to move around and approach humans that pass by. The basic concept of a robot is the fundamentals of abstraction. Scientists have deliberately tried to make robots that could imitate humans in the safest way possible.

3. Give an application of the concept in everyday life. An example of a torque application in everyday life is the way kids play in a seesaw. The pivot between the two seats of the seesaw makes it balanced. Abstraction in robots is the simplest part because thats when the scientists program the device. The most common application of abstraction is probably blogging or encoding HTMLs in the computer.


1. Did you like the exhibits? Which part/ exhibit do you like the best? Why? Yes, I like the exhibits. The museum had interesting gadgets that we, kids, could play with and observe. Some explained how parts of the human brain worked and some elaborated the laws of Newton. The exhibit that I liked the most would probably be that simple bridge on the second floor. Hardly anyone noticed it but I found the bridge exhibit helpful to me in understanding how roads were constructed. In that exhibit, called the draw bridge, when you press the button by the side; the bridge gets broken in two and goes up. When you press another button, it goes down and becomes a bridge again. I have seen bridges like that in San Francisco wherein the bridge needs to make way for boats or water vehicles. I find it fascinating how engineers and architects make movable bridges.

2. What are the dos and donts when visiting a museum? Did they have some displayed rules? Dos: Take care of the exhibits. Be quick at taking pictures. Please walk at all times. Click quickly at taking pictures. Donts: No running. Animals are not allowed inside. Dont play rough with your friends. Dont carry your bag around.

3. Do you think that you and your classmates were able to follow the rules inside? Explain. Yes, I think my friends and I were able to follow the rules inside. Otherwise, we were have already been kicked out by the guide. We didnt play rough with each other neither did we run and destroy any gadgets. We didnt bring any animals inside and our bags are all in the bus. We didnt shout or make noise. My friends and I studied the exhibits and made sure the things we needed for our projects like pictures were taken.

4. If you were to put up a museum, what will you exhibit or display? Why? I would put up a music museum since I am an enthusiast of music. My building will contain old instruments made by our ethnic groups from a long time ago along with the European instruments that were introduced to our country. Classical compositions will be displayed as well. I choose to build up a music museum because I have never been able to go to a music museum here in the Philippines. Museums are rare probably because there are few patrons that spend money for art in this country. Also, from what I have learned before, the Philippines music is dying. So if I were capable of building up a museum, I would choose music. It is important that Filipinos be familiar of their own musical culture.

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