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5 (20)

I. 1. 2. 3.

Incomplete sentences:
Five years .........., the Lewis sisters ran the most successful interior design business in Los Angeles.

A. A. A. A. 5.

ago are allowing

B. then B. allow

C. since C. will allow

D. after D. will be going to allow

1................ Answers: 2............... 3............... 4................ 5...............

The new computer system designed for the post office ...... accounts to be managed over the Internet. They .......... to build an addition to their hotel to accommodate their many guests. must B. ought C. should D. have to The company thought the shipment ...... in time for the holiday shipping season. can arrive Because B. is arriving B. Although C. will arrive C. Due D. would arrive D. Despite ......... the unsuccessful summer season, the manager wants to go ahead with expansion plans.


Incomplete text:
Im not .......11 if you have remembered or not, what with the Christmas and New Year holidays, but we have a meeting with Dylan Peterson on Friday. As that is only three days.......12, Id really like to meet up and talk with you beforehand. We really need to look as though we know what were talking about, so I think it would be helpful.......13 and make some notes so that we can present .....14 convincing argument. I think hes going to be quite difficult to persuade, so we need to have all the facts well-organized and at our fingertips. Im preparing some spreadsheets. Are you .......15 at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning?

11 through 15 refer to the following notice and email. Wanted: Volunteers To: Help spread a happiness. From: Sally Greenberg Brothers is looking for volunteers for the annual Subject: Party Volunteers Children's Christmas Charity Party to be held on December Date: November 20th 12th. I was very interested to read the notice posted in the staff room, Every year since Greenberg Brothers was founded in 1973, we and I'd like to offer my services as one of the Children's Party have hosted a Christmas Party for underprivileged children. volunteers. I'd be happy to help out in both the planning and preparation stage, and at the party itself. I am a qualified firstThese children are either resident in children's homes or are alder with up-to-date certification. The parties have a special currently being monitored by social services due to an unstable meaning for me because, before joining Greenberg Brothers, I home environment worked for social services for fifteen years. Every Christmas, the We need two basic kinds of volunteers: children I worked with used to look forward to the parties for 1) people to collect money and gifts from local businesses. 2) people who will be able to assist on the day (supervising weeks in advance. One of my acquaintances is a balloon games, preparing and serving snacks, and providing a sculptor. He has said that he is willing to come along and do a happy, carefree environment). 20-minute balloon toy making session for the kids. He'll In particular, we need volunteers for the party who are qualified demonstrate a few shapes such as dog, rabbit that kind of to administer first aid. We are required by law to make this thing, and teach the kids so that they'll all have a balloon toy to take home. He has spoken to Balloons For All, and they will be provision. donating 300 balloons. If you are interested in volunteering, please talk to your office I look forward to learning more details. manager or send an email to, Sally Day stating in which capacity you would like to offer your services. 11. What is the purpose of this notice? To find volunteers 12. Who will be attending the party? Answers: C. To explain the history of Greenberg Brothers D. To ask employees to submit vacation requests C. Deprived children from the local community 11................. 12.................

6. A. able B. sure 7. A. ago B. before 8. A. meet B. met 9. A. a B. an 10. A. sure B. definite III. Reading comprehension: Questions

C. knowing C. away C. to meet C. the C. free

D. allowed D. until D. meets D. D. at cost


6................. 7................. 8................. 9................. 10................

A. B. A. B. B.

To invite employees to a company party

All company employees.

Office managers D. The children of Greenberg Brothers 13. What kind of people will be essential on the day of the party? A. Young, energetic people C. Happy, caring people People with medical training D. Social workers


14. Why is the party of special significance to Sally Day? She is a big fan of Greenberg Brothers 15. What will each child receive to take home? A. A pet dog

A. B. B.

She loves children

C. She used to work with underprivileged children D. The party will be held on her 15 birthday C. A rabbit D. A piece of cake READING 2 TEST No. 6 (20)


15................ Answers: 1................ 2................ D. under 3................ D. by 4................ 5................ D. Despite D. then

A balloon toy


Incomplete sentences:
If you have an advanced degree, there are........ more job opportunities available to you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. A. A. A. A.

seldom over to Also by this time

B. many B. from B. on B. Although B. still

C. few C. to C. until C. Even C. yet

D. too many

Look......... these statistics and tell me if you think they are accurate. He has to finish the meeting and get to the airport.......... 6 p.m. ............. people who love their work need time to relax and enjoy themselves. She hasnt finished the monthly financial reports......, but says she should have them by the end of the day.

Incomplete text:
The use of computers.........6 the workplace. Thirty years ago, many people.........7 never touched a computer. Now almost everyone uses a computer for work. Computers facilitate work so that jobs can be completed more........ 8. Documents are easily duplicated and distributed with computers. The Internet has made it easy........ 9 for information. Computers have become very.........10. Even the smallest businesses are able to buy them. Answers: C. had revolutionized C. have C. efficiently C. searching C. affordably D. has revolutionized D. would have D. efficiencies D. can search D. affordable 6................ 7................ 8................ 9................ 10................

6. A. revolutionaize B. will revolutionize 7. A. had B. has 8. A. efficient B. efficiency 9. A. search B. to search 10. A. afford B. affording III. Reading comprehension: Questions
To: Marjorie Morgan From: Bill Smithers Subject: Recruiting

11 through 15 refer to the following 2 email messages: To: Bill Smithers From: Marjorie Morgan Subject: re: Recruiting Attachment: ad draft Bill, Here is my plan for recruiting new staff members for this summer. I will place ads in our local newspapers, in 2 major national papers, and on the major web sites by April 1. The deadline for submission of applications will be April 30. We will start interviews on May 8. In the ads I will carefully outline the qualifications we are looking for. I am attaching a draft of the ad. Please look it over and send me your comments. I want to make sure it contains all the details you want. Marjorie

Marjorie, We need to start looking at recruiting some new staff members over the summer. Our company has gotten lots of new contracts recently. We have abundant work and need to take on 2 or 3 new employees to help with it. We should advertise the positions as entry-level with room for promotion. We should choose the job candidates carefully as I dont want to have to end up firing anyone who turns out to be a bad match. I would like the new staff members to start work by June 10. Therefore, we should ask interested candidates to submit their applications before the end of April so that they can start interviewing in early May. Please come up with a recruiting plan and let me know. Thanks. Bill. 11. Why does Mr. Smithers need to hire new staff members? His company has a lot of work. 12. What does Mr. Smithers ask Ms. Morgan to do?


A. B. A.

He has recently fired several employees.

C. Marjorie Morgan is leaving her job. D. Several employees have been promoted. C. Make a plan to recruit new employees.


Interview job candidates.


B. Send him comments. 13. What will happen by April 30? A.

Job candidates will submit their applications. B. Interviews will begin.

D. Read the major national newspapers. C. Two or three new staff members will be hired. D. The new staff members will begin working. 13...............

14. The word candidates in line 7 of the first email is closest in meaning to: A. advertisements C. recommendations B. descriptions D. applicants 15. The word qualifications in lines 6 7 of the second email is closest in meaning to: A. quantities C. abilities
B. positions D. salaries



READING 2 TEST No. 7 (20) I. Incomplete sentences:

They .......... to build an addition to their hotel to accommodate their many guests.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. A. A. A. A.

should Due after will allow would arrive

B. have to B. Despite B. since

C. must C. Although C. ago

D. ought D. Because D. then D. are allowing D. will arrive

1................ 2............... 3............... 4................ 5...............

......... the unsuccessful summer season, the manager wants to go ahead with expansion plans. Five years .........., the Lewis sisters ran the most successful interior design business in Los Angeles. The new computer system designed for the post office ...... accounts to be managed over the Internet. B. will be going to allow C. allow B. is arriving C. can arrive The company thought the shipment ...... in time for the holiday shipping season.

Incomplete text:
Im not .......11 if you have remembered or not, what with the Christmas and New Year holidays, but we have a meeting with Dylan Peterson on Friday. As that is only three days.......12, Id really like to meet up and talk with you beforehand. We really need to look as though we know what were talking about, so I think it would be helpful.......13 and make some note so that we can present .....14 convincing argument. I think hes going to be quite difficult to persuade, so we need to have all the facts well-organized and at our fingertips. Im preparing some spreadsheets. Are you .......15 at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning?

11 through 15 refer to the following notice and email. Wanted: Volunteers To: Help spread a happiness. From: Sally Greenberg Brothers is looking for volunteers for the annual Subject: Party Volunteers Children's Christmas Charity Party to be held on December Date: November 20th 12th. I was very interested to read the notice posted in the staff room, Every year since Greenberg Brothers was founded in 1973, we and I'd like to offer my services as one of the Children's Party have hosted a Christmas Party for underprivileged children. volunteers. I'd be happy to help out in both the planning and preparation stage, and at the party itself. I am a qualified firstThese children are either resident in children's homes or are alder with up-to-date certification. The parties have a special currently being monitored by social services due to an unstable meaning for me because, before joining Greenberg Brothers, I home environment worked for social services for fifteen years. Every Christmas, the We need two basic kinds of volunteers: children I worked with used to look forward to the parties for 3) people to collect money and gifts from local businesses. 4) people who will be able to assist on the day (supervising weeks in advance. One of my acquaintances is a balloon games, preparing and serving snacks, and providing a sculptor. He has said that he is willing to come along and do a happy, carefree environment). 20-minute balloon toy making session for the kids. He'll In particular, we need volunteers for the party who are qualified demonstrate a few shapes such as dog, rabbit that kind of to administer first aid. We are required by law to make this thing, and teach the kids so that they'll all have a balloon toy to provision. take home. He has spoken to Balloons For All, and they will be donating 300 balloons. If you are interested in volunteering, please talk to your office

6. A. knowing B. able 7. A. away B. ago 8. A. to meet B. meet 9. A. the B. 10. A. at cost B. free III. Reading comprehension: Questions

C. allowed C. until C. meets C. a C. sure

D. sure D. before D. met D. an D. definite


6................. 7................. 8................. 9................. 10................

Answers: manager or send an email to, stating in which capacity you would like to offer your services. 11. What is the purpose of this notice? To explain the history of Greenberg Brothers 12. Who will be attending the party? I look forward to learning more details. Sally Day Answers: C. To find volunteers D. To invite employees to a company party C. All company employees 11................. 12.................

A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.

To ask employees to submit vacation requests

Deprived children from the local community.

The children of Greenberg Brothers D. Office managers 13. What kind of people will be essential on the day of the party? People with medical training C. Social workers D. Young, energetic people C. The party will be held on her 15th birthday D. She used to work with underprivileged children C. A balloon toy D. A pet dog READING 2 TEST No. 8 (20) 15................ Answers: 1................ 2................ D. Also 3................ 4................ D. over 5................ D. on D. seldom 14................ 13................ Happy, caring people 14. Why is the party of special significance to Sally Day? She is a big fan of Greenberg Brothers She loves children 15. What will each child receive to take home? A piece of cake A rabbit


Incomplete sentences:
She hasnt finished the monthly financial reports......, but says she should have them by the end of the day.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. A. A. A. A.

still Even few under by

B. then B. Despite B. too many B. to B. to

C. by this time C. Although C. many C. from C. until

D. yet

............. people who love their work need time to relax and enjoy themselves. If you have an advanced degree, there are........ more job opportunities available to you. Look......... these statistics and tell me if you think they are accurate. He has to finish the meeting and get to the airport.......... 6 p.m.

Incomplete text:
The use of computers.........6 the workplace. Thirty years ago, many people.........7 never touched a computer. Now almost everyone uses a computer for work. Computers facilitate work so that jobs can be completed more........ 8. Documents are easily duplicated and distributed with computers. The Internet has made it easy........ 9 for information. Computers have become very.........10. Even the smallest businesses are able to buy them. Answers:

6. A. has revolutionized B. had revolutionized 7. A. would have B. have 8. A. efficiencies B. efficiently 9. A. can search B. searching 10. A. affordably B. affordable III. Reading comprehension: Questions 11 through
To: Marjorie Morgan From: Bill Smithers Subject: Recruiting

C. revolutionize C. had C. efficiency C. search C. afford

D. will revolutionize D. has D. efficient D. to search D. affording

6................ 7................ 8................ 9................ 10................

15 refer to the following 2 email messages: To: Bill Smithers From: Marjorie Morgan Subject: re: Recruiting Attachment: ad draft Bill, Here is my plan for recruiting new staff members for this summer. I will place ads in our local newspapers, in 2 major national papers, and on the major web sites by April 1. The deadline for submission of applications will be April 30. We will start interviews on May 8. In the ads I will carefully outline the qualifications we are looking for. I am attaching a draft of the ad. Please look it over and send me your comments. I want to make

Marjorie, We need to start looking at recruiting some new staff members over the summer. Our company has gotten lots of new contracts recently. We have abundant work and need to take on 2 or 3 new employees to help with it. We should advertise the positions as entry-level with room for promotion. We should choose the job candidates carefully as I dont want to have to

end up firing anyone who turns out to be a bad match. I would like the new staff members to start work by June 10. Therefore, we should ask interested candidates to submit their applications before the end of April so that they can start interviewing in early May. Please come up with a recruiting plan and let me know. Thanks. Bill. 11. Why does Mr. Smithers need to hire new staff members? He has recently fired several employees. 12. What does Mr. Smithers ask Ms. Morgan to do? Send him comments. 13. What will happen by April 30?

sure it contains all the details you want. Marjorie


A. B. A. B. A. B.

Marjorie Morgan is leaving her job.

C. His company has a lot of work. . D. Several employees have been promoted. C. Interview job candidates. D. Make a plan to recruit new employees. C. Interviews will begin. D. Two or three new staff members will be hired.


Read the major national newspapers.


The new staff members will begin working. Job candidates will submit their application.


14. The word candidates in line 7 of the first email is closest in meaning to: A. recommendations C. applicants B. descriptions D. advertisements 15. The word qualifications in lines 6 7 of the second email is closest in meaning to: A. positions C. salaries B. abilities D. quantities



Keys to No.5 No.8

No. 5 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C No. 6 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. C No.7 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B No.8

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