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Story of a Smoker

Rahul started smoking at 20, never thinking that 10 years later it would kill him and leave his parents alone. In his last weeks, he set out with a message for young people. Scene 1: The room is dark and gloomy probably because Rahul does not like lights to be switched on. There are not many things in the room. A book shelf with almirah and a study table can be seen. On the either side Rahul was lying on the bed and seeing him one can only think of a strange disease he is occupied with. It was very hard to think that a young man of just 30 years living his last 3-4 weeks of life. He is suffering from a cancer due to excessive smoking and drinks. The reporter with his cameraman is adjusting the equipments before the start of the show which will tell the timeline of the Rahuls Life, an aspiring young boy now struggling with cancer. His head, bald, lies on a pillow. The bones of his cheeks and shoulders can be seen under the skin. His eyes are open, but he can no longer respond to his parents. In his hands, Rahul has a photograph taken 12 years ago. It shows a young and healthy Rahul holding parents at the TajMahal. He is looking at the photograph and thinking of those past years where he was a bright and aspiring adult. He was the lifeline of his parents and has many dreams in his life. He was good in study and a bright future lies ahead in his life. But what happens to him now. What were the situation/circumstances which made him to smoke and end his life like that. Is that what he wants or because of certain terms of life made him to choose smoking. How is he now determined to sent messages to young people to quit or not to take smoking. Rahul: Hello friends, probably you all will feel amazed looking at me. There will be many question in your mind when you will see me. What has happened to me, why i started smoking and also what went in my life that i became so addicted to smoking. For all that i need to take back to my life10 years before......... Scene 2: Flashback...

A bright summer had started with Sun flashing its lights all around. It was period of around April where students had just passed their 12 th. Among them was a young, determine, energetic boy called Rahul. Rahul, along with his friends at a cyber cafe, waiting for his engineering entrance exams result. There was chaos at the shop because many students were waiting just like Rahul. Suddenly the computer screen flash Congralutions Rahul, you have passed the exam. A spirit of joy and happiness arouse in the cafe with many congratulating Rahul.He has cleared the top engineering college entrance exam and now his future is secured with successful life ahead. Scene 3-leaving the home Rahul is packing his accessories before leaving to his college. His parents are busy helping him and also reminding him about various things he needs to carry. Father: Beta, are all thing packed now? Rahul : yes papa...i m ready to go now..!! Mother: beta, please take care of yourself. Eat properly and study hard. Make your friends properly and dont get distracted by others. You are going 1st time out of the city. Father: Common Rahul ki maa, ours son is very mature and intelligent. He knows whats right and wrong. He will never do anything to make us feel shame and will achieve success in his life. Rahul: yes Papa, you are right. I am your son and have same values which you entrusted in me. Dont worry I will take care of myself and study hard to achieve what i want. Father: Yes son, but there are some thing i need to tell you. In engineering college various types of students come. They will try to make friendship with you, will ask you to take drinks and smoke, but dont fall in their pray. These things make life worst in long term. So always remember my words. We are proud of you and do that in your further life. Rahul leave for his college life.

Scene 4-Ragging First day in college and a bunch of seniors are taking ragging. Rahul is not lined up with other juniors. Senior1: All you bunch of losers will now light up a cigrattes and will give to his respective seniors/mentor assigned. Rahul: i will not light up the smoke. This is not correct. I have not smoked ever in my life and nor will do it for the rest of my life. Seniors than made fun of him and said now you will have to do it otherwise face the consequences. He was literally tortured by seniors for the whole night and others also made fun of him. What a child he is ...and all sorts of other things. This continued for about a year. Scene 5: Interaction with Roommate Rahuls room partner is also a chain smoker. Rahul ask him to please quit it and ask what he gets of all this. He is killing his life . Ajay: Rahul, grow up yaar. you are now in college. Smoking is necessary in this year of life. it makes you feel cool, smart and also gives you respect from others. Dont you see , our seniors ,how much they are friendly with those who smoke and drinks. This is must in todays world. It is the necessity. It makes you feel above all and also flush all the tension in your life once you start taking it . Rahul did not liked his speech and switched off the light and went to sleep. Scene 6 Because of constant torture and also various remarks from his batch mates started disturbing his studies. He could not focus on his studies and because of this he failed in his papers. This brought a lot of pressure. He was literally becoming mentally sick because of all this. Scene 7 3 years went with same torture and pressure and now that thing begin to show in Rahuls personality. He was not the same guy which he was when he came to college. He was now struggling with the college academics, pressure of his batch mates, the torture of his seniors. In fact all this made him so weak and low in confidence that he was not able to get placed in his college.

This all built into situation that even his very close friend, Radha left him, mentioning him a loser and good for nothing. This hit him hard ,very hard. Because he was not expecting that everyone will leave him like this. Also Radha went to other guy who was famous because he was cool and smart as he too was smoker. Scene 8-Climax Rahul comes to his room feeling very sad and deeply hurted. His Roommates asked him what happened and Rahul cried telling him about all. Than Ajay said...I already told you that smoking is necessary in todays world. It not only gives you respect from others but it also make so much friends. All others look towards you with respect. There is saying A man is man when he has cigrattes in his hand.Girls love our attitude when we smoke. They look towards us like cool, smarty guy. Also it removes all sort of tension in your life. It gives you a feeling which nobody gives you. It makes you the master of the world. You start living your life in your way. You get heaven feeling when its in your hands. This is the only thing which will be with you for your lifetime. Life becomes heaven when it is with you. Too live life, cigratte is the only partner you need to enjoy. That was the time when he first took cigratte in his hand and rest is his history........ Scene 8 -Back to present So this is my story. I didnt took cigrattes because of my own choice .I was not fond of smoking but the circumstances in my life make me took it. The people around me forced me to have it. Nobody supported me when i was all alone, feeling lonely and depressed. Had there been any one hand which would had held me then I would not been here in this condition. Had my parents supported that time than they would not have to be crying like this today. I took cigrattes in my hands thinking that it will make my life good. It will make my life more enjoyable but what I got is that I am left with 2 weeks of my life. So here i am saying to you all that Cigrattes inspite of giving life takes life from you. It gives pleasure for some time but takes your life term pleasure from you. So dont take it under any circumstances. No matter what happens in your life .It is not a cure for any problem but a source of many problems in your life. Its like a partner in your life which slowly kills you from inside. Its like a termite which eats your body making it totally hollow from inside.

Message is simple...choose life not cigrattes, because life is far bigger than 84 cm of this stick.

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