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Dsseldorf 04 06 February 2007

International Trade Fair for Body, Beach and Legwear 04 06 February 2007

The 2nd Body Look in Dsseldorf from 04. 06. February 2007 can look back on a predominantly positive result. In Dsseldorf we have succeeded in further extending the International Trade Fair for Body, Beach and Legwear both on a national as well as international level. The order-placing mood in the trade was predominantly good, even if not euphoric, which was due to the poor business months December and January in many sectors. Nevertheless, neither the increase in value added tax nor the medias frequent predictions of consumers reluctance to purchase dented confidence within the trade.

Visitors Continuing increase in first-time visitors! Despite the fairs dates overlapping with the Salon International de la Lingerie (SIL) in Paris, over 10,000 trade visitors (previous years event: 3,500) informed themselves about the latest collections for the 2007/08 season at Body Look. The increase in the first-time visitor figures of 26.6% compared to July 2006 and by even almost 70% compared to the previous year, confirms that with Body Look Dsseldorf is more than living up to its role as a central platform for Body, Beach and Legwear. The buyers included among others 3,800 representatives of exclusively underwear-based stores as well as 5,000 clothing stores. In addition almost 1,000 buyers from major stores travelled to the Rhine, in some cases directly from Paris, for information-gathering and order-placing.

Visitor structure Underwear/lingerie specialist store Clothing specialist store Wholesale trade/exporter/importer Large chain store/broad textile range store/department store Boutique Mail-order company/Internet dealer Sports specialist store Bridal fashion specialist Purchasing co-operatives Jeans shop Others 37.1 % 33.8 % 7.0% 7.0% 5.9 % 3.0% 1.2 % 0.9 % 0.6 % 0.6 % 2.9 %

2/3 of visitors are represented by their owners or managing directors. On average 2-3 persons from a company visit Body Look. The previous year Body Look was visited by only one member of a company.

International Trade Fair for Body, Beach and Legwear 04 06 February 2007

Due to Body Looks move to Dsseldorf, the second event was already characterized by a more even regional distribution of visitors from Germany (by comparison: at the first fair more than half the visitors came from Western Germany) 16.1% international visitors, in this connection see country breakdown Germany 80.0% Asia 0.5% Other European Countries 16.5% North Amerika 0.2% Rest Europe 2.5% Others 0.,3%

Synergies generated by Igedo Fashion Fairs Dsseldorf As was already the case for the first time last July at the premiere of Igedo Fashion Fairs, the four independent events benefited to a key extent from the synergy effects produced by the introduction of the umbrella brand. The visitors made use of the parallel staging of the four fairs in order to also obtain information beyond their core range at the neighbouring events and to place orders complementing their ranges. Almost 17% of the CPD visitors informed themselves at Body Look with the aim of complementing their product ranges. 25% of the HMD visitors are interested in Body Look. At the same time Body Look once again attracted more than 20% of what are exclusively city visitors to the Exhibition Centre.

Exhibitors 135 exhibitors from 20 nations presented collections featuring a total of 280 brands 85.4% of the Body Look exhibitors made contacts with new customers, who obtained information from them for the first time. 68% of the exhibitors used this to increase their order volumes and already registered corresponding new orders. Promotion of young designers a task which the Igedo Company is repeatedly facing up to. Young lingerie designers were also invited to the Rhine in connection with the second fair in Dsseldorf. In the Young Designers Pavilion 10 young, up-and-coming designers from Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Russia presented their creations. 87% of the exhibitors will also participate at the next event in Dsseldorf and continue to support BODY LOOK.

Supporting programme A comprehensive and perfectly structured, coordinated supporting programme consisting of fashion shows, trend and order-placing information features in the Trend.Forum and evening events provided the framework for the three days of concentrated information-gathering and order-placing power at Body Look. In the Far Eastern setting of the Buddha Bay club the sector came together for the Body Look Party. An oriental buffet invited the guests to relax and have an exchange of ideas.

International Trade Fair for Body, Beach and Legwear 04 06 February 2007

In the Stahlwerk the 250 guests from the industry and trade as well as representatives of the international press celebrated the winners of the Stars of Underwear (Sterne der Wsche) award in style. Trade magazine SOUS presented awards for the second time to the best underwear stores in Germany. The Sector Oscar is a very special highlight for the sector, as this event is one of the few awards to focus on commitment and professionalism by the specialist trade. For the retail trade, the Functional sport underwear sector has a large but still unexploited potential. An increasing number of people are jogging, walking, biking and not least indulging in Nordic Walking. Against the background of the demographic trend and the increasing desire to also maintain ones fitness into old age, the competence and expertise of the specialist trade is increasingly in demand here. Rosi Mittermeier and Christian Neureuther reported live from the consistently well-frequented Sport Underwear Forum on the significance of sport underwear in competitive and mass sport and provided the specialist underwear retailers with authentic sales arguments. The highlight was the Nordic Walking event through the exhibition halls on Monday. Exhibitors, visitors, the Body Look fashion show team as well as representatives of the Igedo Company supported the two top sports personalities, while expert commentary on the run was provided by WDR journalist Peter Rben. This meant that sports underwear became the number one topic of discussion in all exhibition halls.

12. Body, Beach & Legwear Innovation Forum The company succession arrangement was the focal point of the 12th Innovation Forum, which due to the event overlapping with the Paris event SIL, was by way of exception shifted to the afternoon on the last day of Body Look. Experts from the fields of politics, market research, tax law and tax consulting, the Chamber of Skilled Trades, the specialist trade and industry shed light on the theme with explanations from various perspectives. These diverse theses then produced a lively discussion between the panel and the audience which proved just how explosive and controversial this theme is and how diverse the problems associated with it are. Concluding the debate, the political view on these issues was provided by Dirk Niebel, Member of the Bundestag (MdB) and General Secretary of the FDP. All the participants said they were impressed with the event and theme which offered specific and practically-orientated information. The next Innovation Forum will be held as usual on the eve of Body Look, namely 21 July 2007.

Igedo Fashion Fairs Dsseldorf 2008 The next Body Look with bodytex will be held from 22 to 24 July 2007 at the Dsseldorf Exhibition Centre. The dates for 2008 have also been set. Due to Carnival week, next year as a one-off Body Look will be held from 10 to 12 February. The summer event has been set for 27 to 29 July 2008. You can also find all the activities connected with the organizer of IGEDO MODEMESSEN DSSELDORF, the Igedo Company, on the Internet at:

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