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Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Project Proposal
A co-operative proposal green and grass routes Please email for more information or further involvement. Email

Project Proposal


To provide housing and a centre for learning and creation. A green community totally self sustaining growing our own food, building our own low impact buildings and housing, providing our own green electricity and recycling all things we use. A place for people to play their music to others in a safe environment considering others by providing an arena which is sound restricting and low impact on surrounding areas. A skills centre were people can come to learn and share. Providing studios and workshops fully equipped for use. People can come and swap skills or simply learn. A centre for business allowing people to work and start projects having somewhere for people to build and sell. Creating a strong platform to grow. Housing in low impact homes building using the latest and most environmentally friendly methods, providing stable homes and housing for those that need it. Arena designed to allow everyone to enjoy music events without effecting the surrounding community. A sound restricted arena built with low impact methods. Cafe a vegan and vegetarian cafe run by the community providing healthy and low cost food, a place where people can come and sample what the community is doing and what it had to offer.

To build a community which everyone can be part of and benefit from. Build a model which can be rolled out in other areas. To help produce and healthier and more environmentally friendly way of living for many. Becoming self sustaining is key to the success of this community producing a way in which the community can run itself. Making housing and services accessible and feasible. Low cost homes allowing those who struggle with rent and unable to get a mortgage to be part of a growing community. Affordable housing for everyone. Combat the world crisis by no longer using fossil fuels and creating a low carbon foot print.

Project Proposal !2

Purchase a property or piece of land in the east anglia area with enough space. Build self build low impact buildings I.e straw bale constructions, earth ships. Buildings that are made from recycled materials that also recycle what energy and water they use. Using rain harvesting and water recycling methods. Green energy systems. Totally off the grid. Get the community involved and make facilities available to everyone. Raise money through events. Pay off any loans through rent of properties and community businesses.

Get involved
We are a growing group and need your help and would like you to be a part of this brighter future. If you are interested in becoming a part of the group or feel you have something to contribute please get involved. We have no harsh rules we are not breaking away from society we wish to create a better lives for ourselves and others and accept people from all works of life not just the radical.

Project Proposal


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