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What he did:

Pythagoras was one of the founding fathers of mathematics. Aside from being credited with writing the Pythagorean Theorem Pythagoras also created a model of the universe in which the universe was a series of glass spheres, all turning in harmony, with the earth at the center. This dominated astronomy for about 2,000 years, and was the favored view of the Catholic church

Sergei Bryukhonenko

Sergei Bryukhonenko made enormous leaps for medical science, and indeed mankind, when in the early 1920s he invented The Autojector, the worlds first ever life-support machine. It acted as a mechanical heart and lung
William Shakespeare is generally agreed to be the greatest play writer in the English language. He began as an actor and wrote atleast 154 love poems and 37 plays, including Hamlet, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. Shakespeare also probably introduced more than 1,700 new words to theEnglish Language. 1564-1616 English playwright, poet and actor Wrote over 38 plays

Einstein was one of the greatest of all physicists and his name has become a symbol of genius. When his most famous work, the General Theory Of Relativity was proven in 1919, Einstein became the most celebrated scientist in the world and he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Einstein was a firm believer in pacifism but his scientific theories helped his adopted country, the USA, to develop theatomic bomb. A week before he died Einstein wrote to Bertrand Russell, a British Philosopher and leading antinuclear campaigner, asking to put his name to a manifesto urging all countries to give up their nuclear weapons. 1879-1955 One of the greatest scientists of our time Theory of relativity

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Gandhi began his career as a lawyer but became a great political and spiritual leader. He led the peaceful civil disobedience of Indians against British rule in India and negotiated with the British Government until 1947, when India was granted independence. Gandhi became the first icon of a peoples struggleagains oppression. His simple lifestyle and his belief in religious tolerance have made him a symbol of decency and peace ever since.

Adolf Hitler was Germanys leader from 1933 1945, during time which he led the world into the most devastating war in history. Hitlers hatred of Jewish people and his desire for a blue-eyed, blond-haired master race led to the murder of six million people during World War II; most died in concentration camp in Eastern Europe. 1889-1945 German ruler Started World War 2 Responsible for killing of 6 million Jews and 3 million others

Bill Gates created his first computer program while still at high school, co-founded Microsoft in 1977, and by 1993 was the richest man on Earth. In 2000 Gates and his wife formed the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, which is the largest charity in the world. One of its aim is to exempt the ThirdWorld of polio and other deadly diseases. Bill Gates - Microsoft's mission used to be 'a computer in every home'. That alone enabled them to connect the world. He is rumored to have said, "The internet is just a passing fad," in 1995 at a press conference, but that ship has long sailed. Queen Elizabeth I - Queen of one of the most successful monarchs, who defeated the Spanish Armada which laid the foundation for the British Empire. She probably did more to change the perception of what women can do than anyone else on the planet. Charles Dickens - English writer who wrote numerous western classics such as: The Adventures of Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and more. Sadly, I haven't read any of them yet, but his influence is seen in other media. Michael Jackson - He practically created the Pop genre. For better for worse, we can thank him for the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and N'sync. Sir Charlie Chaplin - He made the funniest critically acclaimed silent films. He received a "Special Award" for the First Academy award ceremony for The Circus. Forty three years later, he received the longest standing ovation at the Oscars for receiving an honorary film award. Go to YouTube you'll see his classics; I thought the 'Table Ballet' was hilarious. Walt Disney - The man with the vision and execution to see way beyond just the hit animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. From there, his company has built an empire of mega-theme parks, television, cable, vacation resorts, water parks, 8 movie studios, and another 39 hotels1901-1966 First made cartoon advertisements First Mickey Mouse 1928 Disneyland, CA 1955

Disney World, FL after he died

Elvis Presley - This guy invented Rock 'n Roll. Even after 50 years, he's still walking people down the aisle in Vegas. Thomas Edison - Inventor best known for the incandescent light bulb. In addition, he started 14 companies including General Electric. Michael Jordan - Being from Chicago, it's been great having him on 'our' team. His nickname is 'Airness' who redefined athleticism in basketball (side note, he owns over 1500 shoes). He's one of the most athletic people who changed the world. Tiger Woods - Personal issues aside, this guy has redefined modern golf. When he plays at a tournament, he at least doubles the number of spectators.

The Music and Importance of Mozart

Mozart's Works Mozarts major works include his Requiem, the operas known as Le Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Die Zauberflte. His purely instrumental works include his clarinet concerto, the string quartets, the latter piano concertos and the latter symphonies. He is obviously a very influential and admirable composer because his music has transcended the years. Also the sacred music that he wrote truly gives a different emotion to that type of music. He gave it much more depth and feeling than was natural at that time
BEETHOVEN'S IMPORTANCE Beethoven's music has never lost its central place in the concert repertory. Some works had an immediate and specific impact on the next generation of composers. The influence of the popular Seventh Symphony, for example, can be heard in SCHUBERT's "Great" Symphony in C Major, MENDELSSOHN's "Italian" Symphony The highly expressive quality of all Beethoven's music inspired poetic interpretations and encouraged a century of romantic instrumental works with programmatic overtones. 1770-1827 One of the greatest composers in history First to make music that was nice to listen to-not for religion, education or tell a story

What did Maria Theresa do that was so important?

Maria Theresa (1717-1780), began her rule in 1740. She was the only woman ruler in the 650 history of the Habsburg dynasty. She was also one of the most successful Habsburg rulers1910-1997 Received Nobel Peace Prize for work with poor Found religious community in India

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