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Survey on Students preferences for branded soft drinks Name Department Age 1. Gender : : : : a. Male b.

Female Date Year : :

2. Which of the following drinks you drink most? a. Cola based drink c. Milk based drink b. Fruit based drink d. Fresh fruit juices

3. On what occasions you prefer to drink these drinks? __________________________ . 4. When you think of soft drinks which brand comes to your mind? Please list the brands.

5. For which brands of soft drinks you have seen advertisements (TV, newspapers, magazines, hoardings radios etc.,) very recently?

6. Which advertisement attracted/ impressed you a lot? Why?

7. Which of the soft drink brands have you tried? (Tick all you tried). a. Maaza e. Coco cola i. Limca m. Thums up b. Frooti f. Pepsi j. Sprite n. Fanta c. Slice g. Appy fiz k. Tion o. Mirinda d. Mountain dew h. Nimbooz l. Real p. Bovanto

8. Which of the brands you are consuming frequently? ( Can tick more than one option) a. Maaza e. Coco cola i. Limca m. Thums up b. Frooti f. Pepsi j. Sprite n. Fanta c. Slice g. Appy fiz k. Tion o. Mirinda d. Mountain dew h. Nimbooz l. Real p. Bovanto

9. What made you to try these brands in the first place? Select the appropriate option a. I keep trying whatever new drinks comes to the market b. Advertisements c. Popularity of the drink among friends d. I try new drinks, but only on impulse e. Unavailability of my favourite brand in a store may result me in trying a new one thats available 10. Please mention the name of your most favourite brand of Soft drink. __________________________ . 11. Why is this brand your most favourite? Select the most appropriate option. a. Brand appeal b. Taste c. Attractive packaging d. Advertisements e. Price f. Availability

12. What are the brands you disliked after trying them? (Can tick more than one option) a. Maaza e. Coco cola i. Limca m. Thums up b. Frooti f. Pepsi j. Sprite n. Fanta c. Slice g. Appy fiz k. Tion o. Mirinda d. Mountain dew h. Nimbooz l. Real p. Bovanto

13. What was the main reason you disliked the product? a. I didnt like the taste b. I tried it as my favorite brand is not available and later I switched to my brand c. The brand is not cool and its doesnt gels my style d. Its not available many times on the store. e. Its price is higher than of the similar brands f. There is no specific reason. 14. Which of the packs you commonly buy when you want a soft drink? a. 50 100 ml pouch b. 200 -300 ml bottle c. Tetra pack d. 500 600 ml bottle e. 1 litre bottle f. 2 litre bottle

15. Select the average frequency of consumption of drinks? a. More than twice a day b. Twice a day c. Almost every day d. 3- 4 times a week e. Once a week f. Once in 15 days Thank you g. Once in a month

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