List of Unix Commands

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# Used to make comments in a shell script or tells which shell to use as an interpreter for the script. .

Reads commands from a script and execute them in your current environment. /etc/defaultrouter Defines the systems default routers. Values must be separated with whitespace, # can be used for comments. /etc/gateways Contains all the routes and default gateways for the system. /etc/hostname.interface Contains the hostname of the system and should match the hostname defined in the /etc/hosts file. The file is named with the interface name, such as hostname.hme0 or hostname.le0 /etc/hosts Configures names and aliases of IP-addresses. Fields should be separated with Tab or white space. /etc/inetd.conf Is the Internet services database ASCII file which contains a list of available network services. /etc/inetd.conf Is the Internet server database ASCII file that contains a list of available servers. Is invoked by inetd when it gets an Internet request via a socket. /etc/inetd.conf Is the Internet server database, used by the inetd daemon, which contains a list of available network services. /etc/inittab Is a script used by init. Controls process dispatching. /etc/inittab Controls process dispatching. Used by init. /etc/inittab Is a script used by init. Controls process dispatching. /etc/lilo.conf Is the configuration file used by the Linux Loader while booting. /etc/modules.conf Loads modules specific options at startup. /etc/mygate Defines the systems default router or gateway.

/etc/myname Specifies the real host name for the system. /etc/netsvc.conf Specifies how different name resolution services will look up names. /etc/nodename Specifies the real hostname for the system. /etc/nologin Is a text file that, if it exists in /etc/, will prevent non-root users from logging in. If a user attempts to login, it will be shown the contents of the file, and then be disconnected. /etc/nologin Is a text file message that is shown to the user who tries to log on during a system shutdown process. After the message appears the log on procedure ends. /etc/nsswitch.conf Specifies how the lookup for different databases are performed and in what order. Lookups are done left to right. /etc/nsswitch.conf Specifies how the lookup for different databases is done and in what order /etc/printcap Describes printers and allows dynamic addition and deletion of printers by the spooling system. /etc/printcap Describes printers and allows dynamic addition and deletion of printers by the spooling system. /etc/rc.conf Is a configuration file used to configure the system daemons. It has three sections, the first turns features on or off, the second turns daemons on or off and the third sets parameters for the daemons in use. /etc/resolv.conf Configures DNS name servers to use for hostname lookups. /etc/sysconfig/network Configures the system's network. Specifies hostname and gateway. /etc/xinetd.conf Contains the configuration for the extended internet services started by the xinetd command. a2p Transforms awk scripts to perl scripts, and shows the result on STDOUT. ab Benchmarks your Apache server by sending requests to it. ab

Benchmarks your Apache server by sending requests to it. ab Benchmarks your Apache server by sending requests to it. ab_admin Manages an AnswerBook card catalog database through a shell-level interface. Will enable administrators to delete, add, list, verify and modify AnswerBook entries. ac Shows how long a user or users have been logged in. ac Counts how long a user or users have been using their accounts. accept Enables the printer queue specified to receive print requests. access Checks whether if a file can be accessed. Exits successfully if the file can be accessed with the specified mode. accessx Configures the keyboard for use by people with disabilities. Requires OpenWindows version 3.4 or later. acctcms Creates a summary of command usage using accounting records. Shows the result to STDOUT. acctcms Reads one or more files, adds the records for processes that execute commands that have the same name , and then shows a summary. acctcom Reads the specifed files, or the file /var/adm/pacct, and searches for account information. acctcom Reads files, STDIN, or /var/adm/pacct, and searches the files for account information. Shows the information as described by acct to STDOUT. acctcon Reads login/logoff records from STDIN and converts them to total accounting records. acctcon1 Converts login/logoff records into ASCII output. Uses STDIN or reads from the wtmp file located in /var/adm/. acctcon1 Converts login/logoff records into ASCII. It reads from STDIN or the wtmp file in /var/adm/. acctcon2

Reads the ASCII records created from acctcon1 and converts them into total accounting (tacct) records acctcon2 Reads the ASCII records created by acctcon1 and converts them into total accounting (tacct) records. acctdisk Reads the output lines from diskusg or acctdusg from STDIN, creates total accounting records for each individual record, and then writes to STDOUT. acctdisk Converts information regarding transferred disk blocks by userID or login name by reading the accounting file (usually /var/adm/pacct) and then creates total accounting records. acctdusg Calculates disk resource consumption for users. Reads from STDIN. acctdusg Calculates disk resource consumption for users. Reads from STDIN. acctmerg Merges or adds accounting files in the total accounting (tacct) or ASCII format. acctmerg Merges or adds accounting files in the total accounting (tacct) or ASCII format. accton Outputs process accounting to the specified file. If no file name is given, turns process accounting off. accton Outputs process accounting to the specified file. Without file, process accounting will be turned off. accton Outputs process accounting to the specified file. If no file name is given, will turns process accounting off. acctprc1 Converts information created with acct, and adds the login names that corresponds with the user IDs. acctprc1 Converts information created with acct and adds the login names that corresponds with the user IDs. acctprc2 Reads records from STDIN in the format created by acctprc1, sorts them by ID and name, and shows the result to STDOUT.

acctprc2 Reads records from STDIN in the format created by acctprc1, and sorts them by ID and name, and shows the result to STDOUT. acctwtmp Manages connect-time accounting records by writing a UTMP record to STDOUT. acctwtmp Writes an UTMP record with the current time and a string of characters that describe the reason, into specified file. acfgd Manages auto- configuration of PCMCIA devices. acledit Is an editor used to manage access control list (ACL) for a file. aclget Shows the access control information for a specific file. aclput Sets the access control list for a file. actctrl Configures the IBM Active 2000 ISDN device driver and downloads firmware into the ISDN card. adb Provides a controlled environment to examine files, and acts as an interactive general-purpose debugger. adb Provides a controlled environment to examine files. Is an interactive debugger to examine core files. addbib Creates, modifies or updates a library database of information. After executing, addbib gives step-by-step instructions and prompts for necessary information addbib Creates, modifies, or updates a library database of information. After executing addbib it will give step-by-step instructions and prompt for necessary information. addftinfo Reads troff font file and adds font metric information that is used by the groff system. addftinfo Reads troff font file and adds font metric information that is used by the groff system. addr Shows information about network addresses. Will show you the hexadecimal format of the IP address. addr2line Shows file names and line numbers for a specified program addresses. adduser Adds a user to the system. Asks for required additional data that has not been specified on the

command line. addX11input Collects X11 values and creates an X11 input extension record in the ODM database. add_drv Installs new device drivers in the computer and assigns device names. adfutil Merges MCA driver information from a diskette for PS/2 adapters into the ODM. admin Manages SCCS history files. SCCS history files have the form s.filename. admin, sccs-admin Manages SCCS history files. SCCS history files have the form s.filename. admintool Manages users and groups accounts in an X window environment. Also manages printers and allows installed software to be viewed. adsl-connect Is a user-space PPPoE client. It manages an ADSL connection and reestablishes a dropped connection. adsl-setup Is a PPPoE client configuration script. It is used for the adsl-start, adsl-stop and adsl-connect scripts. adsl-start Starts the Roaring Penguin user-space PPPoE client. adsl-status Shows status of the PPPoE link that was established by the Roaring Penguin user-space PPPoE client. adsl-stop Stops the Roaring Penguin user-space PPPoE client. afbconfig Configures AFB Graphics Accelerators and some X11 window defaults. afm2tfm Used to convert an Adobe font metric file to TeX font metric format. afslog Is used to gather AFS tokens for specified cells. aixterm Is an enhanced terminal emulator for X-window. ali Shows addresses for mail aliases. ali Shows addresses for mail aliases. alias Creates an alias for a command. If options aren't specified it will show all aliases. aliasadm Manages NIS+ aliases maps. allneeded Forces the calculation of all fonts that are needed to preview a set of dvi files. alloc

Shows how much memory is used and free. alloc Shows how much memory is used and is free. allocate Assigns and manages device allocation and ensures that each given device is used by only one user at a time. alog Manages the systems log files. alt_disk_install Installs or clones an mksysb image on an alternate disk. amd Tries to automount a file system whenever a directory or file within it is accessed. amq Is used to determine the current state of the amd program. anacron Runs commands periodically answer Is a utility that secretaries can use for easily creating emails while recieving a phone call. answerbook Starts the AnswerBook browser where you can search for information online. answerbook2 Starts up a browser and show online documentation from an AnswerBook2 server. answerbook2_admin Starts the Answerbook administration GUI interface in your default web browser and shows the URL http://localhost:8888 the management port for the AnswerBook server. apm Shows power status and can configure the server in standby or suspend mode. apm Shows the current power status or puts the system in standby or suspend mode. apmd Is a monitor daemon and works together with the APM BIOS driver in the OS kernel. apmd Monitors the APM pseudo-device and executes the actions requested by the apm command. apmsleep Sets the computer in suspend or sleep mode. appletviewer Executes Java applets outside the browser and shows them in a separate window. apply Applies parameters to a specific command. apply Runs the specified command once for every argument specified. A magic character followed by a number will be replaced by the remaining argument matching the number index. appres Shows how much resources are used by a specific application. appres Is used to show how many resources will be used by a specific application.

appres Shows how much resources a specific application will use. apptrace Traces function calls that a specific program makes to shared libraries. apropos Shows all manual pages that contain the specified keywords, including the section number and a short description. ar Creates and updates library files. It combines files into a single archive file. arch Shows the hardware architecture of the current host. arch Is used to show the computers architecture. arch Shows the hardware architecture of the current host. All SunOs 5.x SPARC based systems report as sun4. arithmetic Is a simple math game that keeps track of progress and shows results after every twenty questions. arithmetic Is a simple math game that keeps track of progress and shows results after every 20 questions. arp Shows and alters the ARP table which is used to map MAC addresses to their assigned IP addresses. arping Ppings the destination address using arp packets on the specified interface. arpsnmp Saves the Ethernet/IP address pairings. Logs the activity to syslog and sends a report of the changes by e-mail. arpwatch Saves the Ethernet/IP address pairs. Logs the activity to syslog and sends a report of the changes by e-mail as Is an assembler that will create object files using assembly language source files as input. as86 Assembles code for the 8086 to 80386 processors. asa Converts FORTRAN carriage control output to a printable format. asa, fpr Converts FORTRAN carriage control output to an AIX line printer format. asa, fpr Converts Fortran carriage control output to a printable format and sends it to STDOUT. ascii-xfr Sends or receives files in ASCII mode. aset Is a set of utilities used for security administration named Automated Security Enhancement Tool (ASET). Enables the administrator to analyze system files for permissions and attributes.

aset.restore Resets system files to the same state as they where before ASET was installed. ash, bsh Is a shell similar to sh with similar features as system V shell. askrunlevel Allows selection of the operation mode at boot time. aspell Checks for misspelled words. It has filter for e-mail, sgml, and TeX. aspell (2) More options aspppd Is a daemon that provides PPP services to connect to remote hosts. Automatically starts the connection when a PPP request is made. aspppls Initiates the link manager to allow incoming calls. This command is the actual login service that connects the incoming client to aspppd daemon on the host server. at Schedules commands to be executed at a later time. atactl Is used to control standard IDE and ATA controller devices. atd Runs jobs that are queued by at. ate Is an asynchronous terminal emulation program. atmstat Shows the status of ATM adapters. atq Shows any queued at jobs for the current user or for a specified user. atrm Removes jobs from the at or batch queues. atrun Runs jobs that are queued by the at command to run later. It is used for backward compatibility. atrun Runs jobs that are queued by the at command to run later. audioctl Shows and sets driver variables for various audio systems. audioplay Plays audio files and can copy a specified audio file to an audio device. audiotool Records, plays and edits audio data. Used only in X-window. audit Manages the way the audit daemon auditd performs. audit Manages the behavior of the audit daemon auditd. auditbin Is a daemon that manages bin files of audit information.

auditcat Is the subsystem of the audit command that writes records to trail files. auditconfig Configures the audit parameters used by the kernel in order to use auditing. auditconv Converts audit records from older OSes to AIX version 4 format. auditd Is the daemon that manages auditing and uses the audit control file to set working environment. auditmerge Merges two or more audit trail files into one single trail file. auditpr Shows or prints audit records. auditreduce Selects and merges audit records collected from audit trail files. auditselect Shows all audit records that match the specified criteria. auditstat Shows kernel audit statistics as well as other useful information about the kernel. auditstream Copies records from the audit device to STDOUT in binary format. authconfig Configures /etc/sysconfig/network to support NIS. autoconf6 Configures IPv6 network interfaces at startup. autoexpect Inspects your actions in a command and creates an expect script that recreates your interactions. autoload Marks the function for auto loading. automount Installs mount points for automatic mounting upon requests from users. Uses automount maps to relate to each mount point that has been installed. automount Installs mount points automatically upon user requests. It associates automount maps to an installed mount point. automountd Is the daemon that manages mount and unmount requests made by the autofs kernel extension. automountd Is the daemon that manages mount and unmount requests made by autofs. autopush Configures a list of modules that will be automatically streamed when a device is opened. autopush Configures a list of modules that will be automatically streamed when a device is opened. avmcapictrl Configures active AVM ISA cards. avmcapictrl(2) Loads the firmware to an active AVM ISA card.

awk Scans the input file or files for lines that match the specified pattern in 'scriptstr' or from a file. awk, nawk Scans the input file or files for lines that match the specified pattern in ' scriptstr ', or from a file. backup Is a backup program that can backup file systems or files to a tape or a diskette. bad144 Shows or writes hard disk bad sector information in standard DEC 144 format. badblocks Searches a device for bad blocks. badsect Creates files over the bad sectors so that no other files can use the bad sectors banner Shows the specified strings in large letters on STDOUT. basename Removes the prefix and suffix from a string and shows the output to STDOUT. bash Is the GNU Bourne-again shell. It's compatible with the Bourne shell, with additional functions from Korn and C-shell. bash, sh Is a free version of Bourne-shell with many features from C- TC- and Korn shell. bashbug Creates and sends bug reports about the bash shell to the address specified. batch Executes commands at a future time when the system load level permits. The commands is read from STDIN. battery Shows battery information. bc Reads a file or STDIN and uses a C-like arithmetic language. Acts as a pre-processor for the command dc. bcc It is the Bruce's C compiler. A simple C compile that use K&R C syntax. bdconfig Configures the SunButtons and SunDials stream, autopush facility, and the serial device to use with the stream. bdes Encrypts or decrypts from STDIN to STDOUT. It uses the Data Encryption Standard (DES). bdftopcf Compiles a font for the X server and the font server. It converts BDF-fonts into PCF-fonts. bdiff Compares files that are too large for the command diff. bdiff Compares files that are too large for the command diff. bellmail

Shows or sends messages to users in the system. bf Shows the amount of memory an application is using. bffcreate Creates backup files of an installation image in bff format to support software installations. bfrpt Shows output from the bf command in a readable format. bfs Scans big files to identify sections. Supports all command operators from the command ed. bfs Scans big files to identify sections and can be used like ed. Default it will show the size of the file. bg Places the specified job in the background. bicheck Checks the syntax for files that have been modified by a user. biff Enables or disables mail notification. If no arguments are used, shows the current status. biff Enables or disables mail notification. If no arguments are used, it will show the current status. biff Enables or disables mail notification. If no arguments are used, shows the current status. bind Shows or binds key sequence to readline function or macro. bind Shows or bind key sequences to a readline function or macro. binder Binds applications, print methods, icons, colors or open methods to files. bindkey Binds keys to an edit command. All bindings will be shown if no options is specified. bindkey Binds keys to an edit command in the shell. Without any options, shows all bindings. bindprocessor Shows processors, or handles kernel thread bindings of a process. biod Is a daemon that manages client requests for files over NFS. bison Generates a parser program for specified grammar file. bltin Runs the internal command in the shell. boot Loads the system kernel, sets console baud rate and runs various machine-dependent commands. bootinfo Shows boot information. bootlist

Manages the boot order in the system. bootparamd Is a daemon that provides necessary information to diskless clients for booting. It searches the bootparams database or the /etc/bootparams file. bootpd Sets up the Internet Boot Protocol server. bootpd Is the Internet Bootstrap Protocol server. bootpef Builds BOOTP extension files. bootpgw Acts as a gateway between subnets and forwards BOOTP requests and replies. bootptest Tests a BOOTP server. It listens for responses on the requests sent. bootptodhcp Converts between bootp and dhcp, or removes bootp entries from a dhcp configuration file. bosboot Copies or creates a boot image. bosdebug Enables, disables, or shows the status of debugging information on the system. brconfig Shows and controls bridge interfaces. break Exits from a for, foreach, while, select or until loop. bs "Compiles and interprets smaller programs bsh "Invokes the Bourne shell bterm Is a bidirectional terminal emulator. bugfiler Stores bug reports in a mail directory. builtin Forces the use of a shell that builtin commands. builtin Forces the use of a shell built-in command. builtins Shows all built-in commands in tcsh. builtins Shows all built-in commands in tcsh. bunzip2 Decompresses bzip2 files. bunzip2 Decompresses bzip2 compressed files. burst Allows a message to be split into several new messages.

burst Allows a message to be split into several new messages. busstat Collects statistics and show buss performance counters. bye Leaves the shell. It's the same as exit. bzcat Decompresses a bzip2 file to STDOUT. bzcat Decompresses a bzip2 compressed file to STDOUT. bzip2 Compresses, decompresses or tests bzip2 files. bzip2 Is used to compress, decompress or test bzip2 files. bzip2recover Recovers data from a damaged bzip2 compressed file. bzip2recover Recovers data from a damaged bzip2 compressed file. c++ Is a complete compiler for C, C++, and assembler. c++ Is a complete compiler for C, C++ and Assembler. c++filt Organizes the C++ symbols. c++filt Organizes the C++ symbols. c2ph, pstruct Translates C code to Perl code. cachefslog Shows where the statistics for CacheFS are being logged. Can also redirects logs to another location, or stop logging. cachefslog Shows where the statistics for CacheFS are logged. Can also redirect the log or stop logging altogether. cachefspack Compresses or decompresses files and file systems located in cache. cachefsstat Shows various cache statistics like hits and misses about a cache file system that is mounted on a particular path. cachefswssize Shows the workspace size and the total cache size statistics for the cache log file specified. Shows how much cache is needed for each file system that is mounted under the cache. cachefswssize Shows the workspace size and the total cache size statistics for the specified cache log file. caesar Is used to decipher caesar crypto by reading from STDIN and showing the results to STDOUT.

cal Shows the calendar for a selected month in the year, or the entire year. calctool Is a graphic desktop calculator that you can use with the mouse or the keyboard. calendar Reads from the calendar file and shows any scheduled events. calendar Reads from the default calendar file or from a specified one and shows any scheduled events. calendar Reads your calendar file and shows any notes that you have entered for today and tomorrow. cancel Kills print requests to the lp command. It stops print requests related to a specified queue or printer. cancel Terminates a printer job. cancel Kills print requests to printers or printerpools. It stops print requests related to the user name on any host or specifies a print request to stop. canonls Processes one or more troff command output for the Canon LASER SHOT in LIPS III mode. captoinfo Searches file for termcap descriptions and shows the equivalent terminfo description with any comments. capture Takes a screen dump of a terminal. cap_mkdb Creates a hashed capability database out of the termcap or terminfo logical databases. cardctl Administers and controls the state of PCMCIA sockets. cardmgr Manages and monitors PCMCIA card sockets and does automatic installation/uninstallation. case Matches each pattern successively against the word and run the commands when the first match is found. cat Shows files and can also combine several files into one file. catman Creates and manages the manual pages. It also creates and manages the windex database, which contains a short description of the commands. catman Creates and manages the manual pages and the windex database that contains short command descriptions. cb Reads the C source codes from STDIN or specified files and writes the code in a structured way to STDOUT. cc Is the C and C++ Compiler for Linux. See gcc or g++ for complete information.

cc Is the C and C++ compiler for BSD. See gcc or g++ for complete information. cc Works as an interface for the BSD Compatibility Package C compiler. It only works if the SPROcc development package is installed. cccp Is a macro processor used to transform a program before compilation. Mainly used by the C compiler. ccdconfig Configures concatenated disk devices. cd, chdir Changes the working directory. If no directory is specified $HOME is used. cdc, sccs-cdc Alters the delta commentary of an SCCS delta. It can also be used to explain the commentary. cdecl Encodes or decodes C or C++ type declarations. cdio Is a CD audio player. cdp, cdplay Controls and plays audio CDs interactively or non interactively. cdparanoia Reads audio tracks from a CD-ROM drive that is CDDA compatible. cdrecord Records data or audio to a CD-ROM with the specified CD recorder. certpatch Adds subjectAltname to a PEM certificate. Signs the certificate with the signing key after the addition. cfdisk Controls and alters partitions on hard disk drives by use of interactive menus. cfgif Manages network interface instances in the system configuration database. cfginet Manages configuration of Internet instances and their interface instances. cfgmgr Configures devices and installs device software by running the programs specified in the Configuration Rules object class. cfgqos Manages the quality of service instances. cflow Analyzes the C and C++ and object files, and generates a flow graph of external references to STDOUT. cfsadmin Is a disk space administration utility for use with the cache File System (cacheFS). cfsadmin Is a disk space administration utility for use with the Cache File System (CacheFS). chage

Alters or shows the user password expiry information for the specified user. chargefee Is an accounting command used to charge units to a login. chargefee Is an accounting command that is used to charge units to a login. charset Changes one of the two slots for character sets. chat Controls a conversation automatically between two computers over a modem connection. chat Is an automated chat program doing conversational exchange between the computer and the modem. chattr Alters the file attributes on a Linux second extended file system. chauthent Manages the authentication method for the system. chclass Manages workload management classes. chcons Redirects the system console to a specified device or file. The change is effective on the next startup of the system, and does not affect the current console system operation. chdev Changes the characteristics of a specified device, whether the device is in a defined, stopped, or available state. chdisp Changes the default display to use with the system. chdoclang Manages documentation language. chdsmitd Manages a domain from the DSMIT member list. check-hostname Checks to see if the host has a fully qualified host name which is needed by sendmail. check-permissions Checks permissions on sendmail files. Warns if permissions are not safe. checkalias Shows information about mail aliases. checkcw Manages the balance between left and right delimiters and .CW and .CN pairs. checkeq Creates a report of wrong or lost delimiters and equation start/end markers (EQ/EN). This is useful when you use the eqn and neqn language processors on a text file. checkeq Creates a report of wrong or lost delimiters and equation start/end markers (EQ/EN). checkmm Checks documents formatted with memorandum macros, checks syntax errors in files prepared for mm or mmt.

checknr Checks nroff or troff files for errors such as missing delimiters and unknown commands. checknr Checks nroff or troff files for errors such as missing delimiters and unknown commands. checknr Checks nroff and troff files for errors such as missing delimiters and unknown commands. checkpc Administers information about entries in the printcap database. chfilt Manages filter rule definitions in a filter rule table. chflags Changes the flags/attributes for the specified files. chfn Is an interactive utility that changes a user's finger information. chfn Changes your finger information. chfont Changes the default font selected at boot time. You must have root authority to run this command. chfs Changes specified attributes of a file system. chgif Changes the configuration of a network interface instance. chginet Changes the configuration for Internet instances. chgroup Changes attributes for groups. chgrp Sets or changes the group ID for the file or files specified. chgrpmem Changes the administrators or members of a group. chhwkbd Changes keyboard attributes stored in the ODM database. chio Is a tool for controlling medium changers. chitab Changes records in the /etc/inittab file. chkbd Changes the software keyboard map to be loaded into the system at the next initial program load. chkconfig Administers runlevel information for system services. chkey Creates a new encryption key, asks for a password, and tells the ypupdated daemon to update the /etc/publickey file. chkey

Alters a user's secret key pair and secure RPC public key. chkfontpath Configures the directories in the X font server path. chlang Manages language settings for the system or for a user. chlicense Changes the status of user-floating licensing for the system and changes the number of userfixed licenses. chlv Is used to manage characteristics of a logical volume. chlvcopy Manages mirror copies on a logical volume. chmaster Runs the ypinit command and restarts the NIS daemons to change a master server. chmod Alters or assigns permissions to a file. chnamsv Manages TCP/IP based name service configuration on a host, but does not change the name server database. chnfs Manages how many biod and nfsd daemons to start. chnfsexp Manages export settings for directories to NFS clients. chnfsmnt Manages mount settings for a directory on an NFS server. chown Alters the ownership ID of files and also sets the group ID if it is specified. chpass, chfn, chsh Manages user databases, allowing editing of the information within. chpasswd Updates the passwords for a group of users with name and password pairs from STDIN. chprtsv Manages print service configurations. chps Changes attributes of a paging space. chpv Changes the characteristics of a physical volume in a volume group. chque Changes the queue name in the config file. chquedev Changes the queue device names of printer or plotter. chrole Manages role attributes. chroot Alters the root directory for a command. chsec

Changes the attributes in the security stanza files. chserver Alters a subserver definition in the subserver object class. chservices Manages the /etc/services file. chsh Changes the login shell for the current user or for the specified user. chsh Changes your login shell. chslave Reruns the ypinit command to retrieve maps from a master server and restarts the ypserv daemon to change the slave server. chssys Manages subsystem definitions in the subsystem object class. chsubserver Manages the contents of the /etc/inetd.conf file. chtcb Changes or queries the specified trusted computing base attribute of a file. chtun Changes the tunnel definition between a local host and a partner host. chtz Manages the TZ environment variable in the /etc/environment file. chuser Changes the user attribute identified by the name. Manipulates local user data only. chvfs Changes entries in the /etc/vfs file. chvg Specifies characteristics of a volume group, and specifies if the group is automatically activated at system startup. chvirprt Changes the attribute values of a virtual printer. chvt Changes foreground virtual screen. chypdom Changes the current domain name of the system. ci Stores revisions in the specified revision control system files. ci Creates and stores revisions in the specified revision control system files. cjpeg Creates a JPEG/JFIF image from a specified image file or from STDIN. ckdate Prompts the user for a date format and then verifies the response. ckgid Prompts the user for a group ID and verifies the answer. ckint

Prompts the user for an integer and then verifies the answer. ckitem Creates a menu and then prompts the user to select a menu option that will then be verified. Use this to define prompt, help, and error messages, and to define a default value. ckkeywd Prompts the user for a keyword and then verifies the response. ckpacct Sets the maximum file size for the process accounting file. ckpacct Sets the maximum file size for the process accounting file. ckpath Prompts the user for a path and verify the answer. ckprereq Checks whether the system level is compatible with the software being installed or updated. ckstr Prompts the user for a response and verifies the answer. cksum Calculates the checksum (CRC) and number of octets for each input file. cktime Prompts the user for a time format and then verifies the response. ckuid Prompts the user for a valid user name and verifies the answer. ckyorn Prompts the user for a yes or a no and verifies the answer. clear Clears the screen of all information if not disabled by your terminal environment. clear_locks Removes file, record and share locks that were made by an NFS client. clinfo Shows information about the cluster configuration on the node the command was executed. clockdiff Measures clock difference between computers with the resolution of 1 msec. closewtmp Places a false DEAD_PROCESS record into the file /var/adm/wtmp for each user logged in. It is then used by the command runacct to track each users connection time. clri Is used to clear inodes by writing zeros as the inode number. clri, dcopy Clears inodes by writing zeros on the specified inode number. cm Is the OpenWindows calendar manager. Useful in many ways as a reminder and scheduler. cmap_alloc Creates custom color maps for X11 clients that need to run programs that can not use the default color map. cmap_compact Reduces color map flashing by assigning color values towards the high end of 255 in the default

color map. cmdtool Opens an enhanced terminal window that is used to run programs or shells. cmp Compares two files of any type and shows the line number and byte where the files differ. cm_delete Removes an appointments from the cm Calendar Manager. cm_insert Inserts an appointment into the cm Calendar Manager. cm_lookup Finds your appointments in the cm Calendar Manager. co Checks out a revision from a RCS file and stores it in the corresponding working file. co Checks out a revision from a RCS file and stores it in the corresponding working file. codepage Extracts code pages from a file. col Converts spaces to Tabs or Tabs to spaces in text files to create or modify columns. colcrt Removes underlines or shows them on new lines when filtering the nroff file for a CRT preview. colcrt Removes underlines or shows them on new lines filtering the nroff file for a CRT preview. colcrt Removes underlines or shows them on new lines filtering the nroff file for a CRT preview. colorchooser Allows you to change colors of icons for use in an X window environment. colrm Deletes selected columns from a file reading from STDIN to STDOUT. colrm Deletes selected columns from a file reading from STDIN to STDOUT. colrm Deletes selected columns from a file reading from STDIN to STDOUT. column Formats input into multiple columns. column Formats input into multiple columns. comb Creates a script that is used to recreate and combine older versions of SCCS files, s.files. comb, sccs-comb Creates a script that re-creates and combines older versions of SCCS files, s.files. All changes are saved in deltas, together with a version identification line (SID). combine Combines images together with new image. comm

Compares two files and shows you the unique and common lines from both files. command Executes the command and will disable lookup functions in the current shell. Can also give information on how the command will be interpreted by the shell. comp Creates a mail message with a preconfigured form. comp Creates a mail message with a preconfigured form. compgen Generates possible completion matches for the specified word according to the option. compile_et Compiles error tables, converting them to a C source file usable with the com_err library. complete Declares how a command should be completed. Use the Tab key to perform the completion on the command line. complete Declares how a command should be completed. compress Compresses the size of a file and replaces the old file with a new file with the extension .Z. The new file will inherit the same permissions and modification times from the original file comsat Is a daemon that listens to the datagram port for any reports of incoming mail, and then notifies any users who have asked to be told of the mail delivery. comsat Is the daemon that listens to the datagram port for any reports of incoming mail and notifies users. comsat, in.comsat Listens for incoming mail and notifies users that have asked to be told when new mail comes (biff y). confer Starts an online conferancing system. The participants must type joinconf at the command line to join the conferance. config Creates kernel compilation directories and allows kernel configuration. conflict Reports conflicts between nmh and the transport system. Reports maildrops that are not owned by a user found on the system, or if a user owns more than one maildrop. conflict Reports conflicts between nmh and the mail transport system. consadm Shows console messages to the terminal or screen specifed. Can show messages on many screens at one time. consolechars Changes console screen font, screenfont map, and / or application-charset map. consolehelper Authenticates users via PAM and runs the program specified including any options the command may have.

consoletype Shows the screen (console) type that is currently connected to STDIN. constype Shows the type of Sun console you are using by showing the Sun code. continue Doesn't run the remaining commands in the loop and continue to the next iteration. Can be used in the commands for, while, until, select and foreach. convert Converts image formats, colors, sizes, creates filter effects, rotations, sequences, and more. conv_lp Converts line printer configuration from a directory to an output file. conv_lpd Converts LPD configuration files between the printers.conf and the printcap formats. coreadm Manages the core files in the system. cp Copies files and directories to a new destination. cpio Copies files into and out of a cpio archive. It operates in three different modes. cplv Manages copying from one logical volume to another logical volume. cpp Is a C language preprocessor that insert include files in the source code of the source file creating a single file. cproto Creates C function prototypes and converts function definitions. cpustat Collects CPU statistics and shows performance counters. cputrack Uses CPU counters to monitor how a process behaves on the system. cpu_state Manages which processors on a multiprocessor system will be active on the next restart. crash Examines the image of the system memory of a currently running or crashed system. If no image file is specified, the current system is examined. crash Examines the image of the system memory of a currently running or crashed system. createdb Creates databases on a postgres server. createlang Adds new programming languages to the specified postgres database. createuser Creates users in a postgres database. crfs Adds a file system on a logical volume to a previously created volume group. crle

Creates and displays runtime linking configuration files. If used with no or the -c option, it displays the configuration file. Otherwise, a new file is created. cron, crond Starts the cron daemon used to execute commands at scheduled dates and times specified in the crontab file. cronadm Shows or removes crontab or at jobs specified by parameters. crontab Views, creates, deletes, or edits the crontab file which contains a list of jobs including the time and date they will execute. If option isn't given read from STDIN. crvfs Creates entries in the /etc/vfs file. crypt Encrypts or decrypts a file. Uses STDIN and STDOUT. csh Is the C-shell command interpreter, which uses a syntax similar to the C language. csh Is the C-shell command interpreter that uses a syntax similar to the C language. csh Is the C shell command interpreter, which uses a syntax similar to the C language. csplit Splits all or part of a file into other files in the way specified with the arguments. csplit Splits whole or parts of a file into new files. csplit Splits all or part of a file into other files in the way specified by your arguments. ct Dials up a terminal modem trying each line listed in /etc/uucp/Devices until an available line is found, and initiates a login process to that terminal. ct Dials a phone number to a terminal modem and initiates a login process to that terminal. ctags, etags Inserts tags into programming source code files f that can act as markers making it easier to find section headings quickly and edit them using ex or vi. ctlmp Generates a PostScript format version from text files. Use it when you want to print text files. ctm Creates backup files by creating a delta between two directories. ctm_dequeue Sends all messages in the specified queue directory. ctm_rmail Decodes and reassembles delta files from mail files. Is used to send and receive ctm deltas via mail. ctm_smail Splits the specified delta file into multiple mail files. Is used to send and receive ctm deltas via mail. ctrlaltdel

Sets the function of the Ctrl+Alt+Del buttons used when rebooting a computer. cu Connects to a remote computer or acts as a dial-in terminal. cu Connects you to a remote computer or acts as a dial-in terminal. cu Connects to a terminal on another UNIX system or even a non-UNIX system cursor Sets the cursor shape in a console virtual screen system. custom Enables users to customize X applications. cut Selects fields or columns from a text file or a table and shows the result to STDOUT. cvs Is a version control and logging system for files or directory tree structures including any versionable files. cvs Is a version control and logging system for files or directory tree structures including any versionable files. cvsbug Sends a CVS problem report to a central support site that runs GNATS. cvsbug Sends a CVS problem report to a central support site that runs GNATS. cw Will preprocess specific troff files containing English language text, for typesetting with the constant width font. cxref Creates a C and C++ program cross-reference listing, and writes to STDOUT a listing of all symbols in the processed files. cytune Configures the interruption threshold for the Cyclades driver. dadmin Used by the administrator to locally or remotely query and modify the status of the DHCP servers databases. date Shows current date and time or sets the date and time on your computer. dbmmanage Manages DBM files with user names and passwords to authenticate HTTP users. dbmmanage Manages DBM files with user names and passwords to authenticate HTTP users. dbmmanage Manages DBM files with usernames and passwords to authenticate HTTP users. dbx Is a debug program for C, C++, Pascal and FORTRAN. dc Is a calculator that use reverse-polish notation. It use a stack to performs calculations.

dd Copies and converts an input file to an output file. ddate Shows the date in the discordian date format. deallocate Disables access of a device for a user. deallocvt Disconnects the specified virtual terminal or terminals. debugfs Debugs the ext2 file system specified. defaultbrowser Launches the default Web browser and optionally loads a specified URL. defragfs Increases a file system's contiguous free space by reorganizing scattered allocations. deleteX11input Removes an X11 input extension record from the ODM database. delta Saves the changes made to an original SCCS file and creates a new delta ID for that version. delta, sccs-delta Saves the changes made to an original SCCS file and creates a new deltaID for that version. The SCCS utilities is a programming feature that helps to keep track of changes and versions. depmod Controls dependency descriptions for loadable kernel modules. deroff Removes command constructs made by nroff, troff, tbl or eqn from the specified files. deroff Removes macro calls, requests, table descriptions, and backslashes from nroff, troff, tbl, eqn, or text files. deroff Removes macro calls, requests, table descriptions, and backslash constructs from the specified nroff, troff, tbl, eqn, or text files and shows the result to STDOUT. devattr Shows the attribute values for a device. devfree Frees a device from exclusive use that was assigned exclusive use by the devreserv command. devfsadm Is used to create, update, and configure any /dev or /devices entries in the system. devfsadmd Manages any device configuration done by the command devfsadm. devfseventd Manages services for kernel event notification used by the devfsadmd command. devinfo Is used to show device specific and device partition information. devinstall Will installs software support for devices added after the initial OS installation. devlinks

Creates /dev entries for various devices by creating symbolic links between the /dev directory tree and the device nodes in the /devices tree. devnm Shows the location where a device is mounted. devnm Shows the location where the device is mounted. devreserv Reserves devices for exclusive use. To remove the reservation, use the devfree command. dev_mkdb Creates the /dev directory from the database /var/run/dev.db. df Shows used and free disk space for all file system or the one specified. dfmounts Shows information about mounted devices. dfsck Checks and fixes two different drives file systems at the same time. Uses different options for each file system. dfshares Shows list of shared resources available from remote or local systems. dga Tests video modes for X-window by filling the screen with different colors each time a key is pressed. dga Tests video modes for X-window by filling the screen with different colors each time a key is pressed. dhclient Configures network interfaces to use DHCP. dhcpaction Is used as a configurable script that runs every time a client updates its lease. dhcpagent Is the client daemon for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). dhcpcd Requests an IP address from a DHCP server connected to the same network that your system is on. dhcpcd Manages requests for an IP address from a DHCP server. dhcpconfig Starts the DHCP service configuration utility. dhcpd It is a DHCP server that serves hosts with IP addresses on the network. dhcpinfo Shows DHCP information that is configured on your host and your network interfaces. dhcpmgr Is a graphical user interface used to manage the DHCP service on the local system. dhcprd Is used to manage forwarding of BOOTP and DHCP packets off the local network.

dhcpsconf Is a GUI that will help you configure your DHCP server. dhcpsd Starts a DHCP server. dhcrelay Forwards BOOTP and DHCP requests from one subnet to another subnet. dhcrelay Forwards BOOTP/DHCP requests from a subnet whitout a DHCP server to a subnet that has a DHCP server. dhtadm Manages the DHCP configuration table. diag Is a diagnostic program that is used to perform hardware problem determination. dialog Shows boxes containing questions or messages from the shell. diction Is used to highlight messy sentences. diff Compares two text files in every line. diff3 Compares the difference between three files. diffmk Compares two versions of a troff input file and then creates a third file. diffmk Compares two versions of a troff input file and then creates a third file. diffstat Creates statistic histograms from diff output. dig Gathers information from the DNS servers in interactive or batch mode. dig Gathers information from the DNS servers in interactive or batch mode. dip Controls dial-up or dial-in PPP connections. It dials using a specified dial-up script. diplogin Specifies the user name to login to the dial-in server that exists in the file /etc/diphosts. dir Shows files in the current directory or a specified directory. dircmp Compares the differences between two directories and shows a file listing of unique files. dircmp Compares two directories and shows a file list of the differences between them (unique files). dircolors Shows or sets LS_COLORS environment variable. dirname Shows everything up to the last level of the given path name. dirs

Shows the directory stack with the most recent one to the left. dis Reads an object file and creates a list of assembly statements. The binary data is shown in octal or hexadecimal. disable Disables the specified printer from receiving additional print jobs sent using the lp command. disable Disables the printer specified from receiving additional print jobs sent by using the lpcommand. disable Disables names in the hash table. If no option is given, shows all disabled names. disklabel Shows, installs or modifies a hard disk label. Information in the disk label is used by the operating system. disks Creates /dev entries for hard disks attached to the system. diskusg Will create disk accounting data by user ID, and writes one record per user to STDOUT. dislocate Disconnects a session without logging off to enable you to reconnect to the same session from another location. disown Removes the specified job from the active job list. disown Removes the specified job from the active job list. dispadmin Shows or changes the parameters of the process scheduler on a running system. dispgid Shows a list of all the available groups that are defined on the system, one group per line. display Shows images on the screen in X-window. Multiple images can be shown. dispuid Shows a simple list of all valid user names on the system, one line per name. djpeg Decompresses the JPEG file specified and creates an image file on the STDOUT. dmesg Examines and controls the kernel ring buffer dmesg Is a tool for viewing the contents of the system message buffer. dmesg Shows diagnostic messages on STDOUT. dminfo Shows updates and information about a device in the device_maps file. dnsdomainname Shows the domain that you are in. dnskeygen Creates and maintains public, private, and shared secret keys for DNS servers.

dnsquery Shows information about nameservers through BIND resolver library calls. dnsquery Shows information about nameservers through BIND resolver library calls. docsearch Runs a search program for AIX documentation files in the global library through a Web browser window. docviewer Is an X window application used to view Answer Book online documentation. dodisk "Runs disk accounting functions dodisk Runs disk accounting functions and is normally started by the cron command. doexec Runs a specified command showing it with another name passing the arguments provided. domainname Sets or shows the domain your system is configured for. dos2unix Converts text files from DOS format into the ISO standard format. With this you can import your old DOS textfiles. dosdel Deletes DOS files. dosdir Shows the directory for DOS files. dosformat Formats a DOS diskette. dosfsck, fsck.msdos Checks a DOS file system; can also be used to fix damaged DOS file systems. dosread Copies files between DOS and AIX. doswrite Is used to copy files between AIX and DOS. download Adds host resident fonts to files, and shows results on the STDOUT. dp Converts dates fitting the ARPA Internet standard (822-format). dp Converts dates fitting the ARPA Internet standard (822 format). dpost Converts files that have been created by troff into PostScript files and shows the result on STDOUT. drm_admin Administers servers based on the Data Replication Manager. dropdb Removes a postgres database specified from the system. droplang

Connects to a postgres database and removes a selected programming language. dropuser Connects to a postgres database and removes the specified user. drvconfig Configures the /devices directory. dscreen Enables the physical terminal to connect to multiple screens or virtual sessions. A.K.A the Dynamic Screen utility. dsdm Manages drag-and-drop operations in an X window environment for databases. dspcat Shows all or specific messages in a message catalog. dspmsg Shows a specified message from a message catalog or a default message supplied as a parameter, on STDOUT. ds_reg Is a registration tool for documentation library service files. ds_server_init Reduces color map flashing within applications that requires colors by restricting applications to use colors. dtaction Allows non-CDE applications and shell scripts to be run in the X window environment. dtbuilder Makes it easier for developers to create applications that work well in the CDE. dtchooser Allows the user to choose host to login to. Is used by dtlogin and is not intended to run manually. dtcodegen Creates C, Motif, and CDE source code files from Builder Interface Language (BIL) files. dtconfig Integrates CDE with the operating system. dtconvertvf Converts VUE 3.0 action file-type database files into CDE 1.0 format. For the files to be recognized by CDE, the files must be named with .dt extension. dtcreate Creates actions and data types used to integrate applications into the CDE. dterror.ds Shows error messages from applications or actions that cannot be shown in the context of the executable program. dtexec Executes command actions. Is mostly used by the CDE and should not be started by users. dtfile Is the CDE File Manager. It is used to view, and manage files in the file system. dtfile Is the CDE file manager. It is used to view, and manage the file system. dtfile_copy

Copies folders and subfolders with their content to the target folder. It deletes a file in the target folder if that file does not exist in the source folder. dtfile_error Shows an error dialog based on the specified message. dtksh This is a CDE extended version of the Korn shell. It gives access to many X, Xt, Xm, and CDE functions. dtlp Prints out a file specified. Is a command-line front-end to lp. dtmail Is a mail utility to read, send, and manage mail. It supports MIME, and Sun Mail Tool message formats, as well as IMAP4, to access remote mailboxes. dtpad Edits text files in the CDE environment. dtpower Manages system power. dtprintinfo Shows the print queue and print job status. dtscreen Is the CDE screen saver utility. dtsearchpath Sets the search paths for where the desktop is to look for application manager groups, filetypes and action definitions. dtstyle Manages desktop styles. dtterm Emulates a screen window. VALUE is always a minus (-) or a plus (+) symbol. Default is always the plus symbol except when using the -aw, -J, or -sb option. dtwm Is the CDE Window manager, which is based on the OSF/Motif window manager mwm. du Shows disk usage for a directory and its subdirectories. dump Takes selected parts of an object, archive, or executable file and dumps them. dump Takes selected parts of the object file arguments and dumps them. dump, rdump Is a backup program that examines files in an ext2 file system and determines if the files need to be backed up. dump, rdump Is a backup program that examines your ext2 file system and determine which files to be backed up. dumpadm Configures the crash dump of the operating system. dumpcs Shows the printable characters of the current locale. dumpe2fs

Shows the super block and blocks group information of a file system present on a device. dumpfs Shows information about a specified device or file system. dumpfs Shows information about a device or a file system specified. dumpkeys Shows the contents of the keyboard translation tables on STDOUT. dumpkeys Shows the contents of the keyboard translation tables on STDOUT. e Is used to start the INed full-screen editor. e2fsck, fsck.ext2 Checks Linux second extended file systems. e2label Shows or changes the label of an ext2 filesystem. echo Copies the written string to the screen. Exist as internal in all shells. echotc Exercises the terminal capabilities arguments. echotc Is used to exercise the terminal capabilities arguments. ecpg Is a preprocessor for embedded SQL code within C and Postgres programs. ed Is a line based editor. It is often used to edit files automatically in a script. edit Is just a simple line editor. edit Is a line based text editor for casual users. It works like ex with novice, report, and showmode set to on. edquota Manages user quotas for a ufs file system. eeprom Show or changes the values of parameters in the EEPROM. egrep Shows lines form the file that matches the given pattern using full regular expressions. eiconctrl Configures active Eicon ISDN cards. eject Ejects floppies and CDs from their drives. Works for VM managed devices and devices without eject buttons. eject Ejects a magnetic tape. eject Ejects floppies and CD's from their drives. Only works for VM-managed devices and devices without eject buttons.

elf2olf Converts the specified ELF version module into the default OLF object module format. elfdump Shows information from selected parts of an object file. elksemu Emulates 8086 ELKS programs on an i386. elm Is an interactive mailer program that takes the place of mail and mailx. elmalias Shows information on specified elm aliases. emacs Edits text files, read and send mail, perform outline edits, compiles and run subshells. emulate Emulates other shells with Z-shell. C-shell will not be fully emulated. enable Enables printers to accept print requests from the lp command. Runs only on the print server. enable Enables or disables internal commands. enable Enables printers to print requests from the lp command. Runs only on the print server. enable Enables or disables bash internal commands. encrypt Shows the encrypted form of the string to the STDOUT. enq Enqueues and manages requests to a shared resource, such as a printer device. enroll Is used to create a password that can be used to implement a secure communication channel. entstat Is used to show statistics from the Ethernet device and it's driver. env Alters the current environment and invokes a utility or shows the current environment. eqn, geqn Preprocesses files for troff which contain mathematics equations. errclear Deletes entries from the error log file that are older than the specified number of days. errdead Extracts error records from a system dump file and adds them to the error log. errdemon Starts the error logging daemon. errinstall Is used to add messages into the error logging message sets. erritem Shows error messages that are used with the command ckitem. errlogger Creates an operator error log entry that contains an operator message.

errmsg Is used to add a message into the errorlog message catalog. error Is used to insert compiler error messages into a source file. error Inserts compiler error messages into a source file. errpt Processes and generates a report from entries in an error log. errstop Stops the error logging daemon. errupdate Is used to manage entries in the error record template repository. eval Reads the argument as input to the shell and runs the resulting commands. ex, e Is a line base text editor. It is able to work on several files at the same time. exec Runs a command in place of the current shell. Usually another shell. execerror Writes error messages to STDERR, executed by an exec subroutine when load of a program is unsuccessful. exit Exits a shell or shell script with an exit status expand Replaces Tabs with spaces in text files. If no input files are specified STDIN will be used. expect Is used to automatically control interactive programs. It acts by reading commands from a file. expectk Is used to automatically control interactive programs. Is the same as expect, With Tk support. expfilt Exports filter rules to a text file that can be used by the command impfilt. explain Is an interactive thesaurus for english language phrases. export Exports a shell variable to environment. exportfs Translates exportfs options to share/unshare commands. Without options it shows a list of shared NFS file systems. exportfs Controls the exported file system table for NFS. exportfs Translates exportfs options to share/unshare commands. Without options it shows a list of all currently shared NFS file systems. exportvg Is used to export a volume group. expr

Evaluates an expression and show the result to STDOUT. exptun Is used to export a tunnel definition. exstr Extracts strings from source files written in the C language surrounded by double quotes. extcompose Creates a file containing a reference to external files on the computer. extendlv Is used to increase the size of a logical volume. extendvg Is used to increase the number of disks in a volume group by adding a physical volume to the volume group. ext_srvtab Reads service key files from Kerberos key distribution center database. f Shows user information about users currently logged in to a host (same as the finger command). face Shows your files and folders on the screen. It uses a system of menus and forms. factor Finds the prime factor of a number. Also shows if the number is a prime factor. faillog Manages the summary of failures in /var/log/faillog. false Provides a false value in scripts, does nothing but always exits with a non zero-value. fastboot Restarts the system, but does not take the time to write data in memory to the disks. fastboot Restarts the system but does not take the time to write data in memory to the disks. fasthalt Stops the system immediately, and writes unsaved data to the disks. fasthalt Stops the system immediately. fastmail Sends e-mails fast in a batch to a large group of receivers. fbconfig Configures frame buffer attributes and shows information about them. fc Reruns, edits or lists commands that have recently been used. With no options, edits and runs the last command. fddistat Shows FDDI device drivers and statistics. fdformat Formats new diskettes. fdisk Handles partiton tables. If no arguments is specified, an interactive prompt will be used. fdisk

Is a utility for handling DOS partitions. fdisk Creates or alters the disk partition table on your internal hard drive. You must specify rdevice, which is the raw device to a fixed disk. fdl Manages font information on printers connected to Solaris hosts. It also allows users to manage printer maintenance. fdpr Optimizes a command in three phases. First, it creates a instrumental program that learns the program behavior. Then it starts the program. Finally, it creates an optimized version. feprom_update Is used to load the systems EPROM with the specified file and then reboots the system. fetchmail Retrieves mail from POP, IMAP, or ETRN servers and forwards it to your local mail agent. ff Shows file names and statistics for a file system. ff Shows file names and statistics for a file system. ffbconfig, SUNWffb_config Configures the FFB Graphics Accelerator. ffill Is a faster version of the command fill and will not use nroff formatting. fformat Fills or justifies paragraphs to the right margin, while preserving any left-margin indentation. fg Resumes the execution of a stopped job in the foreground. Without an argument the current job is used. fgconsole Shows you the number of the active virtual terminal. fgrep Shows lines form the file that matches the given pattern. file Performs tests on each file that you have specified to determine what file type it is. file2c Decompiles binary or other files into C-source. filemgr Is a GUI-based file management application. Alters file permissions and creates folders in your file system. filemon Monitors file system performance and report I/O activity, virtual memory segments, physical, and logical volumes. fileplace Shows where a specified file is placed within the physical or logical volumes containing the file. filesync Synchronizes files between different computers. filetest

Tests a file for different things. filetest Tests a file for different things. fill Reads text from STDIN, justifies and fills each paragraph, and writes the result to STDOUT. find Finds files in the specified directories and subdirectories using the Boolean expression from the input line. findsmb Shows information about computers on the network running MS Windows operating systems. finger, safe_finger Shows information about logged in users. firewall Turns off IP forwarding and prevents route information from being visible by starting /usr/etc/in.routed.asetoriginal with the -q flag. fjust Reads text from STDIN, justifies and fills each paragraph, and writes the result to STDOUT. flcopy Copies to and from diskettes. flex, flex++ Is used to create a scanner program that recognize lexical patterns in a text. flex, flex++, lex Creates a scanner program that recognizes lexical patterns in a text. fmgc Manages the garbage collection and hierarchy information for users. These hierarchy files are created by the program filemgr and stores information about directories visited by users. fmli Starts the form and menu language translator. It opens the frames that is specified by the file name argument. fmt Is a text formatter. It will take the text from the file and produce output lines that are joined in the correct way. fmthard Updates the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) on hard disks. fmtmsg Writes a message to STDERR or system console. fnattr Manages the attributes of FNS (Federated Naming Service) objects. fnbind Associates a resource to an FNS name, or binds a reference specified on the command line to an FNS name. fncheck Checks for consistency between FNS (Federated Naming Service) data and NIS+ data. fncopy Copies FNS (Federated Naming Service) contexts from one naming service to another. fncreate

Creates an FNS (Federated Naming Service) context. fncreate_fs Creates File System contexts within the FNS (Federated Naming Service) namespace. fncreate_printer Creates a new printer in the FNS (Federated Naming Service) namespace. fndestroy Removes an FNS (Federated Naming Service) context from the specified name. fnlist Shows the name and reference bound in an FNS (Federated Naming Service) context. fnlookup Shows the binding of an FNS (Federated Naming Service) name that you specify. fnrename Renames the binding of an FNS (Federated Naming Service) name. fnsearch Searches for FNS (Federated Naming Service) objects with specified attributes and / or values. fnselect Selects a naming service to use for the FNS (Federated Naming Service) initial context creation. fnsypd Is a daemon used by NIS clients to update the FNS context on a NIS master server. fnunbind Unbinds the resource from a FNS (Federated Naming Service) name. fold Breaks lines in text files to the specified width. folder, folders Shows the current folder and information about the messages in it. folder, folders Shows the current folder and information about the messages in it. for Is used to go trough each word in the list, assign the value to variable and run the commands. foreach Is used to go trough each word in the list, assign the value to variable and run the commands. format Formats diskettes or read/write optical media disks. format Partitions, labels, repairs, and analyzes disks on the system. Without options, the interactive tool starts. format_floppy Formats floppy disks. It is used mainly by the file manager. fortune Shows a fortune from either the fortune.dat file or from the file specified. fortune Shows an interesting or funny phrase from various people randomly each time you execute it. fortune Shows an interesting or funny phrase from various files randomly each time you execute it. fpr, asa Interprets Fortran carriage-control characters into line printer control characters.

frcactrl Administers the kernel extension FRCA to use in web servers. free Shows the amount of free and used memory in the system. from Shows the sender and date of newly arrived mail messages. from Shows headers for mail sent by the specified sender. from Shows sender and date of newly arrived mail messages. fsadmin Controls whether the font server is or is not started automatically by inetd. fsck Checks file systems for inconsistencies and repair them. fsck.minix Checks the minix file system for consistency. fsck_cachefs Checks the integrity of data cached with the CacheFS command. fsck_ext2fs Makes an interactive file system consistency check and repairs the specified file systems. fsck_ffs Makes a fast file system consistency check and interactive repair for the specified file system. fsck_msdos Makes a DOS/Windows (FAT) file system consistency check and repairs the specified file systems. fsdb Debugs a file system. fsdb Is a tool for debugging and editing file system inode data. fsdb Debugs a file system after a crash. fsinfo Shows information including the capabilities about X font servers on the network. fsinfo Shows information, including the capabilities about X font servers on the network. fsinfo Shows information including the capabilities about X font servers on the network. fsirand Creates random inode generation numbers on all inodes on the specified device. It also creates a file system ID in the superblock. fsirand Creates random inode generation numbers to increase security for NFS file systems. It also creates a file system ID in the superblock. fslsfonts Shows the fonts on the font server that match the pattern specified. Wildcards (*) can be used. fslsfonts

Shows the fonts on the font server that match the pattern specified. Wildcards * can be used. fslsfonts Shows the fonts on the font server that match the pattern specified. Wildcards * can be used. fsplit Reads a FORTRAN source code from a file or STDIN and splits the input into separated routine files. fsplit Reads Fortran source code from a file or STDIN and splits the input into separated routine files. fstat Identifies and shows all open files in the system. fstobdf Creates BDF fonts from an X font server. Debugs font and re-create BDF files. fstobdf Creates BDF fonts from an X font server. It is used to debug fonts and re-create BDF files. fstobdf Creates BDF fonts from an X font server. It is used to debug font and recreate BDF files. fstyp Determines the file system type for unmounted file systems. ftl_check Shows bookkeeping information for a Flash Translation Layer partition. ftl_format Formats a Flash Translation Layer partition on a flash memory device. ftp Transfers files from a remote network. It uses the File Transfer Protocol. ftpcount Shows current number of users using the FTP server. ftprestart Automatically restarts shutdown FTP servers. ftpshut Is an automatic shutdown procedure that notifies FTP users when the server is shutting down. ftpwho Shows information about the current processes for each FTP user. function Defines function in a shell. functions Shows or set attribute for shell functions. funzip Extracts the first file from a zip archive within a pipe to the standard, or specified, input. fuser Shows the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems. fuser Shows all processes that are using the specified files or file systems. fuser Shows process IDs of files that are specified. fvwm Is a window manager for X11. Is used to minimize memory consumption, provide a 3-D look to

window frames. fwtmp Converts binary records in wtmp to readable text records. Reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT. fwtmp Converts binary records in wtmp to readable text records. Reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT. g++ Is the C++ compiler version of gcc. It assumes that the preprocessed files .i are in C++. g++ Is the C++ compiler version of gcc. g77, f77 Is the GNU Fortran compiler. This can also be started using f77. g77, f77 Is the GNU Fortran compiler. This is can also be started using f77. gated Will provide gateway routing functions for the following protocols: RIP, RIPng, EGP, BGP, BGP4+, HELLO, IS-IS, ICMP, ICMPv6, and SNMP. gawk, awk Is a processing language from GNU built from awk and supports all of the options found in awk. gcc Is the GNU C/C++ compiler. It assumes that the preprocessed .i files are C based. gcc, cc Is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. gcore Creates a core file image for the process you specify. The default image file name will be core.processID. gdb Is the GNU debugger program. This can start a specified program and modify its behavior. gdb Is a debugger that can manage debugging of C, C++ and Modula-2 code. A.K.A GNU Debugger. gdc Is a user interface for gated routing daemon. gencat Formats text from a message file and merges the information into the formatted message database called a catfile. gencat Formats text from a message file and merges the information into the formatted message database called a cat file. gencat Formats text from a message file and merges the information into the formatted message database called a catfile. gendiff Generates a diff file that contains the differences between two directories. genfilt

Adds a filter rule to the filter rule table. geniconvtbl Creates binary code conversion tables for iconv using text files. genkex Extracts a list of kernel extensions currently loaded onto the system and displays the address, size, and pathname for each extension. genkld Extracts the list of shared objects currently loaded onto the system and displays the address, size, and pathname for each object. genksyms Creates a file with version information by first running gcc -E on it. genlayouttbl Creates a binary layout table from a locale. genld Extracts a list of loaded objects for each process currently running on the system. genmsg Creates message source files by extracting the messages from other source files. gentun Creates a definition of a tunnel between a local and a remot host. get Retrieves version information from the working copy of the SCCS file. get, sccs-get Retrieves version information from the working copy of the SCCS file. getconf Retrieves current configuration values and show them to STDOUT. getdev Creates a device list that matches the criteria specified. getdgrp Creates a list of device groups that match the specified criteria. getent Retrieves entries using keywords that must already exist from a system configuration file. getent Retrieves entries from system database files using keywords that exists in the database. getfacl Shows the Access Control List (ACL), the owner, and the group for the specified file. getfilename Uses a file in the specified format, then creates a copy of it using the specified file name. getkeycodes Shows kernel scan-code to key-code mapping table. Can be used to define functions of special keys. getln Reads a line from the command stack and doesn't treat a at the end of a row in any special way. getNAME Captures the NAME section from a specified manual source, which can then be used for creating a table of contents or an introduction section to a manual. getNAME

Captures NAME sections from manual sources, and can be used to create manual introduction sections or a TOC. getNAME Captures the NAME section from a specified manual source, which can then be used for creating a table of contents or an introduction section to a manual. getopt Cleans up and checks options given to a shell script. It split option given together and place each option in its own variable. Any additional arguments is placed after -getopts Will retrieve or set environment options and process them from the command line. The values specified by name and the index of the next arguments are placed into the shell variable OPTIND. gettable Retrieves Network Information Center (NIC) format host tables from a host. gettable Gets the DoD internet host table via the TCP port connection of a specified host server. gettext Gets the domain name variable from a message object made by msgfmt. gettext Gets domain name variable from a message object created by msgfmt that matches to the specified id. gettxt Gets a text string from a specific message file database found in the directory /usr/lib/locale/locale/LC_MESSAGES, where the locale name corresponds to the string language. getty "Manages ports and terminal lines getty Is used to manage ports and terminal lines. Is not usually used on the command line. getty Defines the terminal settings including the line speed and terminal behavior. getvol Verifies that the device specified is available and that the proper media is inserted and ready for use. ghost Reads and reconstructs previous versions of an INed-structured file in the output file. gif2tiff Creates a TIFF image file from a GIF image file. glbd Manages the global location broker (GLB) database, which helps clients locate servers on a network or the Internet. glob Performs file name expansion on the words. The result is separated by a NULL-character. gnubc Is used to calculate arbitrary precision numbers. Statements will be read from a file specified or from STDIN. goto

Jumps to label in a shell script. gpasswd Administers the /etc/group and /etc/gshadow files. gpatch Applies changes from the patch file to the original file. The patch file is made by the diff command. gpg Is the main security program for the GNUPG system and can check, sign, encrypt and decrypt. gphoto Administers picture handling with digital cameras. Can also be used with Web cameras and in scripts. gpm Enables the mouse in screen mode and sets various attributes such as baud rate and mouse type. gpm-root Allows Control-Mouse events to be able to draw menus during screen mode. gprof Shows an execution (call-graph) profile of a program. It can also create files containing portions of this information. grap Is used to typset graphs so that they can be used with the command pic. greek Converts English-language output from a Teletype Model 37 workstation, reads STDIN, to output for other workstations, and writes to STDOUT. grep Shows lines form the file that matches the given pattern. grodvi Is a groff driver that creates TeX dvi files that can then be printed out. grodvi Is a groff driver that creates TeX dvi files that can then be printed out. groff Is the front end to the document formatting system used by groff. groff Is the front end to the document formatting system used by groff. grog Guesses which groff option is required for printing a specific file and sends this answer to STDOUT.. grog Guesses which groff option is required for printing a specific file and sends this answer to STDOUT. grolj4 Is a groff driver that is used for creating output that can be printed onto an HP LaserJet 4 type printer. grolj4 Is a groff driver that is used for creating output that can be printed onto an HP LaserJet 4-type printer. grops Translates GNU troff output into PostScript.

grops Translates GNU troff output into PostScript. Usually started by groff -Tps. grotty Translates GNU troff output into a simple printer format. grotty Translates GNU troff output into a simple printer format. Usually started from groff. groupadd Creates a new group definition on the system. groupadd Creates a new group and adds it to the system. groupadd Creates a new group definition on the system by editing the /etc/group file. groupdel Deletes a specified group definition in the system. groupdel Deletes a specified group definition in the system that resides in the /etc/group file. groupmod Alter's a specific group definition on the system. groupmod Alters a specific group definition on the system using the /etc/group file. groups Shows the groups that a user is a member of. grpck Verifies correctness of the group definitions in the user database by checking definitions for all or specified groups. grpck Checks the integrity of the /etc/group and /etc/gshadow files. grpck Verifies the entries in the group file. grpconv Updates the /etc/gshadow if the /etc/group file has been changed manually. grpunconv Creates the /etc/group file from the /etc/gshadow file, then removes the /etc/gshadow file. gs Starts Ghostscript and reads Adobe Systems PostScript and PDF files. gsscred Manages table entries that are used on servers to find the UID of clients connected by RPCSEC_GSS. gtbl Compiles descriptions of any tables that are embedded inside troff files. gunzip Extracts files created by gzip, zip, compress or pack. gunzip Extracts files created by gzip, zip, compress or pack. gunzip Extracts files. Support files that are created by gzip, zip compress, compress -H and pack.

gv Allows you to view PostScript and PDF documents. gzcat Uncompresses a list of files from the command line or STDIN and writes the uncompressed data to STDOUT. gzcat Shows (concatenates) the content of a compressed file on the screen. gzcmp Compares the difference between compressed files. gzdiff Runs the diff program on compressed files. gzexe Compresses executable files into a self extracting archive. gzexe Compresses executable files into a self-extracting archive. gzexe Compresses executable files into a self extracting archive. gzforce Adds a .gz extension to a file compressed with gzip if they lost the extension during a file copy, for example. gzgrep Starts the grep on compressed or gzipped files. Options specified are passed to grep. gzip Compresses files with Lempel Ziv-coding. gzip Compresses files with Lempel-Ziv-coding. gzip Compresses files with Lempel-Ziv coding. If it is possible, the file is replaced by one with the .gz extension. gzmore Shows compressed files with a suffix of .gz, .z, or .Z, one screen at a time. gznew Compresses files with compressed with compress (*.Z) even more and gives it a .gz extension. h2ph Converts the specified C header files into Perl header file format. h2ph Converts the specified C header files into Perl header file format. h2ph Converts the specified C header files into perl header file format. h2xs Creates Perl extensions from C header files. h2xs Creates Perl extensions from C header files. h2xs Creates perl extensions from C header files. halt

Writes any remaining data in memory to the disks and then stops the computer. hash Shows or changes information in the internal hash table that stores information about executed commands. hashstat Show information about how effective the internal hash table is. hdparm Sets or retrieves hard drive parameters. head Show lines from the beginning of each file on the screen. help Shows a page with help information for new users. help Shows help information about internal commands. help Assists the user and system administrators in the use of Open BSD. help Shows information about internal commands. With no option, shows a short description about internal commands. helpitem Is used to format and show help messages for the command ckitem. hexdump Dumps a file in hexadecimal format on the screen. hexdump Shows files in ASCII, hexadecimal, decimal or octal format on STDOUT. hisaxctrl Setups the HiSax-ISDN device driver, if you are using the HiSax driver. history Shows a list of previously used commands, and can optionally execute them again. host Finds host names for IP addresses on the Internet. The host name information comes from DNS servers. host Looks up hostnames or IP-addresses using name servers. host Looks up hostnames or IP addresses using name servers. hostconfig Configures host parameters automatically, like hostname and domain name for a system using.bootp hostent Modifies hostname to IP address mapping entries in the /etc/hosts file. hostid Specifies or shows the hexadecimal identifier of the current local host. hostid Shows na identifier for the current host in hexadecimal format. hostid

Shows the hexadecimal identifier of the current computer. hostname Sets or shows the hostname for the computer. hp Handles special functions for the HP2640- and HP2621-series terminals. hpftodit Uses an HP tagged font metric file and creates a font file for use with groff -Tlj4. hpftodit Uses an HP tagged font metric file and creates a font file for use with groff -Tlj4. hplj Processs the output of the troff command for output to a Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet Series printer. htable Converts host files to the format used by network library routines. htable Converts a host's tables to network library routines from the older RFC 952 format. htdigest Manages HTTP user authentication files. htdigest Manages HTTP user authentication files. htdigest Manages HTTP user authentication files. htpasswd Manages HTTP user authentication. htpasswd Manages HTTP user authentication. htpasswd Manages HTTP user authentication. httpd Is the Apache internet Web server. httpd Is the Apache Internet Web server. httpd Is the Apache Internet Web server. hup Allows a command to catch a hangup signal. This is the opposite of nohup. hup Allows a command to catch a hang-up signal. This is the opposite of nohup. hwclock, clock Shows and configures the hardware clock. hyphen Reads one or more English-language files, finds all the lines ending with hyphenated words, and writes those words to STDOUT. i4target Shows the target ID of your computer. i4tv

Verifies if license servers are running properly. ibench Linux Shows how many connections the daemon can manage during a specified time. Will also identify users. ibm3812 Processes the output of the troff command for output to a IBM 3812 Model 2 Pageprinter. ibm3816 Processes the output of the troff command for output to a IBM 3816 Pageprinter. ibm5585H-T Processes the output of the troff command for output to a IBM 5585H-T printer for traditional Chinese language. ibm5587G Processes the output of the troff command for output to a IBM 5587-G01, 5584-H02, 5585H01, 5587-H01, or 5589-H01 printer. iceauth Modifies or shows authorization information to connect with ICE. iceauth Modifies or shows authorization information to connect with ICE. iceauth Edits and shows authorization information to connect with ICE. Reads authorization data from one host and adds the information to another. iconv Converts a sequence of characters in a file from one code set to another. iconv Converts characters from one code set to another. id Shows the userID and groupID of the user that you specify. ident Searches for RCS keyword strings in files. ident Searches for RCS keyword strings in files. identd Searches TCP/IP connections and shows the user names that own the connections. if Makes a decision inside a shell script. If the first expr is true run the first commands. If not check the next expr and so on. If no expr was true run commands after then. ifcfg Configures the Ethernet interfaces. ifconfig Configures network interface parameters or show the status for network interface. ifdown Deactivates a network interface. ifport Set or views the transceiver type for the network interface. ifup Activates a network interface.

ifuser Shows whether any of the specified hosts are routed through the specified interface. igawk Adds the ability to have include files in gawk. It accepts all gawk options. Gawk also includes additional options from Bell Labs and GNU specific options. ike Administers the use of IP Security dynamic tunnels that use the IKE protocol. imagetool Is a GUI that is used to show gif, tiff, jpeg and PostScript images. imake Creates makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory file that is called Imakefile. imake Creates Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory file that is called Imakefile. imake Creates Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory file that is called Imakefile. imapd Starts the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server process. imon Monitors your ISDN activities. imontty Shows the status of all ISDN lines. impfilt Imports filter rules from text export files that are generated by the expfilt command. import Captures some or all of an X server screen and saves it to a file. importvg Imports a new volume group definition to the system. imptun Will add an exported tunnel definition and any user-defined filter rules associated with the tunnels to the local host. in.dhcpd Configures the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). It is used to forward or respond to DHCP or BOOTP protocol requests. in.fingerd, fingerd Is the daemon the manages the finger protocol. in.ftpd, ftpd Is the Internet FTP daemon that manage FTP services. It is only started by the inetd daemon when requested. in.identd, identd Returns user information about the owner of a connection to a remote computer. in.ndpd Makes auto-configurations for hosts and routers of Neighbor Discovery and Address Auto configuration for IPv6. in.rarpd, rarpd

Provides MAC-address to IP-address resolution to workstations at startup. in.rdisc Finds default routes on the network or broadcasts that your host is a router. in.rexecd, rexecd Is a daemon that services remote execution requests and uses use rname and password authentication. inetd will automatically start the daemon when needed. in.ripngd Manages network routing tables for the IPv6 Routing Information Protocol. in.rlogind, rlogind Is the server for the rlogin command. The server looks at client's source port. If port is not in the range 0-1023, the server will abort the connection. in.routed, routed Manages and provides network routing tables for hosts on the network. Also updates hosts acting as internetwork routers with complete copies of routing tables. in.rshd, rshd Is the server for rsh (remote shell) and allows clients to execute commands from remote clients. The server accepts connections from the client on any port lower the 1024. in.telnetd, telnetd Used to process incoming requests on the telnet port. Started by the Internet Server (inetd). in.tftpd, tftpd Is a server that gives you TFTP functionality, it uses the UDP protocol instead of TCP. in.uucpd, uucpd Is the server daemon for UUCP connections. Invoked by inetd upon request. indent Inserts or erases whitespace in C code to make it easier to read. It can also convert from one style of C to another. indent Inserts or erases whitespace in C code to make it easier to read. Converts from one C style to another. indent Inserts or erases whitespace in C code to make it easier to read. Converts from one C style to another. indxbib Creates an index for a database file in inverted form. It can be read by the commands lookbib and refer. Is an executable in Linux, BSD and a script in AIX, Solaris. inetd Starts all services listed in the file /etc/inetd.conf as they are needed. inetd Manages startup of all services listed in the file /etc/inetd.conf. inetd Starts all services listed in the file /etc/inetd.conf. It starts all Internet standard services such as FTP, telnet, SMTP, and HTTP, and is normally started during bootup. info Reads hypertext info nodes. Info nodes fill the same function on as man pages. info Shows hypertext info nodes. Info nodes fill the same function on as man pages. infocmp

Shows terminal information or compare descriptions between two or more terminals. infotocap Reads the specified file and converts found terminfo descriptions to termcap descriptions. The converted descriptions is shown on STDOUT. infotocap Reads the specified file and converts found terminfo descriptions to termcap descriptions. init, telinit Changes run levels for the system. Shuts down or restart the computer in different modes. initdb Creates a new Postgres database system. initlocation Creates another Postgres secondary database storage area. initlog Sends log messages to the system logging facility. insmod Installs loadable kernel modules (device drivers) in the running kernel. install Manages the installation of files to a specific location or creates directories in a file system. install-info Installs or erases menu entries in info directory files. install-info Erases or installs specified entries in the info files. install-mh Creates the inital setup for a first-time nmh user. install-mh Creates the initial setup for a first-time nmh user. installboot Installs a first stage boot program to the boot area of an ffs disk partition. installboot Installs a bootblock in a partition in order to make it bootable. installbsd "Is the BSD version of the install command installf Maintains and updates the database that holds information about installed software. installp Installs and updates software products in a compatible installation package. install_assist Is a program that helps customize your system. install_conduit Is a script that allows users to install Java-based pipes for synchronization with a Palm Pilot. instfix Installs filesets associated with unique keywords or fixes using APAR number. integer Show or sets attribute for integer variables. inucp Is a simple copy program. Mostly used by the installp command.

inudocm Reads the specified files and shows all supplemental information found within them. inurecv Recovers files saved by the inusave command. inurest Is a utility for simple archive and restore operations, used by the installp command and shell scripts. inurid Deletes installation information for diskless/dataless clients from the inst_root directories of installed software. inusave Saves installed or updated files. Mostly used by the installp command. inutoc Creates a .toc file for installation images in the specified directory. inuumsg Shows a pre-made error message on STDOUT. iostat Shows input and output statistics for disks, terminals and tapes. ipcalc Calculates IP address information. ipcclean Cleans up shared memory and semaphores from aborted backends. ipchains Manages IP firewall rules in the Linux 2.2 kernel. ipchains-restore Restores IP firewall chains from STDIN. ipchains-save Shows the firewall chains on the screen. ipcrm Releases shared memory by removing identifiers from message queues, semaphores, and shared memory segments that programs or services have left behind. ipcs Shows information about inter-process communications currently active in the system, such as shared memory segments, semaphores and message queues. ipf Manages IP firewall and filter rules in the kernel. ipfilter Shows specified contents from an ipreport output file. ipfstat Shows packet filter statistics and filter lists. ipftest Sends test packets through a ipf filter rule set found in a specified ruleset file. ipmon Shows the logged packets going through the IP packet log device. ipnat Is used to configure IP network address translation rules. NAT is used to hide private networks.

ipppd Is a modified pppd that provides synchronous PPP support for ISDN connections. ipppstats Shows PPP-related statistics. ipreport Creates a trace report from a trace file. ipresend Sends out captured packets to the network. iprofd Creates the modem register of the ISDN-ttys AT-emulator permanent. ipsecadm Configures the security associations (SA) in the kernel to use IPSec. ipsecconf Manages IP security policies. ipseckey Manages the security association data base (SADB) for the network security services ipsecah and ipsecesp manually. Without options it is started interactively. ipsecstat Shows the status of IP security devices, crypto algorithms, and security packets. ipsectrcbuf Shows the tracing buffers from the IP security subsystem. ipsec_convert Converts an AIX IP security tunnel to either an IBM Secure Network Gateway 2.2 or IBM Firewall 3.1 tunnel. ipsend Sends IP packets to a destination host. iptables Linux Manages IP firewall rules in the Linux 2.4 kernel. iptest Tests the IP's functions by generating packets and sending them to specified destination. iptrace Traces incoming and outgoing IP packets. iptunnel Configures various types of IP tunnels. ipx_cmd Is a bridge between local IPX network and Novell's SCMD driver. ipx_configure Queries or configures IPX behavior with respect to automatic IPX interface detection. ipx_interface Manages IPX interfaces. ipx_internal_net Adds or removes the IPX internal network. ipx_route Adds or removes an IPX route. isainfo Shows the architecture and instructions set of the kernel.

isakmpd Is the IKE key management daemon, used to establish security associations for authenticated and encrypted network traffic. isakmpd Is the IKE key management daemon that establish security associations for authenticated/encrypted network traffic. isalist Shows all instruction sets that can run on the system to STDOUT. isapnp Reads the configuration file to configure ISA PnP cards. isdnconf Manipulates or reads ISDN phone number config files. isdnctrl Configures ISDN device information. isdnlog Shows decoded information from the ISDN card. isdnrate Shows telephone rates and various info from rate files. isdnrep Shows ISDN activity. isoinfo Does directory-like listings of iso9660 images. isovfy Checks an iso9660 image for errors. ispcvt Verifies if the current video driver installed in the kernel is a PCVT driver. ispell Is a compatibility script for the aspell spell checker. istat Shows I-node information for a file. jar Compresses multiple files into a single JAR file. Can also compress files in ZIP and ZLIB formats. jarsigner Creates passwords and verifies the signatures of jar files. java Executes java programs. java, java_g Is an interpreter that is used to execute Java bytecode. java_g is a non-optimized version of java used for debugging. javac Compiles java code into java bytecode. javadoc Manages documentation about classes, interfaces, methods, and the like in HTML format. javah Creates header files for use by C-language compilers.

javah, javah_g Creates header files used by C-language programs. javah_g is a non-optimized version of javah used for debugging. javakey Is a security tool that generates digital signatures for java archive files. javald Captures the environment needed to run a java application specified by class name. javap Disassembles java class files. java_g Is a non optimized java version that can be used with debuggers. jdb Debugs java classes with a command-line interface similar to dbx using Java debugger APIs. jobid Shows the process id for the job or for the current job if not given. jobs jobs is used to report all jobs that are stopped or executing in the background. join Compares two files and joins them together where the fields are identical and show the result to STDOUT. jot Creates a sequential of numbers, characters or words, according to the operands specified in the parameters. jpegtran Converts JPEG from one compression to another. jre Is a runtime interpreter for java. jre Is a runtime interpreter for java. jsh Is the Job control shell and command interpreter. It has similar functions as Bourne shell (sh), with job control. just Reads text from STDINt, justifies and fills each paragraph, and writes the result to STDOUT. kadmin Is the interactive Kerberberos database administration program. kadmind Is the daemon for the Kerberos network database administrator program. kauth Is a login utility for the Kerberos database program. kauthd Is a remote login daemon for the Kerberos database program. kbd Is used to show or change the keyboard's values. kbd Manipulates, shows or changes the keyboards values.

kbdconfig Configures the keyboard. kbdrate Changes keyboard configurations. kbd_mode Changes the keyboard translation mode. Useful when a program don't restore the translation mode. kbd_mode Changes the keyboard translation mode. kcon Is a keyboard configuration utility for the PCVT video driver. kdb Shows system images. kdb_destroy Deletes a Kerberos key distribution center database. Prompts the user for verification before actually doing it. kdb_edit Creates or changes principals stored in the Kerberos key distribution center database. kdb_init Initializes a Kerberos key distribution center database and creates the necessary principals. kdb_util Performs utility functions on the Kerberos key distribution center database. kdestroy Writes zeros to the files containing the user's Kerberos authorization tickets, to destroy them. kdestroy Writes zeros to the user's Kerberos authorization tickets so as to destroy the file. kdump Converts kernel trace files produced with ktrace to readable format. Shows it on STDOUT. kerbd Generates and validates the Kerberos tickets for the kernel RPC. kernelversion Shows the major version of the kernel. keycfg Shows or alters the electronic mode switch. keycomp Compiles keyboard mapping files into input method keymap files. keyenvoy Allows some RPC calls talk to the keyserv daemon. keylogin Decrypts and stores the user's secret key. keylogin Decrypts and stores a users secret key, which is used in requests to any secure RPC service such as NIS+. keylogout Erases a users secret key stored by the keyserv process. keylogout

Erases a user's secret key that is stored by the keyserv process. keymaps Shows the INed command key layout for all keyboards. keynote Handles keynote operations. The function is described by the first identifier. keyserv Is a server daemon that stores the private encryption keys for the currently logged in users. keyserv Is a server daemon that stores the private encryption keys for the currently logged in users. kgmon Is the monitor kernel profiling. kgmon Monitors kernel profiling. kibitz Allows multiple interactions to one shell. kill Stops a process or sends a signal to a processes. killall Cancels all active processes. killall Kills all processes running the specified commands. killall Stops all active processes. Only a superuser can run this command. killall5 Kills all processes but the ones in it's own session. Same as the System V killall command. kinit Logs in to a Kerberos authentication system. kinit Logs into the Kerberos authentication system. klist Shows you information listed in the ticket file about current Kerberos tickets held. klist Shows you information listed in the ticket file about current Kerberos tickets held. klogd Is a daemon that is used to log kernel messages. kprop Propagates the Kerberos database to the Kerberos slaves. kpropd Receives the Kerberos database propagated from a kprop process on a Kerberos master. krlogind Provides server functions for the rlogin command. krshd Provides server functions for remote command executions. ksh, rksh Is the Korn shell, a standard/restricted command and programming language. ksh, rksh

Is the Korn shell, a standard/restricted command and programming language. ksh, sh Starts the Korn shell, which is a command interpreter and a programming language. The Korn shell is the default shell for AIX. ksrvtgt Manages Kerberos ticket-granting tickets. ksrvutil Manipulates host Kerberos key files. kstash Saves the Kerberos key distribution center database master key in the master key file. kstat Examines the current available kernel statistics. ksymoops Decodes Linux kernel Oops. ksyms Shows kernel symbols that have been exported. ktrace Does log the kernel trace of the specified process. kudzu Checks the hardware. If there are some changes in the system, it gives the opportunity to configure the hardware. kvm_mkdb Creates kernel databases. kx Forwards X connections from a remote client to a local screen through an authenticated and encrypted stream. kxd Forwards X connections securely. labelit Writes or shows the label of an unmounted file system. lam Copies specified files parallel to STDOUT. LANG=language Change the regional setting and language translation. last Shows login information about users, hosts, and terminals. lastb Shows all bad login attempts. lastcomm Shows a reverse-order list of commands executed recently. lastcomm Shows a reverse order list of commands executed last. lastcomm Shows the last commands executed, in reverse order. lastlog Shows the contents of the last login log. The information includes login name, port, and last

login time. lastlogin Updates the login information in the file /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog. lastlogin Updates the login information in the file /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog. lbxproxy Is an X proxy that uses the low bandwidth extension to X (LBX). Some optimizations is made to the connections that increases speed over slow connections. Solaris 8 only lb_admin Manages the registration of NCS-based servers in location broker databases. lb_find Shows global location broker daemons and their attributes. lc Runs the last function specified by function or the last command entered ld Is a linker for object files used to link executables or shared libraries. Ld operates in two modes, static or dynamic. ld86 Links object files produced by the as86 assembler into I&D executables. ldapadd Adds new entries to the LDAP server. Rejects duplicate attributes for same entry. ldapclient Configures an LDAP client machine. ldapdelete Erases one or multiple entries from an LDAP server. ldaplist Shows a list of naming information from an LDAP directory service file. ldapmodify Binds, modifies, or adds entries to the LDAP server; rejects duplicates for the same entry. ldapmodrdn Connects to the LDAP server and modifies the RDN entries. ldapsearch Makes a connection to an LDAP server, performs searches by using the specified filter. ldap_cachemgr Updates the configuration cache for the LDAP naming services. ldap_gen_profile Creates an LDIF file to be loaded into an LDAP server. This file can later be downloaded by an LDAP client. ldconfig It is used to configure run time bindings for the dynamic linker. ldconfig Scans built-in and specified system directories and stores any information about shared libraries in /var/run/ld. ldd Shows a list of executable files and their dynamic dependencies or shared objects ldd

Shows all shared objects that are required to run the specified program. ldd Lists executable files and their dynamic dependencies or shared objects. Also lists the pathnames of all shared objects that are needed when file is executed. leave Reminds you of a time to leave. Reminds you five minutes and one minute before the specified time. The time can be specified in 12- or 24- hour format, but is converted to 12-hour format. leave Reminds you of a time to leave. Reminds you 5 minutes and 1 minute before the specified time. less Is a text pager for UNIX system, used to show ASCII files. less Is a text pager for UNIX systems, used to displays ASCII files. less (3) More options less, page Is a text pager for UNIX system, used to show ASCII files. lesskey Manages key bindings for less. lesskey Is used to manage key bindings for less. lesskey Manages key bindings for less. let Performs arithmetic calculations using the arguments specified, can be used in advanced shell scripts. let Will evaluate the arguments and if the result is zero the exit status is 1 otherwise 0. lex Creates C programs to be used in lexical processing of character input. That can be used as an interface to yacc. lilo Allows you to have several operating systems installed and boot into any of them at startup. limit Set limitations on the system resources available to the current shell. line Reads and copies one line from STDIN, and shows the line on STDOUT, which is usually the screen. line Reads and copies one line from STDIN and shows the line on STDOUT, usually the screen. link "Links files and directories to existing files or directories link Links files and directories to existing files or directories. Only superusers can use it. links Is a simple command-line URL browser.

lint Checks a specified C program file for errors that make the file non-portable, wasteful, or buggy. lint Is used to check a specified C program file for errors that leave it nonportable, wasteful, or buggy. lint Finds the link to /usr/ccs/bin/ucblint; it is used by the C program verifier to find libraries. linuxconf Is an interactive menu configuration program. listalias Shows user and system mail aliases in the system. This is one part of the elm mailer. listdgrp Shows members of the device group list specified by dgroup. listres Creates a list of widget's names and classes. listres Generates a list of a widget's resource database. listres Creates a list of widget's names and classes. listusers Lists all user logins and shows the login ID and account field value from specified database. listX11input Shows X11 input extension records that have been entered into the ODM. list_devices Lists assigned devices in the system and checks their association with current processes. lkbib Finds references in the bibliographic database that contain the specified keyword. lkbib Searches for references in bibliographic databases that contains the specified keyword. Shows result on STDOUT. llbd Manages the local location broker database. ln Creates a link between the specified source and destination files. lndir Makes a shadow directory tree from fromdir with symbolic links. lndir Creates a shadow of the current or specified directory containing only symbolic links to the parent directory. loadkeys Reads and modifies the keyboard translation tables. loadkeys Reads and modifies the keyboard translation tables. local Creates a local variable within a function and set variable's attribute. local

Creates a local variable within a function and sets the variable's attribute. locale Shows information about the current locale or all public locales. locale Shows locale-specific information. locale Shows locale-specific information. localedef Converts locale and character set description source files to produce a locale database. localedef Compiles or creates locale specifications. localedef Defines the locale definition format. locate Finds files in a database. The script /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb, usually run by cron daily, lists all files on the system and builds /var/db/locate.database. locate.updatedb Updates the locate database. This is usually updated using the /etc/weekly script. lock Locks a terminal to a user who has verified himself with a password. The terminal stays locked until it is released by user, the timeout is reached, or a user with appropriate privileges unlocks it. lock Locks a terminal to a user with password. It stays locked until it's released by a user or timed out. lockd Performs record locking on NFS files. lockfile Creates semaphore files used to limit the access so that only one program is allowed to access the file or files. lockfs Reports and changes the status of the file system locks. It unlocks file systems that were improperly locked by an application. lockspool Locks user's system mailbox. lockstat Gathers and show statistics on kernel synchronization objects. lockstat Gathers and shows statistics on kernel synchronization objects. lofiadm Administers the loopback file driver and associates a file to a block device. log Lists all users that are logged in and affected by the watch parameter. logform Formats a logical volume so that it can be used as a JFS log device. logger

Adds messages to the system log from the command line. login Lets you sign on to the system. logins Shows a list of logins on a system. Information is shown about both user and system logins logname Shows your login name. logout Exits a login shell form in Bash, C, TC and Z-Shell (bash, csh, tcsh, zsh). logresolve Resolves IP addresses in Apache's access log files. This is to reduce the impact for the name server. logresolve Resolves IP-addresses in Apache's access log files. This is to reduce the impact for the name server. logresolve Resolves IP addresses in Apache's access log files. This is to reduce the impact for the name server. logrotate Administrates log files by rotating, compressing, removing, and mailing the log files. look Will find words in the system dictionary and show all lines that begins with the specified string. lookbib, glookbib Finds references in a bibliographic database and recover records containing the keywords entered at the prompt. loopctrl Configures the isdnloop ISDN driver. lorder Finds ordering relation for an object or library archive, and shows a list of the pairs. lorder Finds ordering relation for an object or library archive and shows a list of the pairs. lorder Finds ordering relation for an object or library archive and shows a list of the pairs. losetup Administers and controls loop devices. lp Sends print request to a printer or printer queue. lp Sends print request to a printer or printer queue. lp Sends print requests to a destination. lpadmin Manages print services. lpbanner Show a banner on a fixed-size font printer. lpc

Used by the system administrator to control the operation of the line printer system. lpc Is used by the system administrator to control the operation of the line printer system. lpc Controls line printers. lpd Is used to start the remote print server daemon. lpd Starts the printer server. lpd Is a print daemon. lpf Is used as a general printer filter. It is often used in the printcap file as a filter. lpf Is used by lpd in the printcap file to filter printouts. lpfilter Make the file content compatible for a printer. Specific filters will assist to convert the file into the proper format. lpforms Manages forms to use with the LP print service. lpget Shows a printing configuration report. lpmove Moves queued print requests between destinations on the local system. lppchk Verifies that installable software and the SoftWare Vital Product Database match. lpq Shows the content of a print queue. lpr Sends print requests to a printer. Will use STDIN if no file is specified. lpraccnt Is a printer accounting program template. It opens a specified TCP port for to send information lprm Removes print requests from the print queue and report the file's name of removed request. lpsched Starts or restarts the LP print service. lpset Creates and updates printing configuration in the system configuration databases. lpshut Stops the LP print service. lpstat Shows status information for the print service. lpstat Shows status information on a printer or printer queue. lpstat Shows status information of the print service.

lptest Generates a ripple test pattern to STDOUT and shows all 96 printable ASCII characters, useful for testing printers or terminals. lptest Creates a ripple test pattern to STDOUT and show all 96 printable ASCII characters useful for testing. lptest Generates a ripple test pattern to STDOUT and shows all 96 printable ASCII characters; useful for testing printers. lpunlock Unlocks a printer that is waiting for lock. lpusers Sets printing queue priorities. Can be assigned to jobs sent by users of LP print service. ls Lists the contents of a specified directory and supports wildcards. ls-F Lists files like ls -F. It's much faster than ls. ls-F Lists files like ls -F. It's much faster than ls. lsallq Shows all configured print queues. lsallqdev Shows all configured plotter and printer queue device names in a specified queue. lsattr Shows attributes for devices in the system. lsattr Shows the file attributes on a Linux second extended file system. lsauthent Shows all configured authentication methods in the system. lscfg Shows configuration, vital product data, and diagnostic information for the system. lsclass Shows workload management classes. lsconn Shows which connections a device can accept. lscons Shows the device name of a console. lsdev Shows information about devices in the system. lsdisp Shows which monitors are available to the system. lsfilt Shows filter rules and their status. lsfont Shows all available fonts. lsfs

Shows various file system information. lsgroup Shows group attributes. lsitab Shows records from the inittab file. lskbd Shows which keyboard map is currently loaded. lslicense Shows the number of fixed licenses in the system and status of the floating licenses. lslpp Shows information about installed or updated software. lslv Shows status information or allocation maps for a logical volume. lsmaster Shows the configuration for a NIS master server. lsmod Shows information about the loaded modules. lsnamsv Shows name service information from the /etc/resolv.conf file. lsnfsexp Shows information about NFS exported directories. lsnfsmnt Shows information about NFS file systems that are available to mount. lsnim Shows information about the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment. lsof Shows a listing of open files. lsparent Shows which parent devices will accept a specified connection type or device. lspci Shows information about all PCI buses in the system and all devices connected to them. lsprtsv Shows print service information from the database. lsps Shows information about paging spaces. lspv Shows information about physical volumes in the system. lsque Shows queue stanza names. lsquedev Shows queue stanza names and attributes from the /etc/qconfig file. lsresource Shows a list of assigned bus resources in the system. lsrole Shows a list of role attributes. lssec

Shows attributes from the security configuration files. lssrc Shows the status of a subsystem or a subserver. lstun Shows IP tunnel definitions. lsuser Shows attributes from a user account. lsvfs Shows entries from the /etc/vfs file. lsvg Shows information about volume groups and partitions. lsvgfs Shows the file systems that are in a volume group. lsvirprt Shows virtual printer attributes. ls_admin Manages the license server database. ls_dpass Creates passwords for customers and distributors of software products. ls_rpt Shows information on the license server events. ls_stat Shows the license server system status. ltrace Traces library calls of a given program. luxadm Manages RSM, SENA, and SPARCstorage Array subsystem and individual FC AL devices. lvchkmajor Shows if a device major number is in use for a specific volume group. lvlstmajor Shows a list of device major numbers not currently in use. lynx Is a fully featured, text only WWW browser. Shows HTML documents with links to files on the local system and for remote hosts running HTTP, FTP, NNTP, WAIS, and Gopher. lynx Is a fully featured, text only, Web browser. m4 Is a front end macro processor that is used for programming languages like C and assembler. m64config Configures the M64 Graphics Accelerator and can also alter some of the X11 window defaults for the M64. mach Shows what processor your computer is running on. machine Shows the kernel or application architecture. machstat

Shows information about the power status. macref Shows a cross-referenced list of macro files mail, Mail, mailx Reads and sends mail. mail.local Reads from STDIN and appends the information to the specified user's mail file. mail.local Is a local mail delivery agent for sendmail. mailcompat Makes the Solaris mailbox format compatible with SunOS 4.x clients. mailprint Erases any attachments from the specified mail file and adds a line to inform how many that was removed. mailq Shows the mail queue. Shows first line for each mail massage, host for the massage, size the date and time. mailstats Shows the statistics collected by the program sendmail. mailto Sends multimedia mail in MIME format. It can only be used to send mail. mailwrapper Starts an appropriate MTA software based on configuration information in /etc/mailer.conf. It is designed to replace usr/sbin/sendmail. make, gmake Updates a target file and all of its dependencies or repairs missing or invalid target dependency trees. makedbm Creates a DBM file or converts a DBM file to a text file. makedepend Reads each specified source file in the given sequence and then parses it. makedev Creates description files in binary format that can be read by the command troff. MAKEDEV Creates device entries in the /dev directory. MAKEDEV Create system and device special files. This script is run at installation, but can be run later. makeg Makes an executable file that can be used for debug operations. makeg Is used to make an executable file that can be used for debug operations. makeinfo Converts Texinfo files to plain text, HTML or info files for online reading. makeinfo Converts TeX info files to plain text, HTML or info files for online reading. makekey

Creates an encryption key using ASCII characters for programs that run encryption. It generates a 13-character key from a 10-character input. makekey Creates an encryption key using ASCII characters for programs that run encryption. makekey Creates an encryption key using ASCII characters for programs that run encryption. It generates a 13-character key from a 10-character input. makemap Uses the keyed map lookups in sendmail and creates the database map by reading from STDIN. makemap Uses the keyed map lookups in sendmail create the specified type of database map. Reads from STDIN and writes to the specified new map name. makemap Uses the keyed map lookups in sendmail and creates the specified type of database map by reading from STDIN and writes to the specified new map name. makepsres Creates an PostScript language database file that contains the resources in the specified path names. makepsres Creates an Adobe PostScript language database file called PSres.upr, which contains the resources in the specified pathnames. Reads from STDIN as default. makestrs Creates string table C source files and headers and outputs them on STDOUT. makewhatis Updates the whatis database. make_smbcodepage Creates a codepage for use with Samba. man Shows the manual page of the specified command. man2html Converts manual pages to HTML format. manpath Shows search paths for man pages. mant Typesets man pages. map-mbone Shows all multicast routers that are available from the specified multicast router startingrouter. mattrib Changes file attributes for MS-DOS files mbadblocks Tests a floppy disk for bad blocks and marks them in the file allocation table. mc Is a file manager used to browse directories and files. mcat Copies a disk image to or from a floppy disk. mcd

Changes directory in a MS-DOS directory structure. mcedit Edits file. It starts Midnight Commander (mc) in edit mode. mconnect Connects you to the specified remote SMTP mail server socket, or to the local host if no remote host is specified. mcookie Creates a magic cookie that works with the command xauth. mcopy Copies MS-DOS files to or from a UNIX system. mcs Adds, erases, shows and compresses the contents in the comment section of an ELF object file. md5 Is an algorithm used for digital signature applications to create a 128-bit message-digest fingerprint. md5sum Verifies MD5 checksums. mdb Is a low-level modular debugger used to operate crash dumps, processes, core dumps, and so forth. mdel Deletes a file in an MSDOS file system.. mdeltree Deletes a directory from an MSDOS file system. mdir Shows files in an MSDOS directory. mdu Shows disk usage for a specific file or files on an MS-DOS file system. merge Merges three files together. It merges the changes between input file 2 and 3 into input file number 1. merge Merges three files together. It merges the changes between input files two and three into input file number one. mesg Allows or disallows messages to be sent to your terminal. messages Shows how many messages you have in your mailbox or folder. metamail Manages how to show mails that are non text-based. metasend Sends non text mails. mformat Formats MS-DOS floppy disks. mhl Creates formatted message lists.

mhl Shows and filters text messages in New Messages Handling System (NMH). mhmail Is a program that reads or sends mail. mhmail Reads or sends mail. mhpath Shows pathnames to folders and messages. mhpath Shows pathnames to folders and mailboxes. mibiisa Is Sun's RFC 1157-compliant SNMP agent. midiplay Is used to play MIDI files. migratepv Is used to move physical partitions from one physical volume to one or more physical volumes. mikmod Plays modules on a UNIX system. mimencode Converts or deconverts any standard mail-encoding formats defined by MIME. mingetty Is a smaller getty that works with virtual consoles. minicom Is a text-based window serial communication program. mirrord Manages the mirror module for remote maintenance. mirrorvg Mirrors all logical volumes that exist on a specified volume group. mk-amd-map Creates database maps for Amd. mkalias Converts YP mail.aliases maps to mail.byaddr maps. mkalias Converts YP mail.aliases maps to mail.byaddr maps. mkalias Converts YP mail.aliases maps to mail.byaddr maps. mkboot Creates a boot record, boot image, and service record. Not supported by AIX 4.2 and later. mkbootdisk Creates a boot floppy for the running system. mkcatdefs Prepares a message source file for input to the gencat command. mkcd Creates a multi-volume CD system backup image from a mksysb, or from a user-specified volume group or previously created savevg image. mkcfsmnt

Constructs an entry that will be appended to the /etc/filesystems file and makes the file system available as a cache file system. mkclass Creates a workload management class. mkclient Uncomments entries in the /etc/rc.nfs file for the ypbind daemon, and starts it to configure a client. mkdep Creates makefile dependency lines for a specified source file. mkdep Creates Makefile dependency lines for a specified source file. mkdev Adds a specified device to the system. mkdir Ccreates directories. mkdirhier Creates the specified directories including any unspecified parent directories as well. mkdosfs, mkfs.msdos Creates an MS-DOS file system in Linux. mke2fs, mkfs.ext2 Creates a second extended file system. mkfifo Creates the FIFO special files specified by the paths and filenames on the command line. mkfile Creates an empty file or files that can be used as NFS-mounted or local swap areas. mkfile Creates an empty file or files that can be used as NFS-mounted or local swap areas. mkfilt Activates or deactivates the filter rules. mkfont Adds a font path name to the ODM. mkfontdir Creates an index file from any X font files found in a directory. It typically looks for .pcf, .snf and .bdf fonts and then creates the file fonts.dir in the same specified directory. mkfs Creates a file system on the specified disk partition. mkfs Creates a Linux file system on the specified device. mkfs Creates a file system on the specified disk partition rawdevicefile by calling upon the default FS or the specific one that is given by the -F FSType option. mkfs.minix Creates a minix file system. mkgroup Creates a new group. mkhosts

Creates a new hosts file. mkinitrd Create a ramdisk to preload modules to gain access to the root file system. mkisofs Creates an ISO9660, Joliet, or HFS file system that is used on CDs and handles Rock Ridge attributes. mkisofs Creates an ISO9660 file system. Uses the specified directory tree to create a ISO9660 file system copy. mkisofs Creates an ISO9660 images file that is used to burn CD's. mkitab Creates records in the /etc/inittab file. mkkeyserv Uncomments keyserv daemon entries in the /etc/rc.nfs file and starts the daemon. mklost+found Creates a lost+found directory for the fsck command. mklost+found Creates a lost+found directory. mklv Creates a new logical volume. mklvcopy Creates logical volume copies. mkmanifest Creates a shell script that restores UNIX file names that has been shortened by MS-DOS file systems. mkmaster Creates and configure a NIS master server. mkmsgs Creates a file of text strings that is accessible with the text retrieval tools gettxt, srchtxt and exstr.The input is a file of text strings for a specified geographic locale. mknamsv Adds name server addresses to the file /etc/resolv.conf. mknetid Creates the NIS netid map called netid.byname using the contents of the hosts, passwd, group and netid files. mknfs Manages NFS configuration for the system. mknfsexp Makes an NFS export of a directory to an NFS client. mknfsmnt Mounts the specified directory from the specified host at the specified mounting point. mknod Creates a directory entry for a specified special file. mknotify Creates a notify method.

mkpasswd Manages the user database. Creates indexes over security files that can be used by different library subroutines. mkpasswd Generates a new password and assigns it to a user if you specify one. mkproto Creates a prototype file. mkprtsv Manages TCP/IP print services on a host. mkps Adds paging space to the system. mkqos Adds QoS support to the system mkque Creates a print queue in the system. mkquedev Creates a new printer queue device in the system. mkraid Manages RAID arrays. mkrole Creates a new role in the system. mkserver Creates a subserver definition in the sub server object class. mkslave Configures an NIS slave server. mkssys Creates a subsystem definition in the subsystem object class. mkstr Creates specific files containing error messages that are removed from a list of other files. mkstr Creates specific files containing error messages that are extruded from a list of other files. mkstr Creates specific files containing error messages that are extruded from a list of other files. mkswap Creates a swap area in Linux. mksysb Creates a bootable image of the root volume group on a tape or a file. mkszfile Updates the file with new information. mktcpip Configures startup values for TCP/IP on a host. mktemp Creates a temporary file name using another file name as a template. mktemp Creates a temporary file name using another file name as a template. mktexlsr

Manages ls-R databases. mktun Activates an IBM IP tunnel. mkuser Creates new user accounts on the system. mkvg Creates a volume group. mkvgdata Creates a volume group information file that can be used with the commands savevg and restvg. mkvirprt Create a virtual printer. mkxauth Manages .Xauthority files. mk_niscachemgr Manages how the NIS cachemgr daemons should start. mk_nisd Manages how the rpc.nisd daemons should start. mk_nispasswdd Manages how the rpc.nispasswdd daemons should start. mlabel Creates a volume label on MS-DOS file systems. mm Prints memorandum macro- formatted documents. mmd Create directories on MS-DOS file systems. mmount Mounts a MS-DOS file system in Linux. mmove Moves files on MS-DOS file systems. mmt Typesets documents. mmtu Manages maximum transfer unit values. modinfo Shows information about the specified kernel module. modinfo Shows you information about loaded kernel modules. modload Loads a loadable kernel module into a running system where the input file in the syntax is an object file (.o file). modload Loads a specified loadable kernel module into the running system. modprobe Probes for modules in Linux. modstat Shows the status of any loadable kernel modules present in the kernel.

modunload Unloads a previously loaded module from a running system. modunload Unloads a previous loaded module from a running system. mofcomp Compiles MOF files to CIM classes. These files can also be converted to Java. mogrify Modifies images by scaling, rotating, twisting and cropping. It also converts image files. monacct Creates accounting summary files in /var/adm/acct/fiscal and restarts summary files in /var/adm/acct/sum. monacct Creates accounting summary files and places them into /var/adm/acct/fiscal. Also restarts summary files in /var/adm/acct/sum. monitord Manages licenses for each login. mopchk Shows information about MOP images. mopd Is a MOP loader daemon that services MOP load requests on the Ethernet connected to one or all interfaces. mopprobe Shows Ethernet address and node name for DEC servers 100/200/250/300 connected to one or all interfaces. moptrace Shows the contents of MOP packages on the Ethernet connected to one or all interfaces. more Shows a textfile one page at a time. Continues reading files specified on the command line. mosy Manages conversion of ASN.1, SMI, and MIB definitions to object definitions for the command snmpinfo. mount Mounts a file system or shows a file system that is already mounted. The file system can be local or remote. mountall Mounts all file systems from the file system table. mountd, rpc.mountd Answers file system mount requests and NFS access information checks. mount_ados Is used to mount an Amiga DOS file system. mount_cd9660 Mounts an ISO-9660 file system found on the specified device to the specified mount point path. mount_ext2fs Mounts an extended2 file system found on the specified device and attaches that to the specified destination directory. mount_fdesc

Mounts an instance of the per-process file descriptor namespace to the file system. mount_ffs Mounts a Berkeley Fast File System on the specified device and node. mount_kernfs Mounts an instance of the kernel parameter namespace to the global filesystem. mount_mfs Creates a file system in the virtual memory and then mounts it on the specified node. mount_msdos Mounts an MS-DOS file system to the specified special device at the specified node. mount_nfs Mounts the NFS directory located on the computer specified to the mount point. mount_null Duplicates a subtree of the file system namespace and creates a null file system layer. mount_portal Mounts an instance of the portal daemon to the global file system namespace. mount_procfs Mounts an instance of the process namespace to the global file system namespace. mount_ufs Mounts a Berkeley Fast File System on the specified device to the specified mount point. mount_umap Mounts a subtree of a file system with a different set of UIDs and GIDs than the local system. mount_union Mounts a directory above uniondir and makes the contents of both directories visible. mount_xfs Mounts one of the xfs character devices. mouseconfig Manages mouse configuration. mpage Prints several pages on one sheet of paper. The input files can be either plain text or PostScript. mpartition Partitions an MS-DOS hard disk, to create an MS-DOS file system. mpcfg "Controls the remote maintenance service information mpg123 Reads files or URLs and plays them on the audio device or outputs them to STDOUT. mpstat Shows statistics for each processor in tabular form. Each row is for one processor activity only. mrd Deletes an MS-DOS directory. mren Renames or moves MS-DOS files. mrinfo Shows the configuration information from a multicast router. Must be run as root. mrouted Handles IP multicast routing among subnets. mrouted

Handles IP multicast routing among subnets. mset Retrieves mapping information for the ASCII keyboard to an IBM 3270 terminal. msgchk Checks for mail for current or a specified user, and reports if the messages have been read or not. msgchk Checks maildrops for new incoming mail messages. msgfmt Creates message object files from portable object files. It doesn't change the portable object files. msgfmt Creates message object files from portable object files. It doesn't change the portable object files. msgid Creates a unique message identifier. msgs Read or saves system messages sent by mail. msgs Is used to read or save system messages sent by mail. msh Creates the Message Handler Shell (MH) and executes MH mail commands within its shell. msh Reads a usual mail message file or a message file compressed with packf. mshowfat Shows file allocation table entries for an MS-DOS file. mt Sends commands to a tape device. mtools Shows all the programs in the mtools package which are used for accessing DOS FAT volumes. mtrace Shows trace information about IP multicast traffic. mtree Shows the difference between a rooted directory and a specification on STDIN. mtype Shows the content of an MS-DOS file. mutt Manages mail boxes. Sends and reads e-mails. mv Moves or renames files and directories. mvdir Moves a directory within a file system. mvdir Moves a directory within a file system. mvfilt Alters the position of a filter rule.

mvt Typesets view graphs and slides in the English language. mwm Is the AIX Window Manager. mzip Sends commands to an Iomega ZIP drive. named, in.named Is the domain name server that answers DNS request and resolves host names and finds their assigned IP address. named-bootconf Converts named.boot configuration files used by BIND 4.9 or older to newer versions used by BIND 8.1.1 or later. named-xfer Handles inbound zone transfer. Is used by named and should not be used directly. named-xfer Is a program that is used to run inbound zone transfers. named-xfer Runs inbound zone transfers. It is used by in.named but can be used directly for debugging purposes. named.reload Initiates the name server to synchronize its database. It sends a SIGHUP to the running name server. named.restart Stops the running name server by sending a SIGKILL signal and starts a new name server. named4 Manages the DNS daemon. Is a lighter version of named8. named8 Is a daemon that manages DNS services. namei Shows which kind of file each part of a pathname is. Follows symbolic links until they stop in a proper file. namerslv Changes the domain name server (DNS) routines in the system configuration database. native2ascii Converts files into Latin-1 and Unicode-encoded characters if they contain other character encoding. navigator Shows the AnswerBook on-line documentation. nawk Is a newer version of awk. Iit is usually used to search for patterns specified by ' scriptstr '. nawk, awk Scans each input file for lines that match any of a set of patterns specified as a string. nc Is used for TCP and UDP connections and listens. ncab2clf Converts the binary log files from the Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator to Common Log File format.

ncftp Is a browser program for the Internet FTP service. ncftpbatch Processes FTP requests added by the ncftp program. ncftpget Transfers files from the command line or shell scripts instead of using interactive FTP programs. ncftpls Creates remote directories listings without using interactive FTP programs. ncftpput Transfers files from the command line or shell scripts instead of using interactive FTP programs. ncheck Shows a list with paths and i-node numbers for all files on a specified device. ncheck Shows a list with paths and inode numbers for all files on a specified device. ncheck_ffs, ncheck Creates a list of file names and inode numbers for the given file system. ncopy Copies files over the NetWare network. ncpmount Mounts volumes on a NetWare file server. ncpumount Unmounts a NetWare file system that was previously mounted with the ncpmount. ndc Administers and manages the operations of a name server. ndc Allows the administrator of the name server to send commands to the name server. ndd Modifies configuration parameters, but currently only for the TCP/IP protocol family. ndp Manages the IPv6-to-Ethernet or token-ring address translation tables used by IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol. ndpd-host Manages the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) for non-kernel activities: Router Discovery, Prefix Discovery, Parameter Discovery, and Redirects. ndpd-router Manages the NDP protocol for non-kernel activities. Provides router advertisement. ndx Creates a subject-page index for a document. neqn "Is a preprocessor for the command nroff neqn Is a preprocessor for the command nroff and is used to help out in equations. neqn Is a preprocessor for the command nroff. It helps when writing equations and is primarily used

with terminals. netconf Is an interactive user interface that allows configuration of a TCP/IP network. netconfig Configures the network on the command line or in interactive mode. netgroup_mkdb Creates netgroup databases (/etc/netgroup.db) from the /etc/netgroup file and saves it in /etc/netgroup.db. netpmon Shows activity and reporst network I/O statistics and network-related CPU usage. netreport Requests network management scripts send a SIGIO signal when network interface changes occur. netscape Is a graphic based web browser. netstat Shows statistics and other network information, based on options selected. newalias Installs new elm aliases for system and/or user. newaliases Rebuilds the mail aliases file. newer Compares modification times of two files and exits successfully if file1 is at least as old as file2. newfile Converts a text file into an INed structured file. newform Changes the format of a text file line by line. newform Changes format of a text file line by line. newfs Creates a new file system using defaults based on the disk label created by disklabel. newfs Creates a new file system with the FSType UFS. newfs_msdos Creates a new MS-DOS file system on the device. newgrp Changes a user's real and effective groupID to the specified group. newgrp Changes a user's real and effective group ID to the specified group. newgrp Changes a user's real and effective groupID to group. newkey Creates new Diffie-Hellman public keys needed for secure RPC or NFS services. newkey Creates new Diffie-Hellman public keys that are needed for secure RPC or NFS services. news

Shows information about current events described in the directory /var/news. news Informs about current events described in directory /var/news. newsyslog Archives system log files at intervals or when log file exceeds a specified size. newsyslog Saves the old log file messages and starts with a new, empty log file. newusers Updates and creates new users in batch. User information is taken from the specified file. nfsd, rpc.nfsd Manages NFS file system requests for clients. nfsiod Improves performance for NFS asynchronous I/O requests for its server. nfslogd Creates the activity log with information from the RPC operations that were processed by the NFS server. nfso Manages the configuration of NFS network variables. nfsstat Shows NFS and RPC statistics. nhfsstone Benchmarks Network File System (NFS). nice Starts commands to be run in a different priority. nim Manages configuration of NIM objects. nimclient Runs NIM operations from a NIM client. nimconfig Manages the configuration of a NIM master package. nimdef Manages NIM client definitions. niminit Manages the configuration of a NIM client package. nisaddcred Manages NIS+ credentials that are used for authentication. nisaddcred Manages NIS+ credentials that are used for authentication. nisaddent Creates NIS+ table entries using files from the /etc directory and from NIS maps. nisaddent Creates NIS+ table entries by using files from the /etc directory and from NIS maps. nisauthconf Manages security authentication in NIS+. nisbackup Manages backups of NIS+ directory objects on a NIS+ master server.

niscat Shows NIS+ tables or objects. niscat Shows NIS+ tables or objects. nischgrp Manages group ownership of a NIS+ object. nischgrp Manages group ownership of a NIS+ object. nischmod Manage permission for a NIS+ object. nischmod Manages permission for a NIS+ object. nischown Manages the ownership of a NIS+ object. nischown Manages the ownership of a NIS+ object. nischttl Manages the time-to-live for NIS+ objects. nischttl Manages the time-to-live for NIS+ objects. nisclient Is a script for managing NIS+ environment for clients and users. nisclient Initializes NIS+ environment for clients and users. nisctl Shows NIS statistics and flushes NIS cache information from the NIS database. nisctl Shows NIS statistics and flushes NIS cache information from the NIS database. nisdefaults Shows default values returned by NIS+ local name functions. nisdefaults Is a utility that shows default values returned by NIS+ local name functions. nisdomainname Shows or sets system's NIS domain name. niserror Shows NIS+ error messages. niserror Shows NIS+ error messages from error codes. nisgrep Searches for entries in a NIS+ table by using regular expression patterns. nisgrep Searches for entries in a NIS+ table by using regular expression patterns. nisgrpadm Manages NIS+ groups. It can create, delete, or show groups and memberships. nisgrpadm Manages NIS+ groups. It can create, delete or show groups and memberships.

nisinit Sets up NIS+ servers or clients. nisinit Sets up NIS+ servers or clients. nisln Creates links between NIS+ objects and NIS+ names. nisln Creates links between NIS+ objects and NIS+ names. nislog Shows the contents of the NIS+ transaction log. nislog Shows the contents of the NIS+ transaction log. nisls Shows the content of a NIS+ directory. nisls Show a NIS+ directory content. nismatch Searches for NIS+ tables. nismatch Searches for NIS+ tables. nismkdir Creates subdirectories in a NIS+ domain. nismkdir Creates a new NIS+ directory within an existing domain. Creates replicated directories and also subdirectories that have the same master. nismkuser Creates a new user account in the NIS+ account database. nisopaccess Administration tool to configure the access for NIS+ operations. nispasswd Manages NIS+ passwords. nisping Manages updates between NIS+ servers. nisping Manages updates between NIS+ servers. nispopulate Populates NIS+ tables using files or maps. nispopulate Populates NIS+ tables by using files or maps. nisprefadm Manages NIS+ server preferences for NIS+ clients. nisrestore Restores a NIS+ directory from an existing backup. nisrm Deletes NIS+ objects. nisrm

Deletes NIS+ objects. nisrmdir Deletes NIS+ directories. nisrmdir Deletes NIS+ directories. nisrmuser Removes a user from the NIS+ user account database. nisserver Manages the setup of a NIS+ server. nisserver Manages the setup of a NIS+ server. nissetup Creates a NIS+ domain. nissetup Creates a NIS+ domain. nisshowcache Shows the content of the NIS+ shared cache file. nisshowcache Shows the content of the NIS+ shared cache file. nisstat Queries a NIS+ server for statistics. nisstat Queries a NIS+ server for statistics. nistbladm Is used to create, delete, add, modify and remove entries from NIS+ tables. nistbladm NIS+ table administration command. The five primary operations are to: create, delete, add, modify, and remove entries from tables. nistest Allows shell scripts and other programs to test for NIS objects and access rights in an NIS+ database. nistest Tests NIS+ permissions, entries, types, and the like. nisupdkeys Manages public keys in a NIS+ object directory. nisupdkeys Manages public keys in a NIS+ object directory. nis_cachemgr Is a daemon that manages cache information about NIS+ server locations and directories. nis_cachemgr Is a daemon that manages cache information about NIS+ server locations and directories. nl Reads lines from STDIN or a file, adds line numbers, and shows the result on STDOUT. nl Reads lines from STDIN or a file, adds line numbers, and shows the result to STDOUT. nl

Reads lines from STDIN or a file, adds line numbers, and shows the result to STDOUT. nlsadmin Manages the network listener processes which are configured individually. Every network relates to at least one listener. nm Shows a table of the symbol names used for the specified ELF object file. nmbd Is a server that replies to NetBIOS over IP name service requests from a Windows client. nmblookup Requests NetBIOS names and maps them to IP addresses. no Manages configuration of network attributes. noglob Turns of file globing for the command. No file name will be expanded. nohup Is a way to run a command which will be immune to any hang up signals. nologin Is a shell used only to deny a user to login. Shows the user the contents of /etc/nologin.txt. notify Will notify a user asynchronous when the status of a job is changed. If job is not given, the current job is used. nprint Prints files to print queues located on a NetWare file server. nrglbd Controls the global location broker database. nroff Processes a text file and formats the output for use with a letter quality printer or line printer. nscd Provides cache for name services. It is a daemon process that caches passwd, hosts, and groups databases. nsend Sends messages to NetWare users or user groups. nslookup Contacts and sends queries to DNS servers interactively or non-interactively. nstest Tests DNS queries interactively in a shell environment. The result is shown to STDOUT. nsupdate Updates DNS name servers interactively or non-interactively. nsupdate Updates DNS name servers interactively or non-interactively. nsupdate Updates DNS name servers interactively or non-interactively. nsupdate8 Creates a DNS update packet readable by a BIND 8 nameserver. ntpdate Sets the local date and time via the NTP. Gets time from any specified NTP servers.

ntpdate Sets the local date and time via the NTP. Gets time from any specified NTP servers. ntpq Sends queries to a NTP server that supports the NTP mode 6 control message format. ntpq Queries a NTP server that supports the NTP mode 6 control message format by the command line or interactively. ntptrace Traces the master time source. Shows where the specified server received its time. ntptrace Traces the master time source. Shows where the specified server received its time. ntsysv Configures run levels to set what services that should be started or stopped. nulladm Creates a file with the mode 644, using the owner and group adm. nulladm Creates a file with the mode 644, by using the owner and group adm. number Shows the written form of a number. nwauth Logs into a NetWare server. If no arguments are given, the user's .nvclient file is used. nwbocreate Creates a NetWare bindery object. nwbols Shows specified NetWare bindery objects that are visible for the user. nwboprops Shows all the properties of the specified NetWare bindery objects. nwborm Removes a NetWare bindery object. nwbpadd Specifies the value of a NetWare bindery property. nwbpcreate Creates the specified NetWare property. nwbprm Removes the specified NetWare bindery property. nwbpset Creates a Bindery property or configures the values. nwbpvalues Shows NetWare bindery property's contents. nwdir Shows files, directories, and their attributes from a NetWare directory. nwfsctrl Performs commands remotely on a NetWare server. nwfsinfo Shows some information about a NetWare server without logging in. nwfstime

Shows or sets a NetWare server's date and time. nwgrant Adds a bindery object with the matching trustee rights to a directory. nwmsg Is called using kerneld when a NetWare server sends a broadcast message. nwpasswd Changes a user's password. nwpurge Permanently erases previously erased files. nwrevoke Revokes the specified NetWare bindery object with corresponding trustee rights from the directory. nwrights Asks a NetWare server for the effective rights in a file or directory for the user. nwsfind Searches for a NetWare server and locates a route to the server. nwtrustee Shows the trustee directories' assignments that a user has on a volume. nwuserlist Shows information about the users logged in to a NetWare server. nwvolinfo Shows information on a NetWare server volume. objcopy Copies object files using the GNU BFD Library. objdump Shows information about object files. objdump Shows information about object files. Information shown is controlled by given options. ocfserv Is a central communication point for smartcards that are connected to the host. od Reads a file from STDIN or from a specified file and exports the content to STDOUT in octal format. odmadd Adds objects to object classes in the ODM. odmchange Manages modification of a specified object class in the ODM. odmcreate Creates ODM object classes. odmdelete Erases objects from object classes in the ODM. odmdrop Erases an object class from the ODM. odmget Creates an input file for odmadd by retreiveing data from classes inside the ODM. odmshow

Shows an ODM object class. odvitype Checks and translate DVI files to human-readable form. oldps Shows process status information. oldrdist Is a file distribution program that remotely maintains copies of files over multiple hosts. olf2elf Converts from OLF to ELF object module format. omega, iniomega, viromega Converts extended Unicode TeX. on Runs commands on other systems using the local environment. on Runs commands on other systems by using the local environment. onintr Specifies the shell will do with an interrupt. If option isn't given normal interrupt handle are restored. openssl Performs various cryptographic functions from the shell and can creates certificates. openssl Performs various cryptographic functions from the shell and can creates certificates. openvt Opens a new virtual terminal and runs the specified command with the arguments specified. openwin Is a script that helps you start OpenWindow the correct way. optisa Asks isalist for the best instruction set to use. oslevel Shows the maintenance level of the system. ospf_monitor Shows statistics about OSPF routers. otp-md4 Creates one-time passwords to authenticate access to a computer system with the MD4 hash algorithm. otp-md5 Creates one-time passwords to authenticate access to a computer system with the MD5 hash algorithm. otp-rmd160 Creates one-time passwords to authenticate access to a computer system with the rmd160 hash algorithm. otp-sha1 Creates one-time passwords to authenticate access to a computer system with the sha1 hash algorithm. owplaces Shows on a specified screen what applications clients are running.

pac Prepares printer/plotter accounting records for each user of the selected printer or for the specified users. pac Shows you general statistics about a printer or a plotter. pack Compresses files into .z format. Each file is compressed and replaced and retains access rights and dates. pack Is a packing tool used for maintaining a packing list. pack Compresses files into .z format. Each file is compressed and replaced. The compressed file will has the same access rights and dates. packf Copies and formats messages from a folder into a file. packf Copies and formats messages from a folder into a file. page Shows a text file one page at a time, press Space to view the next page of the file. page Shows a textfile one page at a time. pagesize Shows the page size of one page of the memory in bytes. pagesize Shows the page size of memory. pagesize Shows the page size of memory. panel20 Monitors activity between an HIA and the 5080 control unit. passmass Lets you change passwords on many computers. passmgmt Adds, deletes or modifies data in the password files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. passwd Changes login password and password attributes for the current or the specified user. paste Creates vertical columns of the content in the specified input files. patch Makes changes to files with patch files. patch-metamail Attempts to retrieve a patch from a server via FTP and install in the local metamail installation directory. patchadd Installs patches and updates system files. Patches can be installed from a directory or one by one. patchrm

Restores saved original files that existed before a patch was installed. pathchk Is used to check if the specified path or paths are valid. pathchk Checks whether the file or files specified are valid or portable. pathchk Checks whether the path or paths specified are valid. pax Manages archives. It can also copy directory structures from one location to another. pax Administer archives. Lists members, extracts archives and archive files. pax Administers archives. Lists archive members, extracts archives and archive files, and copies directory structures from one location to another. pbind Manages the bindings between processes and processors. pcat Shows the content of compressed files. pcat unpacks the file to a temporary place before showing it. pcat Shows content of files that are compressed. Will unpack file to a temporary place before showing it. pcinitrd Creates an initrd RAM disk image, which can be useful to boot the system from a PCMCIA device. pclbanner Prints a PCL banner on a fixed-size font printer. pclient Opens an Xstation connection for a limited time. pcmciastat Shows socket status for PCMCIA devices. pctr Shows the current values of TSC and can access the pctr pseudo device on i386-compatible computers. pdelay Manages the availability of delayed login ports. pdisable Disables a login port. penable Shows or enables a login port. perfmeter Monitors performance statistics in either strip charts or meter dials. perl Is a programming language. Perl stands for Practical Extraction Report Language. perlbug Creates bug reports for perl.

perlbug Is used to create bug reports for perl. perlbug Creates bug reports for perl. perldoc Finds and shows perl documentation from inside installations trees or scripts. perldoc Is used to find and show Perl documentation from inside installation's trees or scripts. perldoc Finds and shows perl documentation from inside installations trees or scripts. pfbtops Converts a PostScript font in .pfb format into ASCII format. pfbtops Converts a PostScript font in .pfb format into ASCII format. pfexec, pfsh, pfcsh, pfksh Runs a command with a specific profile like user ID, group ID, and so forth. pfinstall Tests an installation profile to check the action before using it to install or upgrade. pg Shows a file's content on the screen one page at a time, and prompts for the next page. pg Shows a files content on the screen one page at a time and prompts for the next page. pgrep Searches for specific processes by using different criteria. pgrep Searches for specific processes by using different criteria. pg_ctl Starst, stops, or restarts the postmaster. pg_dump Extracts a Postgres database into a script file. pg_dumpall Extracts all Postgres databases into a script file. pg_passwd Manipulates the flat password file for Postgres. pg_upgrade Allows upgrade from a previous release without reloading data. phold Holds a set of login ports so users cannot log in on that port. photurisd It is a daemon used for IPSec key management. pick Filters messages through specified expressions. pick Filters messages through specified expressions. ping Sends ICMP echo requests to specified hosts. The remote host will, if it can, respond with a

ICMP echo reply. pinky Shows information about users. Similar to finger. pioattred Manages attributes for a virtual printer. piobe Is the print job manager, a spooler backend program called by the qdaemon to process a print job. pioburst Creates a burst text from the specified file, and shows it on STDOUT. piocnvt Expands or compresses a virtual printer definition file. piodigest Converts a colon file to a memory image file to use with the piobe command. piodmgr Compacts the Object Data Manager database. piofontin Copies fonts from a diskette to the system. pioformat Initiates the printer formatter driver. piofquote Reads data from STDIN, modifies control characters destined for PostScript printers, and writes the data to STDOUT. piolpx Adds backend printer support for printers attached to an Xstation. piolsvp Shows all virtual printers and attachment types on the system. piomgpdev Is used to manage pseudo-devices for printer attachments. piomkapqd Builds a SMIT dialog for a new printer and a new print queue. piomkpq Creates new printer devices and print queues and virtual printers. piomsg "Recovers and sends a backend message to one or several users pioout Reads data from STDIN and writes it to the printer. This is the end command of a pipeline started piobe. piopredef Creates a predefined printer definition using a virtual printer definition as a template. pkgadd Installs or spools software packages into the system. pkgask Creates an answer file, which can then be used as input to questions at installation time. Can be used to prevent any interactions during installation. pkgchk

Checks the accuracy of installed files and shows package files information. pkginfo Shows one line of information about each package that is installed on the system. pkgmk Creates an installable package to use as the input into the command pkgadd. pkgparam Shows the value of the package parameters; values are stored in the pkginfo-file for pkginst. pkgproto Creates prototype file entries to be used as input to the pkgmk command. pkgrm Erases a package from the system or from a spooling area. pkgtrans Converts installable packages from file system format to datastream and reverse, or from one file system to another. pkg_add Installs software package distributions. pkg_create Utility for creating software package distributions. pkg_delete It used to remove a previously installed software packages from the system. pkg_info Is used to show information about software packages, both installed and not installed. pkill Finds and kilsl processes by signaling it with the kill command. pkill Finds and kills processes by signaling it with the kill command. pl2pm Converts perl4 files to perl5 modules. pl2pm Is used to convert perl4 .pl files to perl5 .pm modules. pl2pm Converts perl4 files to perl5 modules. plimit Sets or gets the resource limits of a running process identified by process ID list. Only the owner of a process or a superuser is permitted to modify the limits. plotgbe Prints HP-GL files on a plotter. plotlbe Prints HP-GL files on a plotter. pmadm Manages port monitor services on the system. pmake Compiles files depending on other files based on a makefile, and it does this in parallel mode. pmap_set Restarts a running portmapper or sets the list of registrated RPC programs on the local host. For restarting the portmapper you must redirect the output of pmap_dump to a file.

pmconfig Activates the power management system by reading a configuration file called power.conf. pmctrl Manages power management on the system. pnpdump Dumps ISA Plug-and-Play device resource information to a specified file or STDOUT. pnpprobe Searches the ISA bus for Plug and Play sound cards. pntadm Manages the DHCP network table by, for example, adding, removing, or commenting hostnames or IP addresses. pod2html Converts pod to HTML files. pod2latex Converts Perl pod document files into LaTeX document files. pod2man Generates *roff input from a POD source which can then be shown on STDOUT using nroff or to a printer using troff. pod2text Converts POD files into formatted ASCII text files. pom Shows the current moon phase. pop3d Is the daemon for the post office protocol version 3. popd Pops a directory from the directory stack and changes to it. portmap Converts RPC program numbers into DARPA protocol port numbers. Must be running to enable RPC calls. portmap Converts RPC program numbers into DARPA protocol port numbers. portmap Converts RPC program numbers into DARPA protocol port numbers. portmir Attaches one tty stream to another and monitor the user session on that stream. ports Creates symbolic links in /dev/term, /dev/cua0 and inittab for serial ports. post Delivers messages to local and remote users. Must be started from another program. post Delivers messages to local and remote users. Is the default program for send to use. postgres Runs a Postgres single-user backend. postgresql-dump Administers PostgreSQL when the database format is incompatible with an old version. postio

Sends files via the serial interface to a PostScript printer. postmaster Runs the Postgres multiuser backend. postprint Translates text files into PostScript and writes to STDOUT. postreverse Reverses the page order in a PostScript file of Adobe's Version 1.0 or 2.0 format. powerd A power daemon that manages two types of system shutdown: automatic or low power. poweroff Writes pending information to disk, stops the processing and powers off the computer. poweroff Writes pending information to disk, stops the processing, and powers off the computer. ppp Creates user PPP links over the tunnel device. ppp-watch Runs from within a ifup-ppp script that allows PPP interfaces to act like other interfaces. pppattachd Attaches an asynchronous device stream to the PPP subsystem. pppcontrold Is the daemon that controls the PPP protocol. pppctl Is used to control the PPP daemon. pppd Starts the Point to Point Protocol daemon. pppd Starts the Point-to-Point Protocol daemon. pppdial Connects to a remote system using the PPP protocol. pppdump Converts PPP record file to readable format. pppoe Runs the user-space PPPoE client. pppoe-server Starts the user-space server for PPPoE pppoe-sniff Examines network for non-standard PPPoE frames. pppstat Monitors active PPP links. pppstats Shows PPP-related statistics for a PPP-interface. The statistics are shown since the last report. pppstats Shows PPP-related statistics for a PPP interface. The statistics are shown since the last report. pprof Shows CPU usage of kernel threads. pqlist

Shows print queues on a NetWare server. pqrm Removes print requests from a NetWare print queue. pqstat Shows the specified NetWare print queue, showing the jobs being processed. pr Filters printing and pagination, each input file/files are read, formatted and written to STDOUT. praliases Shows system mail aliases. If no key is specified all keys and their values are shown. praliases Shows system mail aliases praliases Shows system mail aliases. If no key is specified, all keys and their values will be shown. praudit Reads files or STDIN and shows the specified data as audit trail records. prctmp Shows the session record file. prctmp Shows the session record file that is created by acctcon1. prdaily Is a shell procedure that formats and reports previous accounting data from /var/adm/acct/sum/rprtmmdd. prdaily Formats and reports the previous day's accounting data from /var/adm/acct/sum/rprt/mmdd. prex Is an interface to control, manipulate, or debug a process or the kernel. primes Shows primes, one per line, in ascending order. print Shows any arguments on the STDOUT. print Is used to show any arguments on the STDOUT. print Shows any arguments on the STDOUT. printenv Shows the variable values in the environment. printf Interprets certain characters in the format string. printmail Shows all mails in your mailbox. printmgr Manages local and remote printer access in a network using X-window. printtool Is an OpenWindow GUI-tool for printing files. priocntl Manages scheduling parameters for processes. There are four main ways to use it; specified by

the first option. privatepw Administers WU-FTPD group access file information. prof Shows data from a profile file produced by the monitor function. prof Shows data from a profile file produced by the monitor function. proff Formats text for printers that use personal printer data streams. profiles Shows execution profiles for the user specified with process attributes used when started using a privileged command interpreter such as: pfcsh, pfksh, and pfexec. proto Creates a prototype of a file system. proxymngr Is the proxy manager service that determines client requests, keeping track of available and starting new proxies. prs Shows selected portions, all, or parts of an SCCS delta table history. prs, sccs-prs Shows selected portions, all, or parts of an SCCS delta table history. prstat Shows statistics about active processes according to selected sort order and output mode. prt Shows selected delta table information of an SCCS file. prtacct Is a shell procedure used to format and print TACCT (total accounting) files. prtacct A shell procedure used to format and print TACCT (total accounting) files. prtconf Shows system configuration information. prtdiag Shows information about the system and diagnostic information. prtty Prints directly to a terminal's printer port. prtvtoc Reads the VTOC in order to show disk geometry and partitioning. ps Shows process ID, execution time, command name, terminal and other information about the active processes. ps2ascii Is a Ghostscript converter from PostScript or PDF to ASCII format. ps2epsi Converts a PostScript file and creates a new file in Adobe's Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format. ps2pdf

Converts a PostScript file into a file in Adobe Portable Document Format. psbanner Prints a PostScript banner on a fixed-size font printer. psbb Shows the bounding box information from PostScript documents. pserver Connects to a NetWare server's print queues and sends the incoming print jobs to the Linux printing system. pshare Shows or enables shared login ports. psql Starts Postgres interactive terminal. psradm Changes the operational status of one or more processors. psrinfo Shows processor information. Shows online/off-line status, powered on/off status and when the status was last modified. pstart Enables login ports listed in the /etc/inittab file. pstat Shows system tables on STDOUT. pstat Shows open file entries, swap space utilization, terminal state, and vnode data structure information. pstree Shows the current processes in a tree format. pstruct, c2ph Translates C to perl code (union and structure declarations). pstruct, c2ph Translates C to Perl code (union and structure declarations). It takes .c, .h, or .s files and shows the C program structure. pswrap Creates wraps that send PostScript language code to the PostScript Interpreter. pswrap Creates wraps by sending segments of PostScript language code from the specified file to the PostScript Interpreter. pts Administers AFS users and groups. ptx Reads the specified text file or STDIN, shuffles the words and phrases within it, and writes it to outputfile. ptx Makes a permuted index of the specified file's contents. pump Is a network interface manager daemon working with the DHCP or BOOTP protocol. pushd

Changes to a new working directory and places the current working directory into a direcory stack. pushln Pushes a string to the editor buffer stack. putdev Adds, removes, or modifies a device in the device table. putdgrp Manages the device group table. pvs Shows internal version information contained within an executable file. pwck Verifies the integrity of password files. pwck Searches the password file for field number validation, user and group IDs, login names, and the like. pwconv Modifies or creates the shadow password file /etc/shadow from the passwd password file. pwconv Modifies or creates the file /etc/shadow from the standard /etc/passwd file. pwd Shows the absolute path to the current working directory. pwdadm Manages user passwords. pwdck Verifies password information. pwd_mkdb Creates a secured or unsecured database for the specified file and installs it into /etc/master.passwd. pwunconv Converts from shadow password file to standard passwd file. qadm Manages printers, spoolers, queues, and print jobs. qcan Cancels print jobs. qchk Shows information about a print queue. qdaemon Is a daemon that controls the scheduling of queued print jobs. qhld Manages hold and release for spooled print jobs. qmov Moves spooled print jobs between queues. qosstat Shows the status of the Quality of Service. qpri Gives priority to a job in a print queue.

qprt Prints a specific print job. qstatus Shows spooling system status. quiz Runs a quiz that tests knowledge in the specified subject. Shows a list of subjects if run without arguments. quiz Runs a quiz that tests knowledge in the specified subject. Shows a list of subjects if run without arguments. quot Shows the amount of 1024-blocks in the file system that each user currently owns and summarizes the information. quot Shows the number of blocks in the file system that each user currently owns and summarizes the information. quot Shows the amount of blocks (1024 bytes) in the file system that each user currently owns and summarizes the information. quota Shows the disk usage and limits for a user on mounted file systems. quotacheck Will check and update the quota for mounted file system. quotaoff Turns off disk quotas for file systems. quotaon Enables disk quotas for file systems. r Reruns the last command. raid0run Starts up old RAID0 or LINEAR arrays. raidctl Configures RAID frame disk drivers raidstart Starts existing RAID devices. raidstop Stops an existing RAID device. ramsize Sets the RAM disk size for the system, and is equivalent to rdev -r. random Snapshots a random state, then reloads that state at boot time a random number generator. random Copies lines it reads from the STDINt to the STDOUT with a probability of 1/value. ranlib Appends a table of contents to archive libraries so that they are linked faster. rarp

Alters the information in the kernels RARP table. rarpd Provides MAC-address-to-IP-address resolution to workstations at startup. raw Binds a Linux raw character device. rb Will receive files using YMODEM, XMODEM, and ZMODEM protocols. rbootd Is a server for Hewlett-Packard workstations on a local network. rc Manages startup initialization of the system based upon the contents of the entries in the /etc/inittab file. rc Starts and stops services when the system runlevel changes. rc Runs system housekeeping and starts up system daemons. rc.powerfail Manages system shutdown if a power failure occurs. rcp Copies files between two computers. The computer can be local or remote. rcs Creates and or changes the attributes of RCS files. rcs Creates and/or changes the attributes of RCS files. rcsclean Removes files based upon revision differences. If there is no difference, it removes the working file. rcsclean Erases files based upon revision differences. rcsdiff Compares different versions of RCS files using the diff command. rcsdiff Compares different versions of RCS files using the diff command. rcsfreeze Assigns a unique revision number (freeze) to all RCS files that are checked in. rcsmerge Merges two RCS files by finding the differences between them, then creating a new file. rcsmerge Merges two RCS files by first comparing the differences between them, and then creates a new file. rcvdist Reads mail from STDIN and forwards it to other addresses. rcvdist Forwards mail to other addresses. It reads mail from STDIN. rcvpack Packs incoming messages using the packf command.

rcvpack Creates a copy of the message and saves it in the specified file. rcvstore Adds messages from STDIN into a mailbox folder. rcvstore Adds messages from STDIN into a mailbox folder. rcvtty Is used to report if new mail arrives. rcvtty Reports a new mail. Runs a command with the message as its STDIN, and shows the results on the screen. rdate Gets the time from a specified remote system and sets or shows it on the local system. rdate Gets the time from a specified remote system and sets or shows it on the local system. rdate Sets system date and time from a remote host. rdconfig Configures RAM disk devices. rdev Shows or sets the root device for bootable Linux kernel images. rdist Distributes files from one computer to others. Will keep the owner, group, mode and modification times. rdistd Is used by the rdist command as a remote file distribution server program. rdistd Is used by the rdist command as a remote file distribution server program. rdjpgcom Shows the embedded comments in JPEG files. rdump Copies files for backup from your computer to a remote computer. read Reads a line from STDIN. readfile Shows INed structure files. readlink Shows the destination name of a symbolic link. readlink Shows the destination name of a symbolic link. readlvcopy Reads a mirrored copy of a logical volume. readonly Sets a variable read-only. If no name is given show all read-only variables. readprofile Shows kernel profile information to STDOUT in a three-column table if the profile buffer

exists. reboot Restarts the operating system. rec Records audio. reconfig Converts the older Xconfig file format to the XF86config file format. red Is a restricted version of the ed editor. red Is a restricted version of ed and is often used to edit files automatically in a script. red Is a text editor similar to the ed utility but is a restricted version. Only allows editing of files in current directory and does not allow the use of shell commands by using the !. redefinevg Is used to redefine a volume group definition in the ODM. reducevg Removes hard drives from a volume group. refer, grefer Finds and formats references as a preprocessor for nroff or troff. refresh Refreshes daemons. regcmp Compiles regular expressions in a file and places the output in file.i. regcmp Compiles the regular expressions in a file and place the output in file.i. rehash Recalculates the internal hash table. reject Rejects print queue requests to the specified destination. rembak Sends print jobs to a queue on a remote host. remove Removes files from the directories var/adm/acct/sum and var/adm/acct/nite. removef Removes a file from the software database. The output is a list of erasable pathnames that may be safely erased. rem_drv Reports to the system that the device driver is invalid. It will unload the device driver from memory if possible, and it will also update the system driver configuration files. rename Renames multiple files by replacing strings. renice Alters the priority of currently running processes. reorgvg Reorganizes allocations for physical partitions in a volume group.

repeat Executes a command a specified number of times. replacepv Replaces a disk in a volume group. repquota Shows the quota limit and the usage of the file systems. reset Is a link to tset. Resets some default settings before it runs. reset Restores a session's run-time parameters to default values. reset Links to the tset command that determines and configures terminals. reset Resets the terminal to default values. resize Shows current size of the xterm window and will set the TERMCAP settings to active window. resize2fs Resizes an ext2 file system on specified device altering the amount of blocks to size. resolve_links Manages cross-book links to HTML books that are not installed in the system. restbase Restores base-customized information from the boot image into the device configuration database during startup. restore Restores files from archives created with the backup command. restore, rrestore Restores files or file systems from a dump backup. restore, rrestore Restores files or file systems from backups made with dump. restvg Restores a user-defined volume group. return Reports from a shell function. If used outside a function it will function as exit. rev Reverses every line of a file, or STDIN, if no file name is given. rev Reverses every line of a file or STDIN. rev Reverses every line of a file or STDIN if no file name is given. revnetgroup Reverses the order of host and user listings in the network group /etc/netgroup file in NIS maps. revpath Generates a relative path. rexec Runs commands on a remote host. rexec

Runs commands on a remote host. rgb Creates a database containing color names. Reads from STDIN and looks for the colors red, green and blue. rgb Creates a database containing color names. Finds decimals for the colors followed by the color name in STDIN. ripquery Queries all routes known by a RIP gateway. rlog Shows information about RCS files and log messages. rlog Shows information about RCS files and log messages. rlogin Runs a remote login to a remote computer. rm Removes files and directories from the file system. rmail Administers received mail from remote hosts through Basic Networking Utilities (BNU). rmail Administer received mail from remote hosts through basic networking utilities. rmail Administer received mail from remote hosts through basic networking utilities (BNU). rmail Sends messages in text format as mail to users, reads from STDIN or a terminal. Recipient must be a user. rmclass Removes a workload management class from the system. rmd160 Shows a calculated checksum of the specified files. rmdel Removes a delta from one or more SCCS files. rmdel, sccs-rmdel Removes a delta from one ore more SCCS files. rmdev Removes a device from the system. rmdir Removes empty directories from the file system. rmfilt Removes a filter rule from a filter table. rmfs Removes a file system. rmgroup Deletes a specified UNIX group from the system. rmgroup Deletes a specified UNIX group from the system.

rmhist Removes history information from one or more INed structured files. rmic Is a compiler that creates skeleton and stub class files for use with remote objects from compiled Java classes. rmiregistry Starts and creates a Java remote object registry. It creates no output because it is run in the background. rmitab Removes entries from the inittab file. rmkeyserv Disables the keyserv daemon. rmlv Removes a logical volume from a volume group. rmlvcopy Removes copies from a logical volume. rmmod Unloads specified loadable modules as long as they are not in use and not referred to by other modules. rmmount Mounts removable media. The Volume Manager uses it to mount the device when a new media is inserted. rmnamsv RemovesTCP/IP naming services from the system. rmnfs Stops NFS daemons on the system. rmnfsexp Disables export of a directory to an NFS client. rmnfsmnt Removes an NFS mount from the system. rmnotify Removes a notify method from the notify object class. rmprtsv Removes a print service from a client or a server. rmps Removes a paging space from the system. rmqos Disables the QoS support for the system. rmque Removes a print queue from the system. rmquedev Removes a printer or plotter queue from the system. rmrole Removes a role from the system. rmserver Removes a subserver from the object class.

rmss Simulates the memory size in the system. rmssys Removes a subsystem from the object class. rmt Allows remote access to magnetic tape devices, normally started from a rexec or rcmd subroutine. rmtun Erases or disables an IP tunnel. rmuser Erases the specified user from the system. rmuser Is a perl script that will erase the specified user from the system. rmvfs Removes entries from the /etc/vfs file. rmvirprt Removes a virtual printer from the system. rmyp Removes NIS configurations. rm_niscachemgr Disables the nis_cachemgr daemon. rm_nisd Disables the rpc.nisd daemon. rm_nispasswdd Disables the rpc.nispasswdd daemon. roffbib Shows records in a bibliographic database in bibliography format, not as footnotes or endnotes. roleadd Manages new role accounts. roledel Removes a role account and its login from the system. rolemod Modifies the information about a role login on the system. roles Shows the roles that is granted to specified user. rootflags Sets the flags used when mounting the root file system. Is the same as rdev R. rotatelogs Starts a new log file and saves the old. rotatelogs Starts a new log file and save the old. Only for Apache Web server. rotatelogs Starts a new log file and save the old. route Manages and shows the routing tables on the host. routed

Manages routing tables for hosts on the network and updates internetwork router hosts with copies of routing tables. routed Manages and provides network routing tables for hosts on the network. rpc.bootparamd Serves diskless clients with startup information at boot time. rpc.bootparamd Serves diskless clients with startup information at boot time. rpc.bootparamd Serves diskless clients with startup information at boot time. rpc.lockd Starts the NFS lock manager (NLM). Useful for kernels that don't do this automatically. rpc.lockd Starts the NFS lock manager (NLM). Useful for kernels that don't do this automatically. rpc.lockd Starts the NFS lock manager (NLM). Useful for kernels who doesn't do this automatically. rpc.nisd Is the NIS+ service daemon. Used to serve usernames and passwords to systems on the network. rpc.nisd Is the daemon for the NIS+ service. rpc.nisd_resolv Used as a DNS forwarder. Often used from rpc.nisd, can also be used from a console. rpc.nisd_resolv Is used by NIS hosts as a DNS forwarder. It is often used from rpc.nisd, but can also be used from the console. rpc.nispasswdd Updates the NIS+ password table on request from nispasswd or yppasswd. rpc.nispasswdd Updates the NIS+ password table on request from nispasswd or yppasswd. rpc.pcnfsd Is a server for PC clients that run Sun NFS systems. It provides authentication and printing requests for PC's. rpc.pcnfsd Provides authentication and printing requests to and from different PC's. rpc.rexd Executes programs on remote computers. rpc.rexd Is used for program execution on remote computers. rpc.rquotad Manages users of a local file system mounted with NFS by reporting quotas. Started by rpc.rquotad Is an RPC server that manages users of a local file system mounted over the NFS by reporting quotas. rpc.rquotad Is an RPC server that manages users of a local file system mounted over the NFS by reporting quotas.

rpc.rstatd Returns statistics received from the kernel about performance. rpc.rusersd Is the user name server that lists users on the host. rpc.rwalld Is the rwall server that manages rwall requests. It is applied by using wall on all appropriate hosts. rpc.sprayd Is the server daemon for the spray command. rpc.sprayd Is the server daemon for the spray command. rpc.sprayd Is the server daemon for the spray command. rpc.statd Performs passive monitoring of the server and implements the reboot notification service used by rpc.lockd that performs file lock recovery functions in the event the server is rebooted. rpc.statd, statd Is used to manage crash and recovery for locking NFS services. rpc.yppasswdd, yppasswdd Handles the requests that comes from yppasswd to set new correct passwords. rpc.ypupdated Updates information in the Network Information Service (NIS) rpc.ypupdated Updates information in the Network Information Service (NIS). rpc.ypxfrd Transfers NIS maps from the master server to the slave server. rpcbind Creates universal addresses by converting RPC program numbers. rpcgen Creates C code to make an rpc protocol. rpcinfo Creates an RPC call to an RPC server and shows the information on what it finds. rpl Replaces text strings in a file. rpld Provides network booting support for clients running on the x86 (Intel-compatible) platform. rpm Adds and removes software on a system. It's also used to create software packages. rpm2cpio Converts a Red Hat Package (RPM) file to a cpio archive on STDOUT. rpm2cpio Converts a Red Hat Package (RPM) file to a cpio archive on STDOUT. rrestore Copies i-node backup files from a remote system to the local system. rs Converts lines from STDIN to columns on STDOUT.

Rsh Invokes the restricted version of Bourne shell. rsh, remsh Is a remote shell which is used to connect to a host and execute one specified command. rstart Executes programs on a remote computer using the Remote Execution Protocol. rstart Is a simple example of the remote start client. This script relies upon rsh. rstart Is a simple example of the remote start client (Remote Execution Protocol). rstartd Is a script that helps the use of working with a remote shell. rstartd Is a script that helps the use of working with a remote shell. rstartd Is a script that helps the use of working with a remote shell. rsync Copies files from or to a remote site. rtl_enable Relinks modules so the runtime linker can use them. rtquery Shows information about the routing tables of the daemons routed or gated. runacct Runs daily accounting procedures that are usually started from the cron daemon. runacct Runs daily accounting procedures that are usually started from the cron daemon. runcat Transfers data from the mkcatdefs command to the gencat command. runlevel Shows the previous and current system runlevel. rup Shows the status of machines on the network. Similar to uptime but for remote computers. ruptime Shows the status of machines on the network. Similar to uptime but for remote machines. rusage Shows the resource usage for a command (CPU time, wall clock, System CPU and so on). ruser Manages entries in the remote users database. rusers Lists users logged into the remote server. Similar to who but for remote servers. rwall Broadcasts messages to all users on the network. rwall Send a message to all users on a network. rwall Reads a message from STDIN and sends it as a broadcast message to the users logged on to the

specified host server. rwho Shows who is logged in to hosts on the local network. rwhod, in.rwhod Is a system status server for the programs rwho and ruptime. rx Will receive files using XMODEM protocol. rxtelnet Starts a xterm telnet window on a specified host and enables X connections. rxterm Starts an xterm window on a remote system. rz Will receive files using ZMODEM protocol. s2p Converts a sed script to a perl script. The converted script will be shown on STDOUT. s2p Converts a sed script to a perl script. The converted script will be shown on STDOUT. s2p Takes a sed script specified on the command line and produces a comparable perl script on the STDOUT. sa Cleans up and shows information in the /var/adm/pacct file. sa Administers accounting files. Cleans up and shows information in the /var/account/acct file. sa1 Saves system activity into the binary file /var/adm/sa/sadd, dd is the current day. sa1 Saves system activity into the binary file /var/log/sa/sadd, where dd is the current day. sa1 Saves system activity into the binary file /var/adm/sa/saDD, where DD is the current day. Sar often uses this collected information. sa2 Is a script that saves system activity into the file /var/adm/sa/sardd, dd is the current day. sa2 Saves system activity into the file /var/adm/sa/sardd where dd is the current day. sa2 Is a script that saves system activity into the file /var/adm/sa/saDD where DD is the current day. This is similar to sar and it uses the same options. sacadm Is the port monitor administration tool. It is used to add/remove, enable/disable, start/stop a port monitor. sact, sccs-sact Informs the user that the s.file is checked out for editing by somebody else. sadc Saves system activity in binary format to a specified file. sadc

Saves system activity in binary format to a specified file. sadc Saves system activity in binary format to a specified file. sag Shows a graph of the system activity data from the binary datafile created by a run of sar. samba Manages samba smbd and nmdb daemons. sar Shows information about system utilization earlier saved in files. The files is in the directory /var/adm/sa/sadd. sar Shows system utilization information earlier saved in files. Please see sadc to set up data collection. sar Shows information about system use for a specified period of time. sash Is a stand-alone shell with many extra built-in commands. sasldblistusers Shows the users in the SASL password database (usually /etc/sasldb). saslpasswd Sets the SASL password for server programs. savebase Saves base customized device settings on the boot device. savecore Saves a crash dump of the operating system kernel (if one is created) after a system crash. savecore Saves a crash dump of the operating system kernel (if one is created) after a system crash. savecore Saves a crash dump of the operating system kernel (if one is created) after a system crash. savevg Collects and backs up all files that belong to a specific volume group. sb Sends files in batch using YMODEM or ZMODEM protocol. scan Produces a one-line-per-message listing of the specified folder or messages. scan Gives a brief description of messages stored in the specified folder, or default folder if not specified. scanpci Shows information about your PCI bus. scanpci Shows information about the PCI bus. scan_ffs Finds any UFS/FFS partitions on the specified disk. sccs Is a management program for the source code control system (SCCS).

sccs Executes subcommands on SCCS history files or directories. SCCS = Source Code Control System. sccs-help, help Shows help on error or warning messages from Source Code Control System (SCCS) sccsdiff Compares two versions of a SCCS file. sccsdiff, sccs-sscsdiff Is used to compare two versions of a SCCS file and show the differences. sccshelp Shows help information about an sccs message or command. sched Is a simple scheduler used to run commands at a later time. sched Schedules commands to be executed at a later time from the shell. Note that it is the shell that runs the commands. sclient Is a Kerberos client. When connected to Kerberos server it returns a Kerberos authentication. scls Creates a list of modules and driver names. scon Configures the pcvt VT220 video driver. scp Copies files in a secure way with all network traffic encrypted by ssh. scp Copies files in a secure way with all network traffic encrypted by SSH. screen Runs many programs on one terminal. Makes programs detached so they can be attached somewhere else. screendump Dumps the contents of the screen to STDOUT. script Records everything that is shown on the screen during a terminal session and saves the information into a file. scsi Administers PCMCIA SCSI adapters. scsi Sends commands to or probes a specified SCSI device. scsi_info Shows information about SCSI-devices, such as addess parameters, device vendor information, etc. sdiff Compares the two files and shows the differences between them, side by side on the screen. sdtpdasync Starts the utility PDASync which is a java based application that synchronize handheld Palm devices with CDE.

sdtrlogin Parses a URL string and connect to a computer. securetcpip Enables enhanced TCP/IP security for the network. sed Edits text files using a script of specified edit commands and shows the result. select Shows words as a menu on STDERR and $PS3 as a prompt wait for user input. Repeats until terminated. send Sends the specified message files to their destinations. send Sends the specified letter files to it's destinations, defined in the message. sendbug Is a script that sends a problem report to a specified address. sendbug Is a script that sends problem reports to a central support site, using the vi editor. sendfiles Sends multiple files via a MIME message. sendmail Is a mail router used to deliver mail messages locally or via the internet. serialver Reports the serial version UID for at least one class, output is in an evolving class format. server_upgrade Upgrades various clients (Intel or SPARC based) from the server. sessreg Manages utmp/wtmp entries for xdm sessions. set Sets a shell variable to value. With no argument it shows all variables. In Bourne, Bash, Korn and Z-shell (sh, bash, ksh, zsh) set is used to set shell flags. setclock Sets or shows the time and date for a host on a network. setclock Sets the time for the hardware clock. setenv Sets an environment variable. With no argument it shows all environment variables. setfacl Is used to manage the Access Control List for one or more files. setfdprm Is a utility to set and change parameters on auto-detecting floppy devices. setgroups Resets a group set session. setleds Sets the status flags for the keyboard LED's. Shows current status if no option is specified. setmaps Manages terminal and code set maps.

setmnt Allows you to re-create /etc/mnttab file line by line. setopt Sets the shells options. Please see zsh for all options. setpci Is used to query and configure PCI devices. All numbers are entered in hexadecimal values. setquota Sets the specified quota for a user or a group from the command line. setsenv Resets a user's protected environment. setserial Sets or retrieve serial port information. setsid Runs the specified program in a new session. settc Makes the shell believe that the terminal capability has the specified value. settc Makes the shell believe that the terminal capability has the specified value. setterm Sets terminal attributes. settime Alters the file access and modification times. This command is equal to touch -c. setty Sets which tty modes the shell allows to be changed. setty Sets which tty modes the shell allows to change. setuname Manages parameter values for the system and node name. setup Configures the system in interactive mode. setvar Sets variable to value. setxkbmap Sets the keyboard layout by means of the X keyboard extension. setxkbmap Sets the keyboard layout by means of the X keyboard extension. sfdisk Administers partition tables. sh Is the Bourne shell command interpreter. sh, rsh Is the Bourne shell command interpreter and rsh is a restricted version of the Bourne shell. shar Converts binary files to a text friendly archive. shar Creates a shell archive of files

share Makes local resources available to remote hosts. shareall Shares the resources in a file; for example, /etc/dfs/dfstab. shell Starts a shell with the user's default settings. shift Shifts the command line argument one (or number) step to the left. shopt Alters optional shell variables controlling the behavior of the shell. shopt Changes optional shell variables controlling the behavior of the shell. show Shows specified messages or folders. This is part of the NMH package. show Shows specified messages or folders. This is part of the NMH package. showaudio Plays an audio email message on your workstation. showfont Shows information from the X font server about a specified font. showfont Shows information from the X font server abut a specified font. showfont Shows information from the X font server about a specific font. showmount Shows all clients that have remote mounts from a server. showrev Shows revision information for the hardware and software. showrgb Converts a compiled RGB color name database back to the original form. showrgb Converts a compiled RGB color name database back to the original form. showrgb Converts a compiled rgb color name database back to the original form. showsnf Shows the content of font files in the SNF format or convert glyphs into arrays of characters. shred Erases files by overwriting them repeatedly. Which makes it very hard to restore the information. shutacct Disables process accounting on shutdown and adds a reason record to /var/adm/wtmp. shutacct Disables process accounting on shutdown and adds a reason record to /var/adm/wtmp. shutdown Changes the current run level. Most often to shut the system down. size

Shows segment or section size information for each loaded section in object files. skey Generates an encrypted string by getting a password key and sequence number. skeyaudit Notifies users that have a low number of one-time passwords. skeyinfo Shows the specified user's next S/key challenge. Current user will be used if no user is specified. skeyinit Administers the user's S/Key authentications. skeyprune Erases old and zeroed entries in the /etc/skeykeys file. skill Kills processes. Combines features from kill and killall. skulker Removes unwanted files like: core files, a.out files, hup files, files in /tmp, etc. slattach Attaches a network interface to a serial line. slattach Transfers a serial line connection to a network interface. slattach Assigns tty lines to a network interface. sleep Puts the system to sleep for a period of time. slibclean Removes unused modules from the kernel and library memory. sliplogin Turns the terminal line on STDIN into a Serial Line IP (SLIP) link to a remote host. sliplogin Turns the terminal line on STDIN into a serial line IP (SLIP) link to a remote host. slist Shows all NetWare servers present on the network. slocal Manages incomming messages according to actions specified in the .maildelivery file: started by sendmail. slocal Processes inbound messages according to a selection criterion. slocate, locate Looks quickly in a database in order to find files. slstats Shows statistic information for a slip interface. smartcard Configures and administers a smart card. smbadduser Adds users to SMBs password file. smbclient

Connects to a remote service using SMB. smbd Starts the Samba daemon that handles SMB/CIFF requests. smbmnt Mounts SMB file system shares. Checks if a user has write permissions on the mount point before mounting. smbmount Mounts an SMB file system. smbpasswd Changes the user's SMB password. smbspool Sends a print file to an SMB printer. smbstatus Shows the current Samba connections. smbtar This command script is a utility that dumps SMB shares into a tape device. smbumount Lets users unmount their SMB mounted directories. The directory must have the SUID set to root. smdemon.cleanu Cleans up sendmail queues. smit, smitty Starts the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to perform system management. smproxy Works as an X application proxy and allows the application to use an X11R6 session. smproxy Works as a proxy for an X application that doesn't support X11R6 management. smrsh Restricts users to only be able to run certain sendmail commands in a shell. smrsh Restricts a shell for users to only be able to run certain commands. smrsh Is a restricted shell used together with sendmail. It only allow certain commands to be run. smtpd Is used to receive mails from other SMTP servers, will put messages in the spool directory. smtpfwdd Forwards SMTPFWDD emails from a spool directory to their destinations. snap Collects system configuration information, called a snapshot. snapshot Takes a snapshot of the screen, or a part of the screen, and saves it to a raster file. sndAppleSingle Allows the user to send Macintosh files stored inside a UNIX file system with the CAP AUFS program. sndconfig Is a graphic interface program that configures sound cards to work with a Linux kernel module.

snice Shows process status and sets new priorities for processes. snmpbulkget Communicates with a network entity using SNMP BULK requests. snmpbulkwalk Communicates with a network entity using SNMP BULK requests. snmpd Starts the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon. snmpd Is an agent that responds to SNMP request packets. Monitors networks. snmpdelta Monitors deltas of integer-valued SNMP variables. snmpget Communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests. snmpgetnext Communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET NEXT requests. snmpinfo Manages SNMP settings for an SNMP agent. snmpnetstat Shows network status using SNMP. snmpset Communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests. snmpstatus Retrieves important information from a network host. snmptable Shows SNMP tables after retrieving them. snmptest Communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests. snmptranslate Translates SNMP objects into more useful information. snmptrap Sends an SNMP TRAP to a manager. snmptrapd Receives and logs SNMP trap messages. snmpusm Administers SNMPv3 users on a remote entity. snmpwalk Communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET next requests. sno Is a SNOBOL compiler. snoop Grabs packets from the network and shows information about the content. soconfig Alters the transport provider driver used with sockets. soelim Determines and excludes the .so requests from either troff or nroff input.

solregis Starts the Solaris user registration procedure. sort Sorts and merges lines from the specified files or from STDIN, and prints them to STDOUT. sortbib Sorts the specified bibliographic database, based on the sorting keys. sotruss Traces dynamic library calls made by the command specified and shows it on STDOUT. source Reads commands form a file and runs them in the current shell. speckeysd Is a CDE/OpenWindows daemon that detects special keys on Type 5/Compact 1 keyboards. spell Is used to search for English language spelling errors. spell Is a capability script for the aspell spell checker. spell Collects words from specified file or files and look them up in a spelling list. If the word doesn't exist, it will report it. It uses deroff to follow chains of included files. spellin Combines words from STDIN and the already existing spelling list and places a new spelling list on STDOUT. spellin Reads a specified amount of hash codes from STDIN and shows a compressed spelling list. spellout Checks that a specific word is not in the spelling list. split Splits a file into a set of smaller files. The output files will get a double letter extension (.aa, .ab, .ac ... ). splitlvcopy Splits a logical volume copy to create a new logical volume. splitmail Splits an e-mail into smaller pieces according to proposed Internet standard for multimedia mail formats. splp Manages printer driver settings. spost Delivers a message. This is only started by other programs. spost Delivers a message. spray Sends a stream of packets to a host. Reports how many packets were received, and the transfer rate. spray Sends a stream of packets to a host. Reports how many were received and the transfer rate. spray

Sends a stream of packets to a host. Reports how many were received and the transfer rate. srchtxt Shows the content of a message database or searches for a match to the text string specified. srcmstr Starts the system resource controller. ssaadm Administers SPARC storage Arrays and SPARC storage RSM disk systems. sserver Is a Kerberos server application. When there is a connection it, returns a Kerberos principal. ssh, slogin Logins secure to a remote computer. It's intended to replace rlogin. ssh, slogin Logins secure to a remote computer. It's is intended to replace rlogin. ssh-add Administrates RSA identities for the SSH authentication agent. ssh-add Administrates RSA identities for the SSH authentication agent. ssh-agent Holds private keys for RSA authentication. ssh-agent Holds private keys for RSA authentication. ssh-keygen Is used it create public and private SSH keys. ssh-keygen Creates public and private SSH keys. sshd Is the secure shell deamon that allows ssh clients access the computer. sshd Listens for secure connections from ssh clients. startkey Is used to initialize a key exchange with the photurisd daemon. startsrc Starts a subsystem or subserver, also called a daemon. startup Turns on process accounting when the system is brought to a multi-user state. startup Turns the process accounting on when the system is brought to a multi-user state. startx Starts a single session of the X window system. startx Starts a single session of the X-window system. Is a front end to xinit. startx Starts a session of the X-window system. Is a front end to xinit. Usually run without arguments. stat Shows information on the specified files of file systems. statserial

Shows information about the specified serial port. Useful to debug modems and ports. stdethers Filters out non-YP information from a file. stdethers Deletes unwanted information in a file. stdethers Is used to erase NIS information from the specified file or STDIN. stdhosts Filters out non-YP information. stdhosts Is used to get rid of unwanted information. stdhosts Is used to erase NIS information from the specified file or STDIN. stem Is a tool that lets the user insert instrumentation code into subroutines. stinit Initializes SCSI magnetic tape drives. stop Stops a process. stopsrc Stops a subsystem or subserver. strace Shows streams trace messages on STDOUT. Operands can be specified multiple times, but only in triplets. strace Records all system calls sent and received by the processes within the specified command. strace Shows STREAMS trace messages on STDOUT. Operands can be specified multiple times, but only in triplets. strchg Alters the configurations of streams associated with the user's STDIN. strchg Adds or removes topmost modules of the stream associated with the user's STDIN. strclean Removes streams error logger files older than three days. strclean Removes STREAMS error logger files older than 3 days. strconf Queries the configuration of a stream. strconf Manages the configuration of a stream. strfile Creates a random access file for saving strings. Lines are separated by the delimiting character. strinfo Shows information about streams activity. strings

Searches for printable strings in object or binary files. strip Strips the symbol table and the information about debugging and line numbers from an object file. stripnm Shows symbol information for a specific object file. strload Manages the portable streams environment (PSE). strreset Resets a stream. struct Converts FORTRAN programs into RATFOR programs. stty Alters the options for a terminal. sttydefs Maintains the /etc/ttydefs file, which is used for controlling the tty port hunt sequences and for line settings. stunnel Makes it possible to use SSL-enabled connections between two computers, using non-SSLenabled daemons. style Analyzes the style of an English-language document. su Switches to another user in the current session. subj Creates a list of subjects from a document. sudo Allows a permitted user to execute a command as the super user. suexec Switches the user when executing an external application through programs that are used internally by Apache. suexec Switches user when executing a external application through programs that is used internally by Apache. suidperl Executes a perl script in suID mode. sulogin Prompts for the root password to enter single-user mode, or to press Ctrl-D to proceed with normal startup. sulogin Asks the user to type in root password and go to single-user mode, or to press Ctrl+D to proceed a normal startup. sum Shows a 16-bit checksum and a 512 byte block count for a file. sup Upgrades files or programs by acting like a client and then talks to a file server process. SuperProbe

Finds installed video hardware, used by some X11 configuration software to determine configurations. SuperProbe Finds installed video hardware, used by some X11 configuration software to determine configurations. supfilesrv Is the software upgrade protocol server to serve client upgrades. supscan Creates a list of the files on the sup server. This speeds up the service if there is a large number of files. survd Manages the surveillance daemon. suspend Stops the current shell as if Ctrl-Z has been pressed. Login shell can't be stopped. svmon Is used to take snapshots and create reports of the virtual memory. swap Manages the systems swap areas that are used by the memory manager. swapctl Controls the swap devices and files. Will add, remove, or prioritize the swap. swapdev Sets the kernel's swap device. Shows usage information if run without parameters. Is the equivalent of rdev s. swapoff Disables swapping on the specified devices. swapon Specifies a device to start swapping or paging on. swapon Specifies a device to start swap or page on. swapon Manages swap devices and files for the system. swat Configures Samba over the web. Short for Samba Web Administration Tool. Is run from xinetd. swcons Redirects console output to another device temporarily. switch, breaksw Matches each pattern successively against the word and runs the commands when the first match is found. switchdesk Is used to switch between various desktop environments like GNOME, KDE and AnotherLevel. switchdesk-helper Specifies what window manager to run when starting X. swmtool Is a tool for installing, upgrading and removing software packages. sx Sends files using XMODEM protocol

sync Flushs all unwritten file system buffers to disk. syncinit Sets interface operating parameters for a serial line. syncloop Is a program for testing synchronous serial loopback. synclvodm Synchronizes or rebuilds control blocks, ODM settings, or volume descriptor areas on a physical volume. syncstat Shows driver statistics from a synchronous serial link. syncvg Synchronizes logical volume copies that are inconsistent. sys-suspend Suspends, shutdowns or powers off the computer. sys-unconfig Resets the system configuration. The file /.unconfigured tells the system to run the programs to configure system. sys-unconfig Resets the system configuration to the standard state. syscall Runs a specific subroutine call. syscalls Traces system calls. sysck Checks inventory information during installation or update, and updates the SoftWare Vital Product Data database. sysctl Configures kernel parameters at runtime - the parameters is listed in /proc/sys/. sysctl Retrieves and allows the configuring of kernel states. sysdef Shows definition on all devices, modules, etc on the computer. sysdumpdev Manages primary and secondary dump devices in the system. sysdumpstart Starts a kernel dump to a dump device. sysidconfig Is used to manage definition and execution of system configuration applications. sysidtool Is a bundle of five programs that manages configuration and reconfiguration of a system. sysklogd Is a system logging utility. sysline Shows system status on the terminal. syslogd

Logs system messages and saves it into a file. systat Is a statistics showing program, showing the current load and the programs consuming much CPU. sz Sends files using ZMODEM protocol. tab Converts spaces into tabs. tabs Clears old settings and set new Tabs and margins on remote terminals. tabs Clears old settings and sets new Tabs and margins on remote terminals. tac Shows files in reverse order. The opposite of cat. tail Shows the tail end of the file specified to STDOUT. Shows the last 10 entries by default. tailf Shows the growth of a file. talk Is used to talk to another user, using the terminal. talkd, in.talkd, in.ntalkd, ntalkd Provides the server function for the talk command. Usually started by the Internet Server. tangle Converts a WEB file to Pascal. tapechk Runs a consistency check on a tape device. tapes Shows any available tape devices installed in the computer. tapes Creates /dev/rmt entries for tape drives connected to the system. tar Extracts or creates files from or to a tar file, tape by default but can be any media or file. tbl Formats tables before to use them in nroff or troff. For BSD and Linux it is only used for troff. tc Interprets input as output from the troff command and the STDOUT. This command is intended for the Tektronix 4015 system. tc Creates and associate queues with output devices. tcbck Manages the security state of the system. tclsh Is the Tool command language (Tcl) shell. tcopy Copies or scans a magnetic tape. tcopy

Copies or scans a magnetic tape. tcopy Copies or scans a magnetic tape. tcpd Controls and logs incoming requests for Internet services. Used from inetd. tcpd Controls and logs incoming requests for Internet services. Use from inetd-like programs. tcpdchk Checks your TCP wrapper configuration and reports all potential problems it can find. tcpdchk Checks your TCP wrapper configuration and reports all potential problems it can find. tcpdmatch Predicts how the TCP wrapper would handle a specific request for service. tcpdmatch Predicts how the tcpwrapper would handle a specific request for service. tcpdump Shows the headers of packets on a network interface. tcpdump Shows the headers of packets on a network interface. tcpdump Shows the headers of packets matching the specified expression, on a network interface. tcsh Is a enchanced version of the C-shell that is completely compatible. tcsh Is the enhanced version of the UNIX C shell csh. Primarily a command language interpreter that can be used as a login shell and a shell script command processor. tctl Controls commands to a streaming tape device. tdigest Converts term files. tee Copies STDIN to STDOUT as well as to files. telesctrl Configures the log level of the HiSax-ISDN device driver. Log information is stored in /dev/isdnctrl. telltc Shows the current values of all terminal capabilities. telltc Shows the current values of all terminal capabilities. telnet, tn Uses the telnet protocol to communicate with other hosts. tenletxr Forwards X connections from your host to the specified host. termdef Queries and shows current terminal settings. test

Evaluates conditions. In if structures conditions are often used inside brackets ( [ ] ). testparm Reads a Samba configuration file to check whether it is correct. testprns Checks whether a given printer name is valid to use with smbd. tex, initex, virtex Formats text and typesetting. texindex Creates an index for a TeX output file. texindex Creates an index for a TeX output file. tfmtodit Creates groff font files to use with groff -Tdvi. tfmtodit Is used to create groff font files to be used with groff -Tdvi. tftp Sends files to and from a remote host using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). tftp Sends files to and from a remote host using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). tftp, utftp Sends files to and receives files from a remote host using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). thumbnail Creates a TIFF image file with thumbnail images. tic Compiles a terminfo file. The data is saved in the directory /usr/share/lib/terminfo for AIX and Solaris and in the directory /usr/share/terminfo for BSD and Linux. tie Merges or applies WEB system change files. tiff2bw Converts a color TIFF image to grayscale. tiff2ps Converts TIFF images to PostScript format. tiffcmp Compares two TIFF files. tiffcp Merges TIFF images together into a single multi-image file. tiffdither Converts an 8-bit grayscale TIFF image to a bilevel TIFF image. tiffinfo Shows information about TIFF files. tiffsplit Creates single-image files from a multi-image TIFF file. time Starts a program and shows statistics on STDERR about how long it took to run. timeconfig

Configures the computer time in a ncurses-based environment. timed Synchronizes local time with other hosts. timed Is used to synchronize local time with other hosts. timedc Administers the function of the timed program. timedc Administers the function of the timed program. times Shows accumulated system and user times for processes run from the shell.. timex Measures how long it takes to run a command. Shows time elapsed, user time, and system time in seconds. timex Measures how much time it takes to run a command. It shows elapsed, user, and system time in seconds. tin Is a Usenet news reader, which can read locally or remotely via an NNTP server. tip Connects to a remote host with full duplex terminal connection behaving like a interactive session on a local terminal. tip Connects to a remote hosts. tip Connects to a remote host with full-duplex terminal connection creating an interactive session on a local terminal. tload Shows system load as a graph. tmpwatch Erases files that haven't been accessed for a specified number of hours. tn3270 "Connects a local host with a remote host tn3270 Is used to remotely log in to IBM computers with full screen and full duplex. Emulates the IBM 3270 terminal. tnfdump Converts TNF files to ASCII to make it suitable for analyze. tnfxtract Collects and extracts kernel trace information into a trace file. toe Shows a list of all available terminal types by primary name with their descriptions. tokstat Shows token-ring device statistics. top Shows a list of the most active CPU processes.

top Shows and updates information about the top CPU processes. topas Shows specified local system statistics. touch Gives the file specified a new time and date stamp. If the file does not exist it will be created. tprof Shows CPU usage statistics. tput This utility is used to initialize a terminal or query a terminfo database. tr Replaces or deletes characters while copying from STDIN to STDOUT. trace Traces specific system events. tracepath Shows the path, and the MTU that is found on the way, to the specified destination. traceroute Shows you a list of the route a packets takes to reach a network host. tracesoff Disables tracing on a subsystem or a subserver. traceson Enables tracing of a subsystem or a subserver. trap Runs the command when the shell receive signal. If command is a null string ("") it will reset the signals to there original behavior. Used alone it shows all traps. trbsd Translates characters. This is the BSD version of the command tr. trcdead Extracts tracing information from a system dump image. trcnm Creates a kernel name list. trcrpt Creates a trace report from the trace logfile. trcstop Turns off the trace function. trcupdate Manages trace report format templates. troff, gtroff Formats the text in the specified file for printing or typesetting. trpt Shows information about TCP trace records on a socket marked for debugging. trpt Shows information about TCP trace records on a socket marked for debugging. trsp Shows information about SPP trace records on a socket marked for debugging. true

Provides a true value in scripts, does nothing but always exits with a value of 0. truss Is used to manage tracing of specific system calls and signals. tset Determines and configures your terminal. tsh Is a more secure command interpreter than the Korn shell. Start the shell, the user must press Ctrl-X and Ctrl-R. tsm Will provide terminal state management to control the ports used in the trusted path. tsort Sorts items from a text file or STDIN and show on STDOUT an ordered listing of the items. tty Shows the terminal that is used as STDIN. ttyadm Manages port monitor specific data. ttyctl Freezes and unfreezes the tty. With no option, it shows the current status. ttyflags Is used to set device-specific flags for terminals. ttymon Is used to manage port settings for terminal ports. tune2fs Alters tunable file system parameters on second extended file systems. tunefs Changes the dynamic parameters of an unmounted file system that exists in /etc/vfstab. tunefs Changes the dynamic parameters of an unmounted file system that exists in /etc/vfstab. tunelp Configures various parameters for the lp device. turnacct Manages process accounting. turnacct Manages process accounting. tvi Is a trusted version of the text editor vi. twm Is a X-window manager that provides icon management, macros, key bindings, title bars and shaped windows. type Shows a description of a commands type. typeset, declare Sets values and attributes for variables. A new variable instance is created when used inside functions. tzselect Configures the time zone in an interactive mode.

ucblinks Is used to add compatibility for SunOS 4.x devices to a SunOS5.x system. Adds /dev entries. ufsdump Creates a backup of all specified files or file systems to a hard drive, floppy disk or tape. ufsrestore Restores backup files created with ufsdump from backup media. Restore is placed in current directory. uil Starts the UIL compiler, a language to describe the initial state of a users interface for a AIXwindows application. uil Starts the UIL compiler. A language to describe the initial state of a user interface for a Motif application. ul Reads STDIN or specified files and alter the underscore characters to fit your terminal. ulimit Sets and shows the size limits used by the shell and its child processes. Shows the current limit if not given. umask Alters the file mode creation mask of the current shell execution environment. umount, unmount Unmounts local or remote file systems. AIX also have a unmount command with the same syntax. umountall Unmounts all mounted filesystems except root, /proc, /var, and /usr. unalias Erases the definitions of all aliases specified on the command line from the current shell execution environment. uname Shows information about the current system. unbuffer Disables the output buffering when the specified program is redirected. uncomplete Removes any pattern specified with complete. uncomplete Removes any patterns specified with the command complete. uncompress Uncompresses .Z files. Removes the .Z suffix when it is done. unexpand Replaces the spaces in text files created with expand back to Tab characters. unfunction Removes functions. unget Reverses all changes in a SCCS history file made by the command get -e. unget, sccs-unget Undoes all changes in a SCCS history file that was made by the command get -e.

unhash Disables the internal hash table. In zsh it will remove names from the internal hash table. unicode_start Sets Unicode mode to the screen and keyboard. unicode_stop Takes screen and keyboard out of Unicode mode and into 8-bit mode. unifdef Identifies and removes lines containing an ifdef mark from a C program source, leaving the rest of the file untouched. unifdef Identifies and removes lines containing an ifdef mark from a C program source. unifdef Identifies and removes lines containing an ifdef mark from a C program source, leaving the rest of the file untouched. uniq Filters out adjacent lines that are alike and shows the output on STDOUT or save it to a file. units Tells you interactively how to convert a unit quantity to another type, for example, from inches to centimeters. units Converts a unit quantity to another type - for example, from inch to centimeter. units Tells you interactively how to convert a unit quantity to another type, for example, from inches to centimeters. unix2dos Converts the ISO standard characters in a file to match with the DOS format. unlimit Removes resource limits. If no options is specified all limits will be erased. unlink "Unlinks files and directories unlink Unlinks files and directories. Does not use any error checking. unloadipsec Unloads a crypto module from the IP security system. unmirrorvg Breaks a mirror on a volume group. unpack Decompresses files created by pack. Removes the .z suffix when done. unpack Decompresses files created by pack. Removes the .z suffix when done. unset Removes variable or function from the shell. unsetenv Removes environment variables. unsetopt Unsets any of the shell variables. Please see zsh for all options.

unshar Searches mail messages for shell archives, unpacks them, and saves them in a single file. unshare Makes the shared local resource unavailable for mounting from remote systems. unshareall Unassigns the shared resources on the specified File System Types. unstr Shows the strings from a file created by the strfile command. untab Converts tabs into spaces. until Repeats the commands until expression is true. unvis Alters the result of the command vis on a file back to nonvisible characters. unzip Uncompress, list, test, or show the compressed files from a zip archive. unzip Is used to uncompress and show the compressed files from a zip archive. It also shows or tests compressed files. unzipsfx Creates self-extracting zip archives. Is a binary stub to be added to existing zip archives. up2date Updates packets installed on your computer. update Starts to update the file system every 30 seconds. update Tells the kernel daemon to flush dirty buffers back to disk (also known as bdflush). updatedb Is a utility to update the slocate database. uprintfd Is the daemon that constructs and writes kernel messages. uptime Shows how long the system has been up, number of users and the load average for the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. urlview Reads all URLs it can find in a file and shows them in an interactive menu. useradd Creates an account for a new user with permissions and memberships set. useradd, adduser Creates a new user or updates default new user information. userconf Linux Configures system accounts and groups interactively or on the command line. userdel Erases a user's account from the system. userdel Erases a user's account from the system.

userhelper Is a interface to pam that is used to alter the user's shell, password, and GECOS information. userinfo Alters the user's finger information just like the command chfn, but does so interactively. usermod Alters a specified user's login account permissions and memberships on the system. usermod Alters a specified user's login account permissions and memberships on the system. usermount Starts a graphical tool to mount, unmount, and format file systems. usernetctl Changes the status of the specified network interface. userpasswd Is a graphical tool that lets users change their passwords. users Shows a one-line list of the users who are logged in on the system. usleep Sleeps for some number of microseconds. usrck Checks that a user name is correct. utmp2wtmp Is used by runacct to create an entry in the file /var/adm/wtmp for every user logged on to the system. utmpd Monitors /var/adm/utmp and /var/adm/utmpx files and fixes them if they are not correct. uucheck Looks for the presence of the required uucp files and directories. uucheck Is used to monitor uucp directories and permissions files. uucico Transfers files used by the uucp command to a specific location. uucico Transfers files used by the uucp command to a specific location. uucico Transfers files used by the uucp command to a specific location. uuclean Removes files from the Basic Networking Utilities spooling directory. uucleanup Searches the spool directories and cleans them up. uucleanup Searches the spool directories and cleans them up. uuconv Is used to convert UUCP configuration files from one type to another. uucp Copies files from one place to a another inside UNIX (uucp stands for UNIX to UNIX copy). uucp

Copies files from one place to a another inside UNIX (UNIX-to-UNIX copy). uucp Copies files from one place to another inside UNIX (UNIX to UNIX copy). uucpadm Is a interactive program used to manage Basic Networking Utility information. uucpd Is the server daemon for UUCP connections. Started by inetd at request. uucpd Is the server daemon for UUCP connections. Invoked by inetd at request. uudecode Decodes an encoded file created by uuencode. The decoded file name is set by uuencode. uudemon.admin Sends uucp status information to an administrator. It also executes the uustat -p and -q commands. uudemon.admin Sends uucp status information to an administrator. uudemon.cleanu Cleans up Basic Networking Utilities log files and spooling directories. uudemon.hour Starts up the commands uusched and uuxqt in the background. uudemon.hour Starts the commands uusched and uuxqt in the background. uudemon.poll Polls remote systems by a schedule specified in /etc/uucp/Poll uudemon.poll Polls remote systems by a schedule specified in /etc/uucp/Poll uuencode Creates an encoded file to use when you send mail. uuglist Shows you a list of available service grades on the system. uuidgen Creates a new UUID value. uuid_gen Creates universal UUID's for objects, interfaces, and types. uukick Contacts a remote host using debug mode, and shows the information on the local system. uulog Shows information from the transaction logs of uucp or uuxqt. uulog Shows information from the transaction logs of uucp or uuxqt. uulog Shows information from the transaction logs of uucp or uuxqt. uuname Shows a list of all the systems that are known to the uucp command. uuname Shows a list of all the systems that are known to the uucp command.

uuname Shows a list of all the systems that is known to the uucp command. uupick Searches for files sent from other systems, and prompts interactively for actions. uupick Searches for files sent from other systems and prompts interactively for action. uupick Searches for files sent to you from other systems and prompts you for action. uupoll Forces a poll of a remote Basic Networking Utilities system. uuq Shows or removes jobs from the Basic Networking Utilities queue. uusched "Is a scheduler for file transport uusched Is a scheduler for file transport and is normally started by cron. uusend Sends a file to one or more remote systems. uusnap Shows the status of the Basic Networking Utilities. uustat Shows information about the uucp jobs on a local or remote system. uustat Shows information about the UUCP jobs on a local or remote system. uustat Shows information about the uucp jobs on a local or remote system. uuto Uses uucp to send files to remote systems. Keeps access control, notifies the receiver on completion. uuto Uses uucp to send files to remote systems. Keeps access control, notifies the receiver on completion. uutry Contacts remote systems using uucico and stores debugging information in the file /tmp/systemname. Uutry Contacts remote systems using uucico and stores debugging information in /tmp/systemname. uux Collects files from several systems, executes a command on the system specified, and sends the result to a file on the system you specify. uux Executes a command on a remote UNIX based system and still enable the user to work locally. uux Is used to execute a command on a remote UNIX based system and still enable the user to work locally. uuxqt

Executes remote requested jobs created with the uux command. uuxqt Is used to execute remote requested jobs created with the uux command. uuxqt Executes remote requested jobs created by using the uux command. vacation "Replies to mail automatically vacation Replies to mail automatically. Useful when you are out of the office. vacation Replies to mail automatically. Useful when you are out of the office. vacuumdb Cleans your Postgres database. The Postgres query optimizer uses it to generate internal statistics. val Verifies an SCCS file. val, sccs-val Verifies an SCCS file. valyorn Validates a response; used with ckyorn. varyoffvg Deactivates a volume group. varyonvg Activates a volume group. vc "Copies lines from STDIN to STDOUT with arguments and control statements vc Copies lines from STDIN to STDOUT with arguments and control statements. Used for version control. vdir Shows information about the current or the specified directory. vedit Is the vi editor for beginners, it sets the report flags to 1 and turns showmode and novice flags on versions Shows the modification time of an INed structured file. vgrind Formats program source using troff. vgrind Formats the program source using troff. vgrind Formats program source using troff to make it more easy to read. vi, view Edits or views text files. vidmode Sets video mode for a kernel image. Is equivalent to rdev -v.

viewres Shows a tree structure of the widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set. viewres Shows a tree structure of the widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set. viewres Shows the tree structure of the widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set. vigr Is used to edit the /etc/group file. vimtutor Shows a help page on how to start using the very powerful editor vim in Linux. vipw Edits the /etc/passwd file. vipw Is used to edit the password file, /etc/passwd. vipw Edits the password file /etc/passwd. vis Converts and shows nonprintable characters in visible format. visudo Checks and edits the /etc/sudoers file and makes sure that it is correct, without any errors. vmh Is a visual interface to the MH command. vmstat Shows various statistics for the system. For example memory and io usages. vnconfig Allows a regular file to be used as if it is a disk. Use it as a swap file or mount it with a filesystem. volcheck Checks whetherf any new media has been inserted into any removable media device. volcopy Makes an image copy of the file system. vold Is the volume management daemon that manages CD-ROM and floppy devices. volrmmount Used to mount or unmount media. To do this, it uses rmmount. vos Administers AFS volumes in interactive mode. vsig Synchronizes a co-process with its controlling FMLI application. To synchronize, it signals to the FMLI process. vt-is-UTF8 Checks whether current VT is in UTF8- or byte mode. vt220keys Defines SHIFTED function keys on VT220 terminals. vttest Is used to test the functionality of a VT100 -type terminals, and is menu driven.

w Shows information about logged in users. wait Waits for a background process to complete. C and TC-Shell will wait for all background processes. wall Shows a message to all currently logged in users. watch Is used to monitor a program that may be unstable. watch Runs a specified command several times to show the change of the output wc Counts characters, words, and lines in files. weave Translates a file from .web style to a TeX style file. what Gets SCCS version information from a file. what Shows version information of object modules. what Gets SCCS version information from a file. whatis Shows the header line from the manual page for a command. whatnow Is a front end for the nmh commands to prompt the user for what to do. whatnow Is used as a front end for the nmh commands to prompt the user of what to do. whence Shows how a command will be interpreted. whence Shows how a command will be interpreted. whence Shows how a command will be interpreted. where Shows where a command is located, including alias, Internal, and in the path. where Shows where a command is located, including alias, internal, and in the path. whereis Searches binary, source and manual page files for the specified command. which Shows the path to a command. which_fileset Searches through the AIX_file_list for a specific file. while Repeats the commands while the expression is true. who

Shows who is on the system. who am i Is actually the who command but only shows the current user. It takes two arguments that can be anything. whoami Shows the login name of the current effective user. whocalls Tracks procedure calls. whodo Shows who is doing what on the system. whois Finds names or handles for an internet domain name. wicontrol Configures and controls WaveLAN/IEEE wireless network devices using the wi driver. window Creates and starts windows on ASCII terminals. winsysck Checks which window system protocols are available. wish Specifies the Tool command language with a graphic tool kit (Tcl/Tk) used to run Tcl/Tk scripts in graphic mode. wlmcntrl Manages workload management. wlmstat Shows the status of a workload management class. wm2 Is a nonconfigurable window manager for X. wnewmail Alerts you when a new mail arrives. word-list-compress Compresses or decompresses word list files read from STDIN and output on STDOUT. write Writes to another user's screen. The messages is read from the console. Can be used to reply in AIX. writesrv Is a daemon that lets the user send or receive messages from a remote system. writevt Inserts a text string in a terminal's input buffer. wrjpgcom Inserts text information into a JPEG picture. wsinfo Is a GUI that shows name, type, host ID, IP address, domain, memory, OS version, and more about the system. wtmpfix Inspects specified wtmpdatabase files, corrects time, and date stamps to make the entries consistent.

wtmpfix Inspects specified wtmpdatabase files, correct the time and date stamps to make the entries consistent. wvdial Dials a modem and initiates PPP. Configured from command line or from the file /etc/wvdial.conf. wvdialconf Detects your modem and its attributes, then updates the /etc/wvdial.conf file. X Is the X-window system which is a network-transparent GUI system developed by X Consortium, Inc. This is used with bitmap display systems and manages user input to and from various programs. x11perf Measures the performance of an X server. x11perf Is used to measure the performance of an X server. x11perfcomp Compares and shows the difference between x11servers x11perfcomp Compares and shows the difference between x11servers. xargs Creates a list of arguments, start a program and run the arguments. xauth Manages the authorization rules used when connecting to a X-server. xautolock Is used to either lock the X Window or start a program when a specified amount of time has expired. Xconfigurator Configures the XFree86 server. xconsole Shows console messages with X. xconsole Shows console messages with X. xconsole Shows console messages with X. xdat Manages date and time settings, and also schedules removes or view jobs. xf86config Is a console-based application to configure the XF86Config file. xf86config Is a console-based application to configure the XF86Config file. XF86Setup Configures the XFree86 server in GUI mode. xfindproxy Finds proxy services to be used with a proxy manager. XFree86

Is a free X server that is delivered with several Linux distributions. xfs Supplies fonts to X-Window servers. xfwp Is an X firewall proxy. Provides an application layer firewall for X traffic. xfwp Is an X firewall proxy. Provides a application layer firewall for X traffic. xfwp Is an X firewall proxy. Provides an application layer firewall for X traffic. Makes it possible to hide destination X-server addresses and secure incoming X-connections. xget Receives secret mails that have been sent with the command xsend. xgetfile Is a file manager based on X-window. xgettext Creates portable message files that contains copies of C strings that are found in ANSI C source code. xgettext Creates portable message files, that contains copies of C string that are found in ANSI C source code. xhost Controls access to the X server by keeping a list of allowed hosts and users. xinetd Monitors service ports and starts the required services when the requests comes. xinit Starts the the X-Window server specified. xisdnload Shows periodically updated information about the ISDN load average. xkbevd Monitors for XKB events and runs the requested commands when they occur. xkbevd Monitors for XKB events and runs the requested commands when they occur. xkibitz Allows many people to interact with each others' programs. xkill Kills an X client. Useful for removing problematic programs. xkill Kills an X client. Useful for removing problematic programs. xkill Kills an X client. Useful for removing problematic programs. xlf, xlf_r, xlf_r7, f77 Compiles XL FORTRAN source files, and is also used to process source and object files written in assembly language. xload Shows a histogram over the average system load. xload

Is used to show a histogram over the average system load. xload Shows a histogram over the average system load. xlock Locks the local X screen until the user enters a password. xlock Locks the local X screen until the user enters a password. xlock Locks the local X screen until the user enters a password. xlsatoms Shows the specified interned atoms on the server. xlsatoms Shows the specified interned atoms on the server. xlsatoms Shows the specified interned atoms on the server. xlsclients Shows client applications that run on a screen. xlsclients Is used to show client applications that run on a screen. xlsclients Shows client applications that run on a screen. xlsfonts Lists X Window fonts that match a specified pattern. xlswins Shows a window tree for X. xmag Enlarges parts of the screen. xmag Is used to enlarge parts of the screen. xmag Enlarges parts of the screen. xman Shows man pages in a browser when running X. xman Is used to show man pages in a browser when running X. xman Shows man pages in a browser when running X. xmkmf Converts an Imakefile to a Makefile. xmodem Sends or receives a file using the XMODEM protocol. xmodmap Shows and modify the keymaps in X. xmonisdn Shows the status of ISDN network connections and enables the starting or stopping of subsystems.

xmorph Morphs images in an X window environment. Xnest Opens a new window X server that will nest inside of the real X server. XNSquery Queries a Xerox Network System host for routing information. XNSrouted Configures network routing tables for Xerox Network Systems. xntpd Is a daemon that controls the time of day for UNIX systems. xntpd Is a daemon that controls the time of day for UNIX systems. xntpdc Queries and control the states on the Network Time Protocol daemon called xntpd. xntpdc Queries and controls the states on the Network Time Protocol daemon called xntpd. xon Executes the specified command on the specified remote host. xon Executes the specified command on the specified remote host. xpcmcia Is a graphical user interface for the pcmcia utility. xplaycd Plays audio CD-ROMs interactively. xpowerm Is a graphical user interface for the power management system xpr Prints out X window dump information. xpr Prints out X window dump information. Xprt Is an X print server for Solaris xrdb Contains resources for the X server. This program normally runs from an X startup file. xrefresh Refreshes all or part of an X screen. xrefresh Is used to refresh all or part of an X screen. xrefresh Refreshes all or part of an X screen. xsend Uses a secure channel to send secret mails to a user in the local system. xset Sets the user options for the X display. Such as mouse, bell, keys and much more. xsetmode Sets the mode for an input device under X window.

xsetmode Is used to set the mode for an input device under X-window. xsetpointer Sets the main pointer for X window. xsetpointer Is used to set the main pointer for X-window. xsetroot Modifies how to view the background window on a workstation that runs X. xsm Manages X sessions. Allows applications to run and lets them become part of the session. xsm Manages X sessions. Allows to run applications and lets them become part of the session. xss Is an extended screen saver with screen lock. xstr Keeps a library of strings from component parts in large programs that can be used as shared constant strings. xstr Keeps a library of string from component parts in large programs that can be used as shared constant strings. xstr Keeps a library of strings from component parts in large programs that can be used as shared constant strings. xterm Is a terminal emulator for X-Window. Provides terminal emulation for programs that can't use X-Window. Xvfb Is a virtual X server that uses virtual memory to emulate a frame buffer for X-window version 11. xwd Saves window images into a dump file. xwininfo Shows information about windows. xwininfo Is used to show information about X-window. xwininfo Shows X window information on the X server. xwud Shows an image dump that is saved in a formatted dump file. xxd Converts binary files or STDIN to a hexadecimal file, or vice versa. yacc, byacc Converts a file containing grammar rules into a C-source file name yes Outputs an affirmative response repeatedly. yes

Shows the command-line arguments, separated by spaces and new lines forever. yes "Outputs a string or ""y"" forever." ypbind Runs at startup and keeps information about the bindings between NIS clients and servers. ypcat Shows the values in the specified NIS map. ypchfn Changes the users GECOS field, where full name and user-related information exist. ypchsh Alters the users default shell in the NIS database. ypdomainname Shows or sets the system's NIS/YP domain name. ypinit Sets up an NIS server or client system. ypmatch Shows the values of keys from a NIS map. yppasswd Alters the password in the NIS database. yppasswd Alters the yellow pages password in the NIS database. yppasswd Alters the password in the NIS database. yppasswdd A script that executes the rpc.yppasswdd that makes it easier to control the daemon. yppoll Uses ypserv to get the version number and master NIS server for the specified map. yppush Copies a new NIS map from the master server to the slave servers. ypserv Is a NIS server daemon that looks up information requested by other yp commands. ypservers Shows NIS servers. ypset Tells ypbind to use the specified server for NIS services. ypstart Starts NIS (Network Information Service). Use ypstop to stop it. ypstop Stops NIS (Network Information Service). Use ypstart to start it. yptest Checks a series of YP functions in order to see if the YP server is working properly. ypwhich Shows the name of the NIS server that provides the name services to a NIS client. ypxfr Manages NIS map transfers between a NIS server and a host. ypxfrd

Efficiently transfers entire NIS maps. Should be run from the master server. yyfix This script will extract tables from the yacc generated file zcat Shows a compressed file on STDOUT without decompressing it. zcat Uncompresses a list of files from the command line or STDIN, then writes to STDOUT. zcat Decompresses and shows the specified files without altering them. zcmp Compares two compressed files. Return status is 0 = identical, 1 = different, 1 < error. zcmp Compares two compressed files. Return status is 0 = identical, 1 = different, 1 < error. zdiff Compares compressed files. It uses the command diff to run the comparison. zdiff Compares compressed files. It uses the command diff to run the comparison.. zdump Shows the current date and time for the time zones that you specify on the command line. zdump Shows the current date and time for the time zones that you specify on the command line. zdump Shows the current date and time for the time zones that you specify on the command line. zforce Adds a .gz extension to a compressed (gzip) file. Useful for files with names truncated after a file transfer. zforce Adds an .gz extension to a compressed (gzip) file. zgrep, zfgrep, zegrep Searches for text strings inside compressed files. zgrep, zfgrep, zegrep Is used to search for text strings inside compressed files. zic Creates files that can be used for time conversion. zic Is used to set time conversion. zic Creates files that can be used for time conversion. zip Compresses files. zip Compresses files. zipcloak Is used for encryption or decryption of a compressed file. zipcloak Encrypts or decrypts a compressed file.

zipgrep Searches for text strings inside zip archive files. zipinfo Shows technical information about a zip archive. zipinfo Shows information about a zip archive, permissions, compression type, encryption, OS, version type, and more. zipnote Inserts notes and comments into zip files. zipnote Inserts notes and comments into zip files. zipsplit Splits one zip file into many zip files. zipsplit Splits one zip file into many zip files. zless Enables compressed text files to be inspected one full screen at a time. zmore Shows compressed text files one screen at a time. zmore Shows compressed text files one screen at a time. znew Recompresses a .Z compressed file to a .gz file. znew Converts a .Z file to a .gz file. zsh Is an interactive login shell and shell script command processor. zzz Places the system into one of two modes of advanced power management (APM) suspension

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