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MONICA A05 ons)-Msc.


R281 Bsc(h

Non-narcotic drugs
As is known, narcotic is anything that has a depressant effect on the nervous system. Therefore, Non-narcotic drugs have to be the ones that do not have any such depressant effects on the nervous system.

BAD?~~Are medicines
As a matter of fact, no. medicines are always good, but that does not mean that they cant be bad. Anything done in excess is bad, be it care, friendship, other feelings, or, as in this case, medicines. Many a times, medicines, if not in the right proportion, can cause side-effects that may even become addictive. As such, these medicines are of many types like analgesics and anti-pyretic. Out of these, analgesics are the most addictive ones, as they are most common ones. The only thing we need to control is the quantity, i.e. the dose.

~The Bad Sect of Drugs~

Doctors used to think that only half a dozen Narcotics like Heroin and Morphine could cause a true addiction. However, they have now discovered that there are lots of Non-narcotic drugs that can lead to addiction and similar withdrawal sickness as well. Long-term use of barbiturates can also do this. So will the so-called Minor-tranquillizers like Meprobamate (Equanil) and Chlordiazipoxide (Librium) and Amphetamines like Goofballs. It was recently estimated that at least 8 billion amphetamine tablets are produced each year, and that no less than half of them go into illegal, nonprescription channels, for sale under the counter at bars, gas stations and restaurant. These non-narcotic drugs have made their way to the illegal market and most of them can cause states of intoxication and physical dependence similar to those induced by barbiturates and abrupt withdrawal of excess dosages of these

drugs can result in convulsions and psychotic behavior, or indeed, death.

Five other Minor Tranquillizers can lead to intoxication or dependence. These are, Doriden, Placidyl, Valmid, Noludar and Valium (Diazepam). Excess use of any of these can cause drowsiness, difficulty in thinking and in-coordination of movement. The effects are similar to those of barbiturates and alcohol, and like these; the newer drugs may contribute to traffic accidents, injuries from falls, interference with work and violent behavior. Exactly due to the same reason, orders have been issued to doctors to mention the exact amount of the drugs for specific symptoms an not to write prescriptions that can be indefinitely refilled. If this is not done, the addicts may fill up the prescription as per their want and thus harm themselves.

Among the hazards of careless or excessive use of a drug are the increasing risks of infection, disease and overdose. Medical complications common among recreational users arise primarily from the very excessive use. Skin, lung and brain abscesses may also be caused. There have been many discussions regarding the dangers related to the dose of a particular medicine. Drug effects depend heavily on the size of dose, route of administration, previous exposure to the drug and the expectations of the user. Aside from the clinical use of the drug in the treatment of pain, cough, suppression and acute diarrhea, these drugs produce a sense of security and sometimes want of more. Some may even cause Euphoria, reduce tension , anxiety and aggression. These effects are helpful in a therapeutic setting and contribute to their popularity as Recreational drugs as well as helping to produce dependency.

Excessive use of drugs is associated with a variety of side-effects including drowsiness, itching, sleeplessness, inability to concentrate, apathy, lessened physical activity, constriction of the pupils, dilation of the subcutaneous blood vessels causing flushing of face and neck, constipation, nausea, vomiting and respiratory depression. If the dose of the analgesics is increased unnecessarily, it may cause the senselessness kind of feeling and may also cause the overall death of all feelings.

~Some Important medicines~

Aspirin is the most commonly used analgesic with anti-pyretic properties. Now-a-days, because of its anti-blood clotting action, aspirin is widely used to prevent heart attack. It is because it does not let the blood clot up and also dissolves the existing blood clots. Many other potential applications are 1. Pregnancy related complications 2. Viral inflammation in AIDS patients. 3. Alzheimers disease- trembling of limbs. 4. Dementia- general mental weakness with loss of memory, reason, feelings and will. 5. t

At last, I want to conclude that, these drugs are not always harmful but the can cause harm, if they are taken in excess amount. These drugs are help in a therapeutic setting and contribute to their popularity as recreational drugs, as well as helping to produce dependency. It produces general sense of well-being, known as euphoria and reduces tension, anxiety, and aggression. So if we use it in small amount, it never effect on our body.

DRAWBACKS Despite its popularity, Aspirin is supposed to be toxin to liver. It sometimes causes bleeding from the stomach and is thus called a Gastric Irritant. Because of these defects, other analgesics like Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclophenac sodium or potassium are currently being used.

These may cause the Stomach irritations because when taken empty stomach, these may harm the stomach lining. However, in spite of these shortcomings, Aspirin is still the drug of choice for prevention of heart attack and reliever of Angina pains.

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