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Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science

Version 1.0



Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Revision History
Date <15/10/12> Version <1.0> Description <First Draft> Author <Project Group:-Manoj Simariya,Shradheya Tiwari,Shubhi Garg,Vikas Solanki >

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................5 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................5 1.2Scope...................................................................................................................................................6 a)Maintaining and keeping general information of the civilians. b) The procedure of issuing all the certificate procedure is made transparent and the processing time along with the complexity is reduced. c) Working is made easy for the Officer in subject to validating and maintaining received documents. d) Tracking of civilian information in a state level situation is made easy. e) Keeping track of the documents, those are submitted by the civilians. f) Citizens can request online services like certificates, ration card. g) Create different system users and assign different role with related permissions. h) Manage all the account details such as user name, department, phone numbers,address, websites, email ID of all the users from one central location. i) Generate various reports. The reports presented will be according to the level of seniority. That is lower level officials will receive complex reports which will be simplified when given to higher officials. System will generate reports that will be used in decision making and analysis process. j) Provide facility of applying for Certificates or Ration card online. k) Provide information about various government related issues to Citizens and hence spreading awareness. ..........................................................................................................................................................................6 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations..............................................................................................6 References................................................................................................................................................7 Overview:.................................................................................................................................................7 Overall Description...........................................................................................................................................7 Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements...........................................7 2.1)Product Perspective:-........................................................................................................................8 2.2)Product Functions:-...........................................................................................................................8 2.3)User Classes and Characteristics:-....................................................................................................9 2.4)Requirements:-..................................................................................................................................9 Design and Implementation Constraints:-.............................................................................................10 User Documentation:-............................................................................................................................10 3.1Use-Case Model Survey....................................................................................................................10 Assumptions and Dependencies.............................................................................................................12

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Specific Requirements....................................................................................................................................13 User Interfaces:-...................................................................................................................................13 ...............................................................................................................................................................13 Hardware Interfaces:-............................................................................................................................13 Software Interfaces:-.............................................................................................................................13 Communications Interfaces:-................................................................................................................13 Use-Case Reports...................................................................................................................................14 Supplementary Requirements................................................................................................................16

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

The tasks of a district collector are becoming more tedious because of the growing number of people applying for everything to the collectorate office. The collector is the highest responsible officer who has to take care of everything in his district. As such, a software to assist his duties and automates most of the tasks of collectorate is highly appreciated. District collectorate management system is one such website which helps to improve the productivity of district collectors office people but also it helps the citizens to understand the status of their jobs pending the office. Web portal is placed for the interaction with Citizens by providing online application form. The web portal and the standalone applications are integrated. It reduces the manual work in offices. The web portal is meant to facilitate citizens by reducing their efforts. Web portal also acts as a platform for Citizens to avail information and for the District Office to spread awareness. Using this facility, office working can be made known to the people hence making the system transparent. With the help of this software citizens may see detail of their proceed work at anywhere they dont have need to go to the collectorate office. They can check how much part of process has completed and how much remaining. It is a ecofriendly software for both employers and citizens to make their work eaisly.

Purpose District Collectorate Management System computerizes the Citizen Facility. Web portal is placed for the interaction with Citizens by providing online application form. The web portal and the standalone applications are integrated. It reduces the manual work in offices. The web portal is meant to facilitate citizens by reducing their efforts. Web portal also acts as a platform for Citizens to avail information and for the District Office to spread awareness.

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Using this facility, office working can be made known to the people hence making the system transparent.

1.2 Scope
a) Maintaining and keeping general information of the civilians. b) The procedure of issuing all the certificate procedure is made transparent and the processing time along with the complexity is reduced. c) Working is made easy for the Officer in subject to validating and maintaining received documents. d) Tracking of civilian information in a state level situation is made easy. e) Keeping track of the documents, those are submitted by the civilians. f) Citizens can request online services like certificates, ration card. g) Create different system users and assign different role with related permissions. h) Manage all the account details such as user name, department, phone numbers,address, websites, email ID of all the users from one central location. i) Generate various reports. The reports presented will be according to the level of seniority. That is lower level officials will receive complex reports which will be simplified when given to higher officials. System will generate reports that will be used in decision making and analysis process. j) Provide facility of applying for Certificates or Ration card online. k) Provide information about various government related issues to Citizens and hence spreading awareness. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol between web browser & a Web Server. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to design static web pages.
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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

JSP(Java Server Pages):It is used to create dynamic web pages. SQLYOG:It is a database management system that provides flexible and efficient database platform raise strong on demand business XML(Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to store data. JavaScript: Client side script language for interactive designing of web pages. JDBC: Java Database Connectivity. J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform part of the Java Platformfor developing and running distributed multitier architecture Java applications, based largely on modular software components running on an application server. G2C:- government and citizens G2E:- government and employees References

Overview: Overall Description: It will describe major components of the system, interconnection and external interfaces. o Specific Requirements: It will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and constraints.

Overall Description
Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements.

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

2.1)Product Perspective:District Collectorate Management System is a tool for citizen to apply government process like Birth Certificate,land Registry, Death Certificate etc.User will register on website and then can apply for any process. Verification of documents wil be done by verification office and verification code is generated by verification officer.After submitting verification code correctly by user process will be continued and then transaction of money will be take placed.User can check status of process and give feedback also. Admin will contol all office staff so that each employee will work on time.


Forms App


Java App

Web Service PureXML is used



2.2)Product Functions:a) Maintain basic citizen details: By maintaining the ration card system maintains the basic citizen information. b) Maintain official document transaction details: The documents which are manually
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moved within the office is tracked. c) Web portal: Provide web portal for interaction between citizen and government office 1. Using the web portal, awareness about the government office working is made know to citizens. 2. Make the citizens aware of the various schemes related to the central and state government. 3. Information regarding acquiring certificate or ration card is also provided. 4. The lists of certificates one can acquire online are: Cast Certificates (OBC, SC/ST), Domicile, BPL, Death, Birth, Nationality, Income, Ration card Affidavit etc. d) Status of the document: Citizens can view the processing status of their application form. e) Maintain Certificate data: Information regarding what all certificates is acquired and their expiry dates will be maintained. f) Report: Reports regarding certificate and ration card will be provided to all the higher level officers. 2.3)User Classes and Characteristics:System Administrators:-User class with domain system privileges which allows them to maintain the entire system that is administrator have all the rights for transactions. Administrative End User:- User class with domain class privileges, which allows them to access the information available they have no information about backend transactions. Limited End User:- User class with limited class privileges, which allows them to operate the front end of the system with limited read only permissions. Users in this class will only be able to make modifications to their application section. 2.4)Requirements:Hardware Specification:a)ClientSide: ClientTerminal:-Minimum Pentium IV at 2.99 GHz, 512 MB, 40GB Printers - Dot Matrix Printer & Ink jet Printer
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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Software Specification a) Citizen Internet Interface: Web Browser, Operating System (any) b) Web Server: Web sphere Application Server (WAS), Operating System (Linux), Windows (any version) c) Data Base Server: MySQL, Operating System (Linux,Windows(any version)) d) Development End: DREAM WEAVER, EXPRESSION WEB (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, JSP Servlets, HTML), Design and Implementation Constraints:*The current District Collectorate Management System required to run this application may need maintenance to support huge storage capacity. Therefore, the current system wiil be developed for m.p. user. *Only browsers from Chrome, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla will have functional access to the application. *Network Speed required may be much higher to support many users to access data from server concurrently. User Documentation:The system itself contains a help section under the term about us in which complete details for the software usage is available and contact details of developers is also available, in case of any difficulty to access software he/she may contact them for guidance.


Use-Case Model Survey Use Case may have multiple inputs or outputs as part of the same functional flow. A Use Case without any input or output is not valid. The detailed requirements of a Use Case tend to be extensive. For this reason, it is recommended that careful consideration be given to organizing the requirements in a manner optimal for understanding. Subcases are identical to use cases except where noted. This section provides descriptions of all the use cases devised for this system. This use-case model determines how users Logs into the system. It is showing the different functionalities that different users can access.User will apply for process,can check status of process.Officer will verify acknowledge code and verify code.Admin will have overall control of all process.

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft


Choose Process

Document Verification

Verification Code Genration

Officer Apply for Process


Acknowledgement Number Genration


Status Check

Submit Query

Overall Check to Processes

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Actors:1. User 2. Officers 3. Administrator Use Cases:1. Login 2. Choose Process 3. Document Verification 4. Verification Code Generation 5. Apply for Process 6. Acknowledgement Number Generation 7. Status Check 8. Submit Query 9. Overall to Check Processes

Assumptions and Dependencies Current system will system available for use and archive. Staff is willing to accept, learn, and utilize the new system. User is willing to verify document through verify office. Users should have an adequate computer and network connection. User will go through online payment mode.

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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

Specific Requirements
User Interfaces:* The user interface should be simple and easy to navigate. In addition, the pages should be designed in accordance with accessibility standards. *Context sensitive help MUST be available on each page of the system. *Logout button will be there on every page. *Quick links would be given to all the major modules. *All the major browsers will support the GUI. Hardware Interfaces:*Display Monitor:- It is recommended that a high resolution LCD or CRT monitor be used for best results. *Input devices:- All hardware interfaces will be provided by the operating system, the system will require a keyboard and a mouse. *Visual Input:- The conferencing feature requires a high resolution video input device. The device needs to be configured in accordance to manufacturer recommended settings and should be in operation before enabling the conferencing feature. Software Interfaces:*Some security feature may be used to prevent unauthorized access to the system Communications Interfaces:*HTTP protocol will be used over network data transfer

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Use-Case Reports Use case for issuing Certificate

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Actors:User:- It is the general citizen that can apply for the various processes. Officer:- It is the officials which handles the process for the document processing. Administrator:- It is the head, which looks after the overall process going on and will hear to users problems and takes appropriate steps. Use Cases:Login:- Every person has to login before starting his work, a unique id and password will be provided to each user, officer and admin also. Choose Process:- The user have to select the process he wants to apply for and there he gets the information regarding process to be done and about the documents needed. Documents Verification:- Here the user have manually go to respective office and let his document s to be verified. Verification code generation:- After the documents have verified user will be provide with a unique verification code after which he can apply for further processing. Apply for process:- After getting verification number the user can finally submits his process to be start processing.

Supplementary Requirements Performance Requirements: For efficient working, our website needs to have an efficient network connection. Internet browser or Firefox Mozilla for the client which supports the communication protocol should be used.

GUI supportable environment also raise the performance of the websit. Safety Requirements
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Date: <15/10/12> First Draft

It is necessary to make sure that information entered by the broker cant be intercepted by other user, as it contains confidential data. Therefore, it is necessary to provide suitable security features. Security Requirements

The system should guarantee that only authorized person can access the account. No other user interferes to another user or its work and data, except administrator. It should be safe by external threat activities, like SQL injection or any kind of unwanted access to system or its database. Administrator is highly secured and simple user cant be able to create same login-id as administrator.

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