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Online Greenlight Review

Space & Environment Secret Lairs

November 16th 2012

Jake Bryant

Character Profile3 Visual Concept4 Environment Visual Influence.5 Hero Prop Visual Influence..6 Thumbnail For Final Scene..7 Final Hero Prop Concept Art..8 Creative Partnership..9 Film Programme.10 CG Artists Toolkit11

Character Profile The Aztec Dictator

"Set in an alternate past of 1532, the Spanish have failed to conquer the great city of Tenochtitlan. 5 years prior to the events of the attempted Spanish Conquest in 1520, the indecisive and weak-willed King Montezuma II died from fatal wounds during the defense of the sacred temple. Soon after, his adviser and high priest, Tonauac (Toh-na-hu-wak) elected himself the self-proclaimed savior of the Aztec society and swore to rebuild the grand city and conquer more land to expand their mighty empire, taking the former kings place as the Achcauhtli; The leader of the people. His leadership begun truthfully, rebuilding the Aztec society and repairing the effects of the Spanish Conquest, with culture once again flourishing through the streets and courtyards of the wonderful city. 12 years on from 1520, in 1532, Tonauacs reign of mass tyranny has enslaved the people of Tenochtitlan through fear and power. The high priest has the ability called the light (derived from the meaning of his name) which he claims to allow him to commune with the gods. He orders the construction of extra levels to be built on top of the late Montezumas temple (so that he can be closer to the gods) which further towers over and oppresses other buildings throughout Tenochtitlan. Using the power of fear, he tells his subjects that the only way to keep the gods happy is for mass sacrifice, which results in a great purge to rid his society of any of the weak links that inhabit his city. The people considered weak are then offered for blood sacrifice in a mass genocide. Using the power of terror, Tonauac hordes gold and blood, and dictates lies preaching that if the gods aren't happy they will bring the apocalypse through the means of the eclipse, which will cause destruction and death on their civilization."

Visual Concept
The visual concept that identifies my design principles are derived from original Mayan/Aztec architecture sharing the themes of symmetry and wall carvings. I will involve a large scale, having a throne overtowering the rest of the room surrounded by gold and valuables. The colour palette which I have in mind has been collected from South American birds, which have also influenced my hero prop being a headdress. My final scene will have an open area in the wall behind the throne, and this is where my lighting will be present, and should hopefully shadow the throne down the stairs, building on the feeling of power which relates to dictatorship. Other aspects which I hope to include within my final scene is the effective placement of my hero prop, without it being too close or too far from view, and I am undecided on my camera angle and perspective which need refining further by thumbnailing.

Environment Influence

Prop Influence

Final Environment Thumbnail Concept

I am unsatisfied with my thumbnails and feel like they need further refining as they aren't strong enough for final concept painting. From my feedback, I have took advice and combined two separate thumbnails to create this composition, but in further thumbnails I am going to position my camera more effectively to produce a more detailed finalised image. My next step for development will be to re-think the logistics of my design, and try to portray the Dictator side of my character within my own lair through the process of thumbnailing.

Final Prop Concept

Creative Partnership

Mise-en-Scene Film Programme

You Only Live Twice (1967)

La Belle et la Bete (1946)


CG Artists Toolkit


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