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Phanatpittayakarn School #56 Moo 6, Kodngong Village, Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province 20140 Thailand 066 A Semi-Detailed

Lesson Plan for Listening and Speaking Class in Mathayom 3 M3/1, 2, 5, 8, 10, and 11, Day 2 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students with 75% performance level are expected to: Speaking: Strand 1 Language for Communication Standard F 1.2 Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions. Grade Level Indicator Grade 9/1 Converse to exchange data about themselves, various matters around them, situations, news and matters of interest to society and communicate the data continuously and appropriately. II. Subject Matter Function: Structure: Vocabulary:

Greeting and Giving Personal Information Present Simple Tense Free time Activities

III. Audio-Visual Materials Future Time English 3 (Student Book) Michael Rost and Angela Blackwell, p. 1 blackboard/whiteboard, worksheets, pictures(family picture and free time activities), Audio- CD/ computer IV. Teaching Procedure A. Warm-up Present the PowerPoint presentation of several free time activities in front of the room. Write the word for the activities. Ask some students, What do you do in your free time? or What do you do on weekends?Encourage them to answer with at least two different activities. B. Unlocking of Difficulties b.1. Word Banks (Dictation) The students will write the words taken from the Free time and Relationships lists on page 2, on their Dictation notebook. C. Pronunciation Practice (Listening and Practice) c.1. Model the phrases or play the Audio-CD. Have the students repeat the phrases. Draw attention to the target point: Sentence Stress. c. 2. Let them close their books and listen to the Audio-CD, check their answers after they listened to the conversation. Write the two questions on the board, What are they talking about? and Where do you think they are? D. Modeling the Dialogues Say the lines in the two presentation conversations or use the tape. Have the students follow along in their books.

E. Language Reinforcement Class Dialogue Practice: The students work in pairs. One student is the first speaker in each dialogue; the other student is the second speaker in the dialogue. The students should face each other and make an eye contact as they practice reading the dialogues out loud. After finishing the dialogues, the students change A-B roles and repeat the dialogues.

F. Grammar Structure Let the students practice/review the grammatical structure of present simple tense. Let them read the example inside the rectangular box on page 1 of their textbook. Let them fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete the conversation, then practice with a partner. G. Generalization: Ask them to summarize what they have learned today. Have each group leaders write or speak about the things they have learned today using present simple tense. H. Evaluation: Role playing/Acting Give the students time to think of their own dialogues that are similar to the ones presented. Let them practice in pairs. Teacher can circulate and correct errors. Then students present their dialogues in front of the class. V. Homework/Assignment On their notebook, let them write a sentence using any of the phrases under the Free time activities and Relationships on page 2 of their textbook. Let their parents sign on their assignment notebook. Teachers Notes/Remarks: Day 1 --The teacher made an Orientation Classes on the rules in English Class, system of giving score, and how to use and take care the books. Day 2 -- Co-teachers Remarks: English Department Head Remarks:

Prepared by: Mr. Jerome G. Gliponeo English Teacher, Mathayom 3 Level

Phanatpittayakarn School #56 Moo 6, Kodngong Village, Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province 20140 Thailand 066 A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Listening and Speaking Class in Mathayom 2 M2/1, 2, 10, 11 and 12 Day 2 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students with 75% performance level are expected to: Speaking: Strand 4 Language and Relationship with Community and the World

Standard F 4.1 Ability to use foreign languages in various situations in school, community and society. Grade Level Indicator Grade 8/1 Use language for communication in real situations/simulated situations in the classroom, school and community. II. Subject Matter Function: Structure: Vocabulary:

Personal Interest and Daily Activities Yes/No Questions Daily Activities/Interests

III. Audio-Visual Materials Prime Time English 2 (Student Book) Michael Rost, p. 1 blackboard/whiteboard, worksheets, pictures(family picture and free time activities), Audio- CD/ computer IV. Teaching Procedure A. Warm-up Make several large role cards which show name, residence, and job. For example, one role card might read: John Adams, Tokyo, English Teacher. Hold one of these cards in front of you for the class to read and say: Hello, Im __________. I live in __________. Im a/an _____________. Then give another one card to a volunteer and elicit the same three sentences. B. Unlocking of Difficulties b.1. Word Banks (Dictation) The students will write the words taken from the Daily Activities and Interests lists on page 2, on their Dictation notebook, after they have listened from the audio-CD. C. Pronunciation Practice (Listening and Practice) c. 1. Model the phrases or play the Audio-CD. Have the students repeat the sentences, first chorally, then individually. Pay attention to stress and intonation c. 2. Let them look at the picture 1-4 on page 1, then ask them: Where are these people? SS: In picture 1, They are at the park. SS: In picture 2, They are at the bus stop. SS: In picture 3, They are at the office. SS: In picture 4, They are at the party. D. Modeling the Dialogues Say the lines in the four presentation conversations or use the tape. Have the students follow along in their books or if they are able, without looking in their books.

E. Language Reinforcement Class Dialogue Practice: The students work in pairs. One student is the first speaker in each dialogue; the other student is the second speaker in the dialogue. The students should face each other and make an eye contact as they practice reading the dialogues out loud. After finishing the dialogues, the students change roles and repeat the dialogues.

F. Grammar Structure Discuss briefly the verb to do, after showing a PowerPoint presentation. G. Generalization: Ask them to summarize what they have learned today. Have each group leaders write or speak about the things they have learned today using present simple tense. H. Evaluation: Work in Pairs Give the students a time to use the following information on the board to use/substitute the information given on conversations on page 1, about the places, job, companys name, on the students textbook. Information: City = London, Bangkok Company = Central Chonburi, Robinson Building = Prapawan Hotel Building Place = Bangkok Bank, Phanat Nikhom Hospital Road = Sukhumvit Road, Khao San Rd. V. Homework/Assignment On their notebook, let them write a sentence using any of the phrases under the Free time activities and Relationships on page 2 of their textbook. Let their parents sign on their assignment notebook. Teachers Notes/Remarks: Day 1 --The teacher made an Orientation Classes on the rules in English Class, system of giving score, and how to use and take care the books. Day 2 -- Co-teachers Remarks: English Department Head Remarks:

Prepared by: Mr. Jerome G. Gliponeo English Teacher, Mathayom 3 Level

Phanatpittayakarn School #56 Moo 6, Kodngong Village, Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province 20140 Thailand 066 A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Listening and Speaking Class in Mathayom 1 M1/ 5, and 11 Day 2 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students with 75% performance level are expected to: Listening: Strand 1 Language for Communication

Standard F 1.1 Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning. Grade Level Indicator Specify the topic and main idea and answer the questions from listening to and reading dialogues, tales and short stories. Speaking: Strand 4 Language and Relationship with Community and the World

Standard F 4.1 Ability to use foreign languages in various situations in school, community and society. Grade Level Indicator Grade 8/1 Use language for communication in real situations/simulated situations in the classroom, school and community. II. Subject Matter Function: Describing People: Ages, Nationality and Relationship Structure: Question Words Vocabulary: Nationality, Family, Address, and Phone Number III. Audio-Visual Materials Real Time English 1 (Student Book) Michael Rost, p. 1 blackboard/whiteboard, family tree , pictures(family picture and free time activities), Audio- CD/ computer IV. Teaching Procedure A. Warm-up Greet each student: Hello, (name). Good to see you. Shake hands with the students. Then ask all of the students to stand up and greet each other. Take the first part in all of the dialogues, with the students, as a group, taking the second part. (on the First Try, page 1). B. Unlocking of Difficulties b.1. Word Banks (Oral Guessing Game) Bring in pictures from different parts of the world (taken from the internet website) Ask the he students: Where is this picture from? Show the flag let representing different members of ASEAN countries: What country is this flag let from? Point out the difference between names of countries (e.g. This flag is from Japan.) and nationalities (eg. Its the Japanese flag.) C. Pronunciation Practice (Listening and Practice) c. 1. Let them look at page 1, #1 Pronunciation, have the students listen and repeat after the teacher. c. 2. On page 4, item # 1 6, describe one of the two pictures (for example: Number 1 Its a man.) the students should say left or right to show they can identify the correct picture.

D. Modeling the Dialogues (Work in Pairs) Say the lines in the four presentation conversations or use the tape. Have the students follow along in their books or if they are able, without looking in their books. E. Language Reinforcement Class Directory: To give further practice with writing addresses and phone number, pass a sheet around the class with these headings: Please fill this out. Name 1. Jill 2. Address Kodngong Village, Panat Nikhom Phone Number #0835976513

F. Grammar Structure Discuss briefly the question word, after showing a PowerPoint presentation. G. Generalization: Ask them to summarize what they have learned today. Have each group leaders write or speak about the things they have learned today.. H. Evaluation: Bring in photos or slides of your family pictures or former classmate. Show the picture. Begin: Im going to show you some of my (family). Say one or two sentences about a member in the family. V. Homework/Assignment Make a library search about different occupation then make a short report about it. Which occupation has the most people who took it as their occupation? Teachers Notes/Remarks: Day 1 --The teacher made an Orientation Classes on the rules in English Class, system of giving score, and how to use and take care the books. Day 2 -- Co-teachers Remarks: English Department Head Remarks:

Prepared by: Mr. Jerome G. Gliponeo English Teacher, Mathayom 3 Level

Phanatpittayakarn School #56 Moo 6, Kodngong Village, Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province 20140 Thailand 066 A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Listening and Speaking Class in Mathayom 4 M4/12 Day 2 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students with 75% performance level are expected to: Communication: Strand 1 Language for Communication Standard F 1.2 Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions. Grade Level Indicator Grade 9/1 Converse and write to exchange data about themselves, various matters around them, situations, news/incidents and matters of interest to society and communicate the data continuously and appropriately. II. Subject Matter Function:

Introducing Oneself / My Family

III. Audio-Visual Materials blackboard/whiteboard, worksheets, pictures(family picture and free time activities) flash card IV. Teaching Procedure A. Warm-up Let them to have a closer look with the picture of a family and a tree. Ask them to guess what is the topic to be discuss. B. Unlocking of Difficulties b.1. Word Banks (Open Dictionary) The students will find the words (about family relationship) told by the teacher quickly in their dictionary, the first student to tell the meaning will be given a point. C. Pronunciation Practice (Listening and Practice) c.1. Present the words that has a final sound of /s/ and /z/, and its rules. Practice them how to read and produce the sound. D. Language Reinforcement Photos: Bring in photos of your family or friends or former classmates. Show the picture. Begin: Im going to show you some pictures of my (family). Say one or two sentences about each person. Example: This is Liza. She is my sister. Shes 21 years old. She lives in Florida. F. Grammar Structure Discuss briefly name order and apostrophe s (s). G. Generalization: Ask them to summarize what they have learned today. Have each group leaders write or speak about the things they have learned today using present simple tense.

H. Evaluation: Role playing/Acting Give the students time to think of their own dialogues that are similar to the ones presented. Let them practice in pairs. Teacher can circulate and correct errors. Then students present their dialogues in front of the class. V. Homework/Assignment On their notebook, let them make a library search about Appearances, Personality, and Adjectives Teachers Notes/Remarks: Day 1 --The teacher made an Orientation Classes on the rules in English Class, system of giving score, and how to use and take care the books. Day 2 -- Co-teachers Remarks: English Department Head Remarks:

Prepared by: Mr. Jerome G. Gliponeo English Teacher, Mathayom 3 Level

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