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Software in India
Reference Code: 0102-0381 Publication Date: November 2011
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Market value
The Indian software market grew by 8.9% in 2010 to reach a value of $2.3 billion.

Market value forecast

In 2015, the Indian software market is forecast to have a value of $4.4 billion, an increase of 91.3% since 2010.

Market segmentation I
Network & database management is the largest segment of the software market in India, accounting for 24.5% of the market's total value.

Market segmentation II
India accounts for 4.3% of the Asia-Pacific software market value.

Market rivalry
Competition within the software market is boosted by constant advances in technology and presence of international incumbents; however, robust growth prognoses may alleviate the threat to some extent.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKET OVERVIEW Market definition Research highlights Market analysis MARKET VALUE MARKET SEGMENTATION I MARKET SEGMENTATION II FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Summary Buyer power Supplier power New entrants Substitutes Rivalry LEADING COMPANIES International Business Machines Corporation Microsoft Corporation Oracle Corporation Tata Consultancy Services Limited MARKET FORECASTS Market value forecast MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS APPENDIX Methodology Industry associations Related Datamonitor research Disclaimer 2 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 16 17 19 21 22 22 28 32 36 40 40 41 43 43 44 44 45

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Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: Table 16: Table 17: Table 18: Table 19: Table 20: Table 21: Table 22: Table 23: India software market value: $ billion, 200610 India software market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010 India software market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010 International Business Machines Corporation: key facts International Business Machines Corporation: key financials ($) International Business Machines Corporation: key financial ratios Microsoft Corporation: key facts Microsoft Corporation: key financials ($) Microsoft Corporation: key financial ratios Oracle Corporation: key facts Oracle Corporation: key financials ($) Oracle Corporation: key financial ratios Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key facts Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financials ($) Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financials (Rs.) Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financial ratios India software market value forecast: $ billion, 201015 India size of population (million), 200610 India gdp (constant 2000 prices, $ billion), 200610 India gdp (current prices, $ billion), 200610 India inflation, 200610 India consumer price index (absolute), 200610 India exchange rate, 200610 10 11 12 22 25 26 28 30 30 32 34 34 36 37 38 38 40 41 41 41 42 42 42

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Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: Figure 17: Figure 18: India software market value: $ billion, 200610 India software market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010 India software market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010 Forces driving competition in the software market in India, 2010 Drivers of buyer power in the software market in India, 2010 Drivers of supplier power in the software market in India, 2010 Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the software market in India, 2010 Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the software market in India, 2010 Drivers of degree of rivalry in the software market in India, 2010 International Business Machines Corporation: revenues & profitability International Business Machines Corporation: assets & liabilities Microsoft Corporation: revenues & profitability Microsoft Corporation: assets & liabilities Oracle Corporation: revenues & profitability Oracle Corporation: assets & liabilities Tata Consultancy Services Limited: revenues & profitability Tata Consultancy Services Limited: assets & liabilities India software market value forecast: $ billion, 201015 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 26 27 31 31 35 35 39 39 40

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Market definition
The computer software market consists of systems and application software. Systems software comprises operating systems, network and database management and other systems software. Application software comprises general business productivity and home use applications, cross-industry and vertical market applications, and other application software. Market value figures are assessed at manufacturer selling price (MSP), based on revenues from software sales and licenses. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates. For the purposes of this report, Asia-Pacific comprises Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.

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Research highlights
The Indian software market had total revenues of $2.3 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.8% between 2006 and 2010. Network and database management sales proved the most lucrative for the Indian software market in 2010, with total revenues of $564.7 million, equivalent to 24.5% of the market's overall value. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 13.7% for the fiveyear period 2010 - 2015, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $4.4 billion by the end of 2015.

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Market analysis
Despite the recent deceleration, the Indian software market has been growing at a robust rate. Despite further deceleration, the market is expected to follow its double digit trend towards the end of the forecast period. The Indian software market had total revenues of $2.3 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.8% between 2006 and 2010. In comparison, the Chinese and Japanese markets grew with CAGRs of 23.9% and 1% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $12.6 billion and $24.9 billion in 2010. Network and database management sales proved the most lucrative for the Indian software market in 2010, with total revenues of $564.7 million, equivalent to 24.5% of the market's overall value. In comparison, sales of operating system software generated revenues of $488.2 million in 2010, equating to 21.2% of the market's aggregate revenues. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 13.7% for the fiveyear period 2010 - 2015, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $4.4 billion by the end of 2015. Comparatively, the Chinese and Japanese markets will grow with CAGRs of 15% and 3.6% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $25.3 billion and $29.7 billion in 2015.

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The Indian software market grew by 8.9% in 2010 to reach a value of $2.3 billion. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 200610 was 20.8%. Table 1: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAGR: 200610 Source: Datamonitor India software market value: $ billion, 200610 $ billion 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.1 2.3 Rs. billion 49.7 66.0 88.3 97.2 105.9 billion 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 % Growth 32.7% 33.8% 10.1% 8.9% 20.8% DATAMONITOR

Figure 1:

India software market value: $ billion, 200610

Source: Datamonitor


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Network & database management is the largest segment of the software market in India, accounting for 24.5% of the market's total value. The operating system software segment accounts for a further 21.2% of the market. Table 2: Category Network & database management Operating system software General business productivity & home use Other system software Cross-industry & vertical application Other application software Total Source: Datamonitor India software market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010 % Share 24.5% 21.2% 16.2% 15.1% 14.1% 8.9% 100% DATAMONITOR

Figure 2:

India software market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


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India accounts for 4.3% of the Asia-Pacific software market value. Japan accounts for a further 46.2% of the Asia-Pacific market. Table 3: Category Japan China South Korea India Rest of Asia-Pacific Total Source: Datamonitor India software market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010 % Share 46.2% 23.3% 5.4% 4.3% 20.8% 100% DATAMONITOR

Figure 3:

India software market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


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The software market will be analyzed taking software publishers as players. The key buyers will be taken as individual consumers and business end-users, and software developers and makers of hardware as the key suppliers.

Figure 4: Forces driving competition in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


Competition within the software market is boosted by constant advances in technology and presence of international incumbents; however, robust growth prognoses may alleviate the threat to some extent. Switching costs can be high for industry-specific applications but some partnerships between players promote interoperability. Market players require skilled programmers and hardware to manufacture software. Some companies, such as Microsoft and IBM, are more diversified with their own developer training and certification, as well as hardware products. The predicted double digit market growth and access to distribution channels appeal to new entrants and eases rivalry amongst incumbent players. Some diversification between players in type of end-user and portfolio of products also eases competition. However, some segments are more strongly held by existing companies than others (e.g. Microsoft and its operating system). The threat of substitutes is strong with readily available, free open source software applications.

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Buyer power
Figure 5: Drivers of buyer power in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


The software market has many buyers: individual consumers, businesses of all sizes, and government institutions. Business buyers come from a range of industries, including banking services, retail, logistics, telecommunications and healthcare. They may be reliant on particular players as software is often industry-specific and/or requires users to be trained to use it, and thus switching costs can be high. However, buyers are often large companies (although software solutions are required by businesses of any size) which provides them with stronger bargaining power. This issue has been exacerbated in recent years through the consolidation of buyers, particularly in industries such as telecoms. Switching costs for buyers may be boosted by players partnering up to deliver applications that foster interoperability. For example, SAP's business processes can be accessed more easily by customers through Microsoft Office using 'Duet' or through IBM's Lotus Notes using 'Alloy'. In addition, buyers may choose open source products, which offer similar functionality to closed source software, for example OpenOffice versus Microsoft Office in the office applications market, Linux versus Windows in the OS market. Open source software in itself may be free to the end-user, although commercial vendors do exist, generating their revenues by offering subscriptions to support the software. As a transition to opensource software can be a lower-cost alternative to conventional products, its presence may accentuate price sensitivity in the market, increasing buyer power.

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There is also a move to software-as-a-service (SaaS) where buyers pay through regular subscriptions or as and when they use the software which is hosted and managed remotely by the SaaS provider and can be accessed via the internet. This software variant requires lower upfront costs and may be more accessible, thus also increasing buyer power. Switching costs are lower in the B2C software segment, particularly when purchasing computer games. Overall, buyer power is assessed as weak to moderate.

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Supplier power
Figure 6: Drivers of supplier power in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


The software market requires employees with specific know-how, as well as hardware devices. Skilled programmers are the key to the success in this market. Market players rely on the continued service of highly qualified and usually generously paid employees. For example, Microsoft's Developer Training and Certification specifically promotes investment in this key factor. Inputs such as hardware components are often purchased from sole suppliers, who are often large companies offering differentiated products, resulting in significant supplier power. The likelihood of forward integration from suppliers is rare as software production entails a highly complicated process with large amounts of proprietary knowledge, which directly weakens supplier power. Supplier power in this market is moderate overall.

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New entrants
Figure 7: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


Software development is labor intensive, since ultimately it depends on highly skilled programmers. Skilled employees and computer hardware are a key input, although low capital requirements mean that market entry is eased. However, newcomers must choose their market segment carefully, as certain areas have very strong incumbents (e.g. Microsoft in the PC operating system segment). Furthermore, access to distribution channels has been made easier in recent years through the development and uptake by end-users of broadband internet access. This allows software to be purchased, delivered, and updated without the need for physical media or conventional distribution channels. Although major players, such as Microsoft, have been embroiled in anti-trust lawsuits in the US, there are few specific regulatory requirements for software companies. In a market where new products, and new kinds of products, are frequently launched, R&D investment is important; alternatively, a large software company can obtain intellectual property through acquisition of the company that originally generated it (such as Oracles acquisition of Java technology as a result of its takeover of Sun Microsystems); however, either approach requires significant funds. Access to skilled software programmers by new entrants is challenged by the existence of training paths offered by major players, such as the developer training and certification offered by Microsoft. The position of incumbents may be strengthened by their knowledge of their customers' business needs, their ownership of key intellectual property, and potentially high switching costs for buyers in certain sectors.

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Predicted market growth may provide opportunities for new entrants. Overall, the likelihood of new entrants is strong.

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Figure 8: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


There are few substitutes for software as such. From the perspective of the major players, substitutes in this market are open source software products, free web-based applications, and pirated versions of existing products. Rather than fund their business on big-ticket license contracts, open source companies, such as Red Hat, receive revenues from services and maintenance. Open source software is a beneficial alternative for many end-users. This is because most allow users to redistribute the software and adapt it themselves. Also, it has been argued that because the source code for open-source software is accessible to a large community of users and developers (in fact these two groups overlap in open source development), bugs and security weaknesses can be identified and corrected more quickly than for closed-source products. It is often a lower cost alternative. However, open source products in general may present difficulties with compatibility. Distributors of open source software are relatively small in comparison to traditional market players. Companies like Google are another significant threat to the conventional software market. The company generates most of its revenue from advertisements next to search results and on third-party sites. Its move into the web-based application market, with services such as Google Apps, could be a threat to the Microsoft desktop package, which occupies a strong position in the market. Google Apps Standard Edition is available free to the end-user, and offers functionality appropriate to the non-business segment; the Premier Edition has additional business-oriented features, and is currently available for an annual subscription of $50.

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Overall the threat of substitutes is moderate.

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Figure 9: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the software market in India, 2010

Source: Datamonitor


Software companies may dominate in particular areas of software, such as Oracle which focuses on databases and middleware. However, the largest (e.g. Microsoft, IBM) offer a broad portfolio of products including hardware. For example, IBM makes mainframe computers, while Microsoft makes consumer electronics. In addition, Microsoft and IBM sell to individual consumers as well as businesses, whereas the likes of Oracle and SAP only sell to businesses. Diversification tends to decrease rivalry, as it defends revenues from declines in any particular market segment. An expanding market allows software companies to grow their own revenue without stealing competitors' market share, thereby easing rivalry; although this depends on the segment software companies specialize in. Advances in technology mean that products are continually being introduced to the market, enhancing rivalry. Microsoft is a dominant force in the market, particularly in desktop software, and others may struggle to gain market share from this company. The market is currently characterized by a number of lawsuits involving key market players. For example, Oracle has filed suit against Google claiming patent infringement of its Java technology in the development of Googles Android smartphone operating system. Overall, rivalry is moderate.

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International Business Machines Corporation
Table 4: International Business Machines Corporation: key facts 1 New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504 1722, USA 1 914 499 1900 December IBM New York DATAMONITOR

Head office: Telephone: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website

International Business Machines (IBM or "the company") is an information technology (IT) company. The company provides business, technology and consulting services. IBM develops and manufactures products and services related to advanced IT, including technology services, software, storage systems and microelectronics. The company's business operations offer a range of services and technologies, which includes hardware, software, financing, research and chip technologies. The company operates in over 170 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. The company operates through five operating segments: global technology services, software, global business services, systems and technology, and global financing. The global technology services and global business services segments are organized as one group, global services. The global services group provides IT infrastructure, and business insight and solutions to various clients. The global technology services (GTS) segment offers IT infrastructure services and business process services. The segment's services include strategic outsourcing services, global process services (previously known as business transformation outsourcing), integrated technology services, maintenance, and GTS services delivery. The strategic outsourcing services provide IT services to reduce costs and improve productivity through the outsourcing of processes and operations. IBM integrates service management, technology and industry applications with new technologies, such as cloud computing and virtualization, to help clients maximize the application of technology to achieve their business objectives.

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The global process services comprise a range of offerings from standardized processing platforms and business process outsourcing of the client's business processes, applications and infrastructure. The integrated technology services comprises project-based portfolio of services that enable clients to optimize their IT environments by improving efficiency, flexibility and productivity, while reducing costs. The maintenance services include various support services from product maintenance through solution support to maintain and improve the availability of clients' IT infrastructure. GTS services delivery manages the worldwide delivery of IBM's technology- and process-based services. In support of technology-based services, GTS Services Delivery manages the world's largest privately owned IT infrastructure with employees in over 40 countries, supporting approximately 430 data centers. It also supports IBM's process-based services, including business transformation outsourcing, business process outsourcing and business process services. The global business services (GBS) segment primarily provides professional services and application management services. The company leverages its industry and business-process expertise to offer these services. The segment's offerings include consulting and systems integration, and application management services. The consulting and systems integration services offer consulting services for strategy and transformation; application innovation services; enterprise applications (SAP and Oracle) and business analytics and optimization. The application management services include application development, management, maintenance and support services for packaged software, as well as custom and legacy applications. The software segment consists of middleware and operating systems software. The middleware software enables clients to integrate systems, applications and processes across a standard software platform. IBM middleware is designed to open standards, allowing the integration of unrelated client applications. Operating systems is the software that manages the fundamental processes that make computers run. The segment's middleware software is classified into WebSphere, information management, Tivoli, Lotus, Rational, and business analytics. The WebSphere software enables the management of a range of business processes using open standards to interconnect applications, data and operating systems. The information management software includes advanced database management, enterprise content management, information integration, data warehousing, business analytics and intelligence, performance management and predictive analytics. Tivoli is software for infrastructure management including security and storage management. Lotus is a collaboration, messaging and social networking software that enables businesses to communicate and collaborate. Rational software supports software development for both IT and embedded system solutions with a suite of application lifecycle management products. The business analytics enables clients to better analyze their data and predict outcomes in order to make better business decisions.

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The solutions include Cognos' business intelligence software, which provides comprehensive tools that range from querying to forecasting; as well as SPSS predictive analytics software that helps clients predict outcomes and act on that insight. The systems and technology segment serves clients' advanced computing power and storage capabilities needs. The segment also provides semiconductor technology, products and packaging solutions to clients and for IBM's own advanced technology needs. The company deploys its hardware services to support services solutions. The systems and technology group sells the equipment that it purchases from global financing to external clients. The segment's offerings include systems, storage, retail store solutions, and microelectronics. The systems business offers a range of general purpose and integrated systems designed and optimized for specific business, public and scientific computing needs. Its systems portfolio includes System z, power systems, and System x. IBM servers use both IBM and non-IBM microprocessor technology and operating systems. All IBM servers run Linux, a key open-source operating system. The segment's storage solutions include information infrastructure products and solutions for information retention and archiving, availability and virtualization, and security and compliance. The storage solutions portfolio comprises a range of disk and tape storage systems and software, including the ultra-scalable disk storage system XIV. The retail store solutions business offers point-of-sale (POS) retail systems (network connected cash registers) and solutions to connect POS with other store systems. The microelectronics business provides semiconductor design and manufacturing for use in IBM systems and storage products and for sale to external clients. The global financing segment facilitates clients' acquisition of IBM systems, software and services. It comprises three lines of business: client financing, commercial financing, and remanufacturing and remarketing. Client financing provides lease and loan financing to end users and internal clients for terms generally between two and seven years. Commercial financing provides short-term inventory and accounts receivable financing to dealers and remarketers of IT products. Remanufacturing and remarketing is engaged in sales and lease of used equipment to new and existing clients both externally and internally. The remarketing equipment is primarily sourced from the conclusion of lease transactions.

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The majority of IBM's operations, excluding the company's original equipment manufacturer (OEM) technology business, cater to industries that are broadly grouped into six sectors: financial services, public, industrial, distribution, communications and general business. The financial services sector includes banking, financial markets and insurance industries. The public sector comprises education, government, healthcare and life sciences. The industrial sector includes aerospace and defense, automotive, chemical and petroleum, and electronics industries. The distribution sector comprises consumer products, retail, and travel and transportation industries. The communications sector includes telecommunications, media and entertainment, and energy and utilities. The company's general business sector operations mainly serve companies with less than 1,000 employees. Key Metrics The company recorded revenues of $99,870 million in the fiscal year ending December 2010, an increase of 4.3% compared to fiscal 2009. Its net income was $14,833 million in fiscal 2010, compared to a net income of $13,425 million in the preceding year.

Table 5: $ million

International Business Machines Corporation: key financials ($) 2006 91,424.0 9,492.0 103,234.0 74,599.0 355,766 2007 98,786.0 10,418.0 120,431.0 91,816.0 386,558 2008 103,630.0 12,334.0 109,524.0 95,940.0 398,455 2009 95,758.0 13,425.0 109,022.0 86,267.0 399,409 2010 99,870.0 14,833.0 113,452.0 90,280.0 426,751

Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings


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Table 6: Ratio

International Business Machines Corporation: key financial ratios 2006 10.4% 0.3% (2.4%) 2.8% 72.3% 9.1% $256,978 $26,680 2007 10.5% 8.1% 16.7% 23.1% 76.2% 9.3% $255,553 $26,951 2008 11.9% 4.9% (9.1%) 4.5% 87.6% 10.7% $260,080 $30,955 2009 14.0% (7.6%) (0.5%) (10.1%) 79.1% 12.3% $239,749 $33,612 2010 14.9% 4.3% 4.1% 4.7% 79.6% 13.3% $234,024 $34,758

Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings


Figure 10: International Business Machines Corporation: revenues & profitability

Source: company filings


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Figure 11: International Business Machines Corporation: assets & liabilities

Source: company filings


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Microsoft Corporation
Table 7: Microsoft Corporation: key facts 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 6399, USA 1 425 882 8080 1 425 936 7329 June MSFT NASDAQ National Market DATAMONITOR

Head office: Telephone: Fax: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website

Microsoft is one of the largest IT companies in the world engaged in developing, manufacturing, licensing, and supporting software products. The company's software products consist of operating systems, server applications, information worker productivity applications, business solution applications, highperformance computing applications, and software development tools. The company has presence in over 100 countries across the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Middle East. Effective FY2010, Microsoft organized its business into five divisions: Microsoft business, Windows & Windows Live, server and tools, entertainment and devices (ED), and online services business (OSB). Microsoft business division consists of Microsoft Office system and Microsoft Dynamics business solutions. Microsoft Office system products are designed to increase personal, team and organization productivity through a range of programs, services and software solutions. Microsoft Dynamics products provide business solutions for financial management, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and analytics applications for small and mid-size businesses, large organizations and divisions of global enterprises. The company's products under this division include Microsoft Office, Microsoft SharePoint; Microsoft Exchange Server; and Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM, as well as Microsoft Office Web Apps, which are the online companions to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Windows & Windows Live division manages the development and marketing of the Windows operating system, Windows Live and Internet Explorer. Its offerings consist of premium and standard editions of Windows operating systems and online software and services offered through Windows Live.

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Its products include Windows operating systems: Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Enterprise, and Windows 7 Starter Edition; Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Enterprise and Windows Vista Starter Edition. The server and tools division develops and markets server software, software developer tools, services and solutions. Server software is integrated server infrastructure and middleware software designed to support software applications and tools built on the Windows Server operating system. Server software includes the server platform, database, storage, management and operations, service-oriented architecture platform, and security and identity software. The division also builds standalone and software development lifecycle tools for software architects, developers, testers and project managers. The division includes products such as Windows Server operating system, Windows Azure; Microsoft SQL Server; SQL Azure; Visual Studio; Silverlight; System Center products; Biz Talk Server; Microsoft Consulting Services; Premier product support services; and other products and services. Server and tools division also offers a range of enterprise consulting and product support services (enterprise services) that assist customers in developing, deploying, and managing Microsoft server and desktop solutions. The division also provides training and certification to developers and IT professionals for its server and tools, Microsoft business division, and Windows & Windows Live division products and services. The ED division constitutes operations of developing, producing and marketing the Xbox 360 platform including the Xbox 360 gaming and consoles and accessories, third-party games, games published under the Microsoft brand, and Xbox Live services. It is also engaged in research, sales, and support of those products. In addition to Xbox, the division offers the Zune digital music and entertainment platform; PC software games; online games and services; Mediaroom (internet protocol television software); Windows Phone and Windows Embedded device platforms; application software for Apple's Macintosh computers, Microsoft PC hardware products and other devices. It also manages the retail sales and marketing for retail packaged versions of the Microsoft Office system and the Windows operating systems. The division's product offerings include Xbox 360 console and games; Xbox LIVE; Windows Phone; Windows Embedded device operating system; Zune; Mediaroom; and numerous consumer software and hardware products (such as Mac Office, mice, and keyboards); and Windows Automotive. The OSB division consists of on-line information offerings such as Bing, MSN portals and channels, as well as an online advertising platform with offerings for both publishers and advertisers. Its operations comprise online advertising, including search, display, and advertiser and publisher tools. The division's offerings include Bing; Microsoft adCenter; MSN; and Atlas online tools for advertisers and publishers. Key Metrics The company recorded revenues of $62,484 million in the fiscal year ending June 2010, an increase of 6.9% compared to fiscal 2009. Its net income was $18,760 million in fiscal 2010, compared to a net income of $14,569 million in the preceding year.
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Table 8: $ million

Microsoft Corporation: key financials ($) 2006 48,282.0 12,599.0 69,597.0 50,696.0 71,000 2007 51,122.0 14,065.0 63,171.0 32,074.0 79,000 2008 60,420.0 17,681.0 72,793.0 36,507.0 91,000 2009 58,437.0 14,569.0 77,888.0 38,330.0 93,000 2010 62,484.0 18,760.0 86,113.0 39,938.0 89,000

Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings


Table 9: Ratio

Microsoft Corporation: key financial ratios 2006 26.1% 21.3% (1.7%) 123.3% 72.8% 17.9% $680,028 $177,451 2007 27.5% 5.9% (9.2%) (36.7%) 50.8% 21.2% $647,114 $178,038 2008 29.3% 18.2% 15.2% 13.8% 50.2% 26.0% $663,956 $194,297 2009 24.9% (3.3%) 7.0% 5.0% 49.2% 19.3% $628,355 $156,656 2010 30.0% 6.9% 10.6% 4.2% 46.4% 22.9% $702,067 $210,787

Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings


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Figure 12: Microsoft Corporation: revenues & profitability

Source: company filings


Figure 13: Microsoft Corporation: assets & liabilities

Source: company filings


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Oracle Corporation
Table 10: Oracle Corporation: key facts 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065, USA 1 650 506 7000 May ORCL NASDAQ DATAMONITOR

Head office: Telephone: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website

Oracle Corporation (Oracle or "the company") develops, manufactures, markets, distributes and service database and middleware software as well as applications software. The company provides a range of offerings including database, middleware, collaboration, development tools, enterprise applications, SaaS, hosted and on demand solutions, operating systems, virtualization software, IT hardware and consulting/systems integration, among others. The company operates in Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. As a result of the acquisition of Sun in January 2010, Oracle entered into a new hardware systems business, which includes two operating segments. Oracle currently operates through three businesses: software, hardware systems and services. These businesses are further divided into seven operating segments. The software business is comprised of two operating segments: new software licenses, and software license updates and product support. The hardware systems business includes two operating segments: hardware systems products and hardware systems support. The services business consists of three operating segments: consulting, on-demand, and education. The new software licenses segment is engaged in the licensing of database and middleware software as well as applications software. The database and middleware software includes database management software, application server software, business intelligence software, identification and access management software, content management software, portal and user interaction software, serviceoriented architecture (SOA) and business process management software, data integration software and development tools.

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As a result of the acquisition of Sun, the company acquired certain software technologies that expanded and enhanced its existing database and middleware software product offerings, including Java, a global software development platform used in a wide range of computers, networks and devices. The applications software offerings provide enterprise information that enables companies to manage their business cycles and provide intelligence in functional areas such as customer relationship management, financials, human resources, maintenance management, manufacturing, marketing, order fulfillment, product lifecycle management, enterprise project portfolio management, enterprise performance management, procurement, sales, services, enterprise resource planning and supply chain planning. Oracle's software license updates and product support segment provides customers with rights to unspecified software product upgrades and maintenance releases, internet access to technical content, as well as internet and telephone access to technical support personnel during the support period. The hardware systems segment consists primarily of computer server and storage product offerings. The company's computer servers are based on its SPARC family of microprocessors and Intel Xeon microprocessors. Its servers range from high performance computing servers to cost efficient, entry-level servers, and run with Sun Solaris Operating System, Linux and certain other operating systems environments. Its storage products consist of tape, disk and networking solutions for open systems and mainframe server environments. The hardware systems support offerings provide customers with software updates for the software components that are essential to the functionality of the company's hardware systems and storage products and also include product repairs, maintenance services, and technical support services. Oracle's consulting segment provides services to customers in business strategy and analysis, business process simplification, solutions integration and the implementation, enhancement and upgrade of the company's database, middleware and applications software. The company's on-demand offerings include Oracle On Demand and Advanced Customer Services. Oracle On Demand provides multi-featured software and hardware management and maintenance services for customers that deploy its database, middleware and applications software at its data center facilities, select partner data centers and customer facilities. The Advanced Customer Services provides customers with services to architect, implement and manage customer IT environments including software and hardware systems product management, industry-specific solution support centers and remote and on-site expert services. Oracle education segment provides instructor-led, media-based and internet-based training in the use of its software and hardware systems products.

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Key Metrics The company recorded revenues of $26,820 million in the fiscal year ending May 2010, an increase of 15.3% compared to fiscal 2009. Its net income was $6,135 million in fiscal 2010, compared to a net income of $5,593 million in the preceding year.

Table 11: $ million

Oracle Corporation: key financials ($) 2006 14,380.0 3,381.0 29,029.0 14,017.0 56,133 2007 17,996.0 4,274.0 34,572.0 17,653.0 74,674 2008 22,430.0 5,521.0 47,268.0 24,243.0 85,188 2009 23,252.0 5,593.0 47,416.0 22,326.0 84,233 2010 26,820.0 6,135.0 61,578.0 30,379.0 105,000

Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings


Table 12: Ratio

Oracle Corporation: key financial ratios 2006 23.5% 21.9% 40.3% 42.3% 48.3% 13.6% $256,177 $60,232 2007 23.7% 25.1% 19.1% 25.9% 51.1% 13.4% $240,994 $57,235 2008 24.6% 24.6% 36.7% 37.3% 51.3% 13.5% $263,300 $64,810 2009 24.1% 3.7% 0.3% (7.9%) 47.1% 11.8% $276,044 $66,399 2010 22.9% 15.3% 29.9% 36.1% 49.3% 11.3% $255,429 $58,429

Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings


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Figure 14: Oracle Corporation: revenues & profitability

Source: company filings


Figure 15: Oracle Corporation: assets & liabilities

Source: company filings


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Tata Consultancy Services Limited

Table 13: Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key facts 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 02, IND 91 22 6778 9595 91 22 6778 9660 March 532540 Bombay DATAMONITOR

Head office: Telephone: Fax: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a subsidiary of Tata Group, one of Asia's largest conglomerates with interests in energy, telecommunications, financial services, chemicals, and engineering and materials industries. TCS provides information technology consulting, services, and business process outsourcing (BPO) services. The company operates through 140 offices in 42 countries across the globe. The company manages its business primarily on a geographic basis. TCS operates through four geographic divisions: Americas, Europe, India and other countries. TCS also considers five industry segments for managing its business: banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, retail and distribution, telecom and others. The company's services consist of consulting, IT services, IT infrastructure services, engineering, and industrial services and BPO. Its IT solutions and services portfolio includes application development and maintenance, migration and re-engineering as well as package implementation services. The company also offers performance management, business intelligence, assurance (testing) and systems integration services. The company also provides services in the areas of enterprise resource management, supply chain management, customer relationship management and content management solutions to integrate enterprise wide functions with comprehensive solutions. The IT infrastructure services (IT IS) unit is an end-to-end infrastructure services provider of IT infrastructure management solutions and value enablers, which help transform the way businesses use 'infrastructure technology'. The unit provides services which are application driven'. The business process outsourcing (BPO) provides global customers with domain-intensive transaction processing services, knowledge-based services. TCS BPO leverages its centers in Latin America, Eastern Europe and China to offer a global service.
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The unit offers value added transaction processing services to its customers in industry verticals like banking, insurance, telecom, pharma, travel and transportation and retail. Knowledge Services focuses on areas like clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, market research and retail solutions. The company's engineering and industrial services (EIS) unit provides services across the engineering and product development value stream of companies in the manufacturing and hi-tech sectors. The EIS portfolio of TCS provides a wide range of R&D and Product Development solutions. These end-to-end services are New Product Development Solutions, Plant Solutions & Services and Geospatial Solutions. TCS' global consulting practice (GCP) uses consulting and IT services capabilities to bring continuity and consistency to strategic programs and help organizations manage current business requirements. The company also provides a suite of asset based solutions, including TCS BaNCS, a suite of asset based offerings for the financial services industry that range from capital market solutions covering corporate actions, trading, settlement and custody to commercial core banking solutions. The company provides a number of asset-based solutions for different industry segments. These include asset based solutions in the life sciences and healthcare, and energy resources and utilities industries as well as engineering and industrial services. Key Metrics The company recorded revenues of $6,537 million in the fiscal year ending March 2010, an increase of 8.0% compared to fiscal 2009. Its net income was $1,524 million in fiscal 2010, compared to a net income of $1,144 million in the preceding year.

Table 14: $ million

Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financials ($) 2006 2,887.5 645.8 1,874.6 532.9 66,480 2007 4,067.6 917.1 2,870.5 897.8 89,419 2008 4,924.1 1,094.1 3,207.9 812.3 111,407 2009 6,054.7 1,144.3 4,036.3 1,452.4 143,761 2010 6,537.1 1,524.0 5,963.5 1,864.7 160,429

Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings


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Table 15: Rs. million

Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financials (Rs.) 2006 132,639.9 29,667.4 86,113.9 24,478.6 2007 186,852.1 42,126.3 131,861.5 41,242.5 2008 226,195.2 50,260.2 147,360.6 37,312.5 2009 278,128.8 52,564.2 185,410.3 66,719.1 2010 300,289.2 70,006.4 273,942.2 85,657.9

Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Source: company filings


Table 16: Ratio

Tata Consultancy Services Limited: key financial ratios 2006 22.4% 36.1% 62.8% 42.1% 28.4% 42.7% $43,434 $9,715 2007 22.5% 40.9% 53.1% 68.5% 31.3% 38.7% $45,490 $10,256 2008 22.2% 21.1% 11.8% (9.5%) 25.3% 36.0% $44,199 $9,821 2009 18.9% 23.0% 25.8% 78.8% 36.0% 31.6% $42,116 $7,960 2010 23.3% 8.0% 47.7% 28.4% 31.3% 30.5% $40,748 $9,499

Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings


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Figure 16: Tata Consultancy Services Limited: revenues & profitability

Source: company filings


Figure 17: Tata Consultancy Services Limited: assets & liabilities

Source: company filings


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Market value forecast
In 2015, the Indian software market is forecast to have a value of $4.4 billion, an increase of 91.3% since 2010. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 201015 is predicted to be 13.7%. Table 17: Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CAGR: 201015 Source: Datamonitor India software market value forecast: $ billion, 201015 $ billion 2.3 2.5 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.4 Rs. billion 105.9 116.8 133.6 155.1 177.8 201.3 billion 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.3 % Growth 8.9% 10.3% 14.4% 16.1% 14.7% 13.2% 13.7% DATAMONITOR

Figure 18: India software market value forecast: $ billion, 201015

Source: Datamonitor


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Table 18: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Datamonitor India size of population (million), 200610 Population (million) 1,119.8 1,136.6 1,153.1 1,160.8 1,176.7 % Growth 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 0.7% 1.4% DATAMONITOR

Table 19: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India gdp (constant 2000 prices, $ billion), 200610 Constant 2000 Prices, $ billion 666.1 730.3 775.3 827.7 912.6 % Growth 9.4% 9.6% 6.2% 6.8% 10.3% DATAMONITOR

Source: Datamonitor

Table 20: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India gdp (current prices, $ billion), 200610 Current Prices, $ billion 854.1 1,091.0 1,192.5 1,268.6 1,565.9 % Growth 13.5% 27.7% 9.3% 6.4% 23.4% DATAMONITOR

Source: Datamonitor

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Table 21: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India inflation, 200610 Inflation Rate (%) 6.6% 6.4% 8.4% 10.9% 12.0% DATAMONITOR

Source: Datamonitor

Table 22: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India consumer price index (absolute), 200610 Consumer Price Index (2000 = 100) 129.3 137.5 149.0 165.2 185.0 DATAMONITOR

Source: Datamonitor

Table 23: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India exchange rate, 200610 Exchange rate ($/Rs.) 45.3188 41.3570 43.8145 48.8500 45.9361 Exchange rate (/Rs.) 56.8596 56.5898 64.1115 67.9264 60.9708 DATAMONITOR

Source: Datamonitor

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Datamonitor Industry Profiles draw on extensive primary and secondary research, all aggregated, analyzed, cross-checked and presented in a consistent and accessible style. Review of in-house databases Created using 250,000+ industry interviews and consumer surveys and supported by analysis from industry experts using highly complex modeling & forecasting tools, Datamonitors in-house databases provide the foundation for all related industry profiles Preparatory research We also maintain extensive in-house databases of news, analyst commentary, company profiles and macroeconomic & demographic information, which enable our researchers to build an accurate market overview Definitions Market definitions are standardized to allow comparison from country to country. The parameters of each definition are carefully reviewed at the start of the research process to ensure they match the requirements of both the market and our clients Extensive secondary research activities ensure we are always fully up-to-date with the latest industry events and trends Datamonitor aggregates and analyzes a number of secondary information sources, including: National/Governmental statistics International data (official international sources) National and International trade associations Broker and analyst reports Company Annual Reports Business information libraries and databases

Modeling & forecasting tools Datamonitor has developed powerful tools that allow quantitative and qualitative data to be combined with related macroeconomic and demographic drivers to create market models and forecasts, which can then be refined according to specific competitive, regulatory and demand-related factors Continuous quality control ensures that our processes and profiles remain focused, accurate and up-to-date

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Industry associations
World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) Suite 4800-3A-1, CBD Perdana, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor D.E. Malaysia Tel.: 603 8320 1898 Fax: 603 8320 1896 The China-India Software Association (CISA) 16/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel.: 852 3188 1800 Fax: 852 3188 1808

Related Datamonitor research

Industry Profile Global software Software in Europe Software in Asia-Pacific Software in Russia Software in China

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