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Easter week in Spain Hello. Im going to speak about how we celebrate Easter week in Spain.

Easter week is celebrated in a different time every year. It depends when is the first full moon of spring. It last for one week and three days. Spain is the only place that has this type of celebration. Easter week is a celebration about the life of Jesus. In this week we relive the passion and death of Jesus. We do different things a long this week. Processions are the most typical. Many people come to Spain to see the different processions. The most famous tourist destinations to watch the procession are in Andalucia and Castilla y Leon. A procession is a parade with many different floats, each floats represents the different moment of Jesus life. Every float belongs to one brotherhood and it has a different symbol or shied. Look at this: (el escudo) A procession is when many penitent parade through the streets with the floats. Normally a procession has one or two floats in the parade. A procession starts with a cross or a traditional banner, next come many penitents, lastly a float followed by the band. If there are more than one float the order repeats. Depending on the day there are different types of processions. There are three different types of floats, in my opinion the scientific names are: On the wheels, mysterious and canopy. The common names are: the Child, the Christ and the Virgin.

Now Im going to explain my favourite floats: the Consolation virgin and Our goodness father. The virgin float is square with a silver border, from the border falls maroon satin clothes, the same colour of the virgin. The virgin has six big silver canopies with maroon satin clothes too. The virgin has many candles and a lot of flowers. The Christ float is the longest in Ciudad Real. It has six images, but one is on a horse. Jesus has his hands tides. The floor of the float is decorated with red flowers and four lanterns. They are following: (las fotos) Im going to speak about five typical traditions: 1. First, what people normally do: they go to mass and then they go to watch the procession. 2. Second, the typical clothes: the people in the procession wear a specially tunic. For example in my procession the tunic is white, the bottoms and the belt are maroon. 3. Third, the typical food: is French toast in Spanish torrija. Its a piece of bread with, milk, eggs and sugar. They are fried. Its delicious. 4. Fourth, typical smell of Easter week: is incense because many years ago (Middle Ages) the streets smelled very bad. In front of each float there are incense bearers. 5. Fifth, my traditions: its making a replica of true floats, with some shoes boxes, playmovil people, colored papers for the virgin and clay penitent. Now the finish:

I walk in the procession flagellation in the Spanish Flagelacin. The first time I paraded I was six years old. I parade with my sister Paula, my cousin Piedad and my two friends Luis and Javier. We parade through the streets on saint Wednesday. My favourite things of Easter week are the processions. I hope you enjoyed my talk thanks.


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