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Reflection of Kill Bill image For this task we had to recreate the opening shot of Kill Bill Volume

1 in a group of 5. I found this assignment highly enjoyable and worthwhile as we all gained valuable skills regarding the mise en scene of the shot including: lighting, make up, hair and props. Also, we will find this extremely useful when we begin to create a coursework. In order to make sure our replica of this shot was to a high standard we researched ways we would be able to recreate the lighting and fake cuts on Graces face. We watched numerous YouTube videos on ways to create the shadows on her face and also the stages of creating cuts and bruises by using make up. We found this very helpful, as we were unable to use professional studio lighting and make up facilities. The largest part of this task as a whole was the make up procedures that were put in place to achieve the look we were aiming for. First of all we put concealer under Graces eyes, nose, mouth and blemishes and also foundation over the whole face to make the face paler and an even tone. Following this we placed a light tint on the edges of the nose, under the eyes and the corners of the mouth, resulting in making these areas more highlighted and distinctive when we capture the photograph and also, to make the cuts and bruises more prominent. We took the eye liner and drew a thin line in the middle of the eyelid to make it look as though Grace had been crying and also show where she had been crying and sweating. Next we dabbed a sponge over her face that had a grey eye shadow over it to outline the shadows and the bruising build up, also, to make her appear dirty, reinforcing the surroundings she is in. The next step was to create a more realistic image of the bruises by adding brown and dark purple shades to build the stages of the contrasts. To add the dirt we used a jet-black powder to emphasise certain areas of Graces face for example, the bottom corners of the nostrils. The more intricate and difficult part of the process was when we added blood as we had to make some cuts heavier and some lighter to portray depth and severity of the cut. For the cuts from her nose and her mouth we added fake blood and allowed it to dry and then added another layer to make it look deeper and also as though it was freshly drying. The last parts of the blood addition was when he added the fake blood to places such as her neck, we did this when Grace was laying down to make sure it didnt drip anywhere. One of the final stages was the creation of the sweaty appearance; we achieved this by filling up a water spray bottle and squirted it over certain areas of the face as the same as the original image. We placed various strands of hair in correct places to reflect the original sequence and to reinforce the circumstance she is in. As our group did not have a veil to use we improvised and used Graces white tutu and placed this behind her head. Lastly, we had to create the accurate lighting to make the same shadows on the left hand side of her face. We held a small lamp over the left side of the face to result in shadows on the same side. After we carried out these stages we took a number of photographs and picked the most accurate and similar image as the original. When we start to produce our coursework, the skills regarding lighting and make up skills we gained from this task will enable us to capture an accurate mise on scene.

Make-up Stages

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