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Lesson Plan Teacher Candidate: Katharine Cusick & Gianna DeFabio Date: 10/10/12 Subject: Math Lesson Title/Number

Common Core Standards 21 Century Skills Only include what will be assessed. Lesson Objectives (Blooms Taxonomy) Must be numbered. Acceptable Evidence *Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes. Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, 1. (1) 2. (2) The teacher will explain the directions and the class will practice the game structure. (directions) (auditory, visual) (guided practice) The students will repeat the directions back to the class and teacher (CFU) The teacher will subdivide the class into two even groups. (red and yellow) The students will write their names on their counters, put them on to identify which color they are, and divide themselves into two single file lines. The teacher will present a math problem on the Smart Board. The students will observe the problem on the Smart Board. (visual) The teacher will prompt the first group (red counters) to represent the first addend. The students will move to the carpet and identify themselves as the first addend by standing in the designated area on the rug. The red counter group will then count aloud how many students are on the rug. (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) The teacher will prompt the second group (yellow counters) to represent 1. Students will be able to add to twelve (1) Students will be able to demonstrate that they can add to twelve by showing they can play the game correctly, and by accurately answering the questions on the exit slip.

Unit Title: Grade Level: 1 Math Test Review

1.5A: Relate counting to addition and subtraction. (e.g. , by counting on two to add two)

3. (3) 4. (4)


Do Now Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions) Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE) Assessment/ Evaluation Label: formative or summative and describe purpose

the second addend. (5) The students will move to the carpet and identify themselves as the second addend by standing in the designated area on the rug. The yellow counter group will then count aloud how many students are on the rug. (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) 6. The teacher will prompt the students to count off as a whole class to identify the sum. (6) The students will count the classmates on the rug aloud to calculate the sum. 7. The teacher will randomly select a student to write the sum on the Smart Board. (7) The student will write the sum on the Smart Board using the interactive pen. The students will (red and yellow group) will then proceed to the back of the line and wait for their next turn to be a counter. The teacher will repeat the procedure six times. 8. The teacher will hand out an exit slip and explain the directions. (directions) (CFU) (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) (independent practice) (8) The students will complete the exit slip and place it in the basket when finished.

Formative: 1. The teacher will conduct a review adding game. (1) The students will be able to provide an answer to the given problem on the Smart Board as well as demonstrate they can play the game independently. 2. The teacher will hand out an exit slip for the students to independently complete. (2) The students will complete the exit slip and place in basket. The teacher will check for understanding by reviewing the exit slips. Summative: Mrs. Bell will provide students with a math assessment on Friday, October 12, 2012.

Technology Closure Accommodations and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff

Smart Board utilizing interactive pen The exit slips Lesson will be Co- Taught (Katharine Cusick and Gianna DeFabio) Mrs. Bell will intervene if needed.

Resources/ Materials

1. 2. 3. 4.

Red and yellow counter necklaces Smart Board and interactive pen PowerPoint Exit slip

Time Required

35 minutes

Reflection (Use APPR guiding questions): The students had learned the material (counting to 12) prior to the lesson, so the game was more of a review for their test on Friday. Gianna and I incorporated all the learning styles into the lesson. The students were actually counters as they counted aloud and moved to the rug (kinesthetic, auditory, and visual). The one thing I would change would be making it mandatory for the students to use the counters on their exit slip. We told the students they were able to use the counters if they wanted, but didnt have to. Most of the students used the counters, but the ones that didnt, had a question or two wrong on the exit slip. The activity we performed with the students had the students being counters themselves. We were asking them to answer the given problems by moving themselves according to what color they were. We should have made it mandatory for them to use the counters since our whole lesson was based on counting using counters. If we taught the whole lesson using the counters, we should have stuck to the counters and told them to use them for the exit slip. I would also change how the problem was shown, I would have the last person of the first addend hold up the + and the last person of the second addend hold up the =. This, I think, solidifies the problem for the students. This game allowed the students to be up and moving. I emailed Mrs. Bell to see how the students did on their math test Friday, and she emailed me back the scores. The students did extremely well; the majority of the class received a perfect score! I was so happy to see that the game was effective. I definitely learned while teaching this lesson to always have extra problems just in case. The students loved the game, and wanted to do more problems. It was extremely useful collaborating with both Mrs. Bell and Gianna. Mrs. Bell let us know what the students had previously learned and what they were going to be tested on for Friday. Gianna and I were able to work together and collaborate our ideas to make an effective lesson! Mrs. Bell loved the game, and said she was going to use it in the future. I, too, thought this lesson was effective, and am going to use this lesson in my future classroom. Goals and/or Professional Development Needs/Interests: I plan on using this review game in my future classroom. The students had a great time, and they were learning as well. I hope that the students will always remember this game. According to the math scores, our review game was a success! In the future, I will incorporate a game in every (or most) lesson(s). I think having a fun activity to coincide with a lesson really solidifies the meaning of the lesson. I definitely have to work on how much time I allow for a lesson. Thankfully, I was able to make up a problem to put on the board. I hope next time I teach this lesson, every single student in the class gets all the questions on the exit slip correct. All in all, this lesson was a success, and I will correct the few changes I wanted to make for this lesson to make it perfect!

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