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(19:29:56) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (19:38:04) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:38:15) Kinkyclawz: *sneaks in so Fang won't see her* (19:39:36) Kinkyclawz: *hides behind the invisible chair in Eileen's corner* (19:41:06) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:41:27) Eileen: I heard my name? How can I be of service? (19:41:27) Kinkyclawz: *peeks out* BOO Eileen!! *hides again* (19:41:43) Eileen: *faints* (19:41:45) Eileen: UMPF (19:41:59) Kinkyclawz: Oops... *comes out fo hiding* Eileen,a re you ok? (19:42:30) Eileen: *rubs head* No! *faints again* (19:43:01) Kinkyclawz: *dabs a damp cloth on Eileen's forehead* Oops, I guess Halloween was just too much for my beloved Twister. (19:43:29) Kinkyclawz: Ah... *Just realises she is still wearing her costume* (19:43:43) Eileen: *wakes up* (19:43:53) Eileen: You are still wearing your costume (19:44:05) Fang: did someboy say costume? (19:44:14) Fang: brb (19:44:19) Fang: hello (19:44:26) Eileen: *hears another voice and looks around* (19:44:28) Kinkyclawz: I am... and yes, Fang? HB! Hello! Perhaps being Boo'd at by a giant vampire caterpillar isn't the best idea. (19:44:32) Eileen: Oh Hi Fang! (19:44:36) Eileen: hb (19:45:00) Kinkyclawz: A 5 second BRB huh? Gotta be a record in here! (19:45:02) Eileen: ah that's what that is supposed to be! (19:45:10) Kinkyclawz: It's not obvious? (19:45:37) Kinkyclawz: *looks disappointed from among all the rainbow-coloured caterpillar fur* (19:46:07) Kinkyclawz: *sneezes a rainbow-coloured sneeze* Oh dear, excuse me. (19:46:10) Eileen: The rainbows on the fur were a bit distracting (19:46:30) Kinkyclawz: I'l make a note of that for next year. Thanks Twister! *grinz* (19:46:35) Eileen: *shields herself from the rainbow powder*Yuk! (19:46:57) Eileen: You're most welcome (19:47:01) Kinkyclawz: Sorry. I could pretend it's magic fairy dust.... or magic FURRY dust. Heehee, see what I did there? (19:47:05) Eileen: brb laundry (19:47:08) Fang: back (19:47:11) Kinkyclawz: HB!

(19:47:14) Kinkyclawz: WB! (19:47:15) Fang: aww just missed Eileen (19:47:23) Fang: it's like a bad sit-con (19:47:26) Kinkyclawz: You two are in synch... almost (19:47:50) Kinkyclawz: LMAO It is a bit, innit? thne again, isn't that the case every week in the chat? LOL (19:47:51) Fang: ...before mobile phones where people get missing each other my moments (19:48:11) Fang: I wonder what costume Eileen has on (19:48:16) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (19:48:39) Kinkyclawz: I think Eileen is wise enough to not sill be wearing hers. What have you come as? (19:48:57) Kinkyclawz: No, don't tell me.... a time travelling ... doctor! (19:49:08) Fang: isn't it obvious (19:49:09) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:49:39) Eileen: back (20:49:45) Kinkyclawz: WB!!! (20:49:52) Eileen: dont have a costume, I'm not a costume wearer (20:49:53) Kinkyclawz: Was I close? (20:50:01) Fang: yes but specifically I've come as my fifth incarnation (20:50:09) Kinkyclawz: You've come as a pretty German lady with a love of Supernatural? (20:50:27) Kinkyclawz: *counts on her fingers...* Your TomBaker period? (20:51:27) Kinkyclawz: No... wait... erm... (20:51:30) Fang: no the one where I wear vegtables (20:51:57) Eileen: yes lol (20:52:07) Eileen: if you take that as a costume (20:52:20) Eileen: you wear vegies Fang? (20:52:58) Kinkyclawz: I do so it means I guessed your correctly Eileen! YAY! I'm close but not quite there for you Twrother dear. Veggies being worn? (20:53:24) Fang: jpg/200px-Fifth_Doctor.jpg (20:53:39) Kinkyclawz: *Is beginning to realise she's not exactly familiar with all the Doctor's earlier incarnations* (20:53:56) Fang: oh dear I shouldn't have said that, now KC will think it's OK to walk around with a parsnip on her trousers (20:54:05) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh, the cute doctor! I like it (20:54:06) Kinkyclawz: ! (20:54:59) Eileen: *googles parsnip* Ah, I see!

(20:55:03) Kinkyclawz: Parsnip trousers. Hmm, they don't go with my rainbowcoloured vampire caterpillar costume but they're worth bearing in mind for later. Thanks Fang! (20:55:17) Kinkyclawz: Mmm, I lurve parsnips! (20:55:32) Eileen: Be careful Fang, KC is sneezing furry dust (20:55:44) Kinkyclawz: But surprisingly, not parsnip mash. :/ (20:55:51) Kinkyclawz: Ah.. (20:55:54) Kinkyclawz: Ahh.... (20:55:56) Fang: KC's a furry I didn't real...oh... I see what you mean now (20:55:57) Kinkyclawz: Ahhhh... (20:56:39) Fang: I wonder if real vampire caterpillars have that problem (20:56:57) Kinkyclawz: Atchoo!! *covers her mouth but still sprinkles the nearby area in rainbow-coloured furry-dust* (20:57:55) Eileen: See! little dust particles with fur on them!!! (20:58:01) Eileen: I ain't lyin! (20:58:16) Fang: well at least it's prettier than normal dust (20:58:28) Fang: *puts on gas mask due to asthma* (20:58:30) Kinkyclawz: *sniffles* Sorry. I don't know, but maybe that's where the different colours of sherbet come from? (20:58:54) Fang: don't be silly they come from sherbert mines (20:59:05) Kinkyclawz: *looks closely* Ooh, they DO have fur on them. Cool! (20:59:20) Eileen: you mean the different fur colours make up the rainbow? (20:59:29) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, they do? as in, that sherbet's MINE! Heehee (20:59:42) Fang: did you know talc is mined? (20:59:49) Kinkyclawz: Why not? *grinz, is happy* (21:00:06) Fang: you think of burly miners you don't expect them to be digging for talcum powder (21:00:09) Eileen: no i didnt (21:00:16) Kinkyclawz: It is? For real? WEll, if that can be mined, why not delicious, sweet, sugary sherbet. (21:00:19) Eileen: but i know that chalk comes from rocks i think (21:00:26) Eileen: so it must be mined (21:00:33) Kinkyclawz: I bet they smell nice after they've been mining. (21:00:48) Eileen: you mean the miners? (21:00:53) Kinkyclawz: Talc is like finely ground rock, isn't it? (21:00:57) Eileen: haha (20:01:12) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, yes, The miners. Sorry, I should ahve been a tad

more specific. (20:01:31) Eileen: lol i read Fang's sentence too late (20:02:00) Fang: =sobi2Details&catid=39&sobi2Id=408 (20:02:14) Kinkyclawz: Bleugh! Sorry I got booted. Could on of you good folks be able to sedn em the chatlog from the last saving stars please? (20:02:31) Eileen: i just read: minin goil gas (20:02:38) Eileen: was a bit confused (20:02:46) Eileen: or confussed as i like to call it (20:03:11) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, being confussed is not a bad thing. Concussed is bad, but not confussed. (20:03:27) Eileen: i mean confussled (20:03:47) Eileen: sending it now (20:03:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, are you confussled onver being confssed? Aww, thankyou!! (20:03:57) Fang: I was going to make a comment along those mines, I mean lines (20:04:05) Kinkyclawz: onver? (20:04:11) Fang: I thought it was worse than being confused but not as bad as being concussed (20:04:17) Kinkyclawz: Lines in mines? (20:04:40) Kinkyclawz: I think you're right, Fang., (20:05:03) Eileen: onver? (20:05:08) Fang: when Genie comes in we'll have to tell her we've been discussing mines, talc and furry rainbow dust (20:05:14) Eileen: sent! (20:05:20) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, exactly: onver. (20:05:30) Eileen: what have i missed before I came in btw? (20:05:40) Kinkyclawz: WE will. MUAH! Thanks Twister! (20:05:42) Fang: debauchery (20:06:16) Kinkyclawz: Heh,e you just missed me hiding behind your invisible chair so that Fang wouldn't see me. (20:06:33) Kinkyclawz: Shh, we weren't going to tell, Fang. (20:06:49) Eileen: Oh I see (20:06:52) Eileen: pssst (20:07:01) Fang: yeah I didn't realise KC was here until you turned up making a noise (20:07:14) Eileen: oops (20:07:16) Fang: so it was nothing last weeks

(20:07:45) Eileen: last weeks? (20:07:46) Kinkyclawz: If we're being honest... yep, Nothing. (20:08:14) Fang: yeah when it was just me and KC and she didn't hide from me (20:08:33) Fang: I don't know why so many women feel the need to hide from me (20:08:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, yeah, when we were pretending all kinds of debauched stuff happened when you and Genie weren't here. ^^ (20:08:50) Fang: dammit KC (20:08:57) Kinkyclawz: It might be the wearing of vegetables on your lapel. (20:09:09) Fang: we could have kept that charade up for weeks (20:09:29) Kinkyclawz: *looks innocent* I can't out and out lie to my Twister, Fang. (20:09:47) Kinkyclawz: We could have... indeed. (20:09:49) Fang: oh the one time your good and innocent (20:09:49) Kinkyclawz: Oops. (20:10:05) Kinkyclawz: And this close to Halloween too. (20:10:13) Fang: from now on I'm being naughty with Eileen (20:10:20) Kinkyclawz: It's the only time I AM innocent. LOL (20:10:38) Kinkyclawz: That's who you should be naughty with. Right, Eileen? (20:10:44) Eileen: Naughty with ME? (20:10:45) Eileen: Ah! (20:11:44) Fang: oh, don't you want to be naughty with me? I can think of all sorts of things we could do (20:12:33) Eileen: with you! ... (20:12:35) Eileen: ... (20:12:36) Eileen: ... (20:12:38) Eileen: ... (20:12:43) Eileen: ... (20:12:45) Eileen: ... (20:12:48) Eileen: ... (20:12:49) Eileen: ... (20:12:52) Eileen: ... (20:12:52) Fang: then she'll have ink around her eye (20:12:57) Eileen: Okay! (20:13:00) Fang: and it would be funny (20:13:21) Fang: or do you have any better ideas? (20:13:23) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, you've... we've made Eileen speechless. Poor love. (20:13:33) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, not THATspeechless then. (20:13:58) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:14:36) Fang: I'm not familiar with that swear word KC (20:14:53) Fang: did you see Merlin last night?

(20:14:55) Fang: good stuff (20:15:10) Kinkyclawz: *blinks innocently* Swear word? (20:15:36) Fang: oh sure they're "saving stars", you're too innocent to swear (20:15:40) Kinkyclawz: I'm enjoying Merlin - but dammit, why didn't he spill the beans while Arthur was listening?! (20:15:51) Fang: unlike that naughty Eileen (20:16:11) Eileen: i watched Merlin! (20:16:17) Eileen: unlike me??????? (20:16:43) Kinkyclawz: *can think of a few worsd that fit five saving stars, all entirely innocent* (20:16:54) Kinkyclawz: Did you enjoy it? (20:17:11) Eileen: i did (20:17:18) Kinkyclawz: I'm certain my Twister doesn't swear. (20:17:32) Eileen: found the belt of my bathrobe! It's so fluffy! (20:17:32) Fang: you said you don't wear a costume at halloween because you dress up in my favourite outfits all year around (20:17:39) Eileen: *coughs* sorry had to say that (20:17:47) Fang: damn I thought I hid that (20:18:02) Fang: to increase wardrobe malfunctions (20:18:11) Kinkyclawz: Is it rainbow-coloured and fluffy? (20:18:16) Eileen: nope I found it!!! (20:18:23) Eileen: white and fluffy! (20:18:29) Eileen: and laundered (20:18:39) Kinkyclawz: LMAO You're a very subtle man, Fang m'dear. (20:18:39) Eileen: is that the word? it came out of the laundry (20:18:52) Eileen: separated from my freshly laundered bathrobe (20:19:07) Eileen: i LIKE fluffyyyyyyyyyyyy! (20:19:12) Kinkyclawz: Yep, laundered is very much a real word. (20:19:14) Eileen: *bounces around room* (20:19:15) Fang: yep that's a word, like the sentence "Eileen laundered her money as she's naughty" (20:19:38) Eileen: No money!!! bathrobes!!! (20:19:40) Kinkyclawz: I can sneeze on it and make it rainbow-coloured and fluffy, if you want? (20:19:59) Eileen: F... (bounce) L... (bounce) (20:20:18) Eileen: U... (bounce) F... (bounce) F... (bounce) (20:20:25) Eileen: Y... (bounce) (20:20:38) Fang: see this is why you should do more cheerleeding (20:20:45) Fang: you're clearly tiring

(20:20:50) Eileen: furry fluffy? (20:20:52) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you frogot to put your fluffy white laundered bathrobe belt on! (20:20:53) Eileen: no! (20:20:58) Eileen: I want white fluffy! (20:21:02) Fang: 25 seconds just to say fluffy (20:21:07) Eileen: AH damn!!! (20:21:29) Eileen: I FROGot it!!! (20:21:54) Eileen: *bounces* (20:22:46) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* You've got Fang hypnotised, m'dear. :d (20:23:32) Eileen: *bounces and holds her bathrobe closed with her hands* (20:23:42) Kinkyclawz: He must be hypnotised because he's not said anything since your belt was forgotten. (20:24:00) Fang: she's like tiger (20:24:01) Eileen: Did he faint? I cannot see it from above here (20:24:06) Fang: or tigger (20:24:07) Fang: (20:25:13) Fang: hmm that song doesn't say bouncy as much as I thought it did (20:25:22) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Tiggers are wonderful and so are Eileens, Fangs, Genies and JDs. (20:25:42) Kinkyclawz: Re-sing it with yur own words, Fagn? (20:25:47) Kinkyclawz: Erm, Fang. also. (20:26:04) Eileen: *bouces* Oh there you are, Fang (20:26:22) Fang: I thought the They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy line was just bouncy*4 (20:26:25) Kinkyclawz: Good news Eileen, he's definitely not fainted. (20:26:46) Fang: I think I just wanted an excuse to see Eileen bounce more and call her a tiger (20:26:59) Kinkyclawz: Rawr! (20:27:11) Kinkyclawz: Just adding a tiger sound effect for you. (20:27:25) Fang: well you do have the clawz for it (20:27:46) Kinkyclawz: yup, kinky ones. ^^ (20:28:03) Eileen: Rawr! (20:28:21) Fang: aww, Eileen's clawz are kinky too (20:28:27) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. (20:28:39) Fang: which should really annoy you KC, don't you have that copywrighted or something (20:28:45) Fang: you could sue her for her laundered money (20:29:04) Kinkyclawz: Naw, Twisters share things, even monikers. ^^

(20:29:33) Kinkyclawz: Besides, Sue and Monica don't mind either. (20:29:55) Fang: I like the sound of Sue and Monica (20:30:10) Eileen: no, my claws are not kinky (20:30:22) Fang: so your naughty but not kinky (20:30:25) Eileen: they are shy and reserved (20:30:36) Eileen: thats why i almost never show them (20:30:40) Fang: (not sure if that's a good thing or not) (20:30:51) Fang: so you only get them out for me? (20:30:58) Eileen: of course (20:31:04) Eileen: Miaw (20:31:07) Eileen: Miao (20:31:21) Kinkyclawz: Heey, wait a sec. Sue. Monica. We're singing Mambo Number 5, aren't we? (20:31:26) Fang: unlike that KC, she gets hers out all the time (20:31:37) Fang: hell they're constantly on display (20:31:42) Kinkyclawz: Aww, so sweet!| (20:31:53) Kinkyclawz: I liek to share mine. (20:32:12) Eileen: LOL My brother told me he adviced Lou Bega in his shop (20:32:18) Fang: she even goes on the blog with her clawz out (20:32:20) Kinkyclawz: Lets face it, when your name is Kinkyclawz, you have to live up to the expectation. (20:32:21) Eileen: buying carpet (20:32:36) Kinkyclawz: He did? How cool!! (20:32:38) Eileen: yeah you do (20:32:44) Fang: *resists carpet joke* (20:32:48) Eileen: yeah, he lives in Berlin (20:32:49) Eileen: lol (20:32:55) Eileen: do tell, Fang (20:33:07) Eileen: as long as my claws dont have anything to do with it (20:33:09) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, he's awesome! (20:33:19) Eileen: and my brother (20:33:24) Kinkyclawz: As is Lou Bega. (20:33:26) Fang: you really want me to ask about your carpet? (20:33:28) Eileen: *looks at Fang suspiciously* (20:33:43) Eileen: lol yeah my brother is awesome (20:33:51) Eileen: but then I'm biased (20:33:52) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaughs and hides behine the invisible chari* (20:34:03) Eileen: lol I was so proud when he got me from kindergarden (20:34:11) Eileen: when i was little that is!

(20:34:13) Fang: awww (20:34:13) Kinkyclawz: Nothing wrong with being biased toward your own family. ^^ (20:34:34) Eileen: behine the chari! No! Don't (20:34:47) Eileen: it's not the same as behind a chair, KC (20:34:48) Kinkyclawz: Awwwww. He's a little bit older than you then, huh? (20:34:50) Eileen: be careful! (20:34:55) Eileen: no it's not (20:34:56) Eileen: lol (20:35:03) Eileen: I did (20:35:06) Eileen: lol (20:35:26) Fang: then again you are tall anyway so I suppose you always walk like that (20:35:58) Kinkyclawz: Hmm. *wonders why things feel a bit different from when she hid behind the chair instead of behine the chari* (20:36:00) Fang: hang on, if you like him so much that doesn't mean he's overprotective does he? (20:36:05) Fang: is he even? (20:36:26) Eileen: nope he isnt (20:36:27) Eileen: lol (20:36:42) Eileen: but my dad is (20:36:43) Eileen: (20:36:54) Eileen: you okay, KC? behine the chari? (20:36:58) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, time to be careful Fang. (20:37:18) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine. I like the tingly sensation of being behine the chari. (20:37:38) Fang: it's Ok her Brother is in the same city not her Dad (20:38:28) Fang: and he hangs around celebrities so obviously has some secret power and influence (20:38:57) Fang: would your Dad chase me off with a stick? (20:39:25) Eileen: uhm I don't think so (20:39:28) Eileen: let me think (20:39:38) Eileen: No, just with a book (20:39:47) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, you have to think about it. (20:40:01) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I bet he's a great shot! (20:40:44) Fang: the hungry hungry furry rainbow vampire caterpillar? (20:40:52) Fang: or a heavier book (20:41:00) Fang: I could get a paper cut! (20:41:00) Kinkyclawz: With a book I mean. Ahem, not that I would think he would thorw books at you, Fang. (20:41:21) Fang: are you kidding? what if he saw the chat logs?

(20:41:37) Eileen: heavier books (20:41:48) Eileen: and no that would be no problem, he cannot read English (20:42:11) Fang: just today I've talked about her costumes, her bouncing, her naughty side, how kinky she is and her carpet (20:42:11) Kinkyclawz: Are books written in German heavier? (20:42:55) Kinkyclawz: You're right, a conversation best kept away from parental eyes. No translations, then, either. ^^ (20:43:07) Fang: did you know e-readers are heavier when they have books on them? (20:43:13) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I suppose not if they're on a Kindle? (20:43:16) Fang: I've full of useless facts tonight (20:43:33) Kinkyclawz: They are? *is gullible* (20:43:52) Eileen: yes, we use more words. lol (20:43:58) Fang: (20:44:02) Eileen: at least the sentences are translated longer (20:44:46) Eileen: of course they are heavier when you put a book on them! (20:45:09) Fang: I should stop joking around, I'm trying to educate you but you don't beleive me (20:45:16) Eileen: *rolls eyes* (20:45:36) Kinkyclawz: lmao (20:45:41) Fang: don't do that, you have nice eyes (20:45:55) Fang: here roll the dice (20:45:57) Willie: Fang rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:45:59) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:46:08) Fang: time to go I think, it's cold (20:46:09) Eileen: OUCH! (20:46:19) Eileen: ah!!!! (20:46:23) Eileen: they are stuck!!! (20:46:30) Willie: Eileen rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:46:31) Fang: oh dear (20:46:40) Fang: aww matching scores (20:46:49) Fang: his n hers (20:47:23) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:47:31) Kinkyclawz: What's stuck? (20:47:34) Fang: oh damn Eileen distracted me from Merlin discussion (20:47:51) Kinkyclawz: The dice? (20:47:51) Fang: oh well goodnight

(20:47:55) Eileen: my eyes are stuck (20:48:04) Eileen: now i have to look up forever! (20:48:07) Eileen: *sobs* (20:49:01) Fang: if only you were shorter it wouldn't be such a problem (20:49:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww, no! That can't be! Surely a Time Lord will be able to help! (20:49:10) Fang: but then you wouldn't have long legs (20:49:17) Fang: it's a complex dilema (20:49:35) Fang: *er* waves my screwdriver in Eileen's eyes (20:49:54) Fang: there that should work, but you may now have x-ray specs (20:50:04) Fang: or even x-ray vision (20:50:04) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:50:26) Eileen: Ouch! (20:50:36) Eileen: dont use a screwdriver in my eyes! (20:50:43) Eileen: they will be screwed up (20:51:06) Fang: sorry, look at me and tell me if you see anything unusual (well more unusual than normal) (20:51:06) Eileen: oh! they are unstuck! (20:51:08) Eileen: yay! (20:51:12) Kinkyclawz: It's only a sonic one... (20:51:38) Eileen: hmmm... you have a brain! (20:51:48) Fang: how rude (20:51:52) Fang: right that's it (20:51:55) Eileen: is it normal to have that in your head? (20:51:57) Fang: I'm storming off (20:52:00) Eileen: do i have one? (20:52:10) Fang: you'll have some making up to do next week (20:52:18) Eileen: *sobs* (20:52:22) Fang: try not to watch me as I storm out (20:52:31) Eileen: you told me to tell you if i see something i dont see otherwise (20:52:31) Fang: goodnight KC and Eileen's Dad (20:52:41) Fang: say hi to Genie or JD if they drop in (20:52:42) Eileen: i have x-ray vision and saw your brain! (20:52:56) Fang: no you said it was unusual for me to have a brain (20:53:03) Eileen: *sees KC's brain, too* (20:53:05) Fang: me! the intellectual heavyweight (20:53:15) Eileen: *looks in the mirror and sees hers too* (20:53:22) Eileen: oh! I have a brain, too! (20:53:25) Fang: the cheek of it

(20:53:28) Kinkyclawz: Do you want a magnifying glass to see my brian, Eileen? (20:53:37) Eileen: no, no need (20:53:45) Eileen: but could you get me one for mine? (20:53:46) Fang: and talking of cheeks I remind you not to look as I leave (20:53:48) Fang: goodnight (20:53:53) Fang: *tardis noise* (20:54:00) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:54:02) Eileen: *looks as Fang leaves* (20:54:07) Eileen: *blushes* (20:54:10) Eileen: I saw it! (20:54:11) Eileen: Oops (20:54:14) Kinkyclawz: Oooh, an unexpected side effect-it was a surprised reaction to the cure for her eyes, I'm sure, right Eileen? (20:54:28) Eileen: yes (20:54:32) Kinkyclawz: *shouts after the Tardis* Aww, goodnight Fang! (20:54:37) Eileen: I just noticed i was able to see his brain (20:54:41) Eileen: *sobs* (20:54:47) Eileen: Good night, Fang! (20:54:51) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you saw it with X-ray vision, Eileen, huh? LOL (20:54:54) Eileen: ... and Fang's cheeks (20:55:02) Eileen: I did (20:55:07) Kinkyclawz: *grinz cheekily* (20:55:33) Kinkyclawz: Good girl! I'm sure he'll be flattered when he finds out. ^^ (20:56:15) Eileen: teehee (20:57:03) Kinkyclawz: And speaking of which... shall we two call it a night too? (20:57:28) Eileen: yes let's (20:57:29) Eileen: (20:57:30) Kinkyclawz: You can launder your bath robe belt again, make it softererer. (20:57:42) Kinkyclawz: For next week. (20:57:52) Eileen: i will! (20:57:54) Eileen: lol (20:58:04) Eileen: but its already softestestest (20:58:14) Kinkyclawz: And I can... work on getting out of this darned rainbowcoloured vampire caterpillar costume. (20:58:40) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, then snuggle up and cuddle it's softnessessess. (20:59:38) Eileen: i will (20:59:41) Eileen: (20:59:46) Eileen: Do you need any help? (21:00:10) Kinkyclawz: *hugz* Goodnight and have brilliant, soft, snuggly dreams!

(21:00:25) Eileen: goodnight!!! Muah! (21:00:35) Kinkyclawz: Oh, if you could find the zip for me that would be lovely. Thanks Twister! (21:01:06) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight! MUAH! Oh hey, don't forget my zip before you go, willya?.... (21:01:18) Kinkyclawz: Eileen? (21:01:36) Kinkyclawz: ... (21:01:47) Kinkyclawz: Eil... Eileen? (21:02:04) Kinkyclawz: *twists around to try to get to the costume's zip* (21:03:02) Eileen: *appears behind KC and undoes the zipper* (21:04:08) Kinkyclawz: Ahhhhh, that's better. Thankyou!! MUAH! *wriggles out of the costume* Atchoo! *sneezes a final furry rainbow* (21:04:11) Eileen: *then vanishes again* goodnight! (21:04:38) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou for unvanishing for me! Bye bye and have an awesome week!! (21:06:13) Kinkyclawz: *looks around... leaves a note for Genie and JD, if they should visit, and leaves - putting the light out as she leaves* Goodnight Willie.

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