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NEILL-WYCIK CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE INCORPORATED Organizational By-law BY-LAW No. 34 BE IT ENACTED as a by-law of NEILL-WYCIK CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE INC. (the “Co-operative”) that By- law 31 and all other by-laws relating to the organization of the co-operative are hereby repealed in their entirety and the following substituted therefore: ‘ABY-LAW RELATING GENERALLY TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE CO-OPERATIVE NEILL-WYCIK CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE INC. BY-LAW 34 PAGE 1 1. HEAD OFFICE Article 1: HEAD OFFICE 4A Head Office The head office of the Co-operative shalll be in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, and at such place therein as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine, NEILL-WYCIK CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE INC. BY-LAW 34 PAGE 2 2. MEMBERS Article 2: MEMBERS 24 Who May Be a Member 22 Right to Occupy 23 No Discrimination 24 Educational and Social Activities Fee 25 Termination Membership is open to all applicants deemed acceptable as outlined in the By-laws, especially the Occupancy By-law, and Regulations of-the’Co-operative. Members thus accepted may be offered the right to occupy residential space within the Co-operative by Occupancy ‘Agreement, where such space is requested and available. There shall be no political, religious, or racial discrimination or discrimination based on sexual orientation in the selection of the members of the Co-operative. Each member shall pay annually an Education and Social Activities Fee. The amount of this fee shall be determine from time to time by the membership on the recommendations of the Board of Directors. Termination of membership shall be pursuant to section 64 (by the member) and section 66 (by the co-operative) of the Co-operative Corporations Act, unless the member has occupancy rights in which case terminations shall be pursuant to section 171.8. NEILL-WYCIK CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE INC, BY-LAW 34 PAGE 3

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