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Calendar Year: 2007-2008 [Fall Semester]
.[Course No. &Title: 2-MST 121: Using Mathematics [Blocks C & D
.Date: January, 17th, 2007. Duration: 150 minutes

Question Parts Questions Answered Earned Points Tutors' Signatures

Part I (36 Pts)
Part II (64 Pts)
Total (100 Pts)

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Student No.: Student Name:
Section No.: Tutor’s Name:

Please answer as many questions as possible. Each question is worth 4
points. In this part, your grade is the total of the best nine (9) grades for
answers to nine (9) questions, from amongst your answers to the
available thirteen (13) questions. From the given choices, a, b, c & d,
please do box the choice that solves the question best, and write down
the letter corresponding to your choice in the space provided. Should
you think that the correct answer is not among the four choices, please
write the word: NONE, for none of the above, in the space provided.
Question− 1: An anti-derivative for the function, f (t ) = e 2t − 1, is:
(a) e − x (c) 0.5e − t (d) 0.5e + t
2t 2t t 2t
(b) 0.5e -t
The answer is: b
Question− 2: The distance of a free falling rock from a mountain top, subject
to the acceleration, a(t) = g = − 10 m/s2, in 2 s, (i.e. in the interval, [0, 2]), is:
(a) − 40 m (b) − 30 m (c) − 20 m (d) − 10 m
The answer is: c
Question− 3:The derivative value of the function, f(x) = ln(1+ x2), at x =1, is:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) −1
The answer is: a
Question− 4: An inflection point for the function, f (x) = x (1+ x), is at:
(a) x = − 1/2 (b) x = 1 (c) x = 0 (d) x = −1
The answer is: None
Question− 5: The function, f (x) = x + x2, is:

(a) Increasing (b) Decreasing (c) Concave down (d) Concave up

The answer is: d

Question− 6: For, x > 0, and n any positive integer, the derivative of the

function, f ( x) = ∑ ln( x ) , at x = 1, is:


i =1

(a) 0 (b) infinite (c) n (2 n +1) (d)n (n +1)/2


The answer is: c


Question− 7: The size of the sample space, S, associated with the experiment
of tossing a fair die is:

(a) {1,2, ...6} (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 0

The answer is: b
Question− 8: The expected value, E(X), of the random variable X, associated
with the experiment of tossing a fair die is:
(a) 7/2 (b) 35/2 (c) 6 (d) 3
The answer is: a

Question− 9: The probability of the event, {x is a square outcome}, to that of
the event {x is an odd outcome}, is:
(a) 1 (b) 2/3 (c) 1/2 (d) 0
The answer is: b
Question− 10: The mean for the geometric distribution, with probability for
failure, q = 1/10, is:
(a) 10 (b) 1/10 (c) 10/9 (d) 9/10
The answer is: c

Question− 11: On a multiple choice exam, the probability that each question is
answered correctly is p = P({success})= 0.9, then the required probability for
providing 10 consecutive incorrect answers is:
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.9 (c) 1010 (d) 10-10
The answer
is: d
Question− 12: The mean for the set of squares,{1, 4, 9,…, n2}, when n =10, is:

(a) 55 (b) 5.5 (c) 38.5 (d) 385

The answer is: c

Question− 13: On the interval, [0, ∞ ), the mean for the probability density
function, f ( x) = e − x . [Hint: note that, d (−(1 + x)e − x ) / dx = xe− x ].

(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) −1 (d) − ∞

The answer is: a


Please answer as many questions as possible. Each question has 4 sub-
parts and each sub- part is worth 4 points, for a total of 16 points for
each question. In this part, your grade is the total of the best four (4)
grades for answers to four (4) questions, from amongst your answers to
the available six (6) questions. Please show your work, write down your
answers neatly in the answer notebook provided for this purpose.
Question– 1: Consider the function, f (x) = x – ln (1+ x2).
(a) Find the first derivative, f ′(x), for the function, f (x)

f ′(x) = 1 – 2x/(1+ x2) = (1+ x2 – 2 x) /(1+ x2) = (1– x)2/(1+ x2).

(b) Find, f (3), f ′(3), and the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the
function, f (x), at x = 3, if any.

f (3) = 3 – ln(10), and, f ′(3) = 4/10= 0.4.

Hence, the Tangent line equation is: y = 0.4(x – 3) +3 – ln(10)

(c) Find the critical points of the function, f (x), if any.

Setting, f ′(x) = 0, implies that, (1– x)2 = 0, or that, x = 1, is a critical point.

(d)Find the second derivative, f ′′ (x), of the function, f (x). Find the
inflection points for the function, f (x), if any.

The second derivative, f ′′ (x) = 2(x –1)[2x2– x +1]/(1+ x2)2.

Setting, f ′′ (x) = 0, implies that, x = 1, is the only inflection point.

Question– 2: Consider the function, f (x) = sin [( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)], on [−1, 0].
(a) Find the values, f (−1), f (0). Solve the equation, f (x) = −1, in [−1, 0].

First, f (−1) = 0, f (0) = 1. f (x) = −1= sin [( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)], implies that, for
some integer k, ( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)= (2k π − π / 2 ), yielding,(x3 + 1)= 4k −1. Hence,
x = 3 4k − 2 . Setting, −1< x = 3 4k − 2 < 0 implies, ¼ < k < ½, which is a
contradiction to k being an integer. Therefore, there is no solution in [−1, 0].

(b) Find the first derivative, f ′(x), of the function, f(x).

The derivative, f ′(x) = 3x2( π / 2 )cos[( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)].

(c) Find the area, A, under the derivative, f ′(x), in [−1, 0].

By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the area, A = f (0) − f (−1) =1.

(d) Consider the function, g(x) = −3x2sin [( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)]. Find the average of
the function, g(x), in the interval, [−1, 0].

Note that the length of the interval, [−1, 0], =0 −(−1) = 1. So, the average of
the function, g(x), is simply the area, [( 2 / π )cos[( π / 2 )(x3 + 1)]] 0−1 = − 2 / π .
Question–3: For, x > 0, and n any positive integer, consider the function,
f ( x) = ∑ ln( x i ) .
i =1

(a) Express the function, f (x), explicitly in terms of n and x.


The function, f ( x) = ∑ ln( x ) = ln( x

(1+ 2+... n )
) = n(n + 1) ln( x) / 2.
i =1

(b) Find the derivative, f ′(x), of the function, f(x), at x = 1/2.

The derivative, f ′(x) = n (n+1)/2x. So, f ′(1/2) = n (n+1).

(c) Knowing that the derivative of the function, G (x)= x[ln (x) −1] is, ln (x),
for which value n is the differential equation, 28dG/dx = f(x).

Setting, 28= n (n+1)/2, implies, 56 = n (n+1)=7*8, and hence, n = 7.

(d) Find, n, if any, such that the area under, f(x), in the interval [1, e], is 6.

e n(n + 1) e
Setting, ∫1 f ( x)dx =
2 ∫1
ln( x)dx = (1 / 2)n(n + 1)[G (e) − G (1)] = (1 / 2)n(n + 1) = 6.

So, n (n + 1)= 12 = 3*4, whence, n = 3.


Question–4: On the interval, [0, ∞ ), consider the function, f ( x) = e − x .

(a) Find f (0), and lim f ( x) , as x → ∞ .

Note that, f (0) = 1, and, lim f ( x) = 0+, as x → ∞ .

(b) Use differentiation to show that f (x) is an invertible function on [0, ∞ ).

Note that, f ' ( x) = −e − x = − f ( x) < 0 , Therefore, f (x) is decreasing on [0, ∞ ),
and strictly so. So, f (x) is 1- 1, and hence invertible.

(c) Show that, f (x), is a probability density function on [0, ∞ ).

In fact, f (x) > 0, on [0, ∞ ). Now, integrating, f(x), on the interval, [0, ∞ ),

yields, ∫0
e − x dx = [−e − x ]∞0 = 1. Hence, f (x), is a pdf.

(d) Find the mean, µ , for the probability density function, f (x).

The mean, µ = ∫ xe dx = [− xe ]0 + ∫0 e dx = 1. (integration by parts).
−x −x ∞ −x

Alternatively, students may use the hint in Question–13, Part I, above,

d (−(1 + x)e ) / dx = xe , and therefore, µ = ∫ xe dx = [−(1 + x)e ]0 = 1. …………

−x −x −x −x ∞

Question–5: For n > 0, consider the set of consecutive odd numbers,
O ={1, 3, 5,…, (2n–1)}.

(a) Find the median, m, for the set O.

For, n odd the median is the middle number, which is itself n. For n, even
then the median is the average of the most two middle consecutive numbers
=[(n–1) + (n+1)]/2= n. So the median of the set, O, is m = n.

(b) Find the mean, x , for the set O.

For the set, O, the mean, x = (1 / n)∑ (2i − 1) = (1 / n)[n(n + 1) − n] = n 2 / n = n.
i =1

(c) Write the expressions for the variance, s2, for the set O, for small n.
1 n
The variance for small n, is given by: s =

n − 1 i =1
(2i − 1 − n) 2 .

(d) For n = 4, find m, x , and, s2.

We have, O ={1, 3, 5,7} and hence,

m = x = n = 4, and, s 2 = [(1 − 4) 2 + (3 − 4) 2 + (5 − 4) 2 + (7 − 4) 2 ] = 20 / 3.

Question– 6: A set of 208 small wild birds caught at random was found to
be composed of 80 males (M), having sample mean wing length =15.2 cm,
with a standard deviation of 0.32 cm, and 128 females (F), with sample
mean wing length 14.75 cm, and a standard deviation of, 0.34 cm. We
propose to use this data to find out whether there is a difference between the
male and female birds wing lengths.

(a) Establish the null, and alternative hypotheses.

Set the male birds mean wing length = µ M ,

Set the female birds mean wing length = µ F ,
The null hypothesis: H0: µ M = µ F .
The alternative hypothesis: H1: µ M ≠ µ F .

(b) Find the estimated standard error, ESE, for the sampling distribution.

The sampling distribution, ESE = 0.322 / 80 + 0.342 / 128 = 0.0467.

(c) Find the two sample test statistic, Z, associated with M, and, F.

Denote the sample male birds mean wing length = xM .
Denote the sample female birds mean wing length = xF .
Z = [ xM − xF ] / ESE =[15.2 – 14.75]/ESE = 0.45/0.0467 = 9.64.

(d) Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis at the 5%, significance level?

In this case , Z = 9.64 > 1.96, and hence, H0 is rejected at the, 5% , level.

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