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Passport to Success
JETSET Pre-intermediate Level 3 (SET version)

Passport to Success

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EDI International House Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry CV3 4PE United Kingdom

Education Development International plc 2009

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Introduction | Chapter 1 Personal Information | Chapter 2 At School and College | Chapter 3 On Holiday | Chapter 4 Health and Medicine | Chapter 5 Jobs | Chapter 6 Crime | Chapter 7 Clothes | Chapter 8 Where you live | Chapter 9 Food and Drink | Chapter 10 Entertainment | Chapter 11 Nature | Chapter 12 Vocabulary lists | Chapter 13 Answers | 4 5 11 19 26 30 37 43 49 55 61 68 73 84

EDI is a leading international awarding body that was formed through the merger of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB) and a leading online assessment provider (GOAL). EDI now delivers qualifications internationally through a network of over 5000 registered centres in more than 120 countries worldwide. Our range of qualifications is trusted and valued by employers worldwide and recognised by universities and professional bodies. This workbook is part of the EDI Passport to Success series of workbooks. The JETSET Passport to Success titles have been designed as tools to reinforce prior learning and, as such, they are suitable for use as either homework books or as key classroom resources. This particular title has been written specifically to meet the needs of learners preparing to sit senior (SET) versions of the JETSET Level 3 qualification. It covers the key syllabus topics and focuses on the core vocabulary and grammar demands. It is important to emphasise that this workbook is offered as a tool to reinforce class-based learning and should only be used as part of a language course and in conjunction with other JETSET support materials. Further resources to support the JETSET qualifications include sample exam papers, the JETSET syllabus and teaching support materials. Please either contact your local EDI representative or visit the EDI website ( for more information and to find out how to acquire these additional resources.

Part One

Personal Information

Mohammed has just started a new job in a company. He is sitting in the company cafeteria and John joins him. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Youre new here, ____________________ (to be) you?

Yes, I am.

Im John. How are you?

Fine Thanks. My names Mohammed.

Nice to meet you. How long ____________________ (to be) here?

This is my first week.

I see. So you dont know many people then.

No I dont. Whos that man over there with the blonde hair?

Hes called Gregor. We work together.

Part One continued

And the woman wearing glasses?

Thats Lina. Shes my boss. ____________________ (join) the company football club yet?

Yes, Im ____________________ (train) at the weekend. What about you?

Yeah, me too, but I ____________________ (not come) on Sunday as I ____________________ (visit) my grandmother Shes 94 you know!

Wow! My grandfathers old but hes only 75.

I know youre new but have you thought about your holidays yet?

I ____________________ (go) to France for two weeks in April. I ____________________ (hope) to improve my French. What about you?

We ____________________ (might) go to Scotland but Im not sure or perhaps Ireland It depends on my wife and the twins!!.

Part Two Mary

Mary is married and lives in London with her family - husband Paul, son Nicholas and daughter Amanda. They all live near her uncles and aunts. She is a teacher and enjoys her job. She is 32 years old and enjoys reading and going to the cinema. She is gentle and generous she enjoys buying presents for her friends and family. She would like to learn how to speak Spanish and hopes to travel to Spain for the first time. Tick ( ) the correct answer.


Mary is over 30 and lives near her relatives. A True B False C Not in the text


Mary is mean. A True B False C Not in the text


Mary has been to Spain. A True B False C Not in the text

Abdul is a bus driver. He is polite and serious. He is single and hes the eldest in his family. He has 3 brothers. He used to enjoy his job but now he is bored. He wants to go to university next year to become a teacher but he is worried the he wont have enough money. He used to enjoy fishing but now he has no time. Tick ( ) the correct answer.


Abdul has an older brother. A True B False C Not in the text


Abdul wants to go out more often. A True B False C Not in the text

Part Two (continued)

6. Abdul likes his job. A True B False C Not in the text


Abdul thinks he will have money problems at university. A True B False C Not in the text

John is a mechanic and lives in Leeds. He is 25 years old and is not married. He is helpful and kind. He enjoys water skiing and going to the cinema. He comes from a big family and looks like his Dad. He generally feels happy but would like to own a garage in the future maybe if he wins the lottery! Tick ( ) the correct answer.


Johns appearance is similar to his Mums. A True B False C Not in the text


John wants to work for someone else. A True B False C Not in the text


John is lucky. A True B False C Not in the text

Part Three
Read the following conversation between Mohammed, the new worker, and John who has been at the company for some time. Then tick ( ) the best answer to each question below.

As Im new here Im feeling nervous and scared about everything. Who do I go to if I have any problems?

Well, you are free to speak to a friend but in my opinion, the best person for advice or if youre worried about anything is your manager. Mines Lina Harris. Shes a bit mad but shes always very helpful.

My manager is Mr. Maxwell. When can I talk to him?

You can arrange to meet him when you both have a break or if you have a question which needs a lot of time, you can fix a time to meet him in his private office the best time is usually in the afternoon.

Thanks for that. Ill talk to him as soon as I have a problem then.

Part Three (continued)

1. How does Mohamed feel about being a new worker? A B C 2. He is very happy at his new job. He is feeling a little frightened. He wants to work hard.

Who, according to John, is the best person to speak to if a worker needs advice about work problems? A B C The manager A friend Your family


When can a worker meet their manager if they have a big problem? A B C Before work starts At break time In the afternoon


What is the best time for a worker to meet their manager if they have a small problem? A B C At break time After work In the afternoon


Is Mohamed going to arrange to meet his manager? A B C Yes because Mohamed had a problem before Yes because Mohamed has a problem now No because Mohamed doesnt have a problem yet


Part Four
Answer the questions below in full sentences.


Who is the eldest in your family?


Who do you look like in your family?


What will you do when you finish working at the job you are at now?


How would you describe yourself?


How do you feel when you go to a job interview?


What did you enjoy doing when you were younger?


Part Four (continued)

7. What will you do on your next holiday?


What did you do on your last holiday?


How long have you been studying English?


What are your hobbies?


Are you male or female?


Part One

At School and College

Fill in the gaps in the conversation from the table on page 15.

Excuse me Mrs. Patel, when is our Business Studies __________________ ?


Well you can ____________________ ___________________. times.



by looking at the examination

Its got all the exams and the dates and

OK, ___________________


I bring my ___________________


to help me work out the difficult sums?

You ___________________


bring it in for the Business Studies

exam but it will only be useful if you know how to work out the ___________________.

What about a ____________________ help me ____________________



for the English exam to

my spelling?

Im afraid not?


Part One continued

Can I use a pencil in the exam?

Yes but make sure you bring a pencil sharpener and a rubber. Its also a good idea to bring a ruler.

How many ____________________ lots wrong.


can I make? I think I will get

If you get more than 25 ___________________


out of 50 you will

have to do the exam again. So you need to get 50% right to ___________________

the exam.

When do we get the ___________________


The following week. You have to collect them from the office.

And how long does the exam ____________________


1 hour By the way if you ____________________


the exam

because youre ill you have to take another one when youre better.


Part One continued

Oh I see.

Any more questions No? OK just remember to study hard; look at your notes from class carefully, ____________________ you have studied, and read the ____________________ so you know what to do and youll be fine no one will ___________________.
(18) (16)

everything in the exam


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

lesson get it right timetable cant calculator can information calculator see messages errors fail vocabulary leave out collect attend message pass

exam understand practice must dictionary cant problems book check corrections results pass information miss check translate vocabulary fail

competition find out lesson can book mustnt errors dictionary understand mistakes rules understand results last miss revise instructions understand


Part Two
Look at the pictures to complete the sentences.


If you study hard


If you use your mobile phone in class


If you miss a class



walk on the grass because your shoes will get dirty.



use a mobile phone on a train because you will disturb other people.



arrive on time when you visit friends.


Part Three
Read the dialogue between two Business Studies students Anya and Benjamin who have met at the local library and tick ( ) the correct answer below.

Whats your college like then?

Its all right but its quite strict, we need to behave or we get sent out of the class.

What subjects do you have to study for your course?

Besides English and Economics we have to study an IT subject. Im doing Computer Programming and its lucky for me Im interested in it. I want to be a Computer scientist some day.

Its the same for us except we have to take a language as well. Im doing German because Im really interested in German business.

Is it easy?

No its not. I have a dictionary for the vocabulary but you really have to pay attention in class if you want to get the grammar right.


Part Three (continued)

What about exams?

They are usually at the end of term. They are fairly easy to pass but you need to do a load of revision if you want to get a good mark. Some fail though.

Using the information tick ( ) the best answer.


Students who do not behave in class A B C have to see the head of the College. have to leave the classroom. can come back later.


Why is Anya doing Computer Programming and Benjamin doing German? A B C because they have to study these subjects. because they are good at these subjects. because they are interested in these subjects.


Both Anya and Benjamin have to: A B C study Economics, IT and English. study Economics only. study Economics and a language.


Exams are: A B C very easy to pass. quite easy if you study hard. easy to fail.


Part Four
Read the rules below and using cant, have to, can, should, must, mustnt fill in the gaps overleaf.


Part Four (continued)

1. Students miss any classes.


Students leave early for medical appointments.


Students pay for any damage they cause to the college.


Students go to the laboratories but only if there is a lecturer present.


Students walk on the grass.


Students join an after class activity.


Part One

On Holiday

Read the conversation below and then decide whether the statements that follow are true (A) false (B) or not in text (C).

Hello, Id like to go abroad for a few weeks do you have any offers?

Do you want to go by rail or air?

Rail sounds more interesting but I suppose a plane will get me there quicker so yes by air.

How many weeks?

2 or 3

OK let me see Right weve got a flight to Barcelona not to the main airport but the one outside of the city.

Thats OK How much luggage am I allowed to take?

Up to 20kg Theres a hotel included as well.


Part One continued

Oh no! I dont want a hotel I want to go camping. You see I want to leave behind the city and really relax. You know, see ancient places and go where the sun shines and the grass is green. Im really interested in the wild life. Im sick of all these modern cities.

OK So do you want me to book just a flight then?

Yes please Id like to go next week Now what happens if I want to cancel? Do I get my money back?

Right Well if you have insurance and youre ill then yes you get your money back. Otherwise you wont. OK so should I book it?

Yes please Can I pay by credit card?

Yes, and Ill need you passport number to book it.


Part One continued

Decide if each of the following statements is true (A) false (B) or not in text (C). Using the information tick ( ) the best answer.


The customer wants to stay in the UK for her holiday. A True B False C Not in text


The customer wants to travel by aeroplane. A True B False C Not in text


You can take 2 bags but no more than 20kg. A True B False C Not in text


The customer owns a tent and sleeping bag. A True B False C Not in text


The customer wants to enjoy nature when she is on holiday. A True B False C Not in text


The travel agent offers to book the flight to Barcelona. A True B False C Not in text


You get your money back if you have insurance and you are ill. A True B False C Not in text


The travel agent only needs the customers credit card to book the holiday. A True B False C Not in text


Part Two
Read the letter below and fill in the gaps with suitable words.

Dear John, Finally, heres my letter! Im ___________________ a lovely time. The sun _______ ___________ now but when we first arrived in the evening it was really foggy and you ___________________ only see a metre or two in front. We arrived late because the plane was ___________________. Anyway the flight was good and we had a lovely stewardess who ___________________ after us and gave us free drinks!

The weather is lovely here it is very _______________ but youve got to be careful in the sun otherwise youll get ___________________ . The forecast is fair for the next week but there ___________________ be a thunderstorm or two.

Theres ___________________ to do here. Yesterday we __________________ for a bike ride but I had to stop because there was no air in my tyre. I had a puncture! When it was fixed I ___________________ to the top of a mountain - the view was great.

This evening __________________________ to go to the cinema or maybe to the theatre. We have not _______________________ which yet.

Ill see you when I ___________________ home.

Wish ___________________ here.

Yours ___________________



Part Three
Look at the timetable and then answer the questions in full sentences.


At what time can I do some exercise?


How long is the Spanish class in the morning?


On what dates can I join a guided tour of the village?


At what time do the childrens activities take place?


When can I learn to use my camera?


Part Three (continued)

6. If I am interested in being a pilot, which activity should I join?


At what time is the advanced Spanish class?


Part Four
Read the conversation between two people who meet on holiday at their hotel and select the correct answer to the questions below.

Hi my names Alex. Im from London.

My names Suhil Im also from London. How long have you been here?

About a week. And you?

Well a few days more actually - around 10 days. Is this your first time here?

Ive been here before but this time its better because there are loads more things to do.

I see. Like what?

Well theres a swimming pool and a golf course. Last year there was only ballroom dancing which is not for me! Tonight theres a Karaoke session are you going?

Yes that sounds great. Im going to really try and come but Im not sure right now. We might be going out for a meal. But, tomorrow theres a band coming to the hotel. Theyll be here all night so may be well see you there then.


Part Four (continued)

Please tick ( ) the best answer for each statement:


Suhil and Alex are: A B C in the place where they are staying. at home. at a football match.


Alex and Suhil have been there for: A B C exactly the same amount of time. different lengths of time. about the same amount of time.


Alex: A B C has never been there before. has been there once before. would like to go there again.


Alex: A B D is enjoying his holiday. must enjoy his holiday. will enjoy his holiday.


Alex and Suhil both: A B C want to go to the Karaoke session. went to the Karaoke session. think the Karaoke session will not be good.


Part One

Health and Medicine

Fill the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets.

I ____________________(have) an accident I____________________(hurt) my ankle.

Oh dear what did you do?

I ____________________(fall) while I ____________________(play) hockey.

Let me have a look. Its quite swollen. ____________________ you ____________________(slip) or ____________________ you ____________________(knock down)?

It ____________________(to be) my fault. I slipped.

Well it____________________(to be) quite a bad injury. You ____________________(to need) to go to hospital and have a proper bandage put on. Call the hospital and ________________ (tell) them it ____________________(to be) an emergency


Part Two
Read the conversation and choose the correct word from the table on page 31 to fill the gaps.

Ive got a really sore ____________________


it really hurts when


I swallow. Ive also got a bad ____________________ in my chest. Ive got an earache too.

and it hurts

It sounds like youve got a really bad ____________________ . Let me listen to your ____________________ ____________________ .
(5) (4)


and look in your

Oh Dear. You are really hot. I think you have a _________________ Let me take your temperature - 39 degrees! Youve got ____________________ . You need to go to bed and take some


medicine. Ill give you a prescription for some ___________________ to make you feel better. Also take two ____________________


before you go to bed that will help with the fever. Youve got to look after ____________________


Part Two (continued)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. throat headache aspirin chest ears headache a headache bandages bandages myself neck cough temperature ears nose fever fever pills apples himself nose stomach ache cold mouth heart toothache flu flu aspirins yourself


Part Three
Look at the pictures of people who have something wrong with them and then complete the sentence by giving some advice.


Why dont you


What about


You should

Now look at the picture and write your own sentence giving advice to the person.




Part Four

It is important to do 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week. This means walking briskly, going jogging, swimming, or any type of exercise that raises your heart rate. Doing this will keep you healthy and make you feel better. In addition to maintaining your fitness level you should also eat healthily this means eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. You must not smoke if you want to try to stay healthy and try not to drink. If you do, then not more than 21 units of alcohol a week if you are a man, and 14 units if you are a woman. People under the age of 18 should not drink alcohol at all.

Read the notice above then answer the questions that follow by ticking ( ) the correct answer. A 1. Doing exercise is... B C A 2. Exercise will... B C good for your brain. good for your heart. good for your arms and legs. help you to live longer. make you feel better. make you die early. A 3 As well as keeping fit you should... B C rest on 2 days a week. eat 5 portions of fruit. eat 5 portions of fruit and Vegetables. A 4. It is important... B C to drink alcohol to keep you healthy. not to smoke or drink alcohol. to smoke daily.



Part One
Read the adverts above for Part-time and Summer Holiday jobs and answer the questions on the following page.


Part One (continued)

1. In which job do you earn more money the more you work?


For which job do you need to really like other people?


I hate getting up early in the mornings. Which job should I not apply for?


I can use a typewriter and am good a filing things. Which job should I apply for?


Part Two
Read the following conversation between two college students at the end of their second year, Arpad and Daniela talking about their future plans. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

What do you want to do later when you finish College?

Not sure yet. I think I ____________________ and wait and see how well I do in my exams - what about you?

Oh well, when I finish college, I want to have a really exciting job like my Dad, hes a businessman. His phone is always ringing and he is always going off to meetings he really seems to enjoy that.

Well I want to go to university and study something. The careers advisor has ____________________ me that I should think very carefully about the subjects I choose next year for my exams. Maybe I____________________ be an engineer or something like that.

What does an engineer do?

Umm well they build bridges and roads and things like that. I think actually they are the people ____________________ design them they dont actually build them.


Part Two (continued)

My Dads sort of a builder.

I thought he was a businessman.

Well he is, but he ____________________ be a builder - he started when he was a ____________________. But now he runs a building business.

Oh I see Somehow I dont want to do anything physical or practical like building or being an ____________________ I mean you might get electrocuted or hurt in some way. Or for that matter be a ____________________ you might get burned or even die!

What about other practical jobs like a butcher?

I dont think I would enjoy cutting up meat, ____________________ you?

Well the only practical thing I can think of is being a chef I think Id really like that ____________________ I really like cooking and eating.

Me too.


Part Three
Look at the following pieces of information about jobs and tick ( ) the correct answer. 1. Someone who cooks food in a restaurant is..... A B C your mother a chef a gardener


Someone who writes for a newspaper is..... A B C a writer a journalist a film director


Someone who protects and looks after a person or a place is..... A B C a guard a teacher a butcher


Someone who repairs cars is..... A B C a mechanic a reporter a soldier


Someone who does practical work with their hands such as builder, electrician or mechanic is..... A B C a workman a writer a speaker


Part Four
Now complete the sentences with a description of the job. You may need to write one or two sentences.


A businessman is someone who


A butcher is someone who


A builder is someone who


A soldier is someone who


A model is someone who


Part Five
Choose the correct missing words and write them in the spaces provided so the questions and answers make sense.


Youve started your new job, A B havent you arent you C D didnt you are you

Yes, I have.


You not going to apply for a Saturday job, A B arent you are you C D dont you do you

No, Im not.


You didnt go to see the dentist, A B do you didnt you C D did you will you

No, I didnt.


Your mother was teacher at this school, A B isnt she wasnt she C D does she didnt she

Yes, she was.


You wanted to be a doctor, A B did you werent you C D were you didnt you

Yes, I did.


Part One


Read the following interview between a policeman and a suspect. Look at the statements after and decide if they are True, False or Not in the text. Tick ( ) the correct answer.

So where were you on the night of the 13 ?

I was with my friend.

Which friend?

Hes called Pete.

Look youre making this difficult. Can you give us some more details? Where were you? What were you doing?

OK. OK We went out for a drink then we went back to his house. It was quite dark. As we walked back there was a couple arguing and shouting outside the town hall. Apart from that it was a quiet Sunday night.

And did you go anywhere near the railway bridge that evening?

Look I havent done anything I went out for a drink with my friend. Im not lying.

Were not accusing you of anything. We just want to know what you were doing.


Part One (continued)

Well I didnt do it. I couldnt hurt anyone.

What do you mean? Who said anything about hurting anyone? Look. Give me your friends full name and address. We need to check your story.

Hes not around. Hes gone to Spain I think.

I see. Look. I think it would be better if you got a lawyer.


The suspect said he was in Islington to kill someone. A True B False C Not in text


At the beginning of the conversation the suspect gives the police a lot of information. A True B False C Not in text


The suspects friend is called Pete. A True B False C Not in text


The suspect heard a couple arguing. A True B False C Not in text


The suspect said he and Pete walked past the railway bridge. A True B False C Not in text


The policeman is accusing the suspect of doing something. A True B False C Not in text


Part One (continued)

7. The suspect denies that he has done anything. A True B False C Not in text


The policeman believes the suspect. A True B False C Not in text


The suspect says he is telling the truth. A True B False C Not in text


The suspect killed someone. A True B False C Not in text


Part Two
Tick ( ) the best answer for each of these questions.


Did you hear about that robbery down the road?

Yeah. When did it happen? A B C usually at 10pm at night. at 10pm last night. tomorrow night at 10pm.


My dogs missing. Oh dear. How did that happen?


She ran away while we were walking in the park. Shell run away tomorrow. She was running away when you arrived.


They are sending my next door neighbour to prison.

Why? A B C He robbed a bank. He went on holiday. He helped someone.


Were you in Market Street last night at 10 pm?

No. Why? I A B C was at home. dont agree. am.


Part Two (continued)

5. What did she say last night to the police?


She said Hello my name is.. She says Hello my name is.. She told Hello my name is


When he was arrested he refused to leave his house.

Why? A B C Because he said he didnt do it. Because he said he did do it. Because he was tired.


The detectives were looking for clues in the house.

Oh A B C Did they find any fingerprints? Did they find any handcuffs? Did they find any policemen?


Dont break the law. Why not? A B C You will get a good job in the future. You may go to prison. You will get money.


Part Three
Tick ( ) the best option to fill in each numbered gap in the text below.

As I

________________ home along Acacia Avenue after work at around 9pm I

________________ that one of the downstairs windows was open in number 26


Mr. and Mrs. Joness house. I thought they

______________ to close it but then I


saw broken glass on the ground. I thought it

________________ a burglar so I

thought it was best to see if they were alright. I was about to walk up the garden path to ring the door bell, when I heard a womans scream. I was very frightened and felt in
(6) (5)


________________ so I hid

behind a tree in the garden. After about 30 seconds, a man ran out. I cant say what he looked like except he He
(8) (7)

________________ quite young and around 6 feet tall.


________________ a beard but I cant say as he

________________ his

face with his hand.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

was coming notice forget is suddenly danger seem might have had hides

come was noticing had forgotten may be finally truth seems might have was hiding

have come noticed have forgotten will be secondly side seemed will have had hidden


Part Four
Read the profiles of the three wanted criminals and then answer the questions below.


Who is wanted for stealing cars?


Who is wanted for stealing things from shops or from people?


Who is the youngest criminal?


Who escaped from prison?


What kind of tattoo does Robert Darwin have?


Who is between 40 and 60 years old?


Part One


Read the conversation below between Ajitha and her friend Helga from Germany and tick ( ) the correct answer.

Hey what are you going to wear to Peter and Sarahs party tonight?

Not sure yet Isnt it Peters birthday?

No. Its just a party because they both have time off this week. They always have all-night parties whenever they have free time.

Right then Ill wear something fancy maybe my new black dress, What about you?

I think Ill wear my sari.

Whats a sari?

Well. Its a kind of dress thats been worn by a lot of Asian women for hundreds of years. Its one piece of cloth thats wrapped around the body.

Sounds very glamorous.


Part One (continued)

You know what though. Im not sure I want to go if its an all-night party. The last time I went to one of those the police arrived. I just about managed to escape!

I think its going to be great. Im definitely going.


Ajitha and Helga are talking about a birthday party. A True B False C Not in text


The party is tomorrow night. A True B False C Not in text


Both girls are going to wear the same type of clothes. A True B False C Not in text


Ajitha is going to wear a traditional dress. A True B False C Not in text


Helga has been to Peter and Sarahs house before. A True B False C Not in text


Ajitha is frightened that the police might arrive. A True B False C Not in text


Helga is frightened too. A True B False C Not in text


Part Two
Use each of the items of clothing ONCE only in the table below.


Pink Dress

Dressing Gown

Handbag Orange Scarf Tracksuit


Light Grey Silk Shirt Sweatshirt Red Jumper

Smart Jacket Trainers

Choose three things that are usually worn by women only.

Choose three things that can be worn when you do sport.

Choose three things that can be worn by men or women.

Choose three things that can be worn in cold weather.














Part Three
Look at the three coats and the information about them. Then use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the gaps in the sentences below.




Cost: 500 Material: cashmere Length: long Style: high fashion Worn by: rich people Colour: beige

Cost: 45 Material: thin cotton Length: short Style: casual Worn by: sporty people Colour: bright orange

Cost: 100 Material: thick cotton Length: down to knees Style: country Worn by: fishermen Colour: grey


Coat A is

(expensive) coat.


Coat B is

(expensive) coat C.


Coat A is

(long) coats B and C.


Coat B is

(short) than the coat is worn by fisherman.


Coat A has

(good) quality material.


Coat C has

(heavy) material than coat B.


Coat C is

(plain) coat A.


Coat C is

(stylish) coats A and B.


Part Four
Read the paragraphs below and think of suitable words to fill the gaps. Write them in the spaces provided.

Yesterday James went to buy some clothes. He saw a smart wool jacket and tried it on. His chest size is 44 inches but the jacket was 40. It was ___________________ so he tried on a larger size.

He wanted to buy a green shirt for less than 30. The shop had one that was his size and only cost 24 so he decided to _________________ it.

He then looked for a pair of trousers. His waist size is 32 but the trousers were size 34. They ____________________ so he looked for a smaller pair.

At the shoe shop he found two pairs of shoes he liked. One pair cost 50 the other 38. They both looked nice but because the difference in price was large he bought ____________________ pair.


Part Five
Answer the questions below in full sentences.


What kind of clothes do you like to wear to parties?


Where do you usually buy your clothes?


Describe your favourite item of clothing.


What kind of clothes do you normally wear?


What kind of clothes do your parents wear?


What kind of clothes dont you like?


What do you think of school uniforms?


Part One

Where you live

Read the conversation between Tom, a Londoner, and Wilhelm from Stuttgart. Then answer the questions below.

I really love my city - its absolutely great?

Tom Whats so good about it? Wilhelm

Well its the world centre for design, communication and technology. Its also really important in the world of finance and its also great for going out.

Stuttgart is quite good too but just quite small in comparison to London. I mean Stuttgart has about 5 million and London has roughly 10, hasnt it?

Think so.. Ive never been to Stuttgart tell me a bit about it?

Well its also famous for its technology and design for cars Mercedes Benz.

Oh really?


Part One (continued)

Yeah theres a great museum near the central square in the town and there is an enormous Benz factory in the industrial area to the south of the city.

Well there are loads of museums in London art mainly but also history and other things. Here let me show you a book about it.

Thanks. The only thing I dont like about London, is that it is really noisy.

Yeah youre right. Its very difficult to find peace and quiet especially for those who enjoy silence.


Tom.. A B C loves London doesnt like London thinks London is OK


Which city is famous for cars? A B C London Stuttgart both cities


London is.. A B C bigger than Stuttgart the same size as Stuttgart as big as Stuttgart


The Benz factory in Stuttgart is .. A B C near the city square in the industrial area near the museums


Both cities are famous for.. A B C design only design and technology going out


London has museums about.. A B C art only art and history art, history and many others


Tom.. A B C wants to go to Stuttgart has been to Stuttgart has not been to Stuttgart


Wilhelm thinks London is.. A B C quiet noisy interesting


Part Two
Look at the directions Mutlu gave to Natalya to get to his house. Then, choose the correct word(s) to fill in the numbered gaps.


Part Two (continued)


___________________ Edgbury Road until you reach a roundabout. At this


roundabout take the

__________________ exit left. Then carry on along that road


until you reach the next


__________________. Here, you will need to take the

____________________ exit left towards the town square.

Carry on along that road. You will know that you are going the correct way if you pass some railway tracks and have to go town square is at the
(6) (5)

____________________ two bridges. The

____________________ of that road.


When you get to the town square, you will need to go in a direction and must turn left onto the road at the the square. You will then need to turn that road past the
(10) (9) (8)


____________________ side of

___________________ and carry on along

___________________. Our house is at the end of that road.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

along first turn first through front clockwise facing left town square

left second roundabout second over back circle opposite around bridge

right third road third alongside end anticlockwise along right post office


Part Three
Now draw the route you would take onto the map using a red pen or pencil.

Part Four
Answer the questions below with full sentences.


Where do you live?


Describe the city or town you come from.


What do like or dislike about your town or city?


Would you recommend your area as a place to live?


Where would you like to go on holiday and why?


Part Five
Read the text below and then choose True, False or Not in text. Tick ( ) the correct answer.

Scotland is located to the north of England. There are lots of wild mountains, especially in the northern part. Be sure to carry a compass if you go walking there, otherwise you might get lost! The capital, Edinburgh is in the east, but the biggest city Glasgow is in the west. There are also lots of small islands off the coast but only a few people live there. English is spoken throughout the country but there are some people who also speak Gaelic (around 10% of people speak it). Scotland is famous for its scientists for example Alexander Fleming, who discovered Penicillin. Scotland is also famous for Sean Connery (a famous actor) and of course a mythical lake monster called the Loch Ness Monster!!


England is located to the East of Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


Scotland is a good place for outdoor activities. A True B False C Not in text


You can easily get lost in the mountains in Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


Edinburgh is the smallest city in Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


Lots of people live on islands off the coast of Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


Two languages are spoken in Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


They teach Gaelic in all schools in Scotland. A True B False C Not in text


The Loch Ness Monster is a real monster. A True B False C Not in text


Part One

Food and Drink

Read the conversation below and then answer the questions that follow by ticking ( ) the correct answer.

Im really hungry. Ive only had a sandwich and a cup of tea today.

Im hungry too - I only had a glass of milk for breakfast and a slice of pizza for lunch.

Have you had a chance to look at the menu?

Hmm yes were ready to order.. OK to start Ill have the vegetable soup then the turkey as a main Can I have some extra vegetables with that?

Yes thats fine and for dessert What would you like? We only have chocolate pudding, fruit salad and the cheese plate.

Whats in the fruit salad?

Apple, banana and orange. You can have it with ice-cream too.


Part One (continued)

Sounds nice but I think Ill have the chocolate pudding and also the cheese plate.

Right. Do you want the cheese and pudding served at the same time or one after the other?

Oh at the same time

Now what about you?

Theres a lovely smell here What is it?

It must be the lamb stew.

Delicious. Ill have that.

And a starter?

Oh the vegetable soup please. Ill have the same dessert but not the cheese bit too heavy for me at the end of a meal.

OK what about drinks?


Part One (continued)

Water please.

Yes me too.

Heres a bottle shall I pour some for you?

Yes please.

Oh Ive just remembered. John and Carol wanted us to get some desserts to take away for them. Waiter do you think you could bring us the menu again please?


Part One (continued)

1. Customer 1 wants A B C no vegetables with the main course. more vegetables with the main course. the normal amount of vegetables with the main course.


The restaurant has A B C many different desserts. only a few desserts. many similar desserts.


Customer 1 orders A B C cheese for dessert. cheese and chocolate pudding for dessert. chocolate pudding only.


Customer 1 wants A B C both desserts to come at the same time. one dessert at the beginning of the meal and one at the end. first one and then the other.


Customer 2 orders the lamb stew as a main course because A B C he has never tried it before. it smells very nice. it doesnt smells interesting.


Part One (continued)

6. Customer 2 orders A B C the same dessert as customer 1. chocolate pudding as dessert. cheese as dessert.


Customer 2 finds that cheese is A B C too heavy. too light. just right.


Both customers want A B C wine. water. different drinks.


Customer 2 A B C wants to buy some desserts for John and Carol. wants to tell John and Carol about the different desserts. wants to order more desserts for himself.


Part Two
Look at the menus below. Then read the statements / questions below and match them to a menu.

Grove Park Hotel

Beautiful setting in Country Park SET MENU Choose from a Selection of Pasta, Meats and Salads Starter, Main Dish and Dessert for ONLY 14.95 Includes free bottle of wine Please ring for a booking 0207654654

Sandwiches made to order! With choice of Chips or Salad Homemade Soups Take Away Service (order by phone then collect)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Im very hungry but dont have much money. I dont have much time and dont really want a big meal. I want to take my girlfriend out to dinner to a special place. In which place do I not have to pay for wine? Where do I need to call to make sure there is a table for me? Which place is open at lunch time only? Which place can I ring, give my order and then pick it up later?

Menu Menu Menu Menu Menu Menu Menu


Part Three
Back in the restaurant with customer 1 and 2 are at the end of their meal. Read the conversation and fill in the gaps.

That was very nice

the bill?

Mmm yes. My lamb stew had a great taste to it. Let me get the waiter. the bill, please?

Of course!

Thank you. Well have to leave a bit of a tip how much do you think?

about 4.00 I think.

By cash or by card?



Part Four
Read the instructions below and choose the correct word to fill the numbered gaps. Write your choice in the gap.

Instructions for making bread




the flour and water together in a bowl.




the sugar, oil and the yeast.


_______________________ spill any!


the mixture into the loaf tin be careful not to


Put seeds on top of the mixture and sprinkle in a bit of salt (without salt it ______________________
(5) (4)

very bland).



it in a hot oven and bake for 1 /2 hours at 200C.



Check the bread after 1 hour to make sure it doesnt ___________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

mix, shake, serve, tastes, put, boil,

shake, add, pour, tasty, have put, burn,

pour spill spill taste putting smell


Part One


Please read the conversations between two people, Raoul and Yolandi, about the weekend. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

next weekend?

Im going to an open air pop festival, next weekend.

That sounds really exciting

Theyll have the usual crazy rock bands playing but this year they are going to have an orchestra as well. Also there are going to be popular performers and musicians from all over the world and the theme this year will be love and peace.


But best of all my favourite pop singer Joan Jett is going to be there.


Part One (continued)

Shes a great guitarist and a singer and she gives a really good stage performance - youve got to see her sometime.

in a hotel?

No. Well be staying in a tent hopefully close to the front- then we can really feel the rhythm and the loud music.

Were leaving on Friday morning to get there in time for the evening fireworks and were coming back on Sunday evening. ?

My weekend is not going to be as exciting as yours. Maybe Ill go and see a film but probably Ill be staying in and watch TV.


Part Two

This is a page from Joan Jetts diary for next week. Joan is a pop singer. Read the diary and then answer the questions on the following page.


Part Two (continued)

1. What is Joan doing every day apart from on Friday and Sunday?


On which evenings is she going to a concert?


When is she going to organise her next world tour?


On what day is she going to record a CD?


Where does Joan get her stage clothes?


Why is Joan going to the Ritz on Monday?


On what day is Joan doing nothing?


Part Three
Read the 3 film reviews below and then match the reviews to the statements / questions below.

This is a very funny cartoon with excellent characters and a very good storyline. The main character is an ugly monster with a good heart and he is in love with a princess who turns out to be a monster too. Great to watch with your friends both young and old!

This is OK if you like action movies. There are obviously lots of car chases but not much else. The main characters are uninteresting and it is only suitable for adults. Only watch this if youve got nothing else to do!

Its not quite as good as the TV series and is a little bit too long. Nevertheless both adults and children will enjoy this if only because they all know the characters already.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Which film has the worst review? Which film is for people who like action movies? Which film would you watch if you wanted to laugh? Which film is not suitable for children? Which film has the best review? Which film has characters who we already know?





Part Four
Answer the following questions with full sentences.


What are you doing this weekend?


Who will you be meeting next Monday?


What will you do first thing on Saturday morning?


What is your favourite TV programme?


What are you going to watch on TV tomorrow night?


What kind of music do your parents like?


What kind of music do you like?


Whos your favourite band?


Do you like traditional music?


Do you like dancing?


Part One


Look at the pictures and then complete the gaps in the first 3 descriptions. After this you have to write your own descriptions. Please use full sentences.

People often keep dogs as __________ .

Horses used to be working __________. Now they are kept for sports.

A duck is a type of _____________ which swims on water.

A mouse___________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

A fish______________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

A chicken __________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________


Part One (continued)

A snake____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

A sheep____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

A rabbit____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________


Part Two
Read the paragraph below about why some people disagree with zoos. Then look at the statements that follow and decide if they are true (A), false (B) or not in the text (C). Tick ( ) the correct answer for each of these questions.

Some people believe that keeping animals in zoos is very cruel. They feel that it is not fair for animals to be locked up in cages and think that they should be free to live in their natural environment. Although zoos try to make the environment like the geography of the place where the animal comes from, they obviously cant imitate things like oceans and deserts. For example seals and polar bears should live by oceans not near a small lake. They need more space and should be able to swim for miles not just the length of a swimming pool.


Some people believe zoos do not allow animals to live happily. A True B False C Not in text


Zoos try and make the place different to where the animals usually live. A True B False C Not in text


Some zoos try to build oceans and deserts and spend lots money doing this. A True B False C Not in text


In some zoos seals and polar bears can swim for miles and miles just like in the ocean. A True B False C Not in text


No animals that live in zoos are happy. A True B False C Not in text


Part Three
Now read about why people agree with zoos and choose a suitable word from the options below to fill in the gaps.

Other people, however, feel that there are some

____________________ reasons

for having zoos. Firstly we are able to see animals from all over the

___________________. If we didnt have zoos we wouldnt know what a lion or



____________________ in real life! In addition many parts of our

____________________ our seas, oceans and forests - are being damaged by



____________________. Flooding from the


____________________ of the ice

caps is also threatening the Some types of animals


____________________ of some animals.

____________________ extinct. Zoos are places where

these animals can continue to breed through scientific methods and so are able to live on. A more natural type of zoo is a animals live in a more
(10) (9)

____________________ park. Here

____________________ environment and visitors drive

through in their cars. This is great but it is not always possible.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

(a) good (a) world (a) appeared (a) planet (a) fire (a) melts (a) survival (a) become (a) play (a) natural

(b) bad (b) place (b) looked like (b) nature (b) water (b) melting (b) death (b) are becoming (b) safari (b) unnatural

(c) interesting (c) building (c) became (c) zoos (c) pollution (c) melted (c) food (c) became (c) community (c) warm


Part Four
Look at the diagram and complete the sentences below using the words in the brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4.

First the water _______________ (rise, rises, raises) from the seas in to the air. The air rises and the water vapour forms ___________ (clouds, cloudy, cloud). The clouds then ____________ (rises, risen, rise) higher. As they rise over mountains the clouds ______________ (cools, cool, cooled) down, and as a result it _____________ (rained, rain, rains).


The water ____________ (falls, fall, fell) on the mountains and goes back into the seas through rivers and streams.

Part Six
Now put the number for each of the above processes (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) into the correct box in the diagram.



Vocabulary lists

The following vocabulary lists are presented according to topic and consist of the core vocabulary that should be learnt for JETSET Level 3. The JETSET vocabulary lists are progressive and each level builds on the learning achieved from the previous level. As such, these lists include all of the words that should have been learnt for the preceding levels of JETSET. It is important to note that these vocabulary lists are not definitive but do represent the core of vocabulary used in the JET SET Level 3 exams.


NUMBERS - One to one thousand in words and figures double fifth fourth second sixth third thousand twice

AT HOME armchair ball bath bathroom bed bedroom bin blanket bookcase bowl box brush carpet chair chimney computer cooker cup cupboard dining room dish door electric(al) / electricity fire flat (apartment) floor flower football fork freezer fridge game gate glass (drinking) glass (window) guitar heater home household jug kettle kitchen knife lamp laptop lounge

mat mess milk jug money newspaper paint (n + v) pan photo / photograph piano picture pillow plate post (v) pot programme radio room rubbish saucer shelf shower soap song spoon sport stamp (n) stereo switch (n) table teapot telephone/phone television/tv tennis toilet toothbrush toothpaste towel wall wardrobe washing up (do the) window

EDUCATION alphabet answer answer .. art/artist attention badge bag be careful blackboard book can I have..? card chair chalk chart chemistry choose

circle class(room) click close the door/window colour come here / in computer desk dictionary don't drag draw draw a line drop error examination example exercise (school work) exercise book give me glue grammar half hands up! headmaster / mistress history / historical homework how many ? information ink instruction interested in interests / interesting join lesson letter (alphabet) letter (write a) librarian line listen to me look at .. make .. mark (n + v) Match .. mathematics / maths message mistake (n) note(s) notebook number open/Close your books page paper pen pencil pencil case pencil sharpener pick up .. playground Point to .. poster problem

pupils put question quiet read .. ready ? repeat after me result revise / revision rubber rule(s) ruler satchel say it again school science / scientist seat sentence shape (n) show me .. sit down / stand up spell (v) spelling square (n + adj) stop (talking) story student take a seat teacher test tick .. touch .. triangle turn to page vocabulary whiteboard who is word write your name

LEISURE / ENTERTAINMENT / SPARE TIME actor / actress audience band bank bar bat beach bingo building cafe cassette castle CD cell phone channel (TV) cinema circus

city clown comic competition cost download drama DVD envelope event exhibition fence festival field film (n) film star fireworks fun garden gift group guitar / guitarist headphones hobby hole instrument invitation jigsaw joke jungle laughter library magazine magic market microphone mobile (phone) mountain MP3 player mud museum music musician news noise novel orchestra(l) painting park party perform(er) performance plant play play (i.e. theatre) pop-singer post office pound () present (n) prize puzzle quiz

rhythm ride safari park science fiction series (TV) show (TV) sign singer sledge (n + v) smile snack -bar snowball snowman sport(s) stage swimming pool table tennis team tent text theatre theme ticket town treasure trick trip (go on a) video zoo

OUTSIDE area automatic beach bridge communication(s) design(s) engines entrance fair flag flower fog(gy) forecast frost grass house local machine moon path pavement pond rail rain (rainy) (raining) road roundabout sand sea(side) sky

snow (snowy) (snowing) snowstorm square (in town) star(s) storm(y) sun technology temperature thunder(storm) traffic traffic lights tree van village water zebra crossing

PARTS OF THE BODY arm back beard body bone cheek ear eye face finger foot/feet hair hand head knee leg moustache mouth neck nose shoulders tail teeth thumb toe tooth

glasses (wearing) gloves handbag hat helmet hoodie jacket jeans jewellery jumper leggings overcoat pair of pocket pullover pyjamas raincoat scarf shirt shoe(s) shorts silk skirt sleeve sock(s) spots sweatshirt swimsuit tie (n) tights top tracksuit trainers (shoes) trousers T-shirt umbrella wool

FOOD & DRINK apple banana barbecue beans beef bill (n) biscuit bread breakfast bun butter cabbage cake carrot cauliflower celery cheese cherry chips chocolate cola

CLOTHES apron bikini blouse boots button cardigan clothes clothing coat dress dressing gown fashion fleece

cocoa coconut coffee cookery cornflakes cream crisps cucumber curry dessert dinner drink (n + v) egg flask (Thermos) food fruit grape(s) gum hamburger honey hot dogs hungry ice ice cream jelly juice lemon lemonade lettuce loaf (ves) lunch (time/box) meal meat melon menu milk nut(s) onion orange pancakes pasta pea(s) peanut pear picnic pizza potato pudding restaurant rice roast salad salt / pepper sandwich sausage(s) snack soup spaghetti steak strawberry sweet (adj) sweets

tea thirsty toast tomato vegetable(s)

purple red white yellow

stomach throat tongue toothache

SHOPPING TRAVEL abroad aeroplane/plane airport bicycle / bike boat bus bus stop by air by rail camera car driver equipment flight foreign helicopter island lorry luggage motorbike passenger passport pilot postcard puncture sleeping bag speed station (bus, train, fire) stewardess suitcase sunburn taxi ticket timetable tourist train travel/traveller tyre wheel COLOURS black blonde blue brown colour dark green grey light orange pink bit (of) cash cheap / expensive counter for department exit extra free (no charge) invoice pay receipt sale (for / on) sale (n) shop store supermarket

AT THE OFFICE appointment business(man) job journalist mail office on the phone postman / woman report / reporter secretary typewriter typist

CRIME arrest burglar clue crime / criminal detective drug (dealer) finger prints handcuffs jail law lie (n) missing mugging murder owner prison public report (n) rob robbery situation theft thief truth

HEALTH / MEDICINE accident ambulance ankle aspirin bandage (n + v) better (cured) blood born brain breathe chest (body) cold cough dentist die doctor ear-ache emergency fault (my fault) fever fitness flu headache health / healthy heart hospital injury / injured medicine nurse pain(ful) pill senses (sight, etc) service(s) sore

TIME about (approximately) after afternoon afterwards ago already always amount April as soon as

at least at once August autumn bedtime birthday century clock daily date (e.g. 12 June) day daytime December early evening February fortnight Friday future holiday immediately January July June last (night) March May midday midnight mile millions minute moment Monday month morning never night November now o'clock October once quarter regular Saturday season September sometimes soon spring summer Sunday thermometer Thursday time today tomorrow tonight Tuesday watch (n) Wednesday

week weekday weekend when (what time?) whenever winter year yesterday

JOBS / PEOPLE / FAMILY / RELATIONS adult aunt baby boy / girl boyfriend brother / sister brother-in-law builder butcher characters chef child/children club conversation cousin crowd Dad(dy) dancer daughter electrician engineer everybody everyone family father/mother father-in-law female fireman foreigner friend girlfriend grandfather grandmother guard human husband leader male man / woman married mechanic model mother-in-law Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Mum(my) name nephew niece parents

partner people person queue relative single sister-in-law soldier somebody someone son speaker teenager twins uncle voice wife workman writer

LOCATION / DIRECTIONS above address ahead at backwards before behind below beside between beyond bottom bottom / top by centre close (near) compass direct/direction east(ern) everywhere far first from front (in .. of) here immediately opposite in inside / outside into kilometre last left/right map middle near next next (to) north(ern) off

on on the corner of on top of opposite out overhead past plan round/around second (n + adj) south(ern) straight (on/past) street there through(out) to top towards under up / down west(ern) where with

Spain / Spanish Wales / Welsh world(wide)

SOCIAL Anything else? Come back Enjoy yourself! Excuse me! Good afternoon Good evening Good morning Good night Goodbye / Bye Happy Birthday Hello Here you are Hi Keep still Let's Look Nothing important! Of course Oh Oh (no)! Oh dear OK / Okay Pardon? Please Quick ! (be quick!) Ready? Really! Right! Sorry to trouble you Sorry! Thank you / Thanks Welcome Well done! What a mess! What's the matter? Who else? Your turn EMOTIONS advice anger bored fear feeling opinion scared serious surprised worried

QUANTITY all lots (of) many (how/too) more much only some years old

COUNTRIES, CITIES & NATIONALITIES Africa / African America / American (USA) Asia / Asian Australia / Australian Canada / Canadian China / Chinese country(side) England / English Europe / European France / French Germany / German Great Britain / British Greece / Greek India / Indian Inuit Ireland / Irish Italy / Italian Japan / Japanese language London nationality Scotland / Scottish

ANIMALS / NATURE air animal

bear bee bird cage calf camel cat chicken cliff cow desert dinosaur dog dolphin donkey duck earth earthquake elephant environment feather(s) fish forest fox frog geography giraffe goat goose / geese gorilla hen hippo(potamus) hole horse hut insect kangaroo kitten lake lamb lion monkey mosquito mouse natural ocean outdoors owl panda parrot penguin pet pig planet poison(ous) pollute / pollution pony prehistoric puppy pyramids rabbit river

rock safari (on) salty sandy scales (fish) seagull shade sheep silence snake space spider stone(s) sunrise sunset survival tiger tortoise view volcano whale wild(life) wing wolf zebra

RUBRIC / COMMAND WORDS Ask Bring me Choose Complete Copy Cross Cut Fill in the spaces Find Fold Hurry Label Make notes about. Put in order Say which Select Tell me / him Use Watch What happened? Write about ..

ADJECTIVES able afraid alone aloud ancient / modern angry available


awake / asleep beautiful / ugly best big(gest) / small(est) / little boring both careful careful(ly) careless clean / dirty clever / stupid cold/hot correct / right / wrong crazy danger(ous) dangerous deep delicious different difficult dirty dry / wet easy / hard elder / eldest empty enormous / tiny exciting extinct fair (it's not fair) false famous fast / slow(ly) fast food fat(test) / thin(nest) favourite fine / ill first / last foolish friendly full funny funny (strange) gentle good / bad greedy happy / sad hard / soft helpful horrible / horrid hot / cold important kind large late lazy light / heavy long(est) / short(est) lost loud lovely lucky

mad mean / generous musical new nice noisy old (how old / years old) open / shut perfect plain polite popular pretty /ugly real rich / poor round / square safe same scientific short(est) / tall(est) sick silent silly simple smart special sticky still strange strong / weak sunny sweet (taste) thick thin / fat tired true / false unhappy upside down urgent useful warm well / ill

VERBS act add advise agree am / is / are argue arrive ask attend bandage beat become begin behave bend bit

blame bleed block blow boil book borrow break brush build burn (n + v) buy call called (is) camping (go) can cancel carry on (continue) catch cause (ing) change check clap climb close collect / collection comb come come back come(s) back control cook cost (n + v) count cover (n + v) crash cross cross out cry cut cycle / go cycling dance decide delay (n + v) describe develop die out dig disappear(ance) display do dream drink drive dry earn eat end enter erupt experiment (n + v) fail

fall feed feel fight (n + v) fill in (form) find find out fishing (go) finish fix fly follow forget freeze frighten get (become) get dressed get into (car) get it right (do it correctly) get out of get ready get some (buy) get to (arrive) get up go grow grow up guess guide hang happen has / have (got) hate hear help hide hit hold hope hurt include increase interview (n +v) invent invite is being join jump keep keep away (from) keep off kill / was killed knock knock down know (don't know) last (duration) laugh lay lay (eggs) lead (n + v) learn

leave leave out lend let's lie (to tell a lie) lift like listen live look look after look for look like look up in lose love make make friends with mark may meet melt mend miss (v) mix move need (n + v) notice (n + v) open order own paint pass pay pick up place (n + v) plant play point post pour prefer pretend promise put out (fire) push / pull put put away / on reach (arrive) read re-cycle refuse relax remember repeat rescue return ring (phone) row rub out run run away

rush save saw (n + v) say score (n + v) scream (n + v) search see sell send serve shake share shine shiver shock (n + v) shoot shop / shopping shout show sing sink sit skating (go) ski-ing (go) skip sledge sleep (go to) slip slow down smell sound (n + v) speak spell spill spread stand start stay steal step stick (n + v) sting stop study sure swallow sweep swim / go swimming switch on / off take take off take place talk taste teach tear tell (a lie / the truth) tell (x to) think throw touch

trace translate try turn (left / right) turn down (volume) turn off / on type understand use visit wait wake up walk want warn wash waste (n + v) watching water-ski wave (goodbye) wear wearing went whisper will win work

GRAMMATICAL WORDS A / an about again all almost along also and another any as as well as away because best better both but capital (city and letter) chance (by) difference due to each enough equal ever every everything faster few / fewer / fewest final / finally

for for (2 weeks etc) free (to do) half-full half-way he / him / his hers herself himself I / me / my if in a hurry in brackets in danger in order to in the end in time it itself just kind (type) less like (similar) lot of lower / est maybe mean (meaning) meanwhile mine myself near nearly nothing of on fire or other ours ourselves over (fly over) over (over fifty) part perhaps plenty possible probably properly really recent(ly) she/her similar so something still (adv) such as sudden(ly) than the their/they theirs them

themselves then these / those thing this / that too type (kind of) until us / our very way (method) we what when which who / whose whole why worse / worst yes / no /not you / your yours yourself / yourselves


Part One


For any of the answers that state suitable written responses / any suitable response you can ask your teacher or someone else that you know who speaks English very well to check them for you.

Chapter 1 Personal Information

Youre new here, are / arent (to be) you?

Nice to meet you. How long have you been (to be) here?

No I dont. Whos that man over there with the blonde hair?

Thats Lina. Shes my boss. Have you joined (join) the company football club yet?

Yes, Im training (train) at the weekend. What about you?

Yeah, me too, but Im not coming (not come) on Sunday as I am visiting (visit) my grandmother Shes 94 you know!


Part One (continued)

I am going (go) to France for two weeks in April. I am hoping (hope) to improve my French. What about you?

We may (might) go to Scotland but Im not sure or perhaps Ireland It depends on my wife and the twins!!

Part Two 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = A B B B C B A B B C

Part Three 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = B A C A C

Part Four Suitable written responses.


Chapter Two At School and College

Part One

Excuse me Mrs. Patel, when is our Business Studies exam


Well you can find out


by looking at the examination timetable.



got all the exams and the dates and times.

OK, can sums?


I bring my calculator


to help me work out the difficult

You can


bring it in for the Business Studies exam but it will only


be useful if you know how to work out the problems.

What about a dictionary check



for the English exam to help me

my spelling?

How many mistakes


can I make? I think I will get lots wrong.


Part One (continued)

If you get more than 25 errors


out of 50 you will have to do the exam


again. So you need to get 50% right to pass

the exam.

When do we get the results


And how long does the exam last


1 hour By the way if you miss


the exam because youre ill

you have to take another one when youre better.

Oh I see.

Any more questions No? OK just remember to study hard; look at your notes from class carefully, revise and read the instructions
(17) (16)

everything you have studied,

in the exam so you know what to do and


youll be fine no one will fail.

Part Two Suitable written responses.


Part Three 1 2 3 4 = = = = B C A B

Part Four

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Students mustnt miss any classes. Students can leave early for medical appointments. Students have to pay for any damage they cause to the college. Students mustnt go to the laboratories if there is a lecturer present. Students mustnt walk on the grass. Students can join and after-class activity.

Chapter Three On Holiday

Part One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = B A C C A A A B


Part Two

Dear John, Finally, heres my letter! Im having a lovely time. The sun is shining but when we first arrived in the evening it was really foggy and cold. It was white everywhere and you could only see a metre or two in front. We arrived late because the plane was delayed. Anyway the flight was really good, we had a lovely stewardess looking after us, giving us lots of free drinks! The weather is lovely here - high temperatures but youve got to be careful in the sun, otherwise youll get sunburn . The outlook is fair for the next week but there might be a thunderstorm or two. Theres lots to do here. Yesterday we went for a bike ride but I had to stop because there was no air in my tyre. I had a puncture! I rode to the top of a mountain - the view was great. This evening are going to the cinema or to the theatre. Were not sure. We have not decided yet. Ill see you when I get home / return. Wish you were here. Yours sincerely / truly Dave


Part Three 1. 2. I can do exercise every day at 8.30am. The Spanish class lasts one hour and thirty minutes (one and a half hours, an hour and a half, ninety minutes). I can join a guided tour of the village on Wednesday 12 and/or 19 . Childrens activities take place from 1pm to 2 pm. I can learn to use my camera between 3 pm and 4 pm. I should join the plane spotting club. The advanced Spanish class is at 8pm.
th th

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part Four

1 2 3 4 5

= = = = =



Chapter Four Health and Medicine

Part One

I had (have) an accident Ive (hurt) my ankle.

I fell (fall) while I was playing (play) hockey.

Let me have a look. Its quite swollen. Did you slip (slip) or were you knocked down (knock down)?

It was (to be) my fault. I slipped.

Well its (to be) quite a bad injury. You will need (to need) to go to hospital and have a proper bandage put on. Call the hospital and tell (tell) them its (to be) an emergency.


Part Two

Ive got a really sore throat also got a bad cough too.

it really hurts when I swallow. Ive

and it hurts in my chest. Ive got an earache

It sounds like youve got a really bad cold chest



. Let me listen to your

and look in your ears .


Oh Dear. You are really hot. I think you have a fever your temperature - 39 degrees! Youve got flu


. Let me take

. You need to go to

bed and take some medicine. Ill give you a prescription for some pills

to make you feel better. Also take two aspirins


before you go to

bed that will help with the fever. Youve got to look after yourself

Part Three

Suitable written repsonses.

Part Four

1 2 3 4

= = = =



Chapter Five Jobs

Part One 1. 2. 3. 4. Fruit picking Working for a charity Delivering newspapers Secretary/Typist/Admin

Part Two

Not sure yet. I think Ill and wait and see how well I do in my exams - what about you?

Well I want to go to university and study something. The careers advisor has advised me that I should think very carefully about the subjects I choose next year for my exams. Maybe Ill be an engineer or something like that.

Umm well they build bridges and roads and things like that. I think actually they are the people who design them, they dont actually build them.

Well he is, but he used to be a builder - he started when he was a teenager. But now he runs a building business.


Part Two (continued)

Oh I see Somehow I dont want to do anything physical or practical like building or being an electrician I mean you might get electrocuted or hurt in some way. Or for that matter be a firefighter you might get burned or even die!

I dont think I would enjoy cutting up meat, would you?

Well the only practical thing I can think of is being a chef I think Id really like that job I really like cooking and eating.

Part Three 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = B B A A A


Part Four 1. A businessman is someone who runs a business. He has to make lots of telephone calls and attends meetings.


A butcher is someone who sells meat. He also makes sausages and pies.


A builder is someone who builds shops and houses. He may also build shopping centres or offices.


A soldier is someone who guards our country. He has to be very smart when he is on parade.


A model is someone who shows us new fashions. Often, a model has to have lots of photographs taken.

(suggested answers only - similar written responses would be acceptable)

Part Five


Youve started your new job, havent you?


You are not going to apply for a Saturday job, are you?


You didnt go to see the dentist, did you?


Your mother was teacher at this school, wasnt she?


You wanted to be a doctor, didnt you?


Chapter Six Crime

Part One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = B B A A C B A B A C

Part Two 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = B A A A A A A B

Part Three 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = = = = = = = = = was coming noticed had forgotten may be suddenly danger seemed might have had was hiding


Part Four 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = Tony Brown Carol Portillo Tony Brown Tony Brown Lion Robert Darwin

Chapter Seven Clothes

Part One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = B B B A A C C

Part Two

Choose three things that are usually worn by women only.

Choose three things that can be worn when you do sport.

Choose three things that can be worn by men or women.

Choose three things that can be worn in cold weather.

1. Pink Dress

1. Sweatshirt

1. Dressing Gown

1. Hat

2. Handbag

2. Tracksuit

2. Smart Jacket

2. Orange Scarf

3. Jewellery

3. Trainers

3. Light Grey Silk Shirt

3. Red Jumper


Part Three

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Coat A is the most expensive (expensive) coat. Coat B is less expensive than (expensive) Coat C. Coat A is longer than (long) Coats B and C. Coat B is shorter (short) than the coat worn by fishermen. Coat A has the best / very (good) quality material. Coat C is made from heavier (heavy) material than Coat B. Coat C is plainer than (plain) Coat A. Coat C is less stylish than (stylish) Coats A and B.

Part Four

Yesterday James went to buy some clothes. He saw a smart wool jacket and tried it on. His chest size is 44 inches but the jacket was 40. It was too small so he tried on a larger size.

He wanted to buy a green shirt for less than 30. The shop had one that was his size and only cost 24 so he decided to buy it.

He then looked for a pair of trousers. His waist size is 32 but the trousers were size 34. They were too big / large so he looked for a smaller pair.

At the shoe shop he found two pairs of shoes he liked. One pair cost 50 the other 38. They both looked nice but because the difference in price was large he bought cheaper / less expensive pair.

Part Five Any suitable written responses.


Chapter Eight Where you live

Part One 1 2 3 4 = = = = A A B C 5 6 7 8 = = = = B B C B

Part Two



along Edgbury Road until you reach a roundabout. At this roundabout take the



exit left. Then carry on along that road until you reach the next need to take the

roundabout. Here, you will

third exit left towards the town square.

Carry on along that road. You will know that you are going the correct way if you pass some train tracks and have to go of that road.

over two bridges. The town square is at the



When you get to the town square, you will need to go in a turn left onto the road at the


clockwise direction and must


opposite side of the square. You will then need to turn



and carry on along that road past the

post office. Our house is at the end of that road.


Part Three

Part Four Any suitable written responses. Part Five 1 2 3 4 = = = = B A A C 5 6 7 8 = = = = B A B B


Chapter Nine Food and Drink

Part One 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = B B B A B 6 7 8 9 = = = = B A B A

Part Two 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = Menu 1 Menu 3 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 1 Menu 3

Part Three

That was very nice. Shall we get the bill?

Mmm yes. My My lamb stew had a great taste to it. Let me get the waiter. Waiter! May we have the bill, please?


Part Four

Instructions for making bread


1. 2. 3. 4.


the flour and water together in a bowl. the sugar, oil and the yeast. the mixture into the loaf tin be careful not to spill any!





Put the seeds on top of the mixture and sprinkle in a bit of salt (without salt it tastes

very bland).

5. 6.



it in a hot oven and bake for 1 /2 hours at 200C.


Check the bread after 1 hour to make sure it doesnt burn .

Chapter Ten - Entertainment

Part One What are you doing next weekend?

That sounds really exciting who will be performing?

What instrument does she play?

Where are you/ will you be staying in a hotel?


Part One (Continued)

When will you be leaving?

Were leaving on Friday morning to get there in time for the evening fireworks and were coming back on Sunday evening. What are you doing at the weekend?

Part Two

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Joan is doing band practice everyday apart from Friday and Sunday. She is going to a concert on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. She is going to organise her next world tour on Wednesday. She is going to record a CD on Saturday. Joan gets her stage clothes in Covent Garden. Joan is having dinner with Stuart and Ally. Joan is doing nothing on Sunday.

Part Three 1 2 3 = = = B B A 4 5 6 = = = B A C

Part Four Any suitable written responses.


Chapter Eleven - Nature

Part One

People often keep dogs as pets.

Horses used to be working animals. Now they are kept for sports.

A duck is a type of bird which swims on water.

A mouse is a small animal which some people keep as pets.

A fish is a creature which lives in water.

A chicken is a bird which is often kept on farms.


Part One (continued)

A snake is an animal some of which can be dangerous.

A sheep has a woolly coat called a fleece.

A rabbit has long ears and a fluffy coat.

Part Two 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = A B B C C

Part Three 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = good world looked like planet pollution melting survival are becoming safari natural


Part Four 1 2 3 4 First the water rises (rise, rises, raises) from the seas in to the air. The air rises and the water vapour forms clouds (clouds, cloudy, cloud). The clouds then rise (rises, risen, rise) higher. As they rise over mountains the clouds cool (cools, cool, cooled) down, and as a result it rains (rained, rain, rains). 5 The water falls (falls, fall, fell) on the mountains and goes back into the seas through rivers and streams.

Part Five


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Education Development International Plc 2009. All rights reserved. This publication in its entirety is the copyright of Education Development International Plc. Reproduction either in whole or in part is forbidden without the written permission from Education Development International Plc.

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