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Organised by Scotland's Towns Partnership, with principal sponsor, Business Improvement Districts Scotland, sponsors, Employment Enterprise, Enterprise Screen, Land Engineering, Littoralis, Perth & Kinross Council and Springboard; and with support from Architecture + Design Scotland and Scottish Government. . Around 150 people gathered in the wonderful Perth Concert Hall for this year's Scotland's Towns Conference, to create new stories for Scotland's towns. See the story of the day unfold below. As well as a highly engaging programme, getting everyone in the room involved, participants shopped for ideas at the 'Street' Exhibition, a market place for meeting people and gathering new ideas, with 'traders' - Architecture + Design Scotland, Business Improvement Districts Scotland, Blachere Illuminations, Greenspace Scotland, Horsecross Arts, Land Engineering, Littoralis, MacLean Electrical, Mi City, Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust, Pop Up Power Supplies, Prince's Foundation for Building Community, Springboard, Zerowaste Scotland. . Scotland's Towns Fringe Programme added another dimension to the day, with the Big Lottery Fund Scotland, Employment Enterprise, and the Local Data Company. The full programme can be found here. . . Scotlands Towns Partnership brings together the key players working to design, develop and deliver stronger places at the heart of our communities. Ranging across the public, private and third sectors, the Partnership engages with government at all levels to help shape the policy context in which our town centres operate through innovation, ideas and commitment. Whether its called regeneration, renewal or a rebalancing of the many varied interests in our town centres, the Partnership continues to work hard to ensure that local people have the power to take those decisions for themselves, and make the place they call home, serve the community in which they live, work and play.

. Delegates

arriving for #Scotslandstowns conference #busybusy Scotland's

Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. 5

mins and counting till @PolicyWonker opens #scotlandstowns conference @perthconcerthal Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @PolicyWonker

opening #scotlandstowns conference introducing @DerekMackayMSP @perthconcerthal Scotland's Towns 12 days

ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Mackay

says there's a drive to regenerate town centres in both public and private sector #scotlandstowns Kate
Shannon 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

on @NicolaSturgeon leading #Scotlandstowns and Scotland's cities at the annual Scotland's towns conference Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP,

localism to deliver real benefits in delivering appropriate action on the ground. #Scotlandstowns, @bidscotland does this Scotland's
Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. I

am enthused by the BIDs process says Mackay #scotlandstowns Kate Shannon 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Check out our Principal Sponsor, BIDs Scotland for loads of info about

Business Improvement Districts in Scotland - recent successes at the ballot box, Edinburgh Grassmarket, Hamilton, Largs & Oban, join the other 13 operational BIDs; with a further 16 in development including UK firsts, tourism and promotional BIDs and BIDsDevelopment Trust partnerships.

. @DerekMackayMSP

#localsolutions are critical, there is no one set of rules that work for every towns in scotland. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Big

rise in BIDS in Scotland - +4 in last month and total of 17. #Scotlandstowns Matthew Hopkinson 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Mackay:

"Town centre roles must change and adapt" #scotlandstowns Kate Shannon 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. If

there is no leadership in a town centre then I'm surprised if it's fully realising its potential says @DerekMackayMSP #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

to encourage entrepreneurship in towns @EnterpriseIain #Scotlandstowns Scotland's

Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Need

to give Local Authorities the power to create #localsolutions says @DerekMackayMSP #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

supports the new #businesstaxrates in #Scotlandstowns @perthconcerthal Scotland's

Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. "Further

weighting has to be given to economic development in towns" @DerekMackayMSP at #Scotlandstowns conference Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. "Planning

needs to focus more on place and less on process" #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Underway

covering @derekmackaymsp speech @scotlandstowns 2012. Check out @employmentent for fringe event later EnterpriseScreen 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Mackay

mentions the charrette system and getting local communities involved in their areas #scotlandstowns Kate Shannon 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

states "we need to give local communities the tools to do the job" #localsolutions #Scotlandstowns conference Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @PolicyWonker

likes @DerekMackayMSP's statement that

"planning solutions should deliver development"- hurrah! #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Questions

from @argyllandbute "what use is there for redundant listed buildings?" #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @argyllandbute

questions @DerekMackayMSP on the #Scotlandstowns #planningsystem Scotland's Towns 12

days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

answer @argyllandbute we need to include best practice and stream line the #planningsystem ensuring performance is delivered Scotland's Towns 12
days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

states "we must deliver a can do approach to the #planningsystem" in #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Reducing

#Scotlandstowns #planningsystem document from 400 pages to 55 in aim to make it simpler says @DerekMackayMSP Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EssentialEdin's

chief Qs @DerekMackayMSP on policy of

out of town shopping centres vs city centres #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @DerekMackayMSP

@EssentialEdin hierarchy in sites looking for development but doesn't favour out of town centres himself #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12
days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Out

of town planning applications must show "genuine" economic growth says @DerekMackayMSP #Scotlandstowns >how to measure displacement? Chris Wade 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. .
. any

thoughts on your own town in Scotland?@StirlingCouncil looked great this morning-can we do more?@scotlandstowns EnterpriseScreen 12 days

ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Download Daniel McKendry's full presentation here

. @EastRenCouncil's

Daniel Mckendry next up at #Scotlandstowns conference on #localsolutions for local change Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

wants to encourage locally designed solutions built from the ground up. Invest in pride and place #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

formed urban design framework so there was a continued plan that could be referred to #Scotlandstowns, #goodplanningapproach Scotland's
Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

formed urban design framework so there was a continued plan that could be referred to #Scotlandstowns, #goodplanningapproach Scotland's
Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. McKendry

talking about the old Shanks site, he says the @EastRenCouncil are looking at different uses, not just industry #scotlandstowns Kate Shannon 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

says business parks keep jobs and money

in the community & regeneration fund has jazzed up tired towns #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. More

about charrettes, I'd love to sum up a charrette in 140 characters but I'll leave that to someone else *hint hint* scotlandstowns Kate Shannon 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Charrette

- method of organising thoughts from experts/users into a structured medium, conducive to the development of the scenario Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil,

praises development trust in all they've done for the Neilston Renaissance town charter #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

saw @bidscotland as a way to sustain involvement in our town centres #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

talking about diverse leadership & futures within & between towns for Barrhead, Clarkston, Neilston #Scotlandstowns Chris Wade 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil,

states even people who voted no to @ClarkstonBID now see the benefits #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EastRenCouncil

promotes #loyaltycard-encourages people not to get in cars and go to out of town centres but to shop local #IndieRetail Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Next in the spotlight, our 3 town provocateurs, John Lord, Maggie

Broadley & Iain Scott. First up is John Lord, with a social perspective.

. Town

Centre Review Group members now talking on social, cultural and enterprise aspects of #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @johnlord52

says he doesn't think we are a bad society for changing from citizens to consumers. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @johnlord52

challenge for town centres is to see whether we can make them a place where there are communities of interest #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. "Town

centres need to be verbs not nouns-where we DO things" couldn't have said it better myself @johnlord52 #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days

ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. We

don't need to grieve the town centres we've lost, we need to look forward #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12
days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Are

we brave enough to commit local change to happen organically & "What's the least we could do to make this possible?" #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. eloquent

provocation from @johnlord52 @scotlandstowns quoting "towns as verbs not nouns" -where we do things & policy creates the unruly Chris Wade 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Maggie Broadley is our second provocateur, taking on a cultural


. @CraftTownScot's

Maggie Broadley on culture #Scotlandstowns "don't need specialist to advise locals on their towns or a business approach" Scotland's
Towns 12 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. How

do you measure success? We need different ways to measure this- not just about economics says Maggie TCRG member #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Inspirational

Maggie Broadley of Craft Town talks about community enterprise & need to measure success in new

ways #scotlandstowns Chris Wade 12 days

ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @PolicyWonker

says economic developers, planners and architects have the power and need to get local people involved. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Final provocateur, enterprise expert, Iain Scott, provides the economic


. @EnterpriseIain

on enterprise now at #Scotlandstowns, says @EastRenCouncil is an example to us all. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EnterpriseIain

local people have good ideas that they want to take forward but there is currently no meeting place for this #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EnterpriseIain

says we have an intersection in towns- a meeting of people - which we have to build on, space for chaos #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EnterpriseIain

agrees with @EastRenCouncil's Daniel McKendry - we need to let failure to happen in order to progress. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @EnterpriseIain

says "Bin the economic impact assessments" at #Scotlandstowns conference #controversial Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Creating our framework for mess, Robert Rae, change scenario

planning expert & founding Director of 3rd Horizons, leads this Futures Session with the entire audience, to reach agreement together, today, on 10 key ingredients for successful towns...

. @PolicyWonker

"How can we begin to shape the kind of place that we think would be successful?" @3rdHorizons over to you. #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @man_about_towns

need to allow local people to have a platform where they can provide local solutions Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @man_about_towns

let creativity happen and failure happen before moving forward... Scotland's Towns 12
days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @3rdHorizons

says we should be leaving the world a better place for our children, are we? #goodquestion #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. @3rdHorizons

says although we can't predict the future we have to think about what it could & should be like, we can imagine #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. .
. Discussing

10key ingredients that create new stories for #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. What

do you think are 10 key ingredients that will create new stories for Scotland's towns?: Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Is

@EnterpriseIain right? Is "risk" a key ingredient that could create a new story for our towns? #Scotlandstowns Scotland's Towns 12 days
ago ReplyRetweetFavorite

. Is @Littoralis_news right? Are personal services & pop up

shops/services a way forward and a key ingredient in #Scotlandstowns? Scotland's Towns

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