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erform5mart rogram and User Manua|

1he enclosed roducL (roducL) and enclosed uocumenLaLlon (uocumenLaLlon) ls llcensed

on a non-Lransferable basls Lo Lhe purchaser of Lhe roducL, and ls for use onlv ln accordance
wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons seL forLh ln Lhe enclosed erformSmarL SofLware Llcense
AareemenL. Copvlna, selllna, or oLherwlse redlsLrlbuLlna or uslna Lhe roducL or
uocumenLaLlon conLrarv Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe erformSmarL SofLware Llcense
AareemenL ls prohlblLed. 1he roducL and uocumenLaLlon and all rlahLs Lhereln and LhereLo
are owned bv erformSmarL 8uslness Servlces, L.., erformSmarL" and lLs llcensors. unless
oLherwlse permlLLed bv Lhe erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL, Lhe roducL and
uocumenLaLlon mav noL be copled, phoLocopled, or reproduced ln whole or ln parL wlLhouL
Lhe prlor wrlLLen consenL of erformSmarL. All dlsclalmers of warranLles and llmlLaLlons of
llablllLv relaLlna Lo Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon ls speclflcallv seL forLh ln Lhe
erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL. 1he roducL and uocumenLaLlon are provlded
wlLh Lhe undersLandlna LhaL erformSmarL and lLs afflllaLes and llcensors are noL enaaaed
ln renderlna leaal or oLher professlonal servlce relaLlna Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer conLalned or
provlded uslna Lhe roducL. urchaser ls responslble for havlna anv and all work producL
creaLed uslna Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon revlewed and approved bv an approprlaLe

Money-back guarantee: lf vou purchased Lhe roducL from a dealer, vou musL reLurn Lhe
roducL and uocumenLaLlon Lo Lhe place of purchase ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhe
dealer's reLurn pollcv (lf anv). lf vou purchased Lhe roducL dlrecLlv from erformSmarL and,
for anv reason, vou are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe performance of Lhe roducL, vou mav reLurn
Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon Lo erformSmarL dlrecLlv and recelve a refund of Lhe
purchase prlce (noL lncludlna shlpplna and handllna). 1o do so, slmplv call erformSmarL
CusLomer Servlce aL 877-222-0448 wlLhln 60 davs of vour lnvolce daLe, Lo recelve a 8eLurn
Merchandlse AuLhorlzaLlon (8MA) number. WrlLe Lhe 8MA number on Lhe ouLslde of vour
shlpplna box, and reLurn Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon posLaae prepald wlLhln 60 davs
from Lhe lnvolce daLe. 8e sure Lo enclose a copv of Lhe lnvolce. 1he roducL and
uocumenLaLlon musL be reLurned ln orlalnal condlLlon ln Lhe orlalnal packaalna.

We welcome vour ldeas, suaaesLlons, and commenLs. ConLacL us aL:

erform5mart 5oftware L|cense Agreement


1hls erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL (AareemenL) ls a llcense aareemenL and noL an
aareemenL for sale. erformSmarL 8uslness Servlces, L.. (erformSmarL") herebv llcenses Lo Lhe
purchaser of Lhe enclosed sofLware producL (Llcensee"), a llmlLed, non-excluslve, non-Lransferable,
non-sub llcensable llcense onlv Lo use Lhe enclosed sofLware producL and anv furLher Lools and conLenL,
lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, updaLes, made avallable Lo Llcensee (aL erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon)
(collecLlvelv, SofLware") and all relaLed documenLaLlon (wheLher enclosed wlLh Lhe roducL or
provlded LhereafLer ln erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon (collecLlvelv, uocumenLaLlon"). erformSmarL
reLalns all rlahLs noL expresslv aranLed Lo Llcensee ln Lhls AareemenL. Llcensee, bv lLs purchase and
use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon, herebv expresslv aarees wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls

2. CWNLk5nI

Llcensee expresslv acknowledaes LhaL all rlahL, LlLle and lnLeresL (lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon all
lnLellecLual properLv and all assoclaLed marks and loaos) ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon
and anv reporLs, resulLs or oLher lnformaLlon derlved from use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon are
Lhe sole and excluslve properLv of erformSmarL, lLs afflllaLes and llcensors (collecLlvelv,
erformSmarL arLles"). Llcensee aarees noL Lo Lake anv sLeps lnconslsLenL wlLh or Lo challenae or
lnfrlnae Lhe erformSmarL arLles' rlahLs ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon. Llcensee also
aarees Lo Lake all reasonable sLeps as mav be requesLed bv erformSmarL Lo asslsL Lhe erformSmarL
arLles ln proLecLlna and enforclna Lhelr rlahLs ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon.

3. 5CCL CI kIGn15: kL51kIC1ICN5 CN U5L

noLwlLhsLandlna anvLhlna Lo Lhe conLrarv ln Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee's llcensed rlahLs are llmlLed bv
Lhe followlna:

a. unless separaLelv aareed Lo bv erformSmarL ln wrlLlna Lo permlL addlLlonal lnsLallaLlons or
8ealsLered users (as deflned hereafLer) of Lhe SofLware, Llcensee mav lnsLall Lhe SofLware onLo
one hard drlve or oLher mass sLoraae devlce of a compuLer owned or leased bv Llcensee and
locaLed aL Llcensee's phvslcal locaLlon and mav have onlv one 8ealsLered user operaLe and use
such SofLware on such compuLer. lf a Llcensee deslres Lo lnsLall Lhe SofLware on a compuLer aL a
locaLlon oLher Lhan Llcensee's phvslcal locaLlon Lhe requesL musL be made ln wrlLlna and approved
bv erformSmarL ln wrlLlna prlor Lo such lnsLallaLlon.
b. Llcensee mav use Lhe SofLware onlv for lLs lnLended use LhaL ls dlrecLlv relaLed Lo Lhe lnLernal
buslness operaLlons of Llcensee, and mav noL offer Lhe beneflLs and servlces of Lhe SofLware Lo

Lhlrd parLles, wheLher such arranaemenL ls ln Lhe naLure of a servlce bureau or an ouLsourclna
servlce, or anoLher slmllar servlce or buslness. use of Lhe SofLware bv or on behalf of anoLher
enLlLv or emplover oLher Lhan Lhe Llcense ls prohlblLed.
c. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe copv made when lnsLalllna and operaLlna Lhe SofLware as provlded under
SecLlon 3(a) above, Llcensee mav make one copv Lhe SofLware onlv for backup or archlval
purposes, provlded such copv conLalns all of Lhe orlalnal copv's proprleLarv noLlces and ls kepL
ln Llcensee's possesslon and conLrol.
d. Cnlv lf erformSmarL separaLelv aarees ln wrlLlna Lo allow addlLlonal users (8ealsLered users")
of Lhe SofLware and sub[ecL Lo Llcensee's pavmenL of relaLed addlLlonal llcense fees, Llcensee
mav make mulLlple coples of Lhe uocumenLaLlon whlch accompanles Lhe SofLware, buL onlv as
necessarv for Llcensee's permlLLed use of Lhe SofLware. Llcensee mav noL make more coples of
Lhe uocumenLaLlon Lhan Lhe permlLLed number of 8ealsLered users.


a. Llcensee mav noL renL, lend, lease, aranL a securlLv lnLeresL ln, subllcense or oLherwlse Lransfer
rlahLs ln Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon. 1he llcense and oLher rlahLs aranLed ln Lhls AareemenL
are personal Lo Llcensee, and Llcensee aarees noL Lo Lransfer, asslan or subllcense such rlahLs.
Anv aLLempLed Lransfer, asslanmenL or subllcense bv Llcensee wlll be null and vold.
b. Llcensee mav noL dlsassemble, decomplle, or unlock, reverse LranslaLe, or ln anv manner
decode, cusLomlze, or modlfv Lhe SofLware for anv reason.
c. Llcensee aarees LhaL lLs use of Lhe SofLware and Lhe uocumenLaLlon wlll complv wlLh all
appllcable laws and reaulaLlons, lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon Lhe unlLed SLaLes LxporL
AdmlnlsLraLlon AcL and Lhe rules and reaulaLlons Lhereunder. noLwlLhsLandlna anvLhlna Lo Lhe
conLrarv conLalned ln Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee expresslv acknowledaes LhaL Lhe SofLware and
uocumenLaLlon are lnLended for commerclal use and onlv ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca, and
aarees LhaL erformSmarL wlll bear no responslblllLv whaLsoever for anv unauLhorlzed use or
exporLaLlon of Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon ouLslde Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca or for anv
personal use of Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon.
d. Llcensee aarees Lo lnsLall Lhe SofLware accordlna Lo lnsLrucLlons provlded ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon
or bv an auLhorlzed erformSmarL represenLaLlve.
e. Llcensee aarees LhaL lLs use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo erformSmarL's
sLandard order, bllllna, and collecLlon Lerms and condlLlons ln effecL aL Lhe Llme of Llcensee's
order of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon, as appllcable, whlch mav be revlsed ln
erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon.


a. erformSmarL warranLs LhaL lf Lhe SofLware ls provlded vla Cu-8CM, Lhe Cu-8CM wlll be free
from defecLs ln maLerlals and workmanshlp for a perlod of 60 davs afLer Lhe LffecLlve uaLe.
Should Lhe SofLware fall Lo conform Lo Lhls SecLlon 3(a), Llcensee's sole remedv shall be
replacemenL of Lhe defecLlve medla aL no charae Lo Llcensee. Such remedv ls avallable onlv lf
Llcensee reLurns Lhe defecLlve lLem and a daLed proof of purchase Lo erformSmarL wlLhln Lhe
60- dav warranLv perlod.
b. erformSmarL warranLs LhaL, when lnsLalled and used ln accordance wlLh Lhe uocumenLaLlon,
Lhe SofLware wlll maLerlallv conform Lo Lhe speclflcaLlons seL forLh ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon.


a. 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn A8L nC1 A Su8S1l1u1L lC8 LLCAL C8 C1PL8
8ClLSSlCnAL AuvlCL. LlCLnSLL lS 8LSCnSl8LL lC8 PAvlnC An? Anu ALL WC8k 8CuuC1
C8LA1Lu uSlnC 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn 8LvlLWLu Anu A8CvLu 8? An
b. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu PL8Lln, 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn A8L
8CvluLu AS lS" Anu AuMlnlS1All Anu l1S AlllLlA1LS Lx8LSSL? ulSCLAlM An? Anu ALL
WA88An1lLS, WPL1PL8 Lx8LSS, lMLlLu, C8 C1PL8WlSL, AS 1C An? ASLC1 Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L
C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn C8 An? 8LSuL1S, 8LC81S C8 C1PL8 WC8k 8CuuC1 C81AlnLu 1P8CuCP
uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L, lnCLuulnC Wl1PCu1 LlMl1A1lCn, An? WA88An1lLS 8LLA1lnC 1C
ML8CPAn1A8lLl1?, ll1nLSS lC8 A A81lCuLA8 u8CSL, lunC1lCnALl1?, Anu nCn-
lnl8lnCLMLn1. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu ln 1PlS AC8LLMLn1, AuMlnlS1All MAkLS nC
WA88An1lLS A8Cu1 1PL CuALl1?, L8lC8MAnCL, ACCu8AC?, 8LLlA8lLl1?, CCMLL1LnLSS, C8
1lMLLlnLSS Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu ln 1PlS
AC8LLMLn1, AuMlnlS1All uCLS nC1 WA88An1 1PA1 1PL SCl1WA8L WlLL MLL1 LlCLnSLL'S
8LCul8LMLn1S C8 1PA1 l1S CL8A1lCn WlLL 8L unln1L88u1Lu C8 L88C8 l8LL C8 1PA1 1PL
SCl1WA8L WlLL 8L l8LL Cl vl8uSLS C8 8uCS.


1PL AuMlnlS1All A81lLS' LlA8lLl1? lC8 An? Anu ALL LCSSLS SullL8Lu 8? LlCLnSLL ln
CCnnLC1lCn Wl1P 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 C8 AS A 8LSuL1 Cl uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L C8
uCCuMLn1A1lCn SPALL 8L LlMl1Lu 1C ul8LC1 uAMACLS Anu SPALL nC1 LxCLLu 1PL AMCun1
Alu 8? LlCLnSLL 1C AuMlnlS1All lC8 uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L. unuL8 nC Cl8CuMS1AnCLS Anu
unuL8 nC LLCAL 1PLC8? (1C81, CCn18AC1 C8 C1PL8WlSL) WlLL An? AuMlnlS1All A81? 8L
LlA8LL 1C LlCLnSLL C8 An? C1PL8 L8SCn lC8 An? CLnL8AL, lnul8LC1, SLClAL, lnCluLn1AL,
CCnSLCuLn1lAL, LxLMLA8?, unl1lvL C8 C1PL8 uAMACLS Cl An? 1?L, lnCLuulnC Wl1PCu1
LlMl1A1lCn, uAMACLS lC8 LCSS Cl CCCuWlLL, WC8k S1CACL, LCS1 8Cll1S, LCS1 uA1A,
CCMu1L8 lAlLu8L C8 MALlunC1lCn, 1PA1 MA? 8LSuL1 l8CM An? uSL Cl C8 8LLlAnCL uCn
1PL SCl1WA8L C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn, LvLn ll AuMlnlS1All PAS 8LLn AuvlSLu Cl 1PL CSSl8lLl1?


Llcensee shall defend, lndemnlfv, save and hold harmless erformSmarL and lLs afflllaLes, and lLs and
Lhelr offlcers, dlrecLors, aaenLs and emplovees from anv and all Lhlrd-parLv clalms, demands,
llablllLles, cosLs or expenses, lncludlna reasonable aLLornevs' fees, resulLlna from Llcensee's use of
Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon, or anv breach of Llcensee's duLles, represenLaLlons, or warranLles
conLalned ln Lhls AareemenL.

9. 1LkM: 1LkMINA1ICN

a. 1hls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses aranLed hereunder wlll be effecLlve on Lhe daLe of dellverv of
Lhe enclosed sofLware producL Lo Llcensee and wlll conLlnue unLll LermlnaLed as provlded ln
Lhls SecLlon 9 (a) & (b). LlLher parLv mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses aranLed
hereunder aL anv Llme bv wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe oLher parLv. lf Llcensee falls Lo complv wlLh anv
of Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls AareemenL, erformSmarL mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL
and Lhe llcenses aranLed hereunder lmmedlaLelv wlLh or wlLhouL noLlce Lo Llcensee.
noLwlLhsLandlna Lhe foreaolna, lf Llcensee falls Lo make Llmelv pavmenL of anv appllcable fees
due under hls AareemenL, erformSmarL mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses
aranLed hereunder lmmedlaLelv wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo lLs rlahLs Lo collecL anv amounLs due
under Lhls AareemenL.
b. upon anv LermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL, all rlahLs aranLed hereln shall reverL lmmedlaLelv Lo
erformSmarL, and Llcensee wlll make no furLher use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon. upon
anv LermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee wlll desLrov or permanenLlv erase all coples of Lhe
SofLware and uocumenLaLlon ln lLs possesslon. 1ermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL for anv reason
shall have no effecL on Llcensee's obllaaLlon Lo pav anv and all appllcable fees and oLher
amounLs LhaL mav have accrued prlor Lo Lhe effecLlve daLe of LermlnaLlon.


a. uurlna Lhe Lerm of Lhls AareemenL and for a perlod of one vear Lhere afLer, erformSmarL mav
audlL Llcensee's compllance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhls AareemenL aL anv Llme durlna buslness hours
upon flve buslness davs advance noLlce.
b. 1hls AareemenL and erformSmarL's rlahLs and obllaaLlons hereunder mav freelv be asslaned
bv erformSmarL. 1hls AareemenL and Llcensee's rlahLs and obllaaLlons hereunder mav noL be
asslaned bv Llcensee wlLhouL erformSmarL's prlor wrlLLen consenL.
c. 1hls AareemenL wlll be aoverned bv and consLrued ln accordance wlLh Lhe laws of Lhe SLaLe of
1exas (excepL for confllcL of law rules), and Lhe parLles hereLo submlL lrrevocablv Lo Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courLs ln Parrls CounLv, 1exas, ln connecLlon wlLh anv dlspuLe arlslna ouL of
or relaLlna Lo Lhls AareemenL. 1he appllcaLlon of Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon of ConLracLs
for Lhe lnLernaLlonal Sale of Coods ls expresslv excluded. lf anv acLlon ls necessarv Lo enforce
or lnLerpreL Lhe Lerms of Lhls AareemenL, or anv parL Lhereof, Lhe prevalllna parLv shall be
enLlLled Lo reasonable aLLornevs' fees and cosLs ln addlLlon Lo anv oLher rellef Lo whlch such parLv
mavbe enLlLled.
d. Llcensee acknowledaes LhaL anv breach of SecLlon 2 or anv unauLhorlzed use of Lhe SofLware or
uocumenLaLlon would cause lrreparable damaae Lo erformSmarL for whlch lL would noL have
an adequaLe remedv aL law. Accordlnalv, Lhe parLles hereLo aaree LhaL, ln addlLlon Lo all oLher
remedles avallable Lo lL, erformSmarL mav seek ln[uncLlve rellef for anv such breach or vlolaLlon
of Lhls AareemenL.



AbouL Lhls Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lx
1he 8lahL-Pand anel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Chapter 1: Introduct|on

8eneflLs and leaLures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1
lnsLallaLlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3
CeLLlna SLarLed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9

Chapter 2: Wr|t|ng Iob Descr|pt|ons

AnaLomv of a !ob uescrlpLlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1
Search Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4
CompleLe Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.13
SeL up user !ob Llbrarv . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.28

Chapter 3: Ld|t|ng Iob Descr|pt|ons

Modlfv 1exL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1
LdlLlna !ob SecLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4
Copv 1exL lnLo !ob uescrlpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8
use AcLlon verb 1hesaurus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9
Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10
lormaL !ob uescrlpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12

Chapter 4: Custom|z|ng

CusLomlze Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon lormaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1
CraanlzaLlon name, Loao & Peadlna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1
SecLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3
!ob lnformaLlon llelds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.14
AdverLlsemenL lnformaLlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16
Companv-ueflned CompeLencles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.16
Companv-ueflned lnLervlew CuesLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.18
lnLerneL SeLLlnas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19

updaLe Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20
updaLe 8ealsLraLlon lnformaLlon . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20

Chapter 5: n|r|ng Center

lnLervlew CuesLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.1
lnLervlew lorm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4, Plrlna 1oolklL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.3
WrlLe an AdverLlsemenL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6
osL An Ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

Chapter 6: keports

8eporLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1

Chapter 7: r|nt|ng

SeL up rlnLer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
use rlnL revlew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
rlnL !ob uescrlpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.3

Chapter 8: 1oo|s

SLarL WlLh a 8lank lorm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1
use CuesLlonnalre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2
LxempLlon 1esLer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.4
lmporL !ob uescrlpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.4
LxporL !ob uescrlpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6
updaLe Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.8
Access uescrlpLlons now Webllnks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.9
8ack up uaLa llles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.10

Chapter 9: Iob Descr|pt|on Issues

Whv Pave !ob uescrlpLlons? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1
An Cnaolna roaram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.3
WhaL Coes lnLo a !ob uescrlpLlon. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.6
WrlLlna LffecLlve CuallflcaLlons. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8
ueflnlna hvslcal uemands and Work LnvlronmenL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.9
Leaal lssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.10

Index I.1


About th|s Manua|
Welcome Lo Descr|pt|ons Now: 1he proaram LhaL provldes a sLep-bv-
sLep approach Lo wrlLlna comprehenslve [ob descrlpLlons. 1hls
proaram provldes all Lhe Lools vou need Lo creaLe and edlL effecLlve
[ob descrlpLlons.

1hls manual ls lnLended Lo expand upon Lhe lnformaLlon lncluded ln
Lhe help flle bullL lnLo uescrlpLlons now. 1he chapLers are presenLed
ln an order lnLended Lo help new users undersLand uescrlpLlons now
as qulcklv as posslble.

1he lasL chapLer, Iob uesctlptloo lssoes, provldes helpful lnformaLlon
on whaL Lo lnclude ln a [ob descrlpLlon, how Lo wrlLe effecLlve
quallflcaLlons, and Lhe leaal lssues lnvolved ln [ob descrlpLlons.


1vpoaraphlcal convenLlons Lo be aware of when readlna Lhrouah Lhls
manual lnclude Lhe followlna:

1lps for uslna uescrlpLlons now appear ln ltollcs ln Lhe lefL maraln of
each paae.

lLems vou are lnsLrucLed Lo selecL appear ln bo|d, san serlf Lvpeface.

Cross references (lo ltollcs ooJ lo poteotbesls) Lell vou where vou
can locaLe more lnformaLlon abouL a Loplc.

1hls manual uses Lhe Labs on Lhe producL Welcome paae for navl-
aaLlon. ?ou can also use Lhe Loolbar or menu.

aae lx

1he k|ght-nand ane|

1he rlahL-hand blue panel on Lhe Lab paaes alve vou qulck access Lo [ob
descrlpLlon Lools lncludlna blank forms, useful lnformaLlon, and
lnLerneL slLes. As vou move vour mouse across lLems ln Lhe rlahL-hand
panel, a brlef descrlpLlon dlsplavs aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe panel. An
explanaLlon of Lhe Lhree panels follows.

1he Iob Descr|pt|on nome age

8/onk lorm

Whlle lL ls easler Lo creaLe a new [ob descrlpLlon uslna a [ob
descrlpLlon from Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv, vou can also sLarL
wlLh a blank form. A blank [ob descrlpLlon form provldes a sLarLlna
polnL and conLalns secLlon headlnas and explanaLorv LexL onlv. ?ou
wlll need Lo creaLe Lhe summarv and Lhe essenLlal duLles. CLher
secLlons can be creaLed uslna Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon Wlzard. (5ee 5tott
wltb o 8look lotm oo pooe 8.1 fot mote lofotmotloo.)

aae x


?ou can creaLe a beLLer, more accuraLe descrlpLlon qulcklv and easllv
bv Laklna Llme Lo aaLher lnformaLlon on a [ob before wrlLlna Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon. CLhers ln Lhe companv can look over Lhe prlnLed
quesLlonnalre and add lnformaLlon abouL Lhe speclflc [ob descrlpLlon
vou need Lo creaLe. 1he quesLlonnalre can also be cusLomlzed. (5ee
use Ooestloooolte oo pooe 8.2 fot mote lofotmotloo.)

updote lob Librory

P81ools creaLes new and modlfled [ob descrlpLlons for uescrlpLlons
now Lo keep up wlLh Lhe chanalna workplace. 1hls llnk enables vou
Lo updaLe vour [ob descrlpLlon llbrarv on a reaular basls. (5ee
upJote tbe uesctlptloos Now Iob llbtotv oo pooe 8.8 fot mote

Other Links

WlLh an lnLerneL connecLlon, oLher llnks can appear on Lhls paae.
1hese wlll chanae from Llme Lo Llme when vou loa onLo Lhe P81ools
slLe. ?ou can recelve lnformaLlon on Lhe followlna:

roducL updaLes

!ob uescrlpLlon Webllnks


1oo/s ond lnformotion

1hls secLlon aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Welcome paae ls also updaLed when
vou loa onLo Lhe P81ools web slLe. lL conLalns llnks Lo oLher Lools LhaL
vour companv mav wanL Lo use.

aae xl

1he Custom|zat|on Center

8/onk lorm

Whlle lL ls easler Lo creaLe a new [ob descrlpLlon uslna a [ob
descrlpLlon from Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv, vou can also sLarL
wlLh a blank form. A blank [ob descrlpLlon form provldes a aood
sLarLlna polnL and conLalns secLlon headlnas and explanaLorv LexL
onlv. ?ou wlll need Lo creaLe Lhe summarv and Lhe essenLlal duLles.
CLher secLlons can be creaLed uslna Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon Wlzard. (5ee
5tott wltb o 8look lotm oo pooe 8.1 fot mote lofotmotloo.)


?ou can creaLe a beLLer, more accuraLe descrlpLlon qulcklv and easllv
bv Laklna Llme Lo aaLher lnformaLlon on a [ob before wrlLlna Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon. CLhers ln Lhe companv can look over Lhe prlnLed
quesLlonnalre and add lnformaLlon abouL Lhe speclflc [ob descrlpLlon
vou need Lo wrlLe. 1he quesLlonnalre can also be cusLomlzed. (5ee
use Ooestloooolte oo pooe 8.2 fot mote lofotmotloo.)

aae xll

lob uescription web/inks

1hls llnk connecLs vou Lo a comprehenslve ranae of [ob-descrlpLlon
relaLed lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL.

1he n|r|ng Center

6et On/ine with nk1oo/

1he web slLe provldes vou wlLh Lools and lnformaLlon
vou can use Lo manaae vour human resource needs. (lot mote
lofotmotloo. see nltloo 1oolklt oo pooe 5.5).

aae xlll

aae xlv
aae 1.1

Chapter 1: Introduct|on

8enef|ts and Ieatures

uescrlpLlons now helps vou creaLe accuraLe and effecLlve [ob
descrlpLlons qulcklv and wlLh llLLle efforL. lL auldes vou Lhrouah Lhe
enLlre process, wrlLes Lhe LexL for vou, and offers up-Lo-daLe human
resources advlce alona Lhe wav.


Plre Lhe rlahL people fasLer, more easllv.

SeL waae and salarv levels more accuraLelv.

Address performance lssues falrlv.

Clve clear undersLandlna of expecLaLlons.

SeL sLaae for aood performance.

Pandle leaal and reaulaLorv challenaes more confldenLlv.
aae 1.2
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon


Cver 3,800 [ob descrlpLlons.

Advanced search capablllLles bv lndusLrv, as well as caLeaorv, LlLle,
and summarv (fot mote lofotmotloo. see 5eotcb tbe uesctlptloos
Now Iob llbtotv oo pooe 2.4).

WrlLes secLlons for vou based on vour lnpuL (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see complete tbe Iob uesctlptloo oo pooe 2.15).

ConLalns 33 proven compeLencles Lo bulld comprehenslve proflles
of deslred candldaLes (fot mote lofotmotloo. see competeocles
oo pooe 2.19).

8ullL-ln word processor Lo alve vou edlLlna capablllLv (fot mote
lofotmotloo. seeMoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

CusLomlzlna capablllLles Lo make [ob descrlpLlon formaLs speclflc
Lo vour oraanlzaLlon (fot mote lofotmotloo. see costomlze tbe
Iob uesctlptloo lotmot oo pooe 4.1).

ueflne compuLer skllls requlred for anv poslLlon (fot mote lofot-
motloo. see Ooollflcotloos 5ectloo oo pooe 2.20).

CeneraLe lnLervlew quesLlons based on Lhe compeLencles used ln a
[ob descrlpLlon (fot mote lofotmotloo. see lotetvlew Ooestloos
oo pooe 5.1).

LxporL [ob descrlpLlons Lo P1ML or a word processor (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see xpott Iob uesctlptloos oo pooe 8.6).

lmporL [ob descrlpLlons from oLher proarams or earller verslons of
uescrlpLlons now (fot mote lofotmotloo. see lmpott Iob
uesctlptloos oo pooe 8.4).

AuLomaLlcallv updaLe Lhe proaram's lnLernal [ob descrlpLlon llbrarv
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see upJote tbe uesctlptloos Now Iob
llbtotv oo pooe 8.8).

lnLraneL-readv, converL [ob descrlpLlons Lo P1ML formaL lnsLanLlv
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see xpott Iob uesctlptloos oo
pooe 8.6).

Lnhanced LmplovmenL Ad LdlLor helps wrlLe effecLlve ads, and
offers llnks Lo lnLerneL posLlna and newspaper classlfled servlces
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see wtlte oo AJvettlsemeot oo pooe 5.6).
aae 1.3

LxempLlon 1esLer llnk helps deLermlne overLlme ellalblllLv (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see xemptloo 1estet oo pooe 8.4).

Webllnks Lo wlde ranae of currenL lnLerneL slLes relaLed Lo
[ob descrlpLlons and emplovmenL law (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see Access uesctlptloos Now weblloks oo pooe 8.9).

AcLlon verb 1hesaurus helps vou flnd Lhe rlahL words (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see use Actloo vetb 1besootos oo pooe J.9).

neLwork-readv, auLhorlze accesslblllLv bv addlLlonal users wlLh a
phone call (fot mote lofotmotloo. see AJJ usets oo pooe 1.5).

Cnllne human resources advlce relaLed Lo [ob descrlpLlons (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see use Oolloe nelp oo pooe 1.10).

1he lnsLallaLlon process lnsLalls uescrlpLlons now proaram flles onLo
vour hard dlsk. AfLer lnsLallaLlon, lL ls a aood ldea Lo keep Lhe orlalnal
Cu-8CM ln a safe place so vou can relnsLall ln case of hardware fallure.

5|ng|e-User nardware kequ|rements

A penLlum-based compuLer or hlaher, wlLh a mlnlmum of 128M8
8AM Wlndows 2000 or 236M8 8AM for Wlndows x. A Wln-
dows-compaLlble mouse.

lor slnale-user lnsLallaLlon, 30M8 of hard-dlsk space. neLwork
lnsLallaLlon requlres 60M8.

A Cu-8CM

A vCA or beLLer monlLor (mlnlmum resoluLlon of 800 x 600).

1o use Lhe lnLerneL funcLlons ln uescrlpLlons now, vou musL be
able Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL elLher dlrecLlv from vour compuLer
or Lhrouah vour neLwork (fot mote lofotmotloo. see lotetoet coo-
oectloos oo pooe 1.6).

5oftware kequ|rements

MlcrosofL Wlndows 2000 or Wlndows x.

1o use Lhe lnLerneL funcLlons ln uescrlpLlons now, vou musL have a
Web browser lnsLalled and be able Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see lotetoet coooectloos oo pooe 1.6).
aae 1.4
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon

5|ng|e-User Insta||at|on

lostollloo lo wloJows

1he lnsLallaLlon process assumes LhaL vour Cu-8CM drlve ls drlve u.
lf vou're uslna a dlfferenL drlve, subsLlLuLe lLs drlve leLLer when uslna
Lhe followlna lnsLrucLlons:

lt ls tecommeoJeJ tbot voo Jo
oot lostoll tbe oew vetsloo of
uesctlptloos Now lo tbe some
ptootom Jltectotv os tbe
ptevloos vetsloo.
1. Close all oLher appllcaLlons before lnsLalllna uescrlpLlons now.

2. lnserL Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now CD ln Lhe Cu-8CM drlve.

3. cllck , polnL Lo 5ett|ngs, and cllck Contro| ane| Lo
open lLs wlndow. uouble-cllck Lhe Add/kemove rograms lcon Lo
open lLs wlndow. Cllck Add New rograms lcon on Lhe lefL, and
cllck CD.

4. lollow Lhe onscreen lnsLrucLlons.

3. When vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo vlew Lhe kead Me flle, vou
can cllck es or walL unLll laLer (fot mote lofotmotloo. see vlew
tbe keoJ Me llle Aftet lostollotloo oo pooe 1.9).

Us|ng Descr|pt|ons Now at nome and at the Cff|ce

lf vou wanL Lo wrlLe [ob descrlpLlons movlna back and forLh beLween
vour home and offlce compuLers, uescrlpLlons now musL be lnsLalled
aae 1.3

on boLh of Lhem. Copv Lhe .!8x daLa flles and Lhe uLSnCW.ClC flle
from Lhe flrsL compuLer Lo Lhe second before bealnnlna work. lf vou
have a mulLl-user lnsLallaLlon aL work and a slnale-user lnsLallaLlon
aL home, and vou are uslna vour own [ob form aL work, copv Lhe
[uSL8 lu].un flle Lo vour home compuLer and rename lL

Mu|t|-User Insta||at|on

uescrlpLlons now ls neLwork-readv. When vou purchase addlLlonal
llcenses for a mulLl-user neLwork lnsLallaLlon, everv manaaer and
supervlsor wlll be able Lo easllv wrlLe and keep up-Lo-daLe compleLe
[ob descrlpLlons for everv emplovee.

When vou lnsLall uescrlpLlons now on a mulLl-user neLwork, vou can
aranL access Lo as manv people as vou wanL Lo wrlLe or edlL [ob
descrlpLlons, or Lo [usL revlew Lhem. ?ou can llmlL access so LhaL
manaaers can read, buL noL chanae, cerLaln [ob descrlpLlons.

lor lnformaLlon on how Lo conflaure uescrlpLlons now on a neLwork,
see Lhe separaLe nk1ools Moltl-uset AJmlolsttotot aulde.

4dd users

1o allow more users access Lhe proaram, vou musL obLaln a separaLe
copv of uescrlpLlons now for each user or addlLlonal llcenses.

lor a mulLl-user llcense:

Call vour P81ools sales represenLaLlve aL 877-222-0448.

lax vour requesL Lo 707-789-9037.

L-mall vour requesL Lo

NC1L: AfLer purchaslna addlLlonal llcenses, vou recelve an Add
Llcenses Code. When Lhe SvsLem AdmlnlsLraLor enLers Lhe code, Lhe
number of users ls lmmedlaLelv expanded on vour neLwork (see
locteose tbe Nombet of llceoseJ usets ln Lhe separaLe nk1ools
Moltl-uset AJmlolsttotot aulde).
aae 1.6
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon

Internet Connect|ons

uurlna lnsLallaLlon, uescrlpLlons now auLomaLlcallv ldenLlfles vour
browser. 1hls provldes lmmedlaLe access Lo Lhe lnLerneL funcLlons
ln uescrlpLlons now, where vou can:

osL a [ob openlna (fot mote lofotmotloo. see lost Ao AJ oo
pooe 5.7).

uownload uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv updaLes (for more lnfor-
maLlon, see upJote tbe uesctlptloos Now Iob llbtotv oo
pooe 8.8).

Access [ob descrlpLlon-relaLed web slLes (for more lnformaLlon, see
Access uesctlptloos Now weblloks oo pooe 8.9).

web 8rowser 1roub/eshootino
lf vou normallv can access Lhe lnLerneL ouLslde of uescrlpLlons now,
Lhe lnLerneL funcLlons wlLhln uescrlpLlons now should work properlv.

Moke sote voot btowset ls set
to ootomotlcollv coooect to
tbe lotetoet befote voo ose
tbe uesctlptloos Now lotetoet
Powever, lf vou are uslna an older, or noL wldelv dlsLrlbuLed browser,
lL mav noL be able Lo supporL Lhe uescrlpLlons now lnLerneL funcLlons.
1hls mav also be Lhe case lf vou are uslna an onllne servlce LhaL does
noL have dlrecL connecLlon Lo Lhe lnLerneL, buL requlres enLrv or
selecLlon of addlLlonal opLlons. Slower modems can also have
dlfflculLv supporLlna lnLerneL funcLlons wlLhln uescrlpLlons now.

lf Lhls ls Lhe case, vou can ao dlrecLlv Lo Lhe uescrlpLlons now Web
paae aL bttp.// Lo revlew lLs
Loplcs and llnks.


8ealsLerlna uescrlpLlons now wlLh P81ools alves vou several
lmporLanL beneflLs:

1lmelv announcemenLs of proaram uparades.

lnformaLlon on new P81ools producLs LhaL can help vou manaae
vour oraanlzaLlon more effecLlvelv.

upon openlna uescrlpLlons now for Lhe flrsL Llme, vou wlll be
presenLed wlLh a realsLraLlon wlndow. uescrlpLlons now provldes Lhe
ablllLv Lo realsLer onllne or prlnL a fax form for vou Lo flll ouL, prlnL,
and fax Lo P81ools. lL ls a aood ldea Lo compleLe Lhls when vou're
aae 1.7

alven Lhe opLlon, slnce prompL realsLraLlon wlll faclllLaLe recelvlna
Lechnlcal supporL (fot mote lofotmotloo. see 1ecbolcol 5oppott oo
pooe 1.1J).


1. When Descr|pt|ons Now ls opened for Lhe flrsL Llme, a
realsLraLlon wlndow opens.

1be keolsttotloo oombet ls
ootomotlcollv popoloteJ
wbeo voo teolstet oolloe (ot
tbe fltst tlme voo occess tbe
nk1ools web slte ftom
uesctlptloos Now)

keolstetloo uesctlptloos Now
2. LnLer vour Name.

3. ress Lo move Lo Lhe nexL fleld.

4. llll ouL Lhe resL of Lhe form, presslna afLer each enLrv.

3. When flnlshed, cllck keg|ster Cn||ne Lo send Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
P81ools and recelve a 8ealsLraLlon lu whlch ls auLomaLlcallv
recorded ln Lhe 8ealsLraLlon fleld.

Cr Cllck r|nt Lo prlnL Lhe realsLraLlon form. When Lhe r|nt
dlaloa box opens, selecL opLlons and cllck Ck. lax Lhe com-
pleLed form Lo erformSmarL aL 707-789-9037.

6. 1o exlL Lhe realsLraLlon wlndow, cllck Ck.

aae 1.8
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon

ltompt teolsttotloo wlll
focllltote tecelvloo tecbolcol
lf vou do noL compleLe Lhe realsLraLlon Lhe flrsL Llme vou open
uescrlpLlons now, vou can easllv realsLer aL a laLer Llme:

1. SelecL 5etup from Lhe uescrlpLlons now menu bar, and cllck
Update keg|strat|on Informat|on.

2. lollow Lhe procedure for realsLraLlon provlded on paae 1.7.

Copy rotect|on

lor vour convenlence, uescrlpLlons now Cu-8CM ls noL copv-
proLecLed. 1hls makes lL easv for vou Lo back up, resLore, and run
uescrlpLlons now and relnsLall Lhe proaram, lf necessarv.

uesctlptloos Now ls tbe tesolt
of tbe effotts of oot JeJlcoteJ
stoff. )oot compllooce wltb
oot copvtlobt eosotes tbot we
wlll be oble to Jellvet otbet
belpfol mooooemeot softwote
Powever, please remember LhaL unlLed SLaLes copvrlahL laws make lL
llleaal Lo copv uescrlpLlons now for oLhers or use uescrlpLlons now
ln anv wav LhaL ls noL permlLLed bv Lhe SofLware Llcense AareemenL
LhaL ls lncluded aL Lhe verv bealnnlna of Lhls user manual. P81ools, as
a member of Lhe SofLware ubllshers AssoclaLlon, supporLs Lhe
lndusLrv's efforLs Lo flahL Lhe llleaal copvlna of personal-compuLer

1he kead Me I||e

1he 8ead Me flle mav conLaln supplemenLal lnformaLlon LhaL ls so
currenL lL could noL be lncluded ln Lhls manual before lL was prlnLed.
?ou can vlew Lhe 8ead Me flle when prompLed durlna Lhe lnsLallaLlon
process, or access lL laLer.

view the keod Me li/e uurino lnsto//otion

1. uurlna lnsLallaLlon, vou are asked lf vou would llke Lo vlew Lhe
kead Me flle.

2. Cllck es.

3. 1he 8ead Me flle opens ln MlcrosofL Wordad or anoLher
compaLlble word processlna appllcaLlon.

4. ress and Lo scroll Lhrouah Lhe flle.

3. 1o prlnL Lhe flle, selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck r|nt Lo open lLs
dlaloa box. SelecL opLlons and cllck Ck.

6. 1o exlL Lhe appllcaLlon, selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Lx|t.
aae 1.9

view the keod Me li/e 4fter lnsto//otion

1. Cllck , polnL Lo rograms, polnL Lo nk1oo|s App||cat|ons,
Lhen selecL Descr|pt|ons Now kead Me. 1he flle opens ln
MlcrosofL Wordad or anoLher compaLlble word processlna

Gett|ng 5tarted
2. ress and Lo scroll Lhrouah Lhe flle.

3. 1o prlnL Lhe flle, selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck r|nt Lo open lLs
dlaloa box. SelecL opLlons and cllck Ck.

4. 1o exlL Lhe appllcaLlon, selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Lx|t.

uescrlpLlons now ls deslaned Lo make vou producLlve as qulcklv as
posslble. 1he proaram lncludes menu bars and Loolbars LhaL are
lnLulLlve and easv Lo use.

5tart Descr|pt|ons Now

losswotJ secotltv ls teoolteJ
oo o oetwotk (fot mote lofot-
motloo. see tbe sepotote
nk1ools Moltl-uset
AJmlolsttotot oolJe).

)oo coo olso ptess ooJ bolJ
A|t ooJ ptess tbe ooJetlloeJ
lettet lo o meoo oome to
opeo o meoo.
1. Cllck , selecL rograms Lo open Lhe roarams submenu,
selecL nk1oo|s App||cat|ons, cllck Descr|pt|ons Now 5, and Lhen cllck
uescrlpLlons now Lo sLarL Lhe proaram.

or Cllck Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now |con on vour deskLop.

or Cllck Descr|pt|ons Now ln Lhe 5tart menu.

2. When vou are flnlshed uslna uescrlpLlons now, selecL Lhe I||e
menu and cllck Lx|t Lo exlL Lhe proaram.

use the Menu 8or

1he menu bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now wlndow provldes access
Lo all Lhe proaram funcLlons. !usL cllck a menu name Lo open lLs menu.
When vou open a [ob descrlpLlon, Lhe menu bar expands Lo
accommodaLe Lhe newlv avallable menus.

ln an open menu, a araved-ouL lLem shows LhaL Lhls lLem ls noL
avallable for Lhe currenL procedure. An elllpsls (Lhree doLs) followlna
an lLem shows LhaL selecLlna lL wlll open a dlaloa box wlLh addlLlonal

1. Cllck Lhe I||e menu Lo open lL and revlew lLs lLems.

aae 1.10
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon

2. Cllck each menu or press repeaLedlv Lo open Lhe resL of Lhe
menus and revlew Lhelr conLenLs.

3. ress Lwlce Lo deacLlvaLe Lhe menus.

use the 1oo/bors

1he Loolbars are [usL beneaLh Lhe menu bar ln Lhe uescrlpLlons
now wlndow. 1he Loolbars can be dlsplaved bv defaulL, or hldden
lf vou need more room on Lhe screen.

Lach buLLon on a Loolbar lnsLanLlv execuLes a menu lLem, wlLhouL vour
havlna Lo open a menu. lf cerLaln buLLons are noL approprlaLe for a
Lask vou are performlna, Lhev wlll appear araved-ouL Lo show Lhev are
currenLlv unavallable.
1here are Lwo Loolbars:
1he 5tooJotJ Loolbar on Lhe lefL ls used for common Lasks such as
openlna [ob descrlpLlons or maklna LexL bold.

1he 5peclol Loolbar on Lhe rlahL ls used for more speclallzed Lasks,
such as wrlLlna secLlons or accesslna lnLerneL llnks.

1. SelecL Lhe 5etup menu, cllck 1oo|bars, Lhen cllck 5tandard or
5pec|a| Lo hlde elLher Loolbar. 8epeaL Lhe process Lo resLore a
hldden Loolbar.

2. olnL Lo . A descrlpLlon of Lhe Lool's funcLlon pops up.

Use Cn||ne ne|p

As vou wrlLe [ob descrlpLlons, onllne Pelp ls Lhe qulckesL wav Lo
access lnformaLlon abouL procedures for a proaram funcLlon. 1he
lnlLlal Pelp ConLenLs wlndow conLalns Lhe compleLe llsL of Loplcs LhaL
can be accessed ln Pelp. ?ou can choose a Loplc or search for a speclflc

ln Pelp wlndows, pop-ops (doLLed-underllned LexL) and jomps (solld-
underllned LexL) appear ln Lhe LexL. When cllcked, Lhev access pop-
up lnformaLlon or relaLed help wlndows for addlLlonal lnformaLlon.

?ou can also access Advlce LhaL alves vou more deLalled lnformaLlon
on Lhe human resources aspecLs of uslna Lhe proaram.
aae 1.11

uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo aeL cootext-seosltlve help and advlce
wlLhouL searchlna Pelp or Advlce. WlLh a slmple cllck or kevsLroke,
lnformaLlon wlll appear abouL how Lo use Lhe currenLlv open wlndow
or dlaloa box.

usloo Oolloe nelp

4ccess On/ine ne/p or 4dvice 1opics

1he lnlLlal ConLenLs wlndow conLalns Lhe llsL of Loplcs LhaL can be
accessed ln Pelp.

ln Pelp wlndows, [umps" (doLLed- or solld-underllned LexL) appear ln
Lhe LexL. When cllcked, Lhev Lake vou Lo relaLed Pelp wlndows for
addlLlonal lnformaLlon.

1. Cllck or Lo open Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now ne|p or
Descr|pt|ons Now Adv|ce wlndow (vou can also selecL Lhe ne|p
or Adv|ce menu and cllck Contents).

1o ptlot tbe lofotmotloo lo o
popop. tlobt-cllck tbe popop
ooJ select r|nt 1op|c.
2. Cllck an underllned Loplc Lo [ump" Lo lLs Pelp or Advlce

3. lf Lhere ls a doLLed-underllned Loplc wlLhln Lhe Pelp or Advlce
LexL, cllck lL Lo pop up descrlpLlve lnformaLlon.

4. lf Lhere ls a solld-underllned Loplc ln Lhe LexL or ln Lhe
Add|t|ona| Informat|on area aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Pelp or Advlce
wlndow, cllck lL Lo open relaLed lnformaLlon.

3. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous Loplc, cllck 8ack.

6. 1o scroll consecuLlvelv Lhrouah Lhe Pelp or Advlce Loplcs,
cllck Lhe backward and forward arrows.

aae 1.12
ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon

5eorch ne/p or 4dvice

lf Lhe Pelp or Advlce vou are looklna for does noL appear ln Lhe
conLenLs wlndow, vou can search for speclflc Loplcs.

1. ress Lo open Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now ne|p wlndow, or press

Lo open Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now Adv|ce wlndow.

2. Cllck Lhe 5earch Lab.

3. lf necessarv, bulld Lhe lndex flle bv followlna Lhe Wlzard
prompLs. (1hls should onlv happen Lhe flrsL Llme vou use Lhe
Search Lab.)

4. LnLer Lhe word or phrase Lo bealn Lhe search.

3. Cllck one of Lhe Loplcs llsLed ln Lhe lower lefL pane Lo dlsplav
lLs Pelp or Advlce wlndow or subLoplcs.

use context-5ensitive ne/p ond 4dvice

uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo aeL conLexL-senslLlve Pelp and
Advlce wlLhouL flrsL openlna Pelp. WlLh a slmple cllck or kevsLroke,
lnformaLlon wlll appear abouL how Lo use Lhe currenLlv open wlndow
or dlaloa box.

1. Cllck or press , Lo dlsplav conLexL-senslLlve proaram
help LhaL ls approprlaLe Lo where vou are and Lo whaL vou are

2. Cllck or press Lo dlsplav conLexL-senslLlve human
resources advlce.

3. Cllck ne|p ln an open dlaloa box Lo dlsplav proaram help abouL
how Lo use Lhe dlaloa box.

4. Cllck Adv|ce ln an open dlaloa box Lo dlsplav relaLed human
resources advlce.
aae 1.13

1echn|ca| 5upport

1etms ooJ cooJltloos of
tecbolcol soppott ote sobject
to cboooe wltboot ootlce.
As a realsLered owner of uesctlptloos Now, Lechnlcal supporL ls
avallable Lo vou bv phone or Lhrouah Lhe erformSmarL Cnllne
SupporL CenLer.

1o access erformSmarL Cnllne SupporL CenLer, cllck Lhe SupporL
llnk on Lhe erformSmarL Web slLe aL ln
Lhe Cnllne SupporL CenLer, vou wlll be able Lo search for Lechnlcal
supporL lssues and resoluLlons for uescrlpLlons now and oLher
erformSmarL producLs.

8efore conLacLlna erformSmarL 1echnlcal SupporL, flrsL refer
Lo Lhe approprlaLe onllne Pelp wlndows, user manual secLlons,
and Lhe 8ead Me flle.

When vou call erformSmarL 1echnlcal SupporL, please be prepared
Lo provlde vour proaram LlLle and verslon number. lor Lelephone
supporL, call 1-877-222-0499.

1echnlcal SupporL
19001 CrescenL Sprlnas urlve
klnawood, 1exas 77339

hone: (877) 222-0499
Web SlLe:

ChapLer 1 lnLroducLlon
aae 1.14

aae 2.1

Chapter 2: Wr|t|ng Iob Descr|pt|ons

Anatomy of a Iob Descr|pt|on

wbeo voo sove o job
Jesctlptloo voo bove cteoteJ.
lt ls soveJ to tbe uset Iob
uescrlpLlons now comes wlLh a llbrarv of over 3,800 [ob
descrlpLlons. Powever, Lo keep up wlLh chanaes ln Lhe workplace,
P81ools ls alwavs addlna more, and Lhese can be accessed bv
updaLlna Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv Lhrouah Lhe lnLerneL (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see upJote tbe uesctlptloos Now Iob llbtotv
oo pooe 8.8).

Lach [ob descrlpLlon ln Lhe uescrlpLlons now llbrarv conslsLs of a
LlLle, a suaaesLed summarv of duLles, and a llsL of suaaesLed essenLlal
duLles and responslblllLles. SuaaesLed levels for educaLlon/experlence,
lanauaae and maLh skllls, and reasonlna ablllLv approprlaLe Lo Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon are precalculaLed and provlded for vour selecLlon. As a
resulL of Lhls level selecLlon and of vour responses Lo quesLlons
concernlna Lhe 5opetvlsotv kespooslbllltles, lbvslcol uemooJs, and
wotk ovltoomeot secLlons, uescrlpLlons now wrlLes Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon for vou.

AfLer Lhe descrlpLlon ls wrlLLen, vou can edlL anv porLlon of lL uslna
Lhe edlLlna feaLures (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo
pooe J.1).

1he followlna ls an example of a Lvplcal [ob descrlpLlon. ?ou can
cusLomlze Lhe formaL for all [ob descrlpLlons vou wrlLe uslna Lhe
SeLup funcLlons (fot mote lofotmotloo. see costomlze tbe Iob
uesctlptloo lotmot oo pooe 4.1).
aae 2.2
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

neoJloo 5ectloo -
cootolos otooolzotloo oome
ooJ fotm tltle. 1be Jefoolt
fotm tltle ls Iob uesctlptloo.
bot tbls coo be costomlzeJ
osloo tbe 5etop meoo. )oo
coo olso ose tbe 5etop meoo
to oJJ oo otooolzotloo looo.

Iob lofotmotloo 5ectloo -
cootolos lofotmotloo oseJ to
lJeotlfv tbe job. 1o eotet
lofotmotloo. jost cllck ooJ

5ommotv 5ectloo -
cootolos o btlef ovetvlew of
tbe jobs oeoetol potpose.
sseotlol uotles -
ooJ kespooslbllltles 5ectloo
ltemlzes tbe jobs esseotlol
fooctloos ooJ tespooslbllltles.
A boooloo loJeot bos beeo
opplleJ to moltllloe text.

5opetvlsotv kespooslbllltles
5ectloo -
uesctlbes tbe posltloo(s) ooJ
oolt(s) sopetvlseJ os o tesolt
of voot tespooses to
uesctlptloos Now ooestloos.
I.D. Casey 1oys Inc.

!ob Descr|pt|on

Iob 1|t|e: Cfflce Manaaer
Department: CuallLv Assurance
keports 1o: v CuallLv Assurance
IL5A 5tatus: LxempL
repared 8y: !. SmlLh

repared Date: 9/10/06
Approved 8y: C. !ones

Approved Date: 9/24/06


Manaaes a varleLv of aeneral offlce acLlvlLles bv performlna Lhe followlna
duLles personallv or Lhrouah subordlnaLe supervlsors.

L55LN1IAL DU1IL5 AND kL5CN5I8ILI1IL5 lnclude Lhe followlna. CLher duLles
can be asslaned.

Analvzes and oraanlzes offlce operaLlons and procedures such as personnel,
lnformaLlon manaaemenL, flllna svsLems, requlslLlon of supplles, and oLher
clerlcal servlces.

Maxlmlzes offlce producLlvlLv Lhrouah proflclenL use of approprlaLe sofL-

8esearches and develops resources LhaL creaLe Llmelv and efflclenL workflow.
LsLabllshes unlform correspondence procedures and sLvle pracLlces.
lormulaLes procedures for svsLemaLlc reLenLlon, proLecLlon, reLrleval, Lrans-
fer, and dlsposal of records.
lans offlce lavouL, develops offlce budaeL, and cosL reducLlon proarams.
8evlews clerlcal and personnel records Lo ensure compleLeness, accuracv,
and Llmellnes.

MalnLalns conLacL wlLh cusLomers and ouLslde vendors.

ulrecLlv supervlses flve emplovees ln Lhe CuallLv Assurance ueparLmenL.
Carrles ouL supervlsorv responslblllLles ln accordance wlLh Lhe oraanlzaLlon's
pollcles and appllcable laws. 8esponslblllLles lnclude lnLervlewlna, hlrlna,
and Lralnlna emplovees, plannlna, asslanlna, and dlrecLlna work, appralslna
performance, rewardlna and dlsclpllnlna emplovees, addresslna complalnLs
and resolvlna problems.

aae 2.3

competeocles -
)oo cboose ftom ptovlJeJ
competeocles ot wtlte costom
competeocles to teflect voot

Ooollflcotloos 5ectloo -
uesctlbes mlolmom
ooollflcotloos oeeJeJ fot
soccessfol job petfotmooce.
lo some sobsectloos. voo
cboose oo obllltv level ftom
ptovlJeJ selectloos, lo otbets.
voo eotet tbe text moooollv.

compotet 5kllls -
)oo cboose ftom selectloos
ptovlJeJ to Jesctlbe
compotet skllls oeeJeJ fot
soccessfol job petfotmooce.

lbvslcol uemooJs 5ectloo-
)oo cboose ftom selectloos
ptovlJeJ to Jesctlbe
lmpottoot pbvslcol
teooltemeots of tbe job. ftom
tvploo oo o compotet
kevbootJ to llftloo beovv
wotk ovltoomeot 5ectloo-
)oo cboose ftom selectloos
ptovlJeJ to Jesctlbe ooosool
ot lmpottoot feototes of tbe
job eovltoomeot.

1he compeLencles llsLed here are represenLaLlve of Lhose LhaL musL be meL
Lo successfullv perform Lhe essenLlal funcLlons of Lhls [ob.

AnalvLlcal skllls, buslness acumen, buslness eLhlcs, chanae manaaemenL,
confllcL resoluLlon, deleaaLlon, leadershlp, manaalna people, problem solv-
lna, and sLraLealc Lhlnklna are lmporLanL compeLencles for Lhls poslLlon.


1o perform Lhls [ob successfullv, an lndlvldual musL be able Lo perform each
essenLlal duLv saLlsfacLorllv. 1he requlremenLs llsLed below are represenLaLlve
of Lhe knowledae, sklll, and/or ablllLv requlred. 8easonable accommodaLlons
can be made Lo enable lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles Lo perform Lhe essenLlal

8achelor's dearee (8. A.), or 10 vears' relaLed experlence.


AblllLv Lo read, analvze, and lnLerpreL aeneral buslness perlodlcals and pro-
fesslonal [ournals. AblllLv Lo wrlLe reporLs, buslness correspondence, and
procedure manuals. AblllLv Lo effecLlvelv presenL lnformaLlon and respond Lo
quesLlons from manaaers, cllenLs, cusLomers, and Lhe aeneral publlc.


AblllLv Lo calculaLe flaures and amounLs such as dlscounLs, lnLeresL, commls-
slons, and percenLaaes.


AblllLv Lo applv common sense undersLandlna Lo carrv ouL lnsLrucLlons fur-
nlshed ln wrlLLen, oral, or dlaaram form. AblllLv Lo deal wlLh problems
lnvolvlna several concreLe varlables ln sLandardlzed slLuaLlons.


AblllLv Lo use word processlna sofLware, spreadsheeLs, emall, and lnLerneL.
lamlllar wlLh conLacL manaaemenL sofLware preferred.

none requlred.


1he phvslcal demands descrlbed here are represenLaLlve of Lhose LhaL musL
be meL bv an emplovee Lo successfullv perform Lhe essenLlal funcLlons of Lhls
[ob. 8easonable accommodaLlons can be made Lo enable lndlvlduals wlLh
dlsablllLles Lo perform Lhe essenLlal funcLlons.

Whlle performlna Lhe duLles of Lhls [ob, Lhe emplovee ls reaularlv requlred
Lo Lalk and hear, and use hands and flnaers Lo operaLe a compuLer and
Lelephone kevboard.


1he work envlronmenL descrlbed here ls represenLaLlve of LhaL whlch an
emplovee encounLers whlle performlna Lhe essenLlal funcLlons of Lhls [ob.
8easonable accommodaLlons can be made Lo enable lndlvlduals wlLh dlsabll-
lLles Lo perform Lhe essenLlal funcLlons.

1he nolse level ln Lhe work envlronmenL ls usuallv low.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

5earch the Descr|pt|ons Now Iob L|brary

1he [ob descrlpLlons ln Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv can be used
as a base for creaLlna vour own [ob descrlpLlons. When vou creaLe a
[ob descrlpLlon, Lhe uescrlpLlons now [ob descrlpLlon remalns lnLacL.
When vou save lL, vour creaLed [ob descrlpLlon ls added Lo Lhe user
!ob Llbrarv. !ob descrlpLlons ln Lhe user !ob Llbrarv wlll also be
avallable for use when wrlLlna a new [ob descrlpLlon (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see 5et up uset Iob llbtotv oo pooe 2.28).

1o creaLe a new [ob descrlpLlon, flrsL search Lhe uescrlpLlons
now !ob Llbrarv for a [ob descrlpLlon LhaL mosL closelv flLs Lhe
[ob vou wanL Lo descrlbe.

8eg|n a 5earch

AlLhouah Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv has over 3,800 [ob
descrlpLlons, Lhere are more Lhan 3,800 [ob LlLles. Some [ob
descrlpLlons have been asslaned addlLlonal [ob LlLles (AkAs) Lo beLLer
help vou flnd exacLlv Lhe rlahL [ob descrlpLlon. lor lnsLance, Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon for CollecLlon Clerk" also has AkA [ob LlLles of
uellnquenL AccounLs Clerk" and asL uue AccounLs Clerk." AkA
LlLles are also accesslble durlna a search.

uescrlpLlons now provldes four meLhods for searchlna Lhe
uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv:

Searchlna bv alpha LlLle

Searchlna bv kevword

Searchlna bv caLeaorv

Searchlna bv lndusLrv

aae 2.3

5ett|ng a Defau|t 5earch 1ype

8efore vou sLarL a search, vou can seL a defaulL for searchlna.

1. Cllck 5etup and selecL Defau|t 5earch.

5electloo o seotcb Jefoolt

2. Cllck Lhe radlo buLLon for Lhe Lvpe of search vou wlll use mosL

3. Cllck Ck Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Welcome paae.

5tart|ng a Iob Descr|pt|on 5earch

1. lrom Lhe Welcome wlndow, selecL Create a New Iob

2. Cn Lhe CreaLe a new !ob uescrlpLlon paae, selecL Descr|pt|ons
Now Iob L|brary and cllck Ck.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

5tottloo o seotcb

1he approprlaLe search wlndow opens for vour defaulL search
Lvpe, lf vou seL a defaulL search Lvpe.

NC1L: 1he lefL slde of Lhe wlndow dlsplavs all Lhe search Lvpes. lf
vou don'L wanL Lo use Lhe defaulL vou have seL ln Lhe svsLem, vou can
selecL a dlfferenL search Lvpe.

4/pho 1it/e 5eorch

1hls search meLhod looks for LexL maLches aL Lhe bealnnlna of Lhe
[ob LlLles (lncludlna AkAs). ?ou can search for a speclflc LlLle bv
enLerlna lLs full LlLle, such as Cfflce Manaaer.

?ou can also search for parLlal maLches. lor lnsLance, vou could enLer
offlce" ln order Lo flnd Cfflce Manaaer as well as oLher LlLles LhaL
bealn wlLh LhaL word, such as Cfflce Cashler" or Cfflce nurse".

aae 2.3

5eotcbloo bv Alpbo 1ltle

1. Cn Lhe A|pha 1|t|e 5earch paae, enLer Lhe sLarLlna leLLer(s) for
Lhe search and cllck Next or go Lo dlsplav a llsL of LlLles
conLalnlna Lhe enLered LexL.

2. lf Lhe speclflc LlLle vou wanL appears ln Lhe resulLs of Lhe search,
double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

keyword 5eorch

1hls search meLhod looks for LexL maLches anvwhere ln Lhe [ob LlLles
(lncludlna AkAs), or ln Lhe [ob summarles, or ln boLh. ?ou can search for
a speclflc LlLle bv enLerlna lLs full LlLle, such as ubllshlna Manaalna

?ou can also search for parLlal maLches. lor lnsLance, vou could enLer
publlshlna" ln order Lo flnd ubllshlna Manaalna LdlLor". 8uL vou
could also enLer publl" Lo search for a broader ranae of LlLles or
summarles LhaL lnclude publl" anvwhere ln Lhem. 1he search resulL
would lnclude a wlde ranae of [obs LhaL are publlshlna-relaLed, such
as 8ook ubllclsL", buL would also lnclude oLhers such as ubllc
SafeLv Cfflcer".

When vou elecL Lo search for kevword maLches ln botb Lhe [ob LlLles
and summarles, vou can enLer a word, or a parLlal word, ln up Lo Lhree
separaLe flelds Lo more closelv deflne Lhe search.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

lor example, lf vou enLer Lechnlcal" and lnfo", and ask LhaL Lhe
search be for oov word enLered, vou wlll aeL a llsL of over 230 [ob
LlLles. lf vou ask Lo search for oll Lhe enLered words, vou wlll aeL a
more llmlLed llsL.

5eotcbloo bv kevwotJs

veo lf voo eotet wbole
wotJs. tbe seotcb tesolts wlll
locloJe pottlol motcbes. cllck
Motch who/e words on/y lf voo
Joot woot to seotcb bv
pottlol wotJs ot oll.
1. ln Lhe keyword 5earch paae, enLer up Lo Lhree words (or
parLlal words) LhaL can be ln a [ob LlLle or summarv.

2. SelecL elLher A|| of the above words or Any of the above words
and cllck Next or go Lo dlsplav a llsL of LlLles.

3. lf Lhe speclflc LlLle vou wanL appears ln Lhe resulLs of Lhe search,
double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

5eorch by lob coteoory

CaLeaorv searchlna ls parLlcularlv useful when Lhe [ob ls noL speclflc
Lo an lndusLrv, when vou are noL sure of Lhe [ob LlLle (buL have an ldea
of Lhe aeneral caLeaorv), and when vou wanL Lo peruse a number of
slmllar [obs for ldeas (fot mote lofotmotloo. see copv ftom o Iob
uesctlptloo oo pooe J.8).

CaLeaorles are arouped bv level ln expandable caLeaorv Lrees. When
vou expand a caLeaorv folder, subcaLeaorles (lf anv) are dlsplaved
flrsL. When vou expand one of Lhe subcaLeaorles, relaLed [ob LlLles are

lor lnsLance, vou can vlew all Lhe [ob LlLles wlLhln a aeneral level
(such as Clerlcal & AdmlnlsLraLlve SupporL Workers"), selecL a more

aae 2.3

speclflc level (such as Llbrarv Clerks"), Lhen selecL a [ob LlLle (such
as Llbrarv Clerk").

5eotcbloo bv coteootv

5ome job tltles ote osslooeJ
to sevetol loJosttles.
1. ln Lhe Category 5earch paae, double-cllck Lhe approprlaLe
caLeaorv Lo expand Lhe llsL.

2. lf necessarv, double-cllck a subcaLeaorv Lo dlsplav Lhe
[ob LlLles.

3. 1o collapse Lhe llsL, double-cllck anv prevlous caLeaorv.

4. lf Lhe speclflc LlLle vou wanL appears ln Lhe resulLs of Lhe search,
double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

5eorch by lndustry

lndusLrv searchlna ls parLlcularlv useful when vou are looklna for a
[ob descrlpLlon ln a speclflc lndusLrv. As wlLh a caLeaorv search, Lhls
ls also an easv meLhod Lo vlew Lhe exLenL of avallable [ob descrlpLlons
across an lndusLrv.

Iob tltles tbot ote commoo to
moov loJosttles ote
otooolzeJ ooJet oeoetol
beoJloos. socb os xecotlve.
Offlce 5oppott. cletlcol. ot
nomoo kesootces.
lndusLrles are arouped bv level ln expandable lndusLrv Lrees. When
vou expand an lndusLrv folder, sublndusLrles (lf anv) are dlsplaved
flrsL. When vou expand one of Lhe sublndusLrv folders, relaLed
[ob LlLles are dlsplaved.

lor lnsLance, vou can vlew all Lhe [ob LlLles wlLhln a aeneral lndusLrv
(such as CompuLer"), selecL a more speclflc level (such as
neLwork"), Lhen selecL a [ob LlLle (such as lnLerneL SvsLem
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

5eotcbloo bv loJosttv

1. ln Lhe Iobs by Industry paae, double-cllck Lhe approprlaLe
sublndusLrv Lo expand Lhe llsL.

2. lf necessarv, double-cllck anoLher sublndusLrv Lo reveal Lhe
[ob LlLles.

3. 1o collapse Lhe llsL, double-cllck anv prevlous folder.

4. lf Lhe speclflc LlLle vou wanL appears ln Lhe resulLs of Lhe search,
double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

5eorch by coteoory of lob in 4ctive window

lf vou have a [ob descrlpLlon open, vou can qulcklv flnd relaLed [ob
LlLles ln Lhe same caLeaorv.

Slnce uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo have mulLlple [ob descrlpLlons
open slmulLaneouslv, vou can also easllv aeL ldeas from oLher [ob
descrlpLlons ln Lhe same caLeaorv or copv duLles from Lhem lnLo Lhe
one ln whlch vou are currenLlv worklna (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
copv ftom o Iob uesctlptloo oo pooe J.8).

1. WlLh a [ob descrlpLlon open ln Lhe acLlve wlndow, cllck Lo
open Lhe Create New Iob Descr|pt|on paae.

2. SelecL Descr|pt|ons Now Iob L|brary Lo open Lhe
Descr|pt|ons Now Iob 5earch paae.

aae 2.3

lf voo otloloollv seotcbeJ bv
loJosttv. voo coo oo bock to
tbot loJosttv bv selectloo
lndustry of job in octive
3. SelecL Category of [ob |n act|ve w|ndow Lo open lLs paae
(wlLh Lhe currenL [ob LlLle hlahllahLed).

4. uouble-cllck Lhe approprlaLe subcaLeaorv Lo expand Lhe llsL. lf
necessarv, double-cllck anoLher subcaLeaorv Lo reveal [ob LlLles.

3. 1o collapse Lhe llsL, double-cllck anv prevlous folder.

6. When Lhe LlLle vou wanL ls dlsplaved, double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo
open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

4ccess 1it/es lrom Lost 5eorch

lf vou use Lhe [ob kevword search, uescrlpLlons now remembers Lhe
[ob LlLles LhaL resulLed from vour mosL recenL search.

1hls perLalns Lo Lhe mosL recenL search ln Lhe currenL sesslon onlv. 1he
[ob LlLles are reLalned unLll vou perform anoLher kevword search or
exlL uescrlpLlons now.

1. Cllck Lo open Lhe Create New Iob Descr|pt|on paae.
2. SelecL Descr|pt|ons Now Iob L|brary.

3. SelecL 1|t|es from |ast search Lo dlsplav Lhe resulLs of vour
mosL recenL search.

4. lf a LlLle vou wanL ls dlsplaved, double-cllck Lhe LlLle Lo open
Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

lf vou have a [ob descrlpLlon currenLlv open, see copv ftom o Iob
uesctlptloo oo pooe J.8.

ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

now to Use 5earch kesu|ts

AfLer vou have searched for a [ob LlLle and Lhe resulLs are dlsplaved,
vou have several opLlons avallable Lo vou.

ulsploveJ seotcb tesolts

use o lob 1it/e

1o open a [ob descrlpLlon ln vour acLlve wlndow:

1. uouble-cllck lLs LlLle ln Lhe llsL LhaL resulLed from vour search.

2. Cr selecL Lhe LlLle and cllck Use.

3. verlfv, ln Lhe wlndow LhaL opens, LhaL Lhls ls Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
vou wanL Lo use and cllck Next.

Preview lob uescriptions

lnsLead of openlna Lhe [ob descrlpLlon ln vour acLlve wlndow, vou can
Lake a qulck look aL lLs summarv and duLles Lo make sure lL ls
approprlaLe for vour needs. ?ou can prevlew all LlLles from Lhe same
llsL ln Lhls manner, wlLhouL havlna Lo open and close each one.

aae 2.3

ltevlewloo o foooJ job Jesctlptloo tltle

1. AfLer a search, selecL a [ob LlLle ln Lhe LlLles llsL and cllck
rev|ew. 1he Summarv and uuLles of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon are

2. lf lL's approprlaLe, cllck Next. 1he [ob descrlpLlon opens ln Lhe
[ob wlzard. lf vou don'L wanL Lo use lL, cllck 8ack Lo reLurn Lo
Lhe llsL.

3. ?ou can prevlew oLher LlLles lf vou wanL, or sLarL a new search.

5tort o New 5eorch

lf, afLer a search, Lhe [ob LlLle vou are looklna for does noL appear ln
Lhe search resulLs, vou can sLarL a new search. ?ou are noL llmlLed Lo
Lhe Lvpe of search vou orlalnallv selecLed. lf Lhe resulLs were noL
saLlsfacLorv, for lnsLance, when vou searched bv caLeaorv, vou mlahL
wanL Lo search bv lndusLrv or bv kevwords.

1. ress 8ack Lo reLurn Lo Lhe search wlndow.

2. lf vou wanL Lo search bv LlLle, cllck A|pha 1|t|e 5earch.

3. lf vou wanL Lo search bv kevword, cllck keyword 5earch.

4. lf vou searched bv caLeaorv, cllck Category of [ob |n act|ve

3. lf vou searched bv lndusLrv, cllck Industry of [ob |n act|ve
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

Print List of lob 1it/es

?ou can prlnL a llsL of Lhe [ob LlLles found bv vour search. ?ou can also
prlnL Lhe summarles of Lhe [ob descrlpLlons ln vour search resulLs,
whlch wlll alve vou an ldea of whaL each [ob descrlpLlon conLalns.
1hls ls a qulck wav Lo provlde oLhers a llsLlna of some of Lhe [obs ln
Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv or Lo deLermlne whlch [obs mlahL
be useful.

ltlotloo Iob 1ltles

8e sote to set op voot ptlotet
cottectlv befote ptlotloo o
botJ copv (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see 5et up
ltlotet oo pooe 7.1).

uesctlptloos Now ls oble to
Jlsplov op to 100 pooes oo
tbe scteeo. lf voot tepott ls
lotoet. select tbe uisk
Jestlootloo ooJ ose voot
wotJ ptocessot to vlew tbe
eotlte tepott.
1. ln Lhe search resulLs, cllck r|nt 1|t|es Lo open lLs paae.

2. SelecL Iob t|t|es on|y or Iob t|t|es and 5ummary sect|ons.

3. 1o ptlot o botJ copv, selecL r|nter and cllck Next Lo prlnL

4. 1o ptlot to Jlsk. selecL D|sk and cllck Next Lo open Lhe 5ave As
dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle, selecL Lhe locaLlon of
where Lo save lL, and Lhen cllck 5ave.

3. 1o vlew tbe llst oo tbe scteeo. selecL 5creen and cllck Next Lo
dlsplav Lhe llsL.

6. use Lhe paae buLLons Lo navlaaLe Lhrouah Lhe llsL. lf vou wanL Lo
prlnL Lhe llsL, cllck r|nt, lf vou do noL, cllck Cance|.


aae 2.3

Comp|ete the Iob Descr|pt|on

)oo coo costomlze tbe fotmot
of o job Jesctlptloo (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see costomlze
tbe Iob uesctlptloo lotmot
oo pooe 4.1).
When a selecLed [ob descrlpLlon opens, lL conLalns Lhe [ob LlLle ln Lhe
!ob lnformaLlon secLlon, and Lhe suaaesLed LexL for Lhe Summarv
secLlon and Lhe LssenLlal uuLles and 8esponslblllLles secLlon. 1hese
secLlons can be edlLed Lo meeL vour oraanlzaLlon's requlremenLs (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

1he remalnlna secLlons wlll be wrlLLen for vou as vou respond Lo
quesLlons ln Lhe [ob wlzard. 8e sure Lo cllck Next as vou work Lhrouah
Lhe secLlons, Lo record lnformaLlon on Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

At oov tlme wbeo voo ote
wotkloo wltb tbe Iob wlzotJ.
voo coo cllck view Prooress
Note: As lnformaLlon ls placed ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon, a check mark
appears beslde LhaL secLlon's LlLle. 1hls helps vou Lrack whlch secLlons
vou have compleLed.

to see bow tbe job Jesctlptloo
looks. cllck Next to oo bock

to wbete voo wete lo tbe job
lor recommendaLlons on whlch secLlons should be lncluded ln a [ob
descrlpLlon, see lotmot ooJ cooteot oo pooe 9.4).

nead|ng 5ect|on

1he Peadlna secLlon aL Lhe Lop of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon conLalns Lhe
oraanlzaLlon name and [ob descrlpLlon headlna. 1he oraanlzaLlon
name can be cusLomlzed bv chanalna lL or addlna Lhe oraanlzaLlon's
loao (fot mote lofotmotloo. see Otooolzotloo Nome. looo &
neoJloo oo pooe 4.1).

8v defaulL, Lhe form headlna ls Iob uesctlptloo. ?ou have Lhe opLlon of
cusLomlzlna Lhls for all [ob descrlpLlons. lor lnsLance, vou mlahL
declde Lo replace Iob uesctlptloo wlLh losltloo or Iob closslflcotloo.

Iob Informat|on 5ect|on

1he !ob lnformaLlon secLlon below Lhe headlna of a [ob descrlpLlon
conLalns lnformaLlon used Lo ldenLlfv lmporLanL characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
[ob. 1he flelds LhaL appear ln Lhls secLlon when vou flrsL open a [ob
descrlpLlon are Lhe ones mosL commonlv used.

5ome job Jesctlptloos locloJe
o ulctloootv of Occopotloool
1ltles (uO1) coJe. lf voo oJJ
tbe uO1 flelJ to o job
Jesctlptloo. tbe uO1 coJe wlll
ootomotlcollv oppeot.
1o cusLomlze Lhe !ob lnformaLlon secLlon for onlv Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
on whlch vou are currenLlv worklna, vou can enLer chanaes dlrecLlv
on lL. Powever, lL ls also posslble Lo cusLomlze Lhe !ob lnformaLlon
secLlon for all Lhe [ob descrlpLlons vou creaLe (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see costomlze tbe Iob uesctlptloo lotmot oo pooe 4.1).
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

?ou can rename Lhe flelds, chanae Lhelr order, or choose whlch flelds
wlll appear. CLher flelds LhaL can be added are: ulvlslon, uC1 Code,
Lmplovee name, !ob Code, LocaLlon, Salarv Level, ShlfL, and Lhree
user-deflned flelds.

otetloo tbe Iob lofotmotloo fot o job Jesctlptloo

5ee Iob 1ltles oo pooe 9.6
fot oJvlce oo cteotloo job

use tbe xemption 1ester llok
to vlew ll5A lofotmotloo to
belp voo JeclJe wbot tbe
stotos sboolJ be (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see xemptloo
1estet oo pooe 8.4).
1. 1he Iob 1|t|e ls auLomaLlcallv enLered ln Lhe !ob 1lLle fleld.

2. 1ab Lo move Lo Lhe oLher flelds, fllllna ln Lhe lnformaLlon

3. lf Lhe IL5A 5tatus fleld ls presenL, enLer Lhe poslLlon's sLaLus
under Lhe federal lalr Labor SLandards AcL (exempL or non-

4. Cllck Next Lo conLlnue Lo Lhe nexL secLlon.
5uperv|sory kespons|b|||t|es 5ect|on

lL ls lmporLanL Lo clarlfv when a [ob has supervlsorv responslblllLles,
because of consequences under federal and sLaLe emplovmenL laws
such as:

ueLermlnlna exempLlons for overLlme under Lhe lLSA and oLher
sLaLe waae and hour laws.

Lmplover llablllLv for supervlsor/manaaer acLlons or lnacLlons.

Supervlsor/manaaer llablllLv for own acLlons or lnacLlons.

aae 2.3

1hls secLlon deLermlnes wheLher Lhe [ob lnvolves dlrecL supervlslon
of emplovees, supervlslon of subordlnaLe supervlsors, or no
supervlsorv responslblllLles aL all.

NC1L: 1he word supervlsor" (or subordlnaLe supervlsor") should
noL be confused wlLh LlLles llke senlor, lead, or acLlna supervlsor,
where dlrecLlon of emplovees mav be rouLlne (noL requlrlna consls-
LenL use of lndependenL [udamenL or maklna recommendaLlons
reaardlna declslons affecLlna Lhe emplovmenL sLaLus of oLhers).

lf tbe job Joes oot bove
sopetvlsotv tespooslbllltles.
o stotemeot to tbot effect ls
wtltteo lo tbe sectloo.
1he Supervlsorv 8esponslblllLles secLlon ls wrlLLen for vou afLer
uescrlpLlons now asks vou a shorL serles of quesLlons abouL Lhe [ob.
AfLer Lhe secLlon ls wrlLLen based on vour responses Lo Lhe
quesLlons, vou can cusLomlze lL uslna Lhe edlLlna feaLures (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

uefloloo sopetvlsotv tespooslbllltles

1. Cn Lhe 5uperv|sory kespons|b|||t|es paae, cllck es or No as Lo
wheLher or noL Lhe [ob has supervlsorv responslblllLles.

2. Cllck es or No as Lo wheLher or noL subordlnaLe supervlsors
reporL Lo Lhe [ob.

3. Cllck Next. lf Lhere are no supervlsorv responslblllLles, Lhe dlaloa
box closes and a sLaLemenL Lo LhaL effecL ls wrlLLen ln Lhe
secLlon. lf Lhere are supervlsorv responslblllLles, an addlLlonal
paae opens.

ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

uefloloo tbe oombet of emplovees sopetvlseJ

4. LnLer Lhe number of subord|nate superv|sors who reporL Lo Lhe [ob,
Lhe names of Lhe supervlsed departments, and Lhe tota| emp|oyees
who reporL Lo subordlnaLe supervlsors.

3. Cllck es or No as Lo wheLher Lhere are oLher non-supervlsorv
emplovees who reporL dlrecLlv Lo Lhe [ob.

6. lf vou cllcked es, enLer Lhe number of non-superv|sory
emp|oyees LhaL are dlrecLlv supervlsed bv Lhls [ob and cllck
Next Lo revlew Lhe secLlon LexL.

7. lf vou feel Lhe LexL ls lncorrecL because vou aave Lhe
wrona responses, press Lhe 8ack buLLon and answer Lhe
quesLlons aaaln. Cllck Next Lo revlew Lhe LexL.

8. When vou cllck Next afLer revlewlna Lhe LexL, vou are asked lf
vou wanL Lo append or replace Lhe secLlon. Cllck kep|ace Lo
replace Lhe LexL, or Append Lo add Lhe new LexL Lo exlsLlna LexL
(Lhen deleLe Lhe LexL LhaL ls unnecessarv).

aae 2.3


1he CompeLencles SecLlon enables vou Lo llsL speclflc compeLencles
LhaL are appllcable Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon vou are wrlLlna. Lach llsLed
compeLencv conslsLs of four Lo slx facLors LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo
performance wlLhln LhaL compeLencv.

1he svsLem uses Lhe compeLencles vou selecL here Lo aeneraLe
lnLervlew quesLlons. ?ou are alven Lhe opLlon, afLer vou have
compleLed Lhe [ob descrlpLlon, Lo vlew and edlL Lhe lnLervlew
quesLlons and Lo add Lhose deflned bv vour companv. (lot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotetvlew Ooestloos oo pooe 5.1)

5e/ectino competencies

5electloo competeocles

1. Cllck Next Lo open Lhe Competenc|es paae.

2. Cllck Lhe + ln fronL of a aroup of compeLencles Lo expand Lhe

3. Cllck Lhe + ln fronL of an lndlvldual compeLencv Lo see Lhe
facLors deflned for lL.

4. Cllck Lhe box ln fronL of a compeLencv Lo selecL Lhe
compeLencv and all Lhe facLors LhaL are deflned for lL.

3. 1o remove one or more facLors, buL keep oLhers, cllck Lhe box
ln fronL of Lhe facLors Lo remove Lhe check mark.

6. When vou have flnlshed selecLlna compeLencles, cllck Next.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

kev|ew|ng Competency 1ext

kevlewloo competeocv text

1. 8evlew Lhe LexL LhaL wlll be added Lo vour [ob descrlpLlon. ?ou
can edlL Lhe LexL on Lhls paae or afLer lL ls copled Lo Lhe [ob form.

2. Cllck Next Lo copv Lhe LexL Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon and move Lo
Lhe CuallflcaLlons secLlon.

Cua||f|cat|ons 5ect|on

use Lhls secLlon Lo deflne Lhe speclflc knowledae, skllls, and ablllLles
needed for successful [ob performance (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
wtltloo ffectlve Ooollflcotloos oo pooe 9.8). CuallflcaLlons are
lmporLanL for hlrlna purposes, ln helplna seL compensaLlon, and for
leaal reasons lf vou are challenaed under AuA or oLher emplovmenL

uescrlpLlons now wrlLes Lhls secLlon for vou afLer vou answer
quesLlons relaLed Lo each of Lhe subsecLlons. lf vou wanL, vou can Lhen
use Lhe edlLlna feaLures Lo ellmlnaLe lrrelevanL lanauaae and add deLall
unLll lL flLs vour parLlcular [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv
1ext oo pooe J.1).

1o remlnd vou of whv vou seL cerLaln quallflcaLlons and Lo provlde a
hlsLorlcal conLexL, vou can cusLomlze vour [ob descrlpLlon formaL Lo
lnclude a commenLs secLlon for noLes (fot mote lofotmotloo. see AJJ
commeots 5ectloo oo pooe 4.12).

aae 2.3

1here are elahL prlnclpal subsecLlons for Lhe CuallflcaLlons secLlon.

1ext fot eocb level coo be
costomlzeJ fot oll job
Jesctlptloos voo cteote (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see
costomlze level 1ext oo
pooe 4.6).
1. Cllck a subsecLlon and selecL Lhe LexL LhaL besL flLs Lhe [ob

2. Cllck Next Lo work vour wav Lhrouah Lhe oLher subsecLlons of

3. As vou compleLe each subsecLlon, a check mark appears bv lLs
name Lo show work has been enLered durlna Lhe currenL

4. lf vou feel Lhe LexL ls lncorrecL because vou aave Lhe wrona
responses, cllck Lhe 8ack buLLon and answer Lhe quesLlons
aaaln. When vou cllck Ck, vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo append or
replace Lhe secLlon. Cllck kep|ace Lo replace Lhe LexL, or Append
Lo add Lhe new LexL Lo exlsLlna LexL (Lhen deleLe
whaLever LexL ls unnecessarv).

ducotion ond/or xperience 5ubsection

1hls subsecLlon offers vou a llsL of nlne levels of educaLlon and/or
experlence and Lhe relaLed LexL LhaL wlll appear ln vour [ob

A suaaesLed level LhaL ls approprlaLe Lo vour speclflc [ob descrlpLlon
ls preselecLed. Powever, vou can selecL Lhe level LhaL besL descrlbes
whaL ls needed Lo fulflll Lhe essenLlal duLles of Lhe [ob. ?ou can edlL
Lhe level LexL afLer lL ls copled Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon lf vou need Lo
furLher maLch vour speclflc [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv
1ext oo pooe J.1).

ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

vlewloo text fot o selecteJ Jocotloo ooJ/ot xpetleoce level

1ext fot eocb level coo be
costomlzeJ fot oll job
Jesctlptloos voo cteote (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see
costomlze level 1ext oo
pooe 4.6).
1. Cllck Lducat|on and/or Lxper|ence Lo open lLs paae.

2. 8evlew Lhe LexL for Lhe dlfferenL levels and selecL an
approprlaLe level for Lhe [ob descrlpLlon on whlch vou are

3. Cllck Next Lo wrlLe Lhe subsecLlon and open Lhe nexL paae of

Lonouooe 5ki//s, Mothemotico/ 5ki//s, ond keosonino 4bi/ity

1hese subsecLlons each offer vou a llsL of sklll levels. SuaaesLed
levels LhaL are approprlaLe Lo vour speclflc [ob descrlpLlon are
preselecLed. Powever, vou can selecL Lhe levels LhaL besL descrlbe
whaL ls needed Lo fulflll Lhe essenLlal duLles of Lhe [ob.

?ou can edlL Lhe level LexL afLer lL ls copled Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon lf
vou need Lo furLher maLch vour speclflc [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).


aae 2.3

5electloo oo opptoptlote teosooloo level

1. Cllck Language 5k|||s, Mathemat|ca| 5k|||s, or keason|ng Ab|||ty
Lo open lLs paae. Lach dlsplavs a cholce of levels LhaL
descrlbe essenLlal duLles of Lhe [ob.

2. 8evlew Lhe LexL for Lhe dlfferenL levels and selecL an
approprlaLe level for Lhe [ob descrlpLlon on whlch vou are

3. 1o help vou selecL Lhe correcL level, cllck Lxamp|es Lo vlew
examples of Lhe [ob duLles of anoLher [ob descrlpLlon LhaL
requlres Lhe sklll level vou are conslderlna.

4. Cllck Next Lo wrlLe Lhe subsecLlon.

computer 5ki//s 5ubsection

Manv [obs requlre compuLer skllls Lo successfullv compleLe [ob duLles
and responslblllLles. 1hls secLlon llsLs speclflc Lvpes of sofLware LhaL
mlahL be requlred Lo perform Lhe essenLlal duLles of a [ob. 1hev are
noL lnLended Lo deflne hlah-Lech duLles and responslblllLles. lf vou
need a compuLer-relaLed or oLher hlah-Lech descrlpLlon, search Lhe [ob
llbrarv aaaln Lo locaLe hlah-Lech and compuLer-relaLed [obs LhaL
speclflcallv deLall compuLer skllls.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

5electloo compotet 5kllls

)oo coo olso cteote o costom
llst of cettlflcotes. llceoses.
ooJ teolsttotloos tbot wlll
oppeot wbeoevet voo select
tbls sectloo (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see cteote
5kllls llsts oo pooe 4.10).
1. Cllck Computer 5k|||s Lo open lLs paae.

2. Cllck each compuLer sklll for Lhe [ob descrlpLlon Lo make a
check mark appear.

3. ln Lhe fleld beslde Lhe compuLer sklll, enLer LexL LhaL speclfles
Lhe proaram experlence needed for LhaL compuLer sklll.

4. Cllck Next Lo vlew Lhe LexL. ?ou can edlL Lhe LexL as well.

certificotes, Licenses, keoistrotions 5ubsection

8ecause of Lhe unllmlLed posslble cholces, uescrlpLlons now does
noL have prewrlLLen lanauaae for llcenses or cerLlflcaLes speclflc Lo
each [ob or oraanlzaLlon. lor lnsLance, a hosplLal mlahL need Lo
enLer cettlfleJ Notsloo Asslstoot (cNA), llceoseJ \-kov
1ecbooloolst, or keolsteteJ Notse (kN).


aae 2.3

AJJloo tbe Otbet Ooollflcotloos sobsectloo

1. ln Lhe Cua||f|cat|ons 5ect|ons secLlon of Lhe lefL panel, cllck
Cert|f|cates, L|censes, keg|strat|ons (or CLher Skllls and AblllLles,
or CLher CuallflcaLlons) Lo open lLs paae. 8ead Lhe lnformaLlon

2. LnLer Lhe LexL for Lhls subsecLlon dlrecLlv lnLo Lhe box
provlded, or copv LexL from anoLher [ob descrlpLlon vou
alreadv creaLed (fot mote lofotmotloo. see copv ftom o Iob
uesctlptloo oo pooe J.8).

3. ?ou can also creaLe llsLs of CerLlflcaLes and Llcenses, CLher
Skllls, and CLher CuallflcaLlons (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
cteote 5kllls llsts oo pooe 4.10).

hys|ca| Demands 5ect|on

1be llst of pbvslcol JemooJs
coo be costomlzeJ to sbow
oolv cooJltloos tbot ote
opptoptlote fot voot
otooolzotloo. )oo coo olso
costomlze tbe lottoJoctotv
text tbot oppeots beoeotb
tbe sectloo beoJloo (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see costomlze
lbvslcol uemooJs ooJ wotk
ovltoomeot llsts oo
pooe 4.8).
1he hvslcal uemands secLlon descrlbes Lhe phvslcal skllls and
ablllLles an emplovee Lvplcallv musL have Lo perform Lhe
essenLlal funcLlons of Lhe [ob. 1he cholces for Lhls secLlon are
conLalned ln Lhree screens:

1he amounL of Llme spenL performlna llsLed phvslcal acLlvlLles.

1he amounL of Llme spenL llfLlna speclflc welahLs.

1he vlslon requlremenLs.

ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

Whlle compleLlna Lhls secLlon, vou wlll wanL Lo be sure LhaL vou can
relaLe all phvslcal demands Lo Lhe essenLlal [ob duLles (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see uefloloo lbvslcol uemooJs ooJ wotk
ovltoomeot oo pooe 9.9).

?ou can edlL Lhe LexL afLer lL ls copled Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon lf
vou need Lo furLher maLch vour speclflc [ob (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

5electloo pbvslcol teooltemeots

1. Cllck Next Lo open Lhe hys|ca| Demands (5creen 1 of 3) paae.

2. SelecL Lhe approprlaLe Llme spenL for each acLlvlLv.

3. Cllck Lxamp|es Lo vlew examples of Lhe LexL from anoLher [ob
descrlpLlon LhaL requlres Lhe phvslcal demand level vou are

4. Cllck Next Lo move Lo (5creen 2 of 3), and selecL Lhe amounL of
Llme spenL llfLlna each of Lhe welahL aroups.

3. Cllck Next Lo move Lo (5creen 3 of 3) and selecL Lhe vlslon
requlremenLs for Lhls [ob.

6. Cllck Next Lo wrlLe Lhe secLlon.

aae 2.3

7. lf vou feel Lhe LexL ls lncorrecL because vou aave Lhe wrona
responses, resLarL and answer Lhe quesLlons aaaln. When vou
cllck Ck, vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo append or replace Lhe
secLlon. Cllck kep|ace Lo replace Lhe LexL, or Append Lo add Lhe
new LexL Lo exlsLlna LexL (Lhen deleLe whaLever LexL ls

Work Lnv|ronment 5ect|on

1be llst of eovltoomeotol
cooJltloos coo be costomlzeJ
to sbow oolv cooJltloos tbot
ote opptoptlote fot voot
otooolzotloo. )oo coo olso
costomlze tbe lottoJoctotv
text tbot oppeots beoeotb tbe
sectloo beoJloo (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see costomlze
lbvslcol uemooJs ooJ wotk
ovltoomeot llsts oo
pooe 4.8).
1he work envlronmenL conslsLs of envlronmenLal condlLlons and
nolse levels. 1he cholces for Lhe Work LnvlronmenL secLlon are
conLalned ln Lwo screens:

1he amounL of Llme spenL wlLh or exposed Lo exLreme condlLlons.

1he nolse level.

1he clarlflcaLlon of Lhese condlLlons ln a [ob descrlpLlon provldes
auldellnes whlle lnLervlewlna candldaLes. lL also helps an appllcanL
undersLand whaL Lhe [ob ls llke.

lor lnsLance, persons wlLh dlsablllLles need Lo know lf work
envlronmenL condlLlons mlahL lmpacL Lhem ln order Lo evaluaLe
wheLher Lhev mav need a reasonable accommodaLlon.

?ou can edlL Lhe LexL afLer lL ls copled Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon lf
vou need Lo furLher maLch vour speclflc [ob (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

5electloo eovltoomeotol cooJltloos

ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

1. Cllck Next Lo open Lhe Work Lnv|ronment (5creen 1 of 2)
dlaloa box.

2. SelecL Lhe esLlmaLed Llme spenL ln each envlronmenLal
condlLlon. Cllck Lxamp|es Lo vlew examples of Lhe LexL from
anoLher [ob descrlpLlon LhaL requlres Lhe work envlronmenL
level vou are conslderlna.

3. Cllck Next Lo move Lo (5creen 2 of 2), and selecL Lhe nolse level
approprlaLe for Lhe [ob.

4. Cllck Next Lo wrlLe Lhe secLlon.

3. lf vou feel Lhe LexL ls lncorrecL because vou aave Lhe wrona
responses, resLarL and answer Lhe quesLlons aaaln. When vou
cllck Next, vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo append or replace Lhe
secLlon. Cllck kep|ace Lo replace Lhe LexL, or Append Lo add Lhe
new LexL Lo exlsLlna LexL (Lhen deleLe whaLever LexL ls
5et Up User Iob L|brary

When vou creaLe a new [ob descrlpLlon, Lhe uescrlpLlons now [ob
descrlpLlon vou used as a basls remalns lnLacL. When vou save Lhe
creaLed [ob descrlpLlon, lL becomes parL of Lhe user !ob Llbrarv. AfLer
vou have used uescrlpLlons now for a whlle, vou wlll bulld up vour
own llbrarv of user !obs. A [ob descrlpLlon ln Lhe user !ob Llbrarv
can also be used as Lhe basls for oLher [ob descrlpLlons.

Manv oraanlzaLlons creaLe a user !ob Llbrarv of benchmark
(LemplaLe) [ob descrlpLlons Lhev wanL used bv manaaers (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see costomlze tbe Iob uesctlptloo lotmot oo
pooe 4.1). 1hls leLs Puman 8esources deleaaLe Lhe Lask of wrlLlna [ob
descrlpLlons Lo Lhe people who know Lhe [obs besL and alves Lhem a
framework from whlch Lo sLarL.

8enchmark [ob descrlpLlons can help ensure conslsLencv ln pav and
responslblllLles across an oraanlzaLlon. 1hev can also provlde a model
for aood lanauaae and a sLandardlzed formaL for all manaaers Lo

aae 2.3

ueclJloo wbot to Jo wbeo job Jesctlptloo ls complete

When Lhe [ob descrlpLlon ls compleLed, vou can Lhen edlL lL dlrecLlv
or vou can re-enLer Lhe [ob descrlpLlon wlzard (or a speclflc [ob
secLlon) bv selecLlna 5ect|ons from Lhe menu bar.

AfLer edlLlna Lhe [ob descrlpLlon, vou can:

Save Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

rlnL Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

Close Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

Co Lo Lhe Plrlna CenLer and creaLe an ad uslna Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see wtlte oo AJvettlsemeot oo pooe 5.6).

Co Lo Lhe lnLervlew 1emplaLe Lo revlew and edlL Lhe lnLervlew
quesLlons aeneraLed from Lhe [ob descrlpLlon (fot mote lofotmo-
tloo. see lotetvlew Ooestloos oo pooe 5.1).

5ave a Iob Descr|pt|on

When vou save a [ob descrlpLlon Lo Lhe user !ob Llbrarv, vou musL
asslan a flle name. !ob descrlpLlon flle names are auLomaLlcallv
asslaned a !8x exLenslon. A !8x flle conLalns a slnale [ob
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

When vou search Lhe user !ob Llbrarv, boLh Lhe [ob LlLles and flle
names are dlsplaved. Powever, lL mav also help Lo seL up a svsLem for
namlna Lhese flles LhaL wlll help vou flnd Lhem easllv.

When vou flrsL save a [ob, a speclflc locaLlon ls lnlLlallv shown based on
Lhe Lvpe of lnsLallaLlon. ?ou can save Lhe [ob ln Lhe locaLlon shown
or vou can speclfv a dlfferenL locaLlon ln anv dlrecLorv or drlve LhaL ls
avallable Lo vou. A mulLl-user neLwork lnsLallaLlon ofLen asslans a
shared dlrecLorv on a dlfferenL drlve or a unlque daLa dlrecLorv Lo each
user. Whenever vou save a [ob, lLs locaLlon ls remembered and wlll be
Lhe locaLlon speclfled Lhe nexL Llme vou open or save a [ob.

?ou can use mulLlple dlrecLorles as a means Lo oraanlze vour [ob
descrlpLlons lnLo caLeaorles, such as bv deparLmenLs.

5ovloo o uset Iob bv Jepottmeot

1. lf vou are savlna for Lhe flrsL Llme, cllck 5ave or Lo open Lhe
5ave As dlaloa box.

2. LnLer a I||e Name (Lhe !8x exLenslon wlll auLomaLlcallv be

3. SelecL Lhe drlve and dlrecLorv Lo whlch vou wanL Lo save Lhls

4. Cllck 5ave.

aae 2.3

3. lf vou make furLher chanaes, cllcklna wlll save Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon dlrecLlv Lo lLs deslanaLed flle. 1o open Lhe 5ove As
dlaloa box and save Lhe [ob descrlpLlon under a dlfferenL
name or Lo a dlfferenL folder, vou musL selecL Lhe I||e menu,
and cllck 5ave As.

Cpen/De|ete User Iob Descr|pt|ons

ln Lhe Cpen user !ob dlaloa box, Lo make lL easler Lo flnd a user !ob
descrlpLlon, Lhe [ob LlLle assoclaLed wlLh Lhe flle name appears nexL Lo
lL. ?ou can also choose Lo Loaale beLween sorLlna Lhe user !ob LlLles
bv flle name or bv LlLle.

use Lhls dlaloa box Lo deleLe a user !ob, buL be cauLlous when dolna
so, slnce vou wlll noL be able Lo resLore a user !ob once lL has been

lf vou wanL Lo Lake more Llme Lo revlew Lhe llsL of user !obs before
openlna Lhem, vou can prlnL Lhelr LlLles.

Opeoloo o uset Iob

1. Cn Lhe Welcome paae, cllck Cpen an Lx|st|ng User Iob,

or cllck Lo open Lhe Cpen User Iob dlaloa box.

2. lf Lhe llsL of flles ls exLenslve, Loaale beLween 5ort ||st by t|t|e
and 5ort ||st by f||e name Lo help vou flnd Lhe correcL flle.

3. 1o open a flle, double-cllck lL (or selecL lL and cllck Ck),

or Lo deleLe a flle, selecL lL and cllck De|ete. When vou're asked
lf vou're sure, cllck es.
ChapLer 2 WrlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

aae 2.4

4. 1o prlnL Lhe llsL of LlLles for furLher revlew, cllck r|nt 1|t|es Lo
open Lhe r|nt keport dlaloa box.

8e sote to set op voot ptlotet
cottectlv befote ptlotloo o
botJ copv (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see 5et up
ltlotet oo pooe 7.1).
3. SelecL Lhe reporL desLlnaLlon.

6. 1o ptlot o botJ copv, selecL r|nter and cllck Ck Lo prlnL

7. 1o ptlot to Jlsk. selecL D|sk and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe 5ave As
dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle, selecL Lhe correcL
locaLlon of where Lo prlnL Lhe flle, and Lhen cllck Ck.

8. 1o vlew tbe llst oo tbe scteeo. selecL 5creen and cllck Ck Lo open
Lhe llsL ln Lhe V|ew keport wlndow. use Lhe paae buLLons Lo
navlaaLe Lhrouah Lhe llsL. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL Lhe llsL, cllck r|nt,
lf vou do noL, cllck C|ose.

aae 3.1

Chapter 3: Ld|t|ng Iob Descr|pt|ons

Mod|fy 1ext

wbeo voo eJlt o job
Jesctlptloo ftom tbe
uesctlptloos Now Iob llbtotv.
voo ote oolv eJltloo o copv,
oot tbe otlolool job
AfLer creaLlna a [ob descrlpLlon, vou mav wanL Lo flne-Lune Lhe LexL
and formaL lL furLher. uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo modlfv, copv
and pasLe, formaL, flnd and replace, and spell check LexL. An onllne
AcLlon verb 1hesaurus Lo help wlLh wordlna ls also provlded.

NC1L: Whlle Lhe uescrlpLlons now bullL-ln edlLor has manv com-
mon word-processlna funcLlons, lL does noL offer some of Lhe feaLures
of a commerclal word processlna appllcaLlon. lf vou wanL Lo use more
sophlsLlcaLed edlLlna feaLures, vou can exporL [ob descrlpLlons Lo
vour own word processor (fot mote lofotmotloo. see xpott Iob
uesctlptloos oo pooe 8.6).

keyboard 5hortcuts

usuallv, Lo move around ln a [ob descrlpLlon, vou can use Lhe scroll
bars and cllck wlLh Lhe mouse polnLer Lo place Lhe lnserLlon polnL.
Powever, lf vou are kevboard-orlenLed, vou can also navlaaLe ln an
open [ob descrlpLlon bv uslna kevboard shorLcuLs.
aae 3.2
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons

use Lhe followlna shorLcuLs:

Act|on: keyboard 5hortcuts:

Move Lo Lhe Lop of a documenL

Move Lo Lhe end of a documenL


Move Lo Lhe bealnnlna of a llne

Move Lo Lhe end of a llne

SelecL one word Lo Lhe rlahL

SelecL one word Lo Lhe lefL

SelecL one paraaraph up

Ld|t 1ext

SelecL one paraaraph down

Move up one screen aL a Llme

Move down one screen aL a Llme

?ou can selecL (hlahllahL) LexL before vou edlL lL uslna Lhe mouse or
kevsLrokes. 1o make LexL more readable or accuraLe, vou can lnserL
addlLlonal words lnLo exlsLlna LexL and Lhe exlsLlna LexL wlll shlfL Lo
accommodaLe lL. ?ou can also deleLe, cuL and copv LexL, or undo

ln an open [ob descrlpLlon:

1. 5e|ect text: uouble-cllck a slnale word, cllck and draa across LexL
vou wanL Lo selecL, or use a kevboard shorLcuL.
aae 3.3

lf voo teocb tbe eJoe of tbe
scteeo wblle losettloo text. Jo
noL ptess ooless voo
woot to stott o oew
potootopb. keep tvploo post
tbe eJoe, tbe text wlll
ootomotlcollv wtop Jowo to
tbe oext lloe.
2. Insert text: Cllck where vou wanL Lo lnserL LexL and Lvpe Lhe
new LexL. 1he exlsLlna LexL shlfLs Lo make room.

3. kep|ace text: SelecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo replace and Lvpe Lhe
new LexL or pasLe ln copled LexL. lL lnsLanLlv replaces Lhe
selecLed LexL.

4. De|ete text: SelecL LexL vou wanL Lo deleLe and press .

3. Cut text: SelecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo cot and cllck (or press
+ ).

6. Copy text: SelecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo copv and cllck (or
press + ).
7. aste text: Cllck Lhe poslLlon ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon or ln
anoLher documenL where vou wanL Lo move or copv Lhe LexL
and cllck (or press + ).

8. Undo text ed|t|ng: SelecL Lhe Ld|t menu and cllck Undo Lo
resLore edlLed LexL Lo lLs prevlous condlLlon (or press
+ ).

I|nd and kep|ace 1ext

A seotcb ootomotlcollv
beolos ot tbe top of
tbe Jocomeot ooJ
stops ot tbe eoJ.
lf vou reallze vou've used a word lncorrecLlv ln a [ob descrlpLlon, buL
can'L remember where lL ls, use Lhe llnd feaLure Lo locaLe lL. lf an
oraanlzaLlonal chanae Lakes place, such as a deparLmenL name
modlflcaLlon, vou can chanae a word or phrase ln a [ob descrlpLlon
uslna Lhe llnd and 8eplace feaLure.

lind 1ext

1. SelecL Lhe Ld|t menu and cllck I|nd Lo open lLs dlaloa box.

2. 1vpe Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo flnd ln Lhe I|nd what fleld.

3. 1o flnd onlv enLlre words, cllck Match who|e word on|y.

4. 1o maLch case exacLlv, cllck Match case.

3. Cllck Up or Down Lo search ln LhaL dlrecLlon.

6. Cllck I|nd Lo bealn Lhe search. 1he found LexL ls hlahllahLed
and Lhe dlaloa box closes. ?ou can now edlL Lhe LexL.
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

7. 1o kepeot Lhe lasL search, press ,

or selecL Lhe Ld|t menu and cllck I|nd Next.

lind ond kep/oce 1ext

1. SelecL Lhe Ld|t menu and cllck kep|ace Lo open lLs dlaloa box.

2. 1vpe Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo flnd ln Lhe I|nd what fleld.

Ld|t|ng Iob 5ect|ons
3. ress and Lvpe Lhe LexL ln Lhe kep|ace w|th fleld LhaL wlll
replace Lhe found LexL.

4. 1o flnd onlv enLlre words, cllck Match who|e word on|y.

3. 1o maLch case exacLlv, cllck Match case.

6. Cllck Up or Down Lo search ln LhaL dlrecLlon.

7. Cllck I|nd. 1he found LexL ls hlahllahLed and Lhe kep|ace
Cpt|ons dlaloa box opens.

8. Cllck kep|ace Lo replace Lhe hlahllahLed LexL and flnd Lhe nexL

9. Cllck kep|ace a|| Lo replace all occurrences.

10.Cllck 5k|p Lo flnd Lhe nexL occurrence wlLhouL chanalna Lhe
flrsL occurrence.

11.When vou are Lold no more occurrences can be found,
cllck Ck.

lf Lhe rlahL panel ls dlsplaved whlle

vou are worklna on a [ob

descrlpLlon, cllck Lhe blue arrow ln
Lhe Lab above Lhe rlahL panel. 1hls wlll alve vou more dlsplav space
for Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

Iob Informat|on I|e|ds

1o deleLe an unneeded fleld headlna, cllck and draa across lL Lo
hlahllahL lL. ress Lwlce (Lo deleLe Lhe LexL and close Lhe
resulLlna aap).
aae 3.3

5ummary 5ect|on

lt mov belp to wtlte tbe
5ommotv sectloo ofter voo
Jefloe tbe esseotlol Jotles.
1he Summarv secLlon should alve a aeneral overvlew of Lhe [ob's
purpose. lL should be brlef, clear, and provlde enouah lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe [ob's overall funcLlon and responslblllLles Lo
dlfferenLlaLe Lhls [ob from oLher [obs.

lot oJvlce oo wbot o oooJ
5ommotv sectloo sboolJ
cootolo. cllck tbe 4dvice llok
ot tbe top of tbe left pooel to
occess oolloe AJvlce.
8evlew Lhe prewrlLLen Summarv secLlon carefullv Lo be sure lL
accuraLelv descrlbes vour speclflc [ob. lf lL does noL, use Lhe edlLlna
feaLures Lo edlL Lhe LexL (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext
oo pooe J.1).

1be 5ommotv sectloo

8e sure Lo keep Lhe Summarv secLlon shorL (one paraaraph of abouL
30 words). locus on Lhe [ob's cenLral purpose and ma[or acLlvlLles
wlLhouL aeLLlna lmmersed ln deLall. use slmple lanauaae LhaL ls
commonlv undersLood ln vour oraanlzaLlon and, for salarv survev
purposes, wlLhln vour lndusLrv.

1he Summarv secLlon LexL sLarLs wlLh an effecLlve acLlon verb,
followed bv Lhe ob[ecL of LhaL acLlon, wlLh enouah deLall Lo explaln
Lhe reason for Lhe [ob. 1o help vou flnd an approprlaLe acLlon verb,
use Lhe AcLlon verb 1hesaurus (fot mote lofotmotloo. see use
Actloo vetb 1besootos oo pooe J.9).

Lssent|a| Dut|es and kespons|b|||t|es 5ect|on

LssenLlal duLles are Lhe prlmarv or fundamenLal [ob duLles lnLrlnslc Lo
a poslLlon - LhaL ls, Lhe duLles LhaL are essenLlal Lo achlevlna Lhe
ob[ecLlves of Lhe [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see sseotlol uotles oo
pooe 9.6).

)oo coo wtlte tbe esseotlol
Jotles lo essov fotmot. bot
tbev wlll be less eosv to teoJ.
lotetptet. ooJ opJote.
1hls secLlon ls where vou clearlv ldenLlfv all Lhe essenLlal duLles and
descrlbe Lhe fundamenLal funcLlons of a [ob. 1he mosL common wav
Lo descrlbe Lhese duLles ls Lhrouah a llsL of duLv sLaLemenLs ln some
loalcal order, such as chronoloalcal (descrlblna a Lvplcal work dav) or
ln order of lmporLance or frequencv.

ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

A somple sseotlol uotles ooJ kespooslbllltles sectloo

cllck tbe 4dvice llok ot tbe
top of tbe left pooel to occess
oolloe AJvlce oboot bow to
wtlte oooJ Jotv stotemeots.
?ou can edlL anv of Lhese duLles, and deleLe or rearranae Lhem uslna
Lhe edlLlna feaLures. When wrlLlna vour own duLv sLaLemenLs, be sure
LhaL Lhev are wrlLLen clearlv and are Lrulv essenLlal.

1o wrlLe aood duLv sLaLemenLs:

CeL Lhorouah lnpuL from mulLlple sources. Conslder uslna Lhe
quesLlonnalre Lo collecL daLa (fot mote lofotmotloo. see use
Ooestloooolte oo pooe 8.2).

lnclude, and provlde Lhe mosL deLall abouL, frequenLlv performed
duLles LhaL occupv Lhe areaLesL proporLlon of Lhe work.

lnclude reaularlv scheduled buL lnfrequenL duLles LhaL are lmpor-
LanL Lo Lhe [ob's prlmarv purpose.

lnclude duLles performed lrreaularlv buL LhaL are lmporLanL Lo Lhe
[ob's prlmarv purpose.

SLarL a duLv sLaLemenL wlLh an acLlon verb ln Lhe presenL Lense
LhaL descrlbes Lhe acLlon ln speclflc Lerms (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see use Actloo vetb 1besootos oo pooe J.9).

uescrlbe whaL Lhe emplovee does, noL whaL Lhe Lools or meLhods

use [ob LlLles and oraanlzaLlonal unlLs raLher Lhan speclflc names.

use slmple, conclse lanauaae LhaL ls clear Lo Lhose wlLhln Lhe oraa-
nlzaLlon and Lo ouLslde appllcanLs.

Comblne relaLed Lasks lnLo one duLv sLaLemenL when Lhev produce
Lhe same resulLs.

Slnce vou can open mulLlple [ob descrlpLlons, open oLher [ob
descrlpLlons Lo aeL ldeas or copv duLv sLaLemenLs.

aae 3.7

Moroino/ uuties 5ection

lL ls lmporLanL Lo llsL all Lhe esseotlol duLles. Powever, vou mav wanL
Lo add motolool (nonessenLlal) duLles. 1hese maralnal duLles should
be llsLed separaLelv and be clearlv dlsLlnaulshed from Lhose LhaL are
essenLlal (fot mote lofotmotloo. see Nooesseotlol ot Motolool
uotles oo pooe 9.7).

lf vou wanL Lo lnclude maralnal duLles ln an lndlvldual [ob
descrlpLlon, vou can enLer a new secLlon headlna dlrecLlv on Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon, such as AddlLlonal uuLles and 8esponslblllLles, and
formaL lL. WrlLe Lhe new duLv sLaLemenLs, or copv duLv sLaLemenLs
from Lhe same [ob descrlpLlon or oLher [ob descrlpLlons uslna Lhe
edlLlna feaLures (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo
pooe J.1).

NC1L: lf vou declde LhaL vou frequenLlv lnclude maralnal duLles on
vour [ob descrlpLlons, conslder cusLomlzlna vour [ob descrlpLlon for-
maL bv addlna a user-deflned secLlon enLlLled AddlLlonal uuLles and
8esponslblllLles (fot mote lofotmotloo. see 5elect 5ectloos oo
pooe 4.J).

Ld|t|ng Cther Iob 5ect|ons

?ou can edlL oLher secLlons of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon bv uslna Lhe
SecLlons menu.

1. SelecL Lhe 5ect|ons menu and cllck a speclflc secLlon vou wanL Lo

or Cllck Iob W|zard Lo selecL from all secLlons of Lhe [ob

NC1L: When edlLlna a [ob descrlpLlon, Lhe secLlons vou access from
Lhe SecLlons menu and from Lhe !ob Wlzard do noL dlsplav Lhe LexL
or Lhe seLLlnas from Lhe currenL [ob descrlpLlon. lor example, lf Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon ls seL Lo level 4 for lanauaae skllls, openlna Lhe
Lanauaae secLlon from Lhe wlzard or Lhe SecLlons menu wlll noL
dlsplav level 4
as Lhe seLLlna. lL wlll be seL as Lhe lowesL level.

2. uo anv edlLlna needed for Lhe secLlon.
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

When vou flnlsh a secLlon (bv cllcklna Next or Descr|pt|on
Comp|ete), a dlaloa box appears.

cboosloo oo optloo fot oJJloo oew text to o job Jesctlptloos

3. Cllck Append lf vou wanL Lo add Lhe new LexL Lo Lhe LexL LhaL ls
alreadv ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon, kep|ace lf vou wanL Lhe new LexL
Lo replace Lhe LexL LhaL ls alreadv ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon, or
Cance| Lo reLurn Lo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon wlLh no chanaes.

4. Save anv chanaes vou make, Lhen close Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

Copy 1ext |nto Iob Descr|pt|ons

AfLer vou have selecLed a [ob descrlpLlon LhaL ls closesL Lo Lhe [ob vou
wanL Lo descrlbe, vou can search for and copv from relaLed
uescrlpLlons now or user !obs for Lhe addlLlonal duLles or lanauaae
vou need. ?ou can also copv from documenLs creaLed ouLslde
uescrlpLlons now.

Copy from a Iob Descr|pt|on

8e cotefol wbeo moltlple job
Jesctlptloos ote opeo. lf voo
ote wtltloo Ooollflcotloos
sectloos. tbe ooestloos ote
boseJ oo tbe job Jesctlptloo
lo tbe act|ve wloJow. Moke
sote voo moke tbese
selectloos on|y wbeo tbe job
Jesctlptloo voo ote cotteotlv
cteotloo ls lo tbe octlve
8ecause vou can have mulLlple [obs open aL Lhe same Llme, lL ls easv
Lo copv and pasLe approprlaLe LexL from one [ob descrlpLlon Lo anoLher.

1. WlLh Lhe [ob descrlpLlon open LhaL needs addlLlonal LexL,
cllck .
2. Search for (fot mote lofotmotloo. see 5eotcb tbe uesctlptloos
Now Iob llbtotv oo pooe 2.4) and open Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
from Lhe uescrlpLlons now or user !ob Llbrarv from whlch
vou wanL Lo copv. 1he newlv opened [ob descrlpLlon appears ln
fronL of Lhe orlalnal [ob descrlpLlon.

aae 3.9

3. Cllck Lhe W|ndows menu and selecL elLher Cascade (Lo place
[ob descrlpLlons on Lop of each oLher wlLh Lhe LlLles showlna) or
1||e (Lo place [ob descrlpLlons ln wlndows one under Lhe oLher).

)oo coo olso select tbe
W|ndow meoo ooJ cllck 1||e to
ottoooe tbe opeo wloJows
botlzootollv. )oo coo tbeo
vlew ooJ sctoll tbtooob botb
wloJows wltboot bovloo to
btloo ooe ot tbe otbet to tbe
ftoot. Iost cllck o wloJow to
moke lt octlve.
4. SelecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo copv and press + (or
cllck or cllck Lhe Ld|t menu and selecL Copy).

3. Cllck Lhe orlalnal [ob descrlpLlon Lo brlna lL Lo Lhe fronL.

6. Cllck Lhe place where vou wanL Lo pasLe Lhe copled LexL and
press + (or cllck or cllck Lhe Ld|t menu and selecL

7. Cllck Lhe k ln Lhe Lop, rlahL corner of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon (or
selecL Lhe I||e menu and selecL C|ose).

8. llnlsh bv edlLlna Lhe copled LexL and savlna Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see 5ove o Iob uesctlptloo oo
pooe 2.29).

Copy from a Word rocessor Document

?ou can copv LexL from a documenL creaLed ouLslde of uescrlpLlons
now. llrsL save Lhe ouLslde documenL as an 81l or 1x1 flle and Lhen
open lL from wlLhln uescrlpLlons now (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
Opeo/uelete uset Iob uesctlptloos oo pooe 2.J1) and copv and
pasLe beLween Lhe Lwo documenLs.

Use Act|on Verb 1hesaurus

1he sLaLemenLs ln Lhe Summarv and LssenLlal uuLles and
8esponslblllLles secLlons sLarL wlLh acLlon verbs (such as teseotcbes,
ploos, cootJlootes). 1o help vou wrlLe effecLlve descrlpLlons,
uescrlpLlons now provldes an onllne AcLlon verb 1hesaurus. ?ou selecL
an acLlon verb ln a descrlpLlon and Lhe Lhesaurus looks up Lhe
svnonvms for vou. Cr vou can open Lhe Lhesaurus and enLer a verb for
whlch vou wanL Lo flnd a more effecLlve svnonvm.
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

5eotcbloo fot o Jlffeteot octloo vetb

1. SelecL Lhe enLlre acLlon verb vou wanL Lo replace wlLh
a svnonvm.

5pe|| Check

A seotcb ootomotlcollv
beolos ot tbe top of tbe
Jocomeot ooJ stops ot tbe
2. Cllck (or selecL Lhe 1oo|s menu and cllck Act|on Verb
1hesaurus) Lo open lLs dlaloa box, where svnonvms for Lhe
selecLed word are llsLed.

3. 1o chanae Lhe word vou are looklna up, selecL Lhe LexL ln Lhe
Look Up Word fleld and Lvpe Lhe new word (make sure lL ls ln
presenL Lense, endlna wlLh an s").

4. Cllck Look Up for more suaaesLlons.

3. Cllck Lhe svnonvm ln Lhe 5uggest|ons area LhaL vou wanL as a

6. Cllck kep|ace Lo replace Lhe hlahllahLed word.

7. Cllck Cance| Lo sLop searchlna.

uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo check vour LexL aaalnsL a dlcLlonarv
for spelllna errors. lf vou ofLen use unlque words LhaL are noL ln Lhe
dlcLlonarv and LhaL are repeaLedlv hlahllahLed bv Lhe spell checker,
vou can add Lhem Lo a cusLom dlcLlonarv. ?ou can also edlL Lhe cusLom

aae 3.11

Check 5pe|||ng

1. Cllck (or selecL Lhe 1oo|s menu and cllck 5pe|| Check).
1he 5pe|| Check dlaloa box opens onlv lf a quesLlonable word
ls found.

2. Cllck Ignore Lo leave Lhe word unchanaed and conLlnue,

or cllck Ignore A|| Lo leave all of Lhe same words unchanaed,

or cllck Change Lo replace Lhe word wlLh Lhe suaaesLed word ln
Lhe Change 1o fleld,

or cllck Change A|| Lo replace all of Lhe same words wlLh Lhe
suaaesLed word.

3. ?ou can also cllck a word ln Lhe 5uggest|ons area and cllck
Change or Change A||.

4. lf Lhere are no suaaesLlons (or all suaaesLlons are lncorrecL, and
vou know how Lo spell Lhe word), hlahllahL Lhe word ln Lhe
Change 1o fleld, Lvpe Lhe correcL word, and cllck Change or Change

3. Cllck Add Lo add Lhe word ln Lhe Change 1o fleld Lo vour
cusLom dlcLlonarv.

6. ConLlnue unLll vou are Lold LhaL Lhe spell check ls compleLe,
Lhen cllck Ck (or cllck Cance| Lo sLop lL aL anv Llme).

Ld|t Custom D|ct|onary

1. Close uescrlpLlons now.

2. Cllck , polnL Lo rograms, selecL Accessor|es, and cllck

3. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Cpen.

4. Cllck Lhe I||es of type selecLlon arrow and selecL A|| I||es.

3. navlaaLe Lo and open Lhe custom.dct flle ln Lhe uescrlpLlons
now dlrecLorv (usuallv Lhe 5hared Documents/ nk1oo|s
App||cat|ons/Descr|pt|ons Now dlrecLorv ln slnale-user lnsLallaLlons,
or Lhe 5hared dlrecLorv ln mulLl-user

6. SelecL Lhe word vou wanL Lo remove and press .

7. 1o add words, [usL Lvpe Lhem ln aL Lhe end of Lhe llsL.
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

8. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck 5ave.

9. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Lx|t.

Iormat Iob Descr|pt|ons

?ou can do more Lhan [usL edlL Lhe LexL ln a [ob descrlpLlon. ?ou can
also formaL lL wlLh characLer aLLrlbuLes (such as bold), paraaraph
formaLLlna (such as rlahL-allan), and paae lavouL seLLlnas (such as
maraln wldLh).

use Lhese formaLLlna feaLures Lo formaL lndlvldual [ob descrlpLlons.
1o chanae defaulL formaLLlna LhaL wlll affecL oll subsequenL [ob
descrlpLlons, use Lhe cusLomlzaLlon feaLures (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see costomlze tbe Iob uesctlptloo lotmot oo pooe 4.1).

Iormat Characters

1o opplv fotmottloo to text
tbot voo wlll tvpe ftom tbe
losettloo polot oo. opplv tbe
otttlbotes befote voo tvpe.
CharacLer formaLLlna does noL affecL Lhe documenL's lavouL, lL onlv
affecLs Lhe aLLrlbuLes of LexL. ALLrlbuLes LhaL can be applled Lo
selecLed LexL ln a [ob descrlpLlon lnclude bold, lLallc, underllne, and a
dlfferenL fonL and slze.

1. SelecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo formaL. ?ou can selecL a slnale char-
acLer, a slnale word, a paraaraph, or Lhe whole documenL.

2. 1o make lL bold, press + (or selecL Lhe Iormat menu
and cllck 8o|d).

3. 1o make lL lLallc, press + (or selecL Lhe Iormat menu
and cllck Ita||c).

4. 1o make lL underllned, press + (or selecL Lhe Iormat
menu and cllck Under||ne).

3. 1o undo anv of Lhe above formaLLlna, selecL Lhe LexL aaaln and
repeaL Lhe orlalnal process.

6. 1o chanae Lhe fonL of selecLed LexL, press + (or selecL
Lhe Iormat menu and cllck Iont) Lo open Lhe Iont dlaloa box.

7. SelecL a Iont, a Iont sty|e, and a fonL 5|ze. Cllck Ck.

aae 3.13

Iormat aragraphs

araaraph formaLLlna affecLs enLlre selecLed paraaraphs, raLher Lhan
[usL selecLed characLers. A paraaraph (or a selecLed aroup of
paraaraphs) can be allaned lefL, rlahL, or cenLered. ?ou can also
chanae Lhe lndenLaLlon for a paraaraph (or selecLed paraaraphs)
wlLhouL modlfvlna Lhe paae seLup for Lhe enLlre documenL.

lt ls best to oJJ mooool pooe
bteoks lo coojooctloo wltb
ltlot ltevlew (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see use ltlot
ltevlew oo pooe 7.1). wblcb
sbows voo wbete tbe pooes
?ou can also add manual paae breaks Lo move LexL from one paae Lo
Lhe nexL. 1hls ls ordlnarllv used lf a paae breaks awkwardlv ln Lhe
mlddle of LexL or leaves a headlna aL Lhe boLLom of a paae
unconnecLed Lo lLs followlna LexL.

Cne of vour cholces ls Lo applv a hanalna lndenL Lo a paraaraph. 1hls
lndenLs Lhe second llne and all addlLlonal llnes of Lhe same paraaraph.
?ou can also add a flrsL llne lndenL, where onlv Lhe flrsL llne of each
selecLed paraaraph ls lndenLed.

AJJloo o boooloo loJeot

1. Cllck anvwhere ln Lhe paraaraph vou wanL Lo formaL, or selecL a
aroup of paraaraphs.

2. 1o allan Lhe paraaraph(s) Lo Lhe lefL, press + (or selecL
Lhe Iormat menu and cllck A||gn Left).
ChapLer 3 LdlLlna !ob uescrlpLlons
aae 2.3

3. 1o allan Lhe paraaraph(s) Lo Lhe rlahL, press + (or
selecL Lhe Iormat menu and cllck A||gn k|ght).

1o temove o boooloo ot fltst
lloe loJeot. select tbe Iormat
meoo ooJ cllck kemove
nang|ng Indent ot kemove I|rst
L|ne Indent.

1o temove tbe pooe bteok.
cllck tbe teJ lloe ooJ ptess

4. 1o allan Lhe paraaraph(s) Lo Lhe cenLer, press + (or
selecL Lhe Iormat menu and cllck A||gn Center).

3. 1o chanae Lhe lndenLaLlon, selecL Lhe Iormat menu and cllck
Indent aragraph Lo open Lhe aragraph Indents dlaloa box.

6. Choose Lhe number of lnches LhaL vou wanL Lhe paraaraph Lo
be from Lhe lefL and rlahL edaes of Lhe paae (bv cllcklna Lhe up
and down arrows, or enLerlna Lhe amounL), Lhen cllck Ck.

7. 1o add a hanalna lndenL (or a flrsL llne lndenL), cllck Lhe
paraaraph (or selecL Lhe paraaraphs) vou wanL Lo lndenL, selecL
Lhe Iormat menu, and cllck Add nang|ng Indent (or Add I|rst L|ne

8. 1o enLer a paae break, selecL Lhe polnL where vou wanL Lhe
followlna LexL Lo appear on Lhe nexL paae and press +
(or selecL Lhe Iormat menu and cllck Add age 8reak).
A red llne appears Lo show where Lhe paae break has been

aae 4.16

Chapter 4: Custom|z|ng

Custom|ze the Iob Descr|pt|on Iormat

Iob Jesctlptloos cteoteJ pr|or
to tbe costomlzotloo cboooes
wlll be oooffecteJ.
1he LexL LhaL auLomaLlcallv appears ln uescrlpLlons now [ob
descrlpLlons has been carefullv developed Lo follow aenerallv
accepLed sLvles. Powever, vou can cusLomlze Lhe [ob descrlpLlon
formaL ln uescrlpLlons now Lo meeL vour oraanlzaLlon's speclflc
needs. AfLer vou have seL up vour preferences, all subsequenL [ob
descrlpLlons vou creaLe wlll conform Lo Lhose speclflcaLlons.

When conslderlna chanaes, lL ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL lanauaae
ln [ob descrlpLlons can have leaal slanlflcance. lor example, Lhe
llsLlna of esseotlol fooctloos ot Jotles ls parLlcularlv lmporLanL for
emplovers who are sub[ecL Lo Lhe Amerlcans wlLh ulsablllLles AcL
(AuA). 1herefore, users should carefullv conslder posslble
lmpllcaLlons of anv chanaes Lo Lhe wordlna provlded.

lot mote lofotmotloo. see tbe
sepotote nk1ools Moltl-
uset AJmlolsttotot oolJe.
CusLomlzaLlon ls accessed Lhrouah Lhe CusLomlze Lab. A mulLl-user
lnsLallaLlon of uescrlpLlons now makes lL posslble for vour
oraanlzaLlon Lo sLandardlze on a slnale cusLomlzed [ob descrlpLlon
formaL, where Lhe oraanlzaLlon requlres LhaL all users selecL use tbe
Netwotk Iob lotm from Lhe SeLup menu for everv [ob descrlpLlon
Lhev wrlLe. 1o proLecL Lhe lnLearlLv of Lhls formaL, Lhe P81ools svsLem
admlnlsLraLor has auLhorlLv Lo resLrlcL cerLaln SeLup funcLlons. lf vou
selecL use tbe Netwotk Iob lotm from Lhe SeLup menu and mosL of
Lhe funcLlons descrlbed ln Lhls chapLer are araved-ouL, LhaL mav be Lhe

Crgan|zat|on Name, Logo & nead|ng

)oo coo moJlfv tbls oome
osloo tbe 5etop fooctloos
ooJ bove lt oppeot oo oll
oew job Jesctlptloos voo
1he oraanlzaLlon name LhaL appears ln Lhe Peadlna secLlon aL Lhe Lop
of vour [ob descrlpLlons ls enLered auLomaLlcallv as a resulL of Lhe
lnsLallaLlon process.
aae 4.17
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

1he headlna (whlch ls Iob uesctlptloo bv defaulL) LhaL appears under
Lhe oraanlzaLlon name can also be chanaed.

1be looo oppeots oo tbe job
Jesctlptloo oolv. oot oo tbe
ooestloooolte. Also. lf voo
expott o job Jesctlptloo os oo
k1l flle. tbe looo wlll oppeot.
bot lf voo expott lo 1\1 ot
n1Ml. lt wlll oot.
lL ls also posslble Lo add vour oraanlzaLlon's loao Lo Lhe defaulL [ob
descrlpLlon formaL. 1he loao wlll appear above Lhe oraanlzaLlon

lf vour oraanlzaLlon name ls parL of Lhe loao, vou can also choose Lo
noL prlnL Lhe oraanlzaLlon name (so lL wlll noL be dupllcaLed).

AJJloo o looo to tbe job Jesctlptloo fotmot

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Crgan|zat|on Name/ nead|ng Lo
open Lhe Crgan|zat|on Name, Logo & nead|ng paae.

2. Cllck and draa Lo selecL Lhe exlsLlna oraanlzaLlon name and
Lvpe Lhe new name.

3. lf vou wanL, enLer a new headlna.

4. SelecL Lhe allanmenL (Left, Center, or k|ght) for where vou wanL Lhe
oraanlzaLlon name and headlna placed on vour [ob

3. lf vou do noL wanL Lhe oraanlzaLlon name Lo be prlnLed on
[ob descrlpLlons, or wanL Lo replace lL wlLh vour loao, cllck Do
not pr|nt organ|zat|on name on [ob descr|pt|ons (make sure an x"
aae 4.18

6. 1o add vour oraanlzaLlon's loao, enLer a paLh Lo Lhe blLmap flle,

or cllck 8rowse Lo open Lhe 5e|ect Logo 8|tmap I||e dlaloa box. LocaLe
Lhe correcL 8M flle and cllck Ck.

7. lf necessarv, selecL an allanmenL for Lhe companv loao and
cllck Ck.

uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo selecL Lhe secLlons vou wanL Lo
appear (or exclude) on all vour [ob descrlpLlons, Lhen rename and
reorder Lhem.

?ou can:

SelecL, rename, and reorder secLlons.

Modlfv or add explanaLorv LexL under secLlon and subsecLlon

CusLomlze level LexL for Lhe Ooollflcotloos secLlon subsecLlons.

CusLomlze lbvslcol uemooJs and wotk ovltoomeot llsLs.

CreaLe new llsLs for cettlflcotes/llceoses/keolsttotloos, Otbet
Ooollflcotloos, and Otbet 5kllls & Abllltles subsecLlons LhaL
lnclude user-bullL llsLs.

ln addlLlon Lo cusLomlzlna Lhe pre-named secLlons, vou can also add
up Lo Lhree user-deflned secLlons. ?ou can add vour own headlnas and
explanaLorv LexL Lo Lhese secLlons. lor example, lf vour oraanlzaLlon
emphaslzes safeLv-relaLed lssues, vou mlahL add a user-deflned
secLlon called 5ofetv keooltemeots and explanaLorv LexL LhaL conLalns
vour safeLv-compllance pollcv.

5e|ect 5ect|ons

?ou selecL !ob uescrlpLlon lorm SecLlons on Lhe CusLomlze paae Lo
add and remove secLlons for vour [ob descrlpLlon formaL. AfLer vou
have selecLed Lhe secLlons vou wanL Lo appear, vou can rename
Lhem accordlna Lo Lhe needs of vour oraanlzaLlon. lf vou wanL, vou
can oraanlze Lhe secLlons ln a dlfferenL order.
aae 4.19
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

NC1L: uo noL add Lhe CommenLs secLlon unLll vou have read AJJ
commeots 5ectloo oo pooe 4.12.

AJJloo sectloos to motcb voot compoov oeeJs

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|on Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe Iob 5ect|on paae. All secLlons presenLlv
lncluded ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon formaL appear ln Lhelr order
of appearance ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons area.

2. Cllck a secLlon vou wanL Lo add ln Lhe Ava||ab|e 5ect|ons area.

3. Cllck Lhe secLlon ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons area obove wblcb vou
wanL Lo place Lhe new secLlon and cllck .
4. 1o remove a secLlon, cllck Lhe secLlon ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons
area and cllck .
aae 4.20

wbeo voo eotet o 5obstltote
5ectloo neoJloo wblle cos-
tomlzloo o sectloo. lf voo
woot to tetolo tbe exlstloo
explooototv text voo oeeJ to
costomlze lt os well. 1o Jo so.
oftet eotetloo o oew beoJloo.
cllck customite 5e/ected 5ec-
tion. 1o tetolo tbe exlstloo
text. select ooJ copv lt ftom
tbe Orioino/ exp/onotory text
box ooJ poste lt loto tbe 5ub-
stitute exp/onotory text box.
3. 1o name a user-deflned secLlon, or rename a selecLed secLlon,
cllck beslde lL ln Lhe (5ubst|tute) 5ect|on nead|ngs area.

6. 1vpe Lhe new headlna

7. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe old headlna, deleLe Lhe new one.

8. 1o reorder Lhe selecLed secLlons, remove secLlons and add Lhem
aaaln ln Lhe new locaLlons.

9. When flnlshed, cllck Ck.

Custom|ze Lxp|anatory 1ext

LxplanaLorv LexL ls Lhe LexL LhaL appears nexL Lo a secLlon headlna
Lo furLher descrlbe or lnLroduce Lhe conLenLs of Lhe secLlon LhaL
follows. 1he followlna ls an example of Lhe CuallflcaLlons secLlon
headlna and lLs defaulL explanaLorv LexL.

CUALIIICA1ICN5 1o perform Lhls [ob successfullv, an lndlvldual
musL be able Lo perform each essenLlal duLv saLlsfacLorllv. 1he
requlremenLs llsLed below are represenLaLlve of Lhe knowledae, sklll,
and/or ablllLv requlred. 8easonable accommodaLlons can be made Lo
enable lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles Lo perform Lhe essenLlal funcLlons.

noL all secLlons conLaln explanaLorv LexL. ?ou can cusLomlze
explanaLorv LexL Lo chanae lL on all [ob descrlpLlons vou creaLe from
now on, as well as add explanaLorv LexL Lo oLher secLlons.

Some oraanlzaLlons wanL Lo have everv [ob descrlpLlon lnclude a
speclflc sLaLemenL. An example ls a aeneral sLaLemenL on safeLv or on
cusLomer servlce. 1o accompllsh Lhls, add a user-deflned secLlon,
cusLomlze lLs headlna, and add explanaLorv LexL.
aae 4.21
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

costomlzloo o sectloos explooototv text

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|on Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe Iob 5ect|on paae.

2. Cllck a secLlon vou wanL Lo cusLomlze ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons

3. Cllck Custom|ze 5e|ected 5ect|on Lo open Lhe Custom|ze Lxp|anatory 1ext
paae. 1he orlalnal secLlon headlna (as well as anv subsLlLuLe
headlna) and lLs defaulL explanaLorv LexL (lf anv) are dlsplaved.

4. Cllck Lhe 5ubst|tute Lxp|anatory 1ext area and Lvpe Lhe new
cusLomlzed LexL.

3. lf vou declde vou'd raLher use Lhe orlalnal defaulL LexL, cllck
Use Cr|g|na| Lo resLore lL.

6. Cllck Ck.

Custom|ze Leve| 1ext

1he Jocotloo ooJ/ot xpetleoce, looooooe 5kllls, Motbemotlcol 5kllls,
and keosooloo Abllltv subsecLlons of Lhe CuallflcaLlons secLlon
auLomaLlcallv produce LexL sulLable for Lhe sklll level vou selecL. ?ou
can cusLomlze Lhls LexL Lo add or remove Lermlnoloav LhaL ls or ls noL
approprlaLe Lo [obs wlLhln vour oraanlzaLlon.
aae 4.22

lor example, vou could reword Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe Jocotloo ooJ/ot
xpetleoce level 4 LexL from:

Ooe veot cettlflcote ftom colleoe ot tecbolcol scbool.


1wo veots of colleoe-level cootses.

Jltloo otlolool level text

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|on Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe Iob 5ect|on paae.

2. Cllck Lducat|on and/or Lxper|ence, Language 5k|||s, Mathemat|ca|
5k|||s, or keason|ng Ab|||ty ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons area.

3. Cllck Lhe Custom|ze 5e|ected 5ect|on buLLon Lo open Lhe
Custom|ze Lxp|anatory 1ext paae.

4. Cllck Lhe Custom|ze Leve| 1ext buLLon Lo open lLs paae.

3. SelecL Lhe level vou wanL Lo edlL.

6. ln Lhe 5ubst|tute 1ext area, enLer Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo appear,

or cllck and draa Lo selecL Lhe LexL ln Lhe Cr|g|na| 1ext area,
press + Lo copv lL, cllck Lhe 5ubst|tute 1ext area, and
press + Lo pasLe lL. now, edlL Lhe LexL accordlna Lo
vour own speclflcaLlons.
aae 4.23
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

7. uependlna on Lhe naLure of Lhe chanae, vou mav need Lo edlL
all of Lhe remalnlna levels ln Lurn.

8. When flnlshed, cllck Ck.

Custom|ze hys|ca| Demands and Work Lnv|ronment L|sts

1hese secLlons are auLomaLlcallv wrlLLen bv uescrlpLlons now afLer
vou selecL from Lhelr llsLs of lLems. lf vour oraanlzaLlon has speclflc
requlremenLs or condlLlons, vou can cusLomlze Lhese llsLs bv
modlfvlna Lhem.

Lach llsL conslsLs of 12 lLems. 1o add vour own lLems Lo Lhe llsL, selecL
lLems LhaL are lnapproprlaLe for vour oraanlzaLlon and rename Lhem
Lo flL vour requlremenLs.

lor example, a healLh care oraanlzaLlon mlahL wanL Lo add an
lmporLanL envlronmenLal condlLlon, such as 8looJ botoe potbooeos.
1o do so, an unneeded condlLlon, such as wotks wltb exploslves could
be renamed as 8looJ botoe potbooeos and lLs orlalnal LexL modlfled

lor a wlnerv, Lhe orlalnal LexL for Lhe 1oste ot smell phvslcal demand
could be modlfled Lo appear more approprlaLelv as 1oste ooJ smell
to joJoe wloe ooolltv.

MoJlfvloo o lbvslcol uemooJs ltem
aae 4.24

8e sote to stott wltb o |ower-
case lettet. sloce tbe stote-
meot wlll oppeot wltblo o
1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|on Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe Iob 5ect|on paae.

2. Cllck hys|ca| Demands or Work Lnv|ronment ln Lhe 5e|ected
5ect|ons area.

3. Cllck Custom|ze 5e|ected 5ect|on Lo open Lhe Custom|ze
Lxp|anatory 1ext paae.

4. Cllck Custom|ze L|st of hys|ca| Act|v|t|es or Custom|ze L|st of
Work Lnv|ronment Cond|t|ons Lo open lLs paae.

3. lf vou wanL, rename an lLem vou do noL need Lo one vou do
need, or modlfv an lLem name bv selecLlna lL and enLerlna Lhe
new name ln lLs 5ubst|tute Item Names area.

6. Cllck a selecLed lLem, and cllck Custom|ze 5e|ected Item Lo open
Lhe Custom|ze Item paae.

7. ln Lhe 5ubst|tute 1ext area, enLer Lhe LexL (up Lo 40 characLers)
vou wanL prlnLed ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon when vou selecL Lhls
speclflc lLem.

NC1L: lor Work LnvlronmenL onlv, selecL wheLher Lhe emplovee ls
exposeJ to, wotks lo, wotks wltb or wotks oeot Lhe condlLlon. lor
lnsLance, an emplovee who works ln Lhe vlclnlLv of Loxlc chemlcals ls
exposeJ to Lhe condlLlon buL does noL wotk wltb Lhe condlLlon.

MoJlfvloo exploootot v text
aae 4.23
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

8. 1o check wheLher Lhe LexL wlll be approprlaLe when prlnLed,
cllck 5amp|e. 8evlew Lhe sample LexL, Lhen cllck C|ose.

9. Modlfv Lhe subsLlLuLe LexL lf necessarv or, lf vou chanae vour
mlnd, reLurn Lo Lhe defaulL bv cllcklna Use Cr|g|na|.

10.When flnlshed, cllck Ck.

Create 5k|||s L|sts

1here are Lhree quallflcaLlons subsecLlons ln whlch vou can bulld
cusLomlzed llsLs of quallflcaLlons speclflc Lo vour oraanlzaLlon or

CerLlflcaLes, Llcenses, 8ealsLraLlons

CLher Skllls and AblllLles

CLher CuallflcaLlons

When vou creaLe such a llsL, each Llme vou selecL LhaL secLlon ln Lhe
CuallflcaLlons SecLlons dlaloa box, a plck llsL" of Lhe cusLomlzed
lLems wlll appear. PlahllahLlna Lhe ones necessarv for Lhe [ob wlll
copv Lhem Lo LhaL secLlon of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon. 1hese plck llsLs
ensure LhaL evervone wrlLlna [ob descrlpLlons conslders Lhese posslble
quallflcaLlons and LhaL sLandard Lermlnoloav wlll appear ln Lhe [ob

?ou can rename Lhe secLlon headlnas, enLer explanaLorv lanauaae lf
vou wanL, and creaLe a llsL of skllls or oLher requlremenLs. CusLomlzed
quallflcaLlons llsLs can lnclude such cholces as llcenses or cerLlflcaLes
parLlcular Lo vour oraanlzaLlon, requlred courses, Lools or compuLer
skllls, forelan lanauaae proflclencv, or percenLaae of Lravel Llme.

lor example, a hosplLal mlahL add cholces such as Lhe followlna Lo
Lhe cettlflcotes. llceoses. keolsttotloos llsL:
aae 4.26

A costomlzeJ ooollflcotloos llst

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|ons Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe !ob SecLlon SeLup paae.

2. lf vou wanL Lo add vour own llsL of Cert|f|cates, L|censes,
keg|strat|ons, or 5k|||s and Ab|||t|es or Cther Cua||f|cat|ons, add one or
all of Lhese avallable secLlons Lo Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons area and, lf
vou wanL, enLer approprlaLe subsLlLuLe secLlon headlnas.

3. Cllck Lhe subsecLlon whose llsL vou wanL Lo cusLomlze ln Lhe
5e|ected 5ect|ons area.

4. Cllck Custom|ze 5e|ected 5ect|on Lo open Lhe Custom|ze
Lxp|anatory 1ext paae.

3. lf vou wanL, enLer subsLlLuLe explanaLorv LexL, such as: 1hls
[ob requlres proflclencv ln Lhe followlna compuLer appllcaLlon

6. Cllck Custom|ze L|st of 5e|ect|on Items.

7. LnLer a selecLlon lLem and cllck Add |tem.

8. 1o chanae an added lLem, cllck lL and cllck Ld|t Item, edlL lL,
Lhen cllck Add Item.

9. 1o remove an added lLem, cllck lL and cllck kemove Item.

10.1o remove all lLems from Lhe llsL, cllck C|ear L|st.

11.When flnlshed, cllck Ck.
aae 4.27
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

Add Comments 5ect|on

wbeo voo bove oJJeJ o com-
meots sectloo. commeots wlll
be locloJeJ lo oll expotteJ
job Jesctlptloos.
1he CommenLs secLlon ls deslaned Lo sLore admlnlsLraLlve noLes on a
[ob descrlpLlon. CommenLs wlll oot appear on a prlnLed or prevlewed
[ob descrlpLlon unless vou speclflcallv selecL LhaL opLlon.

1he CommenLs secLlon ls opLlonal. 1o make lL avallable, vou musL
cusLomlze vour [ob descrlpLlon formaL Lo add Lhe CommenLs secLlon.
AfLer vou have added Lhe secLlon, vou can enLer commenLs lnLo lL as
vou edlL Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

?ou can record commenLs on lndlvldual [ob descrlpLlons and save
Lhem for fuLure reference. lor example, vou mav wanL a record of
who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe wrlLlna of a [ob descrlpLlon or an explanaLlon
of whv a secLlon was compleLed ln a cerLaln wav.

CommenLs are usuallv for lnLernal use onlv. 1hev are saved wlLh Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon and can be prevlewed or prlnLed wlLh lL or separaLelv
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see ltlot Iob uesctlptloos oo pooe 7.J).

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Descr|pt|on Iorm
5ect|ons Lo open Lhe Iob 5ect|on 5etup paae.

2. Cllck Comments ln Lhe Ava||ab|e 5ect|ons area.

3. Cllck Lhe secLlon ln Lhe 5e|ected 5ect|ons above whlch vou
wanL Lo place Lhe CommenLs secLlon and cllck .
4. lf vou wanL Lo add explanaLorv LexL below Lhe CommenLs
secLlon headlna, selecL Comments, cllck Custom|ze 5e|ected
5ect|on, and enLer Lhe LexL.

Iormat the Defau|t age Layout

1he defaulL maralns ln uescrlpLlons now are preseL aL one lnch from
Lhe lefL, rlahL, Lop, and boLLom edaes of Lhe paae. uslna Lhe SeLup
menu, vou can chanae Lhe defaulL maralns for Lhe lefL and rlahL
maralns Lo anv wldLh vou wanL.

?ou can also chanae Lhe defaulL wldLh LhaL LexL wlll lndenL ln Lhe flrsL
llne of selecLed paraaraphs, and vou can selecL Lhe wldLh for vour
hanalna lndenLs.
aae 4.28

1hese defaulL seLLlnas wlll applv Lo all new [ob descrlpLlons vou
creaLe. 1he [ob descrlpLlons vou creaLed before chanalna Lhe defaulL
lavouL wlll noL be affecLed.

cboooloo tbe motolos

1. SelecL Lhe 5etup menu and cllck age Layout.

2. SelecL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe lefL and rlahL maraln flelds and Lvpe
Lhe number of lnches LhaL vou wanL Lhe LexL Lo be from each
slde of Lhe paae (or use Lhe up and down arrows Lo enLer Lhe

3. LnLer Lhe wldLh of Lhe flrsL llne lndenLs.

4. LnLer Lhe wldLh of Lhe hanalna lndenLs.

3. LnLer Lhe dlsLance vou wanL above and below Lhe paraaraphs
wlLhln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.

6. When vou are flnlshed, cllck Ck.

Iormat the Defau|t Iont

Chanaes vou make Lo Lhe defaulL fonL wlll applv Lo all new [ob
descrlpLlons vou creaLe, buL wlll noL affecL Lhose vou have alreadv

?ou can chanae Lhe fonL for all LexL ln new [ob descrlpLlons. lor
lnsLance, vou can deslanaLe LhaL Atlol be Lhe defaulL fonL lnsLead of
1lmes New komoo.
aae 4.29
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

uefaulL fonL sLvle and slze cholces vou make wlll also affecL Lhe enLlre
[ob descrlpLlon, wlLh Lhe followlna excepLlons:

1he CraanlzaLlon name, form headlna, !ob lnformaLlon fleld
names, and secLlon and subsecLlon headlnas wlll remaln bold.

1he CraanlzaLlon name and form headlna wlll reLaln Lhelr defaulL

Powever, vou can modlfv Lhe fonL sLvle and slze of headlnas
lndlvlduallv on each [ob descrlpLlon. (lot mote lofotmotloo. see
lotmot cbotoctets oo pooe J.12.)

1. SelecL Lhe 5etup menu and cllck Iont Defau|ts Lo open Lhe Iont
dlaloa box.

2. SelecL a dlfferenL Iont for all Lhe LexL ln new [ob descrlpLlons.

3. lf vou wanL, selecL a new Iont sty|e and 5|ze.

4. Cllck Ck. lf vou selecLed a new sLvle and slze, vou mav wanL Lo
modlfv headlnas lndlvlduallv.

Iob Informat|on I|e|ds

uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo selecL Lhe !ob lnformaLlon flelds
vou wanL Lo appear on all vour [ob descrlpLlons.

?ou can lnclude or exclude flelds ln Lhe !ob lnformaLlon secLlon Lo
more clearlv ldenLlfv vour [ob. ?ou can deLermlne whlch flelds Lo
lnclude, Lhelr names, and Lhelr order.

1here are 14 opLlonal !ob lnformaLlon flelds from whlch Lo choose.
Powever, Lhe onlv fleld LhaL ls requlred for all [ob descrlpLlons ls Iob

lf vou need Lo add a fleld LhaL ls noL llsLed, vou can add a user-deflned
fleld (or anv oLher fleld LhaL vou dld noL orlalnallv lnclude) and enLer
a subsLlLuLe fleld name.
aae 4.30

Asslooloo Iob lofotmotloo flelJs

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Iob Informat|on Lo open Lhe
Iob Informat|on paae. All flelds presenLlv lncluded ln Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon formaL appear ln Lhelr order of appearance ln
Lhe 5e|ected I|e|ds area.

2. Cllck a fleld vou wanL Lo add ln Lhe Ava||ab|e I|e|ds area.

3. Cllck Lhe fleld ln Lhe 5e|ected I|e|ds area obove wblcb vou
wanL Lo place Lhe new fleld and cllck .
4. 1o remove a fleld, cllck Lhe fleld ln Lhe 5e|ected I|e|ds area and
cllck .
3. 1o name a user-deflned fleld, or chanae Lhe name of a selecLed
fleld, cllck beslde lL ln Lhe 5ubst|tute I|e|d Names area and Lvpe Lhe
new name (Lo reLurn Lo Lhe old name, [usL deleLe Lhe new one).

6. 1o chanae Lhe order of Lhe selecLed flelds, remove flelds and
add Lhem aaaln ln Lhe new locaLlons.

7. When flnlshed, cllck Ck.
aae 4.31
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

Advert|sement Informat|on

uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo enLer oraanlzaLlon lnformaLlon LhaL
vou wanL Lo appear ln all vour [ob adverLlsemenLs. 1hls can lnclude
lnformaLlon such as Lhe oraanlzaLlon name aL Lhe Lop of each ad and
Lhe respond Lo" lnformaLlon aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe ad.

otetloo costomlzeJ oJvettlsemeot lofotmotloo

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Advert|sement

2. ln Lhe Company Name fleld, enLer Lhe name of vour companv and
anv oLher lnformaLlon vou wanL Lo appear ln vour [ob ads.

3. ln Lhe kespond 1o fleld, enLer Lhe emall address Lo whlch vou
wanL people Lo send Lhelr responses. lf vou wanL Lhem Lo
Lelephone or fax Lhe lnformaLlon, vou can lnclude Lelephone
and fax lnformaLlon as well, on separaLe llnes.

Company-Def|ned Competenc|es

uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo add up Lo flve compeLencles and
flve facLors for each compeLencv ln Lhe approprlaLe secLlons on
Lhe Companv ueflned CompeLencles paae.

?ou can revlew Lhe dellvered compeLencles and facLors and enable or
dlsable anv LhaL vou choose.
aae 4.32

?ou can add, edlL, and deleLe Lhe compeLencles LhaL are oraanlzaLlon-

Creat|ng Company-Def|ned Competenc|es

costomlzloo o compoov-JefloeJ competeocv

1. Add addlLlonal companv-deflned compeLencles as descrlbed ln
Lhe prevlous secLlon.

2. SelecL one of Lhe companv-deflned compeLencles and cllck
Custom|ze 5e|ected Competency.

Def|n|ng Iactors for Company-Def|ned Competenc|es

otetloo foctots fot o compoov-JefloeJ competeocv
aae 4.33
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

1. ln Lhe Iactors column, enLer one facLor ln each space for Lhe
selecLed companv-deflned compeLencv.

2. ln Lhe Cuest|ons column, vou can enLer an lnLervlew quesLlon Lo
use for Lhls facLor.

3. When flnlshed, cllck Ck.

Company-Def|ned Interv|ew Cuest|ons

uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo add up Lo flve companv-deflned
lnLervlew quesLlons uslna Lhls paae. ?ou can add, edlL, and deleLe anv
lnLervlew quesLlons LhaL are companv-deflned. 1hese quesLlons are
auLomaLlcallv added on all lnLervlew forms.

otetloo compoov-JefloeJ lotetvlew ooestloos

1. SelecL Lhe Custom|zat|on Lab and cllck Company-Def|ned
Interv|ew Cuest|ons.

2. LnLer anv companv-wlde quesLlons LhaL should be used durlna

3. When flnlshed, cllck Ck.
aae 4.34

Internet 5ett|ngs

lf uescrlpLlons now dldn'L auLomaLlcallv deLecL vour lnLerneL
seLLlnas, vou can run a uLlllLv Lo seL up Lhe lnLerneL connecLlon.

1. Co Lo 5etup, Lhen selecL Internet 5ett|ngs.

2. lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons on Lhe screen.
aae 4.33
ChapLer 4 CusLomlzlna

Update 5chedu|er

uescrlpLlons now allows vou Lo seL when vou are Lo be noLlfled of
updaLe lnformaLlon. ?ou seL whaL lnformaLlon ls Lo be updaLed and
how ofLen vou wanL Lo updaLe.

5cbeJolloo opJotes

1. SelecL 5etup from Lhe maln menu, and cllck Update 5chedu|er.

2. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe paae, mark Lhe Lvpes of lnformaLlon vou
wanL Lo updaLe. Make sure a check mark appears ln each box
vou selecL.

3. Cn Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe paae, mark how ofLen vou wanL Lo do
updaLes. ?ou can selecL none (no updaLes), a dav of Lhe
week, or a dav of Lhe monLh.

4. Cllck Ck Lo save vour seLLlnas.

Update keg|strat|on Informat|on

uescrlpLlons now offers Lhe ablllLv Lo updaLe realsLraLlon

1. SelecL 5etup from Lhe maln menu, and cllck Update
keg|strat|on Informat|on.

2. Make chanaes and cllck Ck.

aae 3.36

Chapter 5: n|r|ng Center

When vou compleLe a [ob descrlpLlon, vou can move dlrecLlv Lo Lhe
Plrlna CenLer Lo perform more Lasks uslna Lhe compleLed [ob

Interv|ew Cuest|ons

uescrlpLlons now Lakes Lhe [ob descrlpLlon vou selecL and creaLes
lnLervlew quesLlons based on Lhe compeLencles LhaL are asslaned Lo
Lhe [ob descrlpLlon. Companv-deflned lnLervlew quesLlons are
auLomaLlcallv added Lo Lhe llsL of lnLervlew quesLlons. lf vou do noL
have a [ob descrlpLlon open, Lhe Cpen dlaloa box opens so LhaL vou
can selecL a [ob descrlpLlon Lo use for aeneraLlna lnLervlew quesLlons.
?ou can also creaLe an lnLervlew form bv selecLlna compeLencles
from a llsL and Lhen aeneraLlna quesLlons based on Lhose selecLed.
aae 3.37
ChapLer 3 Plrlna CenLer

1here ls one quesLlon for each facLor checked. lf vou check a
compeLencv, buL noL lndlvldual facLors, a quesLlon ls llsLed for each
facLor under LhaL compeLencv.

?ou can edlL Lhe lnLervlew quesLlons, deleLe Lhose vou don'L wanL Lo
use, and add companv-deflned quesLlons Lo Lhe llsL.

1. lrom a compleLed [ob descrlpLlon, cllck Interv|ew Iorm,

or, from Lhe n|r|ng Center cllck Interv|ew Cuest|ons and Iorm.

5electloo oo lotetvlew optloo

2. Cn Lhe lnLervlew CpLlons wlndow, cllck Create an Interv|ew 1emp|ate
from ex|st|ng [ob descr|pt|on Lo aeneraLe a seL of lnLer- vlew
quesLlons and an lnLervlew form from anv [ob descrlpLlon.
lf vou do noL have a [ob descrlpLlon open, vou selecL a [ob
descrlpLlon from user llbrarv ln Lhe Cpen dlaloa box.

or Cllck Create an Interv|ew 1emp|ate from the competency cat- egor|es
Lo selecL compeLencles dlrecLlv and creaLe a seL of lnLer- vlew
quesLlons based on Lhe compeLencles LhaL vou selecL.
Cllck Ck afLer vou have selecLed Lhe compeLencles vou wanL Lo
aae 3.38

5electloo competeocles fot oo lotetvlew fotm

3. 8ead over Lhe lnLervlew quesLlons aeneraLed from vour [ob
descrlpLlon and edlL as necessarv.

Companv-deflned lnLervlew quesLlons are added auLomaLlcallv.

kevlewloo lotetvlew ooestloos

4. uncheck Lhe quesLlons vou do noL wanL Lo use.

3. Cllck Next Lo copv Lhe lnLervlew quesLlons Lo Lhe lnLervlew
aae 3.39
ChapLer 3 Plrlna CenLer

Interv|ew Iorm

1he lnLervlew lorm dlsplavs Lhe lnLervlew quesLlons vou [usL edlLed.
lL also has room for Lhe followlna lnformaLlon:

AppllcanL's name

lnLervlewer's name

CLher lnLervlewers

noLes durlna Lhe lnLervlew

8aLlna for each compeLencv

vlewloo tbe lotetvlew templote

?ou can prlnL ouL coples for each person who wlll be lnLervlewlna an
appllcanL. ?ou mav wanL Lo asslan dlfferenL compeLencles Lo each
lnLervlewer Lo prevenL Lhe same quesLlons belna asked repeaLedlv.

NC1L: 8e sure Lo chanae Lhe paper orlenLaLlon Lo landscape when
prlnLlna an lnLervlew form.
aae 3.40

nk1oo|, n|r|ng 1oo|k|t

1he web slLe provldes vou wlLh Lools and lnformaLlon
vou can use Lo manaae vour human resource needs. 1hls web slLe
also conLalns llnks Lo oLher human resource companles, maklna lL
easv Lo flnd all Lhe lnformaLlon vou need.

lnformaLlon on Lhe slLe covers:

Plrlna and recrulLlna

Puman resource forms

erformance manaaemenL

Lmplovee screenlna



8eneflLs and compensaLlon

ersonnel pollcv
aae 3.41
ChapLer 3 Plrlna CenLer

Wr|te an Advert|sement

A wlndow opens LhaL auLomaLlcallv llsLs vour oraanlzaLlon
lnformaLlon. 1he [ob descrlpLlon LhaL vou have been worklna on ls
copled Lo Lhe bodv of Lhe ad.

)oo most bove o btowset
lostolleJ to occess tbe job
postloo setvlces oo tbe
lotetoet (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotetoet
coooectloos oo pooe 1.6).
uescrlpLlons now offers Lhe LmplovmenL AdverLlsemenL LdlLor as a
means Lo help vou creaLe a [ob adverLlsemenL. AfLer vou have used
Lhls feaLure Lo edlL a [ob descrlpLlon, a cllck of a buLLon connecLs vou
Lo Lhe lnLerneL and allows vou Lo choose from Lhe Lop lnLerneL [ob
posLlna servlces.

When vou choose Lhe ad wrlLer, cerLaln companv lnformaLlon wlll
auLomaLlcallv be enLered for Lhe Companv Peader and 8espond 1o
flelds (fot mote lofotmotloo. see AJvettlsemeot lofotmotloo oo pooe
4.16). ln Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon fleld, Lhe [ob LlLle, summarv, essenLlal
duLles, and compeLencles of Lhe selecLed [ob descrlpLlon are

5tottloo o job oJ

1. SelecL Lhe n|r|ng Center Lab.

2. Cllck Wr|te an Advert|sement.

aae 3.42

3. Cllck Create New Lmp|oyment Ad Lo open a llsL of avallable [ob
descrlpLlons and double-cllck Lhe [ob descrlpLlon Lo use for Lhls
emplovmenL adverLlsemenL,

or cllck Cpen Custom|zed Lmp|oyment Ad Lo open and edlL a
prevlouslv creaLed ad.

Ld|t|ng the Iob Descr|pt|on

Jltloo o emplovmeot oJ

ost An Ad
1. LdlL Lhe dlsplaved [ob descrlpLlon.

lor example, vou mav wanL Lo lnclude onlv a few cruclal

2. lf vou wanL a prlnLed copv of Lhe edlLed [ob descrlpLlon, cllck
r|nt Lo prlnL dlrecLlv.

AfLer vou have edlLed vour [ob adverLlsemenL, vou can posL lL Lo Lhe
lnLerneL. ?ou can also open prevlouslv creaLed [ob ads for edlLlna or

1. SelecL ost Iob from a compleLed ad Lo ao Lo Lhe lnLerneL posL-
lna opLlons paae.

2. lrom Lhe lnLerneL, choose an lnLerneL [ob posLlna servlce.
aae 3.43
ChapLer 3 Plrlna CenLer

3. lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons for posLlna a [ob descrlpLlon.

4. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe LmplovmenL AdverLlsemenL LdlLor, cllck Lhe k
ln Lhe upper rlahL-hand corner of Lhe lnLerneL wlndow.
aae 3.44

Chapter 6: keports


lL ls auaranLeed LhaL [ob duLles wlll chanae over Llme and LhaL an ouL-
daLed [ob descrlpLlon ls of llLLle beneflL. 1o auard aaalnsL vour [ob
descrlpLlons becomlna ouL-of-daLe, esLabllsh a procedure Lo ensure
LhaL Lhev are currenL and accuraLe. 1o do so, vou can produce reporLs
of Lhe [ob descrlpLlons vou have wrlLLen sorLed ln a number of wavs.

8un reporLs reaularlv Lo monlLor vour [ob descrlpLlons. lor example,
vou can prlnL a llsLlna of Lhe currenL [ob descrlpLlons or run reporLs
LhaL sorL vour [ob descrlpLlons bv repared uaLe or Approved uaLe Lo
qulcklv see anv LhaL have noL been revlewed recenLlv.

1be kepotts ceotet pooe
ChapLer 6 8eporLs

1be best wov to JeclJe wblcb
tepott meets voot oeeJs ls to
ptevlew eocb tepott bv
ptlotloo to scteeo.
Lach of Lhe elahL reporLs conLalns Lhe CraanlzaLlon name and lorm
Peadlna, Lhe speclflc daLa requesLed (such as !ob Code or Salarv
Level), and addlLlonal relaLed lnformaLlon (such as !ob 1lLle or
ueparLmenL). lf vou have cusLomlzed !ob lnformaLlon fleld names,
Lhe cusLomlzed names wlll appear ln Lhe reporLs.

A tepott sotteJ bv job tltle (wltb sommotles)

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe reporL vou wanL Lo prlnL. 1he selecLed reporL paae

5electloo o Jltectot v ooJ ptlot Jestlootloo.
aae 46.3

Oolv Jltectotles fot wblcb
voo bove reod occess tlobts
wlll be seotcbeJ.

8e sote to set op voot ptlotet
cottectlv befote ptlotloo o
botJ copv (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see 5et up
ltlotet oo pooe 7.1).

uesctlptloos Now coo Jlsplov
op to 100 pooes. lf voot
tepott ls lotoet. select D|sk
ooJ ose voot wotJ ptocessot
to vlew tbe eotlte tepott.
3. ?our defaulL dlrecLorv for uescrlpLlons now ls dlsplaved ln Lhe
box on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe paae. lf Lhls ls noL Lhe correcL dlrec-
Lorv for vour saved [ob descrlpLlons, cllck , and navlaaLe
Lo where vour [ob descrlpLlons are locaLed.

or lf vou are uslna a mulLl-user lnsLallaLlon, cllck 5earch net-
work for a|| [ob f||es.

4. Cn Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe paae, to ptlot o botJ copv, selecL r|nter
and cllck Ck Lo prlnL dlrecLlv.

3. 1o ptlot to Jlsk, selecL D|sk and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe 5ave
keport to D|sk dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle, Lhen selecL
Lhe correcL locaLlon. lnserL a floppv dlsk (lf vou are noL uslna
vour hard dlsk) and cllck Ck.

6. 1o vlew tbe llst oo tbe scteeo, selecL 5creen and cllck Ck Lo open
Lhe reporL ln Lhe V|ew keport wlndow. use Lhe paae buL- Lons Lo
navlaaLe Lhrouah Lhe reporL. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL Lhe reporL,
cllck r|nt, lf vou do noL, cllck C|ose.
ChapLer 6 8eporLs

aae 48.3

Chapter 7: r|nt|ng

5et Up r|nter

ln order Lo use Lhe prlnL process, lL ls necessarv Lo flrsL seL up vour
prlnLer. 8efore seLLlna up Lhe prlnLer ln uescrlpLlons now, check vour
svsLem Lo make sure vour prlnLer drlver ls lnsLalled and connecLed

Use r|nt rev|ew
1. SelecL Lhe I||e menu, and cllck r|nt 5etup Lo open lLs dlaloa

2. lf vour prlnLer ls noL alreadv noLed under Defau|t pr|nter, cllck
Lhe selecLlon arrow under 5pec|f|c pr|nter and selecL vour

3. SelecL Lhe paae Cr|entat|on as ortra|t.

4. SelecL Lhe aper 5|ze as Letter.

3. SelecL Lhe aper 5ource approprlaLe for vour Lvpe of prlnLer.

6. Cllck Ck Lo exlL Lhe r|nt 5etup dlaloa box.

8efore vou prlnL a [ob descrlpLlon, lL ls a aood ldea Lo check lLs
formaLLlna uslna rlnL revlew. ?ou can prevlew an open [ob
descrlpLlon and, lf vou see areas LhaL need dlfferenL formaLLlna, close
Lhe prevlew wlndow and make Lhe edlLlna chanaes.

A common chanae ls Lo enLer paae breaks, such as when a headlna ls
separaLed from lLs LexL and vou would llke Lo move lL Lo Lhe followlna
paae. When vou enLer Lhe paae break, lL appears as a red llne ln Lhe
open [ob descrlpLlon. When vou check lL ln Lhe prevlew wlndow, Lhe
paae ends aL Lhe polnL where vou lnserLed Lhe break (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotmot lotootopbs oo pooe J.1J).
aae 49.3
ChapLer 7 rlnLlna

lf no [ob descrlpLlon ls currenLlv open, or even lf vou have a [ob
descrlpLlon open ln Lhe acLlve wlndow, vou can prevlew a user [ob
descrlpLlon LhaL ls noL open. ?ou mav wanL Lo check Lo see lf lL's Lhe
one vou wanL before prlnLlna lL dlrecLlv from Lhe prevlew wlndow.

lloJloo oo loopptoptlote pooe bteok wbeo ptevlewloo o job Jesctlptloo

1. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck r|nt rev|ew Lo open Lhe r|nt
rev|ew Iob paae.

2. 1o selecL a currenLlv open [ob descrlpLlon for prevlewlna, cllck

or lf vou wanL Lo prevlew a [ob descrlpLlon vou prevlouslv
saved, selecL User Iob and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe 5e|ect Iobs to r|nt
paae. LocaLe and selecL Lhe [ob descrlpLlon and cllck Ck.

1he 5e|ect a r|nt Cpt|on paae opens.

3. SelecL wheLher vou wanL Lo prevlew Lhe Iob descr|pt|on on|y,
Lhe Iob descr|pt|on and comments, or Comments on|y (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see AJJ commeots 5ectloo oo pooe 4.12).

4. Cllck Ck Lo open Lhe r|nt rev|ew paae.

3. Cllck Next age and/or rev age Lo move beLween paaes.

6. 1o make Lhe LexL laraer, cllck 2oom-In, Lo make lL smaller so
vou can see more of Lhe LexL, cllck 2oom-Cut.

7. 1o prlnL dlrecLlv, cllck r|nt.
aae 7.30

8. lf vou don'L wanL Lo prlnL, or vou flnd LexL LhaL should be for-
maLLed dlfferenLlv, cllck C|ose and make Lhe edlLlna chanaes
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

r|nt Iob Descr|pt|ons

lf vou prlnL from Lhe llle menu, vou have Lhe opLlon of prlnLlna an
open [ob descrlpLlon or one or more prevlouslv saved user [ob
descrlpLlons. lf vou prlnL uslna Lhe rlnL buLLon on Lhe SLandard
Loolbar, vou wlll dlrecLlv prlnL Lhe currenLlv open [ob descrlpLlon.

Lach Llme vou prlnL, vou are also alven Lhe opLlon Lo prlnL anv
commenLs vou mav have added (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv
1ext oo pooe J.1). lf vou choose Lo prlnL commenLs onlv, Lhe
Peadlna and !ob lnformaLlon secLlons wlll also prlnL. 1hls ldenLlfles
Lhe [ob descrlpLlon Lo whlch Lhe commenLs belona.

5electloo moltlple job Jesctlptloos fot ptlotloo

1. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe r|nt Iob paae.

2. 1o dlrecLlv prlnL Lhe currenLlv open [ob descrlpLlon, cllck Ck.

3. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL one or several user [ob descrlpLlons,
selecL 5ome or a|| User Iobs and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe 5e|ect Iobs to
r|nt page.

4. lf necessarv, locaLe Lhe dlrecLorv conLalnlna vour [ob descrlp-

3. Cllck a [ob descrlpLlon LlLle Lo selecL lL, or hold and cllck
several LlLles Lo selecL Lhem all (Lhev do noL need Lo be conLlau-
ous). ?ou can also cllck one LlLle, Lhen hold and cllck
anoLher LlLle elsewhere ln Lhe llsL Lo selecL Lhe Lwo LlLles and all
Lhose ln beLween.
aae 31.3
ChapLer 7 rlnLlna

6. Cllck Ck Lo open Lhe r|nt Cpt|ons paae.

7. SelecL wheLher vou wanL Lo prlnL Lhe Iob descr|pt|on on|y, Lhe
Iob descr|pt|on and comments, or Comments on|y.

8. Cllck Ck Lo prlnL vour selecLlon(s).
aae 7.32

Chapter 8: 1oo|s

5tart W|th a 8|ank Iorm

Whlle lL ls usuallv easler Lo creaLe a new [ob descrlpLlon when
sLarLlna wlLh a [ob descrlpLlon from Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv
or user !ob Llbrarv, vou can also sLarL wlLh a blank [ob descrlpLlon.

)oo coo olso ptlot tbls blook
fotm ooJ toote lt lo otJet to
collect lofotmotloo oboot o
oew job Jesctlptloo befote
stottloo lt.

All soooesteJ levels wlll be
set to tbe lowest level. so voo
wlll oeeJ to tevlew tbese ooJ
select tbe opptoptlote ooe.
A blank [ob descrlpLlon conLalns secLlon headlnas and explanaLorv
LexL onlv. lL has no prewrlLLen Summarv or LssenLlal uuLles and
8esponslblllLles secLlons and conLalns no [ob LlLle. ?ou wlll need Lo
edlL Lhese. Powever, vou can use uescrlpLlons now Lo creaLe all Lhe
remalnlna secLlons auLomaLlcallv.

1. Cllck 8|ank Iorm on Lhe rlahL panel of Lhe Welcome paae

or cllck Lhe I||e menu and selecL 8|ank Iorm.

2. A blank form opens wlLh Lhe Peadlna secLlon aL Lhe Lop and all
secLlons LhaL normallv appear ln vour [ob descrlpLlons.

3. LnLer LexL ln Lhe !ob lnformaLlon, Summarv, and LssenLlal
uuLles and 8esponslblllLles secLlons, or copv from anoLher
source or [ob descrlpLlon (fot mote lofotmotloo. see copv
ftom o Iob uesctlptloo oo pooe J.8).

4. use Lhe uescrlpLlons now feaLures Lo creaLe Lhe conLenLs of Lhe
remalnlna CuallflcaLlons (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
Ooollflcotloos 5ectloo oo pooe 2.20). hvslcal uemands
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see lbvslcol uemooJs 5ectloo oo
pooe 2.25), and Work LnvlronmenL (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
wotk ovltoomeot 5ectloo oo pooe 2.27) secLlons.

aae 8.33
ChapLer 8 1ools

Use Cuest|onna|re

1aklna Llme Lo aaLher lnformaLlon on a [ob before wrlLlna Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon wlll help vou creaLe a beLLer, more accuraLe descrlpLlon
qulcklv and easllv.

)oo coo ose tbe lofotmotloo
to eJlt o job Jesctlptloo tokeo
ftom tbe uesctlptloos Now
Iob llbtotv. eJlt o ptevlooslv
wtltteo uset job Jesctlptloo.
ot stott o job Jesctlptloo ftom
uescrlpLlons now provldes a [ob quesLlonnalre form LhaL vou can
prlnL. ?ou can alve Lhe prlnLed quesLlonnalres Lo people who know Lhe
[ob besL, or vou can lnLervlew Lhem and compleLe Lhe quesLlonnalre
vourself. CaLherlna lnformaLlon from a varleLv of people wlll alve
vou Lhe mosL deLalled and balanced plcLure.

cboooes to tbe Iob
lofotmotloo sectloo ote oot
cottleJ ovet to tbe
lf vou wanL Lo cusLomlze Lhe quesLlonnalre bv addlna or chanalna
quesLlons, lL can easllv be edlLed. lf vou used SeLup Lo cusLomlze [ob
descrlpLlon secLlons for vour [ob descrlpLlon formaL (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see costomlze tbe Iob uesctlptloo lotmot oo
pooe 4.1), Lhe quesLlonnalre reflecLs Lhose chanaes.

Lach cusLomlzed CuesLlonnalre ls saved Lo an lndlvldual flle bv
asslanlna a unlque flle name wlLh Lhe requlred CSx exLenslon.
CuesLlonnalres can be saved Lo anv dlrecLorv Lo whlch vou
have access.

A pottloo of tbe stooJotJ ooestloooolte
aae 8.34

lf voo bove selecteJ o
mooospoceJ foot (socb os
cootlet) fot voot Jefoolt foot.
tbe ooestloooolte mov oot
ptlot cottectlv (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotmot tbe
uefoolt loot oo pooe 4.1J).
1. Cllck Cuest|onna|re on Lhe rlahL panel of Lhe Welcome paae

or selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Cuest|onna|re Lo open Lhe
Cuest|onna|re Cho|ces dlaloa box.

2. Cllck Cpen standard quest|onna|re and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe
Cuest|onna|re wlndow,

or cllck Cpen custom|zed quest|onna|re (Lo open a prevlouslv saved
quesLlonnalre). Cllck Ck Lo open Lhe Cpen Lx|st|ng Cuest|onna|re
dlaloa box. SelecL Lhe correcL drlve and folder, cllck Lhe flle
name, and cllck Ck Lo open vour quesLlonnalre.

3. lf vou wanL, edlL Lhe quesLlonnalre uslna Lhe edlLlna feaLures
(fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo pooe J.1).

4. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL Lhe quesLlonnalre, cllck r|nt Lo prlnL

3. 1o save an edlLed quesLlonnalre, cllck 5ave Lo dlrecLlv save a
prevlouslv creaLed cusLomlzed quesLlonnalre or Lo open Lhe
5ave As dlaloa box for a newlv creaLed quesLlonnalre (vou can
also selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck 5ave As).

6. lf necessarv, enLer Lhe I||e Name, selecL Lhe drlve and folder
where vou wanL Lo save Lhe quesLlonnalre, Lhen cllck Ck.

7. 1o close Lhe flle, selecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck C|ose.

8. lf vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo save chanaes, cllck es.

De|ete Custom|zed Cuest|onna|re

1. Cllck , polnL Lo rograms, polnL Lo Accessor|es, cllck
W|ndows Lxp|orer, ao Lo Lhe drlve and dlrecLorv conLalnlna Lhe
CSx flle, selecL lL, and press .
aae 8.33
ChapLer 8 1ools

Lxempt|on 1ester

1he federal lalr Labor SLandards AcL (lLSA) reaulaLes manv of Lhe
condlLlons under whlch emplovees work and are pald. Cne of Lhe
more complex areas of Lhe lLSA ls lLs requlremenL LhaL mosL
emplovees are ellalble for overLlme pav ooless Lhev meeL speclflc
LesLs. 1hese emplovees are commonlv classlfled as oooexempt,
meanlna LhaL Lhev are oot exempL from Lhe lLSA overLlme pav
requlremenLs. Lmplovees who meeL Lhe sLrlnaenL lLSA LesLs for
exempLlon from overLlme pav are commonlv referred Lo as exempt.

ln addlLlon Lo Lhe federal lLSA, manv sLaLes and even some local
aaencles have overLlme reaulaLlons. ln manv cases, Lhese are
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe federal reaulaLlons, buL Lhere are excepLlons
usuallv affecLlna aeoaraphlcallv lmporLanL lndusLrles or speclflc
occupaLlons. Cccaslonallv sLaLe and local reaulaLlons varv from Lhe
lLSA. under Lhe lLSA, a sLaLe provlslon can be upheld lf lL ls mote
aenerous Lo Lhe emplovee. lor example, lf an emplovee meeLs a
federal lLSA exempLlon buL does oot meeL sLaLe exempLlon
requlremenLs, Lhe emplovee would mosL llkelv noL be exempL from
overLlme ellalblllLv under Lhe sLaLe's provlslon.

uescrlpLlons now lncludes Lhe LxempLlon 1esLer llnk LhaL polnLs vou
Lo lnformaLlon LhaL wlll help vou wlLh some of Lhe lssues ln
deLermlnlna lLSA exempLlon from overLlme requlremenLs.

Cllck Lo open Lhe Lxempt|on 1ester Lo flnd more lnformaLlon
abouL deLermlnlna lLSA exempLlons.

Import Iob Descr|pt|ons

?ou mav alreadv have wrlLLen [ob descrlpLlons ln anoLher proaram
LhaL vou would llke Lo lmporL lnLo uescrlpLlons now. Slnce Lhe
formaLs of Lhese documenLs mlahL dlffer from Lhe uescrlpLlons now
formaL, before lmporLlna a documenL vou musL add codlna Lo lL (Lo
deslanaLe whlch LexL aoes where ln Lhe uescrlpLlons now [ob
descrlpLlon). ?ou Lhen save Lhe coded documenL ln 1x1 formaL, and
open lL ln uescrlpLlons now. 1he LexL wlll be converLed and wrlLLen
lnLo Lhe proper secLlons ln a new [ob descrlpLlon.
aae 8.36

use Lhe followlna codes even lf vou have cusLomlzed Lhe secLlon
headlnas or fleld names:

Iob Descr|pt|on 5ect|on Code to 5tart 1ext
!ob 1lLle 11L
!ob Code CCu
Salarv Level SAL
ulvlslon ulv
ShlfL SPl
ueparLmenL uL
LocaLlon LCC
uC1 Code uC1
user-ueflned lleld 1 uu1
user-ueflned lleld 2 uu2
user-ueflned lleld 3 uu3
Lmplovee name LnM
8eporLs 1o Sn
repared 8v 8n
repared uaLe 8u
Approved 8v An
Approved uaLe Au
Summarv SuM
uuLles and 8esponslblllLles uu1
Supervlsorv 8esponslblllLles Su
CompeLencles CM
CuallflcaLlons CuA
LducaLlon/Lxperlence Luu
Lanauaae Skllls LAn
MaLhemaLlcal Skllls MA1
8easonlna AblllLv 8LA
CerLlflcaLes, Llcenses, 8ealsLraLlons LlC
CompuLer Skllls CSL
CLher Skllls and AblllLles uS4
CLher CuallflcaLlons uS3
hvslcal uemands P?
Work LnvlronmenL Lnv
CommenLs CCM
user-ueflned SecLlon 1 uS1
user-ueflned SecLlon 2 uS2
user-ueflned SecLlon 3 uS3

use os moov ot os few of tbe
coJes os oeeJeJ. 1be coJes
tbemselves wlll oot oppeot lo
tbe job Jesctlptloo.
1. Cpen Lhe documenL vou wanL Lo lmporL ln lLs orlalnaLlna

2. LnLer Lhe codes ln Lhe approprlaLe locaLlons. uo noL puL anv
spaces beLween Lhe code and LexL. lor example, Lo dlrecL LexL Lo
Lhe uuLles and 8esponslblllLles secLlon, Lvpe Lhe code before
Lhe flrsL duLv (such as ((uu1Mooltots otJets ooJ costomet
aae 8.37
ChapLer 8 1ools

teooests Jollv). All LexL from Lhls code Lo Lhe nexL lnserLed code
wlll be placed ln Lhe LssenLlal uuLles and 8esponslblllLles

3. Save Lhe documenL as a 1x1 flle and close lL (do noL save as
4. ln uescrlpLlons now, cllck Lo open Lhe Cpen User Iob
dlaloa box.

3. SelecL Lhe correcL drlve and dlrecLorv for Lhe flle vou wanL Lo

6. Cllck Lhe L|st f||es of type selecLlon arrow and selecL 1ext I||es

7. SelecL Lhe correcL LlLle and cllck Ck.

8. 1he documenL opens and converLs lnLo a uescrlpLlons now
[ob descrlpLlon. lf uescrlpLlons now cannoL flnd a place Lo puL
all Lhe coded LexL ln Lhe currenL [ob descrlpLlon formaL, vou
Lold lL has been placed aL Lhe end. ?ou can Lhen add
headlnas where necessarv and edlL and reformaL Lhe
lmporLed LexL (fot mote lofotmotloo. see MoJlfv 1ext oo
pooe J.1).

Lxport Iob Descr|pt|ons

k1l ooJ n1Ml flles ote botb
osefol fot ottocbloo to
lotetool ot extetool e-moll.
uescrlpLlons now enables vou Lo exporL a currenLlv open [ob
descrlpLlon or one or several [ob descrlpLlons from Lhe user !ob
Llbrarv. ?ou can exporL ln 1x1, 81l, or P1ML formaL.

LxporLlna Lo P1ML alves vou Lhe opporLunlLv Lo lmmedlaLelv llsL [ob
descrlpLlons on vour oraanlzaLlon's lnLraneL or Web slLe.

Ao k1l flle tetolos lts
fotmottloo ooJ teooltes less
fotmot wotk oftet lt ls
?ou mav wanL Lo use a word processor ouLslde of uescrlpLlons now Lo
furLher edlL Lhe [ob descrlpLlons vou have creaLed. LxporLlna Lo
vour word processor ln 81l or 1x1 formaL enables vou Lo formaL Lhe
[ob descrlpLlons uslna Lhe word processor's LexL enhancemenL

uslna Lhe exporL funcLlon has no effecL on Lhe [ob descrlpLlons sLored
wlLhln uescrlpLlons now.
aae 8.38

5electloo job Jesctlptloos to expott

1. SelecL Lhe I||e menu and cllck Lxport Lo open Lhe Lxport Iob

2. lf vou wanL Lo exporL Lhe currenLlv open [ob descrlpLlon, cllck

3. lf vou wanL Lo exporL one or more user [ob descrlpLlons, cllck
5ome or a|| User Iobs and cllck Ck Lo open Lhe 5e|ect Iobs to Lxport

4. lf necessarv, locaLe Lhe dlrecLorv conLalnlna vour [ob

3. Cllck a [ob descrlpLlon LlLle Lo selecL lL, or hold and cllck
several LlLles Lo selecL Lhem all (Lhev do noL need Lo be
conLlauous). ?ou can also cllck one LlLle, Lhen hold and
cllck anoLher LlLle elsewhere ln Lhe llsL Lo selecL Lhe Lwo LlLles
and all Lhose ln beLween.

6. Cllck Ck Lo open Lhe Lxport As paae.
aae 8.39
ChapLer 8 1ools

xpottloo o job Jesctlptloo

lf voo costomlzeJ voot job
Jesctlptloo fotmot bv oJJloo
o commeots sectloo.
commeots wlll be locloJeJ lo
oo expotteJ job Jesctlptloo.
7. Cllck Lhe 5ave as type selecLlon arrow and selecL 1ext I||es
(*.txt), k|ch 1ext Iormat (*.rtf), or n1ML Iormat (*.htm).

8. LocaLe Lhe correcL drlve and dlrecLorv (ln Lhe Save ln fleld) Lo
whlch vou wanL Lo exporL Lhe flle.

9. LnLer Lhe I||e name and cllck Ck.

Update the Descr|pt|ons Now Iob L|brary

1he workplace ls ln a consLanL sLaLe of chanae. As [obs are creaLed ln
new and exlsLlna lndusLrles, or aeneral [ob requlremenLs chanae,
P81ools creaLes new and modlfled [ob descrlpLlons for
uescrlpLlons now.

)oo most bove o btowset
lostolleJ to occess tbe
lotetoet (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotetoet
coooectloos oo pooe 1.6).
?ou can updaLe Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv bv accesslna Lhe
uescrlpLlons now Web slLe on Lhe lnLerneL. 1he process wlll allow
vou Lo selecL Lhe [ob descrlpLlons vou wanL, download Lhem ln a
slnale flle, Lhen merae Lhem lnLo Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv
on vour compuLer. 1hls wlll ln no wav lmpacL anv [ob descrlpLlons
vou have creaLed and saved Lo Lhe user !ob Llbrarv.

aae 8.60

updaLlna Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv ls a Lwo sLep process.
SLep 1" Lakes vou Lo Lhe Web slLe. ?ou can selecL anv or all of Lhe
new [ob descrlpLlons llsLed Lo be added Lo vour llbrarv.

AfLer savlna Lhe flles Lo Lhe approprlaLe dlrecLorv, vou reLurn Lo
uescrlpLlons now and perform SLep 2," whlch meraes Lhe saved flle
lnLo Lhe uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv.

8e sote to moke o oote of tbe
Jltectotv potb.
1. Cllck Update Iob L|brary on Lhe rlahL panel of Lhe Welcome
paae or cllck Lhe 1oo| menu and selecL Update Iob L|brary.

2. Cllck 5tep 1 Lo llnk Lo Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now Update our Iob
L|brary Web slLe.

3. 1he new and updaLed [ob descrlpLlons are dlsplaved. Cllck
Lhose vou wanL Lo add Lo vour uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv.

4. Cllck Done and carefullv follow Lhe onllne lnsLrucLlons, whlch
varv dependlna on Lhe Web browser vou are uslna.

3. When vou reLurn Lo Lhe Update Iob L|brary dlaloa box, cllck
5tep 2.

6. 1he Add New Iobs dlaloa box opens.

7. lf Lhe paLh for vour downloaded flle ls noL correcL, chanae lL.

8. Cllck Ck Lo merae Lhe new [ob descrlpLlons lnLo vour
uescrlpLlons now !ob Llbrarv.

9. Cllck C|ose.

Access Descr|pt|ons Now Web||nks

!ob descrlpLlons are lmporLanL documenLs relaLed Lo
emplovmenL, hlrlna, compensaLlon, LermlnaLlon and leaal
compllance (fot mote lofotmotloo. see leool lssoes oo pooe

8ecause of consLanLlv chanalna human resources Lrends, lealslaLlon,
and precedenLs seL bv case law, lL ls lmporLanL Lo sLav lnformed. 1o
help vou keep up wlLh lssues relaLed Lo vour [ob descrlpLlons,
uescrlpLlons now provldes Lhe Webllnks feaLure.
aae 8.61
ChapLer 8 1ools

lot weblloks to wotk. voo
most bove o btowset lostolleJ
ooJ be oble to occess tbe
lotetoet (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see lotetoet
coooectloos oo pooe 1.6).

8ack Up Data I||es
1he uescrlpLlons now Webllnks feaLure alves vou an lmmedlaLe
connecLlon Lo a comprehenslve ranae of [ob descrlpLlon-relaLed
lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL. 1hls lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo, leaal
declslons, aovernmenL slLes, arLlcles, and Lhe ever-expandlna wealLh
of lnformaLlon avallable across Lhe lnLerneL.

1he uescrlpLlons now Webllnks on Lhe P81ools Web slLe are
reaularlv revlewed for lnacLlve or new llnks. Powever, because of Lhe
varlable naLure of Lhe lnLerneL, P81ools cannoL auaranLee Lhe
avallablllLv of a llnk, or be responslble for lLs conLenL.

1. Cllck Lo connecL Lo Lhe Descr|pt|ons Now Web||nks Web slLe.

2. 8rowse Lhrouah Lhe avallable slLes and selecL Lhose relaLed Lo
vour parLlcular needs or lnLeresLs.

1o proLecL aaalnsL Lhe loss of vour daLa, lL ls recommended LhaL vou
reaularlv back up Lhe daLa flles LhaL are creaLed as vou use
uescrlpLlons now.

use Lhe backup svsLem auLhorlzed bv vour oraanlzaLlon Lo back up Lhe
followlna flles:

*.!8x lndlvldual saved [ob descrlpLlons
*.CSx lndlvldual saved quesLlonnalre forms
uLSnCW.ClC Wlndows-relaLed lnlLlallzaLlon daLa
CuS1CM.uC1 CusLom dlcLlonarv for spell checker
aae 9.1

Chapter 9: Iob Descr|pt|on Issues

Why nave Iob Descr|pt|ons?

8eaardless of Lhe slze or complexlLv of an oraanlzaLlon, aood [ob
descrlpLlons are vlLal manaaemenL Lools and lmporLanL documenLs for
manv leaal reasons. Whlle Lhev are noL requlred bv law, [ob
descrlpLlons are crlLlcal ln supporLlna pracLlcallv everv emplovmenL
acLlon, from hlrlna, Lo performance revlews, compensaLlon,
promoLlon, dlsclpllne, and LermlnaLlon.

kecru|tment, Interv|ew|ng, and n|r|ng

8efore lnLervlewlna, revlew Lhe [ob descrlpLlon Lo ldenLlfv Lhe
essenLlal duLles and skllls needed. 1he [ob descrlpLlon can be Lhe
source for an adverLlsemenL or an lnLernal [ob posLlna, senL Lo
recrulLers, and provlded Lo appllcanLs.

wltb o oooJ job Jesctlptloo.
voo coo oolcklv sott tbtooob
oppllcotloos ot tesomes ooJ
oot woste tlme lotetvlewloo
tbe wtooo oppllcoots.
use Lhe [ob descrlpLlon as Lhe basls for developlna solld [ob-relaLed
lnLervlew quesLlons. Slnce lnLervlewlna and hlrlna pracLlces are
affecLed bv manv aovernmenL reaulaLlons, make sure LhaL vour
quesLlons are leaallv approprlaLe. (lot mote lofotmotloo. see
lotetvlews lo oolloe AJvlce.)

A aood [ob descrlpLlon can also save Llme ln alvlna an accuraLe and
compleLe plcLure of Lhe [ob Lo an appllcanL durlna Lhe hlrlna process.
A new hlre who qulLs because Lhe [ob wasn'L whaL l expecLed" can
cosL vou Llme, monev, and producLlvlLv.
aae 9.2
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

Cr|entat|on and 1ra|n|ng

Cne of Lhe easlesL, mosL effecLlve wavs Lo leL emplovees know whaL
vou expecL ls wlLh well-wrlLLen [ob descrlpLlons. Cnce Lhe emplovee
ls hlred, ao over Lhe [ob descrlpLlon ln deLall Lo help orlenL Lhe
emplovee Lo Lhe expecLed duLles, and spoLllahL duLles LhaL mav requlre

When emplovees clearlv undersLand whaL ls expecLed, lL helps Lhem
focus on Lhe mosL lmporLanL responslblllLles and work more
producLlvelv. lncludlna a [ob descrlpLlon wlLh new-emplovee
orlenLaLlon seLs Lhe sLaae for aood performance.

Compensat|on Dec|s|ons

!ob descrlpLlons serve several lmporLanL funcLlons ln Lhe area of

1he essenLlal [ob duLles and level of responslblllLv are kev Lo
deLermlnlna wheLher Lhe lncumbenL ls exempL from overLlme pav
and oLher waae and hour laws (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
xemptloo 1estet oo pooe 8.4).

1he essenLlal duLles and quallflcaLlons can help vou seL a speclflc
salarv or deLermlne Lhe salarv ranae. 8ecause compensaLlon can be
sub[ecL Lo federal and sLaLe dlscrlmlnaLlon laws, Lhere are leaal
ramlflcaLlons Lo seLLlna salarles approprlaLelv.

!ob descrlpLlons wlll also help vou parLlclpaLe ln salarv survevs
and benchmarklna.

erformance Management

WlLh a well-wrlLLen [ob descrlpLlon, vou can be clear abouL
performance expecLaLlons from Lhe sLarL. When revlewed as parL of a
performance revlew cvcle, [ob descrlpLlons serve as a vardsLlck
aaalnsL whlch Lo measure how well an emplovee performs.

lot mote lofotmotloo oboot
letfotmooce Now. coll
nk1ools ot (877) 222-0448.
(lf vou use Lhe P81ools appllcaLlon erformance now, vou can vlew
each emplovee's uescrlpLlons now [ob descrlpLlon onllne as vou do
Lhe performance revlew. ?ou can also copv porLlons of lL dlrecLlv lnLo
Lhe revlew Lo beLLer relaLe vour revlew Lo Lhe essenLlal duLles and
quallflcaLlons of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon.)
aae 9.3

D|sc|p||nary Act|on 5upport

lf performance expecLaLlons are noL meL, Lhe [ob descrlpLlon helps vou
focus squarelv on Lhe mosL lmporLanL parLs of Lhe [ob, assess
performance falrlv, and dlscuss relevanL lssues ob[ecLlvelv.

lf Lhe performance problem ls noL resolved, vour prevlous dlscusslons
and showlna whlch duLles ln Lhe [ob descrlpLlon are noL belna
performed adequaLelv wlll puL vou on a solld fooLlna for Laklna
approprlaLe dlsclpllnarv acLlon.

lf vour acLlon ls challenaed, Lhe [ob descrlpLlon wlll be one of Lhe flrsL
documenLs requesLed and analvzed.

Lega| Comp||ance

Lmplovers Lodav musL complv wlLh a lona and arowlna llsL of
emplovmenL laws and reaulaLlons. lf an emplovee or a aovernmenL
aaencv challenaes a hlrlna or emplovmenL declslon, one of Lhe mosL
lmporLanL documenLs vou wlll be expecLed Lo provlde ls a copv of Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon.

1he Amerlcans wlLh ulsablllLles AcL (AuA), Lhe lalr Labor
SLandards AcL (lLSA), manv sLaLe workers' compensaLlon laws, and Lhe
CccupaLlonal SafeLv and PealLh AcL (CSPA) have puL a new spoLllahL
on noL [usL wbot people do (Lhe essenLlal [ob duLles) buL bow Lhev do lL
(phvslcal demands and work envlronmenL). A well wrlLLen, Lhorouah
[ob descrlpLlon can help vou make Lhe crlLlcal declslons necessarv Lo
complv wlLh Lhese challenaes (fot mote lofotmotloo. see leool
cooslJetotloos lo oolloe AJvlce).

An Cngo|ng rogram

WrlLlna and malnLalnlna [ob descrlpLlons ls an onaolna proaram
raLher Lhan a slnale evenL. WheLher [ob descrlpLlons are new Lo vour
oraanlzaLlon, or vou are now uslna uescrlpLlons now Lo help vou
manaae Lhe [ob descrlpLlon process, vou wlll wanL Lo conslder Lhe
formaL and conLenL of vour [ob descrlpLlons, and sources of
lnformaLlon for developlna Lhem.
aae 8.4
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

Iormat and Content

uescrlpLlons now leLs vou deslan [ob descrlpLlons LhaL meeL vour
oraanlzaLlon's needs (fot mote lofotmotloo. see costomlze tbe Iob
uesctlptloo lotmot oo pooe 4.1). 1he defaulL [ob descrlpLlon formaL
LhaL uescrlpLlons now presenLs when vou flrsL sLarL uslna Lhe proaram
was deslaned Lo cover Lhe mosL Lvplcal formaL.

Whlle Lhere ls no unlversallv sLandardlzed formaL for a [ob
descrlpLlon, aL a mlnlmum vour [ob descrlpLlons should lnclude:

AdequaLe lnformaLlon Lo ldenLlfv Lhe [ob belna descrlbed, such as a
[ob LlLle and deparLmenL, and wheLher Lhe poslLlon ls exempL or

A summarv of Lhe [ob's essenLlal responslblllLles.

A llsL of essenLlal duLles and responslblllLles (fot mote lofotmotloo.
see sseotlol uotles oo pooe 9.6).

An explanaLlon of supervlsorv responslblllLles, lf anv.

1he (knowledae, skllls, ablllLles) quallflcaLlons (fot mote
lofotmotloo. see wtltloo ffectlve Ooollflcotloos oo pooe 9.8).

1he phvslcal demands of Lhe [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
uefloloo lbvslcol uemooJs ooJ wotk ovltoomeot oo pooe 9.9).

1he work envlronmenL ln whlch Lhe [ob ls performed.

Gather|ng Informat|on

1o help aaLher lnformaLlon abouL a [ob descrlpLlon LhaL ls belna
developed, vou can alve Lhe quesLlonnalre form Lo Lhe people who
know Lhe [ob besL (fot mote lofotmotloo. see use Ooestloooolte oo
pooe 8.2).

?ou can aaLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe [ob's duLles, quallflcaLlons,
phvslcal demands, and work envlronmenL from manv sources.

Person to whom the lob keports

1hls can be a manaaer, supervlsor, or foreperson. 8ecause Lhls ls
usuallv Lhe same person who ls responslble for selecLlna, Lralnlna,
evaluaLlna, and manaalna Lhe person ln Lhe [ob, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL he
or she conLrlbuLe Lo and concur wlLh Lhe [ob descrlpLlon conLenLs.
aae 9.3

Manv oraanlzaLlons requlre LhaL, aL leasL, Lhe person who supervlses
Lhe [ob wrlLe Lhe flrsL verslon of a [ob descrlpLlon. (1o alve all
supervlsors access ln a mulLl-user lnsLallaLlon, see Lhe
separaLe nk1ools Moltl-uset AJmlolsttotot aulde.)


Lmplovees who hold Lhe [ob now, or who have held lL ln Lhe pasL, are
usuallv excellenL sources of lnformaLlon. 1hev can conLrlbuLe
slanlflcanLlv Lo deflnlna Lhe [ob duLles, phvslcal demands, and work

ln compleLlna Lhe CuallflcaLlons secLlons, however, emplovees mav
noL have all Lhe knowledae or experlence Lo accuraLelv deflne Lhe
necessarv skllls. Lmplovees mav also have a sllahLlv blased
vlewpolnL bv overlooklna duLles Lhev mav noL perform well or do noL
conslder lmporLanL.

Production kecords, 5totus keports, Performonce keviews

8evlew documenLs LhaL show acLual resulLs of Lhe [ob or lLs
deparLmenL. 1hese wlll ofLen call aLLenLlon Lo [ob duLles LhaL mlahL
have been overlooked. 1he followlna documenLs are ofLen consulLed:

1lme sheeLs documenLlna Lhe hours and overLlme worked. When
overLlme ls frequenL, lL can lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe duLles cannoL be
performed wlLhln a normal schedule.

roducLlon records and sLaLus reporLs lLemlzlna whaL has been
done bv an oraanlzaLlonal unlL or a speclflc [ob ln Lhe pasL can be
verv useful ln analvzlna [ob duLles.

erformance revlews hlahllahLlna pasL accompllshmenLs, and Lhe
skllls and knowledae requlred for a [ob. When performance has
been less Lhan saLlsfacLorv, Lhls helps deLermlne lf Lhe mlsslna
knowledae, skllls, and ablllLles should be parL of Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon.

Other 5ources

CLher aood sources for lnpuL abouL Lhe duLles and quallflcaLlons of a
[ob can be:

SubordlnaLes who reporL Lo Lhe person who holds Lhe [ob (when lL
ls a supervlsorv poslLlon).
aae 8.6
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

CLher emplovees who lnLeracL wlLh Lhe [ob.

vendors, cusLomers, and cllenLs.

What Goes Into a Iob Descr|pt|on

Iob 1|t|es

1he [ob LlLle should ldenLlfv Lhe [ob's conLenL, purpose, and scope. lL
can also help deflne worklna relaLlonshlps and Lhe level of work

PlsLorlcallv, [ob LlLles have ofLen lndlcaLed levels or sLeps wlLhln [ob
famllles, such as SecreLarv l and SecreLarv ll or SecreLarv CS-12 and
CS-14. More recenLlv, Lhere has been a Lendencv Lo aLLempL Lo
humanlze [ob LlLles bv omlLLlna numbers, codes, or Lerms such as
[unlor". 1he emphasls on Leamwork and flaLLer oraanlzaLlons has
also lnfluenced [ob LlLle convenLlons.

1o address Lhls problem, some oraanlzaLlons asslan Lwo [ob LlLles.
Cne ls Lhe wotkloo LlLle, Lhe LlLle bv whlch Lhe [ob ls commonlv
known and mlahL be used on buslness cards, such as AsslsLanL vlce
resldenL of CperaLlons. 1he oLher [ob LlLle ls Lhe offlclol (lnLernal) [ob
LlLle used for deLermlnlna pav ranae and benchmarklna, such
as Av-l. use a user-deflned [ob lnformaLlon fleld lf vou wanL
Lo malnLaln a second [ob LlLle (fot mote lofotmotloo. see
5elect 5ectloos oo pooe 4.J).

NC1L: A poorlv chosen LlLle can lead Lo confuslon abouL a [ob's level
of responslblllLv, auLhorlLv, and compensaLlon. lncludlna Lhe word
sopetvlsot or mooooet ln Lhe LlLle of a [ob LhaL has no responslblllLv
for manaalna oLher emplovees can lead Lo Lhe lncorrecL assumpLlon
LhaL Lhe lncumbenL ls noL enLlLled Lo overLlme pav. CverLlme ls oot
deLermlned bv LlLle buL bv [ob duLles and pav.

Lssent|a| Dut|es

lf vour oraanlzaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe Amerlcans wlLh ulsablllLles AcL
(AuA), vou should verlfv LhaL each duLv sLaLemenL meeLs Lhe AuA
deflnlLlon of an essenLlal duLv. 1he AuA conslders a [ob funcLlon
essenLlal lf:
aae 9.7

1he poslLlon exlsLs Lo perform LhaL funcLlon.

1here are onlv a llmlLed number of emplovees avallable Lo do LhaL

1he funcLlon ls so hlahlv speclallzed LhaL Lhe person ln Lhe poslLlon
ls hlred for Lhe ablllLv Lo perform Lhe parLlcular funcLlon.

When deflnlna essenLlal duLles, focus on Lhe resulL raLher Lhan on Lhe
meLhod. ?ou wlll Lhen be beLLer prepared Lo evaluaLe wheLher a
reasonable accommodaLlon Lo perform Lhe [ob can be made for an
oLherwlse quallfled lndlvldual wlLh a dlsablllLv.

lL ls ofLen a aood ldea Lo onlv descrlbe whaL musL be accompllshed
and noL ao lnLo deLall on how. ?ou can add as much deLall as vou
wanL, buL be aware LhaL a loL of deLall mav make lL necessarv Lo make
frequenL revlslons as deLalls chanae, mlahL dlsempower an
lncumbenL's lnlLlaLlve and creaLlvlLv, or sLand ln Lhe wav of
conslderlna an oLherwlse quallfled lndlvldual.

Nonessent|a| or Marg|na| Dut|es

?ou mav flnd ln vour analvsls LhaL a [ob has duLles LhaL do noL meeL
Lhe deflnlLlon of an essenLlal duLv, veL vou wanL Lo lnclude Lhem on a
[ob descrlpLlon. ?ou can do Lhls bv addlna a user-ueflned secLlon Lo
Lhe [ob descrlpLlon formaL and alvlna lL a subsLlLuLe name of
nonessenLlal uuLles (fot mote lofotmotloo. see 5elect 5ectloos oo
pooe 4.J).

NC1L: Some experLs recommend llsLlna onlv essenLlal duLles ln Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon Lo avold confuslon over prlorlLles and Lo make [ob
descrlpLlon malnLenance easler.

lf vour oraanlzaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe AuA and an appllcanL/
lncumbenL can perform Lhe essenLlal duLles buL cannoL perform a
maralnal duLv, vou musL flnd a wav Lo have Lhe maralnal duLv done bv
someone else or oLherwlse ellmlnaLed from Lhe [ob ln quesLlon.

Maralnal duLles are Lhose LhaL do noL meeL one of Lhe crlLerla for an
essenLlal duLv, such as:

lnfrequenLlv performed or ls of llLLle slanlflcance.
aae 8.8
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

Cne of several backups for anoLher poslLlon.

Servlce on a commlLLee or aroup LhaL ls noL crlLlcal Lo Lhe [ob. 1hls
can be [ob-speclflc. lor a 8lsk ManaaemenL ulrecLor, for lnsLance,
servlna on Lhe SafeLv CommlLLee mlahL be an essenLlal duLv, buL
servlna on LhaL same commlLLee mlahL noL be an essenLlal duLv for
a dlfferenL poslLlon.

Wr|t|ng Lffect|ve Cua||f|cat|ons

lf a [ob descrlpLlon has quallflcaLlons LhaL can be clalmed Lo have an
adverse lmpacL on a proLecLed class, such as women or mlnorlLles,
Lhe emplover mav need Lo defend Lhose quallflcaLlons as belna [ob-
relaLed and conslsLenL wlLh buslness necesslLv.

under Lhe AuA, lf an oLherwlse quallfled appllcanL ls ellmlnaLed
from conslderaLlon on Lhe basls of dlsablllLv, Lhe emplover can be
requlred Lo show LhaL Lhe quallflcaLlons requlremenLs are [ob-relaLed
and conslsLenL wlLh buslness necesslLv." 1he emplover also musL
make reasonable accommodaLlons LhaL would enable LhaL lndlvldual
Lo perform Lhe essenLlal duLles.

1o wrlLe effecLlve quallflcaLlons:

use Lhe quesLlonnalre Lo aaLher lnformaLlon from Lhose who know
mosL abouL Lhe [ob (fot mote lofotmotloo. see use
Ooestloooolte oo pooe 8.2).

8e sure vou can relaLe each quallflcaLlon Lo one or more essenLlal

ldenLlfv Lhe speclflc knowledae, skllls, and ablllLles LhaL produced
success for emplovees who held Lhe [ob prevlouslv. lf prevlous
emplovees were noL saLlsfacLorv, ldenLlfv Lhe quallflcaLlons LhaL
were lacklna.

ConcenLraLe on whaL Lhe [ob requlres, noL on Lhe skllls of Lhe laLesL

Compare requlremenLs Lo slmllar [obs ln Lhe oraanlzaLlon Lo ensure

uo noL overesLlmaLe requlremenLs. lor lnsLance, lf Lhe [ob
descrlpLlon requlres a colleae dearee, buL vou conLlnuallv hlre
aae 9.9

appllcanLs wlLh no dearee, vou can be oversLaLlna Lhe educaLlon

WrlLe quallflcaLlons LhaL are needed Lo perform successfullv, raLher
Lhan Lo achleve a mlnlmum level of performance.

Def|n|ng hys|ca| Demands and Work Lnv|ronment

1hese Lwo secLlons should provlde a descrlpLlon of Lhe phvslcal
demands and envlronmenLal condlLlons Lo whlch an emplovee
ls exposed whlle performlna Lhe [ob's essenLlal duLles.

1hls lnformaLlon faclllLaLes recrulLlna bv provldlna a clear and
compleLe plcLure of Lhe [ob. lL can also ldenLlfv aspecLs of Lhe work
seLup or surroundlnas LhaL mav be sulLable for modlflcaLlon Lo meeL
Lhe needs of an oLherwlse quallfled lndlvldual wlLh a dlsablllLv.

under Lhe AuA, vou wlll need Lo conslder maklna a reasonable
accommodaLlon Lo enable an oLherwlse quallfled lndlvldual wlLh a
dlsablllLv Lo perform Lhe [ob. And lf a phvslcal demand screens ouL
lndlvlduals proLecLed bv emplovmenL lealslaLlon, vou musL be
prepared Lo show LhaL Lhe phvslcal demand requlremenL ls [ob-
relaLed and conslsLenL wlLh buslness necesslLv."

Ask vourself whlch requlremenLs an emplovee musL meeL for
sLrenaLh, aalllLv, moblllLv, and sensorv ablllLles ln order Lo perform Lhe
[ob effecLlvelv and safelv:

hvslcal acLlvlLles (movemenLs or acLlons LhaL mosL people can
perform wlLhouL an accommodaLlon, such as walklna,
sLandlna, slLLlna, Lalklna).

LlfLlna welahL and exerLlna force.

vlslon requlremenLs.

LnvlronmenLal condlLlons.

nolse levels.
aae 8.10
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

Lega| Issues

Lmplovers are noL aenerallv requlred bv law Lo have wrlLLen [ob
descrlpLlons. ln facL, manv of Lhe beneflLs of aood [ob descrlpLlons
are reallzed Lhrouah beLLer emplover/emplovee communlcaLlons
and have llLLle Lo do wlLh leaal conslderaLlons.

Powever, vour [ob descrlpLlons can have oLher audlences ouLslde vour
oraanlzaLlon. 1hls ls especlallv Lrue lf an emplovee or an appllcanL
challenaes an emplovmenL declslon vou make.

When dlsaareemenLs are noL resolved lnLernallv, federal aaencles
such as Lhe Lqual LmplovmenL CpporLunlLv Commlsslon, Lhe
ueparLmenL of Labor, sLaLe and local aovernmenL aaencles, or Lhe
courLs can become lnvolved.

!ob descrlpLlons are frequenLlv requesLed bv aovernmenL reaulaLorv
aaencles as parL of an audlL or complalnL lnvesLlaaLlon. 1hev can also
be lnLroduced ln courL as evldence when resolvlna an emplovmenL
dlspuLe. lf vou keep Lhese posslble uses ln mlnd as vou creaLe vour [ob
descrlpLlons, vou wlll creaLe documenLs LhaL vou can relv on wlLh

NC1L: uescrlpLlons now cannoL alve vou all Lhe deLalls of all laws or
leaal lssues relaLed Lo [ob descrlpLlons and emplovmenL maLLers. 1he
lnformaLlon ln Lhls manual and ln onllne Advlce ls lnLended Lo help
vou beLLer undersLand some of Lhe lssues LhaL can affecL vou. lL ls
sub[ecL Lo chanae aL anv Llme, and no lnformaLlon ln uescrlpLlons
now should be used as leaal advlce.

Important Laws

Some federal laws LhaL are mosL frequenLlv relevanL Lo [ob
descrlpLlons are:

lo oJJltloo to tbese ooJ otbet
feJetol lows. moov stotes
olso bove wooe ooJ boot ooJ
folt emplovmeot ptoctlce
lows tbot coo offect tbe
cooteot of job Jesctlptloos.
clvll klobts Act of 1964. 1ltle vll. rohlblLs emplovmenL
dlscrlmlnaLlon (hlrlna, flrlna, promoLlna, and on-Lhe-[ob behavlor
such as harassmenL) based on race, color, rellalon, sex,
preanancv, or naLlonal orlaln.

oool lov Act of 196J. rohlblLs emplovers from pavlna dlfferenL
waaes Lo men and women who are performlna equal [obs.

aae 9.11

Aoe ulsctlmlootloo lo mplovmeot Act. rohlblLs emplovmenL
dlscrlmlnaLlon based on aae.

Ametlcoos wltb ulsobllltles Act. 1ltle l. rohlblLs emplovmenL
dlscrlmlnaLlon aaalnsL quallfled lndlvlduals wlLh phvslcal or
menLal dlsablllLles.

lolt lobot 5tooJotJs Act. Covers mlnlmum waae, overLlme pav,
and oLher pav and record-keeplna lssues.
aae 8.12
ChapLer 9 !ob uescrlpLlon lssues

aae l.14



AcLlon verb 1hesaurus 3.9
AuA 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9
CommenLs secLlon 4.12
llrsL llne lndenL 3.13
Panalna lndenL 3.13
!ob lnformaLlon flelds 4.14
Llcenses 1.3
Loao 4.1
aae break 3.13
aae breaks 7.1
Skllls llsLs 4.10
users 1.3
Ad LdlLor 3.6
osL an ad 3.7
WrlLe 3.6
AdverLlsemenL lnformaLlon,
cusLomlze 4.16
Advlce, onllne 1.12
AkA [ob LlLles 2.4
Alpha LlLle, search bv 2.6


8ack up daLa flles 8.10
8enchmark [ob descrlpLlons 2.28


CaLeaorles, [ob search bv 2.10
CerLlflcaLes, Llcenses, 8ealsLraLlons
CusLomlze 4.10
WrlLe 2.24
CommenLs secLlon
Add 4.12
rlnL 7.3

CreaLlna companv-
deflned 4.17
ueflnlna facLors 4.17
8evlewlna LexL 2.20
SelecLlna 2.19
lrom oLher documenLs 3.9
lrom oLher [ob
descrlpLlons 3.8, 3.9
1exL 3.2
CusLomlzed skllls llsLs 4.10
!ob descrlpLlons 2.28
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
8eporLs 6.1
user !ob llbrarv 8.6
lnformaLlon 4.16
compeLencles 4.16
Companv-deflned lnLervlew
quesLlons 4.18
LxplanaLorv LexL 4.3
lorm headlna 4.1
lnLervlew quesLlons 4.18
!ob descrlpLlon formaL 4.14
!ob lnformaLlon flelds 4.14
Loao 4.1
CraanlzaLlon name 4.1
aae lavouL, defaulL 4.12
hvslcal uemands llsL 4.8
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
SecLlons 4.3
Sklll-level LexL 4.6
Skllls llsLs 4.8
Work LnvlronmenL llsL 4.8
aae l.13



uefaulL Search 1vpe 2.3
CusLomlzed quesLlonnalre 8.3
1exL 3.2
user !ob descrlpLlons 2.31
uescrlpLlons now Webllnks 8.9
uownload from lnLerneL 8.8
LssenLlal 3.3, 9.6
nonessenLlal 3.7, 9.7


LducaLlon and/or Lxperlence
CusLomlze subsecLlon 4.6
WrlLe 2.21
LmplovmenL AdverLlsemenL LdlLor 3.6
LssenLlal uuLles and 8esponslblllLles
secLlon 3.3, 9.6
LxempLlon 1esLer 8.4
LxporL [ob descrlpLlons 8.6


llnd and replace LexL 3.3
llrsL llne lndenL
Add 3.13
Chanae defaulL wldLh 4.12
lLSA 8.4
Chanae 3.12
CusLomlze defaulL 4.13
lorm headlna
CusLomlze 4.1
Peadlna secLlon 2.13
CharacLers 3.12
uefaulL fonL 4.13
aae lavouL, defaulL 4.12
araaraphs 3.13

Panalna lndenL
Add 3.13
Chanae defaulL wldLh 4.12
Peadlna secLlon
CusLomlze 2.13
Pelp, onllne 1.12
Plrlna CenLer 3.4, 3.3
lnLervlew form 3.4
lnLervlew quesLlons 3.1
osL an AdverLlsemenL 3.7
WrlLe an adverLlsemenL 3.6 3.4, 3.3


lmporL [ob descrlpLlons 8.4
lndusLrles, search bv 2.9
Pardware 8equlremenLs 1.3
MulLl-user 1.3
Slnale-user 1.4
SofLware 8equlremenLs 1.3
ConnecLlna Lo 1.6
uescrlpLlons now Webllnks 8.9
updaLe uescrlpLlons now !ob
llbrarv 8.8
Web browser 1.6
lnLerneL SeLLlnas, seL up 4.19
Companv-deflned quesLlons 4.18
form 3.4
quesLlons 3.1
aae l.16


!ob descrlpLlons
8enchmark 2.28
Copv from 3.8, 3.9
CreaLe 2.28
CusLomlze formaL 4.14
ueleLe 2.31
lormaL 2.1
CaLherlna lnformaLlon for 8.2,
Cpen 2.31
revlew searched LlLles 2.12
rlnL 7.3
Save 2.29
Search for 2.14
WhaL Lo lnclude 9.4, 9.8
WrlLe 2.28
!ob lnformaLlon secLlon
CusLomlze flelds 4.14
WrlLe 2.13
!ob LlLles
AkA 2.4
CauLlons 9.6
rlnL 2.14
Search for 2.7


kevboard shorLcuLs 3.1
kevword, search bv 2.7


Lanauaae Skllls subsecLlon
CusLomlze level LexL 4.6
WrlLe 2.22
Leaal lssues
Compllance 9.3
ulsclpllnarv acLlon supporL 9.3
lederal laws 9.10
Llcenses, mulLl-user 1.3
Add 4.1
Peadlna secLlon 2.13


Maralns 4.12
MaLhemaLlcal Skllls subsecLlon
CusLomlze level LexL 4.6
WrlLe 2.22
Menu bar 1.9


Cnllne SupporL CenLer 1.13
uescrlpLlons now 1.9
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
user !ob descrlpLlons 2.31
CraanlzaLlon name
CusLomlze 4.1
Peadlna secLlon 2.13
CrlenLaLlon 9.2
CLher CuallflcaLlons secLlon, creaLe
skllls llsL 4.10
CLher Skllls and AblllLles secLlon,
creaLe skllls llsL 4.10
CverLlme ellalblllLv
LxempLlon 1esLer 8.4

aae breaks 3.13, 7.1
erformance now 9.2
hvslcal uemands secLlon
CusLomlze llsL 4.8
WhaL Lo lnclude 9.9
WrlLe 2.23
8efore prlnLlna 7.1
Searched [ob LlLles 2.12

aae l.17


!ob descrlpLlons 7.3
rlnL prevlew 7.1
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
SeL up prlnLer 7.1


CuallflcaLlons secLlon
CerLlflcaLes, Llcenses,
8ealsLraLlons 2.24
CusLomlze level LexL 4.6
LducaLlon and/or Lxperlence 2.21
LxplanaLorv LexL 4.3
Lanauaae Skllls 2.22
MaLhemaLlcal Skllls 2.22
8easonlna AblllLv 2.22
WrlLe 2.20
WrlLlna effecLlve 9.8
CusLomlze 8.2
ueleLe cusLomlzed 8.3


8ead me flle 1.8
8easonlna AblllLv subsecLlon
CusLomlze level LexL 4.6
WrlLe 2.22
8ealsLraLlon 1.6, ??-1.8
revlew 6.2
SelecL a desLlnaLlon 6.3
SelecL a dlrecLorv 6.3
1vpes of 6.1
Pardware 1.3
SofLware 1.3

!ob descrlpLlons 2.29
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
8v caLeaorv of [ob ln acLlve
wlndow 2.10
8v defaulL Lvpe 2.3
8v lndusLrv 2.9
8v [ob caLeaorv 2.8
uescrlpLlons now !ob llbrarv 2.14
kevword 2.7
rlnL [ob LlLles 2.14
SLarL new 2.13
1lLles from lasL search 2.11
Search resulLs
revlew [ob descrlpLlons 2.12
rlnL [ob LlLles 2.14
use a [ob LlLle 2.12
CerLlflcaLes, Llcenses,
8ealsLraLlons 2.24
CommenLs 4.12
CompeLencles 2.19
CreaLe 2.28
LssenLlal uuLles and
8esponslblllLles 3.3, 9.6
Peadlna 2.13
!ob lnformaLlon 2.13
Maralnal duLles 3.7
nonessenLlal duLles 9.7
hvslcal uemands 2.23, 9.9
CuallflcaLlons 2.20, 9.8
8ename, remove, reorder 4.3
Summarv 3.3
Supervlsorv 8esponslblllLles 2.16
Work LnvlronmenL 2.27, 9.9
WrlLe 2.28
ShorLcuLs, kevboard 3.1
SlLe llcense 1.3
Skllls, creaLe llsLs 4.10
Spell check 3.12

aae l.18

uescrlpLlons now 1.9
new search 2.13
Search for [ob descrlpLlon 2.4
Summarv secLlon 3.3
Supervlsorv 8esponslblllLles
secLlon 2.16


1echnlcal supporL 1.13
llnd and replace 3.3
1hesaurus, AcLlon verb 3.9
1lLle, search bv 2.6
1oolbar 1.10
LxempLlon 1esLer 8.4
CuesLlonnalre 8.2
1ralnlna 9.2


undo LexL edlLlna 3.2
updaLe uescrlpLlons now !ob
llbrarv 8.8
updaLe Scheduler, seL up 4.20
user !ob descrlpLlons
CreaLe 8.6
Cpen/ueleLe 2.31
Save 2.29


Web browser
ConnecLlna Lo lnLerneL 1.6
1roubleshooLlna 1.6
Webllnks 8.9
Work LnvlronmenL SecLlon
CusLomlze llsL 4.8
Work LnvlronmenL secLlon
WhaL Lo lnclude 9.9
WrlLe 2.27
LssenLlal uuLles and
secLlon 3.3
!ob descrlpLlons 2.28
!ob lnformaLlon secLlon 2.13
hvslcal uemands secLlon 2.23
CuallflcaLlons secLlon 2.20, 9.8
Summarv secLlon 3.3
Supervlsorv 8esponslblllLles
secLlon 2.16
Work LnvlronmenL
secLlon 2.27

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