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Performing Oropharyngeal airway insertion

1. Checked the doctor's order. 2. Gathered the appropriate equipment. 3. Selected an appropriately sized airway for the patient. 4. Explained the procedure to the patient. 5. Washed hands 6. Suctioned the patient as necessary. 7. Placed the patient in a supine position. 8. Hyperextend the patients neck, unless contraindicated 9. Put on clean gloves and insert an oral airway, using the cross-finger or tongue-blade technique. 10. Check respirations and auscultate the lungs 11. Position the patient on his side. 12. Document the procedure.

procedure D.C.shock steps 1. Put on gloves and follow standard precautions throughout procedure. 2. Assess the patient and call for help. 3. Perform (CPR) until a defibrillator is being ready 4. Assess the patient's cardiac rhythm 5. Expose the patient's chest and apply jell at pads placement positions. 6. Turn on the defibrillator and set the energy level for 200 joules 7. Reassess cardiac rhythm. 8. Instruct all personnel to stand away from the patient and the bed. 9. Maintain good contact between the pads and the patients skin to prevent electrical current from leaking into the air. 10. Ensure that no one is in contact with the pt or with anything that is touching the pt when the defibrillator is discharged 11. Discharge the current 12. Reassess cardiac rhythm and have someone else assess the patient's pulse. 13. Repeat the above procedure in rapid succession, twice if necessary, increasing the energy level from 200 to 300 joules and then to 360 joules. 14. Reassess the patient's rhythm before each defibrillation. 15. Assess the patient's vital signs and condition, if defibrillation is successful. 16. Inspect the skin under the pads for burns and treat it, if present. 17. Prepare the defibrillator for reuse. 18. Document the procedure.

Tracheostomy care Steps

1. Washed hands, done gloves and discard the solid dressing. 2. Assessed the patient's condition and keep privacy. 3. Positioned the patient in semi-Fowler's position unless contraindicated. 4. Put on sterile gloves and established a sterile field. 5. Wipe the patient's neck under the tracheostomy tube flanges 6. Cleaned around the tube with sterile gauze pads and with cleaning solution. 7. Used each pad only once and repeat using additional pads and cotton until the skin around the tube is cleaned. 8. Rinse the area under the tracheostomy. 9. Dray the area thoroughly. 10. Apply new tracheostomy dressing. 11. Remove gloves and discard supplies as policy. 12. Provided oral care as needed. 13. Repositioned the patient in comfortable position 14. Documented the procedure and results.

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