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17 -ranuary 1979

to StuCy Governmental_@erations with Respect to fntelligence ActiritieiThese investigations di-sclosed that CLA., during the lgioii *a 1960;;--- r.ras interested jl research having to do l,'ith Ce infLuence of antgi on hunan behavior. UnforEu,ately, docr:rnents believed at the tj:ne to'-have been all of the CIA records related to drug research \v'ere destroyed. sone yeaT: before_tJre investigative process t"g4._- Tn 1977, horvever, the Agengr discovered jn its archives a quntiry of financial docunrents ttrat silea some light on t]re historical Agenry intirest in drr:g research. The ciiscovery of tJ:ese records rvas reiortla to the senat" Itd,, ;n-iugust rszz the Senate Select Connrittee on Intelligence and. the Subconrnitt"u on Health and Scientific Research of tJre Senate Con-rnittee on lJuman Re-s61s.q.t conducted joiat hearings to rearn of their fuu ifiplications.
As a result of these h"arir,gs,-it rgg concluded that the Agengr should attemDt to seek.out and notify indirrid";]s who nere t-]re iO;L.ts of dnrg J'e_seg.rch and e1'oerimentation- urithout tJreir l:noruledge ana ;ifoonea consent i-f tiey.llght-stitf be har,nn:f aftereffelts- The purpose of the notification rvould -sufferllS be to zuffiff any _responsibility Ure ho,rernment may have for tJre well being of subjects who may have been ha::s'red, bf * action 9f tJre Government. s[dr a reiporsibilitf may exlst in cases r"here tjre str.Idies were conducted r:nder tjre iirection br c'ontrol of t-.r\e ClA and rvhere substances that nray have caused harnrfr-rl long term aftereffects were adninistered without the lqlowledge or informed-consent, of the individuals. fn r.n-rdertaking to frrlfill any responsibilities it night have, the Agengr carnot, of c_ourse, relieve or jnderic'rify participaiing researchers or institutions for any liabilities they may have-

- - D"ttlg ^1975 and 1976 the Central Intelligence Agencl' h/as t1-1e s_gbject.of iatensive jrvestigations by the Ro&efe1l5t cl*ttsion of CLA actirrities within tJ:e United States, dd the Senate sereit Conrnittee


Unfortunatellr-the facts in our suwiv:rrg records are so fragnentary that it is difficult to nrake inforned judg:nents about r,hethei the substances r,:sed or t]re conditions l-o-ider rrhich the research r"as conducted nright _require notification of the individusls involved. I,'e are conpelled,-.therefore, to solicit tJre cooperation and assistance of institutioni ancl individuals r"ho nray have some records or recollections that uould be

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r\KULTR{ Drosran

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yisit vorr to di_"cuss thiS --+*^- E.-rL^rrisit you to dicrrr<< thil n:atter, further.

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y'ou r.,'ere directly interested ia some aspects of the duriag your association *"ifu "ith t : :::?I*::.'J1o i r..3ions . that would he 1p


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