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Centnl lntclligence AgenE

Itbshingtvt D C20505

1 O JAN F79

The Hsnorable

Washjngton, D-C- 20370


Secreta:7'of the AnrT/

Clifford L. Aiexa,:der, Jr.

l,fr. Secretary:

Last year I nrade a con'snitnent to the Congtesq tJrlt I rvould. make every reasbnable effort to seek out and notify individuals r"ho nray have suffbred hannful aftereffects from tJ:eir participation as subjects ln certail research sr-rpported by the Central fntelligence_ Agelcy. 0::e- such ' research prograrn, knbtun fu CIA as Project OFTEN, r*a1-fr4dgd- by the-Agengr but condultea by the Research Diirision of the Biomedical Laboratories at
Edgervood Arsenal.

During the hearings before the Senate sr:bcormnittee on Health and. Scientific Research in September 1977 it became apparent_tht! tJ:ere was a difference of opinion bitrseen CIA arrd the'Deparbnent of Defense. This difference relatea to tle question of vihether tests of the conpotnd EA#3167 on hr-man subjects occurred before or after CIA fi:rldj:eg_of -Proje_ct OFIEr1 had ter:ninated in 1973. Regardless of which agenqr t"as fi:ndiag the project at the tjme the tests werE conducted in June 197-3, one agenqf ifroinA be responsible for i+hatever follo1'r 141 .is appropriateSince t}re actr:al experirnents were conducted at qn,Amry install-ation by persorrnel at tJre Edgei"ood Arsenal y=itrg a conpowld.{9veloped. from an AtrD. RED program, rndei procedures a::d protocols of EARL f have assuned ttat the iub3=ects of the tests wordd be included in your notification an4 follorv r$ program. Should this be an erToneous assurption, I would' very much aplreciite your irrcluding them irr your proglan as you may deem appropriate.
Yours sincerelY,


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