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SUBJECT: Intenriew of

1. llE tub1ic safery officer for white plains, N.y, ;ep--; vvre :-nrerv-ieweo on Zi April iro* ajy +s 1000 hours to about 1115. fllhad been with the^FBN in N.Y. from Sept. ,52 to Jr:ne 1965. Ihad been ,iih th, Secret Seruice N.T. during much of the-sane period. 11j| 3 l<new George qlle and- expresied the opinion, "tire tpe or r"* enforcement officer the -ountry wouldbe better offwitrroui;;. lt/hen asked to elaborate, he stated " too much nn:scre, trr"-"na -, justifies the

John Tagley_ (decea_sed) kept- tight contror of it, even cteanEd it. Access to the safehouse was generally restricted to rup"ruiiors. Bigwig.s 'j.ed it r^fien they viiited. i{e does not lnor"r 6t ;;-i;-:\gt males belng thgre qxcept once when a parrZ was given .""iirrg a promotion. f lsrew of the mirroi anl statEd there ;;;; installed listening devices "


only of the safehouse in "the .ri11age".

boozilg. I_ie knows of no direct crA use of the-lpartient, Feldman represented hinself as crA and other than Feldman, he met no CIA peopJe associated with the apartment. lDphoned -loows FBN headquarters to check Feldnran's claim and received a riEpoirse whictr r""r"d to
confirm Feldman's CIA connection.
fo-rmer FBN, now an insurance investigator nay something about the apartment. He nray be reachea ,i ffl

of nothing more suspicious happening there than

given what he l.nows of the apartment, and of security problems which would be eniount"r"d itt prostitutes luring tricks to the apartnent for dmgging, if it seemed reasonable that the apartrnent could have been us-ed-for"i".fr r-p.rrpor.. He responde-d tha-t it seemed completely unreasonable that the ment could have been put to such use. He was not asked speciii.riry "b"ttwhat -, l.nows he



why but his reasons were-irplicit fron the earlier conversation. An att-empt was nade to _tightly control the safehouse such trrai it would be reasonably safe io use it for irnportant cases. If piostitutes and their customers had had free usl of it, all-ioniioi'woura have been lost. one person angered at being drugged .or-,ia-il"r. bfown everything.- ,Essentially fre was saying that-iuch o"".t'Le or the apartmen-t would have been inconsisteirt with the use it and for vihich it and large reserved.. He was irri"rrl"a to, that had it been so used,-everyone in the FBN/N.Y. orii.u-iot'i "i;;-ir.'plying have l,cror+n of it.






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