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Cen;ral IntelJ-igence


Deputy Directcr of Cent;al Inteiiiqence Deputy Direc-,-cr for -{crlirlstlaiioe ,ls l ' ,J,

Special Assis*'airt to the Deputy Drrector


Ac-lr:-n:strat :-on


C: rA

TE/^'r . l-,v.L .


Fi-nai Reoorr

Norrfrc:tion of

i.;hrrirti-i:.9 Subjecis -

'L- Action Rec.uested: Your signatur3 on the attacred leiters to .SenaiorBffied'y,SecrJt'ryCa1ifar:'o,AitonieyceneraJ.Be11, .and Ntr. Peter Bensinger is requesteC2. BackeFornd.: In resDonse to your request to the Actorney General l-r {antraqr;-tfr-Teter Bensi:rger, Adminisirator of rhe Drug Enforcernent Ai,rruinistration, loaned us an-officer, io help "51'lestig:-t:on of the safehouse part of the i [ilJLTR\ progran- rrs rvith .L\e has been al'arLable as needeC, variu3lJ.y fi.:J.J. tine, s::rce the nr-id.lte of Febrr-:ary. The attached Letters to JuCge Bel1 anC }tr. Bensir.ger exnressappreciaticn for fse::r'iges and for the coocera-Lion ani' assistance given by naty officers o,-: Lhe DE\ field ofiice in San Fra.rciscc. -l In Janrrary you also asked Secreta4r Cdir-aiio for assistance jrl aia.]fzing ihe dnrgs rrseci. in response io i.hat rea.u3st rrE H'orked directly r;ich peoole at NIH rvho provicied, r:s witir an analysis j-n early ltay. The attache<i L-u-'.r to Secretzry C:J-if.ano eleres-<es a-Dgreciation for assistance by his Depar-nent. ,. .._.. Tlre letters to Senators Bayh a.rci Ken:redy i; a memorand.u:r for t,\e record intended to ser/-e as the filal report of our effort to identifT, fjnd, and notify perscns rvho rrere r-u-rrv-itti;rg subjects of dmg research conducied r-rrder the Iv[(irl,TRA prograrn. The lecters co t]re Senators i'rclude a sr.$firary of the resulis of or-r iavestigacion. It r"ould be recr:ndant to sunsnarize then fi:rJrer here. 5. Reccn'rnendation: Your si.gnaiure on the aitacirei let-uers is requested.





r.t ,l'lj-i. - l 'rV/'


.-,.\ :":"\ ;a__.:1.

.'j':r aii

6 JUL l97g

l'lb,hin5lon. O C:01-05

The Honorable Brrch Bayh Chair,nen, Select Connr:ittee on



Intelli.gence States Senate



Dear I'h-. Grarrnan:

10 lhy 1979, r sent to you the final t.oo* of our effort to .identify Persons who-mrght harre su.'fered harn-tui long-te:-n afcereffects from.hg'-ving been subjects, rvichout their lnorvledge oi consent, of 4me research conducted nuny ye-ars_ ago at pri.vaie insiitlrtions. f '"*-pi"Ii"a nobr to subr,r-it _t_o_|'ou t.he final ieport- of our i:rvestigation of tir"'i"i"[o,rs" Part_of the II{IILTRA dnrg researc]r prograrn cond.ucred. itr lrttt York City-il-San.jFrancisco.



and e-xhar:stive seardr, tre hal'e located and uoti..ied. R'o pecPle nenticnd, jn the diaries of George H. ivtrj.te as harnng been 15lruiitine st'bjects of LSO e:cireri-nentation in the Jar11'1950's- Tire first of ti."s.--' subjects_ does noc believe that she -ryas ever glven a dose of LSD; she has no recollection of any Lnrl-su:'] o? abnormaL reaction or behavior on the <i:.te ciceC in tire White diary, or at ary- other tiree. The second. subiect. after luitg- irrformed tha-u an entry j:r irtrite's dia4r irT-Dlied-she m:.ghi hi.';e been-given LSD surreptitiou_sly recalled vi.vidJ-y',,ihat jrici been for E"r a terrifyiag-erperience. She e:pressed gratitude for harring been infornred and t"as relieved to have an erylanation for the prer-:-ously r.:ne-1plaj:red., most horri^rying e:perience of irer .1ife. Sire beais rro'"trirosity'ot ifi'rcill totvard any institi:tion of:the C:cvernment but <ioes not feel kirrdly tolv,3rd, George i,hite.

' After long

the care of a physician in recent origin. Stre plans to inform her physician of the LSD incj.dent, rvhiclr occurred in 1952, and seek his assessiaent of any possible connection betrveen that incident and her cr.:rrent illness. 1\'e have been inforned by the Departaent of Fiealth, Education, and itfeliare that, "the dr"rgs r.rsed in CIA stud.ies are not lgroran to caLLSe late, delal'eC effects (e.g., cancer) in the absence of long--terr,l eryosurer" and "thbre is no proof of long term physical effects from LSD." Nevertheiess, the subject rvill e-rolore avenues of recourse available to her and the possibility of an action'against tire Goverament c:nnot nott be rr.:J.ed out.


The second, subject has lu"n for treattnent of a malady




' c-ccasions

the sccial securitr Aahiru-stration. rf the ssAlinGl.'aJ- be vithin tl:eir authorigr to help !J, rae_nay find an inciiv:-riua:. r.rho-pj.r-i.iy r*as nor hi:self a sr:bject, but.r,to i.;as present rvhen anoper #;;;;as grv-en LSD. F.e may or rnay not be able to heip y; ig:+aily ti.e persoa sllspected. to have been the subjeci of an lsD tesi.'.lrte rrill p.'=u= i-hir-J:.]", rve have ti,e oihers, ultiJ all avenues of inquiry hav-e Eeun eKrra.l,-'-ied..
-Apar= fry the- s.ix or seyen j:rcid.ents rvhere-George ivlite apparently a<iin-in-ister.d l{e have Learnea of-ont:-o""*otlu-r'lr;i;i. t;here LSD rvasTl_:_o_-Tt ry"rts, acirriir-isterea to an-rnrvit-.ilg subj".t- - -ii irhi,

George l"h-ire apparenrlv adnriniste;eci tfD_ :l ,L=, and possibly seven, to friends or accuaintances r,-hora hu ,uas entertairu'g as personal gu3sts' Itie have located anci notified of then r:nsuccessfi:l in identifyiag or finciag the others. ' It'e have a-n t;il;;'i"=*outstanding inquiry irith

several &Ys after the'iacident disclosed no "pp.t=ri'r'rr.,tili-#cl'Lrrects. lv-e have learned that the subjed d:ed of .rr,c"iaboui-195s; A;]"16 after ahe inciderrt- Persons t'rho lnerr of th-is incident tooor-6r-no'o'arrJrt sfuniLai-io it. sircng-1y, if no.t_-conclusivelr, that'if -,Jrere rvere oth.tilt-t.y 1rculd. har,ie been fe"'r in nr:1ber\ *r-Lvent,:I have ccnciuded. tlr.t.*.-irave erplored every a]/enue of research arrd i:r''reitigaiiqr arraiLable to us -and, rnade evar1, reasonable effort to identifr *{ f:-id persons r'io Trere ;;;t";;d;"}!, c.' in:g iestilg under the li<Lrrr.t1. r=osri*l- r regret that ha'e fouurd only t';o of &"q, but r am relie.,ci t6 iravE the reascaable 1vie signi.'icantly. fetver than originally feareci. "rr,.u*'lJ'a:rra*an]..J' A nemorandur,r for the record intended enclosed for your in-ron:ratrcn.

.rr"r sn:ll of tto *-=:l3igtitjously introci:cei into a cocktaiL consuried3by a hcstess/entertainer at, a bar in san Frand.sco. A follc;s-r.:p -vi.sit
dcse h']aile we are tnable

the j::forr:'tion

t'''e hane deverope-d

to prove.positively that tj:ere lrrs no ot1rer cases, ii 4u .o,=ru of the i-r:.vestigation sugests


ser',re as or.:r

final report is

yours sincerely,

/a/ Ste;ns.llald.Turner "


Distibucion: Orig - Adciressee rvrlencl. 1 :. DcI /ensf .,


1: - 11. 1-


DDCI w/encl. ER n/encl-. GCwrlencl LC w/&cl PA w/enclDnA n/encl.







lrtshingorO. C20SO5

6 JUL 1-Q79
The Flonorable Ednard I{- Kenae,iy Lharrnan, Subcormnittee on Healt-r\ and Scientific Research Corrn-ittee on Hunan Resources t,hited States Senate

lfashingjon, D.C.
., ,



identrfy-persons have'suffered hanan-ri i"";-a;; tfr"r"rr".ts their rcrorvledge or-.oni-ni, Jr.,;-i::llllTg-!.""n subjecis r,rithout at private i:riti.tutions. i of pi"L.a researcfi conducted manl ye^qs-ago now to submLi to you the final reporc of our furvestigacion of t-tte'safehor:se "*

*9_lnanrt+ -.,ban .FrancLsco.


dmg research progra-n conducteC i* N",'l York


After lcrg ard. edrarrsti',ne searCr, rse hav-e loc.e.ted. and nocified, crvo people nent-ionqi in Lhe diaries of George H. Ir?r-ite as ha'ring been rrrrniitins srrhjects of LSD erperinentation irr-ihe Jarly 1950's. fire firit-oflr{Jr'J*'= subjects does not believe that she was ever given a d,ose of LSD; rf-t. frri no recollection- of any uru.:sr-:al or abnornal r5action or behar.a-or'on tie-iste cited in the lvhite Ciary, or at any other tin-re. The second. subiect. after !.it9, inforned tirat an entry in lrhite's d-iary inplied th;;Ai-;;;" been.girlen LSD su::reptitior.:sly, recalled r"'irat ir=a U".n for-her a terrifying_ erpeSience. She epressed. gratitud.e' for having been inforneJ and r'as relievei. to have an e:olanatioi f;;. -.jr" prerior-rsly *;$i-i;;,nosi horriffittg.erperience of.her tife. 'She bears no ani.-nosiry'or ili'rrill tor"ard an/ jrrstitution of uhe Govern-'nent but dces noc feel towira--George


The second'subject has been r.:nder the care of a irr recent nonths for treatiaent of a maj.ady of r-nlcrorvn origi-n- 3he plans to jrrform her physician of the LSD incident, rr'hich occurrEd irr 1952, and seek ttiiassessnent of any possib.le connection beu\'een that incidenc and her current illness. lVe have been informed by the Departinent of Health, Education,- a-qci l'Ielfare that, "the drugs r.:sed in crA ltu,iies are not known to cause late, delayed effects (, cancer) in the absence of long ..erin erposure," and "titere is no proof of-long tel:Tn physical effects from ISD." Neierth.eiess the subject rv-ill e.rplore avenies of iecourse available to her and the possibility of an action against the Covernment cennot nor./ be nrled out.

the sccial' seiurirr Air,,a;iit'=tion. rf the J3+itL:Ty.:";:',iltri H*; authorilr to help L.Ls, r,ie :uav find an ildivid.uaL r.;ho aooarently r.r"' not hinself a subjec.-, but rvho iva-s preseri r,rhen anoiher p;;;;;;;as given LSD. r'ray- or ntoy-not'be able-to1=if ; jd:lti.$ t-h.e peiso1 1re srrspected. to have begn the subjer. of ar rsD resr.'-rre rril1 p,rr=ru rve have tirs others, until aJ.l avenues of inquiry hav-e been _t[ir-;:;;* "n..,.=t"a]-' Apan fron the si-x or se'/en incidents rvhere_George lviite apparentlv airiristered T5? :_o,qt gu3sts, r,,e iea::re.-of-;;ii-";u*o-,,irur"iri.i&1. r',-here LSD r,'as as'rir-isterid to an-u.r;itting subjecti; A;, case, a snarl oose of LSD was surreptitior-r-sly iltrociucei irtto a cocctait hostess/entertajaer at a bar in san Fra.-rc:sco.- A follory-upLrr=*.d by a *r.a se.reraf&7s after the'incident ciisclosed. ipfi!.ii i',.--eJi-L:.=i"ifects. rve :learned that the subjec dieJ-of ca-rc=r abcut.1963; "o ii* ye ;;, after t1reha.,re incident- Persons r"ho lne',r & tn:.s inci&nt C"*-ir-;;-"$;;, sirni.rar -io it' hhile ]'te are tnable to prov-e-positively that tl:ere r{ere no other cases the lilfori'":'tion rve ha're devel^oaed, G u." .o,-rrse of the inveitiga-,-ion suggesti sFrong-1yr not conclusivell','that'if there were o-"hers they *.,ul-d. have -if n:perbeen fer* i't \ *y_event, r have conc-."iea-il; *"il..1ru explored. e!'ery a-venue of research a:.d inreitiga-.igr availeble to u.s-*a made e.rer.,r reasona-ble efforc to iienti-ir nd f+ persons who r"ere *,a..iig-;d;"3, c-' d:r:g tescing rncer the li<Lri,qr psg*r. -."gret that r,.e ha*e fcund. qal' rrr'o of- d9q, but r am relievecl to iravS the reascnabl. --" --' r'rr significanrly fe:rer tJran originally feared.- - "rr**r,'J'in"i*d"il*t A tnernorandum for -Jhe record intended to senre as otr ffural report is enclosed for your infornatica.
Yours sincerely,

George adnj-rdstered LSc-.:l r.:, and possibly seven, 'occasions to H-t:r:ti:t:i:-1l friends or acciua:,rtances r,'hcn he rvas enter-taili-ng as personal gussts' Ive have located and notlfied oi in or finCing the others. r.,ro har tjr=r b;t-d;*b"=., r:nsuccess,--ul Iv'e

/a/ Stansllold Turner



rr:bution : Crig - Addressee w/encl. 1 - DCI r,i/encl. 1 - DDCf rvlencI1 - ER r,r/encl. 1 - GC w/enc1.


1 - LC;v/encl. 1 - P-A,'rv/enc1.

DDA rr,/encl..



Ccntril Intc!ig::rci .{3erc/

tltuiringof,. A C:Ci05



The Flonorable Joseph A. Califano Tlre Secretary of Health, Education, and iVelfare Ifashr-ilgton, D.C. 2020L

Dear Joe:
Tha.rk you for yor.:r letter of Ju:re 15 , L-o79, resi:onding to my earlier request for assistance irt d.eter:n-i:rj:rg r.,hether dmgs lci.niniitered. as a para of the reseai-ch conciucted und.=r the IKTJI-TIL{ progran had the porential kor : causirrg ha:nrfi.:.l long--Ler:m aftereffects - Thrlugf, the very griciorrs ioopui"tio., of your siaff l recaived earLy i:r ivhy t-he anaj-ysis prepar-a Uy the Nationai i Lnstitutes of Health.

_ For Purposes of convenience l{e treateC the IvKIJLTRA progran in trvo palts, ond,pari deal::rg t.'iih research conducted at private institutions a:rd thi second Parc deating *iLh tJre ooeration of salehouses in Nen York Cicy ald San Francisco- A few rseeks ago f reporteC to Serator Ba1'h and Senator Kennedy that research conducteti ac private institutions r{as conducted. in a responsible nanurer. Rather consietently, it appears that subjects of the research lvere volunteers and ttrat the qpe and arnor-u-lt of dmgs admir:-istered and the dr.:ration and circr:msiances of the ad.n.iaistration were not Iikely -"o have caused. long-term aftereffects. In nost cases the research conducted at private institutions r,ouLd have gone fon'zrd rvithout suppofu from CLA. fr-:nds. Tpically, research prograns rvere ini-tiated ald sponsored by -.he institution icself before supporejng fr.:n& beca;ne available irom external contributions fn general, the researd was conceiveC, pl-arured, and tarried out il. accordance r+ia\ institutional protocol and procedrres, rvithout direction or control by CL\. i{e found no irtstance.'rihere the research conduc-ued represented a deparrr:re'from professional and et,\ica! sta:rdards of the time. Results rtre 4v?i1ab1e generally to Crose j:rteresteC, rv'ith concealment only of the
fact of

interest and srpport.

hhile hre are still arvaiting response to final avenues of irquiry, our investigation of that part of the IKULTRA. prograrn dealing tcith the safeltouuses is nor,' uirtr-rally cornpleted. I am sending my final report to Senator Bayh and Senator Keruredy today infornr-ing tir.en that rve learned of seven, and .possibty eighc, cases rvhere LSD had been acininistered to indiridr:als rvithout d:.eir knorvledge or consent d.uring the 1950's, but lvere wrable to establish

fiith a comfortable degree of certaiaty that these r{ere the only cases. Cne of the subjeccs died of cancer about five years after the incident. T\uo others have been fourd, irtervier,,ed, and info;'::red. lV'hiLe this caruiot 'be cor-nted as complete success, f nonetheless feel a cer-uain sense of relief from havi-ng the reasonable assurance rhat the prcgrsrn apparent'ty
rvas much

less eriensive


originally feared-

Your interest and taillilgness to help in thrs mstter are verF nruch appreciated. lVe are par-uicr:larly glarefi-ri- to Dr. Seyn'our Perry and Dr- p"lLhony Guarino at the National Institutes of lieaLth r'ho prepared the analysis of the dnrgs for us.
Yours, /-aL Sf



Id' Turnar



Ccl:tni lntciig:ncc,:,3arE
. -. ' 1.a--\xs


,:-'./-=:l*, '' I -:'. ..- ..J +

.Yt '.,': .. ',-f, ':.'-/i ':\---i1


The Hcnorable Griffin B. BeLL .\cccrney General of the i.lnited States


L=!L U: l.:i-5t.

of iustice D-C- 20550

Lasc Janr-a4', in response to niy reqLrest for assisiar:.ce in our effofr icler?iff persons t"'ho nay h"ve been adninjstereC dnrgs r"'ithout cheir .hoxleige or consent as a pari of the NI{IJ-LT.RA progrer conCucted irt safehouses ,il Nerv York City and Sair Francrsco, Iou asl<eC the Lcimrnistrator of the Drug Erforcer.ent Adi-.Linisiraticn to <iesignaje a representst,ive to rork rvith usa s-iaff i:raoector assigned to i:r. Bens.inger designateC cj:e O:-fice of Inte::iral Security at DLtr., and. hj.n available to us vi-nurtly .=u1.\ ti,re since early February.
a-nd- -.he g;aciorrs coooeraiion ancl l{iih the very able b.elp of lf of n;.:iry peoole in DEl., particula-rly those in tire San Franci.sco -sistance of.=ice, 1ye have conrpleteC our iavestigation. f am sendlrg lry final repoi-u io Senaior Bayh and Sen:.ior Ken'redf todzy infor,ri-rg then thgE, tre learned. of seven, a:rd possibLy eight, cases r,;here LSD haci been adninistered to r-ndividr':'ls Lnrjittingly, but rrEr u[dble to establisll tiith a confortable Ceg:ee of certarlcy tha-u these r"'ere the .only cases. ftre o the subjects ciEC o! csnc3r about five years after ihe jnci(ien-u. Tr"o others have been for-s1d and. no-"iiied. lthile this cannot be cor:nteC as com-oleie success, I ncnetheless feel a certain sense of relief fron ha.,'i-ng the re.asonable assuiaflce that the prograln a.Dparentl/ l,ts nruch less e:<tensit'e than originally

i,rterest. an(i r.rilli.n3r':.ess to help in ihis nai,ter are velf lnuch appreciate'J- I halre rrritten ieparately tc }ir. BeTsinger elpressing to hinr r,r,"j a-opt.ciation for all the help gi',,-en by his Adni:tist-ration. Agah, nErty thanks for 1'our cooperation and assist:nce.


/e/ Stansflald. Turner



Tire i{onorable Peter Bcnsirrger




Ccntnl lntcllig:ncc Agenc,r,

.'.' 7 :.\ :- '; .':' ..-:. I ' r._



tr,rshingnn. O C !0105

06 JuIy


lhe Flonorable peter B- Bensinger Adnrin-istraror Dnrg Enforcenent Admi_nistration Ir'ashingaa, D.C. Z0SS7
Dear Peter:

.' lha.,-]k y-ou for naking the serrrices of available to us as nee&d si:lce-ear1y-Febnrary to a-ssist ir out search for rar6iiin! subjects of MKiLTM dmg researcir conducred. ciurjng the igSo;i and 1960,s.

serrrices been inrralr,:h1e. We have fou.:.d. hjm to conpetent, dedicated, and profeiiionar ir,""i.ig*t"r. r ?,hignly hould aDD;eclat! Iour com'-ef!r.g to hr-im my comnendation and.-appreciation vvr'!'E"Esrvrr qrs cL/t
for a jol rveIl done-


-lfe ilso appreciate. the f,?updiy coo-p_eration and assisiance given graciorrsl>l by other nenbers 6r ya-ttr stafi, parricr-:lar1y t_r\ose ir-y.; san Francisco office. lhey havi: been mosi iccon-rnoda"6g. --

report of_our_seallh- A copy has been sent separateiy to fonbers of yolr -s-t3-f*-. I believe you l.iitt share nrr sense'of relief deat r,-e have fou'rd the progran was ra.:ch less ertensive than originally feared..
Agai:r, your coope-tion and, assisterce are deeply appreciated.Yorrs,

a.r sending


Senator Bayh and Senator Kennedy today nry fi1al

aU :ti-r

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