Fiaal Locate, Tne City - Ne'Acrivities:) "Ii6E (RCH George

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SUBJECT: i\filjlTR{.sT_pioje-cis s, 1,4, 16, tz, L3z, 149 a.,rd }"iI6E{RcH George H. i,hiteAbrgan i-{a11 - Bureau oi Narcotics


1' Tnis menorandr.m is inteni.eci to serr/e a-s -"he relori, investigacions to iCentiff, locate, and notiff personsfiaaLnay haveof -uhe ruho subjects of dn:g e-Verinentations wia\out therr^ ttcwfeage-o, .o*"..t been uu:cer che I\!(JLTRA Prograrn. Pa_ra_slirpirs i. through 11 ciesiribe and srmrmarize tne conienr of. the sur'.,'r.,:ng l.Klrltti rites p"d.r.rri-.,.g in Nelu York City anci Sen Ft'l-rcisco, ild --ne'acrivities ; ofA; safehouses Bureeu of Narcotics Agent George i{. I"hite. Parag;aphs 12 ti-rrough iS-d.uscribe an4 suiunari:e the method-and. results of oui s.".t.h for ,-niitii"; subjects. :'
for t.he recorci j '\vir1 i:rrolve thedated. 21 lrfay 19ss says tha-rrealistic teiti"g-o'i-.urtain ' reseerch a-ld de.relopment iteris of interest During tfre course of research and developnent it is sometines fcund. that fertain very necesor tes-Ls suite<i to oriiinarr l;t;r;ory condi_ ii1_"v::T:ltt sa:::e tine itare nor be difficult, irons. At ihe rvould if not :_npossi6l;; t" conciuct, these :s operat'ionaL field iests. rnil project G cesignJa-to pz'ouide faciliti-es to fill ehis inte:raediate i<rir:..Lo.nt-,, f".!ioi"it rv'as to be "conducted by ,rtr. i'{,orgqq Hai1, . r.**r, . .t .opy of a ne"orandulit for the Inspector Genei'al --fron the Crief , Inspec-.ilir ana Revieru dated 10 Fecn:ary 1954 says



A ne:rorandun



projeci has

!,\ro purposes:

" (t)

9?::rve rhe behavior of r:ru,trting persons o.ues-uioned. ar:er havirg been given a dn:g; a."d


in nraking the .obser.ritioni.,''


'uest eLectr:m.c. and photographic equipment an<i one-rvay nrirrors


No obser'rations had been made

broke enrcute to


by 10 Febn:ary 195+ becar-se tne one-rv-af

"To accomplish_these objectives, TSS rnakes rse of one Gecrge a bona fide-Treasury narcotics agent. ivhite has been rvilh ury a long tine and nakes his hea,{q.uar-tJrs in }terv york, though it Treaappe3rs he is authorized to operate e1ser,'here as ruell. 'lVhite eicher rtorked for or assisted osS in'corureciion widr the use of d.nrgs for -- -einierrogation purposes. rr


--"TheTrojectAma\es use of an apartnent lccated ac 8l Street, York City." copy of the leasi contained. in the file shorvs that there l{ere tlro "digplg aparunents on the first floor. "An adjoioing :-oorn is Lsed for er.+ ouien'aiion and a one-,.{ay mirror rvill be installed..,,

"0stensib1y,_the apartnent i.s reniei to one ')ior-gan i{al1'; this is an alias '-:sed by George I'hite for a ntn',ber of yea:'s. I'hen I.II-riie r,ses this alias he assur,,es the co\rer of an 'ar!i-si' anci a 'seanan, ...,,

'l.lorgan Hall'. fu 'trlorgar liarl', for one reason or another,'he is abre to get t\ese people to 'his' aDariixent at 81 Bedford Street rvhere he ,triis to eLj.cit infol-ilrati.on. ito* tr-=" to trne 'iuloi-gan u"iy gives -and. per.d*gr _to -these unaware ir&-v:dual_s- throtrgh. &iiNs , Cgarettes , -,-he interrrier.i 'HaLl-' aevises TSS as to rvhat'd:-ug;as ha_-os focd. _Mter aC.nrinistereC and gives his judgeo-u 25 to success atiained. 'UalI, is aly'are of TSS iaterests in beha,r1or these condi-"ions and is akare of TSS interest-in specific drugs. llo';e,.'er, TSS dces not suDply 'lr.all' rvith drugs anci.does not sugge5i-rv'irich, if any, drugs are -uo bL gi"en io s-recific inciyicir:als. Procurenent aad Lrse are 'Hail's' decisiois. 0n one occasion Cnief, Grenrj-caL Dirrision did t:l<e some LSD fror.r Dr. -ABR$soN to rHal1'; this 'l{a11' wantec a:r.d could have gotten frorn

"i\'irite, of course, is interested. in nai-cotics and. reouted. to have in the r--nCenuorld and itrolg s6r,r1 ',,ho aie j-n oi on t.h.e fringes of the narcorics business. l{e is knor,n io nen/ of these people as

dj-rectly. "


"'Iiorgan Hall' has adnrj-niste:'ed for-rr trces of dmgs this

.r ' '


(a) Ch.loraj.hydrate ft{ickey Fin-"r) G) 'K' Ta-bler (c) l.farijua-:s E**Eract (d) LSD"

"The above described arranlements and. collabora-uion h/ere d-iscrisseC by TSS',"ith Ntr. it\SLIllGLo., Crief, i{a:corics Division, Treasury

5. Subprojec-r- 14 l,/as establisheC i,o arrarge for "reimbu-enent of t\e Bureau of Nai'cotics for llr. George il. iitrite's serrrices during the period Augrrst l, 1953 thrcugh Oc^.ober 50, 1955." A menorandum ior tl:e record dated 20 July'f95i descri-bes a discrssioa rci-'h lJessrs. Airslinger anci l'lnite at Fureau of }iarcccics lieaCqu3rters. '',\tr. A.irslinger's problem i,,as -&at he desired to have IIr. irhite detailed io orlr work foi a r,r:.jor portion of l'i-is tine during the abo're r,entioneC period. Becar:se of seve:'al political factors attenCani to -&e changeov-er of adrrinistration, he desires to have a plar.:sible reason for Ntr. i'ihitets absence fronr his assigned office in Rcston. ile agrees noc to ciir,.r:lge the nature of the confidential rvork nor of the Agenqr concerirei. Itr. rrhite will nraintain corpletely his s-uatls as a Br-rrJau of Narcotics agent d.uring ihir tJ-tt." r:ontFr period. N{r. Anslinger seems to be an-xiour-s to have an entry in his books indicating a valid rej-nbursenent oi fr.:gtds to cover uhis period of i{r. lJhice's actj.vities." The file contains a receint <iated Septenrber 10, 1955 for $SSOO signed by I{.J. AnsU-nger, Con-unissionlr of i{arcotics to cover sa1ary and e-.crenses for lltrite beginning July 1, 1955, Later <iocr-:rnencs reflec-" pafment to the Bureau of llarcotics for l',hite's senrices

through Decen-iber 19s5. The file does no-" discLose the natu:-e se:-rrices reriered by' I{r. l,hite.
. r L-:
F^-^---i-_ a .1



Srrbprojeci L6,,v'Ls establisheci gs ccni'nurtion subpro_ ject :. . nernorancun for the record d.atec a octcber 195j ofThg filg J iy ,,rs.i.vrqr\ iur LJle r3._urs. c.3Lec_ 2 uctcbgr 1955. v,f I : bank siaienenis ccntains sqa JLeL=:trsrlLs and canceLted. chec-ks tO; che-l.CIrsa., iiarr Ac a-r1q' L;.Ilc--Lrec. CneC-KS fo; Che i.ioi-gan lia]l of lier yort<. A copy of' aC::T: IL-:i.:h.",lg_.r?"t.1_cir,/_?T* faied' Iiay 26, 195i to "De3r Sidney" and beariig the t4","=it.en initiats _gh*''_sugges_is that the banJ< accoLnt of i,i,orgarl-Haii City Salr:< o.5 lle',r York shoul_d be a joint ,.c6,*t r.ri-& i;til*N"i.on"r
ts t:vt!

lllorFan HaIl" rvas the alj_as r:sed by Gecr


' operation.

-.?i:=iacht' ltaienenr "t',hag ruit! sr:spici-Ttrs bai:-ks, r.;d.lord.s, :j:: personaliry in you-r,;i.J.1 r.nierstana --hat ..=.:"iig'.h;-;; I (sic) ttfde ::9*::. "t:-, t\e forn of Nlorsan iial1 i tacng a little Jqrl-l(si gan iiall is doing." 5. A hand-i'rritten note to "sic' bearing the &te ,,s/9', and, signec wiah t-l're initials "Giii'f'gives a San FrJnc:-sco aidiess, te1-ephone b?1- fol^llorgan_lia1i, a.rrd cites costs for a nove'and, t!,,p".i:ry::l ind of furniture. The,note aLso says arf storage "r,n aiL\iors to get sone of I'ialt's gacgets etc. for field. testing rvilr Bo)l rvorl<',. finCciat docu;enis apDear to be the final acccurtings subnittecl for the 1\ierv york

). .-,- A.n--n"ora::d.uln for -"he record &ted.6llarch l95Z for con-'' Liauatica of sub-orojeci 4zrt says "in -.he Dasi year a nr:nber of cov'ert a;rd ree1is-.ic field trials h.:.r'e been successf.tlLy ca::ried out.

The resul-,_s of these e:<.,pei.nents hav-e proviied, factual b"t" to establ:-shi-ng protocois for,a s(h,ber'of ccnreryrated. ol.:-atioC. f "rruntial cont'inuation of covert anci rejtistic field. triali ,,"t"iiit.i"a Uy the procuction of netr naterials_ in TSD prog'ran-s pa;ticutarly in areas "t" reo.t'irlng detailed lnovleCge of the efflctivenesi and efficienqg of Celi',-ery sysiens. Aiditioial tials are also necessirated. by tire need. for better controllei'fieL<i-gzpe' eloerinents.r,

erperi-.,aents involvils the covert aci'rimstraiion of physiologically-"iii"" materials to rnrv-itting sub,jects. The faciliql ruas l"t .p uf providins l'lr- Ilorgan i{aII a saflhor-rse i-n San Francisco and fi:ri:iii.ins hG-:, rvi-Jr the necessary materials and fr-nds to carry out the opprorui p.og.-*,. Itr- I{all- in turn carried out part of the program rvit]r the'Lsistance-of certain in<iividuals rvho co''reriLy adrrinistir ihis material -to othei puo: ple in accord-ance r"-ith his instructions. For rheir assis-"ance in tjlis Progran these indiuiduals are paid small suris in cash at irregular intervals. "This informatron',{as prorriCed to explain the iriCIralricabiliry of obtaj.ning receipts.',

A menori.c-r-cn_for the record da-ted 17 .A.ugust 1956 says ,,subproject 42 ttas establisheC. to p;oviie the Agency' r*iC a feciliql' for cond."lti"g

A menorandum for the record dated 24 January 1955 establishes subproject !.2 u a continuation o'F subproject 16 ond to prorid.e for the york move of i'lorgan


frbnr ilerv




T'rere is in the 261 Green Srreet, Itill

file a copy of a rease for a furnisheci drvetting at Valley, talifornia.


The nenc says salerno i.as_fur1y projeci and rva< creared through rop secrei. ,r.. April 1962 and July tgOS


1959' "During the past few siengls arrangenentsf-or the record g Jr-rly have been concrud.ed. and preri-nr-inary ' dry-n-urs' have been corir.ileted. for -.he concr:ct of a larger number of more conrolex 'field.' tri"ir. These new trials are necessirared by tJre produttion of new naterials i;-;i;; iio p.ogr"nr, advances in th.e state of che De1_ivery, anci the neec for better r $* of.,, controlLed 'fielC-type' experi:nents 6' subproject 152 was 1r January 196r for the of conducti'ng realistic testsestabrished research ,o.,e ;;;ioprnentpurpose of cercaia itens and systens of interest to TSD. a"rctipcion is- trr" sarne as that for suborojects j, 14, 16,- and,-q-z; 6;i-C;-;;;".;"ruii .o be ,,conducted' qr M- cir-s"r"t=.J,'.}urii.

subproject 42 r+as continued by



th";"reoses of the "fproject was renel,ed. i'l

in lrew york

A nrernorandrm
Ca1 Sal_erao moved

his offic"i fro,

for the record. dated, 3 I'larcr

reports N; i"il-;iq.-; iff:$. that }tr.


subproject 149 was established. ?4 Jant:2ry 1954 Dror^drng a replacanent for l.'rr- salemo in lier* voit for the purpose c.ty. tlu projeci t+as,to have been "cond::ctea uv ;t;;i[iual in the FtI, and..e-po5t i:r:* says "testingbr:siless in'lbu york. .e r'.rsir,aI note &ated. jl Jr-rne 7954 in stand.-down r-ultil poliqr issues resolve4 level - 0-K- to pqy rentars for-time;;- T.":e nost recent at DCr financial sratenent is dated April 6, 1965.


8- Iv06EqRcI{ 4 r'as a continr:ation of }gffLTRA 1+9. i.iothing of substance is contained. in the fi1e. rts ter*i.nation as of i0 Jtrne 1965 is recorded ly dated. Zg Febnrary 1967.
rn Flearings before the subcormaittee Research of the conrnittee ot g,r*. P.esources ori lJeal-th and. scientific of september 20; L27!- charlej sirrg.'ro, iuiir"a the unit"Jliares senate Depuqr, conunissioner of the Br:reau of Narcot:-cr, -i"=tifi;d tlat cir Sarerno had been his ,,cover narne'" senator Kennedy t"ia io hin an fronr -uhe i,larch 1g64 -siragrsa nemorandurn q"oa:L} "=tt..t g1.ogt"ph s above. i,rr. respond.ed.: ,Tr:ere has been sorne poetic iiceise-iakun wiah the truth. i reri the Bureau of i\'arcotics in November 196s. i-onry jr:st learnec sale:rro r';as adopted by others that the nan:e of cal r had ,rotr.,.irrg r"'it-h crA curins-the peri;e-;i ti*e ti.,at iii in chi;;;":;-* to d.o . Georgg 891\,.,!quryir9r 9f the lre,; york office of the Bureau cotics-begip-"i:n April rsoi, testified. that he had been briefed of rrrargenerally about the eiist"n." of * .pot-*""i-rry the then before he assu:ned his duties in i,'e,n Ybrk. Later he r,,as conunissioner brieferl. in cietail




about the lroje-ct "by a man by the nanre of-JlT the Ner.r yoit bff:.." bf-tf.," p,ureau of ttariotrcs_.T1g1"y", an agent in Belk aCdtted krrorv_ ing that cIA used the property but a""i"J-"',y knorvlgdga of r.ihat crA used it for' Eelk said't was told ations, and thac rvhen crA"'r going ior""1"., r-rse che ip"ri"".,t for operuas notifieC in advance that Crey were, *.1L"'dre place, t_t*i rve r*ourd be that vre r.,ould. stay




the Bureau of ltarcotics did rvith them tuL nur.t-t"it"a, fet g"it;r-iestinony c1-early inrplies that the Bureau of r'iarcoiils had-the prinary anc crA the secon&ry r:se' rtrat inprication is sJporteri if by the docunenrs in fires"-;;;"rrr"iiup.ojects.noi substanriatec it-"tro position taken by Dr. cottrieo r"-hi;-iJ"g;-rri6n.i-t"s.i*"ny. is the


10' QLrestions askec during the tvhich safehouses It'ere orrt ly'cie. hearings rrer3 <iirected. m--o;estion ;-r-|ji

at the r,,es

11. The files of suboroj".F harring to Co ru.ith Fralcisco safehouses are fing aLe most -incoo,prete the llerv york and. San of all the I.KiJLTR{ files ' rn January 1979 letieis were addressec to nii"-io-r,ner crA emoloyees rvhose nanes appear nrost frequently and. proni.nently on doeuaents in the ' I'[.TLTB$' files-pertai-nine=io-thu-i!r"n"rri."iilp.o:ects. :addresse"r f.*:* to-reipond.. only tr^ro of the Those ,utro aia respond. disclaimed, hronrecge direct ' 'letters of yl:.-::luadt- Jccurred, in are iafehb*ses. ott,"rr, to whon lre re no t rrri ttenr' h/e re intenrie,,,red.- LZ- In Febn:ary L9T9 the Adn_inistrator of.the-Dng Eaforce*ent Mminisrration- designaied.- altaff il#;;i'.=r.g*"c r*temal secr-uriqg oe+-t pioject oiii..=-to assist to the office of "i identifv Dersons tuiro mrlhi t.rri t""r, aa.inistered. t's in the ef--ort to d.nrgs rv.iehout aheir xnowledge in safehor:ses-in ive' York and and an officer of the crn'iiited. i.lei san-rrancisco. This inspector -di;;-iratesar. a nt,''rber of other locations u.lo.en the %ri.--c.ry, a;-F;;!co, cossr= oi'tr.u vieiv forner enployees or trr"-reaerai r"ieau-or-l{";";;r]t]*.r.. to i'terenrployees of the Dn:g Enfortement Adri"i;a;;;i";;-lii ir-runt and io*, enproyees of the crA, representativer or od..;-;;=;;!.of t].,e r"a"roi, state, locar governmen* --: ad p;r;;;'in tt:. ;;i;;;-rector. A total of 44 and. intenrierrs were .orrau.iu.a-

13' People interviewed, includ.ed. those enployees of FBN, DEA., and crA r'iho ri/ere c.or!"-rnite ana {]::.,'tr ;;,r;;i"gor *iiri peo!i8-ir.,'tu.a.,u"a his ',ork in Nerv York and san Francisco. Irrone tre lierv-of any instance rvhere the safeho*Ll rrere usla ior rhe to rnwitting persons- They were availabie for "a*i,rirtr"*Iion or d.nrgs cl_a;;-;"rr-as or ccntingency facirities:'Crri ;"it-g;; access to trren Dysta.d._by rlrst notifying the FBN locar oiri.u; .:y.1,iagenis-i.ti'rru FBi.t tr-,";; correctivery recalI only "one- or trso" o..*iorri *nJ""tr-r";;r. ,,tord. "i to-it"y avay,,, nost FBN people have no recoliection of ever being ,;ioia'Io"s'tay away.,, The safehouses were accessibie to--rrirtualry-every agent of the Fed.erar Bureau of Narcotics statio.r"J-it New york-6r-san'rri"tisio juring the time the safehonses hrere official entertaiffrent, in operation. Tlr;ir r,ere used, by FBt{ agents for f"; i;il;i".2'r"ijiig, ."


tratrel-lers, and sorneirnes uroffici-al tra.reilers, and for officiaL oDerational pur?oses of the FBiri. The prooe:'ties ,,"'e:-e also nade available to o-.her Federal Agencies and agencres of the Scate and local gor,rnr,ents for - sinilar purposes. One person :-esponsible fcr care and cteaning of-a San Francisco safehor-rse recalled tire bed r.ias only used. by of.cicers travelling on ten"rD_orary_duqr. I'fith lhe exceoti-on of sucir occasions, bed linens were only cha.-lggg p-'riooj-ca11y ruhen ii rvas 3'"ag"J-riey ha6 on the bed too long. FBlipersonneL are confid.ent 1" il-ruii-ueriel tJuu-urai the safehotses -t','ere not, and could not practrcal-Iy f.t"""-1."" r-sec routinelv for u'rwitti-ng dnig e_rpgrin' Gborge r\hiia ;, ;t;;; ;;; il;;'-" the circur,rstances;oi- their a'rarLabilrV. ih"v eqr.:aliy confiCent in "re their belief that the safehor-ses were not ancl could. been routinely usgd as of prostituti on, or for 'the aclnri:urit"tio" "otlir.riirrii r.o"" of-$Frg1 by prostitutes to E1r,iiliing subjec-rs. Officers in the local po11:: forces actirre at t\e tine -.,\J saflhouses h,ers in operation are ccnfi Cent in tl:eir belief that the safehor-ses ccuLd f-t..,r" beer used. i-egularly for such pfr?oses wichout such use coru-ng ""i their at-.enti;;, to T1,l::: intenrie,^ic :-ecaLled. that no such uses rnJre ever brought to ' .t.nerr attent].on

could recall that CLA. used. then'r nore -,.han once or tuice, if at all' CIA eryloyees did use a safehor-se in ller; York on at leest one occasion for erqerimentltion rdtj. LSD cn thenseLves. particilanis rvere directlyinvolved with the IiKIJLTRA progran anci, r..'i.rh one possible exception, knerv iuhat chey-were doi::.g. f:rey c6nsiiereci --,i.e:r-selrres to be in the fore.,-.ront of scientific research. The one exc3ption d:d. nor specifically voft-,ntler to parti.c-pate in the e..,oerinent, but t.r:< dtr?re ahat'such e:qeriuunts---1vr3 being- conducted. fG beeane-aware -.hat he had. been given LSD ciuring the eqo_eriment and has suffer6<i no afte:effec-"s. One of--"he orher Cf.A tses of a safehouse iir Sair. Francisco rr'as the aboriilre exceriment rr,ith an aerosol disPenser about rvhich testiirony r"'as taken by eire Senaie in 1977.


CIA used th.e safehouses

very rarely,






15. The irKLiLTRq. files state '&at Gecrge l','liite reporte<i to TSS about-the res-ults of tests. T\uo of llft-i-.e's forner sec:etaries are qr.r-ite confident in their'recollections -,-i'rat _th"y did not help hin prepare such reports. Fonirer CIA erployees F.ost 1ikeLy to have kao'"rn of the' e-risience and content of such reports frcn iliirite rurs not clear in tl:eir recollections about what form orwith r+hat frequengr suc\ reports rrighi have been subnitted- They that repor-rs l./ere hand. rnritt.en, af,4 did not contain iientities of subjects or iocations lvhere ies-us r*ere conducted- Recollections are tJ:at there h'ere very ferv tests involrring r.uiwitting sub j ects 16. Tire I'KLILTRA'file on suboroject 42 says rhat l,hite "carrieci out part of the progran rvith the assiiiance of in<l-ivid.uals r,to coverttyl adninister this material to other peoole in accordance rrith his insti:ctions. For their assistance in this progran these indirriduals are paid snrall su:nrs in cash at irregular interrrals." Public Cisclosures have created the impression that "individuals who covercly adr,rinister this naterial" lvere pros-riiutes operating out of Cre safehouses. Officers active in

FBN at the time erpress se:'ior-s doubt *ai sucn activ-j_ty di<i, or could have occu.."+. FBrri res:-rlatians prohibiieC operational use of ltcnen rviihout special penussion. FtsN officers beireve l,nite could not have enl-isted such assis-.ance secretly ol rurthour being challengeci. They also doubt that lthite tested d:r-rgs r+hile he rvas-in San Francisco. th"I aclsrowledge,_hor;3ysr., alnost to a fi:arl, that a special relationship existed bebveen Ceorge i'lhite and Ira Feld:aan. They'rp"i.,t.t= u\at FeLdman rught have been the indj..ri*'a! r,rho "covertly aCnimster=C --rnateriel to othe-r peoole." Feldr::an denres that he turt=d. d.n-rgs bu-u iriplies that he l:rows more than he has tol-d. lle hinied. atat if "rhey" really wanted to finci out everytJring, "-&ey" ruord-d grant him total imn-nity an! tj:e Attoraey G:neral, tj:e DCr, or senaior Kenneff r,au1d.


intenrie'r hi'r,ca-sh

L7. r\KULTRA files contain lTrany ca:rcelled ched<s r^,-ritten payable to by itlorgair Hall that hal'e ati:-acted some public attention.' ilost ofthe sui-vivrng- co_untersigner-s have been iatenrieried but no relationsirip betr''een the checks a:ld dn:g testi:rg has been established. For tFre noit pa.{t. these chec-ks were usei to iefrzy the cosrs of r.aintaining -rhe anenities at the safehor:ses, sponsoing meetings and hosting far:ties held there. One checl< mad.e cui to Ira Fe1c-nair. rras cor-ntersignia by a person who tvas ]=rotln to tr-seC several aliases, arid '.vas irrested on a charge of loitering in Sa.r Franisco a ferv non-uhs afte: the crec-k -rvas lv-ritten. No info;mation about thi-s person rore receni than 1962 has been fou-rd18. lfe have Ie:-:r:ed. of only oae incld3ni hfiere CL{ erylqvees lartii.oateC cii_rectly in ti.e_acinrirdsiraiion of a drug to an rnivitting subject. Tlro fo:ner CIA enployes seoaiately recallJd the sa:iie inciLnt in a bar in Sa.r Francisco ',"tere a hostess /stnge: in the enploy of t-]:e bar had been surreptitror:sly gl,.ren a sn:alI ciose (nei-*rer of thl pirtiipanrs recalled the exact quancity) of LSD in a cccktail. One of tire parcicipalts recalled the nane of -.he bar, the position of tire subject, tialshe hah bLonde hrjr anci a "fairly good voice," and that ti:e incident occi:r=ed about 1958. -l'i=ither of a\e penons intenri.erveC lner+, or could recall, the s'-rhjeci's nariie. They repor;ed that she rvas able -ro continue the per-tornalce of her duties for .the renainCer of her shift but ',ras treaied ac a hospital after she t''ent off duty- A follow-rr conversation v,-ith her several &ys after the incident reportedly reveal-e<i that she atrparently had suf,tered. no harafi:l aftereffecis, but had given r-p drirr-king. 19. The bar rvhere ti're incident took place no longer eists but a visit to the pren,-ises rthere it had been loiateC result.;d. in the ' iCentifica-uion of a fp::ner en..oloyee of the bar rvho is curently enoloyeC elservhere in San Francisco. This indirridual was intenrierveC and. recalled the first nane only of the subject of the erperinent, but reported tJrat the subject had died of cal.cer about 1965- This source Cid renember the nane of another individual rvho had been enployed ai tie bar when the incident took place. This seconC,idual also



.r,.-& r;,. ".

,,i ,1,.:i:S




na-ne of tne subjgct, and re:ortec leari-r-ing frorn the frrst source that the slrbiec-" had-aied of canier in ig65, fi]r= y.orsafcer the incident' Neiier of these souic3s had any recolleciion o:f tl:e incident. To the conir-ary, cheir recollections i.;ere that Ce-rru-i-.a ' hai' never become ill or inc:.pacitated. in *y ,u-7 ,,.:hile perrorTalng her duties.

]'ecalled' the full

19' The Rqo CLA. ernolovees rvho reca11 this inciient believe the only '-* resr parii.ipated in d_irectly by aii;rproyees it anlnvhere in
the United Scates.


. ' 'i

txiwLtF"g-Perscns tve ha./e been able to riiqgoysr aie the cija:'ies kept by GSorge l-i. tf.rite, i5e Federal 3ureauth;;. notec in oi-liarcotics Agent ruhose ccoperation ana assistence had been arrangeci for Uy tne-Cf* tvi-.h.t\e.ap-oroval of t-\e llirecior of -&re F3ll at a\e ti.oe. tv3s in liaison r"-itl'r the NKJ'I,TRI. officers in CiA anci rras -heGeorge l,/1ril" crrstcciian of all but one of the safehouses. The entries i-n Fr-is diaries are verr,r^ -L,'-r=== ada, in.many c3ses, virtr:.=.I1y illegiur". are sLr .t ari"l'il,1r.'".i;)''iLrq th* adnrinisration of ISD, &d a sivenrh enrry ai ;;;h-;rs!sL!tg a&rinistraion, to-ry_sgpicting persons rvho apparentl; r,'ere friends ,, or acquaintances of iflritl anci fui r';'ife. .4.11 of u\ese entries refer to inciden-"s in l{erv York Ciql in 1955 and There are no entries incjicating or suggescing ac'n:-nj.stra-jon of ar.ii-a".i;g .h; time lre r*as in San Francisco, ana te diaries rre comlete tirrJugh r,dd. 1962"There are no entries during -.he latter half of 1962 and. r,-e found no 'Ci"y for 1965- This pe-6d .or=spon<is to a period, r-rhen l..hite r+as seriouly i1J.- The diiries reslcle in 195a anci contirue-through his roli F
ivg4le..-u.lL. -=noa !



The onJ-y ol\er inc:dents

of the adnimsrration of


2L.Trr'o.te1.ephoneca11stolEseekiaganinterrn-eHkere politely rebuffec. The li'!:ite7s ciiaries inforned.


our inv-es-tigators -Uh"t regrettei ha,ring r::acle then avaitable co -Jre pubLic and had sought to retrieve then. A follow-r{o letter to

presu:edforme-r-p1ace' Persons Tamgd j-n the {.ty wto nnay h".t1 been f,er- en'gloynent cclleagrlt " 1'/a-s received r'i'itJ. cautiots courceiy. The es-r-abfish:r,ent d.oes not retain records on forrner employees i-,.rcre th"l five years afrer their "r*i"l..ii has been ten-.tinated. On the assunption that some of thea nr-ight'stif f Ue eryloyed, or nught hav-e terninated'their emplo;enenc r.r:.thin ti" p"rt fiye ye3rs, a letter l{as aCdresse.rl to the_persdniel departnent .e.1,r"itr-ng-iy assistance they r'righc feel free to give. A reply r.ias received on Z3 I,f"y 1979 giuing.the nane, date of birLh; dates of enrploy,aent and social securiqy nr-E''tber of one person whose nane is Cie'iar,e as.cne of the names appearing.,in the diary. This person Coes not appear to have been a subject of LSD testing lut rv3s-present at a dirurer rvhere a diary entry

diary'in corur-ection *-:-uf rsn adrirjnistrations hL'receio-ui r,.o respopse. 22. A telephone call- io the personriel departi::ent of II

irplies that LSD rvas given to sor,leone else t'-hon we have been r-mab1e to .lnr:re i{e have addressed. a letter to the Socral- Secr-rriry ACminist:'ation seeking assistance in reaching the indili-iual naned. so -&.at lve may ask hin to help us locate the suspected subjec: of ti:e LSD adqr-inis',-ration. If the SSA finCs it r'.i-Jrin its authoriq' to help us, t''e tvilL continu-- to pursue the searcr\ u1til a1l a.renues of investigation have been e-rhaus-.ed or the subject of the test has been for-urd. a;rd notified. ' 23. Tetephone directorj-es lvre s3rcheci for na-aes the sane as , those identified in tlre diaries and telephone calls l./ere placeC to iniirriduals rvith the sane fi:Il name and to iiiarry of those r'i-Jr -Jre sane suzrlane and initials. In general, the calls lrere rec3ived. tri-Jr courtecus curiosity, but rvithoui success in find'i::g -,-he inciividual sought. 24. A 1955 entry in L\e.iiar,r refe:;ing to tl:e sunner resid.ence of -,i.e parents of one of the suspecteci subjecis Led r-s to the sr-.rbjec-,-rs_father -ana ultinateLy to her. She does not belie're that she was ever given a . , dose of LSD; she has no recollec-jon of a-ry rnusual or abnornal reaction . ,) She ru-as helpful, however, in identifying a seccnd- subjec-" r'enlioned in tha diary. 'Both of these subjects are i"'onen ivho have narried since -_ i they appeared in -"he Ciary , 25. The second subject, 3f-uer.bei-ng inforned -Jr1t an entry in hhicers c '.&.ry i:r:.oliei' she nri-ght irave been given LSD surrepciiiol-Lsly, recalled. 'viyiCry uhat she'ci:aiacr-erizeC as the l./orsi etperience cf her life. She believes LFr,e dose nusi have been adnlriste:'ed in rrarti:riS sel:vEd by George She recaLled that she and I,;hite to her, another gues-.,,and tlll wonen were consr.:ne? by r-rtconiroll-able laughter. Such behavior the otler r,uo r.ras totally r.mcharacteris-'ic of uhe subjss-. t'/ho renenbers no conpar-able experience'before or since. In retrospeci, the sucject now sl.:sPecis that thl other t1{o l,/onen mlst also have been given the sane dose. Her concera the *itd for the third pafty is heightened by the recollectj-on thattJr'e subjectperty r.ri1.l he'r ai the:1hite's horrse. Urr-fo:-"rgtately, .. haC a baby could. not reeall the nane of -"he wcnan rvi-.h the baby, and the entqf in i.;hite's diary is nor sufficiently legible to stiii.Lrlats her ;ienory?6. Tlre subject lefi the htr-ite's house and retu:ned to her or'TI ataruint by She was urable to sleep because colored lights were fiasiring through her ndnd and before her eyes. Sire ',-elephoned George I,il:i-.e 16o, she-repors, 1{as totally '-nsyr.oatheiic, told her to -go- io sleep, md h.-g ,i the teLephone, The light patterns continued tJrroughout U-t" iright an6 i.vo'or three o,ioitiot al telJphone calls to I':hiie received Cre sCe resporge as the-iirst one. he slbl'ect inr,rited a friend to stay


lr. L


rvith her during the follorving d.ay and apparently -.he s.evere ciisconfiture _ subsideC about-Z4 hours af-.ei the i-SD uas aC'rinistered. ?7. Ttr-is. subject has been r:nder the care.of a physician in recent -origin. She plans- to LnJorm' nonths for treatnent of a nalady of r-a.tJcrorvrr her physician of the ISD incident, occttrred in 1952, 4d see-k hls


of any possible connection ilgf,veen that incident and. her current illness. l',e have been inforned by the Decari::.ent of l{ealth, E:lucation and i'ielfare thai "the dr.rgs rsed in CIA stuciies are not knor"n to cause late, delayed effects (e.g. cancer) ir:. the absenc= of long terat exposure," arid "there is no proof of lcng tern physical effects fron LSD." )levertheless, the subjc^r-ts hreband is a retireci attorney and he tcill e-*elore avenu'es of recourse availabl-e to the subject and the possibifity of an action against -uhe Govenmeni cannot be ruLed out. 23. fn sr-unmary, have Ceternined. -"hat dre subjec-u of ti,e only L:ror,n adninis-,.ration of drugs to an r:rrwi.tting subjec: in a San Franciscc bar died of canc3r i-n about-1965. In all probabiJ.iql, the safehotses t/ere not, and coul-d not have been, roui.inely r-sed for the adr,r-inistration of dr.rgs to r-nrwitting persons. George lljie a-cparencly adninistered LSD on sixl.possibly sevJn, occasions to frien& or acquaintanc3s t'ho he rvas

11t3fuaini=ng as personal guests. t'le have fcr:nd ar:.d interrrieued t:r,;o of these oeopll. Oire of -J:ei does not believe she r,'as usel.: as a subjec-u. The o-.her recitts the incident vividly and nay ccasiC3r bringing an actiqn against -.he gove:rurenc.


t' 29. lVe have nrad.e every reesonable effori, arrd e.* el-e41 :; ' investiqative nearas with-i-n bur authority to i.dentify urrtiting subjects -the-iCentiry ar"-ait. iesPonses to a , of dnrg-testl'lg p.iel the irfl{LJLTP.A progran. -Iie of others. and. rvill pursue outsiandin! inquiries seeking
t_hese avenues

"riotified. ]Ve rvill take rvhaievel action is L-rdicated. if arty, wben these ,final effdns have been ccripleteC. Othen'rise, ccnclud.e that there is no fu:-,her aciion 're can ap-rro-oriateLy take, 4d prceose t-hat t}ris effor. be ter=rinated. J'

r-rntii they have bein exhar:steC or o-.her subjec-.s have been


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