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The lionorable Daaiel K' Inouye, Se.lect Comnittee on Intelligeacc United Siates Senate lVashington. D.C. 20510

Chairu" .:

Dear lr{r. Chai:z:an:


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a status report concernj::g the Ageacyrs elforts of dnrg-testing. ta:-ia,r"fi who m.y h"''rJbeen Ge uns'itting subjects ^ as part of Project MK11LTRA' As by CIA in the I950s and 1960s ;;;;t.d before the Ser:'ate Select Comwou have indicated', I stated' in my testimony i;r.tlig.'ce oa 3 Augusi Lg77 , that I intended to work closelv witb' l;;";;; wb'atever:naterials be :right Attorney Geaeral, and to provide Jrim witle

Q*1201)'' I:" requlsted' fn your letter of 15 December Ig77,' (ief"t"oceidenfi and locate j to


deegBecessarjr,todetermines,b'ethcritworrldbepracticablgto.i:.rrdcrtake asd hovr b=st t-" +5U whatcwer a:e cffort to idartify a-y of tb=se ind.iyid'ua]s rvith' tbc governm-ent in rhis rcgard' responsibiuty nigirt 6! 6g1s'-i.,ed, to rest


!{hile the resolution of this problem has taken far longer than could have been anticipated, this delay is a reflection of the novelty and degree of di{Iiculty of the issues s'hich appeared to require resolution prior to initiating a progra!! of this nature. We shall advise you further as soon as rve have received the response of the Departrnent of Justice and are in.a position .' " ' .: - ,g..:, upon its condusions


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rv. L


Acting Director

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