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Volume 11, No.

10F October 2012

Occupational Therapists & COTAs

NEWS-Line for

News, Information and Career Opportunities

New Definition of Autism in Updated Psychiatric Clinical Manual Will Not Exclude Most Children with Autism African-American Youth Exposed to More Magazine and Television Alcohol Advertising Than Youth in General

Occupational Therapist in Broomall, Pennsylvania

QA Lauren Moran, BS, MS,

Conferences & Educational Opportunities Job Opportunities

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Editorial Department John BuckEditor-in- Chief Kathleen GarvinEditorial Assistant Design Services Jeffrey ZajacPublications Director Joe MonteArt Director Administration Gabriele B. PolliFinancial Manager Lucy ThatcherOffice Manager Advertising 800.634.5463 Operations Eric SmogerIT Manager Deb Calvanese Amy Anderson Kristin Frederick

& QA with Lauren Moran, BS, MS,

Occupational Therapist in Broomall, Pennsylvania

Lauren Moran is an OT specializing in pediatric fine motor, visual motor development and sensory integration at Theraplay, Inc. She has both a BS and MS in occupational therapy from the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Lauren has been a member of the Theraplay team for over two years. In order to be a pediatric OT, she says, You need to have a lot of energy, be innovative, always willing to learn, and be flexible and able to work with others.

6 Occupational Therapy News

New Definition of Autism in Updated Psychiatric Clinical Manual Will Not Exclude Most Children with Autism African-American Youth Exposed to More Magazine and Television Alcohol Advertising Than Youth in General

NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs is intended to serve as a news and information source, not as a replacement for clinical education. Readers are advised to seek appropriate clinical and/or reference material before acting on NEWS-Line information. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the NEWSLine management, ownership or staff. Advertising Policies: Errors on our part will be reprinted at no charge if notified within 10 days of publication. Publisher reserves right to refuse any advertising. Any copying, republication or redistribution of NEWS-Line content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of NEWS-Line.

10 Conferences & Educational Opportunities

12 Job Opportunities
12. Faculty, National and Pennsylvania 13. New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia 14. Florida, California and Washington

NEWS-Line Publishing, 661 Moore Rd., Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 800-634-5463 Fax: 610-337-1049 Advertising: Editorial:

Q: Why did you want to become an occupational therapist? A: I grew up around my aunt who had cerebral palsy, and I would help take care of her with my mom and my grandparents. I also spent my teenage years babysitting young children around my neighborhood. I loved being around kids and helping others. My mom pointed me toward the field of OT, as she was familiar with it from caring for her sister and from talking with friends and family. I observed at Theraplay in Malvern during my high school senior inquiry, and knew OT would be a perfect fit for my personality and my work ethic. Q: Can you describe Theraplay, its major focus, and any special services offered? A: Theraplay in Broomall is a small (but growing!) outpatient facility. The major focus for occupational therapy is to maximize a childs independence in his or her ability to perform his or her job(s) adequately and appropriately being a student, a playmate, a friend, and a son or daughter. We are constantly educating parents and families, and providing them with ideas to be carried over at home because we realize that work and play is happening all day long for children, not just one or two hours per week. What we teach needs to happen and be practiced daily in order to reach independence and success, and we emphasize this to parents. OTs are like the middle men for helping clients achieve success and reach a good quality of life.

Occupational Therapist in Broomall, Pennsylvania

Lauren Moran is an OT specializing in pediatric fine motor, visual motor development and sensory integration at Theraplay, Inc. She has both a BS and MS in occupational therapy from the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Lauren has been a member of the Theraplay team for over two years. In order to be a pediatric OT, she says, You need to have a lot of energy, be innovative, always willing to learn, and be flexible and able to work with others.

& QA with Lauren Moran, BS, MS,

NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature

Q: When and how did you start here? A: I left my job at an Approved Private School to join the Theraplay team in March 2010. I knew Id be working with a different clientele and knew that Theraplay was a bit more intensive and based under the medical model versus the educational model. I had hopes I would learn more with my job shift and become a more seasoned therapist, and I can say that joining the Theraplay team has certainly met my expectations. Q: Are there other areas of interest for you as an OT, either clinically or educationally, that you plan to pursue? A: I would love to do more with vision therapy and work closely with developmental optometrists. Vision impacts everything our kids do and it seems to be an area of rehabilitation that is not addressed enough. Q: What are the greatest challenges you face in your job? Q: What advice do you have for others thinking of entering occupational therapy? A: You need to have a lot of energy, be innovative, always willing to learn, and be flexible and able to work with others. Q: What do you feel is of the greatest concern to occupa tional therapists today?

A: The diagnosis of autism is on the rise, and there doesnt seem to be enough funding to A: How fast-paced it is at my support treating these kids, company, and how there is not whether in a clinic setting or Q: Typically, what are your day- always enough time to meet all of at school. OTs have so much to-day responsibilities as an our parents constant concerns knowledge about ASD and can occupational therapist? with their child (there is hardly be a great resource for famiever just one concern). We only lies, teachers, and students. A: I typically have a busy day full have one hour for treatment and of hour-long appointments and parent education, and it seems Q: What is the most rewardsingle OT treatment sessions, as to never be enough! Im just ing part of your job? well as some co-treatment sestrying to save the world and fix sions with a physical therapist or everyoneis that too much to A: Its fun! I get to play all day speech-language pathologist. I expect?! and make kids happy while also split up my day each week they grow and explore new and work part time for a contract- Q: What do you like most things. ing agency where I am placed about your job? in an elementary school setting. Q: What is the most imporI feel lucky I get to work in two A: I like that I see a wide variety tant thing youve learned so exciting learning environments. of clients and have the opportufar as a pediatric occupaIts nice to have a change in scen- nity to bounce ideas back and tional therapist? ery every once in a while, and forth with the other therapists I especially while doing what I love. work with (PT, OT, and ST). I also A: Gearing treatments toward appreciate that we have so much childrens interests and preferQ: What type of diagnoses do equipment here at Theraplay; ences are so important! If an you encounter most frequently were able to come up with endactivity is motivating to the with the pediatric population? less activities/crafts/games to child, then the process (task treat the kids and gear treatment demands) will most likely go A: Developmental delay, fine toward their specific interests. much smoother and be more motor delay, children with senHowever, I still firmly believe that effective. Furthermore, the sory dysfunction and intellectual one mans trash is another mans child will be left with a more disabilities, autism spectrum treasurerecycle and save your lasting memory of the activity. disorders, Down syndrome, medi- trash and turn them into a craft, They may want to do it again, cal/genetic disorders, and ADD/ experiment or obstacle course and practice and repetition = ADHD to name a few. step! success! F


New Definition of Autism in Updated Psychiatric Clinical Manual Will Not Exclude Most Children with Autism
PArENTS ShOULD NOT worry that proposed changes to the medical criteria redefining a diagnosis of autism will leave their children excluded and deemed ineligible for psychiatric and medical care, says a team of researchers led by psychologists at Weill Cornell Medical College. Their new study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, is the largest to date that has tried to unpack the differences between the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and the proposed revision in the fifth edition (DSM-5), which is expected to be published in May 2013. These manuals provide diagnostic criteria for people seeking mental-healthrelated medical services. its affiliated medical schools Weill Cornell Medical College and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. At issue is whether DSM-5 will capture the same individuals diagnosed with different forms of autism by the DSM-IV. The DSM-5 proposal redefines autism as a single categoryautism spectrum disorder (ASD) whereas DSM-IV had multiple categories and included Autistic Disorder, Aspergers Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

offer input, says Dr. Lord, who is also a member of the American Psychiatric Associations DSM-5 Neurodevelopmental Disorders Work Group. The study researchers also concluded that DSM-5 has higher specificity than DSM-IVin their study, DSM-5 criteria resulted in fewer misclassifications. Improving the Diagnostic Criteria The study used three large databases to evaluate DSM-5 criteria in groups of children with DSM-IV clinical diagnoses. The analysis, which included a team of independent reviewers led by the studys lead author, Dr. Marisela Huerta of NewYork-Presbyterian/ Weill Cornell Medical Center, relied on a standardized 96-item parent report and a clinicianbased measure of autism spectrum disorder impairments. These two instruments were particularly well-suited for the current study because they include items based on history and current behavior, and they take into account developmental level in their design, says Dr. Huerta, an instructor of psychology at Weill Cornell and a professional associate at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. This is consistent with DSM-5 criteria, which operationalize symptoms differently for individuals of different ages in order to account for the effect of development on ASD symptoms. The changes proposed by DSM-5 are designed to better identify autism spectrum disorders and distinguish them from

Critics have particularly worried that among the excluded will be children now diagnosed with PPD-NOS and Aspergers disorder. That isnt the case, says Dr. Lord, who is also a DeWitt Wallace Senior Scholar at Weill Cornell and an attendI know that parents worry, ing psychologist at NewYorkbut I dont believe there is any Presbyterian Hospital. The study, substantial reason to fear that the largest to date and arguably, children who need to be diagthe most rigorous, finds that nosed with autism spectrum when relying on parent report, disorders, and provided with vital 91% of the 4,453 children in the services, will not be included in sample currently diagnosed with the new criteria in this updated a DSM-IV autism spectrum dismanual, says the studys senior order would be diagnosed with investigator, Dr. Catherine Lord, ASD using DSM-V. director of the Center for Autism Many of the remaining nine and the Developing Brain at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospitals percent would likely be reinWestchester campus, along with cluded once a clinician can

NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature

other conditions. According to Dr. Huerta, The criteria for DSM-5 are actually more inclusive. For example, while DSM-IV criteria require evidence of difficulties related to autism prior to age 3, DSM-5 says that a child has to show examples of unusual behavior in early childhood, with the idea that there is nothing sacrosanct about your third birthday. Other changes proposed by DSM-5 include defining autism spectrum disorders by two sets of core featuresimpaired social communication and social interactions, and restricted and repetitive behavior and interests. DSM-5 reorganizes the symptoms in these domains and includes those not previously included in DSM-IV, such as sensory interests and aversions. The overall issue with DSM-IV was not that a lot of people are diagnosed with autism who shouldnt be, but that there is a lot of confusion because the criteria were not very accurate, says Dr. Lord. DSM-5 deliberately added and organized things to try to bring in and better address the needs of people with autism spectrum disorders of all developmental levels and agesincluding girls, who were not represented as well as they should be in DSM-IV, Dr. Lord says. The goal of DSM-5 is to better describe who has ASD in a way that matches up with what we know from research, which predicts who has the disorder and also reflects what clinicians are actually looking at. Because of the newness of the proposed criteria, only a few studies have attempted to compare the criteria between the two DSM versions. Our study is much broader, and it is important to note that we get very similar results when looking at three large data sets that were collected for different purposes, with diverse populations, and for various reasons, says Dr. Lord. The studys other contributing authors are Dr. Somer L. Bishop of NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Amie Duncan from Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, and graduate student Vanessa Hus from the University of Michigan. The research was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Dr. Catherine Lord was involved in the development of some of the instruments used in this research and receives royalty income from the sale of those instruments. Source: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center/Weill Cornell Medical College


African-American Youth Exposed to More Magazine and Television Alcohol Advertising Than Youth in General
AFrICAN-AMErICAN youth ages 12-20 are seeing more advertisements for alcohol in magazines and on TV compared with all youth ages 12-20, according to a new report from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The report is available on CAMYs web site, www. The report analyzes alcohol exposure by type and brand among African-American youth in comparison to all youth. It also assesses exposure of AfricanAmerican youth to alcohol advertising relative to AfricanAmerican adults across various media venues using the most recent year(s) of data available. Alcohol is the most widely used drug among African-American youth, and is associated with violence, motor vehicle crashes and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. At least 14 studies have found that the more young people are exposed to alcohol advertising and marketing, the more likely they are to drink, or if they are already drinking, to drink more. The reports central finding that African-American youth are being over-exposed to alcohol advertisingis a result of two key phenomena, said author David Jernigan, PhD, the director of CAMY. First, brands are specifically targeting African-American audiences and, secondly, African-American media habits make them more vulnerable to alcohol advertising in general because of higher levels of media consumption. As a result, there should be a commitment from alcohol marketers to cut exposure to this high-risk population. The report finds certain brands, channels and formats overexpose African-American youth to alcohol advertisements: Magazines: African-American youth saw 32% more alcohol advertising than all youth in national magazines during 2008. Five publications with high African-American youth readership generated at least twice as much exposure to African-American youth compared to all youth: Jet (440% more), Essence (435% more), Ebony (426% more), Black Enterprise (421% more), and Vibe (328% more). Five brands of alcohol overexposed AfricanAmerican youth compared to all youth and to African-American adults: Seagrams Twisted Gin, Seagrams Extra Dry Gin,

NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature

Jacques Cardin Cognac, 1800 Silver Tequila, and Hennessey Cognacs. Television: African-American youth were exposed to 17% more advertising per capita than all youth in 2009, including 20% more exposure to distilled spirits advertising. Several networks generated at least twice as much AfricanAmerican youth exposure to alcohol advertising than all youth: TV One (453% more), BET (344% more), SoapNet (299% more), CNN (130% more) and TNT (122% more). with the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health who reviewed the report. The findings of this report make clear immediate action is needed to protect the health and well-being of young African Americans.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Youth Risk Behavior Survey, about one in three African-American high school students in the US are current drinkers, and about 40% of those who drink report binge drinking. While alcohol use and binge drinking tend to be less common among African-American adults than among other racial and ethnic Radio: African-American youth groups, African-American adults heard 26% less advertising who binge drink tend to do so more in 2009 for alcohol than all frequently and with higher intensity youth on stations with the than non-African Americans. most advanced measurement data available; however, they In 2003, trade groups for beer heard 32% more radio adverand distilled spirits committed tising for distilled spirits. In to placing alcohol ads in media these markets, four station venues only when underage youth formats delivered more alcocomprise 30% of the audience or hol advertising exposure to less. Since that time, a number African-American youth than of groups and officials, including to African-American adults: the National Research Council, Contemporary Hit/Rhythmic the Institute of Medicine and 24 (104% more), Contemporary state attorneys general, have Hit/Pop (14% more), Urban called upon the alcohol industry to (13% more) and Hot Adult strengthen its standard and meet Contemporary (43% more). a proportional 15% placement standard, given that the group Alcohol products and imagery most at risk for underage drinkcontinue to pervade Africaning12- to 20-year-oldsis less American youth culture, despite than 15% of the US population. the well known negative health consequences, said Denise Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Herd, PhD, an associate professor School of Public Health

Conferences and Educational Opportunities

ASrT 3rd Biennial Meeting. Sponsored by the American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation. November 15-17, 2012 The Drake Hotel, Chicago, IL Phone: 312-263-7150 Fax: 312-782-0553 Email: Web: 2012 AOTA Specialty Conference - Stroke. Sponsored by the American Occupational Therapy Association. November 30December 1, 2012 Baltimore, MD Phone: 301-652-2682 Fax: 301-652-7711 Web:

Conferences & Educational Opportunities

2011 MOTA Fall Conference. Sponsored by the Missouri Occupational Therapy Association. November 4-5, 2012 St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO Phone: 636-441-4146 Web: 2012 AOTA/NBCOT National Student Conclave. Sponsored by the American Occupational Therapy Association and National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy. November 9-10, 2012 Columbus, OH Phone: 301-652-2682 Fax: 301-652-7711 Web: NYSOTA Conference 2012. Sponsored by the New York State Occupational Therapy Association. November 9-11, 2012 Radison Hotel Rochester Riverside, Rochester, NY Phone: 518-462-3717 Fax: 518-432-5902 Email: Web:

Maryland Occupational Therapy Association

is proud to announce the

32nd Annual MOTA Conference

October 26-27, 2012
at Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards, Baltimore, Maryland Florida Occupational Therapy Association

is proud to announce the

Register at

AAhS 2013 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Association for Hand Surgery. January 9-13, 2013 Naples Grande Resort & Club, Naples, FL Phone: 978-927-8330 Fax: 978-524-8890 Web:

FOTA 2012 Fall Conference

November 2-3, 2012
at Nova Southeastern University Tampa (NSU) and The Tampa East Plaza Hotel, Sabal Park, Tampa, Florida

Surgery and rehabilitation of the hand: With Emphasis on the Wrist. Sponsored by the Hand Rehabilitation Foundation. April 9, 2013 Sheraton Downtown Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 610-768-5958 Fax: 610-768-8887 Email: Web:
Texas Occupational Therapy Association
is proud to announce the

Register at

TOTA 2012 Mountain Central Conference

November 2-4, 2012
at Renaissance Austin, Austin, Texas

Register at


NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature


Faculty, National and Pennsylvania


Job Opportunities
NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature

New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia

Fairfax, Virginia

Brooklyn, New York

Occupational Therapist Home Health PRN Per Diem

The Virginian, a Continuing Care Retirement Community, is seeking a well qualified experienced Home HealthCare OT to provide services on a PRN per diem basis. This is a unique opportunity to join a quality driven team providing excellent patient care. The selected OT will deliver home services ensuring individualized treatment of assigned patients and prioritize, plan, communicate with team members such as nurses, therapists, physicians and/or home care assistants. Candidate must have proven experience in Home HealthCare. Virginia OT license required. Rates are negotiable dependent upon experience. If interested in joining our team, please email resume to Lynn Rountree, Human Resources Director, at or fax to 703-385-0161.

Occupational Therapist
School-Based Full-Time

Yaldeinu School!
We are looking for an Occupational Therapist to become part of our multidisciplinary team. The Yaldeinu School sets itself apart by merging behavioral, developmental and sensory integration theory and practice into a program that is geared towards the intricately unique needs of each child. The hallmark of our Occupational Therapy Program focuses on the sensory processing needs of our students. The Yaldeinu School offers comprehensive occupational therapy services for our children and features a fully-equipped, state-of-the-art sensory gym. We help the children reach their full potential for functional independence in school, at home and in the community. If you are energetic, motivated to learn, and are looking for an environment filled with dedicated professionals please apply for this job! Benefits include Health insurance, continuing education and much more!

Join us at the

The Virginian

9229 Arlington Blvd. Fairfax, VA 22031 Phone: 703-277-7245

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


For immediate consideration please contact: Bluma Bar-Horin YALDEINU SChOOL 1600 63rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11204 Phone: 718-851-0123 Fax: 718-851-0455

Occupational Therapist
New Licensed Graduates Accepted
Elwyn has been providing services to people with special needs for 160 years, through partnerships with families, communities, and government. We have an immediate opportunity for a full-time Occupational Therapist to join our team and work in our Preschool Early Intervention Program providing services in the Philadelphia community. Must be able to maintain effective and consistent communication and productive working relationships. Candidates must have a MS in Occupational Therapy; current PA License. Preschool/Early Intervention experience, working with young children 3-5 is preferred. Location in Philadelphia; SEEDSpreschool early intervention program.

Theraplay, a pediatric sensory gym located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is looking for fun and energetic PTs and OTs to join our team. Pediatric experience is preferred but not required. New graduates are welcome to apply.
E-mail: Phone: (212) 288-1450

To apply go to:


Florida, California and Washington

Tacoma, Washington area

Ventura, California

Ocoee, Florida

Immediate opportunity to work for award-winning MultiCare Health System in the beautiful Puget Sound region of WA State! MultiCare is in the top 2% in the nation for our EPIC electronic medical record, and in the top 5% in the country fiscally. Our CEO is one of 5 women RNs in the country who run a health care system! She knows what great health care is about, and values our 10,000 employees with excellent working conditions and full benefits!

We would like to invite you to become part of our family at Childrens Therapy Network, Inc. in Ventura County. We believe in treating the whole child by working with the whole family. We provide a wonderful environment for the experienced or recent graduate PT, PTA, OT, SLP or SLPA because we offer: Flexible hours with the ability to create your own schedule; mentoring opportunities; Highly ethical work environment; Competitive pay; Full-time, per diem and subcontractor work; Benefits; Opportunities for creativity and growth in an expanding business; A supportive, fun work environment and the ability to work with some great children and families!! Bonus for Spanish bilingual If this sounds like the place for you, please e-mail us your resume with the subject header Therapist Application to: or fax it to 805-667-8201

PTs, OTs & SLPs

Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Immediate opportunity for energetic Pediatric OT in busy private practice. Enjoy full or part-time schedule, family atmosphere and nice working environment with private treatment room. MUST LOVE KIDS! For immediate consideration, please contact Sherri: Phone: 407-295-2956 Fax: 407-295-5808
Vero Beach, Florida

Full time - home health Occupational Therapist

Work in our well established Home Health department providing Occupational Therapy treatment to varying ages of outpatients with a variety of diagnoses, according to the principles and practices of evidence-based Occupational Therapy. Will maintain current and timely treatment documentation and charges for services using system-wide EPIC electronic medical records. Will consistently demonstrate and model behaviors consistent with MultiCares Behavioral Competencies of excellence, service, quality, respect, and kindness. The successful candidate will have a minimum of one year experience as an OT. Experience in Medicare Certified Home Health preferred. Position requires valid and current Washington State OT License. Must have valid WA State drivers license. Please contact senior recruiter, for more information, or apply at


1234 E. Main St., Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: 805-667-8200

Occupational Therapists
healthSouth Treasure Coast rehabilitation is a 90-bed acute care rehabilitation hospital. We are currently hiring Occupational Therapists to join our team. To learn more about healthSouth Treasure Coast or to apply for a position, please visit our website Tampa, Florida

Home Care
Full-time and per diem positions available in Florida for OT with home health experience. Email resume to Donna Russo at or call 954-834-2222

Occupational Therapists
NEWS-Line for Occupational Therapists & COTAs October 2012 Feature

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